The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-25, Page 5•
the crops >m
Managers of t& Boa's
pm. name will fle prima aoP
Total Asietisil Brien of
A law sitit of Some intereSt to ad-
. fete Judge- Sptherland .at the June
an •detien ,,,brought by Wm. Clyde Me-'
Ps fa... aa alleged breaeh 'of contract;
, against the Chevrolet Motor Co. of
..4110§11awa 'nod Earl Avery, garSeman.
Of Itincardine. McKeemani it Seems
bonght: a :1924. 'model Chevrolet 'ear
' latt-Year from their Kincardine sale-
. man, Avery, and is the car. hed a
Icriockin it, Avery toe& it th the fee,
man; wheeled it l'aver to AVery's gar-
age, which afterwerds was burned
and the'ton and seats of the ear' were
lire.' The- •Charie.einoYed to.
• Oshawa factory, for repaiii, but when
McKeemqn 'went to get it the '..Che'V-.
so4et charged him $1i0 for the
latter work Acme on it He thereup-
on coMinenced an . action' tO -recover
damages, which the :eompany stOutly
defended: The Jury retired, about
nine o'clock Wednesday' night,: and -
;after being .but.ond in seVeral times.
'for ',addition& information, broagbt
"-fiiiier-of--Megeern air -ler-41207 d
.niage§ 'against the ;Co, for breach of
-warraiitty, end an additional $110
. daniages sustained by 'Plaintiff 'in
-served decision as to, whether he
wbuld allow plaintiff „fire 'damages,
pay .1hern, Or Avery, who bad
not put in any defense whateVer in
J --the case.
' Traffic. officers,- especially in 'the
cities and on crowded highways, are
'efieeking 'clesely' on 'misplaced mark:.
passes without ''a number of motor-
ists being brought into police' court
and 'fined $5 for haVirig their mark-
ers Obstructed.: Owners. 'of Motor
•cars who wish. 'to avoid a fine are
advised to see that their markers
are Placed high, preferabli.on a Strip,
'betweee the headlights, or on the
front of the bumper,. Rear plates
are often obstructed too, and ,offi
dais odVise motorists to see fiat
that they , are not obstructed,;, by
• Bright stories. and article§ approp-
riate to the %unmet months, feature
the •July_tiuMber, of Rod, and, Qun
Canada, „a typically seasonable story
being the first one in the isiae, 'From"
count Of chnoe trip in the Rainy
ent :pastime of the; seascin, and 'or
the Lover, ef the angle, there is i.leap
of, good reading material in the reg-
u:ar Fishing ,,Notes by Robert Page
'of. great Merit bir D. King Mit-en:. •
:Another way , to exterminate Our
'Wild life Would:be to do mere .spank -
0041 " TiNaw
uergioOn ttLer a 'lung nod tinny Per-
iod, ..W4t4i, the except -etre! lhoradaY
eePted. the invitation. extended by the
Stevena-RePner OomPaa,9' to' 1484
and inaPect. their •plaiet in the atter,
noon, and when mien of the VisitOrs
each (Pay atter :tha,apetning of pro.:
In. One featnre at .eitst ihe session
wait. unique, ter never befure in the'
history ,of the ociuntv haa there" heen
large"an urban, rePresentat.On at
abOnt the, recent inPOkhoration
ai* a' village find the • 'tending
the: taigest, County Couimil'in °•011-.
Methodist Church at "the' request of
the Warden, opened tlfe session on
Monday ,night ,with deYotionai ex-'
ercises,, and Reeve McLaren on” be-.
half of the citizensrand' •cotincil of
Port, Elgin, reed an address 'of. wel-
4:Oine to 'the County Council to which
Warden p. J. Byers Suitably replied
ley Enterpriiiie of „recent date, flaying,
certain_,:membere of the County Coun-
cil for extravaiiiiia-iii7-7Cominit4e -
work, was brought np for discussiMo
:day and aga'ln Tuesday night When:
Mr. *Donald 'editor of the Enter-
prise was • present. • ,lBeing an 'ex -
Warden of the County of .Bruce, Mr
McDonald:Was tolled noon to • ad.
drese the council and during' , the
clourse of his reinarks Aouched on this
LueknoW, chairmati of the House Of'
taCked' through the Enterprise col-,
iimns, exp tuned hoW,:,he had' 'saved
the ,:aunty about $2800...inatead ,
''PlaYfng the drunken-„seilor with its
have been wrz,ng• in's-erne of this ghat-,
ges or that .his editorials' may , have
been' construed*. as deensing certain
members Of the cOuncil With graft •
and good naturedly.apologised, whieh
Jo• hnston, and McLaren, two 'of tit(
Men he had attacked.throngh bis 0017
onus,. but Was tot •acceptable td
Reeve MeVittee of Southampton.
