The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-09-03, Page 817 IT
UT01POW qu Y. s�FLm 4o; 1,04o�
TPR omn— t. �T VA0 N
11 7 1: 1 —1"'. n m-.0, 1 M- ,
T1,41 I I RM
F _411 Z 9
�'.SALE F_vA _ .
W it I R
'f i',R ss,,
_ oil, 101
4 aA, order for,fgrtiliz- I—A wwlde� range. Of *4#s
why" 0g, nclllo�s. , �` - ,, " �! , , III
44, �(qd
FRjDAV, Man excellent '00
pe mon hs*, aboAd, w4en voq% ipan.
t., and. S -U ])A U A X qattu goo
of.last line'den, ,c
apXrqy-@�4,� -And -ow
get all, the, 4�,Ost brands any ay read, 4,ned. �4- i. buil(
on -1. 1 1 "
_ Ago, pkAC #P49 lim
Y Ire, in own�U
Bogains In StA-plps' (411 13U p y now Moved .b -in, secon ed - by , R ss equipme.10, C "ad-
, A 9 London,
.114t t146 1103'rk'fio-tif;�- him,Rkhard
'hand. 'Splendid lil�rar� $4,01itjeq.
o -
P 4-
1sOk.,to..baYq bis portioit,of work, iq F ysic#j.,9
84 Sheetingi, Sale Price 54c.. th*o, Tayloy :
Get, the quaittity you w,
DrAin, -c-cm -a chanceL.for . eye
35. a:n 40c le. Price -28c. plq Wby the, day of tion,
$hirting,,,R Sa fe.
I �k - 4 � I tho kind, -.'n 11K,
'14, 19 and 35c.' ., �. , - 1P.. . .
wht student, to,.t.g#q pa;t
pber, 1925,', �s6 that the equitici"
ring Line% 4 t 'c'n gamrs,
Towelling, .1�,
Jed, vim.1, �,K. from. t pp jjn.across 'the,
a get t. pq cq_vp�. 5sommmotAll att*ik opc
fil life.;
T anrie1e 6—Close pe"944 conflict be -
"S I -Sale Pric
WFU6 pecia, .19c
jani oad. (,carried.)
r 'c -by ar —A oystentall ente.
ge ize, twee
or...$2 49 MObd by 7 4 effort lby,*h%
1, eknow., Unlve%s,1!y to hep 4ortily'iltaftnt
o t
thers aiO
_Darna�kl, e aapic cat
e. O -S
'25 for ork on' Ackert Drain
el QAlling out - -bars an d:
Jr er, 4$T NS ou �qf
S "its -
con, `e�.'b
d arantee,, Regular Yent -to'-TQro� s n le -ge.' Suits, .'gu yill R q4� aiE. cattl6 _4�� ith
-$32.,9 i4ther, that 40h C Ain.
ds; . and, 00,.00 bn, account, c ran,
S4 Mrsi rice', 5 .
WO d Sdits,. Re g $25.'00,, F6iP 4119..16� . .. �t ;f
Zeat-Pattern�.T �,r t'. , 'i Qilmsby, 1 es
r ice D.'' . . , . I I
5 nd,yisit.pri, 'wi ive g zi�
''8oy� wo�p S' le'p f9stied - M 4'
iece mt Reg, $9'.00 �yq'r& week6e pq jtfi x
B6Y'§',, BlOorher Sch ' eg. Sa Trice,,$l 69, 55t,
�a ftill
00 �$26,00, jo,bn �e;,:have' in-st6d
COe Is, eat a n -to,.Sc;h, I F it.
