The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-25, Page 27 p, �.. X51 Mai, MOP Wk Im U , e otherto, Ale. ear jWV - p� 'jn�sj AlLovpr 't)i an ugh th 1444, of he Ss A K, IN VIO R, q g, 'of, Ind A % Pon i be it Wis. 410iiagfy Q�,gb go, 1�;W 09 t on's man. 0h4n:AA,'.VdAy'5_ 0!, MW, t 'Tb.*.� w 'y t gurt ,, � �� of C 0. 1B, to tu'l—ItJ brought to t WJ 'dvqnt All... th twa; biakep I ets Of a PrW no* bra or Artbqr,tbeir'j3tQr1 4aa4, th 7nred,the Imag I* _at raptpred'ap4 too it -Ww, limpiI by ciinnottrave In pgrl gjkt 11400p It ",that we ilrei 6 Aa� tant,014"i.-Wo M44YA4, Put ;A 4 fqii, ,t) -ii. , f ridt 00s. 0* '+74 ""1 � L - f!P 0 , 4neipriT, !iw P'O" vafted'by: the Twagig,; orf SCIP ce t !44 4eq "A 1j6i*1s1, doublOd I vh -,the COW, 14900 as ow CAW AV t9 d to �do net 1,14wt 4 and tO, th UWA 040140fcig event, 1PI, fid ilig �iooj� ..., r jb '' t� _4P the r6moteit,,e4da'; "*f',j X tt OV1 q9tri 'git Rip Pr 44pr Y . VhIgh a IV * Oli� 00 1i &lr'n out .04 bra, e; ;harm thii�wbrld'a c1lild,tew-of a, 108M , or -in dh qk 9 ith, -,"40V im I t f, brak growth w bod0ne Aitol .1 Jo 1; - ley in�uiitajps"� in Per -i Greenignd, .4 is. lio, ;i1rahl.p". gervice.", wife, chince"fr6in-'an und,ioe6vired catintiyo tllihe� my . i.. e� her �ekond the.. f t'S' '4ddl'n9: 40 k 4g, re ofinit&,,ric be qo dyI'I Th u3o� of '0 W. io k4 Wi TM- "'.'d free, t 9 n and lea uaod� be, Ut 0 to D, abridged, a4 At,qQW, �V,01103% 61ng� t 6-8 94,4eir Nil all 0 a� Cat" d! .,outpour POP& 'nl cierled 0�,, ftiata agQw IMP-- AR �itnxnt 01*n 401-1:1 tho. IM of �he '106 t" a TW. . ..... , , . , : , Ago, ..... . � -1 1�1 . . .1 . 04; o 0 ','Wer�bleyl calidwil on us a A MY teki asa1uA.sofoW.�4h;,;'_ fit at t I'One; qf'th aS&' t -Atb 'tir -you cr : th,6 in rosa e ,r You to de narph a; fl Pik pro �101. q. Over �pdriteri','4on, ng'. One of. 06 777777-77 n We See� to, Aery ub-: J)p ri b 4, axicy tl;'�byre And ye. pud, capslug:a ikid. 'Biait . that' we drink ',,-,-an angle that,they,,,Vc A h D t Controls: th Quil reC jila ' I di a, Ain t., Peal# thinp our Eyes -�eu. 9 ances. T It , ":I I -8 ptl:, 0 the Car. UP- Tests.invkiie, at the. Car t 6� the 14,. rU46, Ifthe bound, o he4von,!1_tbe. the car, . V vii itn"I'Did', yolij, husband The as og- v r 9- -gray �a t dWa,.n&Ara' ilow�r out,'howevei�- 'ie 'd" '.t W t 04� yes, -was b kave, kfai ot With. "anifers,antelli, j%q,,s, � I 6fi, traotive forC6, t 117 9. 90� M� *Oman own sensep, wven 1; oti�- -A e 0918 040. lao by.,a m9tQT,04;'I!1. Wn. t ping: Blind, aa, e Alal Mid wires, p -1 .1- — r, Xpr . 1. 1. , . I �. 4ttl ut our f1hit6' eye ,rpwu oyqs lx�q sald A, r do procluctic-n cloFo.pDnimun r,,t an, intolle_Ct� �Wvl_xu as 15A vur fi P nd 'abou1b 'dile-�lghth coy f- should, b?a thankNI, thit Ul o tho jnA ihrlv6L`�u ea, flatIll, wit n a 0, now... 'do Mot itile)UjOsh Em n h m minato 3 - Ion with n nity.. once, Nighti gate :eanlo z� baCK y otbir", nes,�. ro 0 to' v W. 4 WT 'Ad the Crimes' to 'w 9 -up, ront, :46 �rpv i6d t geri b �ao , "I 'whit 'Jilla a C OUI lo Ivi A pv son, I 3-g- _qk hilt ,moheeli doyble rq 1.4.ceFu. e rd-- --th t4i- 'J,r tunn ter. than': balloon re re -y iirrd 4ajV What, JP b eyes.. van gT4A fd, in, r t6k , I oecades; ggeording, to - Dr. 