The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-08-20, Page 177_7 =7 777`7�� Y A. T 0. T ...... . .. . ............... er" - �V_ A ON SINGLE COPIES 5. CENTS." _i,925 U NOW9 OINT; T 0^UGU_ST'20t L $2.50 0 poo P DVANCE M,,Il)DI4V:' $090% i 'e4the NOiES, C NQW' 0�07Q_.Q_ 0__o�l or CHU LT 0 0, XT. WEIPIK 0�%+rr;Q' BIG. TQURN "SwaR Don't �;4�d0mgsticslavc�t..qOQktngr:tliish'6 0 0— —or ce, B.' A,, rector, Tq�,e hom $om '4ke*$ 6hd Pa§triOs fof' The - ;:,qf the ND pENERAL q, Rev!. A. A. Vi qwing are 0e.09tv 0* AV LOCAL Al f 611 The.Lucl�qow owling C14 0 6n, '.will bgMn daYs'.. 9- of SAintp ChOrehlr Lpit _')md and save Mot frQrn g ftsl�'hot e servl6e�#t �t. Pot 0 PROM NAL, CARDS 1440now 4stud�mts Who,. wrote,, p" the h =iial qf.th .�s ued, tboir. pro;r6ins.for t P� P, .0 40 0 _0_0_0�0, 0-0-01 91 Exanilpation on V-- . q I :Y,6q C, Ot-do''betfleirthan'buY. HOI t upday Uidd16 Schp 0_0_0��O_Q_. Q, on' er!s rPh nex. S" an4- the Sun-' ob, w D A d Br a h Cakes, —0 'd' totirn4mant, ich �yil b6 held Chu tai e the 4ta�ds ng. Ing d4 W ajo�'h6id 1 7 ext v o -AiliguSt.-VAt. VIC t Helens 'e, at SO4forth t i Pe c Christ's Churc�h, ..,p b 05. C edit) --- �501X,5 �Cr or' c ek. f -a pe4& W w IRV t, I - I I alft. F t) to _eh7 Wi I* 'k �,eacli §Il�day at th�qb 0 We - larger 'Miss iiAbal- 4 ke a I . .. a. . . 1 1, ." , 'n_ Lit, lit 06yolcian "lind -Surgeon. W1. - ()live: Alt, hPuld be, API "di ta It - . 1 11 1 . . , : " �:, Kit Fig and Aj)ple $Ju4res Alg I 4 LuckiWW C ng 13, 'B 'held -�t,tbo'Presby`tOrild er� piot r�, 4, � , .. , "ai C,; Al� ao e ri i Ath.,ritapipif Anj!., e, m A P One It � " - . I Alton"Spent I rep-�� Hist., It' as M n qndak, end It Aq by M, Preq yter,ap. C.o -hi- G., Latin resenting t '0 t Churches :,C. C W beirr Ont,*rrio- efio wit b been kept,an, r Isabel oinp. ij QXiended -to. ,the APV,, E.;C.,, -A kw od'ucid the,price, at I.-ic v 's, Iey .'con tj _lv�, A it unan:,' LucknoW who ip, IhA h69 triu r OPEd foo ;r� he st P, IQ. or efi.,Vei cc t Linou Akr- and But *.ho,"is h Geom. -1, Phy' 'I'll, C' C, r d Df 'it Id im'se1j; and,ont per �'>, Tues .1. � I � '. qhas *14, bowler. k eoni. k' �Iii rt D n E extra val 6erwo prop hed here ipple 1. ou�las C !fq: An d', evening., -L-,-A-n­-a-ttradtlVe_ -P Sua�d r tat, a y nkforn e DENTIST 4. P ay will coin an ornp. HOLLYMAN'& BAT 1101W a :-uglas�Eng. C 14.r Tire efivep,, .'Mrs. P rker, of guest ot th St ck, n Luck .'Preston The Rel; Mary A. 1), is the D.;T,. L.7UcKerikol will Dr.. R D. Winni-ired Douglas Fr. Cozi)p..C., 'lie ore.�� Eitrution improvome 'W4 Mai�tin. pho L Ow -ckar a is 'qee�, of Mrs. ­.resbyteriarr 111; Aijbk Felee�L-En- Ov( A subslanti L�ckn�w preach�, i er I Will 'bar. ifi n or loca k, he n. of. a. 1-ArdsOme and iher by. gas ay Church, next, itiorning. . C., Alt C.; Margaret .)K., Ged:� d Whitalivusbi, of Clevol#nd, is Comp. -D.411 n "Jub House,. recently -�compjetod.,.. This. -roll will. -phone 03 r of." evoning, -, and Mrs. M�Xei just�, about -the. IqStrtou'eh neces- th�gou�gtjhis woe MrS... Sj)ind des tvas, give' an address at 3 o'clock. in. e -Au. jI Oeoin*.'O., Litt. Comp. III Fir pot 'j.