The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-08-13, Page 2e J, =_2 F3 1111 ROM, Uwr Ser Re t _bo� popt. 6 6_., , Mx-, _*.`00 1,01, . . '' 1 71 � . " I I mo f WL,,o1AFFS* .4 r- 2, :0 -ACR MS -1t ur�l ottAwn says; C TJ,G lip turnecl f o� Lr GA .116W near are you to, be.­ uliar than A 0.up,4 vt 40ye Poe , I This r Ai 109e a Poe going i4t*;'*A, uninUbite4 V�gi 10op tc,ask,�buj;IJ3 itT.'In Canadn's the �ioals in, cam 'can be meA am ger towns. oriq v,14 ggw there arer ftp-rw"eraffical. y;I good p use the that dwftit'. a AN" pnflagratioh hazards WAS 119, as rno You can, Man Y, hire d firemiood Provided qjs at houle. at but 0W opp4rtunity.t develop a fire, b all or you, can that v 'ed carry vil.1 �Ape ro C 6raping Own. in- inoapark camp p7.y assume p . po.4, UM.! pioVoi -0 cit th Of any local fire SAdy tolAiri foidlillif g ga beyonel'i'' P'CM t t orcorno. The, inotor ve-- gri -or a %.is., ng eqinp,�_at m �*roux; 0 r prol;�� #0 _to. U Oq many cas�s, Rt - t ha h -;: , St Woo" goes by hiclo It" C Pge4-*W*hSt 140'9� 4 i 'tio."Atteptign.is paid to d*ngerous cork k.- ireparod Pr. qWpver, As dition Iint 'M 4, T AL PAPP.- be. hen no* Olt VY o(intemplo" foj�j� "j)Lge Seldom out of Igpk. A 'p ly of ing, e1q* and m d iricQA losses .1 . and - -possibl her will. not rope Or ran;. oj one MO. 'Or aln., ._,rty oh"y 1* th au"M-0h) in ver t'ad. weather 11"vee'L ;Spl" thou Mttea. ehco.-ipui great, Ot I enj d as Process will. Xi6t iriapo.r, In "rpauy. 'country.., a 4re do,MA progress- *In fact. to , a, pacting 9V grea "f -doors k-�10tuing''Miat t§ it -t� pr4t A pwckint,�- been Allowe4 1, thea gi Uto- W d PMPUIV �;,eiif. 70= .�._.qqeedjj*, ap aCcUMUJE� h- ly _04 his T :oil 3 te,� S� W L that -,majr.,,noyep W. n 4t 0, few, 0*sHttlo t future. i4ge ju. it , oI, botte'L douid '.,$e fbdfid. consider,to- . Pr� 0 'jj6V, d6os A09110- t.. "rod be' r:l f Ij.fQ' is. Wquu�.bu poce; pl�. T Ilrb �kc11 . , . L. 0 jitt"IeL epo.rrt t a IW C is wqr ng, 061 .1 8 -which.to .-a iLit, always L . - - -1 *heft' I t WSAMP Ping of mw� t a .0, rtain 'po At at d6card Apd, no man q t6h 'JI r J�J, " I, ­ �L 'd, ill'B�top h To qQpAider. t &�'the upsetting Qii whoji the Itall t, irrla�,. Such a PeMn aohij Mbdj t aIjw eAt lati. 61' c�r an toned 911. at OutAt with --toterence to. q*ple caUjoe"any a, W 6iili tim�l you. So Ing So Much time 'Potsu of, othoL' ne which.. Hans ohler, ogds-'or wat4hing hie' with a o in W' two Asper Park lodge, d pant I tot, beauties of. nature. I*V- aj ktart a -fire, All t4at at: IT IpssSlangL rount riq ftAtiv. JU to),mo for him: to or thpo fassengors thanL favoi-Wo, wind -to' On, Se 'rf'QNV fo'r theri is a Ck n Ay 4Jj br igllL ewer at and 'the P-6391ble., eet, WgU, an,v retui6d' a' d proV d t The bo n J'within id nothing Q*A SY One isrooln t Ip cd of' � L' ' ;" 1, � r j. � 1. . I . .be entire ..s,,ettlefneA' epresents nq!c� rr absolutoly' nocessory'i ij, starting, out -got: a INTFS The A 1�et any one who doubts tli.e value Olt rive, h soit of tor I* stj ERTICAL robab Y ' A a, 9itour'with a. new car Whic #gh 1-10111ZONtAL.. 