at'78c, Sas. 1 19 . . A I rang oU&ribbl&s:-"4
in gin
Curtin (F th�-, Oa'j,��r �T t E'xbirninatiqn, Tablet
B9 ral
'itDon--,bn-SAt&�a 'aidwll m4 numpnt bf,
k, o e Books, DrdN
Id- ',a
ja I.. . l e Cr
r , . L V
li X - - 'i 1 'EM,
ts r Tl� ''
he p4f Pe er,,,:
Mews Futhishings Slai�ii.,,S He k, d"
rain: $20.40
an Ir P. Clair ;
)Gaunt r-iigi For-Boys--Only,afew'pair .1 ff 'od,
lyh joAes.,: auio Jiyerj,
Arm At -78c', Mi.�S, Floivnce MarGregor s e of'. go strong,
Sdecle g line, Fall and Suinwer Caps and MisE
jei,ker, of C1 Me pay
25C.,'50C. and s .09
ficago ;w�re th� 40,�'$49.50 '.Wzn-
B IK: 'Jacob 110 *pay list numbdr KhAMB1.09 r--P-i
MT. _$2 - Value in.Ri
eW-ork-Shirts, -guest Ilum 150, j c" Miller,
and -st -, -b;1' -
n 1, ed, Cottofi.9 HoseJor
W, ok A Ackert , rain' (s. ake. 210
Xis Murr� is, a it Witt:
gal S, M'4' or' I -lot. 12i'c cleaning out bars a
ol'Go' d8 B" Boys.'nd Girls.,
r nd
Dry 0 g
b, T6rqni fr r
0 ush laut of the I
Sale Ptice-24C. Schdol yq,oipene( d Council Ad,jiIurhed un Prett� Chihti .1 yard wido I., On Taeg ay, Witt, a'trice Me uill*n in c rgc V2.
ss Be t A-Usuix), tlmoa�.nd, place HOUSEHOLD
Sal&Pnoa 39c, '- - ::, . ;6 b.
ha, 9
in S. S. IN`o 6raeg,lockhar
3. is� offat, Clerk.
V�Lfi��§Xiftiona- Cloth Sal e'Price,$1.25'.
luck.niaw 'again ',;at ]Fordyce, M, s:,
§s'Tops'41 d, Zinc Gia
Jak Rings.jRubbef an, 'SO
as prinoip tuft-
_Lin�n,Dress' 66 O'ds,_ eg-.411-loo ce-69
t, t at a ie 25 a. Sealers and via
L d' `6 r Su-ifirner, Vests hdt356 Miss V ra :Todd As--:a§Sa an S�.
Dre§$es a .00. :1 chi, Real Value in,Kn aii For Ips , an 6 ilouse 5 1.75" nd,$2 Miss C? aia Ait, spent. Sitq�dayt, k ives
jig, Ct
in GdVei,ic`h.��
Martha Ga-rdaer
�nts have, gque- to wo k, MrsI,
of Windier
thqil� spoil 4, visiting. fifen X. at-.
ome here:' Miss' Caroline Webb -tc iO
'ipent - at: t.thp woek-e a
CO: after, the *a;cation d
0 Z`
Edmund Girdne
h St4q.nley. s. Va'riet wo, A Miss Colina.Clark' 0 Ord
R r w4h his. uneld
`M1i.§'W' D, - �fimme
uthbkford t en�din,
Timmins, Miss Mabel, Woods. to C Robert., -. Adrew,' : ha -roturned to
-i -to-uttb d'
�Miss�'Gladys We' gemia
bb to Rid Y,
e o
oroato, Misi r i I 116hir has'gone W st
an 4r
Ijb will to ne
t dr Mary �-to 1)"gan si Harve non i. w _11 §LEY
r a. m e e
11 ss_
�e&PW' d
argaret-� An4
1-:-Tom.,-ha_V et lin
-119m. Art1lut q Rig t
ik or i -Di :M Mill tc,'Centi,6. er isi
Allefiford won 'the, c ampioeslbio,
rs. ir n s en 't.. q 'wee., �,en
At, Ches
With,: d, -the Bruce'L' b det
ltbgter to D
H' Gi k d L'D.'-4M1P. 'J�xpjremer of
Mis Veft, Wobdg, 1rbn6,W,00diI)o' es in sa o.f!;, Luck -
t ie W�4 Canai6 will iddi�s
"Mass mee Chei;16y,two�ou of t re.