�r the ler. a a An ot Fr. do e 'iary to I" p Lena 1. H enoyinoilpt �%q the. popular game MeL od is v Faihily Theatire, S!uiipoe -The Rev. 'Mr. Baird, of' Newton S, -a RtO' a . , I . � I r I . I )3M5 �Torio 8 eila Ing )Owls I Port.'Ho&; 14. Br.' mist: Coo Anc �Hist� C.' AIg. C' 01e* a all t Phys. C., Chem.. C:; ite,01 Uil -pieae —7 VF-- di Poach. OMP pient 07�7T a The, rei Chorchtlast Sunday -T e Rev. W., ey A S of -Chicago,: is Treleaven will conduct ser, fi A e 1-joilder' office 'A' GOOD BALL 6 M11 c, S 06nip Mo ;n J�iornal :West Rcbert, rgan hin ill lit, . G g, o ver Abou,t tliq last�t, ioidon Johnston-. Y CAjtEYj N HARrR_ v with, Mr. and. .-Mrs. W. J., rdAUII* C. w 1iexe S�rrday; is BRYANS, ijiting 01' En I VC ag� p rs-on -deciales to. attend',�q ees"t�r aeteatis Cj%e ley at Tees �Fr. Camp. P.,; 'VISO C'.] Igo QM onto rig. C61:11p. exani'llatioll. of the. ey`0. 9� 6ptOmetrist Little. Will be' re Cain House Wed� R. 'Kenhody� E Lit 11r at' wat, r, Th' an.- Dr. 11i t c...Ilist� . C OUT' kiNLOSS folks like, to boast -Of heiir abriOtk" nosdayi. tig. '26t H ars 1:36 to Misses. Maude and .6r4t4y,,C ke e vitch- ball. games ap spen nig Ge om.r C.",' PhYS C Chem C Anit! . r iadd,,hes, - t Ing 'eyelids, friends: h si6i�_ of" a.. p. Ofte.af� th*e,,,T.0aIIYr g&4. 41, -the *a *i It T -Iind zWono., Ac,� t , o� �sion elieved. monilily m p,r 0 Wl' Oetinv I evg;i tjioukh'� ujid bid. vi at The regu ar La bti�k6d, odds' pain-fuf eyes, if the season was playqd ot� Tag& V." Ketd abaw Epp Com t man. �6u they- adtnit-;th-,tt Choy -need them. 'lasses., T r6 : r , I.— . rf ay ifirioukh pe South Kinl,bss. W, �M., S. li.eli!' at inafice 'to 'err� tioil�, to- thr, ro on 4 or F ks. ir.A:'still Iwing, so! 'v�hrall'you.- A.-Inys-ery to,tingle N �ater Mlsttake could in;% e. ond fteirinbii When ; M g" 0711P. the. water, on, M, " ; ­ . d at'. Mrs.. W, F.r MacD aldo� Wedhe kilpatri�k,Ell 0 Chesley visited i e 90c. pot y .. a OM d` t' A� U�eeting opened w veinst out ,ere th 9-70�- -7A �i st, place i1i the- Bruee' eagaire. dair AriIig. 1.2 blood 'in You U r t - Go . . ... !' be ;hat JoW.h to battle f a .?�Ipier A. Kilpatick-w-Br. Hist. t 0. 00;�o-�-0-4 0 a. a A�c Alg. II, YO db*, differently. g ods, store.4 -psi v e' I 'by S 11's ng West egi" re. nien ru e If You op 7. Y 'repeating -An.', C -h Luck, �,or g9 ng, r . . , I �v. - d htever we Phys. CWem:� b t I Lat. . . - I Suspect. that your, eyes are. no kth Chapter of as -its course. Gaon!,. II;. P y.. might Y ODY'S C6LVMN_ was on Prayer. .'P4 ..of: t ie si: b0th A.Lane� It C. Lat, -1. and 1A :tak 0 EVER t m. that,decides ball 13 are 80 erminent" stiruqtur6c 'IS There, P MI .:they �]I,61d' oi 6 Sore WAS salt s re e 0. .01 an. a tine e:ir ... g 'rid d Th _gea L d'300, tqmpO _n FTfT Ur ay ior g g?in �iis give the Ad Mrs.' Douglas, b' %q side f 'Teeswater. ties Lane S t 0 at C -C... i .