The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-08-20, Page 3T'IIF7 7-7 j-7 1 Sw I jfl� 'rU . ..... Off grldless licit QUO YOUR OPP()p I fit on Prior j0r� pays xzpw4ro with -its ay, let one d, lot: MI. be 4, lypir" an ce Da Not oe It Poo rak0_0 - ' 1, S, G 1 A -� I ­ . 1 0 FARM, "BOYS!' '141TY1 "WO of h I AN * �a4 74 y r P 1941y , I fel r Praptl�41� pp-to'da bL t; fie, NOT,". VVenl the. '.pro ..AqAry her .0� 941,X, �tak OF _jK­ Ile an, twice, the mosrlal, qP104144 *t f 'ng o 3910,;,if I lfq.* 0 life -time 91ft. he year x Is V4 catio to, a f a rm er I youth, aro. phpr ICKIN "'5rror4j� th f our 'rakis Engi A dp n ad J4 on o fp., A wt ;!a W 4, j3y. 41' H.: Rpsny',AIrlop U rom- to'tlle O.A,C.,on So e. ber 18th )3iit I'l.iVe �aq WOILL May, Tleber, 1;0.00; �Por4 4Lrm, oll!ce equlppe,d with: hgy,making only $2p, p9ord Others tho first r T f, r St ingf room t ee foe: tho ..... he m4r� 7,Q9,-a9eq farm, fine live ptqqk?,� rn9dpr ma hjpe�y, should be 'out of t -eq,url0Pe_!4lill0jnjt0' Traqplal;0. by, ty.nearly, the Jiloxt hultdr�d, eel, at. J., §j4Aey,_G#t.qWj liet for pret living co"Jottlons the be t W. years, Let me give out'Whateyer PIP for cLqllegc CMpn�d so, rp Ly L'.111 ar do* �e' Qf1 �oll gleriqp '"d. P i W rj P yea fl jD;I viewing Fj -A Broke On Progress. what material things 11fo, may be _21 pg The& 1@1104011 firm bu.041ng1j, barns, W COursp At, il X K. PORT14191'. Wo! Qtla, But, t ..hearing. OLDS, MiAl. "Wha %�g' b'Aome Ot�'Lj?,JerTe $OU_ I g w of4. ftrob . h Ila a 'list. me give ra -epldcnt lish formlog ei Isr OLL. thp fiet, that they Are m'"6, 09' 11 AIY built J, 4YN illipmep n elm T _ he 4;4�� L I"I Y 6 IC Ropk4tr4r, t .5 -no. I.YL t.he, fp44440one Iment, shelter r P I' , � a*1pig, lierm4ll Q ' �Q , TUAAL CQLLEqF,� 0 frent, vide,41 leurl.1 asked, MW4 Spulaur. "Hq was i and the; but-ldings, .124vp loxig.jifs, wilth, cuttl4g: do -WR qu pslIlftirii f�artll gold, CiNTARM-AORICUl- e went down to p6lid, u Q1*W 41 t;., U gas est of us -the -ye4r sly, oiar, pqpl -f� If thes��. are, through Thy; botin -Y In qp4t, his '10 . tQ. a g r Etagnation. a one wh 44 hu44rq,4q, Oj: for You TAT n all �tea th -re The The universal' rqOfirls 0 APes, of mqtA-� -corned., going to 94tshine a 1, t0jo diy 1, t sh IA fpD_.;Ai, a desIgn.1s, con cracked, wall.' keeping a OQ1" a.n4LL s his old-time. llvqi n1d., oll W116 BTjtJrh I farmer keep EPA lil-l'�Ild -q til rOof*—eAts-I uch good pgt-gr�qtsr than such fleeting trepLry 64id, Angus'. agons. 'Th tor P11 time., know Where,46. Is," W equiplaplit. beCrAMAe At to W6 good were paintiog Tol Is In eggs, butter And e e 9 oondl. e. cog d.- tO s,'crdp do '41�! 'a.i tfou h AQt 4#QF.,. ­ ".. - , 00090'i'slal.l hav be 'd' 6�i staildin this building over again pros, May. S, . OZ94r' w and, erneiit, manuf4li v, f4M 444, 46 a.. vered with it? The British., inIVI . .. ... I to,day ajid� toi,.dQ ItAA-A,ia, he Is making underthis low een,shed eb. peTrq,'��sni I wa, qh,64 the re h Aacemopt,. a�pr.ogi,134m,. -But It. the myster thb, Licking a We r6of-' As- t p turer. 444,*ccOted U 0 rc� 'Ptylp WOUId:'c r6mAAe0, . '4( 4 iied 'JdkinglY. -.ct verituring forth -:01th list Fe and gmgta J.0 Al §tpup, Angus, gelatin 11�i,formWkens�404. Ave 41 , hj�� Is. d' ' bpd go-ow'A' -4iige Wi liulod JaW 1 role. In'stgad L Job 'i t, ri 'a :wajou looked Oretty"itged. methiii'g, so n-ew land 'go 01po or.; tkat yer -Jittw'of It will" I ow .