The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-25, Page 44.4 M M 2w, 77 orm tTM-7 4", 'A"11 Ad, M P, first 11*4 jns,14 .,a townfl, 'An t d� �Alcli aVA T ra, 14� ti.,' provision of '44 OX Vnu t em,j�4jth,- 441", 14000 pe, f9r, � tho, piv.e Or Of 'i Ch vm kin 4MR "N". *100, irti�� th 1 6,� . - 3, - -ar, stp d #t 4 'Oory. Thurs t dg, t ;� Iini.� OrWy '9 &Mrtj me" to �Ue poAk -of- Noont sugie4td_4 3040*0 r4ow, TUM—Up 1;;pt it , U, S. It of Att - _tO bUokoqW"r (�.at*j 0.: 'by-' t Min.L, ..... nt J). _,3 q �Fve.rdst, iii 440'. tile -g fev", cWttitia" lie ga pra hpols, A, facei,oj ,W *04 d, Editor, it abl'O'.410 'Neu md gill gin-, .1 leplties !40 0400*44 id hive XP 'I'd, Al thst it. 6!v Ii4e,.,pi,- VIA mlay, not, be s4l '. that V ... 6t R�P,' thWIR1*4 Pil' tfietrj* at IPTY it, "Coux, rt,4 do P-0 -1lave albri; y U_ be HATi. 41��o V ine. Mt. . . ., Aw etuAlj� A,& th,�r poln lit, the� neii: o 004-:, OW THE XEN fa d jag4qp ',of,, t _,W �thjn -4 t ill rill 1pf A ption rd§, to tako' 0 TH G'ji hpir feel :W Ic U t 7 D;yqu.—ori ' 1 1. �'-' fo the -o J, js� ;kt tbo� th�"C hL� present- epp�Aurtitiesl f(�r- '�'qo�OP Orat�_ ,pen co.uhtrY—the rollifig' 1 -th ­ 4'.. _0 and, otr , amsr:,Ahe� UPSP016 PAT y JR1,011"171 aye Abol- : ''1 '104 WOCA T 4 A, i here 'N�jt, Yoj will.r fin4 the -P Vinq, vooepti 11 , Y64 r thi t� eveTy oint.,, to _Vo r " 1. 1 flr' M90 . r DQUCATION411 I I , p . r ,ria. 4. -As �d. BRUC4� C ip" KONA! niq4tion, -,znd� tho� To;� -wh n j. The. extent 01111.04094 "V. to 0 l_ 'wh ASK Would *vide.4ai. sq;h i.,o ring,. "I t us W we '14, the bliall: "h' I tliz. 11lip" U.Bu �rq,ralliilg you. obi A` A to. th lei ;n, it keir ill Sutki" -70 hd f ift A tin fq" t 64 kei;., -k:ne beld.jri A-14d:"Xpwn sc Iome, 4not, n6ces Association tvas 14 . h 7, �'tlie' 6a oty. pary. to ifick rite 01=1 IN% fill; kial 4:, PAIS ion, ro f '' f W144 ollo:e.. d i�jv - parts 0 4loito the, o abI to c.pon r9a 00 *� g::,o�� s9 IC -4900,400 X,�w6ro,-_-Ha n �A .e diseu e ttien �w 8�ot y,,'a "rQ- ing a., ownb. .,.rnwn,wne In exc on ttgated,tti a L-Tief".jqn, ei ghnotwwe, t peautlfulthbu A :6 9, n 0' 9A ert; i ' " P 1.q t, d q v' . 4. ' �111 ' ' ' ' -e entco6diti an ors' I I f:, t W:, *14 tod q tho le'St�, J� �4 t"t1tv' bostl,rof� 44e,po It known. Wo� app t t�i" 00'less Ing 5 �Ve Over A th t en ain e -a co,,� �Viv f - ,l o '.Oar, to �0�'r4urrt --ne mildiredr.: d0, 'I)y, WI 'is, 4 h ilte "I Pupils fo.�fi - tile, "p-mve7 t t i Sej, OnfiinO - t fs; spyninet e acqqqaIn ga P ps Wkrip al; k. . - All of. UZ Jkq: YffiC31 Was g.j!i1DU_t y e #es, ol YOU. 4h, roiidi. a . d q ip .