The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-25, Page 5• • f• the crops >m imadquartets Managers of t& Boa's pm. name will fle prima aoP Total Asietisil Brien of 700,0,00,00(00 A law sitit of Some intereSt to ad- . fete Judge- Sptherland .at the June an •detien ,,,brought by Wm. Clyde Me-' Ps fa... aa alleged breaeh 'of contract; , against the Chevrolet Motor Co. of ..4110§11awa 'nod Earl Avery, garSeman. Of Itincardine. McKeemani it Seems bonght: a :1924. 'model Chevrolet 'ear ' latt-Year from their Kincardine sale- . man, Avery, and is the car. hed a Icriockin it, Avery toe& it th the fee, man; wheeled it l'aver to AVery's gar- age, which afterwerds was burned and the'ton and seats of the ear' were lire.' The- •Charie.einoYed to. • Oshawa factory, for repaiii, but when McKeemqn 'went to get it the '..Che'V-. so4et charged him $1i0 for the latter work Acme on it He thereup- on coMinenced an . action' tO -recover damages, which the :eompany stOutly defended: The Jury retired, about nine o'clock Wednesday' night,: and - ;after being .but.ond in seVeral times. 'for ',addition& information, broagbt "-fiiiier-of--Megeern air -ler-41207 d .niage§ 'against the ;Co, for breach of -warraiitty, end an additional $110 . daniages sustained by 'Plaintiff 'in -served decision as to, whether he wbuld allow plaintiff „fire 'damages, pay .1hern, Or Avery, who bad not put in any defense whateVer in J --the case. . KEEP CAR MARKERS RIGHT . ' Traffic. officers,- especially in 'the cities and on crowded highways, are 'efieeking 'clesely' on 'misplaced mark:. passes without ''a number of motor- ists being brought into police' court and 'fined $5 for haVirig their mark- ers Obstructed.: Owners. 'of Motor •cars who wish. 'to avoid a fine are advised to see that their markers are Placed high, preferabli.on a Strip, 'betweee the headlights, or on the front of the bumper,. Rear plates are often obstructed too, and ,offi dais odVise motorists to see fiat that they , are not obstructed,;, by • Bright stories. and article§ approp- riate to the %unmet months, feature the •July_tiuMber, of Rod, and, Qun Canada, „a typically seasonable story being the first one in the isiae, 'From" count Of chnoe trip in the Rainy ent :pastime of the; seascin, and 'or the Lover, ef the angle, there is i.leap of, good reading material in the reg- u:ar Fishing ,,Notes by Robert Page 'of. great Merit bir D. King Mit-en:. • :Another way , to exterminate Our 'Wild life Would:be to do mere .spank - 0041 " TiNaw uergioOn ttLer a 'lung nod tinny Per- iod, ..W4t4i, the except -etre! lhoradaY eePted. the invitation. extended by the Stevena-RePner OomPaa,9' to' 1484 and inaPect. their •plaiet in the atter, noon, and when mien of the VisitOrs each (Pay atter :tha,apetning of pro.: In. One featnre at .eitst ihe session wait. unique, ter never befure in the' history ,of the ociuntv haa there" heen large"an urban, rePresentat.On at abOnt the, recent inPOkhoration ai* a' village find the • 'tending the: taigest, County Couimil'in °•011-. Methodist Church at "the' request of the Warden, opened tlfe session on Monday ,night ,with deYotionai ex-' ercises,, and Reeve McLaren on” be-. half of the citizensrand' •cotincil of Port, Elgin, reed an address 'of. wel- 4:Oine to 'the County Council to which Warden p. J. Byers Suitably replied ley Enterpriiiie of „recent date, flaying, certain_,:membere of the County Coun- cil for extravaiiiiia-iii7-7Cominit4e - work, was brought np for discussiMo :day and aga'ln Tuesday night When: Mr. *Donald 'editor of the Enter- prise was • present. • ,lBeing an 'ex - Warden of the County of .Bruce, Mr McDonald:Was tolled noon to • ad. drese the council and during' , the clourse of his reinarks Aouched on this LueknoW, chairmati of the House Of' taCked' through the Enterprise col-, iimns, exp tuned hoW,:,he had' 'saved the ,:aunty