The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-08-20, Page 7T 77 A ­77777,� *io for V A� 1:77 M ... .... .... ... T404#4 -4 - i0o., R ;00 V. -Viiiinwii, wbew they Come, to, nun, 4ro'ganer -y F concerned w� 017 �R oadonlah 611 a t which CE Ampyst '23 ;4 The,- k�ith.odb),�6�,'.a'ndlyiatters-ab u BY rr 1, WW" C ARPENTVIX. Toili ,APT 8-15'. 9910sh -T0xt--;-00M6 been elvrno�stly thinking"ind he leAp4d. the. �trunk-,,# his rifle .6.0f, li � �ataman and Pubnor $e$qq APO ie"V' i I '' - ` , , I * , ig_had Wen �,Kuiekodmvay !A 4no it 11 w. p. two. of ;those who, in the. early ready in 'his han.ds�, .49, he- str Old Father Time _qt,fiwry -litt", � *tch'Ali, Tho. P - us.— so,, A wa,g. with Paul. I on- 0yor 1.01 , ­ uck, the or t., that ep, 6i cietanile. -4 w�, I polidering. t. -i 9ves over h giWo whoth d f th 6liforilia, jo�, Aiscovoij gr that woil4dod! b4ck. rose. VP A. ward; the. great tiviepleco 'of tlie p\i'littlo 4po t n. be or God' a 1Ixed' III$ foi;thacb1lA'r aya� 'th bj� ver .t longer �yhich ln�ilu(ie b1litio" b lio, 1: how, C41164.1ifin to"a '040 the, straits. . It May'Lie upo W tod, w. desire D t f move o AT."Ts,s, �d ' I feet. u A n s, and on. Each'and every, o uropoI and In A ro4m of th-P n ght, W, re infep gh � a PLC iOV of 11 lit, ivolmtinde�rthoeayipsQr*a7b9d-,4tbI 4, tj�� intenti of us this could, be de- the sudoen wealth, � and who took their I.. THE GUIVING. HA P. OF -THP.48VIRIT, Ild ri�ived what �16 fe:t to be are children of Time,* members q,. He way across he (�j the la'rg4 society of the wor and. the., fire of, is qpq , toning r4, *the f4qlog� hi Paj Twin, with, rt;004,,�k, palllt*4 Any roi divine answer,to hi tgo 't'ja':red -In.- hi , eye. .0 pie Anu of different C:6�or .6-8. d f r9itilround g'.py, Color poh,�Xlie; It velb 4.1"'. 94ced6m, t�a land of ko' near ra. n A sta�ding milse.: Tiley had beez il� �nom Fathqr T4ilp h2 ge: an.1, rev 'Vir� With his 'illattere imp, May bp pilly.,gn �alcpye in one of tho sell m s.' )3ut. `11 ma n harighig, li , the, e, e. j;,. THE MOMIPNTOUP VAF!P�X- , . , A and viiiiii, them in an attitude of a in the moun the 9 BeArpop, r D -devoted tQ. other pursu ts.- h.t - simplicity and; effect of.thel r into ;e f�tetitioj� Pj-a,tZ1,Y tin I t a the oaying, "Ciiinle, ove, -d w -favor rwh- '�een e g1piA, Axi.l. ­ hpi th gold da� . r Bil an 0 spa a peod have quo. q lo, t a te en's. r 4 1qj t, po, matt, r where the childr qbalna, must be thought. out j ust as, Vi I - li s attitude, the. ani.ilia . noil 111R8T R 17 F TRA. MAP? ad their vicinity made,co mon, pro , , harIm sible in I WAS r %a no de- d tq�'bring forth. -V in hea#.o� the :x001AL May a, pe %y for biISSION b their right to car fq pom I 9L i resolved tQ, ma -a a 'spipp cle to da t the whichever the, case I. is sure.y as it would. be pe th a 5* ;f everything d -the home fo their seero -#1ay in Crossia'pr. :-'bo" Macedonia. The, ar4 A, vest, or beAuty, haya� Some he I prqWut n the farm to, te t hunter. may: Eae r .)gly much, moie' port n T 'T (?r,, by� stiquto over� One of those I t6i , ich il�'tico, that the, sfi�re of IN R this, hi-Eitqrian, be, eiti$P co�or me er will for `tha-�:Wiost- 6ra,,�04,-ra they,i:aii do as they V' t,,,,QDUCTIOZ fi'Bsioriary jo tea a work� to ans, everything here �A` 9 Old $ a was, or all gilti, paralyz� Ing�iteIsiiII4 seeds b * S 44 owd 1, of Secoi priley, thO. �( peopW, �far.' alto': f f­er6 begins sudd'9 y� to wlit;e In'- the f ba since, besidesits The . y, e I sta . b1ii t f Pee 0- 4Q its, T, les, to fight., Ho.v�'vory' This �g- th0ii gQO� been pelled'by , it ad pronoun.