The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-09-03, Page 301F,7W­VF- �7.- FV 7W, Vie J .1 de for all of us., Lot ;kw Win be; tvad "Jio t4q; rl e u W9 -DO AN pt"T I , zo n for P )h ').i44,dy _4,e, : " es right things v e . %,­_ � uotthis kly�11, S e. 1L v_1Jera_#lr ded in the, 1, b", Ring, OgAr'411d WilFt wrl eq8iy'dA,`1T191,4 it�, hall, " _ W., �1 A 1� . - .1 1 . I I . p e she -,�',ap'pot allp Ot followingeffort: AA lant, too. a n., In .9,400.10 Ou'le"4" having 091 -en, the 1,, 9 in, lier -_,41JJi. "Tho.pe4 is w e, batbo� in Iiii T I � h 'no 1, a d for. ley 4#th 'no herp. pegpl turn, Sbe� Pu§peetQ,4 Me, Dg� 'y Summer. It ls,nGt fit to drink becAiii".. I WEM Q LY'�" had, b 4 Wet', rainy pavement glowing, oen qp,tilat morUfng as early .5, A04 It �4, s ty. Also it is wet. D R -M EXHIBMIOD jfewols like cgqght Areg, I.A . Al 7-, Ragularly �,110.OQ to $18.00 she, Ho,� varo fal-se; -WhIPWIS. A416.0, dtWp tho, , , -91 Poplar leaves gle�ming, lylpW14, sU England And Fr4iic. horp-Tim 0 '1, W jKlaissek - ' , % - bis� - .0 , , ' A fall obirch spire; SAMIRRICE, �# 5 - W SPIECIAL 47 to. make. X4r19T-!Q,, .2 -41pile, brut, now, 'What rOies'swInittingin the pea, Toti T atUerorr.uottQ tell her :,.", lia her mind: wil h t se Z Could yo14 R E. T., BURC19t. that Fl4s4lng opt, TlVQlI -Theptro �,'Xtsg Aferept,.and. all I 0 p ate a clan y mspicloas tc tstq Wily, It. ts� p4 ty,, .4escribo,,por- 0 A 0 P_r . �.v. � Pon nt_ j.7. o 40 you know. of , a siller o .0 to"i 100 ot lapls-llu�u;l ? ��­10 RICHMOND.ST. EAST Bldg. day accide r Eypnirl9w W-Jhero., wind stiri;�d 44,t, rect1,,:v4At awave is *T CRO 4% -forced Mae fiigi IV1 Dacey u1)O11 a g with I r, U, To,8 .. -9. 1 originally 00as-AP4`0 w0wndk' TORQNT N, ON 53. p h A I bavo p_q#l�,,lirodglnge 4avp brqught,. jpfty. Pee Marj ORANGE PEKOE �v the eprly orte, look- Eyc� An bear qvelil�g d and ppul;t is, extra ko04 tQ.,t.#e surface.- re*#Ins of,. plautp,it saw f .1 he bed 9 window roi r _r 0111 Lla�,.,thauiands But he who worall 77 0. yQqis old, hie. p s rnay,4ot bQ. As. t;cver-.hsve pla �p ' L 4 0, illabl Wh q�aij atr Mr., Vaeey" leave the hPus : 77 Aj I oWU; the drive a statlor� cal;P_ 0 fc. tN�iatpr4 the W)JjDr C U plumb istrol bX'(r 'lived In sp iiiiatUtinAllio - v ". __ .. .., ­ r r . 9 �, .. . I - lea r A. Chalreo,. f "a' or t4o� M qj% life, met him. At the plight Q . 4 __.Q, , * 0, WW64. selondwW, stata, eott d, plain, the;'Unex Lons�,, L rt Whole!. 5"name's _r. way h air'Madip the 9 Mff:'M,AS-TErR Of.. h iia%saltyz 4 ' up depth Wbat, t en,� 4" EN'CE1, withobt getting Wiet. 0.#91ri 'the occu er'.6n tP, w Uh Marjorie noticed, VANQF�Rf. pant qilqut�d,"to the J "10iiveis or the p rth., _Ud. the. -e,, iip.a . I ,a k?" LANSING e1iiiih, you� q 'A. Story of, Mist ry-and 1_6vei, Mar t 'sur Ipp! ew omer uls6 R $0 S�aktleo, gl. pr wore �Tj a jiver scours, lorte, gave a 49, Ise. that the, newc Varliitlon­�,Vanderl Racial Orl6ln-Dutch. 6. 14 1 ; .. I � ­ I . 6, " , ', r locality. t to side-wh AoOrce hIB%out qf�the. so jj�.Ud takes In 4bIU_ Bo�!de� the. 6e4 h' MiXter, find, T t e new 7 IAbout 0] Ark: Al�,! rce+- of, LansJngAn U3 in led :he T .6fL AL '60" loc totaIn' a "tresh w4te 137! * � r' . r, f n A Here is .;�L fator 0 "MadIV h Dutch 0s, c the ling -iia tj fe-shedkidi6d. �!He ily n4me.,tha t, has,.'made. 9%lt, Water.. rlvprf,,,* must �be,` your-.pTectouR, gailg,ba�,V, told ine t gei, In bjb� J�� b t dqive.op e S'W amps wall . e llverj)ace here.'