-eV ortger ow* the, Ass t rl`Xt:0,10 f roWn: td' b �eit Fioncqs!;'C_ P 4, .:uA appy ca :9 001) d ir, di On" h pecita-Jon .1 and'- the. eau %'A 11, ",the 7171 wilK s ;r-� r 11, _� jjobdr.and� §ted�j n good lei wshi e n ocia on6. the -audiefiee. fixid goo appr r,. �, ; .' 1�h, �.' r eciate4t .1ty not the, ked. felt WWGitA ever are -Wen vvbo'� thiA, - they,, ..were. . being- *jh, Isc ssio, at followed A ter 0004nAl '6,rciseh�,had'b�on 'In -the d. U -iDonduc:tb4',-.by­Rev., N, D, W'Qu.gigB 0 1 g1`its;_.su id t4 but �idioils, Urdi" HQNIOQIAP j'� A were buil�� Sed jo�- aild_- Ove -of. their ad our,rhondy At S 04( n hearti y well These _w;. ;A,,$ A 0: A— Taki.�A�piijb in Am. A the con ��rtti .3� spent" Sio tied youths, ho, after 6winittirik the'6ther ip�o�je in. n ario. Re� W n;,Mr Achools that had a1Tqr 'Pais ey, y, ant IS c -Hugh wa' also RO' W0 YOY4 exifil tot I Reeve, lid 1� s di; InV. ooeei[16�sjy.�dstroYlh n by reckles ivinige -nship OWS1. to t, brought ut tat t the yours to use, 'lot td abuswi Y lorous pe ty crimes I jeft r�(� m9nO bn nowi by 6nibei they. e.:, III of little" beMu of M "Council �exp yess y, �weltld members to be 0y, not vote" on all tile, enj boldened o. t� n 0 to C. Girgon o�4cto& to the Board i -A' thi Towt� <)lit �tqr, r, poll, cenverition the, Coi lioy t so the. r est, wear and 1n. !,TQronrto- -,R:t:!kpWntj­reSDdnd_e ad& N� - tect-th ear, the aw be&' 0 ­This-spe6d LW0­yV1Akq5 ILLVIL. &&-A� and ou pled prpy! a spee iTnit of, 25 miles an buill. ti I sa Yes d I hi !of. welcome, t�ws"g;r_eed tilat e: �rote be' acc S -work of ,Qnj. s �mss t ii'meethig; ant �a wee -10 AVERTIM)DY IS 'PLAZ 6 'schools k6d gave on ti ni ��thho *nAted. , Smith, ' of- ance e )(our Co S, a 'And 'highly res 'h4 W with I zaoni e an b is"cofifid6fitly on'in o eying lotligth'*i t, e, b f adical and 256 larger " � 'r ' .1 :,� , " n , , - . polic., eli�ve t up pet6tion is, in the - sa e as a*ee earlier at som D 11kal lciokedPi by.the This'co-oi Gove filen r e is: filakin.g #)a et ill it �t s ation - nl:�nded-,th� Sfi�61* Nurse,� Sh t e' suce s s er .�by -ein6m& your t which i's doite by i e own, interest,, because the, pai g e' axid s the.. -�P.lue p for by you an 'other users n *a- I aeon An One of 'the, alre in is movement h one, of the boys 'i a5 �pe�d inust. be paid Or Ay P,a 'd the bo;ys Aia,"girls aiid to of the . , r. r .'S-o, ' , . , ". a,m h Ii PaS round pton. -h Ljg.e' j1ped to e Ag-, th �,d� J.�:S�. Martin Miiister _ij�rderer bi J>r afe getowA� ll A I I . Aii a4veftisemm issa tic ed by the Owario Departinent of High- Tlde' $eieretary.