�,irothy.Mcuillin, Gertie. Atchison, LUI:
Of tile electorg!of,,.HuKqii;, Bruce; Well
they, I
I -Mrs. on -August ost b3f.. 7 at� Gaunt* to.'Higl.
Weatli9rhea Ad L"I Jnto-ton and I P. I Iwo]
T. Bla. -and:
spe Ternoon afekin& Mondb:j a W init Allenh-rd itheit home-
hool t Lucknow.' zyldjL W.6bIiIter .�of: M -ham. h.t on'tho at
n y
holld' t e.
to winnam.: V �i.ori� sitAdent-dea
4�ft 'k�lfowingr Uri
othe Mo' d. -then
Mr,, and Mrs -.'Alf inirew and'Xibs
dn-d'kTi. Pon t ha�e-,Rr- weather be ulifAirbtable the meet'
Mg scoring -their
'will. -be held 6,-,tJie* -new Arpna e, on,. -,in -th b,it - h
huihe'-from', the n:,
r rs nlyliil n
�h' lY the. 1 me, Will setit '&ek 6;1�19�pqop
li " t 0
nd I .take-. p hpir- rdsidence hby A�Iepfbrd' will now q
Lwelebme M
oMr.,. a d Mirs.' 'In'. Andrew, and. be'. the, 'only opportunity of.- hei tealm
thd� village.9', We �6. H� aring",
w, I tills nent stA es -Tan-, urni
-an wis
Alle -likely nie the..O.Wen. Soii4
d Billie� �f Orili-g-by are'.-visitii. tb t the. iii, t he fie:l&'ryund. .7:
9 Our vidni y o.. them many
ha w E11gll. W1 co
ront-s is -
lo -the
lends at' tion 1_16� tbe a om.:
Opp of panled 1� Gi 6�ibier, : Ex-�Mt. -P
luez d other: eminent sp6akers
nag i.
n Olt'Fj
%:2 xbtilon W it
The mbnthij
of the, Har --
of n.:'MeD�, h
B d I b held on -kett
. . $ whose -arm'
Mr ..Thios '.H9 'Ineeting will p'roideed In 6M., NG
Viday aft��obn', ne"t
ivas, njur
all,, Nvas taken t e ' ecisil
i 0 'fort rain -or' e d es sp ly
ed -annual air- Will be held,
ingbim H-64pital mondg for :wejC&fij6
y n t, elens, on 'tre' nt.' We � sinceiely" hope
at St.. H TuesdAy,.. ex oa Ma eidh6ld'court at, Ti6fi-'
-9th ap -advertised The
..8th not 'the; -0-0
oody 'vedOvery., f
------ - iecbntlk_t6 -,�,hear charges.., o
_Wjhldri9.I Instit0te will haje �.booth, A sc1entisj,9ays.,-Jbobb0d bi, weak- di '' l�-, conduct. against Wm'. Ky e,
-ThgtP—WW-beLa-.90-od.-c-QneeL '4ETlJttNI TWh lid' -ayterl-'Who;
_G_�Oj�r][CERS__ -eiis, I im a recen
...--Renieluber--'the-,,-dat6��-Ai,6 ' in becUuie�_th�y weakened.- _�Satqrdg stige_d_a_Ag_k� ers of s
b t e
Wqmeps In titute will main stroei. at Kipp6n. A, di
i izipu;e
for, il6r.s. 11 that be� true�,ta'nie. wi
abe'glaidf any' -of he,other 14diqs' -er. or fiot there twill -be. :a SAYS Is no gfose.*betw�elri, te�youfig� men, whi e-
O'.Wheth heaven place'
the, tqnimunity� would., like'to --.a sist k�&rgl, e e.etiolf this ll the r;bturnifig. not care—t hey wg!rd d
affl&rg,bave been appintei, �-BeyW Re nan,;An
rotigh.. d h . the, both'
.0 they agree t
The� ne idin. o ni. e ippen �s.