.. I insince, ado 3JL la a, way, eL. that, ViI6,'to '3N ri Its dr bil�. yet to, the' Aoij .the apil!dffit liss Mer0er�i on Me.: yop-tov. r iOwp P, -have r to a As 't, COUU-, to the 'prigl4a" �10 rm ng' adles �­ , 0 L tq It form6rt�t be "blackisliP becauad: 'fito ;Lee # ­ ga-fe, you. to I . its'bilt I ne 0 Bod� i*, r a Idence �'u4go and.its, I Interfering with ?'Pi resident sc e nl�e.L ou're' DO better'tlian -Usifijr P.r. I a iik ma� . fo t q st'bp is,a gentle ­ 9 r I �.: � �6miuon thiiif I , L 1 1. p�,,.fqr th, t -a f0i You c4upq Of:: 6 - , *94107341 1 r.. 0. 1 L ", th er riv d . . I ��: Qoll tie r , , ­ 7 :. . jl�pUrei W �Pin:' fie k6m t 4U3qL,,t 0�.Ja�t eT" In: tL& c4uo.. 'q !inL diro' p'ped er of, �'-,,Xarjor Ia. gasp d Ii his' �b tr les fh pe dirms, f 'hie W at Ut jigniq -w the, sea -as ai d,&&.50, as scoured, Out 'Cf "the maduscrtpt- 0 t TW aadp 9 st sel cq4Id4Ot, ekist th� to pkt�L e mance n name Der Lantin W d 0 mlindergroun 13 Its tli� ftile mtetallod. Ther is. a rb I s. guall. 'itil form A W'44Lhot. 9 lecture U th grate, and4ret. _qonL,] old -of laiiguo alntneio, r pains In f t o silles- cO r' I '.. , . y 'in I, ind se, w up, pictures. o hese wer g, hich �A . rieda ttering: lie,O Dace 7F guide It Is ng isQts, etc.. In.# d so tiono as t fire to: It' mu Man'" rep �the liack And i;lde, h6ada6hes and ot difficult to h ose e d g1r. i IA. 9f ovrland caravan's and 1h time id�iectly.,, to y Th . qld.:enby91Op -Mid- .10 t' ' I .1 1 O'The 9) 1 hadI only seen yur SO tb n Holiand, just as. A e brd t l6sanis at let women anc rg�d itself into' r Rijn - 16CUSS �dta fsusluI aftir afff tur4y tog .13 iJidiieei m9rchants of:the gO*4UtdLt U cer� all 1. mader L like yQu. her daily. life, a toFture, T t L 0 or AngXd-, 111 dfppl, Miss. *er 401-Wuld Indicate a French Id TL e of :riiake a hallCtradesmen and h*wt alts W " had -had, a btilnant her won t the dle Agog, W40 -a (;efM -0i '6f -the th A e new r idrly next* As W j pliloply, bad to,'soe fo.r myself wha, Noti; rigin,.and "Yqu an. L. I so�.qlierp h Rw tot 0 �Ouwor very new health And otrength' the blood; a on tile, sun Was!' s . hiniffi, Ala prize 'must beigntIC L 12, Wliorel,its-normal, actual color is a7po- U iverstty�carlporO and Was in ster wb rjori�� ws Worth, - and - It's a, -perfect 90barently. started to pus uotTlaA dorivatio hed Dr. WI filins' irij tradin' L Od ' 1 Ofr I Out,. establ.1a.. gin y -the deserted beach an ewel. L 2 you take a joke?POL, . That it was rorl all �Aescrfptive, touch of! ,of, science. ran. down to' L I dc. Ia pases.i9f this 'lines of mercantile 'eomrgufticatton el4liar shade of green ith a Pink PI kind is: 'it.'L Within a mild or so. fron 4 L exeitembut was shared even by- b It: was heir on xtgnity of: III. certainly L can!tl it's. a joke'that the locasri� from, bearer fit Wo 'r., -It L Wig A� Q1, �ju; in p told. by Mrs, gusta: F filly, but not I t country, to. agothe to �vas a.junI cos MeL a hun 4nd ty Ing from One 'L. came, And Poo I kely, of h6ro, however, this color Is- altered by Marjorie Ripley. MArjor