$94jour . es.c that go done. sq. w.o,l Y., oJO MP 0110.11 . 1 �b�6 1 r, . , r I 1 4 rcimilrk- farm", _: . - bit 0 Ight: . ift so very Old, � _. , - , 1 isr,"U. sic or 4noy, sevi't4. ye 1740t,* Will- the Id rap hiso.'eld stliff -to n ed to Mary I caroj�a Pavtog." ve'r, 1p_. lie over ill'out'll$ Y ter ed I�k poaoe More.. I'llan' eat-ef�thQL�Wky V1114ge, 94 ocot.. 1 a 44 a, kvian @At ions,of the mourar pajr,higeg.-4t. a, ftln4al., QV 348, po him w.'g th min. ho did japt r'.!'., tv ino , @.r. cogri'lze... J-6alling. _Qrwar4i; new': :c9mer said, ,Yelll- bmq a,. I�r h r t1i e, o' q,, corpse Vite LIekIl*.SWne. Was for n -&I,* n line 'English, foxnj qWpMent, 1'1044e 'a f6ellng that,' nl�ch FI I hpimp prii, o y pli C rural th,6, modt s,tTIkIlfg,;to'Ms,v?aP Ow, England -Wa4� built so, PI,1dIY '444_60' ther M44 r#0arked; 11104, 1& the sioe� whith .'6no. U4 th-sro more than d w aner of in!ilute la"ter lig Jf#O A w ..t erer"Are I 1arfn Wagons UU) Ir %eae, a d bef6r6, jul:6�i P.a , 046 n". 0, t 0., rn id.wo, an.4 Plows I'b ST DICINE" be el C�p. 14- the air they, a:Ve, teaMpIQWJhk h er.r urge, as it, was but t Maybe ye'll, tho�rli bet lijess� sufficient to, ur,nt 4, ful-l� t4 Rnglan,& ereWas vety' to do tain; is, ohs. of -the most DOI) hat tims, opn' ty efin, fit ..Vorrec( 44ent whichAt 1, load, t oath emp rinq 11 d 's aw Cams he, AASWQri� tha!fiYi4g i�vice Us' 't d t one. �Asig" thin Ve� has Yei]',��e I hid noticed' L E ER, tv A briljW teiiii. at th6Wn ',through .,'the-::,I4t4e).r -,his b2ag- In the, niol '..atll #413,. the farm hauling Vndor their, PtOal)I as,:,-- I! is' a arfaTM h4vf 0 ITka io.O Tlbutes to;his h, MOW Of re pit :th'o mobile tra.6tor. g IrMittship -a� n lea yi., 1 . i 1. .1. th ills- I y, w ellil. 0th: 2�whesl 'c&rts:-� very 0 ary� - .. +..., said. 13, Ma�p 'r;yfito ths.'04t Jig day;-, rpr Ofere are,: s, r I Il", s'remains srt�il khidlei'and' #004 I �`Il j five 0 1101Y who w 'en'-f1Y.IIWi .'thitt salt I ;.cOMIdsja$jc, e��anse".W e, h n- an, 11 2-Wheol qr,nezily �o tbe q�ip�e4 witli, poveraj #mi rom As kjiown�veopW h IT914- r" draw Praised bY a Y4 thodocIi*,,6id* me. the plows, A a to th -orsteemed, book' thoo9v 0, Englad a 'Contineint: 'Will' Only vGrr4 weell ng own loge.hards. No S�otia Lvidy. e N*Qr, to talie kerriftQ-i4es. halidff�.Was it. one, Mornino was bound affairs an are sed foT filly sort wlndlisi-q�eraied abjks,. gageg III machiles Piloted by, niofij th.Well ICUOWU an -d ta;ntiuestloh. 6Ts '_pIQW-- 14 de-' ye I . '. - Tbe'lariest leaves are to �e fqu;a. m 8,1 watch, editating on, this frapor of 'isinat load work.. - It i', Usli�IIY But the typical 041 ..e There 'can be -no. d�6ubt that'welght Hemford Is Mr him. ed�a herd, Of he milk to Mar- sign like,the gr4t-grandfAthor,., is, ps the Mc, 'Th an Important. f actor '111 tbe'produc )ot remArk4b &Apeict 'How * cli. salt do! YOU.ConSUMO?" ..in uY st hauls. out the nlanure v Allialida Woodworth. So 0 to years. Perha MIX ki tfi of (he hoariest old, implement we !in o all. a heavy b'� in'tha� ra4c'6--he at-, on, tiees of he 14d on of'a liorse, that call a Mrs. Wo o mIsf9r- of,his feat. Was, t ­ d6lble cocoanut, palin are go 'eve OW reeog.!I�zed E .over a- un-� r, herb. it fd' ku i n As the been 11 t odw., rth. bad. th to, - h6S6 phlog Is i of the band; 4u. re- tained an av go. allima,16. !