fu r;al,of the late' ut fte country.. runefs re said t6�, itnake, thet,bbst h ' ' ' I
For our jr
5 . e t ACK
-aut6, drivers Stil the ',,Ot.
gouth tr6c6,�'Mr.'Win. MacDonald Of her-Airls, 'in'.th'e:flst,��;e
aid akh o'c`cu�r'ree
Mcl�entie,', 4wlioie de Sair.
fe'r �n
Chesley -hag: the'� laPpoint
last Wednesday,- *As - held. h
t C of, t. e., Wro *on the battle is.'ri6t .1pt
�6. C. A. Nairn Of -j leadetr r&ord, - b t eid gA
............. IN God� ur Mi 'd to
fmyUP, 310 n
residence 6' Pin e th e.-;. n erich- a' -ber "Who rises.. evel
is ppointed and in Sbutht. Huron
ucted -,by. the Re tC." Cuinmin- time e falls; it
V. 1w II som fi�al decision, -assessing. Xyle $95;and'
e me rise
Mr. D. 7. M S f h
acCreg.o , 'of, ea ort stay
'74 rlon(�' of:' A diitanc . included %'-her "cots and,Haytej
10 an We
ers, M -6.-W. C.- bb Or uc now
'a 'Mrs. I d
p .'D.'C ark, f Guelp i,
L 'k
:i "of M64at, Mr Jobt
C 116
lika and: V an�.
tvey 9nevan
f" Mo t :M1
Doilald, -1%,1cLeAn; Mi., jno.: McPherson.
-Mrs. Jno* "Hi * I
An., n gs
ing email of morri Savi
ark. and Viss M er.
tont,. Mrs. - R.,.. I argar.
Clairk of IM orristpa'and, M
A- 0
'h nierchants
Go er�,
d -are fel�win&
6- rt 0 �e the:' s
their o, a t, S�cu pa sage "o
by-lA A- heA, pi
h Ary S
ly ying� with—,M7 reqdi* th,
om .1 , ay
in nisb�ings'Zn& sh'' an if, ,c' Thup�
'Id d �4t uMa
i;fatutes� bdg�tbeen signed'and will ...... ...... e Town Nunn 6pte,
so S. eoto4t.nq
Presentd'6 ib
rhi P S 5th.,
hierchants intend puttitig tip, a fig
(Upper) A hlrd's4ye YievL of Wirelike for the gold. rilah'
0hortitions. Morer) Anothoi. *I' I �-: , b", bUV6 ,the by-law pass6d,' Ieelihg�
, . .11, which'was the ' fit 1�8, and from wh1oh preebeets' thla
rear are. se"i, �tjt'orp f ufther of,wringe.11j.6a 14 south-oast,coast 6CAl"ka. :(Inaort)
A amer whith is in thop Paeffic e e tha, 's'lqce th*e'-' legal
CaAaciiiin Pa�jhc Cojetal,.O.teix oast route.