Ex -Warden• John- Piersen !of Pore
Elgin. a pioneer Of Saugeen Twp -
Was also called 'upon to :address the,
isceht ,of the days when 'the County
sp• 4aker being now e'ast his 90th mile-
A deputation from CheSley, corn:.
T is
and p G. Leitch algA: addressed the
tation to. the memliera 'lot the Council
-tn attend the ceremony in coninectiOn
with the unveiling of the Soldiers'
Memorial at Ches ey on, 'July 15th. ,
, 'Re -Accident Insurance
w. McGhie, representine the
Globe Indemnity' Co.,' and_Mr.; Ches
ter, representing : the Etnployers'
LiabilitY Corporation, addressed' the
COuncil On the sadvantages of
nity liisurance protecting .:the Conn-.
the fOrmer's *proposition being.' to
protect the County '..up to $10,000
personal •daniage, and: $1,000 ,prop.
Premium rate of $900 per year and.
and repairing of readS.' at a rate
$630 Per year. °Wing, however,' te
the lateness or. the season' the Conn -
lett. decided not 'to enter into. either of
• Mr. A. H. Richardson,. Forester it
diverge of reforestation fon ;the ,On-
•tario GoVernment, who had been UP'
kook into the 'GOVernment's scheme
of refOresting waste landa, met the
Council' afid reported that -the block
b.e Beath, is ,very favorithle for re.
•forestation purposes. This block, con-
taining 1013 acres,, den be
pnrchased for $3.35 per , acre, the
'cheapest rate 'pet acre that has been
iobtained „hY 'any county for ' this
work. Nand he- recommended the .pur-
chinie of this area by. the County for
reforestation. Mr. 'Richardson ex:
would" enter 'iato this' refaresting
.seheme With Bruce the Cbunty must
huY the land,„ cOnshiting of at leatt,
1000 ',titres in one block. The Govt.'
"Would_ then supply "'the. 'pine", trees'
gratis. piant them, fence the Proper-
tY care for the trees for a, period of
thirty years. at, the end of which
time the' County, totild do one of -
two things,/ refund, the Govt. thevex-;
',Of 'the tree's, /without 'interest; -and
take -OVer4he• timber, or:. the °Govt
• refUnd the coinity the :par=
0..f il$44iVt. tiP .4406;4004,-,
. ip0iF..
y Y" � J •r.: 5:
d ri.t f„i;1?fir. the 13r11c�4 iiou.aty
,.rd gieftig 1 le grant ,ic.skid,'
. stro.ig tif-Ipttlf4.vo 10411 the
Council of the lnaian Ile-•
serve, and, ,Sa, Rii,t1lapli ?lndian. Ag-
ent,. requesting• a grant of tom
wards the : improvemerof, the:.
)French Bay ....road runhang north.:.
from •Soutl ampton, through the Re
"Serve,, was' heard :. The Redmen en- j
deavoured ,to show that this: • road.'
h wits 1. one time an Indian trail
had- beensurrendered: to the
County'in 1885, when the Count.
bridge - 'has built at Southampton."
and as such the eolith y hada right
to provide fox its maintepance.-. .In
atter deat.i,ig with th.s mater • . th,e,
Chu cil 'adopted, a recommendation
that $125 b. spent cn this •road, pay.;
ments• to,be mad by the k V"!cler,
Inc lnc' an,, Agent '` a receipt, of .certi•'•
li ate freiii,Reeve Davidson cf ;Am
Abel• Tivp• ; a; that mine j'! had .been'
-spent . on ;.the road anti ' :work'- .dome,.
