The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-09-24, Page 37" 710,J11F.W511,1W 1"qwww- oil 7 gv, "W -wrw .. .. ...... at e t ter 7PQPsi r r'Qcer A f'o, Uttlec lill froo yoiar g ,m ot, te' T49 14 tIRT11P Orde blY 00� 40-st, Of 911, books, for Fopyf� Dlary,-v. as. glye.4- U _sual,readjag :,in Zy b4 'ell us ally WhAt�*,Inl;liw Waite ly liatel4o; Wit, by the D_omJqIqq to� i4c, world onqAwn4r.0 YoUT4 .49.0, -ro.yolluo 4 4p in a A An A 0 Al y woe, P004 ate arp after Ahe, of, its, 44t4or. Moonlight Softly ru4iWi�6*9%, 00y, ment. S�, far, ats IS lizION Yq 10m,00f000 I � RIP 04 tadi'-laven , " I . 4q;.o to dovernlioll �,Tile Arst edition WA -S, �vlftqrlod At 8tamw 1,140000,Lnd while the im, ia tho".O."t iQguIAP.b0Kc4@ry in -the 19ow 'T1ke;$qr,1PSt W t0*1i!eVP:$WM- About 100,000 _r eYqn�a ry , bob been W 'd b _orp'�H 'On A01(sult 90, IM, Aild- I ik itl,�a I z.n 4 1 _ ; . eq6ipped. at Qoveru- portiance - ot� i4l InduA or. illt* an4 gingIn tii6jr ge . ,h n r I S,* #�ch TrouWq! is. ThIM.Ughi.Dr. somewhat, over ntle . ym .9 fb rFfO`r.ofr b_,,t4ken a§' f, P7_4 ,at 0,4te Inay, the if Shadowed bq� other �Lc- ment expense. oiiI then, On the seTw Parf ch rnps n so many w Fy ayo,. the be ig,ly. g*pq Ju 1876' the _�cewteuary_ Of thq P14 ttoh was- Iscove.red In the Ovitte;, it 4`49 alw4yS.1_64;looked. uj�dn Yiee. rap ed b' WilliaMs Pin as one of the, b"Ic j"d f the worq. The, 11- jUy p., 1.41 r es o even 11,9'ehoT 1- "'litid thei6 MOT 1�ep da 1 at; er :P C Is 1 0A 6 ls`n� Pepysiap.,Libr4ry. at �fa;e . lent Colt WheA Ithe, p set I a -9094, VO4 00fOrst t em�l .414'.41W tOk411I1,dkS0ib41:jP4- q`f fry qh.js 'It �was Delfgh f0eb'WAXIA 0 Cava ge.' t itnd r4pturi� for max kind lege,, brio ten In Iles ih it Und,geoted, the poisononj gj niiiierciAl Ashing antoutIted, t LS6 t wilt QL yiparr over 0 'nd� og'tep 81?e Vol'. .4, in C4444a,, co end thq walls c carried. on by the,Eiiglish A. 4,FLrench 41 est4bliallmeq werer.actly.0y ena. h 11 1 , - udies,�.Tlle--Jnemb�ft of the�,Bra,y- Ith of the:sixteent istrij�4tjpg ."$$Q,90QQ00 fr and cause' seriop4, w ',,C,,,Ld,,1;o IF " hL gn "411 things. else 'Aist ­ , n r(band;, � 4 ,he world. can, � d4p d t 0 't the stomach tq, In d A t, ;J the, othqr.org440, eppecI4 -withAke hip eri Of ily ITIG, I sunjIght for the tz�agi.� blind, who were, liereritary Odi te )m the xnicf.ilie �r fish o b$ca. br t. .;4t'day, a,,p 4nd41616 And to the ,f mind od Me, trobble,d., ,qjide..p Rime ood Try, noarlv four' 4LnAdrpd years, con AIM Ac ..094he he.'g�,tgg tj of Stability,arY4, iI013 These, Erai P , _p1rit' toa f0i 30 y0ar& The wayeswhILcli, Tipple, J�tp phbte to a: Ave o ffects. ed �he lumoS,".. And. 4 ne, �c Arm _e '.Wfille t] or '9pqrAUq4p h4ye b0e 1W 14 lb'", ip,�itiqn -Ig -r ation, 9 Have� nOL 4uciv h tout, 11VI They ate Absorbed by the bloqd -and],po '14I.And and, coastal. wq.