`*N 116 had"iio- time to 'Inane the . v` nt�,,�h 114ul.waq. agaill ari4; again parej)pal hetn.'bio, prese own bitt 4d f d aio well �as-19T is roillY,Ot T. vJ04n4SIt�-PAIII branch of' tHe Pea mind. ratilrnii. h -like hu �Iiha jaint ritftar6d rst d'o". and , com: dicat or. -at Lubeilai ther. Riveii, w +re. y at ilded him as, as i�nd ' tii.4­ h abine dq*n or flift�,,e" turnI the tie4 behind lifin �,re )r" 4- -loped ha:� ­ ''theii-source in'the A -Sp their full ving 1. h 'and his 64mpan YOntiod .4, Man y Ahem. Jw* identically tho Not oli'Y will such A, TOOM gine this 'ra �,v� oly ."irlt` of -to',the grown..ups ivel Javiean,�wifii ol'ive-green f God, His OWA original- ]'plans. Ad. far . oth r be ­11 1. their. ftrob, for the backwar, M-: , ioverpient, be a boon who w. III dIffect ly 10, AS- where' for, tho­t' L d '­ 4 . hl� new" �ame­.tqke, he� 66smibs �.edi 1`0 Kan. or,. instagge, h 'ir. own ffairs i'afte:'riP a)ad flQor,, And Wals to be set pl. - the' of W, K e poveral times qp sor em t ta precious metal that if ll� att pited 'to put his. gun ze�ed 'an& ..ca�bqg� se4d.' havei, m6re time',for t a �as God's e?(Piess t "97� tho� 6 th�, t provi a ii,, of, p4laj,.putty 'Tha chest,ol, Are- d4-wi the, encb. to'what he felt v h 14W ki-w., seen ivino, orce copUra k h �me to, erreir W 0, A v -Lu y, live,to btdrawerg-and!�the. shelved se0t, might command. unto gestipfi that urns, at lirst;.7 ij�-ama many p anting -sipasons -co e, n PlacCi -in -which the 0 VjpLy ehiin;,, leaving othei.--di4ii4s t t.io4bg 111 alid go . . I uo qxpriv*s- the latler 'if, Or . k d hand responsibility, of greep, Or. of black, -.' 4 �. B,�q� he n w� eoinpl�te,, care' to, make' straight- for. the' -,'t I weaN s:,�road on viting, 9t, Paul 'to :ElurOP& In that Tom and. inora. meagre, nIto' di�crimink�p them. in line heseemed td, be ad 4 It kilo d' be m�ui�l� a I the dab s I wn room isAl a n a si� 'he Lulka,voou 'I pari6lisly 6 C1,D and he. swuii ut theii 0 to bre6k t amoustti�# !now the'.6riginaij:'sO, to, tbdyii'bogai. g, -chi-ldren I( r the, Alan seerfinA f. doorli. bre-ast'and pressed 9, tho� qo1or.M,6jIOtOnyi­ -hii:h',divid6s, r -A universe, plan "JAsi �outsid,�. y ur 0 h 'hen,wixid6w w III.. FIRST-rRUITS., Or- j"i E -Butj ll� re i4l .,And.-' *61thwhile, inteforyt Th aat. rows Q T o, his' h r lt� report _e, and ther E his stato on,, OTIP7 Orr* I . . . ,pqver give yo, T U40PEAN Thinos WjBro.in i. .ould -ioj their v� oni aka�tle mor war iiat the joy, of the plctu xol tbay� ito. eha�acterful . and- �rful ision M.hich e h bp,. taced. Pu 11111ji.. a� Or* MISSION - J� -1 ue cpsmos­ iis may, be rea all, -or. sailingVoy- to - srile, Ouq f '14ck on ta-Iday conWits"'interestin, o, Tw 'b b, ootili; an 0 Zurope. r 1 5 "At h :,note An "the 1,r' d 'hi 6rieom�5�syn 0 Ib��k st f- c Tit Qn actual' urjji,�re is, To-, a -by 'a bukgiaund'oi; b qu� rposo,,O. .a aft id a Very Me Chiewd guid an ad forViard M. him. City. and pu f" t� - ft we 'a sturdy and Con- which som; rmoniz- this supernatural as a a desper- Saw. Do. we quir6d. to 441eve, vividl ag -to PhilipPi, the, principal cit take �ay o IT a go s6ula, W: stadl Paul sire? frai succe d or orange or ye;'ow Ohl enierit.playroomfordl -Grant ing.,pVttqrTli or 6 ad -very) re, y in ,lee'the background hat pArt of Macedonia. It was a. ate hope. of lIearingtbe. trunk b,�hi d to hVinan natu -Ro- hunting. A'd like some freqh I'm a r- W41 -IS an Ufiny butI0k vin Ro de. � i n 'falling Percfianc4i, -it is our �cosh.10 s man co ny,. a ' g, , man municipal A�nd 1 know. ther4� a tiger. in eeo fou IRIT0. him I g p, .1. THE QUIDING HAND- Or THE: KP Idugil at -be indo' �Aho ntir juccess 'tbe.strorigth of the design. mak4n iiies hea�ilyy U. .