Comntandant.11A. 'Ilurd, "repre-
,entatle for Western O:itp.uio o the
:•N°&thin . Arm v, 'made a ,"stron:g
peal Tor, a 'grant -'far ' "their. ' Rescue.
fi.ame „at -•London, ihieh four
;iris from this county were taken in
,and cared; f cr last,year;`and a number'
,his year. At present this •' instit-
ution ,is handicapped in the carrying
on :of their great Christian Work ' by
'deficit 6/ ,$9,000. .On, motion .of
Peeve, Johnston of L,„cknow:; and
1PCKetrftel%or-f i it ,nt of
$800. was made to;the• Salvattiio� nn
The• folic i:ng .grants wear 'made
.o be spent 'en Tow nsh'.:p: roads in
he CC3ut;, • .$1.25:Mon.. the- -14th-Goma
r, B; .R-1�innin-g 1nnto the IndAan""Vitl='
ige^. in Albem-ar:e. Twp `$125 on Burn,
road in the Twp..' of 8t :Edmunds; $1
25- on West rrad';n, .Lindsay Twp. to,
straighten,Qi t a dangerous curve at
20th sider:ad;,1125 rn •bbun.',ary be
tween Eastnbte and Alhcn'ar'e • Tvi*ps
.on 413111 J:C4t4re the' To Make,,NOpl...1
leete•Was that Reeve a-nicol- Op 'motion of e' P
bAlleck 4P 4I1,4 YPt4d. for the .44
It does, listen like rang' • extrava-
gance that the Countit, should ep,
Point connuittee to look into this
tee spent ahout, .4500 :tripping a -
and going' to .Teroato to toke the
matter up,'With the RefOrestation
'Dept.:4 and. then far 'the Council 'to
doWn the scheme so ,e‘ier„
Whemilngly. If ',opposed to' .,the'
',Pretest; ProPosed Change' of A801,
.ReSenting ' the, action 'off ,the
own Pr liVetton :the Werdeh'h
nanittee was euthori§ed to 'put,:
sent; Some' to' .,,County • Lhaineer
phenson and --wife, together with,
• Miscellaneous,
otouneil 4PPointing. six' 'men Ifte •: re; :it to lid 'the 'r'UneXpired terra at: tin.
a -Canadian national flag fok use a"- Dixon. and Mr. I\ orman Robertson Qi
shore," Bruce County Couhelil Walketton. On a vote being taken
ted the following reso,ution: Mov,
Reeve Johnston, that' thfs County
ing 'opposed- to 'any Chamois in our
national flag, andthat the Clerk for,
ward a copy of thisiresention to the
Dominion Governinent showing
that the' County of Bruce is Still sat-
isfied with the old flag. \ •
' request tioni the Tourist's ' As
from the,iCopnly $25.0,) "-Wag
ed that the estimated ccist. Of contio-
aing rPad" on. main street at Whir -
con north about half a ,n'rile wher,e.
"it joiris •the -reed running 'in same di-
rection to townline of Arnitbel 'and
A.bemarle,. is 1.5,000, and the com-
iinitte,e• felt. that/ this route' shoUld,, be
,carefally considered and brought,. ,to
the attention Of the • Dipartment
the ,north edge of Wiartott
.roeds added that xnore ,compact
system., nhaY result, *as thotoughlY
'diScussed and" by • certain reeves'
ed Mit • Was 'finally adopted
the addition 'of; a few' 'Changes
ch the IlighWey's Committee and
aVe :Made, '1:he .proposed
e ; recommended. by the
Dept., rednces :the' Mileage -of Coon -
,of 276 miles ak 'compared with 325
mi:es in the old' • systeni. As the
Govt. has increased the grant ' to
townshiPs haying aholished'' statute
labohr freM 80 p.c. to 30 p.c. tin all
bridges within:the township, and as
Most of the 'townships in the. coonty
have abolished . stattne labor,: Very
' County Rate 1 Cent.' on Didier
Prosbects , lowering the tax
rate of the County to 9 mills, or.: ev
;County Treasurer; :faded..from view
when applications Were ,presented
frOm the 'various:High Schools, arid
once , -of -County PuPilsithat ,is for
ose outside the district Where: the
s hob', is located, of :Which '80% is
Paid by the county. In the majority
er's Dry °oils- Store,
threat, and' the province 'take over,
,the timber.. All that would be ; in-
ArOlved-would be the intermit fee thir4
Reeve shcroft of Albemarle 4
'chairman brotight in a revert , re,
chase the 1013 acres lit 'Ameba /or
of easee, these aPP•leatigins call . for
grants much in exceSS of these of,
last , year. Owing to the re-
modelling Of Liteknow Continuation
Schook which was forced upOn them
by legislation, their grant for thia
76, • The- amount required to meet
the cutient expenses of the year iS
for education, Which necessitates the
evying of 10 Trials .or *one cent on
the 'FloPar, the ,sanie rate 44 'last'
In 192? a Intim to .determine , the
equalitatien of, the .ASseasnient of
COunty was., -pasaed reducing
purpose V County, rates. for 1920,,
Lhe assessment being set • at $231,-
East Bruce, being present at
WeS invited by the Vvsiden to ad
mit ,and, instructie. talk; , dealing
ca• tion in the County..