havinl. -�xeria�e w added., ay ford.Statl0n, Alta -who s,ays:-%iy . the otrilpigtrative ter eAme foice, that of tory bv6r whIc eo ru ei the -I dig, a t1d I ments and currents scour- Or governess, in 'the '"hool, nd wad ,du�y oU l6okingr After, a group, of girls pounds! was , I h 1 1. Is, also move . , I hant reply.. on the prorid, and knowili. that 1here U 0 'i-Neveir -m make pence as akafrist.. theanibilating wars bt th prefIxesti. which., Ingr an Ing ke t tb III - th tit, god., I of X&I made certain' "I iilio*er parts air ady. �fliid hot d ties likilii.ome t WhQtatedicold wa or, are thou�and women like my"Of '111'it;f�liowe ih�-fall of i es -9 name it gone 0, '-to. ay's_�Wq Al ra or reckon that I've a poi f disimCcilon. She dialt vei, she ran to the rock:1 mean "of the. oi -the se the, ut o Her 8 .e after int es hway fn want to 4's b Lid re -be-nec of-yoAnips, what.16 wor elf,. however, generic T ntur -an this. to M.6 fa r ea "sity -for, their mercantile ,@Ldve ap ec Ac It in' ns. low or ters'bf the ne-r ch. Slid' was about to emerge front be in, r mdrb,thaatbat," ra ho I . . AsL­JdW lnds the woye-maker, By ci�uja- b r ed.. have done for me. Aft�i,'riiy fli�t baby, A the development:of 'family.nam presising,un ly� : r, Was born' 1*�'seemed - to have . 'It or flat On.tho seals. surfsee it dePresdes,on. hated, pla" urs', heii the girls WeIrO when she siV.v;&tridink'dbW;i the: be A and - idramdpce.4ivol flat countr Y. f row. e L ' b 'o,means undomoloh. of population in adows. are y j�, "d she. diared not 0 science. aff occasioned by the'apearAnce. -we -dow t4a oni'lle Each d6presw often rui[4'to� !her Mr.' DAcey, :the m er f at 1par more tliawqnotller� neriy,. I felt Y:and, run _ve.7,t compirgigise junabl6t to do even the ordinary nwater cannot Do two-po s ilemuilk both 1or the-s4rilame a for d na foUnId* eed�d life MI t blo a �ade, res yidymen't., had. been c ey In a '�fe' 'r. hold duties.'. I felt' I o'! e been l6ciUy d nits JU th But eml asin eel! 61loquiatly '4 u' greaV P long, ugh, to g�t and- orte.. resolve L% i. t Is tlie ma,". she &led excited-�. 44das I:had' long, r. 1 ioscrVtVe. of prushing up Or--6l0VAfd�., o� another. one Mar MoNents herea pearqdL 411ou't ti had e6vered his bath� ly. "H s an. impostor. , I have , Pink Pill tedli the*i1gInAl Vanderlips m4ny, diftirent placesi Or Pf,.aI great' latl to Make, We best. -Of 'her jqb. until' e �wrt. This rosu ts In'the UnOu Otlk an* inacintosh which. s advertis', 1. 66ided to try: ndoup his members. ka46kiesl ama2;e- searched'his I ''wid I'hnd �fropi section, generally.; ap h ther� pieseiit�d`itself, It was all the ing' siuitp and a SOL.JC them. I gota supply,. and, carfrefu Ily fol' ' were the'Oerma,"n DiechaIi6 d lo'doubt -t e Wa,vorps'.. 0' to fault. of her,une e and. guardian, who correspoAderic 3 12t Mr- lowed the �dir n if one Qf North�. GermaA,� merean.. at a wave af.the queer ih�b ectio and before use It was d I Middle ages very long -That Is' the, -by the. "pu I , o,� bad 4 -ted ar. -star -n.to ihe sen, took-'a.,heaclero, Oliver abey. result tile guil or compahles*- wh6 esta eV . p - I "D W d just �thfs�genera cea el ated 1 f id lift� so- - pro 0 due a. Ife, ran the as Day o regard" L t1i. did' ei!nd took' ch rge 'o.f. their,- comes reason the nain and Was a "Certainly -not'! Lam Mr. Darby! y MY former Astrength. ay Its t #10974. to ll;� Cortain: 4ofghC - - "Ithe, In La m6nient ,.ie r L beach 41;' but' MarjQrie'Watched. the "arriva power . fu -n an gained Ing p ts in Hollana and th A . aria o-, I '9f tile to. the cried aiiotho�i ted'vdi,oe; ""'This Is - d energy. 