� the cabbage� ' �hroiigh w , ws,, e government, and like niost Pon It. citus;6.the s. weig tX Howeer,,th,6 in s- -cons a Jewish ""All right 11 said, Yaoman-;. "only ikvlOvard'to waver. to an of the rbonrA may upon con- for -the ubstitution of a los ibe time. bad a: id4iabl otion Lived. his I ifO,* are, jtoo d ild sholvep backirbIllid population. i i hav-0 to. ke t 'r'fis'with gun." Instead Of several of the veniont. built-in cupboards . And' The i0k,my, V. ­X. St.— Fau aftt leaVing. the: daet's pronO WhIbn the faint are.. Wow - the and. a,ch6erful co*or scherac. tables' and or also.of the C61 r fun, In' S�uth Gallatiaiii cities, turned north-* V.'13.'On �ho first' oww, rifle .4reitig Us only "olle struck ing b Including bad bean lost,iti. a' rA the, Big",. �aliuke 'the go&4.. roll fob mphny, S, aul and his co r P '&d tch end chat -coun -pe -a rs n iu�aly,'filid thei th nd of 00 In a- in, ietjng a deep sc�f. sAuer" Aa backg 'a er�ed theborder riloWAIver-crossing 0mi, tilitio, be mos: "Neith wards and fray,, Luke who acted, prQbAlal O.4,n. j;roii, mak as. g 0 Y 10lac of. way- into as.sOo!1 terial. Certainly -they-cantio. They try lyingbetwoon the old',, kink went out to the Jewish tea -e as �ld be-'eiyectivo, 'Before' the aniniol' could 9 bv--the- d, ai�s�. usual. sqp�ii Direc�l —fP-Kq idli i he r .01 -few of',ihesq aie needed at'the most,, d4n46 in' oroym., lid cream :�Rtfi` notes west- at thi's e Jawl'sh omion -who had- kht1tarod two Beforewo.can. 6.guthexiti'CiLRY sue -:`- point lay t often -the littlefolk pirdfr for, eff, essf kfi#Wwhat,.*e are. ot heritia red e�t. 'The rafteto Provibei6 Of Asia, there Idr'the Sabbath-niorning servl& friends -ascended t�o' the: ap d., the trunk upb,n. the. gro� u h popullous Romari A� ­Se�� and r ciishj�ris o� And fo6i� c�uld -be Or staiked; ;CI;e g to-, the- ge�fi And'�now-�o6k Plix6e, Of �Xngod jn�o the' foic!B where, the buck- y tdhin t o-are-a-cosin hat t a can a b 'a,b Pau' si first, t carry hris ey . wa ad togk-her' for some I s, barrier, to deide� wit. 'We Bha a 14:.LydiaVac or a shall pin one --'.we khl� 1valibg a b eirect il* -Protect�d- k w4r�� wallIut biowri, 'the. rug a ould" lie bought w&s Ito' the h ljydi6,, Paul's Arst'c6ljvert,-�In Europe. Th'' brokeh'.*-ig, to movmt'tba� other ion the r7 brown, as sho a- built-in p lOokout,', u le wa ........... ..... t i d to 'Billiple nd h -ad fallan'from,his.ha�ii.6 The,p7lay-'toom. having wa�lls d4co' 61d 6 also th' tinto. h -13roy. lie, CePtance of C Arawaramight t , . �tilt is desert a �ai a (se� to 'be4u boiffne on'way rth6 v�her ariinyfeatures 'seaii�; But �66 cheat of 'a ated wjtji� cut�outs hhs as afterw T t are was no sign o game. Nth re Rio rifle., h 'but a native Ime 114WI , 1 03 0 designed' the -childish be pAinted' 4' rielt 1erina had and he BO - great work.' "04 -W§ occasion Yful teim She - . ras, not a Saw, tjr6d. alid,"'disappointed-' b tile side; but by cree�jng to appei to be' Ti esa. of'Thyatira iji�'Asia. htnio �tk*.'-ft curtairiii -at he wifidowj� should be, of I waver the Holy Spirit. forbade "the -4rdiint huntbrs, weo not to the jog,­and� quickly r ollitnie, us. while at the da r spijit , yet- V. -close Mother"Natur ual nature, howover,.. had prac, or recilg- fe enterprise. -.of Judaism' for sher itj he - we an -deide�-fo -be: the best' 'm n4- this coIQr jltoI'selected from PlIkip, III *Ivit way Phul acconiplish a .1 4'. ..., I io give up-'�Ole'search; Iiii hafid. under ret e "a 11 It' th attract on Kyei for Aguied material. imatioil Of the Spir- Finall) pe r n ria 'InOt told. 