The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-07-16, Page 7,P� "t, , " �. - � , —)1 04 %VAIN!, sr.­R­w.n%� ,Pqt �oeatn or, iAor.4 13yrou, *4 40 p4ple, ;7 -- is" f 1K ti.a 01i ir #e almost 119CA, 111tunal us Sands u4k_QwA1 �. IWO. Con. be Had Tlkirou;hthe jtj I t,, 11_ Q #94g. Wind :Are IQ�*ed in thg:-.Prqvj!Aqq of -Al eTta throu*4oqt EgNpeo His,, qo#g, achieve- .,O!ae Tiort1to ule, City ptlW V and lRed'Aloold I meitti will the p4e 4y.Dr. W11 jit,44p tQrr4I#us, of thioi Alberta and glories of qur.Iftpr4 iiq t rog, Wiiiierway;Ii Rallro llaiins." Pink, Pills`R, %d. They Covelf, iiii ii'ea gene 0' at Roll on,' thou do dark ra I Y ',estima%0 Th ep A ere �WC� a tiluit, -'in the lif P of rid, blue tWo_�4iiiodrbd- 0, oceani�Tolj 01 41most, vVery, girj'wjlo4. weakness' at-. *A,,Pxoaj qn1j. abibut per 1% tAcXq,:b0r; 'The, stMn upon hop-blo'' Cent I _�ieit'jhee d T@X'Lth u,sand .4,40velopment'st 4 d there copleo IY It too,grl6at 'an Oint, due to the L v "UP" b ariatioti in, the oil 'the i�."wto P*14� its, `* content at r ho" LC4eIY And. b.ac,k,aqh,sg, loss 91, app tb - 9;, the, topo., A ness eanpalOP AjAs, and 't - I ttatko �f dizzi -c 0 00� qutr I graphy QrLthe coutry An ilfh4i- lir 'a; .a o, oii�,lj and I bad wt tteq up the. trip, from UK the I IT P -t moil.troii, io*loiie g to qd)r4 pid OrRugk trAtn . to �nce Jr, fba . been,Oil the' sent It-. bymill=to 4,4 0.rOSS.t4ol Colt ro i ad ding; i tinent 4n, Canada, left Montreal add nan po,.,Qf the mor,. ro P Mjr1PZit'PaqPL,jI_ gers by -wire from Ottawa' this' . . . . . . DID. reaelied Its w y- eat pipe re ;tchpo, Va Short) ern �prm sent, Port of, Lal�e,'Sktperlor, Mil.. Dqwdy, tb eL P.,96dy,' right on ,4 ""July 1 spo qtehii�nt df, tb stal a po @Prvice- of, 1 hj� dot on Cilliada, whowas �ail Oo4rd,_�ra,s aston- 1.110 1t was -. a ialiod at' the length;. And: accuracy 9f C �Jpqg.bc casloh, my report,, . q411 w�.o4de how and red t1io, Fo4jizIttion of when 1 44d wrjtten.jty and qq lilld. Ilpt' tA ."Whata t weariness and A SLAM?, upon We, the idr�antR of that littlq b -,of plovi­ oItilightatt-litm; �e?cc to Say* th there are o -a ply tew locatiork or plain ept �at be tendency, to ;1,. decline# All -tbei a eerq. who for tho p6s,�Avv 'Years ba4 haa poei; w-07vKrItIng on* thei train, his,' tpMg-,niay- in doed . ijor inalned ivith hfjl�.ujljIl atlo"'14.4VA table ayT#4.q. wrecks, itroL all 'J� hopba apd,pl. foligAt1prAti, ni0lficai n, A' 'tioular. Case but' the popqege 11064 of the,. r6titing .,plant., xemal No b6ttoretaqrIption. of he:,,6vqnt�'b 49L h,.i,,The trjp,,*as p'tlglorlo 6-Matettil and -6verb A, shadow of man's, ray g sshows tfie.'noc' ssIiy ''for 00, "Ve. his bee *'4tt6n'tbafijb of at a. inininio, oand 'th.'r9ceptio.if all. aldng thp_ line' prompt. tre atplebt.'L And"thQ very a I -lam, t e �ve eran ubliq th of -eipIifise. p Ity bf. was Iikq:.i'rojaI,pro& VID :� When, for 4 mompilt, JjUej .4' drop of 'III'. �'b` ' 4 t4'o'-bIOpd-.m4k- RAIlway, �onel o. r of fire-st'rici�diA,,,Vaiico.iiver, opme, ti 4 t 7i; of the. �qptlro� a- b� enginJ6er9,Ahr6e'p aces O_ 1)100,4Y. in greal npmbers� by thq wer -angila-, ;hh6tet 140,5t, Plidtoo'll old "'Yoseifte".' o W'eleol[L !they are, 66, ne t us.