about $2800...inatead , ''PlaYfng the drunken-„seilor with its have been wrz,ng• in's-erne of this ghat-, ges or that .his editorials' may , have been' construed*. as deensing certain members Of the cOuncil With graft • and good naturedly.apologised, whieh Jo• hnston, and McLaren, two 'of tit( Men he had attacked.throngh bis 0017 onus,. but Was tot •acceptable td Reeve MeVittee of Southampton. Ex -Warden• John- Piersen !of Pore Elgin. a pioneer Of Saugeen Twp - Was also called 'upon to :address the, isceht ,of the days when 'the County sp• 4aker being now e'ast his 90th mile- stone. A deputation from CheSley, corn:. T is Speials MEN'S, PINE STRAW HATS, AT ;."... • 6 MOS TROUSERS, AT: . "HOEPROOP'' SILK 'HOSE, GARTER TOF',`IN :ALL NEVir k SHAOES, GRAIN, 'COCOA, 'SUNBURN, 'INDIAN 11 and p G. Leitch algA: addressed the tation to. the memliera 'lot the Council -tn attend the ceremony in coninectiOn with the unveiling of the Soldiers' Memorial at Ches ey on, 'July 15th. , , 'Re -Accident Insurance w. McGhie, representine the Globe Indemnity' Co.,' and_Mr.; Ches ter, representing : the Etnployers' LiabilitY Corporation, addressed' the COuncil On the sadvantages of nity liisurance protecting .:the Conn-. the fOrmer's *proposition being.' to protect the County '..up to $10,000 personal •daniage, and: $1,000 ,prop. Premium rate of $900 per year and. during and repairing of readS.' at a rate $630 Per year. °Wing, however,' te the lateness or. the season' the Conn - lett. decided not 'to enter into. either of • Mr. A. H. Richardson,. Forester it diverge of reforestation fon ;the ,On- •tario GoVernment, who had been UP' kook into the 'GOVernment's scheme of refOresting waste landa, met the Council' afid reported that -the block b.e Beath, is ,very favorithle for re. •forestation purposes. This block, con- taining 1013 acres,, den be pnrchased for $3.35 per , acre, the 'cheapest rate 'pet acre that has been iobtained „hY 'any county for ' this work. Nand he- recommended the .pur- chinie of this area by. the County for reforestation. Mr. 'Richardson ex: would" enter 'iato this' refaresting .seheme With Bruce the Cbunty must huY the land,„ cOnshiting of at leatt, 1000 ',titres in one block. The Govt.' "Would_ then supply "'the. 'pine", trees' gratis. piant them, fence the Proper- tY care for the trees for a, period of thirty years. at, the end of which time the' County, totild do one of - two things,/ refund, the Govt. thevex-; ',Of 'the tree's, /without 'interest; -and take -OVer4he• timber, or:. the °Govt • refUnd the coinity the :par= 0..f il$44iVt. tiP .4406;4004,-, . ip0iF.. • • y Y" � J •r.: 5: d ri.t f„i;1?fir. the 13r11c�4 iiou.aty ,.rd gieftig 1 le grant ,ic.skid,' . stro.ig tif-Ipttlf4.vo 10411 the Council of the lnaian Ile-• serve, and, ,Sa, Rii,t1lapli ?lndian. Ag- ent,. requesting• a grant of tom wards the : improvemerof, the:. )French Bay ....road runhang north.:. from •Soutl ampton, through the Re "Serve,, was' heard :. The Redmen en- j deavoured ,to show that this: • road.' whi: h wits 1. one time an Indian trail had- beensurrendered: to the County'in 1885, when the Count. bridge - 'has built at Southampton." and as such the eolith y hada right to provide fox its maintepance.-. .In atter deat.i,ig with th.s mater • . th,e, Chu cil 'adopted, a recommendation that $125 b. spent cn this •road, pay.; ments• to,be mad by the k V"!cler, Inc lnc' an,, Agent '` a receipt, of .certi•'• li ate freiii,Reeve Davidson cf ;Am Abel• Tivp• ; a; that mine j'! had .been' -spent . on ;.the road anti ' :work'- .dome,. satisfact'crily. Comntandant.11A. 