- _' . . . .. . 1 ��.ajn­thelr_favor -Eng.--gmi� -&nej adia NAMI M M M a� ee, a apter Miss V_ a I k ai t �;eorft. Phys. -C,,'-C iioft.�a - Chciii:_�Q, Fr. g1a,.nr-:At, a gra 7 FA:.- Pr S,6r-.- The pr,? iii ng;-- aMrsilk.-T. Davison re urne n lPaper, Jyt% C.; Annier, L, H6T--RFEL With inlays T 1, biv. a ��ddbd. t W ry. fr , i =7�took Wal was. lst week ing.. sa pen y .,daY ok, di �C. Alg�� It Geom A R !U'S busin I ChejT6 the ea 6 Of colq,,�eonsisted­o Vhre� ull em and paini, ess a IS TheArit by F 'dTees talk, it000d- see- t -and in e.rs. cton tk!restift� Pap Jimifit uv be, seen at" MY '�hq Leagde an wa 0. belle McDqnal i1l; -Bf,.-Hist' d��Lit C hiqlC in mon in. g q eants, j Ajg� 1, Start n B th -at �8.1 M V�ny time.�R.� J '.Mrs. R. CAmpb'ell Ap�.' JjiSt.. ill P.T.0-MIET. IST, And 'the rdle' that the. 5 residelkiO , . . . 0 in arion -,aiid ..I S uc now.j:,., n to' 25' 'k Wal paper, a .-. - I . . C I . . 0 r, play t ree Ind linp.- stskmped, on,our. coqjjj,.m...an Cheiii.`-11; �ugal)- h the pAtterit Painter And Dgeoiato �'ioldjnj- these posi, tons, acl)lid adhing'a filitif do. it,), -use. -bed th6 iad6s f c; t 'R 'J.: amern s &11� Site d6scri Adritiss A ng..rl C .. Fr. pimp a f . I .� C.; C.; -:Lola. amegj Y �Cerjr r .OMP -e e deal4i s in all: kind Prios. All: dow. er t It'as th var C 6d th s.� Ot n Wit p AY�Eng. om r. I. Mae�Gilli_,Vr p.. C., A17,. tion in: ndia by M-rS. y as see; g: game ;onr Mon a F DIll.t. sell before seeint Mi. Plfui:,smeltzer, is' iIack* h'om SECOND� G w. Hughes' p, r.4 3ved, f.6.' UQ ju lr&�-�bum P6uitiYr,. , flighest'lita 'Thi A, -ee., ket pr after L ,.);nd,­Cho�le'� the. first C.;: 'ga)rah h Ing wcn 'ter.:ajj� enjoyablp wee a, vis w a 'Grant MaicKenzie-­ its At jj'jmo, Tuesday, T , , '4 . in, . . jid4Y.� ftrtie� his,'then was 'Edward, M f or- th 0 '1- 0 clock .,And '-)n -the home, his. -.ti ken now, Star amewon Alf Ifa cIbVer is nQtbd e s; f�teju the Isd Dean CQn1p a coinmun�catg. ch folr� if Cheale En, Mary Y. Mackopzia� g, d 'moSsage Witij Telq' y Instituter bn'd 'growth ""it XA. Ave he c6nto r. Lep of the-.. kes af 1 the iteiieph�ne; le si..wotild be.' laird -Tees is. W4n 'Nay or, pd s6ti'llarkey Mod �'Lit see tqr g eagg,L-was, pi� ave, tral OftiL6' 934-tf, 'g a -Ae 06mp. C.;,,Johli C., -Jul -,.;A,,,car Was admittealy anx�,Ou. spent' a few days last we U n�Chi, - ..r,. . �bui -it does�n r&4d 0: f. 'crop is It, 04� , . * .. .". . � M, i ar . I �up to a i er height of four' icat ""or "'McNIR7 B'ra.n B.0 th! fir'st', of. the'�- eighth 11iti- frierrils �'ind: eia'five�:i� T.