'OS e 90 t 4 of hea ing Id, , it M-ifies, Xrawe _-Potd,*heel's. Well'there nce, X* monograTil -P h Tha'Coa4t W blOk eyea- fLre 'Bull 'd- u " , I " W1PRele... 7T y, early, rang:T' 9'orb ing of mankind.& Robert LoujSr St h ut �id OP111104" A Ayqu, au PUP4 h t nt u d green eyeq-P! and, the ... Wnk surpassed. 'by Wlextoo MA , 0 Ar thi the' pleasaxit nd o? wefed. She, ra d son,,.11eho'Iding n'9 a secOP the rOAt wel Uri h6 W 10,81113 gn,k . " In -i i�,itq ther conr d with. nuts.. o,, .,ra 0 '16 eito an4 Ibittime, blit,stA fille .,counterpane," a; brilliant Idea., itruck her. wbp -'demesne,o row t.'ribu ..a ih :of thp , R. as r' StAtoslplyo, . p others, see.the Vroiid tl, Y t nW Corner, h e'ncy.- for wvar ly �Possegges,,� 61114g,:, either "ily fight-' io' attened te �p man e her h 13. oWn black''. Actuilf�; t exe,� cpe a a mialtitude of gin ce, and irafislat d his motion 111 V61 In a �strifl �Sh d t' Charity r 'ses�e into th6, �nual, 135o e shrill Voi or tt, than 1P kL - T.WF40 Wd milve �e`s;, der brolyn-bir, Urk gr'ay 4o -do closed,cars'. 'b' % 'bj Co. trlit thojilroads"of d wh, the Hioiheric,qnsetp and_nrlors,,�of q '�v� ory 1j] f ey aphed,, the 0 , Aafiei -hpPeataned anS mtktils- Inhuman ty t ilry.o Axid in',a P6nsy a., own a,.. o,eyes haye 4? ri#r 0 wheels to­oM t -hat lot ia;n makes t -h f the_wor, JOi!l ��bjac'k n certain lig ts-4, Bilf.bpewid, set, -foot man Be .;"thb tllintrit. man I of len�e toAtty,lies. hfii room, - b - i. d; W ity 'C a ain tb6, ocddt.r6Me, of thousirldo, hsitate'.hit thecur bf ki I : � , ., but�i'mWitItudeti%kes jr6co mpl is 16dati.d.,zni'oi�ay",:;bdt�,wee4.�;ih6"fr�zit �jal'ena on, th6.` east shore�'of 'L4 'If '4 1. . .. I I , and P4 . ti an' does, you with, irec and o, - 11'emis aming, Y opposite,', col]irage froni:iiis 4 biit a4esi;' By. D*� PUZLZLK 4airist� th6"pernicious anemia f, he'04i d .18 Ah to' s�i he�� "ry Olt r a has ma& a-'pathw fil i CO I t0p_ &�':JnRT 1,,,ti take the..V11idide, 'front: C rt Ay t6 k g:bh4uffelir e. kinlY. wF gin t Wherev4r We are in crowded th6ri-, an- n ro !in o;1&h'fftte W Ion ge,an 7, or llddrn6ss, We, may: cli , + AsT In, t �11' h i Wq ThN t6plilost I-1111kht io;fievbrl�tedIt the speed w 'I'll He'doWil. sorno, brakes &6ause 0 Let 6se wl �pehda­o­n our foir'break n the dry WID' n. wil, to e law, e: prd uct,ic -'d � ' Ijr� 12. . i L' ­': 1. 41 P g e see, open a on our ivii Pbf� h6. 646iri' ir since 0 b� me, 04 ktw t rear. ra C 0. t d tr I di t on an our, if the, outsio�.. NOV h ibrod otch Somc t My -,rear".' SounaS d jy� pu't Iheh� b, A'P6env'Y6.0 04glit to KOw bed t' tll�e rjeepyipry its slightly ovgr QUUIPU� PP 9"ce Ist1t, no MY T psuAlg� a year qx; )f th b -Tfio�Dfltlsh Hejitag6., Y. ver varieg'-dtffl.yi. the. �,gnest. yearl t uagi,",the slon' is �that anyt In, �'The 'patriot pl. �poetry 6 r ta n, nA �vefiig� 6n`-.rdbord being& eigro, n'91 Wul �bd Ob r , �, . ,, q 'n -perk, a, MOT -.0 pon.:,tlife driver a at or any otoer coun r n -.t o"th6,1aif year as; �st -47.2' ai� re, d h Ile orpoetapral.46 .erthey.dopb aroun&6, �pen.sprvuftc ata� da, qI�e,":ixk,,autoruoblIe �makes�.de- note t an.' sounds 611g]: ,th n uV.. -gone ajbnk�'. i8 -pa- 3 an i9s 'T e�mines.o 'dowW'i, thi h Cob4ltr,�p hI. spare, her. faul t 'and C* pjjL n takes'. a, ig or Ill o in �Tbrhotfi 0 wa96.1's tilot poet hi "ace than,' -has to, io, nrgU66 s­�,to. in, 1,p gm i is uot so.rujibli tile living the fjl.V*:Ing e HT are-,, Men em rid -W C d Ilam, *ol�tdaworth,, wh, "sei vpicb.,w �d a tario, in., the a- �40, ' Ct re itence.. Thankoltb the M or nUManl bti '�e i tral jl' -4 - . .1 [he, offic6r,' It 1i not to�b6� thought pf that'the'-ficiod' 'boli:16- 'the tight' betweeh sea neari'ni6�,;m r ttsh'fre'dofil, tp'the bp'en- W ar stop nal and B.1 blr#4 seand rats�fo.r ;Ailsa Sig b a ut run Id's from oark, ar� he.OcRy Islet at-Ahwentiarice, Jr7 r fiotV Of� t 0 Woe in139itish-Co, n 'try to, do- -better., to! he, of 0 JIM e, muAlillu w th. poillp o vaters, out,' or"t"hi bia. and he Yukn,Js i e rod Hath flowt r In -1901, j6u,drIv6 f Ot io d f Jea -zinc o th Wee, a 0 0 uction- wa&�,iobia'ibei prod unwithst6od'? Fbr'k96a Ails6 Crais,.has,':be6non tr:;, - I you drlve,,� sl6*ly - someb theAW6,�'groit Elkitjshplh�ea ouncepj in i t iis�_ Co u mb it' Ron i Bee�qd­thobgh it be,.'full, ftqn� k' moo ri ch oyou from behifid.`;_ a i de'a' �Irds, But aboit, 191 uctJon"mi"a Allousand ..90&!1j ihtAj,yeajr�.,ajo A ite*�.`rafj�, si0i�mfng. ch spurns t 'CROSS -W ded Avol Too M66h Light..,' Will he Cheek ..Ofr, ORD.'PUkZL edly oor, SUCw6E.STIOXS-jFOR SOLVI Ash a, frofil'.A­wbDck, in -the �,.have for, en a 1 9 e is, bad. nabl* light �at TW6.m h 11 lit, can' b bind Uc Start, otxt� by, W' �ds 6stiL!blishea.'th'6iii's�libs, on,,the island,i fiHhjgjn the -0 of. YQUT en as too llttle.�. Ar this-inos .1 mous Stroa n -iatoNt At.the Burl fain '113 ".so- acrosiinig: therd., 'thd ey tificlati light That t. 4 bo �.over the"whole r k P -Abo� eft er ; heup�yjb4t.,It,js a temptittl n't "b Shell d TP and runw numb spa nun, bared squares er oi b Oriob*and to evil andto ko6d. Ata spored 'the sea'] kd ariiing, At'. the c ung, v:,or ver.. In our ha Laht 'wbdk 'ifib boya h horiontally YO too much of,It_ ect'lt As 'he birds on,. the past' -least to'Air I6Ft for 0 dts d.and In 1924 v6 y,,!eW coul bt.11% is buRo ap�eaao a 'few �e� 0�19 'with too great Intelidty on, whit one 17.11101117, of' like Invincible, lcnlgl�ts. of v, v ore -distr i0t,.wll�i id you -ever: ry to oldi g nii ayO t ,,qayor 1u,.efftky0,`, -VE1TICAL,­ and ri�h b wl6oiut entral tleia ie''d iil,-the' M Lot n, -th-e7b r or P 6 present xat tc� WsTaver-w- th t1ght 66� di -'wh hIrotectioll' of 'Birdi, &ntid6ted s tonguo .9­13'roathda -ou no inillon ounces. dct y.on'the* phgd? F 4-A.bundl �dir' Mteli Al�out Noselill. With a certain'Arni,, to, oiteiminate� tlie , .1 lid ho W Thai Shak6gpoaro spoice the th and 0 'No a tadyJo. lavle, 7011 Ni'll underta . ;* , ourage t a ux-Poses* 0 rats, Z-�-Land' meastire of fOO IJ fatlg�; mor Is hold asuseas6.01fer t can �straln and meters 7- 14d -boon,� �m -eld, In evpkythlng w tor.ralse, the in4 hinildity ly'that It is esiiin4te thw aid pf- all: In, HIUMI Whiell At-titon h .�, ; �.,. - - ., I " ' h th616ye.