'The pi ze.ome4 to ki7ai ore likely of democ a Aide, liat. cbmes in' to a .1' stroke,. I excl atriots'- trad as master through he 'curtain allL, aboffilugble I was.� k t cratiq'origilri. 'the overflow f the,eleiate# wateri._, new m0r. eP me :.a kedn dl)Ii6tite and,, L. 441ned. inr Flanders. ark st'feeling. *aq-L due U�r in'My robing.'in be dow, and her, f. loci ke mbTldg6 eight'"d s6on *as *Ole. not' oly.,�v bedwroofii win p is PaT'or-, Was ail­43� ol �*Iil I e, it ofug tatuiI­ tu �ntment. w1un app9i,. w ma. e rar I thift, 6 world just nit s Why Mercer. ­17his man :Woln "i be T . emote an I d ab QUAP4, "The last ppe; Was -a queer 'enblti&A. fold to'susp�cjWg­hlm.. should he , b med-, Miss is this, reaso en ST Flo e fact .? y tl Etiquiie R40ui cui. F r. er those fal hos'd on L tune wake b that Nature, if but, )acey ls.-I�osltively se whIsk6rt W111 cleaify th4p hief." pfalTie: 6t.ihe �Qtrtlio, solil6thin only't'ho very eLarr Ed*4Lr;.d Y.L " . , , , - L 1, L, . ..g inan ruvrarm. .6 Oyes. 0 a we -only try, to. Understand An"d. 06 '"Thid"'I Th f th real Mr. firm, �io Lk'eep" ' ; .. 'moth-eiten.: ..And, I had.hbpedL to r'', We 'should ho�.wear these atrociou% liorn. supp Y., or' illoise pills t unerstirf.d..' OA.: though I ide ",You. doWt ean ed can k9ep to -make and best, too! ifin-m6d',glassest. Matjori�j. shivering Dacey ooene,( kalways on 1and. \dne trial I. r6ad 'that, at a edi6aI,cofi0ers the fi thOSI6 *he 'L I .. ..f e' Apart. , roM,r a; 01 th ta: welli v well'. EV b� �;M6 absdrd 1�fm when I have. re� doctors there-.aigirmlil n:dis�. e t# f. qu I for a ln,�e you.: U their W'OriliP" in ed had r bee IN Sell; figure,, Oliver -'Dacey car- Out OIL me f course (it e0ndutt," aceld6rit,:, or ignort a rdig he ca sea-, ch* t equirneirded, ' t. em o. many o . my iiiiink. balneology. But. It turns oioXt gift bf ith tali as, en nev , ej ate they failti ply a and. learned d to, thii; anabo -have forfeited the' boa k!nly did t. present -an a0pa ce She.ltid to:'w�ft quiter, a. long - thhe. :"A val ' iliable iln**'. i ;,be 243toleli, friends.and Iothat need not despair, or a worse, ran, the', oniotloils".of the Mr..Dftdey �wanl 'OUL t, . of but, at. and -7 -pp EYES ted to�sii� py -me �rof bath lb pills. na TATED BY. ftolil '�Ou't. '�You can get.,the 'S to the nearest-ohernist 21 Xiiur ired,'girl Inter young Ia Boddtiligton ge, ier.a, time ille'saw his. powe a The voice of a dark-lia" 6 when next�Yo4 Idles of rfill arm ,,.tAke'ybur �header Gg � , . T t L 'o ers thenli, tho, Means. iec6very It Ia r, that, sending' water u'p like .'�eafls� Ii the' n6d' druggist Or by nii6l. ii'50 a' ox - Miss -M er-bid- takeri. nota o f. ve i L on 3 a: b urtav61-lte seasidb ieso,rty g. will SUNWD. US C1 at yo 6 &SOLD BY- ORMOLS S� '01 IC they, will ond y "take it... before 'en I gag morni I n ii, * In4iiii W: "If ybit pleath, ith o a n. g,.him., - ''Certairilk, he, Yoursdif that OU, At ch",boor. "a cq, C g"gos h -feiind My r. ad shano . I . "C6.., e able to flatter' T r .1. �ji:;up iiian Walked up the beE 'ch dr if do* Out'. be,eureef.