�,'.ronto.' - intoestlig alk on oii ies,, J. Lovell .',Murdoch--�Arle er., singing., a M -C Tile Lat.. fre Perlzy�7 ' .: I "t of, :In a vor ove 'itoq �2 Ditjoit oce pie( eo -Mr '-Win; Litt -of " -d- cios -Prayer _f_._ - ef4ir Tor'Phtbr n� L C -�46h B.!Ritch!6-��E r the� nv� n Blit di -each tho� d ' : .. often't For Sala or ?,,orit;�-The Stores, ngst::they hai.. caueiojr roj6icing,' Aft inni 13q)r- pfkirtic� It b*,, W d oap Y ArOngii", ing wilt, . a -our 0 'oe to left -'at Geo. X721 b- beli Comp. 111, r. Como C All�e a nua I., I. - hey. geeni6d or' et' * . t, Kng. ulars a e next. airid t T me h r utherhin:d bn ev11 the at., jag had �vis.ting wi hAckleton-L 0 M James'Alton, p fM�N,6ir"40.,.YearGU MAcKenzie. t M M rs. A. hej `da,� ricy playi t 'A I, B ha nch... Aiii.661d. Cut a splendid an h k. y. Label'bri eac bu mtUIS Wee I,- Phys. jn."JUno41Wo te�.. things Hist. I, A19. lit lgebrri If fa. front a nin �-acr eld -m�--Eng.- crop o a a Wa M.. Yor pelted "wheiri'Teeswittej came to bilt, Mr. and Mrs. Atilt itra d and My hein. I Aqdre3r P-pencer e 9,, rice -C d -The late' ODERICH c' five Como. foo*,a�re�,' cop �6--Hullet.! . ? :C AT igbil Up ess oAp AlIdAhi," a d by r Henr ohe- -rb'OY 'k r., Of e lt.�4 fe'ethiih pro 11 !Bu0di1i9-.M2W7 ria water .9 ma Ing �,the r6ula S Win. �.Maxt s vb iinprovementi. 'Close, weeh-ond it AIgr L, G ys� -of. -C] base4jit, 4uipk o C on! a pien. c Ie s rwrth '11 iiii. . .. .. - . . I . The aninta: plants exhibited And other .�he Tees �iiciessilon. vis,* , 1, .. I .. I :, I I 'i of 1 .'the iinton., A. congregation, Vitem. 'fro Joan �11 Steak�-Ljt. yfer an. the st clags.1,fatin.. Apply tof�Mrs hurch "Alfalfa' ii. �a fir y came to bitt 'in the.. ]c Au Ill+, plant: r, the. Luckhow HiA6� it If. Ue Was 03rie It I eld -at ., -'HArtior Park�,'Go eri farmer. Once planted,'- it wi grow S or. W Bryd6ne -nd t two men'oh... as�- ''You can have a dop�. of. the. L h. ri,.clititim �d one b Lat Conip. If,, Fr. Au e9sie G 23.74f..' �`Orf f_W.t_w.eeka:mdat­deikL - ­ - -1 1. 1 .1 .. a I I . ��r_yar_tnrA 'very best, -in-to 1noiw--F -urr-T-hu0sday-O . . . pg-'U�0-IIy­p­T-_jL . A rking, the n_. Ou -Sff"a V=1 Mal av E all a �peer tar'. WeAt I ton 'Ste*art-Eng I Comp. C., Fk. C�b m P..' haY ac Ki N coliditi 4�­ Practically ..,thef. Lstur6. 'and the"soil tuall LC Ow migh jit. .9iii.they:gOt at of th or III t app! egatio a Luc Ill- Andrew' , M b� k 10, Be. o. a Agn C6ngr n.. iWas com6s..'better, risadonal,. flinis4i t F St. AS,- -niany,jkom. groLnd _I�eom.' C., P Y ro $es the �H41dn d D `the.'Air wbilch is s an' --front uilganTion.. Ill,.Lat. Comp. ii#rogen gan and dv.9 The vio ent.exercise ms hurt ul in.,,; ocauthiging, to rom, Michi Qj Chem. Vill .7 r . ;� �. . - Tees lie, Hiirbor�Piir -prove �an attit w r lis 111 AlgL-r. -t chai­ h woji h ;,anie ohich.' for. a long' OU14 WAA vqTy.' h S. c p �f6r i kna "Fr.. At m'G L' th 1hich i�ain e j.knife an gr and. sppirts �of ri- th6t.-wWllor'Tj dbne. w HkV ?Ck r re' -be' 4ftuclinow fanii,,wdr.d� over. or d ekeell- uiii , C., Sep -blended) $45 the' week with Mr.' an ent'piciiie ound Its. deep -TootS e Copbell T . oy hoiirips�on� �-Lit-. III Alg. III ooY wl t ous kinds �wero provided, lit w �Madio Rito (pastry)' ccerk Geoiji. well NETh�'winners� were as 0 iiAnei aid '--wife of all ag�s. 