The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-10-08, Page 5to � THy T. Uc1oloW SENTINEL . ;TffURSDAY,, .OellaiLR Qui • w=: tyn died 27 'years ago, and In • 1900 Mr. Marlyn was agat'rt. married ko Mrs, christen Mcll,ti¢tue, iJzy he is survived, A aumhel of yeare ago Mr. and, Mrs, Martyn moved , to Ripley, where he tools an active' pard • NOTICE TO CREP1TOR5, '1 the. clatter oft e. tat tof' Lav- ici Oji s9n ]'a te of the `i,ow'nshi of_ Kinloss xri the Ooanty',of $ruee,, Lab^ orer, deceased, . • • • e are inauguratin 1 OW-B1raYTYPtE11 aritswirro grin `fir" --- LUCRNQW FALL_ FAIf't' L .l,,kiZ -WINNERS -HORSES• • liegi$tered.; Draft .Brood W: -R Martin 1 and 2. Aug.. Mare; 2 year's'; Jas.. Gaunt: ,' Todd 1 and 2. ••.‘' .,: • :.Bull • .Calf, 6-.mon%hs;, and udder, F m, Todd." A',�e Cow tv n mil F.''' Todd 1 to .d ,.,•gig. r l;. and 2.: dam. •hr e -ear..`"`_ w'..`, 1 �' e y_..., -'old Co.wr gly ng m11k;; • . G.."Todd 1 and 2 '.: , it,eg, . Mare, .(1- year: W R. Martin,,Two.-year o1d. �1•ierfer: F:...GI: Todd, 1 Roal, by Reg, Dam 'W: R,.Masrtin, • and 2,• Yea14)14 Heifer F;a,G.' Todd 1 a'nd' 2• Ho ale, aGY get F. O Todd. • sd:F, T. •'SP.ociai Bull Calf, fed : by, boy 15, or under J. Henderson, J. T: Lyons, Beat Bull . on. Grounds F. G: Tadd.! .., Best Herd:F. G. Todd,• Best Windt � ook Animal: F . T'ocid' 'tine 2. + G' 1, tin Best. Amina to rounds: F. G ^Todd: .l nl; • :./ Grrade Cattle '. fell:ale, any age,: W. R. Martin Heavy Draft • Show. N• !Harness.; Jas,•',Farster",-W: ls, .ta•,y F'Campbell---Jas, Brood:a e loyd W,'Stanley-Floyd -0ampb1, Horse Foa1: Floyd; ,Campbell -W,• J. •Voran,.: . 1«illy Foal: • Floyd Campbell -P. Hog-. a' -N. J. MacKenzie. _Two=yearold Gelding: W. H. Taylor• -1'. Horan Two-year-old Filly: P. Hogan, Cow giving ,milk G. A. Greer 1 aril 2.• C e-year-iTleGeltdrng: -Floyd---camp----Heifer-Calf,',-W, "Woods•;-phii,--Mac- bell. 'Millan,. i One -year-old. Filly: Jas. Forster. Short-kee Steer .,W. Woods 1 e.rialc,. any age: ; P. Hoga 1=W H. .year-old • teer` 'J:T T_ Lyons; •1 aylo., Steer Calf .J Henderson -W A Brood Mare and two of Dar progeny: Oulbert,�. 1`Ioyd .Cu;ipoell; "" • D iry Cow iri.Lucktiow R J, Button Agricultural' Horses `. • g lex Andrew. b Her :, . L. Weatherh�ead-•-J, T, Vons; Brood Mare: l"A. Mc .. , -Terse `A.. McQueen Cecil Fal- .. •. Y ' -e A ()ulberrt; Female, .any . age: D. Milne. Hiorse Foal• : A. ,,McQueen -W. A, 'Corr ''givrpg 'milk; DD:„. ' Milne. _ Culbert, .c • SHEEP • Sian. in •,Harness: Wm. Watson. -Jas, t Calf .J.. T..Lyons.. Elly Foal: A. 'McQueen -W 'A. Cul- Leicester best .Cecil iialconer, Aged 'Ram: J McQ.uilhn-G A' Greer, T:wo-year=old: •Gelding;' W 'RRs Martin• •Shea •hng:.Ra'rti',1V1cQui1•lin-G,.' A: MacMillan. . .Greer;;' , i'iwo y ear•=old )f illy: •Jas. •Ritchie -J;, Ram. Lamb: •G.