'It.. ni-ay be ts, who; VIIsh, M '60 BP,14 nized the Cilear int ly reload- fiov� th yj bi.�,d, .;7. ti6al 'in.- use. Tha 0 P .-sh is 7] ibed a's w�6 *orship'ped r ' the'y sparated, Yatemi �reapon,� he, Irbinediate er po,y, ily, co6stru6tea. an -y " 6ple who -want to plarl� We will - Wei a ..God."' One -oft os Choi ad'vnd'brOVglit to �ear d dtoys, aye a ng' to dxpl�ro,'with 'the'rIfle, a' If we sir a,cabbage books al� thaw we citnuot. dic-*. rdo Is fi�rp had- �Closdd hadaiready.rewgnited fto& dfar,tbe� 1�k right, Alle. of )46 ad4a tat,6' that' *6.. w.1111, b 'an. Early�':Win� Boyell-eig -1lie11% h6r'childfen mill, llnd�ihA'Aat circumstances ths lith in, gabs of opp.ortuitity. in Aida. �. It:niay rsary, Who was 9011 stand� out t d:f,treeft"ito' I e,: 'haa becorne an. we ieh� PUY rooms h� tl�eso;- niore'. God ,of Israel and' iin hip p Up boards.. -Dfi'd6*nAhe.lIttI6 ravine, I dt -a Mat Dutch; but, a pro spiritual h heart 't6. n., 0 t mei �aTe'of the formee,, we can 'TH DiSk' B how,about be th'i "llette voi�Qa,.4 , his I q4trer. ilftor' SeltAin kept $eItQfi- decida,.to answer their no6ds, .� if followers or- Fpi - tue Chri an. commun-, intereeted:..' n, ur r er u bedrooms? things., Aie' It Would not -yo Is -sr -a hi)0�6d yards"lis recent �encourxt�er that, fearf 1, 'of at Has insisted. that It *as pTemature. or the. go% V� had g6no ar6e have Our art$, so. t6n er th the', The simple deokjs.�dnst piel, andis aptized "1., 4. * � —4. � - ukei=-Vxiu�� t4o, I r' by theuse,of a tron at In answer u -,al _-j n' we ai�e, aI, d an ti(�bd ha&' vin ight. I V braced additionally. with regu` 'tt "d' vljich� yolm. h'the -jrond4n �an a. od--1s Ar%'old b opelli-4.g Of flowers to. the I ft: t6 drop'flat. o -was 661iio, 'a cog �)idas:siach in your. fn#ont su L4 pirtiWaL� ay h 1� A d" fol': him V.15. it jibWs.her Christ di, i6ii rel i th-j -be -1 otiolij Po 4, n 'V. 7, Theo Y i6stiftou in*.d- hf the samettine St-Vaul's the. left; ani.' J. 4116i.g. the apptelsltdireetl -, t6 I us, ler h ap--ri& abiki or 'by the. ea6y. attic, and: old how chest - of amo. strange exerience is'ahea�; and a trills to pier)tly.. to wa�ril if .1 W b I app?"-fclatlon � cl be, r,. that -when she a,. gont - Is a' 'or; which he,`A4 are., Prone' ldrqweri t at ill --land repeatied itoeld llopai covered- with 16*, tr gg. eto force all our' hildren of. ittadbing a 'when Paul,had; reAclwd - w len9tK','on �aoh-aide,-So th I at painted t;� m , atoll, A P�'Int. on his journ6y Aying: farther 4sk th6. nAF.sionaries o. mak� hei Qv'iar �h showed fh�,- of.a.666ond missfik-ii.. 6:' in 9' d. 'forget. ei%�, . 'As'- times that they 'ha�*. different dharim -I d-�put qb6n, chi 'to his n; t6 rl proper -north "He W �ho fk4p ay aifrg *fid miaibe- a tiny table.^ ''and' 40 holita- Oft a couj� of old- kif , VV builies, �nd ao-the same,filol . We, td� now"the PiciAnCe of their-home4urilig tho1.sta`y*gt in owore Phili backs., of tithyhiia-t�otboea;tt Idisie thb. ppi;, the. ts .8 A PliiiIi'ged 'for- acters. Abilities, tem' "' kilien etc. positiom 1his Recently. I ftd,. in:,. old spindled hrei d6es'9nd a half-gliOwn fawn. Icracked and tho,�anlma , PerE tionj the �essential horizontal *est and' here �Again -his 'fir'st Insti�tt "the und; 6 ortaq.. Right o* In tho-:,plastic d >f.' UP* kel!66j' b' -children