� There e found,, Pills. r Wt bIIAg Dalf, io WL11tj LIU, -LJU -'dove opipent e iere It, reproat r Ill be$ ng, 414s, 'and *omeu bit' p needed to m4itaifl'ihe healt ibX gro �dn Were: I f avoiliatliez 'o -W 'Ithou.it a ave, uu nelle any' -.6,46 hold pne,., condjtl -light h&,11.6jaiinlsben�6s of it 'hacoil6ur,"! �for *us being ovjorbiji 9�14 ong pro pl:a e6 f, gtr, 'h behh77 the y� h4y!n;,. en a most I Ian lieve, th6 ro p fBredn,' King�:Wifi. --X§.Wi' as . too s, bIe cast Is,' B I in an eix- - *od: pU the, I 'N ii -wag fig ILOV.up6n, paills, S, sand"to .; - .. 1, 6, , , 'h ox, a service-th 12ames' -the tar 4Was, he bginnilig, to 11 to blit c6ililige` ..... ..... �Id q fet p g- d�A -p o.o i- iO �`ArIs "r, - -travel mraenSe )ng rs-who- ar t p—re -0.1-6 Ili -b— 1 U. rise 61d n 1�2 St 'p t t anan D ation wAa,a br4vol'y POOR C _iiind froni hi;ad a otrogled Agai`118 frpni the. retort% quently ches, in fad my �d' Its', him, fro the�jjle v pngth hd,wl been -Ing effects 'of more -So, liCol. S evoilson'e, b tter did, tfifd� ituc6psfully as'can be. seep �tions Very Impor )JRL Inj i'li. thee, thUsL14stid bRoj w9uld haV6� 'the o9jAmlty,.an& thy ad bveibuidefi. and n1i these COIIAI� eonition, can best . be,, dqs�ri d elda talft, since'the ele- deitrutl6n -thou dost all t mfuerable,' I had', trit'd peveral tritgt� or bArth's, to 1;I' was. I We -a ay "In iiii, mainificent. city which th A. in op S Q, ,atloft Of all tliL,i iat" e treated Monts -but th.e.y; did hat hellY hL' . ­�jksL , i tide- 'an k u ll� the splend Would prove , an ilnte; an tim�. d has arls;en �th o Id � rell tefil of cdn�jdd.rable leist- T im,� reading. Sliurtiffig,,blin from.t Y hey Viesorld 0> C, -R andi P.— tallWalt fo� -lid one; -of-,.tlieir-�ULdo,mittible,.ener file Tjj.e xpe So after o jts� p0atio . - gy uq,..were under' I defe-Ided t6j. Dr; W aital C --Made Vincou- illiams' Pink' WILY were only two thyl aie�' and [iincqa§Ing labors'* try tW4,. After. �lislng­.Ahilee. b6kes. I And.., a -end ering.,,in,' e q er vh4tIl it d -.are at , , . _ , - -, _ . I L ' " the �,wdr. omfortably filled 'The onlyl v The thitlee-Adcations selecte p ayfut ay was Tau6h Impr6ivedr, but tf, Y water the. junction , Of -the . Clear and ill- I had., titkn six boxes,., w e And to big Gods, w.hereL, ;.L the Christina. Riveils ju�etion. he jigil Aha �now_well_ . and-s ft tite. UIS,'Ddt t, hey appe pe. In. �sqe nearport or VNII 7C th A b a i yor - a n-& t -e -d -V b7a ii.k7 - With good 6ir anid,,a 0 7 1 SU RAS e ar ai L sugar cane;: a qrms Iff, the* be�troo alad the�- J14notion -of tlialthabosca In.'. view Of what Di.� Wlillains".Pink 'bay, River and edver, inapfe,tree as long T t hlir - again t .0 - :B 0 Creejr.