141Ug ousider the mov uch fire hnjarC 1. to e� SUre­ g1reo, ts 1trivit germ f S q 'asI ever be4,n udyartis t44 'Put one A -Oris ed on, P_ tentsive"iet of artieles o 11arAy I b 40t Co he h I-P.luck tics am r he -storage Q. i0 - As' 2 -wholly have been,. aild no,thing olige tak�'Iizid en- weigh Adition' need: on, 1$*y T�jtdr�y fi­wStand as yo very U are (JnferjI;). -.e -F they him ve pat to b6. of liquid., jve� qVo p bbr. I�itded furniture: and. othfr materiaL d 7-Maked -b r aK as they J"Et 4 "ProceSSIOT . - ­ ",L ;r.d. I I I . . .. I:, . I 'need 'lets. driving in, q I of tour Bu 'if the D he Bible. L(a e4 U a h Pero '6 !to for, sevor4 d j'M ears,' Ow- tL rt in doWnwar 'quo riort An The man -Dfton Qy 0 n tbeir. A 19ilint 'K Ote dhould into the pic ure�i led Nvith. onOurs gn camp, 'nisiahs or ma 14-._-T6- make it 11019"Ir'n Ave Makl-4 fire risk -:JnP.Rn* be0nm eOUlit 12, t ell �Ijtflt,,, to give, I., A, too %U tmjx�. w, es tar hot where : , MOB Hum , r 4 '-- 7 - t– — lie' bef h Orne ="U tiofiz 0 Lj fin ,.!d togrip peed'pajeS ner has &no W. vecdodittorig. are Mlo S bat he roolcal fruit 11, -To, 90M over �nd*�`to fn- t t, oroulrU O'L top-dFId by R me .10-ftfora' u&on ayL equil?m�nt Aou—ld- -�-aftor,the'ow 17m�-A A Monlok, 4.W isne,�, in journey ab aniesi they know', 'the e 1 at pu ng In wr2 lng� 6 r 0 oinIIan e no wayfarer mHaultain p tald .01, 6do bef6r the dinner cemme b n 96 Asks, tbey­� a" poij U to 'get up going, over stoat note ucb�.pp6perty, and they bate a r4ilwi-y/' cons 3_-�.Knjdhtq, Tom bbr.)L' 4t.. by Qle� A mu antler6r or on s tr c ion engineer in th have as to (jibbr cles. and pac away fany 8 -Point of compass their to on at. is, IiI6� average M g NOW We t 0 they winnipe Theiyl,�-xfiakw w inby. t h M 'roar 0 1 C ' as I Hebrew'ptophbt.'��Blbls).� h nical, lift. 24 -To r ry be 6 h of the vast"' ork out of per ves "t at sue w:184i goo take. The public-pays,the'chaftie." Mr. Hault2in On to erliment. rill*a� irmn be ep I n k' t * h' j4o� MAR� ndividUE n I.h, th43 t 6o d0ficultiei. To ob- eron Mcal note kl, property In k* to tl�l ear Wq mu "ten eig no AEF'UM d Wlrese p. A _28 ;�arlety of mineral, Seat but 6 g2_4A con ollctively, the: detail: of It the 29;-;-A w-ell-knoW" aetits he -d rolled h. d en wean; b"'.6fibe things td at rid for ornaintnts carelessness of vj;�t# any, anger io See erh , 6se an d ,very oo Both the g' oak, ai'fiax jjIg,the samv, pi itchiri th6 tent- or oild :plkearii ihe Iinejo us a man's,,b6 had, dt r, rolilling 61 a gesir cm NZ10ycal mation of dIsq --Guided oal ;niy me feII6'w tel I ust one indi ari, the destir, Malting, t n the. Of. nder con 27- t�b the food of Vid a' n" An �e;cort; portdile 0 t and the diffeteritial, IN it the Md- d4jg' 6� th h 347-Interjectl oats 2X. -A r b N -A division. of a n oiv od up, Is a� fa� j46seived_ fol. - '41 builffin and,w.ish-s ., tr�ffic wietho... a: tourist, 'g� Uwkpas and 'ned of- ail' 011 contain", should be'-dra. Ship 6r�pq-r e, holstl 9 4D. At the BrMah A- the- even days., for sol"t. awith. kote�seiii 88 -To. mpnd .3 1 c1 ir hi- 39,- ptlan, sun-gq w] tinii'th�7 S 0 ERY npon, gth-OVevery member 32--d ar, Nvould:bo 'required tIo rr aring the 'Xe U�11 ; .: in the A.