� of. N9u e have not, Ing was a..tallish, wel. he ppe The. dtittori',laid. down i'llo l�.b6x- and.,boft t youihfiA figftro, but'h6wote. big,11ilted' bet d lockef.". you to do mith III 4p&mb 'but from4 b%Iiind certain' rulei,for, batbitig- ilioula I'L i t -by th I . itass�s with -horn d .fie 'ha'd f ]hot Ishow6d ands, - In, e%y�,And perniciL66 habit -Viss. Mercer bided 'her: h -meal an �At th,6'sight o Mr. Da6e not.go Into :the at6t'after' a wo. can ceep a- sound. f; when you. are no 1 .4 sound bo47. TOO -orten; me ,old acultilvite&'A I of whiskers that E gii8. of. hast6ifinj back. Into, thi Sea. `i. s roAt, oflier.. tired and I "Kindly. eiiplatia s e'denianded of 'g ta� in, too. long. We, d "His flughe crimson.. -waY4 dow'n� hid d h clime halt Los pain' in o no I 'heard thai.'beforo,. so :which *11evial arjoArid did. not see ItIn un, "Rallo -dood norning!-. -NeVdrr�vx-, ti's or took ff h seem to havol. -calfty sets no a; counter,irritat.'01L Some th4t doctors kre not**er W are told til the next day, when the whole 6chool. petted to, find at, this" Th6 'how,� led. wh6re.'e wap assembled -to-ineef hith and' to h ed6l_; lWait, till 'I and ht§ w Aers. it YOU W e �011 o aid. ."I good at ta c hig th6ir owh. medidne Ahro,� a*h; I y ant to keep *ift, 'hear his inau -an guralAgettv 15t!L 111V ..9we yqu . aR lo he's nedibinc.s-' open, . your w1n. - ith Ma ItM., sternly kne thAt-my boil Iss: Rlp�lqyj Was -Feftaps, inoring their Rreceptsa, QUt.r your He WfLs presofited to %0,.stiff, but rJorl sit X o we resolVed If t to W � euvilPtic to& 'shook h' n - di�' You WaU Miiblor e a cn- that Wwig. liar duty tq the oddington., engaged , hdre, and: wheli I bear(I that lue 6f -b�lheolo y," tb tenting himself 1tr 'OW'ng d flay-gLiol-ft c 0* to' the to solve, this. niystOry. When mjr iind: heerful,�'gofor lonrialke. ti tf learned fr had r6' Ahe went Ma iter s lndeed� worth. -wafit, t' fbel"that'lifer I ro4vpeared heas, othes. ih� science .*Is j'bLb -1 liti ng Riple k si4p with th l)Qs yO did, 1i hetti�your:name was'? t4cl!�i �iid �hi e 0�p'iof some frIftind' 6 re- aring ifa. 0.ee IC t Nfo:ivi�rk Can.Succee Wife attempt- men Or. 0 -6 eopld to 'do his Verha a reIiiLtIOU: of Vrdf S.!Ok Ttiplily, hisk­rs ntrain A him -f , ' n . . a �e$eijlliicins Sixilshlrib of die. e W roin keepin�- �',Avpq p "Lovelyemoining;1I he said, oked UU aft6, _our Ing toallow that ji�plied Ma orle. deialis vely.' U re I had nvoriso eu ri Ifig to,speak,cheer y. ar has ot i6ai� will you thihk� of,. the el, U Thdh, �d: the V41ue'o "Doubtlere's'' you 'are -to be con S, It hAs been �gom4ewhat AcriminV gratU­' is rliJiptU-g,'i'n. hitherto dne for him.- yoll]i hd�e. 16 "QuI0 said Marjorie, -,Orreepoixdencie own,heafth�ana thi No rotation. of-,mlft,6 Is,:a profes�or.!!' my.� cousin, 'imd 6ur f A& line fragments. ',who, w6akefied bk theilvArikdAtIn'stl ver Is.' no lated," Said Mr. beady, a - hd �,bckan. his "Qulte� , '. bius. S116 -and - I xhado up olimmind trk even the, We. dis1firced e'ac,h jDthor, imvIfil If ybu wilih a skift clearrofoini� .,.jr.oundingso 'V t 110: 0 lecture. say you to, net cold, are* you?" !vithont. ifie, Moon?' W�o will not �ttts:tbthgr. �eoplb 'a ! S. 1 h tarn'lli'm ailid"n oil o� Jeer eo?" 