The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-18, Page 1• F. A. . H .PARKER, OSTEOPT, ot ik,....,,or...,;HiYingharri•-will be at the tain House, 7•1•Lucanow, everyWednesday eftett pon • /ill chronic s3i3ease8 .;stikeess-• • luily treated Osteopathy remov the physical 'causes' 'of chseage. justnientt of the spine is moro quick- iy- secured. and ; -with fewer.;• ueat- • inents by Osteopathy than by -4,eY otherlaethed:;„•.• •. ' : Physiciaa and Surgeon Lucknow limits 2-74 Phone 86• - ' •., 6 $2" 0: PER'. YEAR IN i',DVANCE; $2.50.IHIPEViDiE • 0. ONT., 'titurtsromr., .0:tm 18th. 1925i . .. 11;;IG10.4 C9P,IS't L.-70.• 07-0, :GI 0-0"9,--.0 l• si' •o PRtilIFESSIONAL.CARDS 0 • ,i`. • • •••-• •••,' 'DENTIST ; 'Dr. MacI#Ord will visit Lucknow every Itiesday in Dr. Cohnela Unice. . Dr. R. . L. Treleaven •LucknOw- . Over Decker's 5 tore kixtraction • • ,eltner by gas or local 40' in 1.)angannon every ,Thbraday, , ' • Phone 5/.. 11 ' Mrs, ILII. Uncleay i. 1sit1ng friends in ;Detroit, ' .Mise 'Car,rie, Geddes 'is home from Toronto Or a feW' 'Weeks. "vacation, Joh n .111 drid of Tornis ro neyiring lus Lucknow . acquseirteneeS this week. 0 • Mr. .Nentley Gordon Oyer from :Detroit to-ipend'a weeks Yaeatiarl, mother. ' • : ",' Mrs. Isac-H,ethetingten--and--•fani-- ilY of Gedeeich, were. 'I/letters' at the" ;home of Mr. Uugh McIntosh, on Stint day ,• a Mrs. 'A Blitzsteinl :and &tighter A. , _Hannah are spending a two -week's vacation in SYracuse end New Yor,b *City. , . . • Hanover's ' league ' baseball team will, be here Friday Of this week to play Lucknow. Tbe game will start at ,5,15: nother gasoline supply teak and pump at the Central Garage to handle White Rose gasoline. ' Splendid rain e have .fallenr • over Western Ontario' durirae, ,the 'peat week,: and the, crap'. outlook has great - DENTIST ly Improvel' . ,• Brine County Connell is in session' _at :33eit E gin:this....week_Reeve 3b0a of Lucknow and Reeve .Tiffin of, Kinloss areln attendance: ' 'NeWte0 1:1Yritke aPpointnient . ; in.allide everyday o EvEgtzOwKis CoLpioN.. , „ •0-4 0-0 For _ „ . . . . Goqd. Strong 'cabbags. p.ents, .1.0c per dozea. .1.,..:narne.. Found on RA:403 Street LucknOW' spec- taciee, ownee May' ratve.,,eame. at tie., , sentinel Once: • 1-heve added -to. my, :Will PapeA • and-ranit-euSiness a ateck,Lof-Wel:- . kaPet which. 'prase be seen atno residente •any ,tipie.„-it. J.. Vamerek, :ainter and. Deeota4tor' • • ••• ,,,.••••••••,•••••••,.:. A. Grill 8r'Co.:dealers. iu all kinds m junk-7-'-klays potatry: Highest', mar et PrICe• Don't sell .before •seeme is At home Tiresday, after .6 clock, and al, day. Saturday. , „ AU,CTION. SALE • , An ,auction Sale of the Property.. o. tne late Mi.. • Campbell will , be he,e at Lot 5 Con • 2...huron:Towninip 01 -.'llairsdaY June, goth, commencing a one o'lock p 111. The, farm soar,- impements mut a .quantity of. Mariu. • ink' bay will be 'solo. '• • • • '• " . John Purv,is, Auc. ' • c ••• TENDERS: FOR PAINTING •• AND EuiLniNq STEPS, • Sealed tenders Will be received by: the gaiasigried tip to June the 25th 1925; ar, painting school at ; S. S. No. 8, Kinlosa also: ' for. building 'work cement steps The wor o • e the 20th -'day. of August • , 1925. The Imirest or any tender not necessarily accepted. -4 G. Moffat, • Secretary, ---1.' R. NO a teemiater • • NOTICE OF APPLICATION Foa GUARDIANSHIP , '/1:11'''' • In the ,Surrogate Court of :tht County.. Of Bruce.. aim the Matter o: veaa, the" guardianship �f