• '.. . teeit •JMA141.1 , IIendeison. ltn,. - •`, .ear-olds>Geld:ft::: P M. c•Millan: •: g'.ed Love, 'J:.'McQui lin 1 and:2:' . • Minorca, Black Pullet: 'W. I.. "1Vliller, -' Mrs W -Rut1 r rd,. • o r •I od" e rR C uff: Pullet:, W T Mi11- �z Plymo `til' Rock; $aired,Ceckerel..W:. I: Miller 1 and'2 4 ' ' Plymouth' Rock, `Barred, Pullet W'; T:' Miller '1`:and. 2. R, I. 11edr``,Cockerel 'W. I Miller K;t °Cameros►. :.; • R. I Rerlr Pn11dt W-1 *.• Eaxneron: `WWya do•tte, - White Cuckerel:, W. •1.. :. MilI r 1. and 2. 'Wyandotte, White Pullet. W L Milli 'Pair '.Cockerels: W. I. Miller'1 aii , 2.• Any other. 'standard variety, ' Pullet: W. L Miler -Alex 'Andrew, • MISCELLANEOUS Ca: ry,best s nger:.(can't 'be traced) Dozen 'leen Eggs, white. 'Mrs Ja::nes Webster; T. Blake• . ' • Dozen :Hen Eggs, brown:. GeV:. •Ken- nedy-K. Cameron • - _BestDressed,C-ockerel W R. Martin =-AW 1. Miller. •:D J Brooks Female, :any a:ge Jas. Agaf-D•"'-J: Brooks General Pur'pose.`Horses ' Sian ,n Harness `T, W. /Lo.wry, r3reod •'Mote:• Geo., MacLenn.an7-JF,• Foal deb, MacLennan -J, F. Lyons. ' w 1 n a Ewe bamk;_G A -Greer 1 -slid-- : ';en of Sheep; :J.. I4eQuillin Oxfords Aged:. Ram ; R. Coulter --Geo;; Ken=o Hedy.: i; Shearling Rain Geo Kennedy 1 and. Ram Lamb Geo, • •Kepmdy=Rent: Carriage Horses Coulter • SYngle:' t.` '1'. Itubettsan-.. akin-. ``"eo`"`p R "Coultl'r G'ec�Keii=r Year -gold 'Gelding' Or Filly Jas.: Fors Shearling ',Ewe • Geo Kennedy 1 and Span in; Harness: A. E .:Millsa)i Ewe 'Lamb;' Geo Kennedy=R' Coul Light Horses I1u gy IIortie: Jas .Brown R.4Beat-•' C.' Currie. _ • Span' ir} 3iar'ness:' J. We 1�- Bu$ Fa]l Wheat, white: Andrew Sch- midt -Jas: Alten Bus. "Fall Wheat, red::. A.• Schmidt.!• 'Bus Spring Wheat:: A ..•Schmidt. -J1 4 t�atan. ' Bus ':Oats; white A Schmidt. Bus. Oats, any. variety: A.. Scliniidt-'. Jas Alton, Bus, Barley A," Schmidt Ja'a, ;Alton • Bus. Peas, large A. •Schmidt. • B.us', 'Peas;, rriall;: Jas.. Alton -A. Schmidt, • Peck Tinuithy: ,Jas Alton -A Sch- ni idt. S eaf Fall Wheat A. Settnu'„at -Sri f Baxley; A Schmidt , . . . S e f. Oats:. A. Schmidt Flint :Corn •A.. Sch;v•idt Dent Corn:: A. -'Schmidt Mis.:• Rutherford • Sunflowers A ,' .Schmidt Stalks 6r,-Fie1d.,do1 A And ew.: Maid'en's, . Blush: T. J. Salkeld;*. 'Wealthy:. A. Andrew -J. R.. •Hackett, • Canada,.Re.& •, An4:reiv A "Seh,; ho kins •Cahn', • •.A .King. of T.. mn:. ,,.ty.,A*.._.. drev -Jas "Reid '''' A••' • Mann .Ap 1`e, J -.R, Hackett-A.>^An-•:- 'drew%. , •'2 ` -Wolf < River A4. •Andrew .Queen. A •Bing I?11ip%ls Mrs; Jas Pur.vtsr,. iBlenheliti:. Pippins: A Andrew, a Math' ers Crab' Apple; Mrs, • •F, Taylor 1VIrs. Purvis - Ribson ;Pippins ,T. A,: •Cameron-Ef s4e. Pinnell. Ontario: 'T.: J' Salkeld=. -A., Andrew. Rhode Island Greenings: A. Andrew, Roxboro Russetts: J. Alton -L Con- gram • Golden •R(issets.,,T J. • Salkeld L Congram ' Srie•w. A;_Andrew-T J, Salkeld,. Northern 'Spy •T•. J .Salkeld T. A 4a-neion • Wagner, A. McQueen T. A, Canter, IJacIntesl Red T.".J: Salkeld -A. Art drew. Other; Fall Variety A ,Andrew -J R •1lackett . ` Any other 'Winter. Variety: A, An' drew -T J: Salkeld 3 'Fall Varieties: 'A Andrew -T J .Salkeld 5 Winter : Varieties; T. 3'.Salkeld A. 