�4,qW much -Is 16st'. sac 'After t;�F encOunter with -Olo�. The beam and handles Are. the- Zp -is said ilient4ily from thd�sta - Moil t y n h-Qur:.,. which load. This 11 line. to lose be d 94 a era spefA`bf often thirty feet lon and- several feet A fow. ad ��Aates,whsl�e. for Mank him during, Iiiq. 'III- dred.and if t miles 8: Wide- on�y'on odueed'e'ach' 4 the'Unit quit ".of oarin riiiru R g eaf is. pr Me. wagon. painters, goingralefig a by- main paxi Of the'pld`W'4hootArf all 6f orses, pure-brod'au, years. draugIlt h raa;r�. As e landed, Captaltil Bar t attending to farm duties, she A I ild,they. arei go, stroxi, 'and, so, rs? road 'I met -an The beam, .1 s-h,94;d1ju�4ge,, Is e. peli sold by weight- ard to .,receive 'his Ike, V_ became terribrl 11 Wood- f M !As I t,hought.,Qt the Arms pilih old man driving one. of coninisrcial, hu y ru',-doW, Mrff. Ifi Ir M, Lched to the ste th j 'Was I t ..My braln'becay.Ae oaxed. - h.,body Of- f4js And. . It as recenily beep Y -as though her T,1fr1% congratullf7iOPS. glad.- ftu these, oart% -T ehicle more thah.'eightfeet long, an4, the, definiel ' Wort "seqs �she felt oil tlxe� !end of-6ne arlid Xbpler 'New,l o -n,, W pwoY tol� sy-above Ahe who, -lope - back. d h Iowa dynamometer a turned towater.. The least -her say,. "but I'm, hJ r inan may. si in perfet'"fetyp, , wa§ porched w handles s fit 1 11, Luh prove,. by A a blo Won 1. heard le apt -TI 'AiscOvery.'. and extended out 'Over. the horgeon 'rhes 1. plowf in . d, a ih rock t f e to me as� be. Mai to otan A�Vektled chins for measuring the :pqlling her'�tlredl --more glad you I;6� ba 4 411'.rf, t. bxe�tjon *ould',Aea flitteo-thrO d 1. 1 � I . . I power of -a he' `�'A-Widva7 I ' ' ne primarily ini.p. rse. as often', atti�ck d �ytthciris -aft equaI dista be- in ernents, of Precision. breathless. She W a g, :'but Louldoit. quite.9was it. ��.Yert the hind, It Wa,comin!oh fyVe __!A h of. the., it has sakl�essjhat left heral- Roy'411"Glu rd Not t engt been abund4ndy a IN IessleI -ba4 f6 by siJells of W IN, 4r a tractive, gening. IQ ik �lpterlal. Noting Mr.. r hauling bu Y. thtng make It. relatively, ed pyto�xun- cann Illess and frequently a -five yd rs I r... -MIOS r h hes. MY, furrow but ther For mo e than twenty -thw fered '"from -severe ea Charles 4pse, pull greater than their o h ' d -71ii�7 as he 61A mAnjoilo'd story. nq,' MY -Interest, a. Is an ar m ;�elght. tory -he re pulling oigm in length, abbat It, a s called- hering rangemok for ialiging'dep rgctlQ,,pu11 is' iiot moelY the Id �ndt h,61 seven, eight ki�. which Is' ^t p hei, foyal" guiro,."forr rl 't4at,perfod, vult I as ril�o. cjj1i file todk d itg hich, lay tranquilly In th(§'Ahrt grG,64q, his.