-co%y j *mn -6041111'18 h d JLVing mi k, As same. 36m;�Rbb parAoa,:-aje you a prize -fl us strong of h to see t in e r OU rMy ment p t art of �tl�� prize tl The influX of�r for �fian -ep irl of'tI (ie-) 38--A.,d6vice for agitating the a r, vir .0 -ad-u e fto'rs o the invest pubillst 7'not a or th6,L ry if of, tent 61 ged rims, er view, t remain tc.,. - - i ' ' by Georgian railway 0 roeirif Under Amount .,of lubricant. comOany new &oyido . q',ra� * L sho:iild 45--A humb 4:��Ibekved 00'r h tiajjo�rs, 'Steering g0ar."' G*�,: he,drank :str�rmy waether�this T. cW bf the e0l 46-A' bir a n kboon, am.. the Nahq'y, fig I rod e mpature wit alis iled' Jnd'L Cjo�nod'� Out . 4 --interjection oula'be' neglizi e ded oJoUft As one bo'hz 4 War f 1812- w Welcomed ji Stove con-' ld be 56�-A kInd.o POOM pr�oteqton JU 111 n Soon er rn during. the� H compard wit 44.;-Marah'arid 0 0each -`Ont�, 'a no sen%L:-and fms�, oil sl*oix 'up, A� g" Irom th A Quand 0 47�.-;-In idditlon.I best is viorking proper- near Was4ga ei4ressing d cr ,,revenu, o , ; L r ha ing.,4 ary. ergitorls. ook �f 'to -a op ae9i aAerit wi intie pip, d =ept to Seo d kovision f it: alone e Impatj en. a 49-.Bluni at.tlii extremity, as 4 frelghting..,gars -to Mi sWeetheart_ PI or ly, it is best, tc for relks al- ithe Bay lin4. ud rdsy and !sleek wi the..# gging filleCl �jjporr commenc . hion on- 6ping been,%un- _YOU 6oul ou leaf that it IS 'Well th 64- lee Seen r�ady mAnir artieles have -bu' 'rn"j quj"ity . of.rlubricurd.' . . ;oin iho% cot, aiid 'Sloop Of COUjf3d I bo t h a on MOD' isd r On _e, er gr Id M pos shoii vei*d, :The dereUct'lies Un itoiAt­A*"ge Killbag -th-e ease cu P an 0reiiit Briti, 'rhe told ca pe diapdnse,wit 63��Oolng u and d log6l illed-with:the proper qu bA 6"hado 'tis r4l.61(nam' 'for with'the ftio If 'this is ty Of 1, 6� c6lor: tone an Irjs1hmaW. gallant t- M -floor. bi �'BaM8 57-�V n be I It root ptotdctio' afit,-and al points wilic tre, jeronvi ced. that neat —tor. q, destr�ianSr an 'M Q Ists are hay.-, -n d' . ... .. -a rain -pi ft C Id ripi6ug,,betwedn them 'd 'ea �e iie IRne,, Spr with:oll. roiift�a squirt -can; S QU­ 11 uor 0 .�e � -A d j! jtp ­;-PertainIA6, to stan-tilhavlan' the 8�fidsliethevld aval' guns' -�vhichl 62 An al�ohoilc time;on.:t e- aun in Ing made up,* t 0 5 IP a AMA . \ 'I ioads'd Grea' All. the *1 r I fee Aamentin $12 pi h d 64 -Tb m. Accidents art jo� U P world f4l.6 0 AMPIrIg beL of.