'W n v. g:. ppmor Ok.ders for j� h 'fe eeks vacation five ydars'andundei �En heat,. q 0�� , The. G.",W.,G comp C., Fr;.. tPlipt, , , Pr Coinj l'are spen Ing- a w w, . . K Feed. Flaur 4 lo*s: Girls' entieth' A. Thompson.' �l 1111 ill 111 1111111 1111111111L Aug. E ill 10 bs inust be p ated'by Y Th.-oiaipson---4nc.-­Hist. .9. RutheweIr, fty McKeniie Mow. Shoiti wtMrsi Gitirdner s pare W- it, I U.T. ip wey. Alig.�111 C ..Ao. G-j,Fr. q:apd, under unde 44 ICS Chop':$98 Oat t R. Thompsoti.� 7"Cash'. 'With a e $1.60 M;,!: aii� Mar Aitc is n. OL orde oq briy. Wrist sevim nd Maudid, Screenin V -pap, -T(vyi r, seven es, �on A10. C.t C' Pri all ei� Aoww-ten�per. -rjfsj�er, D-5-10 C. Lit. � 0 � C and -Aitchison,'r Rqy. 0 t I.. �.. . * ' tJ.� Cantor n.s. d Aylmer tj)f'jqq� papers wri un er itten 1616'Wer u 9t n 0 'd6r,,Vcrna E, /Solfomon. Girls,. teii aild �u A porcen- an A MI eron successfully �passod,'",mak Ait :Ijorothy Nixon. a aird in ertjncate� may,be 914 - obtained 'fro B 2, MUTILIZER Stew Mrs.'Sliffizilon; oi'Lond w ro'guoiji: ii�er Jackie' 'Fisher, , Leon tage of ofkr, and Mrs. R.,Ij�.:-Cainer. and 'u pkie.Aikekenzie., Girls 0 r orolito Fra M r C: -Tayl r, -Satkota y t e & ' I I � .. . . "k M cDOfiald, XIXLE IT'S a, fei�.�'fty.4 last wee nderj� torralno� Brabsoi Mary 0 GET IT, 12 --and andl rjI . d *ill ayird' Cost i&q, Allan F. . McLean- Prin. for fewtiliz�.' n E Sped Ldw F y, sjgjj� ao or a )sh.- Girlso .14 areg ... -13 urgess,: Are epte OXtbo ahoa4t hen. y9pi can Elleddi" And .,Mrs, Geo I 61ilyilo MacInt( Ojo,o— a er in j-at,ihe It Mepiald Stella spo .29th to- m-ber.4 2t. KNOW VAU�FAIR. Aug, I on 0, ',y!s �Xiiii1g:jh_§ ,wetl LUC �un�er, el n :$towairt. I Slitoply Mrs. A T� Davidsion. tS sts, for 0 Luckno* 0 an ortna 'Pre in t6wit�'a ful Row. hart, V 1 I'l e nA' The rizi U. to F foTicke d. Arl OU �,.J­9,2.5, ar6:ncvw "d. rp. aM .. in. 'McBride. of Owj las, Mrs. W- hai34. ers race, J.oan Doug lep Sound and Mr., Mid vg.. cc,. the, offie A�- Mariied * LadW. Ra e of -'the: seciotary,'J. E. oou KI I ff Get the quintiq nt, Lean; of Midland, rwete., guo ts of: Mir glas. Mrs. E. Jbhnston, jjcw� Parties hiteresW nd . a. A; Mrs. J. "penne to th kind: h _V. TO Ar tro en's ace, number of changes. tn,th you wont,, w en you ajid ms n is' w - -a li�t ­as,th A Marl A! Go Shorriff, Vera n race, rectors Aire A way Alive to theneed t' IV from rs, _Y�Cng;7U WA iiind. Herb Stuthe e MckAY"; Aft'd Haze da Cap, are Sep 0 OUR SON, 18ob6l Cheshilf, YOIII`lg� of kecpin�' 6 Th6 P . , rg I . .., = I W11 likim, apd �M Ashton 90 NT Ggo. 0. RT G LUC.K] Ingham Are; spending t lie en a race, . Qrdoh c mb. itZia Cakl af. W; P te at 2a 'a 'a race Jack Mcbo'aId.'BOy9' coa CKNOW R week Ai truce, Beheh. . it - , on Tv atchd race F E SIDENT 9 11 gh Bennett, W 64MER IJ Brabson, u ALL FAM. -DATES -n -Lyon f Br,Aji- H 0 9 as, ge H r Mf� nd Mrs. Be Neil CAitipbell, Geor hag h�ep.. received- Ill town of don, J&Ian.,L are'visit'hg,19 Small favors Were giyeh to tip word (W LOCAL,_IN* Ir a few days At betribit 'of Mrs. 4ttliur M11,1101 .".; 1 .1 . .