� q ed 0 ilipi , , light'at e;,, t hW expressed, his st9leh car S lie tin- ion of m6toyis;s ayid tTitdc driveis', d tiler sea Ing p n low e., IS secuie the �d�operat ways ;tq . oAutomobile Clubs, Cjo ssociave P 1C Bruns*ie i 146va ssions of, I -aii-d all 'A 'd of A few,' 'ays. ago we Tell. od R�ads: A n, hel d with the PfdWnce. n� & It 'it i , He then, r : I . -� r -d bodies, iri abatitig the abu' 4­,lan d Are Puth :who.la:W,� all.wi U'gU 4 bf !6'joads of Wince Xi Ar( a $78.02 drn 04t�rio. Balance han up n arge. ns_� . I � lviinist�r S. L SQUIRE, Pept�y Mit ister -cofidtJ46 nt T�e Ho Tobbed and SO a a In, ell d 6qauj�,. 6f'' t ie t 0 _4t gemia IW ,.N. ;qE0. S. HENRY, -he. out un, t look �s t. e grini-man �.was 6 0 d n 8'.00 d teA. t 7- e dealt wit his "awill I , lepoe... , -77-777 -*as h -at *as done with 'it! He _e then cnly *ke 6f to get qreawr between $307 17 Kingt6ii - Pon,. ith, 91vbn, . three wars� in �.�La eg. and, (1e6rj%n Bay et Ind. t6t' T� it of 'Agricultur6 i b tin g, ettt jtenti�ry', 20 as hes. L�,' sei. s EXPENDITU.TtES. e win pity. 'him for' f t ntift thal: 'a ot Edueatip);,:,sinco Loca: spaper 'Postage 'Tel .12.00' Dfithri*,J -reserves !of But h turnifij hi*u oose in -e on P,6t 'real 'fis ew IS $71-90' at 8 0�iq, In THE i Qjr� our, probi an ores xion: -he sboed ho* Gn�- and ep�.one­ three That. IS w e IpIg iagrie-Ultura a ary aganti. bzd ,A 00 10 t1tis obilve Almost certaintyr still the, 14.adin- -surpasse t" g '24.50 46;qu1ii Patk'�,caiibot be. d take is. ma ef in a 'Can A y�jlf siar't out with anoth all this fel oW RDWARE' take 'a - R f, all-ollk id Exec 'e' ifie Coast or ffe ;jj' t!bne i§ f4 er as be can r 1 0 id '-thl ets, an ere 'is SutrdTies j6*,r.t04jtjSt %are being o When, a man�ProVeS"hiniself capable in ering-Tvc u But f a yes end t6 ie on b" d nlu�der (�hd. e.k6b ih produ There 111S Total, d n df 'iob Ig an, nshoul -be a af 0, n 11)" t t 'keep - h ario, -Agritultuie i'' the Seen ry, ber' d tre t6d us Indian. Vill with 5$0 In "d a', 'th' d in. prisol-, nietliddr? of ermr &Y's are be -,cortf when- cauglit, ea� hould I . loe id,"a, 'inagm icent m rrderer) hors d .-not -ad- :ed f or tiler ensiii ea, ages 'alp. P Sea$. -me i6enic, � - ' I . t S fol in re'. e e -,eauoatiQw - et ig� 'neb�Avl�. Th g officers w6' -Of W AVe, COM t6ek G�ee- L t d We uate .0 Al enfoald�, otoastl�- Th( P, D:S He n Pres. T J-. Foriton, -0 al s stem t able.; Neees�itie 'there i4, 'the" *brld'-4e�owned confiii6d: or b it i, � L h n6t, b. uCa -second" essLintial' Fof tertmin acts are Sec.', Treat. D S1WIair11Nyert*n At 8,.,od -punishinIK hifilf.but way o -W j rt, Elgin. t I gircur tu I) m:, ur. - MI ftehher, Po annen We ere, dh.' a log! 