�e of tbp kbor to, t%lr, el 4 theni. this" of. tb' oninse Invon ved, in Ils cuIture.is t.,,- , R1F_r0--dxqW o�_A . 6 ihin 0117' an W, ma piposof n e,4rrjed by'the 14?bdel(jal Gqyeir4m,�nt, in,- peer, vb .,#ialdc a,'hobby,og short� lit o !aiIada%� fisbi 0 .0 ovizil pa had AO d9ise A s 11, AVA 141 rom �ytp of the body And: Alilio�ilt wOer'o -is Aile to'pr6p an'wbo wo 't t -of -tal MO C940rol .10 Wwteft: h an d, iyhs 4 are a -.k. TIjo In 4. raq, ilt a�ticlo, In M CT11 - . 1 . 4. � , oQlure's Never th of unhealthy US' 'are the, most extend vp jr_u�t.�4,9 0. forl sue" , 1. . pe d Ost In. cjl-ljdiq vested IhAny o6lie Provilheial.Govern. r o4 Y D44 jo key ana; t6l six y PlUille's were then, Ma942;lno Alr. Howard Mirigg 4 laugh'te _4y,ipan bibar every . 1. _. . ­ .11 S AS, re- others, i' .w 1,n, here. _xperlenco slipws'. that Oru-1 'of an t' n. Ili: t -he world, 1�0414 aro,�oenl thes6 troubleS-�Vanlsh J I t P. , _ I Ra'F.ed�,Iji t�e,h�jl I ds of 464n1im 11.0- -0ee4s and dangers V urt :they� ptralnw 6,6i!tiis.1c. S7eeter far X alUe tc�"tbiel S 11h,,a, n l6ted",go of the it ery M4 go hfi.7.prlda, btit ust, as soon. as 'S lw4ys been reallied, that they a -harp Of zither- or`gultar.' 4Va 'portance' of,. tbIq work and,.,be4 -thbi., itu( 'of the, flying mail, tservicg, frRmn the st iergra.dua 44 1 . . coast are... potall Worth It. oinaoli Is,,mg4e', OrQ44, enough to ;!ro� ;�Qt inexbaustiblp, and tp, perpettk- ftaio.:,f�-the d' h .'ex - too, l.req.'yeA jo cor �t of th�o Unite eR., 0,014,e- Good -by ;.Is qji_ . A chorLd -beyond tho'pow4or-..pfm , , ­ is, M141 -t -the1ongest w �d In a#,t, I . I I" , rs, tqj Ite dig Atever, the Smith a. ,d,Stat o -P t .4 pst the, f6od.� In. other 'wordis, it -ftte! the, industry ceftain',pro- , e"e, there.14 To, catch w P go 46,144t b4t'tbat the nd t. kr it tji p qq OP:PAP,� i: aL To., ie t1)fary,,n. n pjAqe4.tbe. thing.of the variety; Q llo�s. a4v.6n-' needs,'. a tonic 6 t1lat wllfena�l 0 4i) AeC.tjyq. nieptpreo,were 0&ase I' ript' in 'the %an Are. y b, eppau-n ez jt� 14 @M944go effrt hag, Veeii, Ma ''t Ument SOU �U coniplete" mdriu!.7d rid., s, dibal a*nd.clear, ho, wor of ch thlos, in ez�C. h I I., I ­ I Q -m b4io these. men' Ilk ti jd6esn't. fieed A:� Argo,pomp h, e 3 Anging th6 f 96d, ii't 611A, the'- Pedota I 03-6'vein of joy will fishing,are" that had been rut Ss Y Lord W after;' ble il b bed 6i i"d e T_ at�.s qm6t�mes',- ntbailshmei, The toiile, Bray,.rqke` hd.