'Ilurd, "repre- ,entatle for Western O:itp.uio o the :•N°&thin . Arm v, 'made a ,"stron:g peal Tor, a 'grant -'far ' "their. ' Rescue. fi.ame „at -•London, ihieh four ;iris from this county were taken in ,and cared; f cr last,year;`and a number' ,his year. At present this •' instit- ution ,is handicapped in the carrying on :of their great Christian Work ' by 'deficit 6/ ,$9,000. .On, motion .of Peeve, Johnston of L,„cknow:; and 1PCKetrftel%or-f i it ,nt of $800. was made to;the• Salvattiio� nn The• folic i:ng .grants wear 'made .o be spent 'en Tow nsh'.:p: roads in he CC3ut;, • .$1.25:Mon.. the- -14th-Goma r, B; .R-1�innin-g 1nnto the IndAan""Vitl=' ige^. in Albem-ar:e. Twp `$125 on Burn, road in the Twp..' of 8t :Edmunds; $1 25- on West rrad';n, .Lindsay Twp. to, straighten,Qi t a dangerous curve at 20th sider:ad;,1125 rn •bbun.',ary be tween Eastnbte and Alhcn'ar'e • Tvi*ps .on 413111 J:C4t4re the' To Make,,NOpl...1 leete•Was that Reeve a-nicol- Op 'motion of e' P bAlleck 4P 4I1,4 YPt4d. for the .44 It does, listen like rang' • extrava- gance that the Countit, should ep, Point connuittee to look into this tee spent ahout, .4500 :tripping a - and going' to .Teroato to toke the matter up,'With the RefOrestation 'Dept.:4 and. then far 'the Council 'to doWn the scheme so ,e‘ier„ Whemilngly. If ',opposed to' .,the' ',Pretest; ProPosed Change' of A801, .ReSenting ' the, action 'off ,the ch own Pr liVetton :the Werdeh'h nanittee was euthori§ed to 'put,: sent; Some' to' .,,County • Lhaineer phenson and --wife, together with, • Miscellaneous, and wa iv pia And otouneil 4PPointing. six' 'men Ifte •: re; :it to lid 'the 'r'UneXpired terra at: tin. a -Canadian national flag fok use a"- Dixon. and Mr. I\ orman Robertson Qi shore," Bruce County Couhelil Walketton. On a vote being taken ted the following reso,ution: Mov, Reeve Johnston, that' thfs County ing 'opposed- to 'any Chamois in our national flag, andthat the Clerk for, ward a copy of thisiresention to the Dominion Governinent showing that the' County of Bruce is Still sat- isfied with the old flag. \ • • OPP Poo she fee ' request tioni the Tourist's ' As from the,iCopnly $25.0,) "-Wag ed that the estimated ccist. Of contio- aing rPad" on. main street at Whir - con north about half a ,n'rile wher,e. "it joiris •the -reed running 'in same di- rection to townline of Arnitbel 'and A.bemarle,. is 1.5,000, and the com- iinitte,e• felt. that/ this route' shoUld,, be ,carefally considered and brought,. ,to the attention Of the • Dipartment the ,north edge of Wiartott .roeds added that xnore ,compact system., nhaY result, *as thotoughlY 'diScussed and" by • certain reeves' ed Mit • Was 'finally adopted Vet Go than the addition 'of; a few' 'Changes ch the IlighWey's Committee and aVe :Made, '1:he .proposed e ; recommended. by the Dept., rednces :the' Mileage -of Coon - ,of 276 miles ak 'compared with 325 mi:es in the old' • systeni. As the Govt. has increased the grant ' to townshiPs haying aholished'' statute labohr freM 80 p.c. to 30 p.c. tin all bridges within:the township, and as Most of the 'townships in the. coonty have abolished . stattne labor,: Very ' County Rate 1 Cent.' on Didier Prosbects , lowering the tax rate of the County to 9 mills, or.: ev ;County Treasurer; :faded..from view when applications Were ,presented frOm the 'various:High Schools, arid once , -of -County PuPilsithat ,is for ose outside the district Where: the s hob', is located, of :Which '80% is Paid by the county. In the majority er's Dry °oils- Store, LUCKNOW itoompoossookimPommetarmsoodoww threat, and' the province 'take over, ,the timber.. All that would be ; in- ArOlved-would be the intermit fee thir4 Reeve shcroft of Albemarle 4 'chairman brotight in a revert , re, chase the 1013 acres lit 'Ameba /or of easee, these aPP•leatigins call . for grants much in exceSS of these of, last , year. Owing to the re- modelling Of Liteknow Continuation Schook which was forced upOn them by legislation, their grant for thia 76, • The- amount required to meet the cutient expenses of the year iS for education, Which necessitates the evying of 10 Trials .or *one