'bay ND 9,CREEM9 ;Te win. d A�, R to; -protept`:thos6, who wish AiD go pro thelr,� usineSs'lli. peace and Saf. Oro ee, a o' n'- -i's n Tara'. Delegat�e_' bout. vi t.m' fa rmi -a�o fille ken ifierif6rd; to havc vith no -qpe. to -The present fashi' 'different t reen- G 9C rN were boor the .-grimina we coun qrac�; can, 'resorts -and mati ym h for' ly T3 O'� 'regard-' j , How nfor oo jilixell s ord4i g them" aind: .not Vic 11111 I armin-4 passiei- and Seqe becatise th�y ry gr�e, E_XE_W._" LAN:_� MOIYP- 4S �41kl Yout6-; "who evidence rinim4 ant, 'pu eve op, a 040 �st�ucted. 1 ten enci#, s ou d. W ST LA N ER MADE_4 —,p*n forward mow WHY TH and. the Q. W GI)Uft' Z ' 1 .1 q _i=1 . BE Y.' B to'j& faiming? e j*rtnxent of tdllcat n �Must early iri;,their,c... .*oAei� io 't P r 't -is -evidof. p see: b6fore he--boy§-of -B -reading- ride htcoull' t c: ties 0 &'N�El PERFECT ON" OIL �§�OVE& A -M) O'V,EN,S—. ers be reqlilod W6� � , . r su V AN weddifig. 111 wish theyyd. invent 11� that a-'cleve�r.-crlm.inal. ei.D"it the' advantages jcf VLli�t teach d to g�lt'a rn viewporn COOKS THWMINUTE YOU, IG4 T 1r man, STOVjR MADE. new. t 16 FASTESV 01 6 the noon ur. e, vip\ expression. It's I -s the t, "' il� . a wy es and'in.urders, Ili sp, c i a I'' that. t ej po lee d Vor 111- WE'- ers ri6ed -to talk lip, 6 lhei Tbl�. ins0ectrs be required,tD con al cat .. . .. I I . I .;. , , 1. .11 ". .. oil- h t e gh ofthi advan �Pult- :� r . , . 'a talkiiig it do, - C bol' - Boards Miss' i3rin%l wheVyou. e h i 9 h st'the s�, ie stea' 61 n., Ome fnou 'have had d*;mp painrt,el 4 ut" is, the ability, -to. '-time. ef ta to. th4 *theols. "CLARK'JEWEL, T eit visi LRAIN' A SHORT DRUM'GIL S OVE dei'� wh .gi S e arr can't wonder at re tj Iff-o age up..en ugh them d EKIN4!7' 'PLYMOtJTH' iltrgE- MANILLV ROPE, AT THE"'RIG . HT MAP ed But iln4b*,needs to'b6 r0rify Inin iour. 'Tim AbV�ENTJJR And th; to (le'an. aim �-of' PRICE.. s, F r or Uea Miss Bery, ho 'bas',b0en' E9 N QRTH,, POL I hniton, w rdVi C;iiiinu d, iton, 0unis. Ill Pn ich C atibh teA glad. tivit Aiilll Ach6ol,ih6 p a's tt 4t sIbome for HAY., FORK ANh Out EY9 o yeat's r0in YS '60' Sensr reach- 'PRO -Px PITCH ]PO temfed.. RK, TRY THE . . . I " 'd and th e vipays been la, on.� edu6�ti n . ; , . TP IN 3- h- 4or' h� Po e. Rev. 