tw• eed at the Casino. A boat trip
jell had been arranged for Tinits•
morning' had to be . disPensee
Highways Grant 3 Mi3s
'aunty Eng;neer Stephenson -4n
report . stated, 'the Count •
As are no* being ,„irrought up u -
reasonable state of maintemncc-
d I am trying to confine Otn
light . widening. the
rovi places and immediate' re
minder -of expenditure ,,with the
eption of that in , towns and
:ages, ruilehinery, etc., *ill be on
verts and bridges, gradlny with
o throe gangs and • the applica=
n of crushed. gravel . with „ five
shers ell of which dre tow :in
ration.. We-arerbuilding-two
Would Tax Income' and HUsiness
ible furore :ainonw -the tanks of the
that of ReeVe Willoughby- of Brant
and Ashcroft 'of Albemarle Twe,
that Business end 'Income be taxed
ior peunty purposes as well as, . for
*ion in, representation of 19. to:15
in faior'.Of the • rura.ities in looked
for a time as if they Would pet it
:icipalities".are riot 'assessed for 'Midi -
the towns and villages were to be
made the goats After a heated dis-
cussion in whieh the lega.ity of the
puted, It being' evident that the 'urb-
an municipalitie§ W'ottlit appeal to :the
Judge, this motion, was Withdrawn -
and imether 'one Presented '.by Ash-,
aloft' and4.,WilloUghby :that notice be'
De Ihnber Session lot the asseshe eiccess of 'their credit in the Bank 'by
,r;iont 'of • Misine§s and income tax fur
eTtri heo en, f ihferdetrhe...:yevea: tr,oafen, hecs, ee aFerhPi auibsy-,
ity, were aWarded the positions, the
.salery .in all cases being .$969,. Miss
eettifitate and hae been _teaching at
Tanner's school, Brant,. for the past
fopr" Years succeeds Miss Wilson .as
teacher of the third' and fourth beek;
Miss Irene lgobte, who else has e
first-elas§. certifidate and has "been
instructor of the Continuatien Scher!)
at Teeswater for a cciuple Of years;
S, one 40ft. span and One 50 ft. Jennie 'Long, who 'besides 'heeprofes.;
Sional teacher's certificate,. is
specialist in .kindergarfen work, • will
teacher in the first book.
The County :Goal had' its biggest
of A reinforced . concrete
ese; along With fill at the apprba-
es, will Cost about $15,000.00.
We also haVe two' cuNert. gangs
ft. in .span. The cost of this
• be about $20;000.00.
The grading Will cosi- $20, 909.0.
:list of ininates for sometime recently
• .1
min All -year Wei& '
tip io 44. 'JUNE SPECIAL
In the 'matter of the estate ". of
Mary 'Martin; late of the Village of
e, Notide • is; hereby given that all
mands against the .iate Mary Martin
who died on. Or about the 'tivelftn day:
ef August A. D. 1921 ot the Village •
of Lueknow, in' the 'Province ,of Onk ,
ark), aro re4:1111:fycl--ta-Sehd rb-Y post:
Prepaid or to:deliver to the under7„
signed, Administrator . of' the 'estate
of the said Mary Martin, their manies.
and addresses and fulls particulars in
Ments of' their accouhts and the na-
tpre Of the securities, if any. hetd by
them, duly verified by
.; And. take notice that after the:
e Operation of the crushers abou
9,9o9.00, and patrol •ma:ritenanec hrought in. to await trial, • There ./istkihnte the assets of the said de -
5,000.00 making a. total f4 $140,- were twb others' ,to come eased amorig the ' persona entitled ,
thereto, having regard. milk: to the
claims of which he shall Oen have .'
.notiee, and "that the said admin..
serator-' will not be liable for the .
,5aid assetS or any 'Part thereof ' to
any person 'of ;whose daini he ehall •
not thea_l_lavd received notice.'
Dated at•-riCknOwf,the 10tli day of
Ont. Admiiiistretor for the, •said
Mari, Martin. '
The "cost 'of the town and village
rk, including the County's share
Paisley pavement :twill be ahout
5,000.00. At a %tie of three Mills
s 1: leavens $15,000.00 for ov-
head, machinery , and incidental -0,
might add that the' County'S shat1/4
the cost of. Paisley pavenient
19,000.00 will he paid by, the De-
rtnnent. ,The total cost of the
pe• nding on the width Oyer 20- ft
t by the village.