'Andrew. •• Variety, Named -Apples: T ; J. ke1d-A: Andrew.. • ;Collection': of Apples T. J' •Salkeld A .Andrew. Fall •Pears.: T J. -.'Salkeld 'A. Sch.' inldto Wn-te?Pears Ja•Altan BEd in Hell. . reaches A. Andrew T:: J, Salkeld Plumbs, red.. T., J. °' Salkeld I. Con . grain Grapes;, blue T •,J,: Salkeld •Grap•.es; red: T ". Ji :Salkeld , VJ COATS, in Date lei -,,and• IVIaterials. 'Sizes, from 34 r - a ... 1 Bu st, t4•. ��.t d1Y1'd ,'S�UIt, , . il, ' rti o. of d'iYa .�a n 0 a �.r :A. Schmidt ' Livingiton.. 'Tatting: Mae ,,lVlacVlorran-Mis: deo,". • ston-Eva Gardner; Edith -Pinnefl.... :gaiter Broken W. Lyoria,-A: • 6 months and -nutter 12: ler, 1 year McKay Bros.. --Kelso lleifer :Calf, 6 !neighs •and under ,12: Heifer Caif0.6 niontlis 'and under: Female,. 'any eget: Hull,.3 -year and Over: Ced• 'Kennedy ;• Bull, :r Year old: Geo. KorMedy: rfull--Calfrg Months: and under 12: • Heifer Calf. 6 months and under 12:. Herd: 1. nude and 3... females: Geo. Bull 1' years or, over: Todd:, ' Bull ("air- (l. niontha and. under. F, SOWI Menths -and under ,..1,2;•' • .4Ss : Winter, Squash:. Mac., ump in: L. Vireatherhead 11.: Boar, .under 6 'months: Bert% Arm- .1,4. • . i2 Beets sh.ort: jAs Ritcglit -J. it Jas. Alton: Boar: Bert Artnetrone sow, - \miler 0 Months:. Bert Arm- toolotoes, ri,d,, A, strong 1 and 2. / Schinidt--LMae MO.. 3 Bacon I-Iogsf Jas -Alton. • Were. nearby .11ilitielling: ••.their PlYinauth Reck; Barred, Hen: W 1. Plymouth Rock, aay other, Hen:. AY. Wymidafe,:White Hen: Aler Andrew. 'Wyandotte, White Cock: W L -Miller., Any.standard, variety, ilen;' Alex An- drew Turkey, lien: P, MacMillan Leghorn, White 'Cockerel: W. L Mill - Leghorn, White. pullet!'" W. 1. • Miller Leghorn, Any other, ,Ceeiterel: ,,V1, -Leghoirc ehir other, Pullet:, W. I. Black doCketer: W, 1, Mill- • corn, Golden Bantam: R Martir Corn, any other: A. Schmidt -Mrs. F Top Onions: A. Schinfd.t--,MrS. Jas Potatoe Onions A. Sclimidf-G Keri. Collection Eiarderi Produce:•• A.. Sch. SCHOOL CHILDRENS' DEP: :Carrots, shorti 'T. A. ,'Canieron-A :Vegetables, any other: A.' Stlitnidt. Braid Thread Late: J. Ldzona-:-MrS. j MaeKenzie Swedish. 'Weaving: M. Livingsto# • Weeks • Only. The reason u is ,. We ought too'many,It is .a man's cia, nce, i.; will you take. advantageo, f Term's,. Cash. .A.,rolling stone, gathers ne. Moss but. : traveller gathers:0, 191. , of. 1101 • Hogs 'Hand 1-lematitching: Mrs. 'Welt: Hen- , 'tiardanqer Einbroidery:` Mrs.. Well Hen er on. 'Modern Enibroidery: 'Mrs. G. liohertSon-Mrs. J. S: MacKenzie, Luncheon Set:Erilbroi.derY 1)1As- G. T. Table Doilies: g. tiv:noton-:Ali.s, Table Mats: Mrs. •.T. S::MaCKeti.z.ie..H., :. ToWels7other Hand -Werk: Mrs; 1 S.: Bath , Towel' and Wash Cloth: Mrs.: J.. Dreas.er and Stand Covers: J, Lyons -Ladies' Nightrobe,' ether ;hand work: Mae MeMorran-Mrs. WM.. Rather- ' ,Lady's Camisole: -Mrs. J. S, MacKen- zie---M. Livingston Baldwins: A. AndreW--T. J. Salkeld, Ben Davis: A: Andrew -T. J. Sal - Fancy Tea Apron:" MrS..G„. T. Robert- Wrisi tag; ,ethei than :crochet: A M.