The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-16, Page 8;Rk tall I 11111111111011 1 1` "Pop," 1.0 101 7N. 7_ , --.;7 L to RO I I 7�, 0 F ejug t So f _U recqmo s exx a, ea yanO V. r on 'liq;lce fQ We cariy zoot pp 'h -its s � t '' " , Q: ha Cap',r " NU 0-W, ilk . z �, - . T1R9b 10 d P1101% I? X or i4capdj�uhbe ja S;�4W� can SNCial'Iy�,' F q­T0Q Qft Ne I" si aw, e I? Ift' md is:' Z' 7 - t -, h .I Ar Z ., w r. 1. 1, - ..,r,, 'R ic, wniq:, ti strouri klt� bemi buy1fi A se Ot 't Childrew ry, -fo rQ Q 31--06 "tip. t emoved b y Dr, . 8, U Painf rns, :p6iole sj�e S, -ifi �Sj CC ro psSly r t .now 40, 1 ; � 01 c6 _,h611 JQ i ]�Iaste r Y pf", P M Ne�� r e s vio-we, t gp_t_ e lals, "wt* ns isting Of 'Fo(gr $oap Powd6r, a�d I �j h4 0 P _% ' pre �4AI` VilueS. 'M B" lliioiv�W.,&cers rem S__ 1:4 en `0 QRHP%�, PbAIN: VM40 00 1 $2- 410 PE Olt, 3 u. al s an CAIN 9 n A PriR T D the shapL sure, and friction 'and� pf0eives- e of, the sbo Y]Q. g ed .4 V I r r M., , . . , " 'a ND I _1 �os h -W 'Tin Pailg'a P� , . IDE, $9-03 A i ' L"' r G_4 nized, P, Ails, U 'k J�OHU! StWID,E 7 1,00 t .1.45 e.,,.:,jup p in -,i- stodk G6.tty ':and :W6 11 aked vy ORS 56"L] 75�," E , - at 66., h 'Ate r S gott "9" U., �rgW -PO :M110A IF LANX. )G� 04 'R, b0s,. This, is a. -ver �16r;p6ini Ah b" ')xf Y 'pu ar,, .09, S trOU 0 �.SfioQ le in -7 ALL 'I fi b nd $1 WO bf, theL o W -6 e� th .,e arC e uld ,�e IL6, LL,P,A ft, ffi T� ACATIO iSPOR e Y N HOES; p 'Ie Ised to,§ho tfijS Oe§ Wer�. Pw the- firfi6; tq� b4yF� Spoil,' Sh, 4 11). P1 '�E 25 30, 35,` AN D ER .20,, a full jitie a Fobt 9 42c L", T4D" r h 0 rt. PF vYML 0A, 6r -16aningr, qjt,thp�b ance of our,, a oc OF e aha T 80" yi). Miss Jean'-Haikps4, of,.,­HaM1lton a -at 'th� *v o er. p rents t visttlng dies AE `6�5-� 75, PO��411ER �Yb lipper a $1.00T& Pair. .5tra�. S PI"' QW, P QTU, 40,�, Pek YI). The i`tp 4 .HarkubsS.. U annuq n4t, S ed OXft tatdA has 32c.�AND L We, $2 00 16s. GueAt spent Sun -'- HIP TING,' YD. Mrs, 9,006 UC OW R YD, E regu ar -W r . . SWdefi:.,dnd - Enehlid, has 'd �'uthrie d 3, R 35c Pg R urners V WILL SHIRT en, e- . Y with ffl L P anew Che�,. �a :BrQ n` of w e VpOn an w es V* LUCKNOWS BIG., SHOR .$TORE d' tdb Xj)ARD: SHIR AT TL ND' 25e, -PER .,Y -DL' he, termifials . ..... r Zi 2&030 -A H� A AUMIJ�e PER, -XI). lanings'in', r4lyUrjr.�' Onjj SiX. Sit e att�. TbI;iA 19 yev rrs w go the' Jr. Farmers'beld ir 1,egu ar ii�ardine and re 2he Minifter of �Unds -h NLO§S E ]Q. The t 4onday;,4, in'. as an , POUnce utch, organization M kEj% I � I A, . d that a' D Me an QJ�C INK PER ee,ing at.the hi d Mrs g c;le'bration offered to 'purchase .200,000", Vecres., 0'4 _laid J. D. Little �iiday; t The,,r9guldr, -ml�p�hjy-rrieeting of the on n as Mr, Wur. the tT6r��,C#EPE, 28�, PER Yl).� Demp§,q� 6� Swif t Cuiienf 'f*r* thdL "W wa a 01.q at, the, Or ;of D didtrict British Colulabla, 4ew.fr6m; fien -atie�ded th 12th c.,. 