�inad� the selee fh% 'bayq. pras uE of �011soerva A 4 to Swell a �mall bead. lye an en replent fore0dAAndi 'Ing's lots o, ifi 1, little. oit p: 4ctl of,,- er one. the c9uttiolle, exp. `174ii fi aa long the _lb qua'ifty, O�,the. blary was. reco In ftime' tate dIsatdf,* is, !'kiss the.Vrop ieo, 6u 'At �' ' "" And, tibfi v,,hi f I- `4nd.re*caped- wit,, for be stonp. that, will�:jgre6 WIj h ofti the '4011cate: itiiiba6h And this I I'Ing. Industi;y -,of Gqn,qd,a­- Will- be, proi; On Its' pubfiedtAdn d t it - *hat Dr. Williams' Pink _Pills in, d',b th.6,ptdd addIticiijo-Ahilr tp, Vnders e of.' uIkfftIII-�g; 00 ha�.';pperb:icb . has -b( a`6 �S �6�;n atchosd,­�y nig ly �clever person* Aot wholly, satisfied, t�e nyozIe *can �tql)t, �b,4 t4kep lit H 'bit- Of7*,,con'Vfn tec*ted with-aniple scopjor,Aeve. a,A kt, .4.5 -been, a. sourc Qb,T t ge w,,q'Fve. w ere is .'a 'clijg'prbot 'Orlti 11 h do. sto&s, but jo)n. .0� v�'4 -have xp�tnh �de'110t: to 'pucco I th �s_ qiiii pra� Is pro Some .'.pPqP.e Y04 'Rfi: bk, Mrs. rs 1ng" gener0onp ted, r 9 mself away so 0M.�Q �,�ow ciirr�._gnowsh!- A s ock-Ii � I I i , . pa: r 0 erB 41F ' on Years, I -,str q - ku coastal wat' 'A qes. la. Ifed, ChO., Lkdner''�� Ile jor. �m y,,yq4 a in �.e -t I g, I,;;tk 'bed of pgi w , P f z, , , 6 Inseisfwot tWe �,C, e Y Beie-ii, bAby'g I;ak, e -At;, Open gru'dge§- are the �Ozily thin a they ever t. see.her smile Aga ii; ins, . ": .. I I a man'.of. very Costredable t _y.canteens pay. W I 'Wis,a edgerer, from, ptomach,'troah1q, artifidial,means,, dtan,.'i�isil�ei'eo.Aseo.cieLti6n. held" zid* ly, A in a Igg He. wl o the ildd o the plane, , r WAt . ;,- ibui feier!s tid ice �rd 14 t c4IAq, for,gigni, -Oveqtbing I �te Cauie4 4istrep ntly.�;t H4IJfa.X,.,A -r., J. A. jaullius, re- abi,ittlesi wh6,was,Seprelary to,t.lre Ad- are carried in ssin he -har4ost,., thin gs In the wor o the wqte, T e,sour ','Efrat Artificia' 1 Propagation. tiring pr" s rres 11. and No -six-shooter Ha� r"11,40 Ourae-apid W-�uld, isub '_ ' A - - - . i4grit! summed the, situa- fralty'iw. the' el Y�dg de�e s and riflei k -ut n g rt, aroour money cord. of artificial propa- tion,as folloNvs-10'Accor ihg to stAtig- jAme pac Some Men , atre, aci. ;t ileAt orlpotAtoes, -and 1. grew wesik and s 11. -and jamps If.;, d Who did to protect thein', wlipre, w.91f lis bsent-mind Ail ed gal.lon... 1,� fish: It anadA. du-tes bd k ties, the.pr notion to.. st from all such. valua 0 side, �, ' 1 1: , , `63 '' ,,and belching., I ould -eat The.*st re �tzicl your temper., ang� Will tell, you lh�reloi. no, xi&1c'mad4j' very nerirous. N eAlcine heem6d to, Are cons, n. r. n e, r a 0 in .r.wors en.my.i ' s t at ey y.. 9 BY Ah h ihi �ty years,. when, RldbarA Net- 4�iarterw. Is wo.11 jnalntajn�sd, 'The,con:w ti'lat he haa claiini.i be' raga ded gs, fog or bli din clal Y help me until I -Was persuaded to -tako N, in. a themselves. Mil iam"s' Pink Pills, and. these 'e, ilo In 184, Interested. himse.1141in the re-, BU p-tion'as a food is. a So..qn t e m;o the, fatheii.of'the British Navy. But, be. ntiig borhood of ounia, ow t as 1�ujhtiqr Of thild.. D gar A.