� Th 't and Pills, have done. L Ind J, cantlot_xe- And- 6shes 6, earth:� n don'a:mystery- It. l9kboWn that sun- at- SS e eM, oo. g y there un e.,p_aca will, , distil fifty IL 004AILMENTS, on, of t H to or -ther.e. ikillons- pep t * a 1rom 'any' light is necessary. lenable jilauta M , Is 0 an tget t hase Pills, 'the -gases bf the* atm6sl)here T in 6 Al- rs, 'HLowar4,,o#.KJng, R.R. 'No. -5, ;:Ill - td StArchand. gugail,, ind' recent -sue- -liro, 6 m6tb hou wb�e�b' th ti`eat6d`,,4,nd also per ce k Qr lubi$ Of In, -dr inaft convert a bLx J i�, . at 50.-centi] We trom"Ttie Dr. W Illams. Mollie ne, h T`� 4ni th er es exper inplits, b Pr6fibsidr. B -a t 4 four c ofi and C161mj�l&n'­of tho"Pan i CO llrockvill�,;dni!. Gi SOS itself iii empests; in alli hiidr aVe'always used d iverpool, w .9f, , . I , . I _P1 IS IS �Pijq' .. . , I . I he ProducIIid sugar Fra*iToJ16lwDiiI, S "Of, them Tb sand. Is compa'sea o' 1�a�y!si' Own-rao."etS Y�ben any f Iiie likel . . . . I _�r -Ifle! 'ad V� t y to hat e re 6 ponvuls�ed reeze, or, d: I �cdn_recdM—_-' P I :Is ". to h bley, of Its. in _44nd,in Ilrejiiatk4 wiih Oil. In., iieeded a- �i6dicjn.e. an _eKrM..,. . open the. W.Iik yqqr -tant,deve opmonts.' mend t e'Tab to. Impel ave., & Wern no under 11de of SC6611 Kviic� Ja '*fthl0divenian limoston gale, or.storin bi Ieti as b6i.ag�,unsurilgris- lro�.;hlred.n* e. it own. next year,, and preparatio Somd.'". time.. ago he . . I'. .. L: 4 L .. c6d thati llip told. him.,to -ta Is. Is Avor' 4�i ChAldbood ailmlentS.."'." Thous- noti 'th .4 'n tW6. huladred' feet ;in lit -thousands' ot,lcora� rcing, tho'�;pole,, or ;,,the* . rri he new exhih tIon, Fire alread k wor gjight frdin an.'oliee In a D a.jid§ ert... agee rs'.' L �r by sand, gravel and �h M "I, �.Ik the, pigs, 'a - he,, W tam �on�c� ark-hoa:vIng -boundless. qtIiei,'xnotfi h'qn t�*e Strbn T�h exit y jo'L enalesO n 'C advan �d, state. e 1"i tu V. ns covered. Is 01 -music suporiDis�vr. -o ai to the merit ,.jamp 's u ch as, I ma ct -served it to nd' I th are pr?mpted,,11y' and, sublime� sod Ili th 'i.eh�o Some f I a'. growing Second- I b of the' Table is, tb, be an lkerp4tioual exhibition of tbe.Summer boar ersii mpor e profes- -The I re aretkpu�intds homes, thr,o'ui�& otudlqs, was Nil- UPO a rowth''UnItIer: qf little -or Da' aq 9, 1: in at ir, 9 are gkVdn, 'I ma*gia 6i,eernity the -thione re q..111 in rdla Unimont in , -;. Iftrg" r_ , ml* On"na chfgas, a Iiertain'. m6na 3 ut. lho e� OAM,-: ''expac �, Sys ep Ann com f s ime �e t, to -in readiness fqr thIckAbss, two. year,, %Ulle .1 1 no, aj.l� 8 ce t e Into, sugar, fp,progress., Is idlilg rlgwround Aiistrall di c� han�. tapc6 ver 8,( VqI reet . but, i� be �busier',t uter., )00 a It".caw te6dily be pemov eac. zone, -ac e,jr, to 'e 0i�pear; in whI ict I Its loose 6har.' ill. tit The-mopstera 1 h h Ittle 'nos young., v ei� . ibeq; thou goest,f rth, Atead', owh it, 0 s r o u g'ir s ad by, 'a 'erfor super- ablets, er fall�to r ate the ed' ihe- journ6y, 'erfor 'a oeb', , and the �Ilari poifGnpi ih,� loWei, si�reis. Left towers' d�* aiready 'xisin on: S. 8 11, -an It was ust n h�dei iix,,montha. 