3 Dn in our YrRL SAtur- A eN .0 de a kew eall� b IN, 5,0 P. put pse o co onizatiqn by of Ju y, celqbra ion atL ay' M a olon. on Wod es 'D -Shearer 'an e lebration., at B tur-'. T e 'M CHED,"TABLIN6j' AT '7 iw Bftsels, on :day Norm: Mch d At rd Y� 8th. An'ircific 'is no W Th' peF7 -PEW -YD 4h"ev rt U,4 siUg qay�. d4n- m6nt',of thb, Tining ifidiistry of On. 28 MAcDon- farlo,�by. �14' bnL fizle�id eng carjerries, Lake� Thesp .'f a. d and, 4 N erries- 'will is notroa jf-go�&jtlgt botig] so cts' Charlo d r ladr; .i�ad Mis tte WLINGHAM �ply betw6eTjL,"$6Uthj[4 1� the ry h6r e' iie e past. yea r is -tidg ft" t, vvery te'' AdV' r REL L ff._ffid7'� L A. e r gin month'i., vcatilon, an last we I CKa and. the qupbee,)? -­MGee- y U a V A er d, eyer. *e are al*i�­ M X1O.p iavipg� A, upt A d A VALUE. PURCHASE.' unta ej Ok "d >�,o '�how_',o j� at �the omi-, 'of Mr. a4d arid, Mis.. A. Hu Dt: tvi: ds: ited rs. for the value of &o essionAl, se c Majoi-Ge 'defe'ndan ar' 4ndr W hol�dn and H� nerai th oDonald, 7th Cop e t� lid. 'not. appe' of Natijilal . I L ' NiLe staff heL I wa�s gi-ven for, th iff erlAnd: ddle m toLthe' A40 "bl.,v ddir the -50 -�aud- costs 0 -o -'O foi $62; aIneMbbrg,' of the Canidii h6ld Lni, U Un 0, gave �very full and -Wheel announced Ahat it . t, t _J injpres� t4ese as T Me tbat-\t1fe Canadian Per- M A Loan, T'he� ddenftnt id ijib� pOr on Co'. munent Forci lf%�: Militia 'Mill be r r.: Ro86�'MacKenzfe spent( S�anda tiff AV nmo "Notheki and:, Daughter In Veg�jdf 6%_ and, Ji; 'd CH,,' 75 n costs ho Chure, at his me? sui, a!�ainst a 'pen un 14 nQW In Dqtoit,: fq:r ,.,h George Rhit, he Ladi' au ohr. o cam 0, asked Gerke Rd M66 Mae. 411 ... ... bil t S aarIt . , ac es.fort e bale t' the neqg me t. �y -near hngarf .9aso ine, Judkment' �for -the plain'tiff 0 763W machines 4ecently \W �at, her, home W 0'$ f $:10 -09 �azxd iz ts inz at Mrs. Wm MacDAald!A._—Se. sce' Alding- -usua ly hea home of.Xrs.-Fred Tli76mp% "Ou "�Ie v Out�d4tin�, 06rL OAt--,;I,1or­Vafiqbuver B,G via The last, moPing of 'the _n1e.t R, Ithe iiadfiih Pacific.. at ton :wai an geti. THE, No ES, li_� 'attefided Mf j1A TO PXY o nd fairidther reniitkit�le.� and was' reYears. h� pla�nrjff_ aAl. Olt.; 4eatu,6�-was. that 'ill ave an w" �vetv, , i f a' r4obe. lwhicji-� defend _of�the-_,adq ntereating o10 Aaw_ 0�j 111(itnesses t "h were nOV T& e G tee c ee un re �wqr4 0, and'k,its f6 6U,, val 6. A f "rers, *h TS bi lold some thr d Next all,: -pibsent,& -,the case A a Of' $971; eacn� consump t 1wiIl- k 4: thq� hom�' nd 11 signed fi4 01! . , , L ' .4 Of M t6:-Se.tember� 2q tp erc 'Xor, '4 Y. W,� d eirr, da4ghters, at t f VM,:Wt ine,". Mr. And -Mrs. Charlie Bu Sp9lit -In e-ge Canadian Pacific . Rll�rgii\� ST E couk-sog 4�, cin 1899 biough'i do wag6s, ghiness Coll A .:ad!o;, Winghtinii. but' decidedr 'not 'of the lakeg Only 26,000,000 Sunday atNr.. laintiff; the: PeRTH', ON h6adr �oi- P adtuaft! brought- t journed buihib of rai JoSeph, _jL'aIjojjnM Uo� \Tianiside. nj n 186:000,000 buahels-inst sea- The th ze prol*sc paijy�. of guea for ft, � I on.' Thii j,s �qual to ihe.