Eva May Sill!' Bezel Alzina Sills end Lorne Elniei •: Shls, the infant children of :James J. -Sale; deceased., • Notice is •hereW, • given that after twenty days from the date hereof, Ida. A. Sills', of tht township of Kinloss in the -Comity oi -. Bruce; widow, will, make. apPicatioa to the Surrogate Court of the Count • : of .Bruee, to be, appointed, • Gimdian of the :personal estate of Eva May •Sills, Raid Alzinti Siits and Lorne • Elmer 'Sil:re ' the infant chi.dren' of i•ameti•J. Side late of the township of 'IStorringtoa, in the. ' County of Pron. tenae, who died at Schenectady: in the State of New York on or about the 12th day, of September A. D. 1918 in- testate, Without having appointed a gal -anima of the said infante. • Dated 'et' Lticknow, the; 16th day • of, Jane A. D. 1925; ,• Ida A. Sila ca..:11)• By Her Solicitor ' 1, L. Lament. Luelpoyv Flour Mills • 'Havelock . (Pia% mato ss.00, Sepoy: (blended) $4.75' * "•\ ado Rite (pastry) $4.50 heat _ ' Feed 'Flour $210 Shorts $160 • Bran, $io.o Soreeniore\clito $38;oi-perrton-- • 0-0—, Friends' of Rev.' .W..• Re McIntosh; D-; oVLoiidon. will be. pleased to knew he is :able to he hoine from, the hospital,;a0er his recent papful ac- cident 0 • S. Reidand sen Austin are away on a, nnOter trip to Chatham and other points in Southern. Ontario. Sunday • next 'wlil be. the longest' •ia:/: of .1925; • • , Mr. anil.,,MrS: G. S. nee and little aon George ,Heney were week -teed viia -itots-witle7:Luelinow-LtriendsAite;--Free, 'lea, abqegraPh gaeri in ,Brant, Ford and doing well. , ' • Mite .Gwendolyn ' MeLoeci Who was Over from New ,York to ettead, the Amaral, Of .her •grand -aunt, the late Katherine .MacDonald;, returned" to the .City 'an Wednesday.. ; . . • Mrs. Ida' McKipnen Was. taken to Wingham , !Hospital on Tuesday of 440 week, Where she underwent a Major surgical operation, At latest • repotte she•Vas dehig as. can be. expected. . $1.80 ' Don't *get- to see the "King of Wid Horses" at ,the Family Theatre Fri.. and 414. A horse yoe read about but never See. ,The wildest horse in 9iptivity,. A picture that 'will Sear your brain with a memory. One of our local gardeners has been this week'. showing his friends a we 10eloped en&; ripened tomato on one of his viaes. This is •unueuellYearly for tomatdes to ripen in thisi • and, the 'plant must have :enjoyed good luck and good care through the recent frosty nightie - Dr. Anna Nicholson • who recently graduated, from . the , University of Toronto was Successful • also in ,the Medical Council examinations mak„- , big her a 'Member 'of the , College of Physicians': and *legions of 'Ontario.. ,She has received an hospital „appgint- anent jn thiladelpiiii; the end of SePteneber. Levi Wesley,, the noted Indian Herbalist, of Harrieton, will be at the Cain Mouse on3ltredneeday after- noon, Jun'24th:.Special invitation to. ell who ;Offer with theumatisna. Sciatica or Stomach troub:es. Hun- dreds have been restored • to 'health by Wesley's wonderful treatments. , Card Of Thanks -Mrs. Neil Campbell desires to express sincere thanks to •the: many friends and neighbors who extended help and sympathy at the. time. of her recent bereavement, al- so for the kind cOntributione of flow- ers; , *1111§§ AU O. IOWANS , . ... Optometrist •\.. . Will 130 At the Cain 116uile Wed- lieSday il'ont 24th. Hoot 1.80 t9 0 P.' ma liesdaoloolt dittinottt to/40011.g oyailds sinful 0Y018. Aild' bad Nisiol• tatiovoik 011040 ' ProP.,1* Otto . , ci 