y,, ei�sii they had riOt hOard - toiN I wounded. ntgraPai �f thelbed;:sonietMn tionea Fortla n ately ifia wind v�a`b d' &skwbich is A like the.ofie men wgs to preach iu ne, n war fit -the,ha,-4 witli hefe, for'the sulir of t4ii. Of - tkem nd ch11hQdd, 1-6t us give those, ho*6vor, !1tht SpIrit.'Of Jepui suffort Cibbgi i� succulence footptp Selton qu�ckf 'a -o" 0helf, series i4lir foqtjb�aid Initeaa 61 the W04, trim ;0ou it. �raj jjot,in-.afi. exceptional. them- not.11 aul a -forms'4f. PIP.: -p. 4 tb;o faT.e. i'iiee �ha�ce�'that d'ly Vet ngs antily dileo the b6it y Of ouris the u h dpwn� to,. r.again h I at oithe other �Onldition at' that :price,- but it was proceed. Ailit, -to t a -&r the I -ate fall. and �early winter Th la iall again, and t �ii. gat f6ilhida'doil. olded ftji- at *as; in a, qt to be,w w flbbr line literally mad HollbApont , 'square a 6,�ei �rhen it I - -Gkid hin "It" a -in' dared . ii� call, -to f -okpkienced litini, n -shelf- see i' was pai�t- rini...mado it - #i6nthi: is abba:ge. is a s ly hand- his �n hii� cornpiosure; or, e, 6ped, shnu.1tan So iod. with �B !lot intended,, to h�4t' as 16 was, sihole'f body, , of the toold, ad 1 And'suppil th It' Y toan -er rama was ny earlier - �Ied,.shd th6hensAike:. gave -no an eVi6dtive, cb oi� at he w arnhig ate Isprings and a matti i. - And I pointi'On.,thq joprn th6rIIrematn' away Aq ont -kne* pAirfe6tlyell 61t -For 'o§a years b6yondi to -day, p, us-', h istake­ot foeiding'oO. I of, conentiona �seat, esc Avoi d t e d. ei copb. rni- . ' . to Vroab, 'the fa- debr,6 esm' 'or,would- '110 'pe, a 'a shaI fu inuch 6itbbagie that t6 flav6ir, Of the, d bIlm. fa�rly th� a ievii ii�-mi)rroi'�way—hrie theirs. I I if., tho dii�r h &,,itruck. ro- b4t to. b:6' 9=6 to' nice! I in -the be-, di'strict:mr.hare.thetanclent Troy is.:T, and bliow-*buld have the 'fuure let: iii hillged lids d Close Vare, if lt'l is of lnes�' ' a, I 44,ted. A- ieasopble, quan apiproaqh�. been a diaablink one 'i - I Y. � � I I I I ­ - I I I I I , _ ", 1: l4. ;and where. the 099 , . I . � ­ - - - I .10 -, , " " h- 'pet and �Wtioally;.O-toar t same.cons it) Ithey'gave no an that'then-t ie'wiinia' j,sharp oofs possible, to 'be. iw made�- ova" had stood t 114ITact§1 b4t Id he truction g ith ng, may: viagic'Ally bratie will, haveno: I f hens, them o owev( purd d 0, of the desk, as furniture, is egPqCj4I- in "the liad' 611, I [ins the �60smos, stlwaft-lik* �nd. good'' Sucwill eaf� there` y a] lie con- Ur�uld- he made sfi,6kf -work of"him* f b emoro- thi & �Iiibl avor eac, , ter given to h eultabj� for'.j,' 'in a c1lild"s pilai6e an A th6usand years be It a fl in iuddd: to, Iva i lVad',fejained their Ike�ipsrs tbe cabbag h* -ah taning i�iih �an qrdini a 16r.e. BefiIro' hi ]a$ tho stirialts whom toxesul -.an n c -it When. his nerveE aecured.his priize%, Is �6 U71 snap, tp ual st,6adIneas, he a IT uc a s Proportion pyocurable aVany1ardwire store., Or itn,� If'of &6"111110, about R.C. 83r. i� mittei: rese -bu� h i wit a and t6 n Alexandeir the ,TdAt oggs,�Iald.'. However, �ut. p ri y. tl* n -9cen't4d his X's. irard, of those - low neie�r be. replaced, 'had that is easy eaV... rhapWU61aintly o.: limb,'of tr 6f 'lim"' c' aracter. Is furnituri� need, nto� Asia with 'the`con-; a thti lidis' cupboart ocontrql. een, one rha:p6 instiTict told him , ovei.thre -We reached" list. ax on: top fter the. boeauS6 It ii1d.148.0utgrowli P which vii. for. f the �cAbbage is' b- acimpiI which &iy e.. pla�ed Aiif c qUpring QrM any o �h -this- ts. in W Y4 IL wcuroonx; ugh­tho4*d-,-"ar4 ov -i-ancii6ilt-empt t d ashiori of...128111111. wi Ires��Z dan.gL-r17--A1-a-n- Adowo 48a P P 1-n Remade .1 'latch, Oil thd -veyed the wbos Th -of the .