�totaj*,#Orl'� TyLss azel, 13, to her s,led forthp valuerf z urit, t ume o grgin 'moved by;411 th#�.,rail-� ift6r. spen I f boughtbyI)4vid`Shapiro- Aeveral.�.ear& -Of .0 tj ILU t:3 In T, C f ng a - cotiple �o W&YA but -the, matter �lwaS nited Statew,c6filbintd' Hol-yrood. ago-- the' U A note wa� roducedAn court, kb W Cid s Harris' Of W s6tkied"� it the. gittinks here ne m0 - - bein,­ Absent the:' during -Ahe' same time to- t 'd, 'thrw - 16' 4tting tti- be si,�nd-� by'-Shap-,rd.� r.-Ja' ,minala Minneaj)�lis, Chicago --and -S, VISI 0 �. by 66� defqndantA7, agr�e- uluth. �With -Mr' Thog� Harris 'iin S,.M, wisrdiourned until. Siepteb6j� 29-, h lull 1'� � t'OL pay � t e -Hoh ....... .. iies, 3191LXkOrson Sun n�ounts with day, a. Morton. appeared- case 4ioun'd 6 Camadiau Pacifie-.: Rail qu r rm for .-.h6 c.Os.A 'total ing in each t . . . . . . -1 f k 101yTo within the hex ew Veq a have diffrent pA ent out tb station agents 11,900'L: N . ackets, of seed irid'-frorn' thirty to f -and�' fQrti�r' th6usand f law6r'- bulbso later,, on td its Western istation" 1 `000 tr6es-�and 'shrubs. It e60, -bedding plants i& 200,066 fill the beds, of' thd permanent.,gar- yr deng and "Parks: Of. the compan ry, Y The draek* aiii of tl anadlin il*ay. the' - Tian&-Can"Add,, trip from Montreal to Vancouverin' .90 ho ur , a , instead of 9.2'libuts the Li Qu kun 6veFy__atunjAer#, -Will fiiake.. the-,. - ST! ichedule run -for yast; yeari P viously 3he 92 -hour run was the r-f-astest--c'bntin�ntal-��r-un- *­ia North, ff Lnd tho, two hours cut 'Off h ---- w, __ __ '- - t' 'Gr travel 'bkw� Men's Stra' t antic And neo pen, the One ........... an -Clearance", Sturday,' Y 8th Arty ilk t he St .. ... .. Seventy-fiv e eameriep n Oft,$ ear produbd 17,750,000 SW iabors,.. Sh' leeVeg9L g t I At Lad of bult 0 '99 c6*.pigred, %v it h ies e 0 15�4'17,07 lbs;, rerrfsenting, the -out-' ment of color's assort..' Ood put Of 54 cream er es, in 1922, accord� $ 1'49 Eic H 0 P F_', Inf 'report. , In addition, the i to the Provincial Dairy Com. In MiOZIOTS' at 'st'66 thing ht Weight'Sw6at6r'Co Men s Li.9 production of i6hedse has .,shown a YAM U Ll t', eyo awn 9 fktories, fod'uded 931,922 lbg., while Bo*ling;etc.,' G PVW cial Lines, C -remarkable grpwthi In 19220 14 nd W. Jiro 0 S U in Pe ft at'$24175�and $6.00.',, - 161.1g23, 3' factories had tan output 0 0 600, - an ncrease o -a]- welling upon This j6o� lbs, StrA * ngerA; the rail-Wayd fix Canada aidnts and others It! 