- Guest on p -fisheries of* crease., There hp:%,been. a general I ra`� &ijlst"ily exh t I s yer, Clalio Vanes, can e down A Weighing only thr.!:j pbunds- -a baby' I storati wonder.,.. I f'.the Salmon ibi s b elf idtlio. mos; 01he P I I simply, worked took the Quebec Three yehro,; later ap- prpve.ment both in demand And in ludTicrous. positions.. a snowstorm In ..the. SierraNevadas a "need -at one;9 Ils CiMliffilly-far'-a pro In a']Bath hospital was P pointed S u p e -irn f o -nde-n-E ri.iohii;166 d*uctio'b�,-,-which--I-iLugi�ira,�wBILI-.-'fqr��the..-,.E.vgA..In in ye,� - 'though,his brother V�Idfi 'time evuy sy&- Mieridlng,sL Wunt, Ap. 'Y V VtoM qf the "e�,_agb,and' toi. 'and. fed 'e It h -apd fqr Low6r C'a'nada',.jn*�wAbe Province.l. future.' ',The ' foreign - hlarket�','� hive but thelr'own� few.men w' oltid a pilot e ar iy! with a.tteaspoonfpj, o w tey. troubI6-hid dis0beat.ed, there, has Y men $Ome alarm has beqn. caused r6centii 8 rom t c., His 11rat. erlinebt 'Was lately I shown a boit6r ftelln'g and, tho d of Qu�bc oxp.., that. Iie 'gkes. He re"' 4,qughtahl da a, ilipy ha given ;lot since'lleO Ight in- for , 'given �j by. the announc6m* t n the sl es in 'Y eipt hattheMate; of . midmach trouble.' No. -won With tiout-6ggs, Se6red in th S taken all 'roufid,.It seeins,tba a,-pres�nt of ve'nIs6n_Whieh hini.'.up for st,b ier4oyn: is. in -a distinctly shdky� con'dl- _lo Alver, and th�se ;v�6re thb. fipst arti Ic In r g upon -an area. pidyI6s bd,taffited, and At one e sendi Ills wa . y I . 'cic t 112; tip half - "t , and may, toppId Ove p.raide, W'. Pink Pills.' I- ds:6y is enterin -Ion7 into the stiliigd� eggs- Eigecessfully hat stabilit3liand properity..' H-4 hccel� ved a' & with if,rags, YOU Pan get these, alir fer It"to'XII9 Inothei ts, a bribe star n is, :cl' t es Italian: valley -ftbove, which It tvwel P <. A me 6a in North or,� South Ain -a. No or P br 'Ilk the 'prospqds of keeping up the witl t,0 4pd 'his �shes Wo. t f- Tlr Ji' Si me lidne. dealer, or' by,in.- if. siIQ cents iont Igoging at '�'that jmjjh' Ay m1lar fears. were enteTtained soi r431o6inent-til iNT ?Li c 19lit sitar e _WN N. - twenty years age regarding the Robher :. , � . : .1 - -N fMm­Th R Co., Brockville, Qk. place lintil,! feh hen to ikV-tho'year'of Con- a9b'cAiI mit�Aaliz6,. the day in hda -.for , Rock .1 1 - Weather spriiigo, in the Shia, Wh E folletation-when pera- 1,1"' conflAent that' in:. a very'slort �U(l on reaching the firt mountain' R.- ra nge f, . o nd, -t e eali . 