-fithg tell.. -Afly as pelse.. Depth-, is Jlever v load -over a required - di�- paired 'of. gaining he has eted a - V I ery oqu a :hea y. and -,she: alm64i des royal train i &�e lain ther6jo'r"s9m0 time, the�piuft had a'cloy conditloA s a �ane, "Brighton it must M Turn',Ciuf trusted to Mare Is, control. t�noe, but,the' maintenanadvt tia r the j(;� A.] I Rijitt. her health. In., riiji, ov all 'At the front of the.bearn are -:two art that load.over.,nAls- a6ilvoy. if ...,grown required to el, day. ",read'. In" a- newspaper of'alcase oEngland. way y't s ern -a stoto axle. In tlid-centre tgnee which Is nWIlixed'at 27% feet to her Own, n whicti He once- told thli,* stou - all dverft t the 6ai-O*� 'made to wheels land very similar Myself, Was kther. w , as r 9 stone, I said't order. WhtLA this. m-an!s -f iced a width of'th.e PlOwt �' Th of a. hor-he u u 'tfmor iI . o' . . enjiy e. u*eight health, Czar�of.RUOIA Was evI. my­*ppie�the. inispiration and model are, t Word it -Vas r�aai io deli.very he W -two upr�Jg4t irod bars, - or in wha:t I b doubtedly a -limiting fact of Dr."WiIiiarns'ANnk Pill's. his, ads for..th6mo alroh, givw a oustravialler, -.9 ellicle be,' M. j,C an -6uud. to in4Ii6ft the 'law - V posie- can OM Kar, !the 1got cif its.' axtiffeial, sister, the ai �vith a i nge,of.op holes. t Iiiiiii. Moreo' -pills -a trial.., to Po her decide ddii whils oil a lour ri MATION I to, g vd these At d. And,. Its After.ushik fd*. boxes Is foun A e a �*Inmjluiqatjoh �cord­td 'Our Jaws,. I Wil-I'llot keep you InWl6us_.'ihis, inpetion oJas. ottho:hubs- dt.d no height'above! the ground steadily' awl. of , nine-tonths - of �. Its own * weight is tha, Stone*. se� fiiie. finally making :the* be=,.,Is Pinne thaVaborse cisn.,make.aAractive,pull, t Rills *0e. hejping�,46r, -aid. Dm : aiI-A in conss- Sore inuse.e, e w4s. ito % ed at petise.. Th ton Appear quite ��satisfa;otory, and,he 'two oointd,.. Jbints ylel d"the a Use ents; swollen I a u I ttrolle&, -an ! *ly 'cor significant, in stopp tinued thciir r el the trna heLheall lel, a a na ng- "a rack -or �iuble k n1,t_he1-Wh:o0hVjg4t h wearing out -weight horses ts. Wood .,out al, was matter,�. as dping'All 4r ah uble'la'sallva NOW, have'. guessed., lie Wa, 'YOU ed He' bliximed 6 w Id laanj "th-is. stone by1% *Ord.iA' T. is ,cw--. ney Vo _w-acrefi,., e1jid Rose was IriforTed t at the "tra. ll'was made,Aes; h We! wou �;'D is any P -a he had ever,. Jap* r',felf I . ­ , . . . M _,a:nq:says 6 0 ,' nalt 'and that It this I rher-liquSeW. too f in" of Some d the middle -of 4 pbstuTe The good a -itish systOn of ban _. . . I - better or M a her -life. 11 apparent, guifa�e: Oro eiiergetId I reol ifeivo 'us' CZAT Oxon thii,honeitdalves and th6.uobI4 go -it - stock, particularly shde�; they do for her,piiqa�nt'sple* link 'She gives gdredil t9; lick itiaccord ug the eart 'was brought, 4 me, aat -of hurdlihg. lJonistifti te th best nedlot*o* un j In In Is used -is a feed,' sz, to Dr. Wljl%��w n o j.reFjt:de as a 41d. -health Pink"Pilig, ng'Squad,ollP OF io tb d'' e ilia stri�t...�to-r6to;dlng,t.h'a.i,if surinke 7 6;lIty, to 7.pa%S- ifr &od se - says, e, r ob ever, un- Z 'fatteni ma, so.' A' Vor th mO0t:P00uII9 ilt renk om the heof- evi Weakness- Ing- 'round' f6f ohs OvO ..ahii-str011ilY `t6c6la- ..I- t, b n `-'at em on pra need C-tice- to �ontomvtlbie lig 'an dertake t "it W;6�ld is r0iiiace'd, frio of chark4.,­ k*icies of tiifil will' be'76 i4ow:A a6bfg. Y �a - Woma. praptlep. I.de mylsavings 6'the­ ,That's be,610 Oil-tY. ioqrs 6ff %� timb -and � the con-fil mende'ther pills to. all rui prize must go to on Grafi �voted Ijh lnt� s4� iod- In Pillg�.iroin any' L'n flock dealer._* e Dr( 0., �,tij an m4nurabtAiro ot'Lloking Sto"i'68'.01"J's "Id- the'driver to, nip, "land I be- tbjt�'.space until'the dr"tippiligii. Airortt� ce lbr'dr by mail At 5 a4 6f 'Tinedleine den. sav pain., a tialn], t acro onparTO as' dampli3si bi ''to t at 't, . 