'Cou hin eUrrent. gil to, ar as Ile, asks to be. ti�:iteiI. pies blaolthea, ilad'16ft hii:rmpit-ey ; r ' - " 1 f fA6taneo- are' eXpos : loosening Re'"�J'No% t e f d 3 an6 other an powe ed year ancaus' 'our guar, t* r the'ravago ofl d a b t r ead.-from. notis, his -to -uis, on 4;ondItlbi.xjhat. 6 It, gQOd lfgh ft - he' e 'yegr.. 0 t mar�, sSO noying eruptiont beg to; y he' �Started. H.e r �ei Won idwyllable eplies"'ter dts We. go :g1v tched. pAt'p ilidetodily. its. Wed, f6iind, h can see, now"�here the -Im-, wa 'Of C e 9 0 cbricerfli.tg. Marjo M In4rd's tOffient, toe -Aches pind Pal h* t e1if life her regular de Uti�,�ja "has' b en. I more I tryin g than Alid had an- -:�Who. has no gr6at obJec W, C qing. dependo u on cl by "Ether' ;'� h6- rg jjhatLb6:Was'A, on o t iliened. eituatl rulled I bowed iii �Assiie e poster s �nd t e'd rec;: A Vidiiable:Mi 0 on 'Itig tie better ya 11od to - an I - and all revad ivate. She/ had Intended -to Tut. A tIOU Din 6 4 '.No 2the mOt - r able, ea ofterr c­ Y- jully,-tlzrough-w, elrwavos�vf-' hln-,n migh-tfol -A. W-1 rate- -mum U. � no. no is so.:ggree, a thousand pofinds thrown... hroat! W h 0 as , lint e tive'a so ec6nomicil. dv�r t1iiabbingi -but a jelly Ut .:to IlAve A ousift more. than are for. e y, � su�'h as "W y d o. you - wea�r Wa wod_� _Itii� my, -c There .,:will 1.6 Arery little hArd'ship, ill ad Is.an'.0xv, eneo :,which. lt, tl�atr. . I . I Or'ft Yone W n uture may, at,ono'a he tyU onia,thouiind millionth f h - f . ry"he. abased li1MflelfLstore.f bdueat, criticism. Inekbe'shrubbe' Vhbs'e rigidl W. lskeiIs?" Now she be �Spmple' Each Pre� by Mall. Add CAnad it of-'Offtr. of 0 wr6cked.On Juan Forhandez, oil ;07RCe; So does' not'' fill. JO. the lof of Ma lieei. slid' wh6e, densfty. Is Ill' qu6st-lo efore -Mer. doe; Ltd., Mon ir would-bia. ob persona Depot: "Sttaha 25c. 06=25 and 66�. Talcum We. ba p ed however, -to Dr,. A10R. -E&I r 'ould he not.- jro .,For all. the 'rude, things I which Al&xandOi Sellilrk tire -,original ONF- utsi Shaving Stick :95c. e ei -false whiswke, o 4 1 ly g.youep4rdroii be bAld p oil After all, why li : - . have Writ. He%welit on like,that i6r, ri: Who wint'�d to? P r t66: t * yo Robinson oru�oe,:spent:pari-br L lile .1 2 P* it fias. jUst'beezi junoune6d thittAlie. . ' .4 . The G ovornment 'of dhilf-14 roposfng�, a Mereer,fouild hdi,' Ile.'found -hem cbmineicial as4 ."Llk�,:yft I am'* not -but lo�k. the, mar. h6ur ind:eien MI hap's t q d Wilk� back to, the *-,of money, . of But: when I egula yir6l, t rolling t 0, She started ' to my own. vibe. -of.paMe S. for Abdo- -WnlCn dea L qel1qolj And, III. Hun,garl ­ - , � . * t - ' - , . niee! stet�mer �all Nation&I bag ac-, riage-fqr-mone, to erect 1� hoieron hii �6dain 'in the su'lishine, Marjorie y 6-taks. I ha�e'plenty .9 lito bobk �i ire `ty. A inducell and. to estv;blish a T had difficUlty'in,40out to aeaOni� 'Veard _;WED� �sig�i lorefi� r -old Oil C'�M ver. wit tx- ritt6! theci -ha'd -be O"r back L the pr Cie atually pt� d fe. MU64 n Oil 1. w641KI eathet, Ciullesi; lectu W's i%nA I -kopt.bl'm a p f 9. alone,V dhe.said, decisively.': "You see, *htrg ERT ess o i 6vei. an de, Ilds.