*ab on co n6t., .4ahairi "al: the chest is -now, BAWOrk d;e7lay a news .tcheii bi a n III en you -go Into'yotY ii,.an wi a, W ""hi 'ad in i.hi6: fati th 'your.:,.. a'd ith' li1tclien soniq ededI. buin.. old where ireit - ckie'. Must ;.be'. taken hV raised hie II sui jhis.ca. Incas are ne -pi�6es ars`� ii'rOuilit nto the a.p of.01 i 6r' but the See that t6 liens' do not 9#t Any ai�oUli,.-hi,i voopd. and di Co spoil. The . fasding., the 'same War;, it -.*ith arfeet.h4mohy by tha,us6'ok recent, Gi '.tliat 'as begun hit O�liiht�d a la 'in& *a If; the:sukge 7s. are-. u stj. uak the und sharply. at It or P . ielit .may resu in tho�n m6v d - rjeqj i iteak, 'set off with to bring ti belov6d'ki.tchin cabffietI,is o�ld-fa.s ion4, intere aint. In this �6as6. th0i fVrii ture . - h" and Paul as of ',Bpoiioa cqbbaje it food -bi e. stj,vLis walls themselves C01 cralinin6d' with btory,. 9 g, w d JlIadsquat6,;1, in, hich I f -the el�qpd� and P� Aour Pight. Win, w i :at Europe inust liavo pbisio�b hi h on y means -as- 1 .0 again, j�oiiia:, be, 66�ered, first' %Ath.'a'plain' is piMntedmll 8 v. 7, -Colored won6red; i G�6d, Called 'fiim td dark -at C be created egg Pro - ction, but. may inkaln'', ji� rs. apiparenvlyl� whaiIi thoy,-ratu icks that�:the suga� Pon the The vnilnd ther ext4nirl d6fisiderimblb mo of, It u ll ' U fo�t4inoii: is'no 96 qrealn-color�A" pipor,41li h.jaight deep-- oreafii a.far- it' w riled has rusted" and �I* g vell-dill howingr noI'. do& urt�dils Eire of canip, *111i: tfie.b ck. owt4d 4. eel in ow. 6 on r# I y. q ad 'beon� in his- shDuld,&rs,,6 V loln piowde't bue, 7 elton-IB , for C is and.bread oes uadoited -6igahidl And; -heart lower. 4awer d' containing.- an iO.e ures ru s. out 1110 ple. wag to be'-wh -ave A try..'t IS.'' %or an rti .3. -leotod, from ,ma ages Ho. turned his bead, a on . * sin�4 kifte Iq o a ere' I, 'but no t d duly' dividedi' anty ye, ow Ment io qq dii b I SeltA'..�nd 'hi ants and ot . er v sparse. d� RE 0 � 10�. po ioi may, the bedspieAd"'I f uil f aint every y bull, haii the alls but 'T a bit,de6pO t in'. lfxoM at t a The foniler h tl�m aveth It 6 11 deer: but h m It hi It's-a.maan job, but.-,vortfi. aopuple of., ifig �;ith,%thii wliIst;e,'thbn )5u&, The* 0-liaildiman tip wal ,out the 6:d Alddio cut ''may be based �ag rug 4s Ittc, sound: a go t or. D, it, Bpb WN :kIRKVVd19­ r-olits but' thi felt No* yo'u. 'litew. space f 'on monlell Iffie ivheh.10 t.N'. dT�rt. Uld hook� rugs far ia�.c Var.e.Of bluai, BY EDIT 4WIt Ono doRlar. eachI, hioli bho Ila fant, dr4d rno i�rall - t�,o no -�,,V� id ack.,."A blue -an& i6f honor, w -9sj st 115 of the w A, of -thik i abIaiv aii �achiove ure dot-, croIimi yell fti' bl idded O4,e "now 'thin 4t emai -a fine nuc!ieus The matr9n y AVI his'ti.iha.tho nrarV� It these �crit, d for fut it'Aitedc�etbinio, S 0: a. is iags- and did biti tfix6w� Itis head. t ad River.