'The Cost 0 t 4' ork 's�lioul vigor fathomless. alone., , stbmch 'and els t '46, tmyl I h' tllta.�w4y all 'the en s, eD whicb7st�eich&� 4 not ex-. Ound t a t ''e': r- e If �by oit vn) the f , h t. I n., 0 06o - estijon I.7c, pe'-efibic. yard, :This figure n the., ne lig t for. the,, lamp c6nta. ne. ULLer L t rs I, -ile. - eve , . I . e Wd,Jr-bin- 4 Champs the' area blilldish; mtisldall� ability, b1i also. fur-, elklip th6' .1 va)146 -a dross the *it kindly'Critic Col egrid 'brin .5.0 raulle engine, uishes:Aiie adult h al e'baby through, .(114i wave -lengths; Ip I asststed qpw a oxam. Sfoiy. The. .,of the 'ESpIjn.A P A n er ��ho'madie,, 11, lace; der, In". wh 'bitfiWhile or with Ili others Int ief ee wt It the 6r� d '1� 1-chance1c, �edr Music. V ajolt the car �i6ame td a sudden c tig peiltpd. In, a Ination tf.,the'. ground readed teethl Vili&a. is 'being doVered, Wit1l,d...6eiles so can romete'l and" -was sp.b. beautia stop Ili 'the middle, of ThoF lets_6ver 'do 'ha' ' 'I mition: of he is Or_ It arittaied'bi Di: S.'O. lnq' musical effect be; more� Tab. rm�a ways goo. ditto 'of or-. �of- fairy. phlaceg-* Is "ielf-staiter U) act', a"" ey' at �gqarai diii �Y ��6*d'i6il elisIrc' to -the'. water;. t jjlj�60 fV1 i6i th in' M iteed absolutely Ek 'in Rikfg 9 nd the'. tit n ates'fexhlbl- lion, Bureiii r however; teatra: ized thl a t' /yer bi&mine' I ibis I' tone. jiroductidh� and V ill Is W` a free i fro'bi! ahY injurious' d Ion and -be-- 1 SUSOMU16 4#p jffenqp . ru With cor'ect I . driv' as forced to dAmount, 'fid' )ley Alb tar- 4and, Is f the meanin , g, -of; to' crank , -the � en ne or b .,pro Sugar. The d' ?`rbAch 'OookWk �an'd the. h 6eblFilCare Book.'. ng baridle". rOk.,five minut4s at 25 con a a .t e, starti bx'� froin Dr. W14- er� now'edn4ttoted on. 'American Or' i If school e rf6usly wbllo� si M6,dicilibx4j., r.0 6 1. . I IRTgett:'ku6*a',d,60oa#.of this ma- aA ginit with, fi4 -aid of' aresold by medici y mail. at *of the Vrench'16rniture ifiakere- d it. is expected illat'Alie' itup ly of 6 accon w: e'An evide it. prac- Ai for th :drawipg�pdw 1�D 'twiried 'the, lar le In a glai ily lqpxhaiditible afidl' �'fu 1mi -.B' kolle; 011j..., sea I'll be even iiiot . . . . — � :. e ­ . sIlitave and� -eight p il glad 'h' CIS of a� iv alp inb�e� efitektainments,. t e protein all, crowd Collected, ­ I I- I arge.-nuin er �of 'chil ren a ca- At iapt..ao old lady,:ste foiWaid s'deep.,'W'th"'Aiiial-t-h6lei+'Ih ea6k ga d" that, n 'in doieloping thisdposit''ine, d, . 