'tIand 60 Aye been "MAPLE EA `BRA' '- (FUL young. nion ', from b De'Wi on. the ND LY, GUARANTtEp): 6d -his farbWell s. AMOUS �61jdets an over But after alfr-,W-was litle-=10te that! a field.p0pld 6n n and j j leave holds poSi on. ardy" la&entO sittillar fool h 'The btfort, -a Son wieh� the bo qug' Thikriday 'fo Ti e arve at t C. ast� and, thi many, was 'in cosil, e r 08 to,�,,ajre'tlle 6n Freih Car C' On n 5r - . . Springfield Ont. h6re 't ly enien. �offorfs ,tjo. -each thp� pith trinirig. io- fWth6ni, for_sny P0 � � I "L , ` I . � .4 - �% , - . I �r . �Uhes wdil b4 folowed, by,' '66 - South, �ojes -by travbIliAg over, the,, ii�.Itt to e Lfine and P Aster, Al Oft. alid they, want tb,takc yet we rnq*.,;and ice, an 16rts " 0� Ashfi'd-f m jo t<) f R he n2 ' , .,eir many Ways H t Litti of. til D. Rev. Mr. k One hiiig t ic ensort., the,,pastor xwh o untaineers- to'reach fhe, tbp vho Te-a-d-e`r71h-1rho'­jfVU Pled, ------ hW41 Ir I wit IVV'tb 'is ;F "xpected to o2 ,A e 4. ntuifsd�n 'A S6Lbath Dfy. -flove 's e n and weedg taind' ving attairiO seho,01 Mafokingites who sire wTifink ex PORTED, S` ed 66 SWth Pole, this we av E week hila :no: titazlec w6ekg, before- gain wo-o d -agti- amina ions: h t ery ',tinOer Cap I S&hool, Firil ack.et rij a that 'erid just Btield g. DoiS in tile eotlll�ieh. Win- T Tn euitti sell I i'v 6 �%LS=rson, mi. n d' inj des,priatiov iribj-, Wingham socfvt. ;lftived con at the sa ee ter so* holl'66. GYPPROC an:AL it ln�dy b(p� that his' at,'.' .' 't 1. 0le �f,; ibis ' prdblehl -Gra,de ai- Gc4ez.ch; Middle 1 (111 0 flight t,, k your`stock in better ie lipted he Xbtth Pole wao intinds to ex- sricol., Pilmer Kllphtric- at.Luc'k- d' P"can. keep. X are Oal' 1114Mbing Tinsmi ifig,,,, int - fr�m home schiDol,:' Lee v the -value of, pt�ed largoly by A deglre� t3 ,ad( these w ist Form th alth and',increase prom lend the pri eT now,; . nii,d E, p nlav to'his,fame.�ag an. �o to the. 'y.�ufen&6 farin. by'using Gyproc. ;1 .1 . ex , rer\ , . whole, prov R of �,coiirse t sa IOV - on nj,��jojl �of P -"exich and YP od le isfact, ns.ton R* chard v=ta Gyprob is fireproof Wallboard c tus t th e re, s. ,ev. Mr.. 11breford 4h 'Ad Eitt", es lie gos through- tlie,0' nD. C;il' aecomp 1,s I te-of tbanks Fire rcotection 4n elitninate one 'gets s fire ,is A: lienrty steflofts. Hon Zj.rt. L** coa f!An -objeitilvd bAl;oj,tb unat- at, Kintail,- Olve zstkds:. It s� ybur homia Inent ndered to "CAftot burn hA and was te FORDYCE -It I's, Safe to assurne that to 3"d U N S,*0 like Liuu�i farm Vuildiags wktift 'all *Intei bele tain C_� Mr.'Itarr..froni the Deliartment of -succesf n, �as.s lfon-varp�ng eithiii Ain'unsden � or .. Settle other dar�-' fit ' io0k. up tile, ques � op forint.'ill Luckhow H.� S. on: her, year.' s Mr. 