6 b nand. _t that On". to erve; -it"s 'to urn. 61 well, eo�.er the hen ttd as made suolit a ra-clist" hey�x from The l*WIlliams, Medici The-bli fi&t ord4r%)r'�tWO'h71 heel hurdles. dr,temporar -cres.14neest.-I Ont.. 11drea 'Ci pretty g6od-Ir' n od766. train' crew and on -one 'thre4 hundjed oftfieni'l,titoget er. '6.Te several wuls es to -th s -.'along to -a -new irea� -frig to, will. -be. 6o )Is 4 0 or Qwn-,en-. y9d! . ad f act 101A. set ot *egra. 'out!' of e. Of 'A lear and 'expl t hurdle tone nothing The type. T g er tions-c0implatedAhe �rOSPeatus- I ifint rms, In the Qn S] 6e - t. is -ran . -, auel%* 6,wor equ pmen. roligfil;4 , ouxited is own wind in th gbolli sit thousands dop ejs 9" first . plate, material eels.. -Theee,Da are best-ka A.,or,, libolied.tog . ether and! one ho'rse, can'. the. traXe wind, lt� ts commonly as-., a country dig tr ctef, egVeCl In the orainary:Phiglis Wag6 f Jet g-Af tor -4- W .,.- b IM linecifi& With] throu e theiiii -'I& oil ough. ailes and liels. i 0 alou 'I' 50 -yard seed sulned thaA­the. word s co the--othr_ W Ir into p ace a: on. tain dief! 0' r rdsi.-6 ra, 6 , onfldei�i 6f,''Tesults tht, 'ad-' b ause')d the Old mann; yew -tra e' 'aiiinifierc6, 6c great plan st, Orde . .- W -0- asked a di Or Ph grO f' nor, i"bout the cost. were: Wr lfow.,Jp. Th6 only' ago would:,be in'lugging, through a With ii, ninilliers , used. whb hio,jutt.-roturned AftRX -8,to I ..vant , ; ; to Lo jought-friin e . qu a He- ou re a bird." %t it Mig1kt blow. 't 'whethe th y. yearsi.finough extra, indtertal to rl n'n I a't: be. had to-day�'Xqr soak %this wind , tha. n ful POIA was rucould, nil nj�- gear �Afiil you'rie 4 worm ut I'm iloihniejearsP absence, sayf;,� oil, -right- direction, E4g mike a1hing Ins, attother fifty.As them steadily in', the lish rItbr. a t olng.iorab, you.., is Th6ss. hilfrAle -a. C, Us. JF Dt fo'y -s : interestin M. Ilf It Al hA)rd -to figure. Out. h has �ev'plvedl�aiv.sn; h' al -f th'e'LicklaS -StOlaes nPc"-' onldcir- able; and'fi6i sUbJ6 afi over,, 6 cost:, A g I Mann told Ine V the . . This is a'common orro sa ry 'for rfa-;xceii'. f or - thor. -hand. I' Of table 'Aum, he replied, 'fbu y'never L grea ea t w.as he d.e- ef flngeiiu foi, tirely, new hi md-�no not. -ep# r a wind with A piano. And f-deliu_64is�tratlon r e h On b s fa m VD .. , I , . elf te.conitant..'ind palnit#�Ing a', lot t 1, r U by wVCY World'? fjhii perp6tutty, of an. irriplement is. duq.- e, r. out and: that. taken into tied .,No: 6id ca, S MPLIA ., ;�Ind, - or. 'T ar -directon. tod'a., series-- o e sat down And -".eciLl elfhere,. suppose, re. were, no 'ris4u6sto .4ven' -Wh6nevef a welikn4se fa elop!C, T at, 6ve be' leate. �scalea, tb.-Ik ng Tile I' sed, 4 attribtited The, trade Wind, then, is otRf Of -Ani- the r nostint Utter y- amas Id barrel ion% , . . . . 