• ,Carrick-IIL. Livingston, Infant's Wear, Cotton:. M. LiVingsten., CulVerts:. A.. Aridrew-A. Schmidt. Cayuga Redstreak: J. R. 'Hackett, • •Cranberry .T.° Salkeld. • but eight .'y4firii ,of The ihmily At ithattirne'Aettled.5.on.Ar lorni 2% ing still Owned II.- srtneintliarA 'of third i4OrierAtiOn, Mr. 'Mar. ery year large quantities of wheat, oats, barley* I, beef, eggs, apples, potatoes, grasi,seed, a2d--=•-• A consume. iter-Aatutal outlet for these, pro. . Britain -the One great consutning country of eve country' with any surplus of food etition on this, our only maiket, and the Agricultur,O sOine-timb.ago, but it i6 only . hat the real and only way to. grapPle with this ed, or at lent put into effect. This Depactment most (if the farniers of this country, that the iral products is the policy and practice that is • ggle•'and will assure us of put rightful 'prace tlasdifying hogs, but - 'else, into way Used in at is what , ity of his a maintain credit and', zerior .pro- iy grading,. labks like ling brings ensures tO :Calk grast, hogs.. The markedly Osten,. has a for only -1, April 'ear before t nit On the land cheese ,same time of our•but- Canadian qualitr wh 1820-21. 19/4-21'e 18 Shillings a ling hundredvieight below , °Danish,,,has gradually grown in the esti. • •-• ;nation • of the --British wholesale bilyie _less to *moat 5. or40 shillings per long _ hredwreight_kcjsriv the best This improVement zri of 'rowing dowrr bY a shilling or, two al Month .until zioW it is not at. all a, rare occurrence to see- best `Canadian s,elling gg13-Canada was the.- first cowl rY to grade ana standardize eggs. These greats and standards apply not only to export, interProvincial and inipore•ship- ments, but also tO domestic trading. basis is, interior -quality, ,elean- Standardizing Can a di an • eggs has .established confidence between producer' and consumer arid between exporter arid - British importer, and ha resulted .in a dian egg 'both at home :arid .abroad. '`Qther products ,might be 'mentioned where grading has worked to the great advantage Of the 'produter Arid •to the, advancenient of Canadian *agriculttit A ready ,Great Britain .recogniZes our , .stoke cattIe,Wheaf, cheek, eggs, apples • and Oats as the best She 'can buy.. It is for ua to so 'improve o* other : bacon, As loa bring thern also, into this . Of "the beat on the British market" ' and tonseqiiently the, highest priced. Grading enabled us tb do this for Qualify is thus the first objective for the • , Canadian export trade, and, tben steady, regular A etilViS'. It it along theSe lines the Departrnent of ' Agriculture is tVorlting by educational methodS, and the result of this police is seen in the grotVing s&e.iaa iHagddi -1?ba7)-0s- ".°R13 8:r. urine 7, b( bilbsku " 2 8: 413 58238 101 38191 :" 054: 395: 091i , 1221s 87544 21026 8764 2:48 a9 5638 .t.„.tirscrii.utellittioteoli reer02 tea* t279495 •• 1,3144155. • 1111; 1131130, tlit1)11111101012 awl ptiblicittoas *it "0001104. OP ,AORICULTOR1,, OTTAWA mamosei .10 •