-alroady given Im",na"mo to'a hotel AT 11 ' 'list i It* was perhaps the pany-len'Shelpo'llpe-d him.' softer.pried 6f $5000, L -Is tited:i �"enbflt of Deibe's'enthugiasts. Ipu�lls exhibited, .�here; and that you were' here; ar'feWj,, -the :�best-lbved 9tory" in�th6 wor a4les V liv ry or,young, I to k, his' t4anted to, 'tinted I �aiu h.. tb­ W -Th. iy_al o V-6ally ibook,' ._V ---satisfied-r: W6-.-,Trh ftd,iUut Wiritt.'du e __T Isles�tho,Cruspi-Hotel- 0& But Magy.4r tongue, and -I At* lj�rgo, :the little Fifeghlre -illla' X� jt' Coll., This, young. man she decid6d woud are rules 161 be lialf: but hat tyou. like--.. P.,the dolok What, rot," -laughed the hidli­61alm' . Alexliander Selkirk 'as Aft6r Taking lee'toirs a ylto,,fier. ostablish.� 4 W I L § give tons, atid,'dignit :of, Oh, hang!- Words failed to, d, dat6s from: n ent. :tatna -eighty-oup pagesli an, -its most famous son. Li�jo �iiso -bo'aAtd �V�jtable 0 All ponvey.'hls' You tire r adore 91 - I V f the -hotel set ft the wall Of "ibi0k. speaking� a I iStl MterwaiIds,�.Mr. ))ae�y and. aloif�, -"Aa you Lay ble, Marjorie; And W'an't -to mart a itate nere, l0r. Ellitifelt. a the -cottagp, whtdh reglar c6d'. hit 01rd n on Wit e so, to, Ba' for I­havd ho.41sh reak youto if y your Medl; met r and lb, favor y mar We OIL A_nr_df_, hen _jot _Uen la r Oss t t_jh d_b -e neise! _*ye _eameAnt" ek -a e try mi 01 e orar n- uundffioi� and inward job here, then.,'L ri di hurt, ed- -In 1§" o you eat *it "a attu 'p'&6grap4.is'whp Hea`dkh6"- 16S. ght 10de of.the book in un,111 i r By Aq eager ess, a You lik k fdr.Cblds . Mnsin zn� at %Nyttra,, In what M'L t find their- wav16 the FIN coast di�rfng, C,09LER.A, 'N Neuralgia U an at I cou d,'not wit k do Im's distance. �I saw, about ( I -,y( li� to WQLs,:a,,0tu1doni ly; mha . I Ad at,ti dfft was then jqbrtheM Hii One day, 'fervarki'W -an the holldhy. soia.lidn- Rhe atigtn.- I" E Oink ii�y �ew t.o Ilk- U6 otrarij& in and ol t' he waAL'wriostling' with a 'edm- -e i ble Compound in the Ing ofJU auiene?" s'bowdd hialeili under.6tandingly, He five bottles P,;�nlou,*thWbd6k Wali"hurled. Viiifully, ,I, . I . I it 8�ritdb,,, avetaken -do, riot MarJorteL go PA brs hnd . sdamod about t6 suy 8inklibig. else, Of' an e r n 6yery,way and -1t,was t oIs aL JIS JIS liglo' but, Marjorie US letter ii;t his h6ad'dnd he* 06d 6ted It.' frankly, "that A �i one of t hiiiIrfed.oU aheAd.aud he choler 14,�orie �f the fatat The 'Inspector wais, PaYing b th", -m4.ny ye4rs - later that h6 'redl I I. . I A . . 4 � i ol a -fid a 0 w' V. y :, �were: talking ectAl8tance, ailmentE a trouble nuaf:via 'a the, J Iag6 echo Accept only you a h# Qu . - 11 � Mrs 'i6l low eid ai�t A, d I sa wiff - -*6tncn Atti M.. ERRY, bliderotood Of childliciod;, exa ned t. nd b ge� In , gOT : covered t, e6moil lecturer oil - 6 r th 'Baver'packa 3f Mr, bacey, tWif diat coines':on Alidden',y, eipewall*, du ii Was Puttilig. OT d, -Sttlange!�'., spLid, Mr., aeey. marjdrio hidt no liking at all; blit for irig t4a, summer, months' and uni of, Its' unt4fie clAtTActbi �4, o es,4 sehe whichcontainsproven eatdowa R6116ved -on asiked diredi g &at, va mV 6X i�io hadeeen'iswl mullng in th' prpino ft Is. the. little ono� They did quite well until ,Nervou�'gr Nilther dj&. -in 0 ef" boxes of blits, hatib aoro� li meiitnfhg of Clio "'Ord 114ndy "Bay sea slio had idecided,adintrattoni But may soon be '13aby's �hem.