8 covered . wj,t4 CLEAN C A4 AND �H por�,Vu, T, ,e ey now o. 5 UV seventy4ik 'Inist "and S; rt�n t of' thl W I ; ' At'thatt moment hi's thre A6. fal nto th6. valley of the be n time the yield Of -the' fth resourbei bf h LE laiened I Arens' , Hao"Wi, 9, h �Vall, the: Atlan tic elk KEE CHILDRE1, t'On' ca 'e ;ed iit,kf the Irk 0 t e tiy will run would"fid4e,liedn blockedr times i� tho,record. d b reii and the flow a we . f k19 les men end. -lit looke 'tover the r e Ile lioian �Coug Ing: * "witliiost-of jUa in and r rly. of water, Gn.,whic the district dop -first trip �*as h A dan doctor, Rged eighti yea DU ATHER �hls pow6r,lost Xfiij ed foi its:,supblv of eIectxi.city,,, would His A864,' in tj1r a jIbsslblo landing. -lie vas 'penny- co. T -h s.de for 'Patien enmeii., three _p so a a g - n VA j Sid znother.� how, tAU. the ng ghedd'at th 'Mch -thq Every tQ' . �0 'fa, .� I - e hw d ici� t P '�ugh 'tile' Tako.. 'b6ttIe,,-bf'."M1na t -arth thr H: N E R5 unab e. t6,tsee Immediste.action. W Id's'eh4miton miniture, call sgme,�-ieat W4S1:AjqCOMpLISd1e(1' -nutik., Wallet a awirt thls'ba�a� u have 0 81111 It ra6untrysidd In dar-knesR... W.-Er.WANT." he. title, -by an . man Spent nearly ten,yeats he," �stattled to.find, 9, dl W­­1061111ug, or sural on- Cli�'Ier&:� fnran CHURNI -vallat __w -In- -fro o is -XilueTeU 110a(IZ7 On nt the rock 'n '.stone lost;-pe6ple. rdC sdILt'a.#.OStC;ifd1o. Lolido 'of it: s idgle W a woi4s *6uld -nee . dL A mlci�osqopq, to make out �c4 he.h rIttezi 12;00,0 at- ti�in- was shored up.'�'jth c,6n6r6tq and lQbt kk,Loj I, y a few t e uivaent.of. �ficteeu cr1uhis of nd.Ws- t defalls,%of the fa6es;.� 1rhe.man rer ii;Iq -7,;Dut Ile was,, f6i a h -hours" illness. The mothbr vbti' 11 well cince q -was for: �16c dowhgii�t s*Irlink'6vei the, inoun, - 4 0 .... .. paper �mAtter. Y96 was, Iii: The lviatteflion,' by do,-waY' usis :.the% s7tone Baby's',6wn the h6use4eels. Xpre'S3., Sqjhe ars ag io A'Oerhy,man .,,man-. We, supply cans,, and.' pay :6 tain -6at upon tfi'e� wings 'of"hW/' $65 the OU, Of Scene' f ar t A f safe, The oms 44 1ps,e.:of the. Tab - express, 0 Y -aged to. -write'9,000. WOMB pg a p'qs niachin'e-. It' kept bn` 7control. 11 OFFAI. cha`rges;�. We -pak daily b Ing ;#-4gedy,. when throe: lots prevent stomach; and bd.*eI- trou, d Malelng` T h tali -on thd FitJejnIcI Is on 136.' tr4bubIr e, coz Xt moment t ll�d driihed' money -or U - a one On.w 0 a' tho..�, road' *Ithr Others it -1 against "the, ledge: igh up-; 6n th�e'side %.1uide�-Ioit -their b,rdors,, w fell -dasho( he an �1 an, ad.. The no: _joneers nd Y3� tAn t�en 11,000 'An ng au ge h owing! to. the.isna.p.ping Of q rope),'. �m "' . I naker, nerili�. does-.th6 ilta to" W"lr 4re d o.f.-Telop Ote..Cahow The t. tdzie an friendo. Blo6ki �the road mal Vi,:'obtafn th' Ing-tife barby;�afely tLro' li, e my. 