00100 I - • CARS STOLEN ,' - AND., RECOVERED. • We itPerted. last Neel; that Dr. Namb:ey of 'W.Ingheni „lied his , now Nedeila coazir etoien fro* his 'gar•. age in the early bailie of* Saturday ,June Ilth. On Thursday of Iast week the-,cir was recognized near the vlll• "1m of, ,AMberley, -the Ihie-fia- were latizig-a, -the- •time,;at" ionie 'diatatiee,,frinn the, ear, -And-Seeing,:thatr-the.ear,wea:.reeognia., ed. they 4 disappeared into the , neigh- boring swamp and Were ..ept after; wards Semi. It is said the ear ap- peared to. have beerriitn, about 80C ini.es between the "::tiine• stolen and the time it was recovered. It con- tained some eletbingand a Cream can in which gasoline had been car- ried. Quite-ne-riumbernet-proviacial-r•epo- apd county.canstehleS were soon on the scene, but the thieves man- aged to elude thein tiering, the night And the-neXt-leard--4,--them was .that they had stolen a -ketd Coupe belong- ing to Dr, MeLoed; tientist of Ripley. The; car ,however was •that night al the • doctor's former home near looehaleh With McLoed' car the thieves ap- pear to have made a -pretty' safe get- away, as the nextheard of them was that the car. had been abandoned , at -the village- of ----Boltioti-...:The . • pollee called': Dr..; MeLded' by ',telephone not.. Hying him- of the recovery of his Car The. thieves hen been appre- hended so far. They are said to be an Indian and a mulatte, (• part negro ) ;tecently, te,eased frettn. Kingston pen- itentiary. , '7 , A story had got going that they , had 'stolen a ear froin Mr. 'F;eld's gar - at .Whighanai but that theft appears , to have been committed by local eriL -istq.Mr:_Fied!s_ear -was-found--at- the wrathend of the town With the engine beating burned out MOVING To NEW ovEllcE ,• DEFIVARY Neil Campbell. It is oursad duty this week to chron- icle the death of Mr. Neil ..Carnpbel Who Passed away at his home on the 2nd Concession .of Huron, Township on Friday, June •5th, -at the age of 45 years. Mr. Campbell had suffered an attack of pleurisy about two Weeks before his death, which soon develop- ed into pneu,monja, but under excell- •ent medical care and nursing his re- covery was ,hopefuiy • expected until within a few boars before he died when a change' for .the worse set in and he rapidly lost 'strength, The funeral on Sunday June 7th to Green., hill Centetery near Lucknow , was largely attended. •• The Reit. J, Herdie:of Ashfield conducted the funeral service. By the death of Mr , Cannibal the community- has lost an obliging neighbor and a good citizen and ,his wife and twill • little daughters have lost a kind husband and 'father They have the sympathy of the wide circle , of 'friends in their irreparable ;loss, • ' 0. o. F. DECORATE GRAVES , VTe mipeof to.. Opti far buainesn In our new PreMiset, en Friday lima, the :19th, initt, A hearty.,invitation to ln .speet our.•neW, ' ,bankiag.' cake' is extended to ' all. • • • • S., Wilson, Manager I'he'CiarAtilan-•Maak-ef-COMmeicer • LUCkiie* .4XEDEN. 'ARTY, .• - AtVAIIAikt0111411t, „ A garden party under ausiiicea of the :Paramount F. W. wilt be he'd at dill'honie Of Mt; John. Hint-, iltini.'23t'uniliel west of Lucknow Thuvociii#june '88... Bowler from $. $ ve$016 tit, 1440400 tol 004 L PrairtNi; MIA 4041 /1/ 0114 10,0 ;rip 4; 11400111444k! "41,11+ 6• ..064, ism", eriubdE. NOTE • The United Chur.h at ,LecknOW. ferater4. the •Methodist hurch )' was filled •to capacity leet,....Saday mere- ing and evening when the first Sue- de services under the new order were . held The Itev Mr M.acLachan • of Halifax N: S. Was the, preaeher_ in the.ab eitee.of the.Rev., W. R'Macln- toah, :of London 'who had erranged to „be:here;r1ratavia'•-naiblet,tOrrie; hav- ing been seriously injured ip.a. street' ,Aeeicleet Jn..the,Frida:;':,.