� 1, 1 1 the, Aea f e6 44', nd.'Mrs, and all.prese t w9k,6 th Sept. W' k �vith ehildren"winni who th her" late hus, $I I n McGrory, , W 0 MI Splihidlef. rL c fed to i e'creaiti "Arld 110 e niade -and I fo� many yqArs, a resident, Sept, 26 b. WAS, .-bu,khani. Mits.. Ci eeket, W of tutkno*b She passed" away OW ho, has been VIM. U ILD 'Arbor ba , ing sG60rich TO: So�t-' 16-11-8 e Lh�: migf6t_ The h. n at Holln'svilli!: 'had I iiilly 95ih qu t s d&nl.�,While seat fid wlY for W1. le th . 6 -am- Hanover V:brikht a 9 a' WoStdrn d Fleur Mlls were At- larrigton' ....... Sept,* tunit fall, while therbt-stistainii g, arm�chair:- 'hi man�. The ladles pro�oid- .'We hav'' tracti ns e 'a Ga' r ad of S�pt. 291-30 th� food th'Ot lnakft',� Et -fracture, of,the, ily ived here, they o�cupied. -a eot� 8' -9 t.- rig, 'ce litoclainting it'a, most, rht stari for A d I L Oc 8 supper . n 'Cage. afterwardi, EAR M A Q 3"bou-1it by the late. PLE. FLOOMNQ i1gy. It Newtont And Vuh, e an , d. rdpi6d__ Kincardine Sept, 17-. DT1. Elliott,. aild - eildarged e-ek 6hinpi'tig, neat, pleAsant an SuVeessful, outing.. Sept.. BREAD. arispeoding this w Palled. I Mrs' McCiroky IS survived by uce t U Sopt, ..two witV UrV, Add Mrs., ppl�r Spr ..Fj-60r,`.Ajg-�Spruce-, aSept.. ;w1lf B.0 back antl two HAi6l(r.' 'M eri Was din ct food, betaltige tom, The Dri tEXT ORg B Itisb-'Columbia at aTheperf�, iding-and other Buildfilig 4do �Gji Saturday.- nia-iii Pease cdail Mild mid eten 0 lijay s d enzie Alway every. mea -meanS. abounding- �$6pt� is'. "Parii; , C, ! 'Mrs. D� D, s6f, tugtairis B trbit, Mrs. Sher Owen Sound Steele I .. & I alifarni . a mptg_ or, jc�ently rotuTnod.-hatsie �hcajth fil, 6� It te Core& the .81ji th, of San -Monica,, Paisley 'Septe 20,30 f, Ki �ery slice . �s �V on( '$� . '-- ""A - fe'n Sept-_ 23 ishnient d _g S paro, .0 n -V, . olas t 'on which enis' -Mr. 'and MrA, R, hdKianzie, jl�jfjko Ivi amines health A613elhds,��tet it, At your,,9119& A JL, lira t A0,, T& 'd N Ripley Sept. �9-30 FIS 'ER .0 Yino�r� BOiF 24- visiti *itb. Mr. Mackdnziel kerne ng . . of yeast And milk th at Port E gi lwOct. 6-7 oo UNDERSO T G the CA� 5 , , - . LhS.t Yea 6 attonddodd, , it -pinion 1g, 19.2 t 6 - 7 Poi MXR 0 -Tees t -in -POP- ,�V 0 11 �W, :V� Wa er.­�, �Bikox or.. 7 � Arton 44 t _rcjJk&6ftt#df�one .,,six, a Toronto -eviiiie Louise. 'Oki. ROI Imada, bui the vls* iol -eknOw CrUMbi 0,3 f the. �Iargfiinallow filling, '80ns, . i t t, MAUKUTS eanj Layers, Date A-agus LOC 'Okojit, Britain. CV 'Vlmollh -4th Atiel A ran r9f 0 o So into, Ralcra Rest' U let td,Mr 'an aAj a*, Zoalafid, c er. AM 'god. old dri0k,, 6ra rbfr0l,i1fix gggo