'YO'n c�ainit: AV Tfiis rout' Add. -611SIO �mn Un. ecessgr the� gane'and"knocked 0- top. 1.*e,,' . ream, ug. They, 46d tO.'. TIO a J1111Y y one �zz%Uqt 'cent's -the Conta ;of an ordinary tage,stam. -back' al ed on repeipt 26, A;ti6, sold liy. all'dr�jOkIsi . or, will. �The, eng ne',and -drs rO Student who w * W606 wor s Gifts, e. free'. troj)a bad flay. and d on the f&d.tor-make-nemleg may. prtiye� n-� not- las.s` Aha per -chedr the'world when tbings'Went p$rbpqIler lay there In .4ce, and pos expensive. Th�A)r.`,WiI]Iamb' 'kedichie Y 'Ohe th stiff gkier. oistests- miniature k - of he" ma��hine;, with of, Brockville Ont. A little bo 'Knigh i�ag'WhiTled,dut I wrong be re a.tpp. eb.grgy- ng, n perm pace age n,.w f or 0 ent 1i.ee io. iiuy- motb lilte-a- alling, leaf,.--itill of to4ly of the d-Iscovery e For r rences�-Head G ni e. T1ce','Torojto surface g. The:. illo:4atilefibld tliat 9f. America on th.b on A bd -L-a- ple"ant smile. b requ sti eie of, a.'hen'd eg t ed worth while, re lid And of the 4.eem inited By.qs oin� -.f 1 81 Sick 'Ii0eAC flutte * e�,Iabout- ect? call gr4phy of.. the ee s.� eep.- TrO help to,hihiefiT.-Li t r A e , p n.turn writte t recovered! con6 Bank of Montreal, -or ocal ahier."[Pr6yer, a� been I n on a cant one In our Apartintint iK-nigh Still the pain, of ad'hing, heArtEi, 'ji re 0, dUll th6_th� Lt.'the - bottom.' of, Me EVOT; mories a C U ta rain of wheat split lengthwise and, 4.1:hqugo'. scioou�riess-."d'69 hinusie'Wo4t'of the r's or orelthtrty eAfis.: Too hurt and 946 Ao* ep - ------- 9 qkon'. and GoIi'mAde adtr4mleaa Weo�. the can�pn.� br ie'M S S.. COO I f IIOZ�ern. ro :111 S ed" h nq: sery Ek ralic ar(; Llie�s Joy r' o :4,nd, Icy lie Or. sor IiOUS6 'soine ten. miles.: Vack- Ith f reshih jch_e:m_r'..ri ate. ight send, and that. ats, h �V-lie'staggered paini' To hqlp him hi'an ho hnd by sl1:d,ejgrees tile- ur o nee God. madia46r'zean­aJtj6na. Ai Stedt.t., He'reached.,the house. T a eople t 6 'where Questl� here carried nu "into Lafti h A s: In t 0 Mnu 0, S ut to --b6 .4to OwIr wonmql d -"Well J- .1 d- aljfjrj� m e 1C. bo, W �'d: Three dii-y" ill st ROvidbl ea th h-6spital st, -entortaffim republics the, :f atight *as flyh ent, In'theise days 111, Your re g a c en hav7d- their'- acailo' �gen'who hive ten- ,t,%e teresti" hiidr V 'ob Eji�s, �-,caiurh't. I !I &�- 49v44raft,, 9 not mut A4 der'iefisitive 6kins, Ta S; ie against thp'si a preblp!te, Thig isT4volari,.a littl�'gf rid t In nigh de of' S Itu ry. Tat'�;, -ftliaia-by. Uo n7-whon. -wIj to t w Y. r, egiiisj in leLtfL1 'Z�. 'from e -Te th Ian lIe Ellis -.colald'do Iflo: seore',oz. goo Teleg rain has'�iore readers deal. reasons d find Cu- -d Inia -M 'd thei A.fl� oil 11, in the I'; bd HE, It - E, -are,a ra'Peeparalicinsi T, the E nbelp. 