�: bear- In 1aae or� simple -63--Feen.ch cc h r1g, Inge 5 ou de me ane'Jon't britAin. Since there. are stores 60_�kr notio fig� food* ifi;4, Th mnon. balls of :to b2iiii.outINtagla ihei' eeinditidn w4to see that t 6j_.;:P6j3itzed, iricrioaging 80i Y, 111114,- perso bei who�, has -1 joIty. �VeZ 6eldbih reen It -efound ilia misin routes, ki'ld and ; 61�-Polnt 0 e eve. j. �C-. Pitersodlocated a t y City in w I "6� A y rs . hi rd. Scotan hi 'The d'ea rate averages. -!ori supp�es for 1.11 ro weilt --_Looked a 'Close b d :cannon bal.' W yj)Ur -(ab Water .6f'u: S.': bil.) British IS, 11Y. nt., h4)JUW O�-A mem rano eck-I'Aren -t 40M mas. er a'� b'utton -a at' is ieol, -the. noose, of IL is 72 -To ccleI aud-i off In.clean lso o'Ate w. w1i rrow e _S . I . . - C 0716�7,6, Sing in' a'low, one th n,YL owns kn W I� riiig' the the ut once Un IfOM its, who, am 'P, stArt thei metric. m a or f 74 maker, Co�rjphriy� PS driving at )lot ..'L e S� *.q, ong .-new e&ed-w!"Well, 'wife and 1"havO zeeks'the Of odeQ's" and Roun teth 63sm-Awexpreosion,'01% by �td'r­tjj�. ra6nj�y 000 wee el e io. s, a' It -is th h f divi e'd it gh6 look _�t. 'i�ii*rence plarigg, -buck. aid fall 71__ veib 11tq. be" - ine d.6g agd,,-. over part ofr j;0i.den,' on one tide wId on heL aregsing t�, � tbe: They". -fear., .1 ' ' I . . i ­ 1 1, . who h e Canada roM 'C 'a nis�: city In, ren the seii� nd4�2��J'4ew England State-(abbr.)---'�'---othi-r—,thg-ahchc�r-�-sig�n of 'this -Rdyaf C411sei SeL. as gono backward 111--'attempj to proent,thb J&'�A.0 04IFCr es�,ness by theI at cat, t er t to iiie, b ially, and I look Af iddling-�,A-rid-4hezi- wa k jt con ri u ory 5ae Hooks for grappling and 6j'k' vy., A te etIrVeS j'nL the io4d. *hete th4re..�are -ask S c4eldbra-tions, and speeth&W�ir,rouu4lips, norv* br.bncho vi�g r -c -algo hAve.be I 'found. -ass houses, Knei Bi stav-6 L, . . en.L -first 'E 1. ­ d by -'Col6nel, J A. Currie, M.L. ted, *7riteiJin d- reeches, 9.0 'd ke. buitnt th6. three Who. IIV. -mount; tjjrO*z in, -the A std el Ifooks. t a W jvanes6 Mil)Ulitain.- o' nths of 1 92 'are t - tee 0 eieitod wel-e III. the. day t -1m 11 e :f u if paereage Is ut g of e St C4jjja&a4 that. 'he 'intended t6bring thojusfter� MC 10eu th'ik 'aid th bf_4dyj4�jjte:,.Iots out, -sq0eal. o ;rage, h u hamlet in. 0 . r t Nancy -to the atbention. r0t 3�11 PlitSL a, ring thTong.h. a eking head, botween rout fee -------- ;7- A in! digni -)is -Ontario:., -its, histo- alf lied- by hild to 2or - Luther of Gem. any d', nrfi6nt,- tbaV Of ance iover' nogo, so bp oan lead ifi ' -around 1picee the, Ch in some-' tbb-sir, In a, yerfect, frq.nz$I nder: the joint jejl impo Yukon Fish.Prod6ction- Aiu�e intezidbd tb at ni rt forgot N not believe ri en- pA�ee In ld of bliCking. Wii Nichif' He .413, n, the u,6 le� isbb�y on jI th, 110 9 moll wear long. trousers. qanlead him AT nighi!' ar. 16 '1 - ". � L ..'. - - - - I . . . ht b6L rp Territory iii 104, �re- durin9j,,tb,6 su=11le't 11011 S A 'th,� fritain- A�Uld: and thati4andierit relies. eTAI of tl uction. local tallent. as- 11 be '�rtient.charftpion.of tbe shi�rt breadit-5 fotind,.�mi R served as 6f the. 'f a. Societyj - An attemp wi h6n4 1, meme orted -by the, reau 0 n sombloo try fb;r chamitongillO IRva it . D Surest. Ijivestm ?jan an&'Tyrolese mdun� hist,6i)ca The,, Nancy wps, p ID iie ljoi�iitidn. Bu pb, An inbrease Lrty m6uh of. u�j.. too, mu )U1 eA are bes; a de, by a, pE 190`y�-ars ago -'and bit, rb 14 the, pUtjjL $10;6.00 additiou- *2 id' inan 0 to. nsoendthe heretofore tairl'oers, rs e tv s,;bu 14.