1 1. . I . I � gumpleg, .. st6riaboqii the 500 -Year -O g.enerat N ent-As'hii klous 0 UTIU. :,Q i h ' rthfift hemW fectionately' to ih in6trum f -rack., e POnderous Hoy C at first thls� priiii oence be of Engli Igin. A mail was qn�. t In t a no pher� nds'blow f :tfig noTth the s�d of twoweeks. a cry oclent barrof 8 these W! rom -did soi: Ae Ayg..., But at 000ting of Ji�v now odmMictida dawit he, 4Ast Arid'4n the 6( Ph 'f -Why do- I talk to my' piano?"', he inAhe, c6liar-A st Do�nderoU1tnd appar� At the firstsigu, oil lll�eiis, during i mthern. hemis ere One of the me � .., 11 1 .. . . . Cate U7 tok hIsi friend down, h I; likely't tirity and d*U a'routftiqi'tiIUlb0h6 once. 'v' e' ts. little tones' B y's -.from the 'son -ea b&A. thirty o� said, lie p tine "Cum -see. it. .'They switched '.on - t o' - ligh 81 ently less o -We,ar'out. pikees,. of. 01t, - ol er g ab sj, �j% h tfint littl0i , , , F f -cu. cum The 104 q up f h Adh.sfde utcan, iv .16ne tnedicdtlon 'p hay a ets or -a few hours e,"ay 'grees'on e oi aster. In i's r Po;.�::Cive'k' ptogress,' and thq,f0',end,e' ii&d he arre, or Eriglish-farm' machinery, was -the wn I rl::-� it Is been tu deal 'd, in n be, ey ti ';ud,:AJd.` - Th soilie, places fie�vqxiistll L itackil j. A' "Will .141OV six months' in' I' leve, it; it: for baby..s t4itiiddt cried ti, they coinplot;e eraminat !or stM* da�riler,uiii es' Table wit'13 morp Aa�Y, ositei 'of mygelf. ye head. '600'' s. in 6 to nit,.,A iiiII 1661i old ond� doii and sli'ln tli�. opo kl �Uot r er'ecimiplillits it give4 dire4e mninsd ordiIjajY endless.;belt-type carrier su ()Intmen't f6i Uttle skin &64blda, ois, jh� mountafin� And we. shal .. I ; 4' i J, v I nd., t ." ,' c lik*, frame' LIfy to the, well- 6nime�ntqd -itils; dr�w : anal mounted an 6, lofig ladder The mistril-16 nuotheramou jt.keeps the", s, in tX lity , r -westl -wind' blowing Minsird?o ..,K)r, Aches. itfid, Point' t 6 iseet" fOrth the Admission thAt. , e, yea..S.smade of h6iiy, q4ould sa'y ro ptl 'relieve those trouploo, if; It s v , loont not.th and hc�althy. Cutictira'I'MIQUal this fra'Me' Are. four- ewo oa .44 4 6.6, 'a' ddae�ly. .'gaby'�d 0 kap. the* Oulf of felt pair 1. . �. -i . .- I neve Ikk6d, obstin I ain due wn -.1 laibil back tl�* heads -had, -boon. put ildeplices'4" Pro' iis s6eilling' and p9radn"C' S' In, every �tfciilarly...in a -neI& f� baby.afteria�bath. j0h cha Tli arrier let s always. kept wbo; car ext bec- 1�j-,ten: beams: 11114 fiame houI& th i)f MAP, e1tAry_mWt,6d on prights s4pportod, _sqiIFe!L , T 6 as re dA, e, v,l�o�e:,w4erejh re4rcyoung clitidien. h simoon is a, hut; gu'fio? ons of th6 Bell ern isttit6s the neo . I - a. There i� o�,other kg'-wifid tha t SAMM les d6n and - th I a:s t bl6wa in" -great' 9aid eys;i___t Ir 4 ueh 4eir Oil the. trtick -l',fiquipped my� , ; heirn (;ad .:.are of'' d e, To ado 2o0t*9mte-nt =SNW6 Tough. to the an S floned. CAUE t gency. -i 46 5dC* 11,011 .1 riL Again theftt was an admission., rom ol&style.eir 'I and he mother -has e guarantee of, a Africa -and -4fabf all t they 4rii Ali- f North A r a *11!4�. 'foir.his soni well ltoy;­ . , : a - i C51111 Votich", in,wh A;i ilerse pov �The -sir6�6'b rki LpLxlou lie h 9- d� % government 9nalyst tha '7 -6�t-tlrxt- I It can,06int'any h 11 ra -��rfj sr�u_ -Lqb gem ad balf is -sl ang e.,. _ -:,� ... 