'Ail Ia' new., Ireely-latnpring tle.niore- than a, mile in length, -and has. Vening g than 'Toronto 'any:'other -newspaper, t, is ticuir� Shaving Stick ptinflis In- qi Cii a. popu a Making ilot four 0 �-fei pt"Flp A r scil Shaving t ce.*Aailk Widl6ut lrrftA�, I tion of, fifty-oniq . " v: �� ' ' I I I . :. id Iiiiii A few h 'urs I Tjj, 60, the. bifghies-V, cheeriest.an. rieWsiest of -them d In'Pattani,. a, so I e e part Ill:. � wi all. ut iern pr6vInCo of. ion Cutic�ig.UciinI, h AS s I 60che dkin. giit3r'' of' t 03 IS an S iiiii, - and in, K6 �giveu - In -1.8 36 to ithe baitoI60fif jj 'i o kipl.it� way to tli6 toD o �ntan,.ou� 'dj tile 'ulf- an grit! selit1c, powder, ii.sootliihg. -you enjoy to a gne .-.p94ce_ 6tr 1,g federated In f andcooliog .,them s nderski f- the best tea r tr!ijned by t �.natrvea ofimplo E� I'll Frti bj MML Add fn -oVbr,,hI4 is54nd k iigd hildieri'and grown-ups; ckcoco- rva CAnadhkn crossor 0 td., Montm re UP. Deoat:' --ati; 'for '-d a'. re- nuts. and. edihlg� se'd IT hois tdres six"eomic of tihi routd his w, -1982 Paul, r I d ve raTn Ualiy-�,S,tates nkey� ,are t aln -ind loerect ropps... sr tfed �lj'e C) t te, nd u to �y e Tb eg d_puzzlos.ior ted or III eath the' island rs, Proclaimed -Dds Vila bort story,, fashions, recipes;. fairy' e op 'It 26c 01 itmeiit 25'and 6ft. Taldum Serial and. 0. "ters i pub 6. and:'over"tli t was niany weeks of additionai Obtit m Cootizura shaVing Stx rawsb udbrd j%-L'jVagedI tifttiqu the President Is r4nji lilagakinje mat.. ria The roziiantfo -notidt, says 4. writer 113y the cbns.ti .'.elefod, fOr t4ii 'Years, ", both men.' 'In "Science,", that moiiiievs. nhiturallyr and. art s a of,. t4d - -or, Mh a&d!i Lih(ri ed t, .1 tfoIr DistqM pe'r. he bost wri Mb q6cb row,down Ad wohietl exer'.' vote. -cli c1se the con out of ni-iselli-et Or fromi" dk- lit al. : 1�� SY., .:. � tribute. to ev d . . . .......... the ritits Tv 0 AFTUTC71rcllyn- Tne monm- 'Vas M qi7. Every7tnember­of�-Y -night a 1hust,ti"e( caught, yDu,ng a . ii . d . care. '.Afte I I- '-he 'slept . qu I d.��r tile,. ful I moon 4 He faco, &T 4 iiiiner in, KAI- a'a to thOr jobs -Py attaching 11 fully fi, Ine ne nig t, t ... t the op'of a on' on'ubSqL ;Do :k�roj Buj it' ot ii t ..Af iek A *ek �otay in, 0end n- - _4 :1 Ion -wit kO youp. P them t S Wa gqorIc,.'A str' 1.1 a, ii lea will See i gthing 6f.the III �Ljn� V_11 C Ar hUgorca'ttlo ran b' hich-is b=,eb_o UEC). 1P f-frult. Thoxly�--and­t_A animals quic* leakn to run.up to"the 8 - ons, wbo haV6 or o country-eSpeciay"Of the Owrj �Ovre eon P terl if tho �Y-d ri: � d a � is -b n fiuit-ap�q throw if dOW, fo, r will sllive,-'In the hat- tj �Iistru c A 1*.^1 AT!w k -oft jfi4, of the . M ed. cod'. 