4- 1 .. . ­ I ., I " . - n, a -A,( 1- -'- - ­ - b -Paris exhibitio thili -63mioni at the, d I Pped e ave "Viou Worn Eczemi:a .0' Hands Pa lty� ilwaift 'will bAft t., a and, pye4sed a penny into the pre aid Havintloup thie 'I'lijit.atio' 140 Marl of rlinnfp�g'a spir I I . . .. . I . -Ilgh an no An appg t,gave.tbe diiinfbetant mirIdg e. 0 rela t S. -antorii N � subscribers in' 0 0 un ads of- ss.. And ing+p2btdr, a 1ind, ratuw, which.; tt hort "oU MaUttal F'r Tfiv'�, J4 I 1tv jIg4AL,V LL Inagy In-d,icimtes-th-e-.deptlr-of�wa" -ficlent acreagZ1 1, k L' Attod 7no a ..secured it th star�. Y., no n..o'f the 'tan ransports Facillt.16. -lies - JU -their ability oude*Ice,'w] e Middle! k -an popuia:tion r t &a we e as all e waiei. in Pfrc4rw -e in -mak in -hand Ontidd. The* ith a I'lltl0o'bf places as money gL Vent es; but W all ofi ns r, ziet,As: ship ily.meahs of! eabo has be n in the an one- ll, nil� the- thoii 6hi4f , eriii itch hagalr�4a Athabasca fari was ted so '.The-. River ishekp toitlititerestithei-Public.1n, miislc� and pit- bb6n' irled aas d Adieiiiicirmnis For about'%;wb yearei, I quIlere g. x In :smal red w?S ortatidn.dutizi jjj Xq6ntha,'-.:of ticularly n e music.' a*els; consists:'of an os that Old 'pQ*ae It 11001 8;%LES,�0A_qANIZ with. an. rny han t nd then id,6 b eq e, water Oro, "at M�'Ied With stpill'scules a 'then a4de& 'was. -s irripd, vig the year. -Thd. river' fs.,Wide and'sli mote bohimuhitles f ey' t- E§ )VANTEO.- al and re h const P eArfuts, and hairtlpets aro',t* I en 0i :th Vald b M. o, the 0 e. FlAyonflial _,=TaA(-r _fldiygu� turne to' At raish aim Was,very 0oro,. d terribly.'at-tinies. ah 'I Cer-Willyt, they.'ad'd 'indre,` to" 'a town!s- il3c:;iiii �ibbut.', 15 YeAra �agd, , the' ellowe, to irtct, to holies. Vra aretle and, red. -It Itched, ..La Its' wereL* seti�AAtito-each. --tb �_Iow,_but Vioids' tufacii1it'v Ions.A6 social, life. . ltiortailt produpts. of Shantung Clif L 6. -hich',p -of d abjjg6SL P n D line fod-fies, :a 00r musical , w -bottom and t hole�q In. tbb t no bright One man %vornA adantea Voansp6itatf6n 4.- pilot :enjoymefit dna edlildition,as'the best f Me Sol and'.k6pt spreidingi until MY mt. u.acture,of bft-nefs'. Iiii. attallied' aeurid-Is. 'pliderl-irolli the ocan' ion. l.,or, IF -amke� $30 a weeL acmix aros.., 01, ures4�-and,_If__car*fuIIV- -r-A413L to DeEk trd 119 Fall ont gers were covered with it, arkal) lle-aproii -hydr6phone nuolxs,-p-x4 not put,rny I h4nAs in �,ater nor do 'in Ili Chi to E' ai-pi pe 'let, -be in barges, fj6'' the, joinilmis til '.p6rformances.,may. -osuke-to the ailtil any work. IL did not jet inuch ileep b*6 ig a nai.ls'slil ed urogd butlt� Ilitb ilie. sbi.p's"Ifull. en elebtrIC&I at of ilroad. of j0huine edd;��tional.value.� and AniericaJ6 b,-che llyi, th Converted -n of S p6r cofit, otsugar, vqs n buthe I -a to be, che da: treated ijht 6p account. the irritation 4- r uded other rethedlei witbout Alberta and' groWWiterWays -7 for Ideeblorhij," is sen ind aaetr the liqu"d hacl­ bedii �piirifio :1 t bdek to merr tell passes to a*n,'IndIcdtor o -u#01" Wh STH 'Rail' III Is'. Owned and pfia C9 t t t at ... y in tii4 n, vssoll!s; char.t.roo I AL A Dunce,' neon. ra e..; a, swee syrup w inuch'success; I sawl Cuticura Son Chants mfy poro 'and %redisttl tilb Alberta Go�e IS I' tho in, And -Spiredd M 112ild?s On' brown and Oi t sidvertised.'imid- sent iLng among ntmen rlinlent. .,Littl�' ifin14% -fith6r."Ound him In btit6d for' net mak h bulb beh1:ftd:&­iiumb6r.' pmes� of up- okKgrad- -ocess is paper- SL d apply'' tb the- for fr0e,sarnPUD, Affer using it'I the Inte saVe#. n ard h lit' Ied: dial coii o .