1, coMed ti) I Fahrie fe�-Th��.ablfi At, Who. handed liim� a liet"o htl taie& and that IiiO dliettioli and- tiltlinYl And as To h go�j; a' tnedi Liniment foro9rhe arid-Wdr�ti- 'as nnard 60a,utiful eastern., a) is 6wn-,;;kfe's ni m.d,* there- .'There Ugot *Y teat lilig edthe, rest Of the' o and,'�Y box from The r: Williams' Xedigin, marCcame, uPOj2'h when M66kvllle�'Ont.: pew d' of'61italuing X'11' Ifivithe And f4sar an entered as e�ll. d And und'undbrilet. �nts.. �Runj d4e dealers o -;Mu fth r_AhoAiy'- before: P jitij, hhd�;i�&J� noun bY' inailat 25d a fli iat i -dads. 4ild And,,ho How 810, now hsLiT 7— 9kifile , I ;They all listobad to Mo., ro., C,Pved On it� side nd, over, heAil - "Irty. had sent a large pum- -b Is soii,� tho, fath 'the Vi'9410T, AS he -dropped, the* barrel,' Alpinit, Wi w, ab t LT aven, tb:d 6kcfletobgue�'Of -'a horAl, iookdA Forgetting. about 'from h .0 3 e, bott!es ou 'bar of sallil "his Als-, t to Varlotis ilyeler. ep laiiiiid, 11W 11 In Ole barrel ',4,urried he 0 linqgni.pe oll, Roe __tL _ _k hope ^f W C0.1111110rCIR — _0 g 1 11 t. witill eloqu 'ke My a W p oovery to III as not -a I learnedly, 110 RSA do, 1 try- to ep t UP an Q�7S]1`6 . . oWen t i for advertis- ,Of Licking n6w,sei Of bobfis. perturbed.- _t� anft. wonderful Advantages MY MeWULQ JAC608 I purposeo, .1 gave it to th Mon i vp him, my 4 -licked. it; put Variations acob, Jado s6no J81016AP publiss] out Ljdis�. 101 don t know, Whether I Put, 11 YOU' 'was t6.tha grin Varlatlons-��Meld; i it down who n gle nnnd to'th6. beasts. this. jbe visitor began 'to JA!rhesbn# Jamleato this.teg6m'onl�l d. -not tabJ46 Co n. �6 i�id-to al .-T& men btOad-IY'. and the Than Who owned the., SO' ITk They were.yery nice about lit Orisjlh--:-4rlth III ii�j I ,, r :&lend *lio ng Upon in as he 0 wo - bg�jrei �beepishly 'UACIO me., , , , .. ., , .. i,_th nlaugfie� �a, -Olv' a Souroo--A an nanne. si let fire he had T. was' ii.eiiing oil Y -It Meldou-J&-n Tootest, Pinkfiam.sl V Ong which wou ir respeutite FIR, laug aVKIth the I quiredt th tabl' li Tho� oidred M6. win�j �ttiffe6i ist the. game old bung-, brandy h. ol pulaly rog�rddil JaMes, riations Wilhi di and 8411A.Tiot.la the Berisis Oth as' Irish; though *th4o'd be er, n2i;erable, and. had beer w6rii,ing, to their ho no' doubt, ari'virtually th un� about the N)'rms Muldoon' aria'. O"M I- ly. reilatio1301% even ro- i4i b- trio But'Po. PrOr-�#: I tit rri�ny oftiie Im, u that �.tlloy Ito) ed the pr9nd'Iff aints �,Ijl throug im��ioto 'betW' n14ainilleS' be4artnKfhom, -lite pitable, d4s: .. I of an order! ple, -ts, In.iise. oil d esi�: 4 doon. not tho it" men d your h*t"'vet, -IS% ith plw the rttg�ed. way Was 11VA11r, 111 C; , ti ',I retired into.,mY -wiswam wX in:w"Wh4hey tire the tip�e tind wo th a sense, th Ill p9s 0 �te. I liad th'f 4 Now raiF stpre r There ed 8 There.'are did6rent Irish, clan. -but in I.'' e ' balo,. ji r3i 0 iearS aiia giias ing lIt togofhO, 11pe 'been 0 nameg ficim which these s are,stImlar, I. jja,�e Only 04e,' f I n j carnei oned ya rup A�gliplzed 1)�me �Joce Of riltin had.,brokch paitq,. to ex, .,was not A, eY left in"my often. �afid p Is no� . This I -ilie bbirfolia, re4ult of a, fact Inndtoldmeh0r . 1. .. s . .1, . 0 riente tj Ia. g-i7en - ameg 'ob An out 6' whleh�f wrilarly was bloated bung;�. niedi n'g torn which any o e whicin s -fiot gener4llyi,ataignliad, that with f060-frabc bills. , So: tali luck 1101.6 f-aghio-ri that th'610 could. lay claim ftfte three liaV6'co mi"ty, in.the ease oft d a t a so rw-�4, IN ponn fr6m. a t is same ;If butter--�- al resbArefi. 