cent on the 'FloPar, the ,sanie rate 44 'last' In 192? a Intim to .determine , the equalitatien of, the .ASseasnient of COunty was., -pasaed reducing purpose V County, rates. for 1920,, Lhe assessment being set • at $231,- the for day eil eon ter wh his roe of liar ron eke vil col tw tio East Bruce, being present at WeS invited by the Vvsiden to ad mit ,and, instructie. talk; , dealing ca• tion in the County.. tw• eed at the Casino. A boat trip jell had been arranged for Tinits• morning' had to be . disPensee Highways Grant 3 Mi3s 'aunty Eng;neer Stephenson -4n report . stated, 'the Count • As are no* being ,„irrought up u - reasonable state of maintemncc- d I am trying to confine Otn light . gravel.ing widening. the rovi places and immediate' re minder -of expenditure ,,with the eption of that in , towns and :ages, ruilehinery, etc., *ill be on verts and bridges, gradlny with o throe gangs and • the applica= n of crushed. gravel . with „ five shers ell of which dre tow :in ration.. We-arerbuilding-two Would Tax Income' and HUsiness ible furore :ainonw -the tanks of the that of ReeVe Willoughby- of Brant and Ashcroft 'of Albemarle Twe, that Business end 'Income be taxed ior peunty purposes as well as, . for *ion in, representation of 19. to:15 in faior'.Of the • rura.ities in looked for a time as if they Would pet it :icipalities".are riot 'assessed for 'Midi - the towns and villages were to be made the goats After a heated dis- cussion in whieh the lega.ity of the puted, It being' evident that the 'urb- an municipalitie§ W'ottlit appeal to :the Judge, this motion, was Withdrawn - and imether 'one Presented '.by Ash-, aloft' and4.,WilloUghby :that notice be' De Ihnber Session lot the asseshe eiccess of 'their credit in the Bank 'by ,r;iont 'of • Misine§s and income tax fur ge in ch eTtri heo en, f ihferdetrhe...:yevea: tr,oafen, hecs, ee aFerhPi auibsy-, ity, were aWarded the positions, the .salery .in all cases being .$969,. Miss eettifitate and hae been _teaching at Tanner's school, Brant,. for the past fopr" Years succeeds Miss Wilson .as teacher of the third' and fourth beek; Miss Irene lgobte, who else has e first-elas§. certifidate and has "been instructor of the Continuatien Scher!) at Teeswater for a cciuple Of years; S, one 40ft. span and One 50 ft. Jennie 'Long, who 'besides 'heeprofes.; Sional teacher's certificate,. is specialist in .kindergarfen work, • will teacher in the first book. • The County :Goal had' its biggest of A reinforced . concrete ese; along With fill at the apprba- es, will Cost about $15,000.00. We also haVe two' cuNert. gangs ft. in .span. The cost of this • be about $20;000.00. 24 The grading Will cosi- $20, 909.0. OQ wo of thi er of pa de ph tr ha th th ev :list of ininates for sometime recently • .1 $5.95 min All -year Wei& ' tip io 44. 'JUNE SPECIAL NOTICE TO CREDITORS In the 'matter of the estate ". of Mary 'Martin; late of the Village of e, Notide • is; hereby given that all mands against the .iate Mary Martin who died on. Or about the 'tivelftn day: ef August A. D. 1921 ot the Village • of Lueknow, in' the 'Province ,of Onk , ark), aro re4:1111:fycl--ta-Sehd rb-Y post: Prepaid or to:deliver to the under7„ signed, Administrator . of' the 'estate of the said Mary Martin, their manies. and addresses and fulls particulars in Ments of' their accouhts and the na- tpre Of the securities, if any. hetd by them, duly verified by .; And. take notice that after the: e Operation of the crushers abou 9,9o9.00, and patrol •ma:ritenanec hrought in. to await trial, • There ./istkihnte the assets of the said de - 5,000.00 making a. total f4 $140,- were twb others' ,to come eased amorig the ' persona entitled , thereto, having regard. milk: to the claims of which he shall Oen have .' .notiee, and "that the said admin.. serator-' will not be liable for the . ,5aid assetS or any 