-pi 1 7, gau.g road providing freig, t, -and the ba lj� was hiking a: pet rabao ently h an'.kt- ua esponding thb..depth, . A purchased'afore dn(fin a mon I I .. - t -w e prepat' Ill Ike. b en,in ',!t is,eixpeot6d.- tllatL -t 'roat'. .0. A :sofvlced, .,The ldlreigbIro, bit' tempi e the hair *14 o e :bropleiily liddl d." of and-sayin 6 ad of timei. C to,. u I e'k. relief 4ssiared' th S. �ve The hunibe' navj'ga or bi -the (SL. "d)''i eri -Chauvi I n, W. eq t is. i6ad�� expressed- thei.r willingn "Flve,and live. H04"Much I it n . the province of The Iti-the Oar e. igne, ce ess t 1. � . . . �p'flted with I by, extending 9?!9. ir. *Ilk mo uets used ann.naj�7.ija Alufost unbellev. -this autbmhtlq� souitdc C yj Y.; Sept. 27, 1924. the railroad', iff Ili vibw,.o opr on in. * d ike ti a, Sohp s4idbitit_ f. the freight Thb fath able. es,S� a butt or #r to o 117 -:day toilet prep 'A Slict?, Se- t rient �bfii every. a va rqIA proceedings' ttiiucns visimVindication. or_t - f -of Saie 14 ereatedNby,�" ' niery,:.thijeeeined ad-TrUptod.. the ub fal whether the r0otis and fitiest cl;ar,, sweet skih', hThe, Sahara Desioirti'is T able. it IS -do - t IS the inpaning 'of dif this, gin 3,100 'inKes ofVater btleath lit o-iffik th(i coil elyl. iou'.6 r p4triotiftrn extension, OU,the. rh Iroad' b4Yon nil, S 14 - I oft smooth handa,. and. a healthy. d jilitiny long es wide. a with- tha Lt of do Murr, 'alpteL a C Insep, ribly war' is to OFPA scalp w�ih goodi blaii., cutfaffii Taf.;l In I Mbnt.. It a grievlou�`W-rong' Erue p in Ompara- Ili 7 told Us an. a. ea 4birdg! of Europe. For' C�'V­ L . A., - .,;. 4triod"t Hty, Timpin ','teacher r eary*1 pu 4 no, ald aii--tht-rab curp� ksiun b I yrf�pldlybn t-�_thlo -Sam ewer t e purpose' of'traps�6iitjn all^,,. Non Price, Ska h -t e, fellow Can't even add.",', 9"ft. stenboal:;'al *1jj=17 tt. I t"tLI16 Wive tI" Colin aw s,- and Futicura $having St oil hers. -w 0 'called, "for i fluorY And railroad. mot Ir *hei , frolh. the tbrt,plail,6: to th All honor"to th6�men 4116 fougl#.f6r, C. 0 imes -and. vedient,meano The,. toad offers i con VE IWANT'4tHURNING' thdin". But all honor, also; to the Mien.! Lhe -trans 0 DAL LY. -c6ntifi � til railrohids 'Ief -Can. F Torrertm. ads lattei .' tL EdIll jon,". , i iy` billey no lnger nec WrIat. Flood, j1IM9 theen Hitrid . . I., ol OTA Varlitl'6ns 0 ID3 1 611 The wort.4 of pedee. list ess In it, thg'640ital of the provi ;Roq�� r'a 1 0 i :I�llll­' Ir, ne, 'Wig e liv nion., f - rqust te9t. 661VO, makes'poiIiiVI av nq a er a T e for A- ivdq,�,nwner - cd I ail J� Yo" XPE Soorce—A given, oi'nie OTHER A aevi6l6p%erit of po.mean supplk 7ay n I is neither real �Valub nor in rt* in rn�� .4i'' ju