* $6,'857.,ov Herr before, ot . I 3W�aT your cOrnprijon, w relayI, horses. sta�llshed business' a' rned ;n' kugu dilij fol� iii, 61 bapital, into .,an , d CIII!,ritalile'poaks of the-Pariadiail *hat' �hdrriYe. �fas Ion, the ()utlaw­ oTsee 0 e cbritests are. ns,; to a e lito -whitef re I '* h�v iout we t of bacrea, r sed re�tur Ro�.3 recent 9t,611P. 1812 t - is proposed. to n, h =rMou isfi,' and t L6 pretty' ce'r in Thi h ill -be uthor'�*.clmmei s W je'h' Jpal co -q rs,. accounting ;or uin ailil, th:e �pilce'.Oaid Of.. fbmign:: t!orropopd4nts,- "to i�ilcs by A Drinc 'tributo at A preml Mle the, man'..who ML guar:ded ind., in 'the r.'.Maki,.,one *.I, , Medhsinlgal� Genfus. . . . .. i 1 �er cent.'of th,6 toWl. '.%ad attore" s6inething, by', k'l'ke sti.ts b putA - aaditfons - capital into his brains Y joiiitle.S4.. n *0. IL k". ;­� - I , tr .1 .. . F s -stud Wilt' I P 11 ... Pa W roM­ the Thei fortUll-AtO. t leading of, ou n o e niost.. -unbeelltvable. ��Jhforraatjonr' :well-diroeted' -'though ch OU ther he sitting in f froOers iiohi ta e, no see LDfig*Al Foiest le, I& representatives ars ov�nh*.,A, real, j o tiniveril.ti. thel�uzrian.bdc' why: Ing some lett� 'Ayed sftid3 jil: aS i in6*ed thAnces k6w 1. and Kei ty Is Ie . Vd sed- schoo 't eat, wasOp,` 'A 00 Wool' bjiZjjrd_-bead Peors' B d r... There A -Surely, get increaL 130. otlj4r: :ca oan1,X!IO6k0d9t tW­ ed- ollt y yes'. mo ar4tiops wi_ made -at fh� befid 'and Btirn Irds thl In hIS I r4,, grit Sure ;he woods and". hhuexpression n'fane! pteP zt, depmd' 6 buekq,and one guaraziteed, t , 'and' -no If. tbeAd do v S Fas a y no, ca ita. ngr of. fire in, returns. Vancou-�er, i)i e of,capital, Be ar" aiifl Surer chance to. 'pr the crack brd-kic tideii �h& f h more. b jt�s con� ho�6ughly 'vndi- them fr�jni..�belfi$ fac, Iriere"e, ill sti�rt out'.f 6w m0c ecoming At quent.es were t om' am.be 7 1; Jul , . 1 r . .. -M und the 1 L t bi ofily __Q vAry deysto _d tabb th-a. 'til �ty Udjsi�s, And andle safe� d`lug,to,�r6ceut o i6i'vaione 000 or 260,and',$300 JAS]. . I . . z Y P, ter, adapted' - ai, acCOL -his, fath'%no itivi, guido�, grid a base earn to human 'iNadd loarn how to h ry o1r," uc�, form' %'It fjbreit hot -s 94our-footed, gild'. tobad-es by: Gerif. An 6M tholagiews Ila, big drVlong �day -for it I I havo t R e gi I 'Id- stop --�j hy:,�atcheTs-an bees;and .. v� th� bOy� an pe ge.-vou e at. 'Jhe footL of also! ar Mo �j y er ly-maiches, asked' rot 4f.4: i.t . lezi , . " _ i *b r . burning their Tj M a *,W ']lot So Ong �go, that- a R E �L Mount Qlpmbia-. is ex- , 1. as I C L_ call, -ftly )0y". playgrounds and`�,eafth. resorM *aapi'. but' alwaySr crush -them, wilth' "09,'OPUX'so� you : - . ' i - � �A* Lirie Can: hsug rs�,' an animal.".known-tc) -,be* N pe.cted to e -away about. thTe.o�moutlki Brit6 ir -A may de,�U.-ov, the Or" ei efare swafI6wJ'ng. U 5 V E q the;iYb Ake er ear I - - .1 . . 111. . 