- The golden mean In na- nhin C-;­wAY rut _ II .: the am 13-A beho f "lly"for Iu( ig -s e - ,;P.160 -and' 'h -d Id der a;n'd* dTler the air, the campaign was about, 16--A, salute af4ithfut. re titi 'a. mant. ber,ofyats.destfoyed1:,Th 40 )re th�i tW�uy years. El Oof 'Inlialed .'It. enters the e The col ungs t,!D�? i'tir 11v 6 o Of, eax&4.Prst blood,,ha�vo now 1'eS 6 ed� t to'.6 ld 20 -Col of last k*i iluz, d I --t a i P A'22 17 bage thei ki ntlhutd In an' 11*n!'c;'!t,'! '-�AtO IE 36001ty .18 ago what; she: It 6 GO ��bat, In, 0, race �,hlch,haa liv d�long W." "For's am nvIlibitment.the xi�asal, ve lief a monthAs notl6"' A R A n. a coldI,dry'.9 o Wrong they 23�Fleared Clcicks Withqiit Dia a e-edime'longo. and tho'no", passages. b Ceossl�j Sea by Train'. I man or '4A)i wc ha E R 24- o ri, Th'�`Ilrat, clock Of which, Dy, rf r did, "I daet T bar oli,dn, nat ow, 94-�-Tho $ca. RIX 961liellow L.11 - s-ly. r ro ser ce �ojn Lo.n.dOn',10 26�-A kind.of i6jeth. ndinivian M, 127 was !ti­yc)-dtd I -Afteirmigratloh.4rom-,one ty-po-0-on- l y ar Or 194 t4.: A 0 a n ord, Abbot. of L,- umn ng other the alljustmeht Ifig from -th tflfi WiIi becomb--eff-ec-, 8 .. 41ld �creature to'the' Rich rd do WaIll gf i�t Ini'm'011TA6 y g6h- tive,sfi6rtly', wliokfiluge cai. 80-Lotid. sh.ok4p lbans,; In 1326. It Nvas lino*4 to be but takes mail 33 -To I N Thipa, 'tite, htgfi� fiarro- ing. tralils'are R Din.iy 'Vill', I a: r oCom-Inant castes n 1.�A boy' I C16chs-liad rio,d.iaIs,,dO­ ­been;ItfiOW'h g6lilg -in, t6, t ry put In 6',pornm 84,-A basle - Indust Y old :. - I I . #. , '' 4 . :bds6s of the�� India betwpen Dover ndCitt ell -at 4,000 Yards Some eirly as A- K 1�21 it P, are coMpara Sharp .74�-Sufr p�oplc had to.waft ilatIl the. hour w 3 ot'sgme i's �V of,pJanto'. struck to ei�ra the t lien' dials recent Immigrants. 'from,, the --SluMbir A H06�13ott'Of CarR, A T I t jutrbdu�e tively 38 spec ,.Many A 8,harp, ansWer 'is ina e Matte 1�3 f Sianjdge.�nrp i north. ..were fi rij and Only mar a h6urs�.� Inctim blunt languAge.. --bf Oxet five'jeq�. ohe 11'aild '41 f I -trancaq loll, 0 skulls found In Etilope� -SdrroW u t d and werb (11v 6ato very harrotw`! noses d�riiig ngs E T. coming �s. 'Funp .1 f-*ro falsten 'tl,4 ng th -e hOrt Pjl9ths Use Their Noses, 4-4- 0 ters ell'a -Ily�'D' . . .. - I I' � I , � 11 - . I j � [ Wlih s'j,'' 46 Ice Agej grft,.�,Ua a .0 RR bre$- struck tfie bells.. or �`lid )�roatte'r--as,'the cilMite Moth Qati., ip (abb a ay nijililt, yet 7r E E, 1� Y ti P.0 it 61A f fl L es ved,!'. certainei iia or'tlie ear'H6 PTO -Oliver crolliwol longed to� mGir1jr, 0 K 6f T This wa hat efi I by i(fl1iii, nl I A T' AND JEPF By Bud., Figho. ftb()'�t trl� i 7, 0 ................... AV -T of an IAC lill nfl and shpe. I -9t: MVT 1 1, rM *Ii�- (a V .3r C At, that �14 - : -LYCL(*�i %DtZA3- -�c 8 Onable tifd w6ie i qa�,�r e III "6 JIS At4 0 S f -M i6msrs tiero p1m < 'b�'F-Al &)cW&olL' Ha �,C.,Izmi i; RPO'Pt 'AIN "llo MdR, MAIR, esj. a i Elfuttor PAY6, BA�; c,Ase 6N kACW, -A L57; c 7:7 -IS. a j-' I- 7 worlajo ogtablwlit it, I A I �rs tjj o (11- t6, Pl. Ce rtvoiz,' we a Var I -pen, 4 T Y.lo U I [All 1�, A Amonj iA 0 4( . 4'