s tice, dr, ti po. Here Jsll�a of -,faiftilY, p0fteg While the fa n e'isale-of tbe'Alborta tar' thorges. comp etion to, c Oay d . aily, by' olibfftii Vh1cli'm6st anybody. inigh.j ojisil q the quality -,of flerman6fid liear'eyes to e -sands - 8,. ip�jjey Ich y tajXe and Sco.tlanil l'0 filoi�b, Often indidotivo, for reaAmobutidl4g.. PlIkposle orddra;_ wb for gnilfoh,- th'6 only:6xle, of the of 'blood 'than,. t4ose of ttley rightly ]AS% Its* r,eath become-4oft Lefter- fronj Mij. Ay�rs t an,,,be astle and smooth. any hcOld 'gh It were', -r both the Iris, Pinld*iiij a 'khesd sands,.. 'When mixed wt upon the, graves oflt� herole sofis-who Thin 'neive- h tb'dr'y anYwhe'r� eX nutted 1)eop Ith 'Supreme' sacrifice for, their strong'.'tin HltromPhbai>hate.and drug, sand 01, emiVed "r,ockii, In one td,, ope a op. pr ee, Irish' i's H,6rIifiy,.1 -iet lle liot noeics'saril,Y. so, fo made le grow How' Lrdin E 't ey are n9L 'and the. Scottia clans, of the -oldeli gillaruji eej FrIcb'$1'per pkgej proportion,,. form an exclell, *out road- ju�St 'be' free -fro Cieann couiltrylbtit fl� goilifes best, th6.�cause gists t I Wotable 0Dn!Poui2dj in -bad flavor$ and in'the "irs6 tha Y, 6re-ebriaposed 0ey s1dership of the I'8h SpAlIngg Una 'derivation. edg died for b Arrow licinglna6riai at JOvr cogi. St�e&tj, I t the' are r oel ' , I I T t orop 0j, gnt.' h�nfain: bbt ltfli' th1fi I b so op cent. an�io�fte 4 G ly adfinewl ed the IL y seekingto.'aboiish. ilig. C emical, Co., 2 0 ..East, Helptd - H on have b6on laid. vil wAtchrequined the sacrifice. aru tier Pat -very. ail name Not even, various dillep as well hi the, Citi of VM0416 Vilth.-thia Material and found entirely ser:veg to be tf* e LIM P 10o'd de icfiia�ily weee roia'6d: to th m. Spring Valley, Sa'sk,--�"l an' it an lknglif most of the' � Irish namesj. sati6fi.6tory. . -The p6piftr urle 0,thi 130'Wes. Coinp 11.1 y da"' Ilah', though It'L otly to thb. it distinc Veketilile Compound.. before I'M last t autombbila.. fd':' -an efte -d. Though,Wr'd are iblue mod�eft thr ligh.such elfth,cohnedtions as th ese' con ..nslve, -we, 0 geo' ad-buftding fineintint, when I got to feel -fanift in traice.- straight, back 46 -Very y that could Ing rorani , everywhere. leg, nit da b9dl 413"lood which'artt Eng definite riot. sleep, fiight ' in Me DA IY bhe riche an rir;k inqe#�Head Office, s' Th of , , "I' IS, have used it For refery thd.nanio'itself trades back In ourcibs. 6. soil d d O-evitahly'.tib TAW06urces a W�s the 6bul will 'do my work during, the day.'. with e &1. 4 hubeess, Hank' ntreal." or yolir local-bankir.. -16od it; hbi groUp. of 'nbpje he'd. for, otdr, th rty - YOUX be found�'th the,old, Entlish..ke Ila such an easy -ebtififtement; ne 6br,�s soi- of "Ad"ih," Who 0 Wid this� is in . sixth baby. 1 a. br Wo6da-for Wildaf instruments,- surnSme With stiffident frquency, of, �"Fargaf,­ the '156th r6ddabout IS_ to name Oe Inerlard li'pf afi, inkhim's Viijotable. Coln� d cleiA Ireland. pound in the'.