1"�a, . v n nco' mastered, , t r fie main tds.t sun, doctors here 110ved -by ng_ 'Tho8re cistafdsi ;-00 g 0 Y. ging hundTOds" Of W i tj eg square�znilo ate _&..jm.LEGR,AM ideaj.4 ere . ie;tr cari.then be pdjr�. large that many a' landowner c w Pinkheilyl 8 ta P!D.. EL VANW 60d :!n.theirI trofessiOnAh the palm not UAVerse' his S f- taiq n day' 'On' C6 0 morseback. ome­�6 o eS. out Y in is tanqia owners have th, by ful' with the.-ooi - co- I nuts. The' Smaller n was wiea'tc drid,, n.' Dubihn, '0 t�rio. - I"I iIsdng airplanes, W�Arkythezrj from oy ;rzidgulal ge-th(3 bods.:01jell With - pains abd . headaches cey gan inarra gr6w-fli, sm�ll eltisfers; o 'ends of and could" fiot* sleep nighta. A leir point to� ahothe'ri, uAlle nea the- mata 4 mllion ares, of ;Ian& Of . 4 - . . , . reflic, bra W -About Lydia,ki' rinkliam's tabld und �'cidtivdtfon, CQm�ox6d'by reading the le"tteks in thd Ji leaving 6.voi 206', p 10 nowspal5ers, anci, trWo it 'T 'agrieu, because AS I fee, A 00,000 acris 0 Itufal'kLild poktant., to avail r ls�.' Wanted to -get be I have got ab Beni Lt. ll,rdad bean an isii, VegOtable-'�O(i �aw and cooke'd.; and.arn hotAroiibled with' The exports. Maji !Y cattlo d ate nresulU from it lot strozimRr such "' bad And , theii V.touductg��e"at Wool, 0 .. F. . 4 WiI 60ftbicio 4A� And % Ik Id.,said that ambli-tralhd indlikey'can heodaches used - to be-aiid-arn, more - r ea.,� of 6btleals mainly. Wheat. and kI % 2 Buti. lilaii.y"p6do in il �a, an tular, _&f�ing in-weigbt all "'t 9% , am, '.4 Y. as �n in, fiIiencip What ti th us toi� iiabling Ills tortilliftf 8 e a 'of WM AS$ M mai. Lates� Newsi.,Be t F atures �A 141.4 gig. .4,6 ho.of S." '-R0 oai-n a. fAill gi�s wfth it, n Iiii, ijil I I , o o ers. Bayer" - It 0 Say a hel t th' '06veri� 't, Coinics i S 1. i t se S, 't , .4 A t4xbh pr6pibtdod, Thus e n ari Ito idversing the about tompet-.. V01IL SO e W Pr�crasti��vl� M Mb.ir d to the shora Is, 11 _ t., . Nuka� 4econimend IL� I t yoll afe" 1.10t -it Ig curiou the half - I i am A: ma erra Sr OiOa A Ilea%kibedi­ it _�te yoarS that Inali strallan Ila it to: 11 ift. P1 C6 ound W M only.'.about 3k. of,, lio weire chi, R140 by �Pll�,;SICI411Sfor rMilly tvomtn wl ds a' oid' 6f n to d a, good-onle I Sftjr qf aeawee rej ouneOaStS. van 4c EhTlish and my hilsband is -American' all Vdia E. Pin1inIll hq, told me of L,L Ninet per bent.�- of -Arctle. cept On y , I a while inTlaigland, I t,buld , V"t.�nONVjOjeSt 001�6 on WO a copy r your I �t A i Bx cl�'q is -34 A e- IL -OP -61D L willvwill. TY' u -k -froin any all A c ch thffig,M4, nervous� I ovcn, directiqns, rthirty y6d", whtii, I . . - , " 'I I , ti)(1. , 118 'r, 6; Ill 1,11folk oor NV. folIllit ly ti )TOtA -IOIWM ud"tho istan'd lok -0,646 or ards'an&take nv -01, OULU" E 0 R v 90 So lie