• previous, MacLacha'n who had been attending the General Astiefaily•at Toronto was to have taken Mr. Macintosh's work at London but. owing to the accident came to 'Lucknow instead: • His dresses, here were fine examples , of inspirational preaching and well fit-, ted •to.the Pecasion, , He was assist- ed in the Service by the Rev.,T, Wes- ley Cosene, • minister of , the church huiUin the everrarg-the--Revr-Mr,-Goll, an nee took part, A large eheire under the leadership of, Mrs.- 3. Wes. joYnt,-with Mrs. Newton at the or- -gan7render0--sPeciaf Lniusic-And-lead- in the., serviCe. Of gong. Hearty Con- gregational singing was a -pleasing feature of both services, •-• "' After, •having ,attended church ser. vice in the Anglican Church list Sun day morning, the local ledge of Odd. fellows proceeded "rte the. Kinlpsi Cemetery to decorate the graves - of departed members of' the lodge :Who are buried there: , Quite 'a nuMber. o visitors were at Ihaeemetery to wit - neer; the beautiful, and impressive ceremonY: In all, irvevnteen graves, were visited by . the brethren who if - ter a brief service Of prayer and .song de`polited` S small pot contain- ing A flower upon each grave. t. o o-•:-.4.4 • • 'NOTICE TO 'AUTOMOBILE • .DRIVERS ; The ,Rev,„.Mr:,James; of East Koot, riey.TB; of. South, Kin'essl' Church on l'Sunday. Mr. James was a delegate to the Gen- eral • Assemblyof th Presbyterian' :Chureh.'at-,.- Toronto.'•- South - Kinloss Cegregatien., having voted, non-con- eutrenee is, at, present .witbaut. a Set- tled Minister. We understand that riff errarigernent • has„been made: by _which the work ei the Presbyterian Congregation at ;Kinloss and ht Dun- gannon Will be carried on by the one, minister. ' — • The Rev. Mi-• .Moffat of Millbank 'occupied the pulpit of the -Lucknow .--Presbyteriarr--Chareti-on4uriday-Apd. will be the 'preacher again., 'next SirediLy The cniregatidnbeing at present iwithout a, Sett ed minister is church.heeringcandidates for .a 4)1 he .The 'Rev. p. L. Langford preached his, farewell sermon - in tSt. . Peter's Church 'here last Sunda, and on Tuesday had, his effects' moved to Theciforcl Whom he has been appointed to a' eharge. Mr Langford had a- bout coinaleted threepears in Luck - now • during which time he preyed •himse-f a ;helpful and in mane ways useful citizen. He was especially ac- tive among the ' young people,, being the moving' spirit : in the , boy Scout an Girl -Guide movernente..-poT the Past. two years helias been a Member of the Lucknow Zeheoi ,Boaid, Before leaving Mr. „Lang- ford 'wits presented on behalf of ..the congregation of SL Peter's ;Church with an 'arm chair; and Mie. Lang- ford was therecipient of a ••wrist Watehia gift from the young people ,Seine auto- drivers are, becoming .carefess. .t4,- where they .drive and hti* they park their cars 'ea' the street. , Drivers. akaild keep to the' right and pass "silent ',policemen” tti, the right. In rounding a corner. it, is not !rate' t�` keep ;, -ay the left .e,ven streeteeeins-•••.Milet„...teeli: ing•tti the right May invelve:.a-vert .short:tiirai.as_ist thii.torner 7.of • CarriP"- hefl lin.a.:Stauffer-streetai-.;bUt.it's