The work in,the north in' the Cen-
e 'Road 'is being oertailed.this year
th the' excepticn of Maintenance
ht gravelling and the most *gen'.
ork We- are .now building it .24
btldge over Judges- Creek; Whieb
e operations. ,
In' the Pest three years 'mest ", Of
ereensinetion work_ has 'been '"
e north half of th0 CountY. .116w.
er this. season; the ',Major portion
this. work is. in the southerIV, half
co• mical resultA can be obtained
'concentrating in one 'district an-,
the mo,:t, u.igoernatntwsork ia, that lo-
. butchers , „continue. 'to
ade tO the West Bruce •, Women's
i special grant Of : $2, .5:00 ,..., w:ts • , Mstianc:iy thgremocbe: callianndg
tAin't,roefcl'u$i2s,00(0)11•wasfor°rdiertende.liaiDdr:P'etc - - 'Joel 'Cosi. 50 rni 'les, ot atlap.
ounty'Childrenls Aid Society 'for a ' up ouint•Loaf7,„ctoi;rie opfr3or . .
'On ' Vedneaday afternoon a delni• • . Aft te..,;,(16:3,... 4:nd 1.1011r,
al Hospital Boat& with Mr. CrOki- porn
tiori froen the Hiuce Conn. ts: Ge,n... .‘:nvd ge4ingt:h6ir orders:
. eaci.t sl naild4sh deg▪ se. rP:aagnkrsteirti nal*: Ivh:e .11 lal iPe°P:t4: Padt'ilh4t :af e°1'. ir c ::' nfl IbT1 1' 41:1:18: ; ; ' "oarifrdo°c:rrdsr.Isto.644- del vt eShOrilOsnTic ra'AV:m ae 'elVkedllyei .
before:the court and six . who, are
serving tetin§, Making a total • goal,
population of, eleven: 'Years' ago it
Was n 'common thing to -have double
this nuniber behind the bars at one
time. There is room for twenty-four'
in- the big • County 'boarding house
with ait the roorris
Mr. Joye son of the Proprieter
go to the
onto' $600 'This year theY
ked the' cOuncil to inerease their'
rant "to $3,000. 111 later dealiAt7
itlf_the_vecingst, v..0 motions; ene
terraeller of PaisteY:tat,...he• grant'
bo nuttle'13,600, and :the "other-r.'"IY-
• $2,000, In dealing 'With same . the
Finance CoinMitteee anlit the differ
Oiled 'and recamthehded a *tont, of
having' hadj`ed, doers in front of
the Court Itouse replaced ihy mg*
in 'the the -Court-tous:er.Land
tellet P7tteed in the rear. of
/or the County gt a total
.• Tli`e 'warden's Committee kepi:id-
Lat. .til,antatitiP tarried!' on that theY ivouta. not, ask for
lip. bet discusAiel and brought .1 It I, 4
'fOttit ,Imindment thit :the' conn. ,colinti Building*: -to: :$3000 iv; :Oh 0 I:4.1, • t...t two. yem,„
,da, ?Olt .011 V. 104 ohnls tho House of Refuro,of $02,00Q, *wont tuo• tooled -;or po post
spond to offers ,to supply
them, and this is usually
pmfitable business.
- We would be 'glad to help
,--. your work out. Plan' for'
reaching .thit3, trade.'
ShoWed on thel Exhibition Grounds
four' das of 14st week, was sum-
mered to ppiee Coert, on Saturday ,
ran ming. to ansWer a aarge ,Of as-
sault laid by.; "a Young ' fanner •;
Plesherto,n. It appears „ that the ,
go -round And When the ticket collect -
came around -he OVA not find his',
-ticket Mit 'said he wonlci ,either pro,
duce the/ticket orten cents W en' he
with young ''Joye:"*.lid. hit' the' lesh,7,'
handini, out three -Stiff pOkeSo ;yen
if'he did get some' Abuse. they Med:
him 'fifteen dol.:ais and 'coats, atheunt-
Miss' ()Jive Robli anti ••••
S'-e',3/4V-i°e61.are "p. leased ..i071t.n.ove 'that'
TIannah Sectt .Will he Our teacher
,Mr. end MrS. Singh metered;
'Matte tTodirkinsbn arid Sarah yam.
00 soniinatlon in this weekt