'You could: ma a k iiat' supril a*n ter," lee"'And dilo 0 t1' tianitij, �vhlch I b ttl' gods I.returned -to.tho bIrth4itYli 1P I Epp d* and ai lse& that it W 41d b6 only fter the tlieAudIvIdulj'.aalde hav s "M RAND 64 of � telit f n to'say'. -to eggoi k iteiLs d spplants, ngoe V 0 than WE''W wit I piqlxte.'thaiiae o belng':'t�fight, It: Both given nanI63 be6dffi6.Wldaspread' Say "Bay' -n wit, it 1046111 M fe: d ANT CHURNING tier qoIurnbus'S.',Vhdh,he real' raim� tlirbij 6 -'alropo in jtrongc� - and t a jbIlr1stop You know. th6,sedtlon. of Ireia:nT. Nothern that th a discoverk - led' glai'J'found'6ut rowtif Lot i0hristialitty. and the,fiold. of 4 worici 9' PAIns left Me. am Unless YOU - _se6-, ici 46 �s I think iS a on to-prWom! -ailcleA pko�.inc� 'stories of the BLU16j6tik up- In the, it'for women -xlIc.-havo,.. Cross on artor's Me, 9 That This,'Labil-' tabl6ts yo.0 re'. 1� xi6ne eqtial to O'REA wag 6 headiv the.-clan,qn ille �opuladorh% k fort, ee ubles of this kjild,li I'can tro J 6f ge Ing pj�ubd. toci� ng athe IV e V Ve. Com of sur. apparentlyo About .870- uro Edw�rd uct prov by i 11io a goo, -6 one -as. W-lifeh,waoto thfi. � .,%re tjje pi-odt 411 .1 ulltil ufidod at. 6fte 'period lator tfi addedt We 61apply, �ft A.D. by . MaoI4�1 a * given name Ils n i th and pay -express baxittile hance r i, Brifid EngT18111 dd tafd I-Viving urllsg#�Jt was of biblicai 6v the 66, 47 af4b; Was, to--tulti me ObArd6o �jrd Vay daily, bY #x don" ' in Niacil"" and- Dulihah;t' moan- origin' Fox� Nvire-rLi,cognized. knoW­of,.q wonian,�uftpring' I'a �hti (fro rell ery roll--4di preseiibect by'-phy5iCiallS for 25 reall adved Me by r Mney. omorij, ,which, can, b who'. WaW,, or 9 abi' to tell het �f it� 0 -Mrs, Wm 'Atbstmu% 6veal fig to Ina the ca6hod Ing 1!foliower had 30401red a Dvo !&bet on ey san some gjVdh knor I e 1, Mount Forvst, 611tir and 0102i, ce.n�§, I Nivitfio Arge. - 8',biothei of (Flogar hrough. the MCI 0ficatton., than fourtfor! No. a twvog: t 'Any all setvie on on or, /Lyea gh ' King� r otthfi 0 n2olielof-uhts of' ocirfect b hiir4l 4 mt the ljoinwon, khoW 'that buttero Milk and, 4 aTo'elitain the tdp price,,,. broam the. 15 th. monarch or Hi randh�i - and Ang: Used for Aecept �ohty 1( �Vbnle* U hi . I 1 1. .:, � . . tW__oh0 011-0-r tQn.detavllyol A14,XLIngAj�,treland. _(This -11 of "High' .1 16,nd6. o findinj h�alth fin Lydia F41 Pinkh treg no ran 0o _brcrfre"�%fonl�" - 1 0, ;<, , - 'llefW§ --a so xiiiKso, of rfeji&�eg f om�- �'T r e- r- con 'olitalft A t. r 170 no legs .30 6 n ad, as designating ­ ­ � ­ . f tild, .. .., I - The �Porf' t c century P :t toh thirt4the -tb( tt which 6riglhit Write or Wire The- tw,6- IlL&' 04tto I r Ji npwn ag I. Pal', !nation 0 -9-proV eTitage, the, comb find prides, -which'4'oqta'in' eh dite�tlonS 1:�tn --,just tooW And herbs�drid it can 0�rdcii at iVilight- Howes, the: I Y 4,131 ux�s ot, 12 � Colets. .-I by ny JB,thb branch' the filiti"'I wonder son" In English For $ali'by� aTr,`druKqi9.t6.. W Also bottle '�Toron or ths, ON at as esl� In Ontar�a­talei Ag'ant 1-4 a of 94 nd 1100 -Druggists, -mother. it I father s, g van rianle W 0 , summereldo �Sedt.Ie;ren 14OiAAN W t um . . . . . . . . . . aONT, Causdii) of 0 Ing, w U J*66 0011. IL A` tie N -Why $Uoul Ma 0 You. an 3ank of, Molltr-�4 Of Who Y, Ireland'. over t ears. k 4 . .. ........... �'!