- man)puts them. fh4trid' i-enforeiiis the looked over the array of. ' ! ". - I. ' I . , eeping -him ack 'in' hil fiouBeik d whe ev: �i�in�t 1 11.6 y lio a cut�.Outs'pn -6n1he old'eryst2a, a ic, Aq necess r tin d - .,a the plain papeTe d"'wiall Dobn fitted1oi:,, p e the bt *a eWay be used'.to f4sten,th' I etricity, an' another a a 6out'to� Be- Miles r4.?om is coir-, is bn -the la,lmpi hAving'a pott6ry d �tha 'the dlist kild was ackst :iis in tlia f:,thii pi -a": -eaing ifi'd remarked wtth,q knowing "'I sai t net L�not ITC910mon--auring ane a n le red Nvith and not P'titerpilsing a An o ear �t inan iii" thei1r; d th"n-to bugv V do�in'* Ig no ot ilnd inggy (iWtok, N ding friefid Take ut'the auga -bi r evbrywhere� dhIckens to die;fr6ni Pat' irostrtidn.' r �e r �he me to ta)Ii� iner give. every ri war -in-an nsb� in., The woodWork a� drop A6 drink.""' b "do - bag- shO ? Of also;, alTid Lnt iliey- all'd rim001), by lifilack. division� lines. This :41tuati�n W� -ed' V. bt, oanned goods.. 8 , 1 11 n, ho. bride� s -it 1i aI*ays-p,ssib14 to,draw in. the forbst. ea iii-ei" 4qariie� 1 . . I . . cupboardgi, and shlve ebur 46 a by. an of amp 6d-`APur roft up n stipre1101-v diSg`1103t- discitrded the'-wrec o q,, u anA`thAuiIt - hisuffleil6li if ., . . . .1 . , .. . 'a. 61, drinklng `w a t�-T' Ut W, p *19 'things 0, Pon knothqj a W� f d Lie 'tha, beauty and - not or� salt ;a or, hpus�e'wbich.*e ac-' pDror oi., 0 The usual army a. 4fe end o ed,'�toiith, at, 0 Same til lefI V ntb. I ar b re of. it, tit'. the' b�Tj(� PI.Per, An ofl. But N�re n I ag-shoez� f! d:,t a 1i 01) P, Po t1irou I though she InAy'll t, 0-awa f6.11low4 ody'.and't upper of .13irid' Of' fh4' desk:b outfits',the Lack ol a Lte.. 4ho In the 'Aidi re . 1, : : ­ is &oil Y mo -."day W1 -eping Vill t Whose eiltiltisi its r8juve F :un4e� it ow �upboards could sln� ntion; ,or r 5 r of the I thg,: thq time, t 44 rise.up -an b ml re fie , gilt o a ; c' in ie'firifffy' I am conv. IV � ad of Call �00 if are all the u"mar.i y VAnted a red riAfc!��iij thie r, S coupl�b,* i 0 COM -.1 yo nj .1 ni, r Cox A 4,loie -e 04 museum wr x0ni T-41 .6tali 6Utf 60, A i� C destre -toi, i i, I I , 0 var ops. 81 Oo ic6mmoll everyday 4116 ki!114! tr e. lifln-jr im , 'dLJiiVA a In wei g� d �wljjto gingham. or voi. I if Ila bst6li h ­ 1) t V r a f rl � 9hCoxpressed I'LA U �irso, cereals1by n4'will. standI fu ille 'tm- d, be visi sheme *hich -than*t,6 ir rai Ipi or An p IV wt.'q. to w n a breakf"t,'spice-9- ty' so that no birds' d r46. Itio crrip by'th- 'y a' suggestd; Tot this, room. is ope �aliging. about th, trqwdo e urni'll to I n A pre(onlin u6j pea- a o h All ue Some 6f te possible, tea d *h nant,' her real ,fri6nds In iieed. on ncs� I I, all ings fok SoS s'�hoapei and: -S hal( an hour. the mderhaking. So o ilia riftC, and phi-munt.... ;It" I,�f 11 i needs -a�bag. for scraps, wid . lo3LX ue. 1.1 ffilla 0.0.:tla with the otlier he �t, , t 'Callboujht, tor'thixt idlIkaji tl tAO1-, !a ' To to uw. flour a:ftr Lo Or I 1re YOU Cq� -old -clo .0. R, P apir, th �oh noads- -on his greae and clipboards mAy, bo of al '0 in b4i for I tmoth of a' illile oi� i th6! qe V although of eourse:sbe`.PaII:Us tinlos during the'. 141 )t the ev I would'iw4tch or's old' Iffien i. And tee it;6'and to, to 8toret -she �ah use 6no. -tar her. do blue; and tho�windolv t�bgcafiih too: worn Tbr usaT junhing (I e.11 ­ this; iyi . -.. . . . --.*" * : iourau.gar iriaw'ulfl� jars 'i'�o bought - vol o ox id ier ba d a ga Ri Livquil to brow' ging T anhI If natui-al,shado Is. iftoV avAildbio in o you. re rham-- Iii a �-pla 8 for 4, sha d I . I clotliespi�:s' and aid a -ack and, white Droos."W'ith thr!ee in.-' d "She 'they-ilre the' ve')y artij I adding to `,I;sugar It' b 4, blue b' d shou bo� I - Put hwA�y c i not iepi., w.h.on, vot[i OW'. ae& i nionitq with. th6 �sall-efta., vi -Vuripj any Ictli"arly in front aiia back,'and iriIth year toyehr ixn thus.. best. holders- f6i the Oggetal;ag whiell . oo d -III In i'd's the" SIX t tho -lee -6r. for tho tthibugll 'tho -d at fll6t 'erite�y ho itild' A �Ili to, L �4' lini&io� �'with CWV, 'Sizes r thb floor of a bh I 6leeves 14. or assemblink'A colliectioll �gMnsi thai'llee to be Pu Oil Jay room 4 6 4 " ' * - uneokbd fovvol 6.