'and Ws', Petiningto of'.: kie. of sofid tock, tdiication; ;t Oil .11 f. c4ti�e4 'being, inad6 Alias 0 CoA b ' ted ivo Robb Or= -S po, �,Tepori. rd, Not. ing *a 11 0 Cardillo, And 'Mr Havens vigat�' ' j the a'i' ChO rki We 1:;' t cold *ind an d' inoisture einn ot . I . I if Titwnshi� 6h,00l �6hAs. Helan na s Cin -be 'P t the. mi for the Aialm-fmod -Penetrate I 'near futurld'Inake 06ttl 0 *6 pole ujided the ifi��entio nvacation, 'ell& were I 'seel rec -and rettirn', It.,wiII to t A Solt .1 t;un -the "4D letter. t-0, Mr, Thb,,, a itil daughters Jean ebody. to visit the,Sputnorn t ww"ith Mr arnd,. Mrs Elm; JAS,1:4.aid studdini.. Xh!lt*jkre then Ing -y, putting j th f _iri wified d- tly* to he thon' ll�e Su;0day.,vW oi 1.Pi*r*d S '' - Reswtibeit o t h in fiel poin 'thr t ly e new. te'e�- ed Witb ng' 'Board j. , dea'in 0 yoth�r da Cold Oyprot joint Auer; -Oaguri lk king _�Qtifte a yprod net. rl'ucsti�n and copy � of the Sunday, m6rr :phone Ilatteries -which 'g, 4ilj�e ark Egminat" Repai- rfecto flat;. Smooth tudace. G a, f ew 11� S=ita*, �e �Ibi . p4tatedo WaVastinedi, pappted The ceinent ,of luok c4 or nten S'large' cl t -der it,:Inigbi R�y 'M�tsd''a,ld fAnI- Mt A. J;ani�s visltini-f iniprovement or es, 'Will nit o n le fln 7 -tile. nto th tho-rough R, dai'6­it,­Edward Keeps.ou di"'t tO' reac 'h,661,. 13�rt� Mr-anji. lsoD starj6d foe �flgjk, A Ili Sj,. b0d9bi a -start" work ff'erldS re o' 'ro ar is_ tin ron a s ain -tile, West: tills )no n d .ag -,�na .,rhing t,_ s0end a. I , 0 1 7 1 wee a _W the'' fact th q ef Outlined: tbb, Pro., teift to o oliaouptered M liis . He 'ring thi t lo Pole by flight poetlent'lly d b,n At h, MURDIE'& SON stt, it h Shrtly a 1� �.' He sboweid Fo, go�b'And, 01 90yerse win4 of the Bil Ill" t14LOSS ive nno tr t1OW: fout. 14 � ITI'af no *a�. of . k wing t'c ,t almed to,kiVe fd Thbilias OOMalley ig:,-hoh e 'for the' to Heat' W yn o ileges nVAV Luck ftk r the strenOO 'M e� "of ort Gin'—drd n es, il 015-4111tpIrly�U -' , V111r..j rl *Vn _4J6hh'�W6§fbr­IS-goi bout", with - 'A 0 t Ivan ss "Ila' IcLoed, t e S o a) u VITO pro n, "Ural, Oct of t e sixth.- dep&"acd 4MI, "A Tiandr, t" ill fili 1 Vsd 1 -Tid tnoon �have -4 pur 0, of visited relatvos near Sehfit ith on' Mr- hild Mr., M14il t pdtit and"Mrs. Johnbbn non Aduld"u per., ay a ttrnoon lit. Liu# wook, for t eir now 1411 t nV h rs.- M-Ok r volvng �'or pari #f 16 U V We all wish 'It Aonr Ijo seat 'rl'Ak sell 01 'bu-.1dings *111�b n6Q'f6 klv� SUjjday J.'tt 116 itr �' RApld. city., tie AmoM p oo ivWh M on -no grL14t,u9o;6r ivipc re ea. 14* - r I tenSI The swild oroblei j&tg6 tUjhbft fro W 'y 0 V t 'in 'it the b0lddh 01 t�_d n on I of 00410 00.0d. Att $trj' '11kSt' t u �g t�,Wa:td# 1�1 th 6 06p''m 'a jrtn� ito ohftd�djj 1g, to otop 10 F rov th d I bol a, Wtoh n W bola