'Part thereof ' to any person 'of ;whose daini he ehall • not thea_l_lavd received notice.' Dated at•-riCknOwf,the 10tli day of Ont. Admiiiistretor for the, •said Mari, Martin. ' The "cost 'of the town and village rk, including the County's share Paisley pavement :twill be ahout 5,000.00. At a %tie of three Mills s 1: leavens $15,000.00 for ov- head, machinery , and incidental -0, might add that the' County'S shat1/4 the cost of. Paisley pavenient 19,000.00 will he paid by, the De- rtnnent. ,The total cost of the pe• nding on the width Oyer 20- ft t by the village. The work in,the north in' the Cen- e 'Road 'is being oertailed.this year th the' excepticn of Maintenance ht gravelling and the most *gen'. ork We- are .now building it .24 btldge over Judges- Creek; Whieb e operations. , In' the Pest three years 'mest ", Of ereensinetion work_ has 'been '" e north half of th0 CountY. .116w. er this. season; the ',Major portion Of ea ec bY til ea ie Ye this. work is. in the southerIV, half co• mical resultA can be obtained 'concentrating in one 'district an-, the mo,:t, u.igoernatntwsork ia, that lo- . butchers , „continue. 'to ade tO the West Bruce •, Women's i special grant Of : $2, .5:00 ,..., w:ts • , Mstianc:iy thgremocbe: callianndg tAin't,roefcl'u$i2s,00(0)11•wasfor°rdiertende.liaiDdr:P'etc - - 'Joel 'Cosi. 50 rni 'les, ot atlap. ounty'Childrenls Aid Society 'for a ' up ouint•Loaf7,„ctoi;rie opfr3or . . 'On ' Vedneaday afternoon a delni• • . Aft te..,;,(16:3,... 4:nd 1.1011r, al Hospital Boat& with Mr. CrOki- porn tiori froen the Hiuce Conn. ts: Ge,n... .‘:nvd ge4ingt:h6ir orders: . eaci.t sl naild4sh deg▪ se. rP:aagnkrsteirti nal*: Ivh:e .11 lal iPe°P:t4: Padt'ilh4t :af e°1'. ir c ::' nfl IbT1 1' 41:1:18: ; ; ' "oarifrdo°c:rrdsr.Isto.644- del vt eShOrilOsnTic ra'AV:m ae 'elVkedllyei . before:the court and six . who, are serving tetin§, Making a total • goal, population of, eleven: 'Years' ago it Was n 'common thing to -have double this nuniber behind the bars at one time. There is room for twenty-four' in- the big • County 'boarding house with ait the roorris Mr. Joye son of the Proprieter go to the country onto' $600 'This year theY ked the' cOuncil to inerease their' rant "to $3,000. 111 later dealiAt7 itlf_the_vecingst, v..0 motions; ene terraeller of PaisteY:tat,...he• grant' bo nuttle'13,600, and :the "other-r.'"IY- • $2,000, In dealing 'With same . the Finance CoinMitteee anlit the differ Oiled 'and recamthehded a *tont, of having' hadj`ed, doers in front of the Court Itouse replaced ihy mg* in 'the the -Court-tous:er.Land tellet P7tteed in the rear. of /or the County gt a total .• Tli`e 'warden's Committee kepi:id- Lat. .til,antatitiP tarried!' on that theY ivouta. not, ask for lip. bet discusAiel and brought .1 It I, 4 'fOttit ,Imindment thit :the' conn. ,colinti Building*: -to: :$3000 iv; :Oh 0 I:4.1, • t...t two. yem,„ ,da, ?Olt .011 V. 104 ohnls tho House of Refuro,of $02,00Q, *wont tuo• tooled -;or po post spond to offers ,to supply them, and this is usually pmfitable business. • - We would be 'glad to help ,--. your work out. Plan' for' reaching .thit3, trade.' ShoWed on thel Exhibition Grounds four' das of 14st week, was sum- mered to ppiee Coert, on Saturday , ran ming. to ansWer a aarge ,Of as- sault laid by.; "a Young ' fanner •; Plesherto,n. It appears „ that the , go -round And When the ticket collect - came around -he OVA not find his', -ticket Mit 'said he wonlci ,either pro, duce the/ticket orten cents W en' he with young ''Joye:"*.lid. hit' the' lesh,7,' handini, out three -Stiff pOkeSo ;yen if'he did get some' Abuse. they Med: him 'fifteen dol.:ais and 'coats, atheunt- Miss' ()Jive Robli anti •••• S'-e',3/4V-i°e61.are "p. leased ..i071t.n.ove 'that' TIannah Sectt .Will he Our teacher ,Mr. end MrS. Singh metered; 'Matte tTodirkinsbn arid Sarah yam. 00 soniinatlon in this weekt