-' gram a. 'on a wro Ctlrred other thanilb 14eio Ig aii,intdreelng fact We found dent ef'I portati6i from 'grin y ;4ccl FE ft t' bo`utf?�vood, W6ods may .1ndood , , : Thi chief was. ch." Thell1iffid Aw I Itt You fdr,=6 of your books. Val 4 1 D Irlmsh is 1101h.Urthu- Is derived. from th,6'Gaelle word t ;` . , but I salil� be o6tored to docelve the lip- ashave no.druggis in our town, Jtd," and, 6rMed' from 4.,glven 'blind and fhe'o, ail Which he,f6unded di i 'I M'.Eaton.16 our me icine it atalogte,, ife, so have all kifidd A h combination With ti k' o TlAffis� 110ibal; a �ttirmer!s wi a Iddin-filoW, F%.. sornV of our most VN ie too from him' th: ractised- eye. T1.6 'Oqr# however, As T H W'do insidei and (jutsi'de thei of" Work -which. sijillfies common histyuhrerag w , de (more anclen 6j, M baby� is; a nice healt Usica a. de, orsVend upon th to quallij"�f any, h Of" or 'ItU6 fdllo�veis , Like hy-gir '-Ioped-a differaint Who weighed �:riind pound' Pith. 'certain' species Wwoo&, spruce, Tsound I& IjWked.'In Wt. It EA's doe number of 'arn teeli�jg. fitie after putting In a larp HEk AWT it b ngal;den since baby., came, (Sh; high do eontsOf ke the P o6ping nklis li itijs, d in.-Pait t� the as se., -For �jjj'MoVijjg TonSlIg prefixed and the Initial vowets from Wort to get a SpOling. that Ili, the Idt- 'In!; folr gtod a. in, bo,� Youth is the bast ep and re at. fibreg pJjy§jCj, bil and I enoi or a y orm -of pre I I slurring.. Int ;.6ach 6ther.; offid w6h- Adf, y -reprei'diiii -the -safety -and s bed by; -'Ad ­ Ids' I 9 Proved, inifflons Cri a oM" t tallable, of �Ihtatlng , 'like 86 W.Me e; n to rny-friihiidsi G61tre livith "tirthull"'7 bast a g6uhd; and'id.part, tothe on 0 ce e1r, evon Wiittd bAny��td,uftt.,Atrin s..'i,01ean spruceg lym. isi thl 0 S. v 11 9d �refore WU al"i!Me Thun' Idgal sins. Ur 19)a 1.)LrjT)g - a eyi sk, -me -that JaAhe. 1rish d 'N C 1& unlba' Wt it. Oft 4n demand for 5 uicin 'how developed llslf-latguage find customs. Euphont- po Main Office and LabOratoriy see und is! t�k'e n 'on y Atd6Pt onlY . '1B ay�er & qj a coj�o f P It 4H ueen gil W, to,i Into. 'and 11or. tTief Daily or I C ors, and should e U popular Ili vaudelvildo Snd, Aafidb Toion emp It to - . p . reg0t*e- English renddrin# of the In urifig the,41itito petl6d., ., It hut,,* & g - IS entirel, dopon' ont for, fql Qn hri dirWflOilS tit: o-,40r'th'at, it/m:v-work- im Ithy nTel' Tiinity ill, A Oeplirdtd proAdhidlifflofi -of the-vwool' 1h6l'-pase of DEL104 soma b6atbtlff too" 12, uven. sts,110to of' I 6ttj'�' 'Otl J10 1199j,80 lr�d' 1;, G1, or 24 44 tommon 'In `,nealk all 14noftion 0i nt,408 tin d r. mark I'Tt '#d k�er to (.1ire -of Geit:4 -hough adidester 'of 'Kalialidadd (Ito I Ssijtf�llo A01d, A,.fv). '4 *olf knowti, C* Iflood and prileap tit, 6 me r like 'Me Trisli one,' all t While it C to tako' tanl roitto nifthAiffittuiLO, ia agelit, tbo j)nbj(0,' ti�i -V* LU UWE 006 V" 1 0 1 bi fil trAdb Mark# 06 "ZA V�l I U No. gLa".