'iv6rk this kind, inoSt 10 17 cent. 0 Pet, 'find, pleasur � in passi: through -a th�j' do of ng coun ry . a fictet6 fortfir'. in."the distribiltion -to $tati, t, - res an posseAsin r g, a, *11" ion-agen 9, Yo needing N -e .,A mid fi h1 d, primitive tht6�ghoUi the SySrtern of Have hd eomp,16tion p p ang for 'the , s?, We-haV'ej w Curtain -electric -dekkee-this- plea�ufb -is hjg 99PAO,�. Inevitably,, Of �eoq�e, e�nie%men did.not'bother tievelbpiftezit', of hdro very,Sp d actidally fiiitatfti�hed. in' no 'an reer. packets of flower pow,er,� to by w Woziderfiil,tr�knsfbttit-at'16ii,, 2' e —a'Ad' contri 'utod about them,but sufficient to,, prod c durin tfie current year will add' h 4"d Ocial all Curt u, 0 a very 19, 19. r , . g, wrouk] Aa 'n6ticeably L . 1390 ht Artificially rked'effect and Mad '000 h4p4,,t th resent 'tdal �f yd.' e 90 and 9c, by,the 'lavish th6s 0 e p 6f trees aixd, flowdrar whicb have' stations where thd sobd had b�0_11 28 re" d -iii. been, �pjauted and -cultivated- -Uhtleir the Aupervisitm �-of e,;jrdd, f d and 0 060' h I a y stalled in Is a or ca T additional expert,- horticult i t emp 6 d or the urpomi by OT, r , Nvli uris a ja _A8gjSt p t7he Iniptes�lofi- asused In British e per - e b th . raih�ay`eoz iny. the ir ifigr , ina' OUJ� Industrieg-, uk.:,I)Opartment. of n A'ny -jobdeedod t6 havo� M4 0 SUPP Y e S­ineans4 is to. bd aven; along -the, Cahadijur. Pa- The of what can be effected 01afitid at io �Mjknit6bh t &nAll gAiatins lal& out,' and of er prizibilpal -statfoii izl& division 6 yo. mining and i6VIO cifle, ttocks%thrdukh the Prairie Provinc`eg,, 6066fding� term' Thd regult of. thi's again *as Ad ImNes'Siv`e that h us r t n, -(Ju6bod the chief de - to Jill arce-Aptil �ijjjjdsdaPe a -special sttid� wog"hiade of -the whole ues$3oho,-Afid, Archiftcturt, E, 1, Chi in, connection ve opmen s . are th6. Pulp anCt Papet,* JnL ustries, an --And, 13qY b3 . f C4116t., subsequently it WaA de0ded ;to engage '.Jn thd­*ork,_ d 11.Along th more; than three thousand of, thoroughly and gyst . rnaticAlly qfid farthet east, Iri thb, Maritime Wow - 'Main 1,;kri es p6ao ti Nir Ch dafibt, "there we :*to sidd �!tn expert kg,haturafly r horticultural 1�t to, -t e staff." r .:4ent F, Y Men, 420ii agents, s�ctf- f PjbjI'6 'lit . ffity �U "Thd w6ti 13 lag. 'd otirglie'- _,;ejj new gar- n effort Will be;. jftad& th i a k - fine meiid 15-149 the lidiited`i�ea aft, their command and to the b0t dens laid �Ojt, yeat eat 'to' transpitilft o grounid' day t, q Canadikh Pacifie'.Raflway hgj' niount I about' the danes dt The it Y -.r JlWay jCoj%0jfiy in the d, .an ?Thes nunibbje'-of gartI&I io;f., In' the, Can a 1tt e`gAr dn at a 8tAti0no -eslPtefAlly- f6 9W'aln bleak from Imptoved' . ...... bhj0idUOU$. featuie..'a.h At ve al e 0 ''On Oil e. Is gave to it 'higher oftcial jhd coin aa series. of fair, gak&�il aind spots f green�vwatI4 bf, finy, about tfitrty,;;five 'bind I e4-. o expi rkr of beau'. itation con8tkutet� the- 666 dh,d6jfdl f6gurol r tr mely fiard� -and, ly thil id the Pool and about, th#1 ontreal) 'Are ek. P h. ..All-Vool �ira 496, the f tit Ing the wo r PIV b's 0 0ited in tho Fir