ted offAlid
have been met'," there is no' other'
coast of�,80uth_E HER SAYS
hd, t6wli 'of Wranjell', Supd.Aiki situa
asnoAiout nine. phileg froni'thb town of iangiell'And. sit OT
VAItsdAl ihtlareft this seas6n'o as, the Ibase Irdw -Which the bloutil'of ih6 Stikine Ri�eij is Parm Islan'd.,whera the.council". lo
is arii g6ingin large numbers up the Stikine the Abouvthr'ae nioliths, ago'a,
ured *f iovtr 75 per
-Wrangell 'Indian8lived perhapi; five
assiq�r and Dea9d Lakd'Distkiets of Ugor,-,apd, offthig Island i -the aviation field where' tbo' b�arin h ig
C hurldie4 Iyeiti pet�tion
Filov'e'p a the 6rt S
e nibihg, dry
British Columbigi' Whil-d the' Gold gugh New York to X6nA aetoplrie§ -made* tbi first landibg Wit. of the liaidy�ie, plu "ThO e Three.-Dnug-Mea ald to the ad
edicted-�- in Alikska; This-oxploit wag a
teimil as wag at 'first Pr s Aafterous as the, first' go�qds, gbittis"..furnihin
duilrigot theMITALt hOhths a oth"filpedo Only compar- a iis 'the Atlantic 'for thefi * fligh t bote them:'� gs and shoe
10 6 th&,Yilkbn was very genam
able to do rush 1 'ri�s d ! 9 t9; rugged inotnititin store in. ase ee -cailkons, dense forea
ov r P V usehbld
erAlly:`fordt&1d!-7j �111 likelihood a thdreealthy peaks nd glaciiars, M a �Ountvy.` ilhhabite�:by. white of E 'o
pi,'fa�ti&l inining ffin, fr6m whose *explora- or roquhrell stares of �the classes nRnieG,
in these.ric y minera
t hl inue'li,good' . Twent9l. [va,, hit- ing, Pi6sed t e
lnild'4ip. tbe ri" 0 fam- 'to elos&'at. 7"PIclock evening,
xnay, be, xpcapd, . in: teous, - Popoff Glacior and t8bikes' Sprin
It -was -the�-Gld; Wiangd1i �tream * f from a gr'Ainite- mountain,
o Water
the toft that it is to-dity,. though ii i`knd f the ddest p4 q1-,-such;jr&atho Whien. the
_th6,-- d owever
t boit. an egg
�t . o
pL ep and C iiadjL igi U fi n at
..Oettlernents in- Alaska, Its foghdation'dates back to boundaty botween th d. St t Alcas te tfflt up fOr t�' Lar e Siz` e
30 as.
a8 hen;BRron,Wran,9ell*.' qttor��of Alaska, reach�dj,land the first and tradin f the.- Stikine Itiveir' it, Was 'defeat4�di .4041fch�-
g post as. estibligheh,-thtre.. This Was leads off to th� -right. This -i's tboI9ko6t; "and'it wateri;
y th6 -Co. it,
Ilater: le0ed b VAg t ought Iq ej an
d Mill' Plnnele
L region fam'iods for 'its qe6nery,-big gAm tte
Itlygr Would -_most
-at p
Oat Wrah�ell via the, Stikin *6.tir-_dq-ys.,,,_� - ----- 01 /*
In.9 0 ThW way, lfita� the n Ties it
The industries
ing tand u On, d6qtroye ddh Peg. i's made, by ack it'affi"froni �.blcgraph, 'reek a Blankets:,
arb', fis Ifigi',gnd lunr. the. benefit,of pi ini r8t, Ctharin Serge
'b -ing. Six canneries lbok to Wrangell as t wipectora go' kig thii season, teir SUPP IL'So an , a. saw- pplying to, tho. Director of th
P 'd th mill furtishei;.a I At $11Y
0161, of Qf -Dri� -�04" Slorift'id- school obtained- by, a v unputiv
`SuiVO Ten.,_.Colo'r.S,_._
�The journey- �rcport'v�s 'Wittd'Ift, �16arly forty, f,
River tio 'bibi Ph y6ar.
othe tvuntTy and the placers ftrked.1n.tho school stair, thore.verd m Apoli.
0t,' leight swiftly flowiht w�atei a 6�t , 46ireby tearing out the h19b - studird of anfq, 4fris. h ight rda'"nAbly be urgAe�j
1k thd� I%& lit rn
-d deeply uggid '4i11Y6tW_ b hde by, this r6thafkAbly iwdoi4t*
, ut ig
nis *he gardin o
eRr T day
all t 1, r PO4 �gnd;, ed to,
The oo
6 T