�. 11011 t�hloh Lie h4 birc . eeelil +6. bo..'sii&n -and "yeals. ize years re -will be wery-for'so' -itlifli 'I- iiiie when't are nte, 1O.F.Pt chilled. from ihiio beat, it so, ine ,Pe�t I' *Oul s othe to. it ri 0 it ';d a' k I' I' 864s. I: ; - - The TitnL- o. i isi ltolthibt dazzling Ilor quires 21s 5a r Id ft I" s'pot bollind thu fore 8110U� V,' ',�f 17% OjMtyshitliuld 1;4,chosen f 364nich m4toiiM P CIO 90c. got C tiv,�tmentd to saft sonle th P"ick, I eam A with,tound Cal- A ff e 0 te d, TT Pers are a 0OIISPjiCL1,Q%l5 R A': 110, il 2 8- 0 i r's' r�iso fl th6 really oi'd dishi f, u Wit s I 1!ho �rgck o ITo:v room lar �ut in ithips'and gath;afed td,low 466nd in t6lfie' th, to the develop'tho p I Nvo Id p a a,, which: she, no%, longer - - . I I I The. �60t: I)VO ul opan,,by lill . on the a ; The-tze I.ivo Id lining the', appa:rA.Tj V OVOrCOr" ty if alowed th romil-was dova!opod in the and t6lig P't shoft tltev�es.'Slz6s in Iliy h000 ch-�st flor th, highosi it ith Lho' no whW Go ua a11 in st�tmg-a(Way bits o ith'.ths thein -1, fuily ripe oil the vine of T a ize 8 thears dwp.pfie' hdoge of r .1 . 14 1 ilture use of Ili 6, S Next,cut off the fee and sew the two, dour, was yisi �4� *per story ivool Avater---!n�i leav _j;li to desdribo, ei will be,Tound ton s' 2% �aI46- of *#jg4ritli, or eft -over 1ood in" the 04 or' ico, n�the- bes�t dogi y hotts,2� ther oppt�&Jeg,lefigths toget,4er, hellinlifig. 446h: �ttrtfally - 'finishd' ilaft&64 httfic yards of 2,06. eo, teuperato. of ripeness to.r pic.ki thii - edges; I SUP il,43 e0lllictiOn �11110 a grAilled 'at the of thA i btlt a lit -milco i4l . I I(Th (,Xptt .?ust lwaiting.46k th6 w D6m? with enL�ydi;, t,6 n 40N,eto�. igje�s j.u(i' Lim, 41abialled.­ "dust -cloth�l -an s w.'r saw Ia a 61y. tha tin"cans. :is th weir i, k th- - ey d the bi it the side: wall 6oht Lind baelt�cut.jn Y,6 a o iinnil m( h is just A�s t. t,: theao* may-' ve ot short gitI herul my J.IT` boI co with- Wfienover m6ther litatle her rLgu ar and! rid n That n -,L' �i ;lei 1 also, botivOo i7 Y4 Io"'theL old 'u'gVj ii n' -fla n - tO years maquirs howK sgt4r. y,61 Irorn 4andpoint the of. 9244fich mate 4 if deslra&, but lia. -�Ir Rut lat- 14al; or iV otber.mat�rials suitavo foll, wqdIe efin, appred' tip P)CIr6I6 4-41 we.; oo-ary 'd would nignage to bo�, for tNvo Peopl, to'empty elloilgh., 10Y W U " . t . I � 'Aftor 4he- peAts ll:a�e, WDn rial 46,� the- re*,s, an a :d tea slid baking pbwdat- Oil , Ve*. Nval-Ill aRy the'loss, 'foe!. j3i�-just�tll J�ftst� b. The raft 5 bog for 'At lo4st one of the n Alin" I�ts 'kinds is I�t to be ex a,,. nd unfihished 8�-Jn0i a-'80-inc 'ha With Ijd0j you know—.to eft in the r� rough tqgs to put''away with 'Pridd 20c in a cool dAA r cls ON the, bloont(I Ithe need for 6ti6h eason. at V 0.6 'fi lit: �qjl d 36n o th f *may. the �0 ritong(h 1 sp a'f he with heir 00VOrs, 0 ,an 6 t th *oltdi ('od - tieb of- V'Aci tlg� fli,<,in �6n i6ilvlm n, -thii �c carof hou�o t1y, tho gl br( 1104 state away 'Ar garinlont,s, ljigjl�. B6�ivo 0 h got) . b�e a s � rage oo who doikifts to *0 to, I ni, an i nhip y -vv -1 T'l-TI-Ifit —la"Ic -tuck lt . . d hold mori �hari -U, bo. 'Pro, WhIch is tho; oii'v j ;I N har d h I'l ta n; -nialgone ail 6 0, SAI g d ane veriently a 1h be curt Hr, th a SAO ,Peri -W mot] i 7a 7