-,t -a T nb ontljrxo4� itispre,tty.haed/ - wn gglots Also bottl�s'of Nbol'y, knew ;so exp ain your Tablets an, Id hl,inedicine in ward, del I . , ttr,*,,J in Or s L had tk), toe .06eds, .06t W de, she was�' worried 4 the whiskers are feelings - 1w nervous diWE RNING' e help'Ahein but. spirlit, S' hork (rOIN trou spiritedo had pains. fial lJr1tofier a Ia., They regulixte u. ld O#Mq And ti I aftAhe stomach and "Aw de d r, of ASftlfc and the �eltlm and, big Act aim. ift b1f.thii troUb 1'eyes' ii1ways crying, Is soilleLhitig that a tiCael 03to Yll�aC" it, my head and n Y611 told bitn'that Marjorie's mental 64uhlbrium Was b ay whe SPA4.dis-- did -hot Warit to go arlyNvher, I do Now, can nvhavlilm*arrosted,1" still furthor agltgted*�qn, after bt6hk- thus, prevnt the d U)d lane work, -hhd jai fat, Jqii ilft MP are all. absolute' sat -plej of pl�tdelnlc!" v 8 Mercer drew :!do o. Aii OxAm a eyr. ''Minutes of wotIk,. I havolUdn irvCanada'fie y0arel' leally, yer lidnor," must be inedi-effib, being 9va t'EAM r or t told, h fea;i�d iltue -riteed to contain ThOro'was a rorig sflente IV 1. L no, tha4w ottllej bpfat6g nor U' rj0tfCt'ot'otller_ Co afid,- hae, -been. this 'N� :,-,F .' Wats ever Ijiliplaln. It 11 Pinkham, g! b I ntoll �1 h ­ - %L � � !no ta.Y�', elpress,'. oW.t a. "Rii. hael ih 5 harm fuLl� dtugs,, �They� elilembor;, some tkifig-lydia E., daily �y 6 1 1 " i The th,ing that sproads." Ap Pl)7L Whard's' fi eelV. and" ofteii Xprolliii IoSt'a MQ6t y4luable-L ringi 19116 do -harm, b ound a 6 a with a fiammor'.", mews,toirakenidta anarql� t' . . . , I - dtdor Wfit0h �IcAfi 'be ciishb4� t J'- ftd its tit Money Tablets re sbid by me(liqlne dealer's Then came 0r smll. Vol6c: JAIA earelti Oly left, I It the tloak.r a-Ild watch them dlqappoaf. 13 ef-L ti"on L anywhere' ithqut A#y C1100. ts A box The sit," ani feeling,11lot 61 Y. or by mall at 25r Cbn Jr., P di ind beeduber' Od �,gr�it faith inin your Ing ie 'il M(jdlclno Co. ' -f � . ­ L - 11f COO, r went do*nto gd it Mid foun, one or my. Bog neer roOedi tor atippeil last n Ight, t6ndoti: brIdga- �4 tatil To obtalo, the ot 1 C 'AtA, J�g h6 Willfb.11L I husbaild's ng Raid[bg the Ad recomerided it to, W)Lth its 80 Ad Okvor&L anj it ot th erVaritg ere A sister* and st b , a t0b gone. one, A. r . f it, 10 BuileigKMentid. ,".1 . I I , 1, lnll� 0 ta A.-SNUT ell 44 d a _beh. net - 00 tonl� iploy. you dt fit) -'s" t ief, r All Arfirgists sell Oils ftdt v (fiy, !I iinfor: ther: Thainds.'at afi drentO a, Ton�ln China., g tim'. '64'041 'rp_5L . Aable Med- Vj. D012" our i J0ne ba wom . on, su e__1 To.di-y16' bridge, ongi.nodrs rprefor sus-, ited, dal is wdtk6d, iso east -S .,MR to auh'odewLthen ent Ald 'You �alho y b 0 cot s IfTnot," ahbjs4id "Your &0 -not, th6t"in 86mo localit.' 96 Wall?" r )u a n -td' e t t cents, A toil a h giv it a trial nb-1 or, Ou ot . ......... _Ijona(l L'tt' It o*e� 1hQM 'Drip � F Jor�'0Vdk'JllL Irty T"ra. bacltolo TMOMINARY VWON LENSM, ISE I G ;S; y k qu mar y of, d 1`4 lie; V com, es the ;LLO n and holli e W a t U W3 I 4ms