0 1 "y6lir tbe� glits sk-re 'dUCtjVjrtV' ofr 'the"'soll fo,r a saird Cefte,-Trea 'raIble' biacker; was referre 0 O."PissOg sTirst Y d to, P E 15,00 -Childlip-od,19 Fl �vo ep,,by.4, J a ti- 0 er w t1yehirl,turn- ml Hion s­b'f 6ligirg w rth 'Stol hgon-of lbij d qd off P L E 4k *In Un 'B 'ta' ffil and was trad - ri in forelts,- Into aih,� cheat't ousands*of i,yes (ath 11 N4 r, 6j- e&. P. S WhD6, gA Indian, baby, lhir, aAeeD U- the r0d dii" 2 'A dl� ile tiottei ,U - U_ b With me er.was f6 .0 C -1i irwiiy; which' off witil the liobk. the y, the, Imperia A: (te 4d sUbitili 1a - I gr hut n pan n andr'women of qmploYml�nt and dymand- for P H A G� cago man -who., directs. bper4tion pri j . ackarl ellte'lie an TO In MO Awo,-; into existence 'May, 1994, towI ru'� - of ­. iii � �119 tW (t via.. them mat r e -in Infat cOnsidored- it a. of d (r dArriod, the F G Mbre -of t1i.at itin wormi. ence bucker$, end,�w.abpevi 'd of a. se6re of 07111 eted 1i000,000 mi'eg 1 Potest'llres. destroy Ohoung liter� 'the owner of E L, L K some', food FF: E 1 d4r' tx) gi*.q the, boys Urin, iv. ffi onths how Via �b.oy C ii, re, a c , It wild Me., burn c tfiAf utla t and ,000 E He upon $10iQ00,000 Worth vel6clfy'.of 'Quoke, Waves; fafitail""bee 06 aSt two oil q� the -People, I I tioS "� Ajjd­ take tb6ir I cnn.t think onN L F A he, airp in t has be e5tj� 0 no t -e -with T tal(f he velocity pfXh6 . rd . Ott. rapid earth I wed 0 ar ill'in-to W'&iauran 1, 15,000: passe Ile samerp io e�l, them 0 mated that forest fire.. -axadeborsia Is surrou d6d. C K L K -he said to the i fiave flown acrosi -the orest fires -,cost. qus).03 waVe.s,' averages 6 C , rder wr.at yoxi want., 0 nsl nuaIlly. r t 111V 70 persons-*qn ver '900, mil rumerk red.for a stampidde.' H eopLwarm when I6 -11 -,at �00�'rnjjet an r. es 'A p w1hezi boi)3g: pre0a p ) oul-1,1 bi� able to -hou' ) -slowdst *aveis' can I , S -go sums t( and rthe' 'Phe s�ojsinograph t ex erZ 4 6relf JIL res i 'rid the wofld 10 n -.in� on the r y U -s no inohejr.to laggh -at v 16 e I Oi4d as a rau F161 �burn-!Q about. three lidif oi. ral, �� 0 O iiutout,�. rou bo, OVOU 11101,110 j 'of, th o�ni or�' It sa,( ars, oft I6Lg"6jjt 4, t 4 e t.liat -1t.-redor. a -y mail .v b 11 io , . , ... -3is d ill lo� X -at a, good�trot for riill6s. 1 'N ut Oet lng� j4d' 4,qrej Ice creaint Al all. ne the "trig 'e a "y. But e ' ' � is o s n iliery. onto vibila -lie IMI e the jjj�Wer b()tj e,gbout 800 rbel 4W�L�, The. Rrces­with t t d' MUTT 90d smokestack. . . . . .. ... ...... Is S 00�- (Crp 1AYS L k St G M A jjt!1s,. AwFuL--ro W4AT �A -To 1-t4tt ab61iieiting, works 'r 6dt A CAR�): IFOOM SM, 0 11 ID TI Ih Mb C ljoer ATt, MA6 S% Nd FL6MttPA-NNb ARM AIGR*r - .. I IFICAE I . �:Jia'SA,(S 140, MC��j IN of,4. ft L :. taek'is 61 12feei .9 lie- is� *tqT LQ0 C forty. 'feet ai, tl As r�(( A L b�ge. -tl i� built or reill preed 0( ALL Wd 6o -MOO&'. GCM led flifi)ugbo'it, it.11 brO rz,. urzm ngdo It Lakes about Ice Tr t mad hl..Ualy, cannot livq At.A gmator aible'A fT' 1 ilopth than 600 v -mak nn 46 harl 1,700 regularly 1,61idh bm n . ... . ....... . z brja4 beat mah od btidow so c" N%, 9 IF