the how often • lett Get loto, irio: -The , rules of , parking Are also. being ne- glected.. ktviygg to the right And at an Single to•the curb to that sion'tait Mon Ot,litit ears Sto .tiOtig tide; Don't he in too Of the church. . _ Next • Sunday morning Rev, .1'; Wesle„;;;;Cosens preach at the Un_ ited Church on "The Unchanging Christ". At the evening service Mr, R. D.:-•Cameren -will give a report' of. the First General Council of the tn- ite,d. Church. of Canada, Mr. Oath - even was'one-of the 350-rnemberi-of that Council. Special , music will be rendered at both services by the choir, The regular 'praise sOleetions wilibe conim•con 'te' the Book of Praise and the 'Hymn ' Book,. Corn-. menein,g with' next Sunday- the Sun- day Scliopi 'will'meet during the Sum- Mer.weeki at 10 a. m. instead of in the Afternoon: . • . , • e----0..01-0 •• kiNci,I.EDINE RACES' wgEsTEE •FAMILIES • HOLD ANNUAL PICNIC Thee was"a del ghtful flinejn Cal- edonia Park on Sat'..rdayof'last week when members of the Webster famil- ies of this vie'n timid LhOir aUinermi relatives -to tlic number ,cf 240 mere', met 0je,re in thele anneal 'gath- ering.. ' • ; -,- .1t: the .!ircating a *limber repered to Greenhi.1 ,Cemetery 'where • the ,,. -einorrj• of decorating the grave of -de. parted relatives was-7,:peefornied.......,, ..-The intentin was. to have an pPen-'1 aie_pienie_Witli„pet-chici"gaines:ie the park in the afternoon, but rain. which, 'came On :made, a:change. of program necessary, .• and lunch was served Al tir Rink, and the games and contests carried out so far as the restricted • quarters would permit, There Was a jolly *geed time, old and Young enter- ing into the sport of the ,eceasion in delightful lash:on. There was no • . • . compatint...about_taa'„rain veli:h upset' the Plans for the afternaon. ' those present areinteres'ed in agri• 'rultural pursuits, arid el .were willing -4o haVa-tlfe-Trier:i program • sizen-ad'if- the dry earth was to have the clirneli, ing it so greet ir needtcl. Mr. Ton: Webster, noW of London president 0rth famly -for-- 1925,-. din cited.. the proceedia2a • Don't forget the, races at Kincar- dine on Tuesday, June 25th: $900,itt purses, There Will be three events - 2.15 cless, trot. or pace; 210 clest. .--beiii-g-.--assiste-d-b7--%.„, , rs* -frtend;-mr,-liur: 17 McGee, of the tr. Eaton Coinpaily ' who, with,l_rja, wife, MrsJames ' Me- Gee_frand Mrs: John McGee Motorea om Topet0 te meet t1iiiiVbster trelations. - " ' , wing. were the prizewinners in the sports: orts: RaGirls ui'ii;i:r '. seven: .G r a e • ' any- Douglas Mary: Eng. Grammar . '•', C ° Ph • - h g , seven: PrankSherwoad, It Kt -yes PhsiograPhy, Arithriietic, Zaology; ysrograp y,' Ar,thmet.e, Zoo.rogYi: Webster, Grace Ri• Doulas Winerifted: . Eng. 'Graminar tchie: Boys 'under • Girls, 11 andwider: Catherine Ile- P . elee, Ruby. Physiography; Finlay - miner,'• 1 , Laura Websthr„ Boys ll and sOn••Duntan; Eng Gratin -liar, ZoOlogy:' . er eerge Alton. Fisher. Gordon: Can. HAtory, Geog: under: :Gen Webst G Jean Ritchie. lieYs 14 and under; Geo. '611---Illt°rY' Geography, . Art," Bot - Webster,. Tore tandereen, Gir s 20 and a• ny; 'Hadkett, Mervin:, Gepgraphy, • ami on anc e. an is 'ry. under; Jean Ritchie,- ; Olive Alton, Geography, Art, ' Botany;Hami tbnY Gertrude: Can. History', GeograPhY; Young, stout Men: Roht. Webster,'Al- Art, l3otapy; • Henderson, M o r.g timeart,,Aivltaoini.inOgld,;,oesete, stout anirreiend:Gw.. o'emoelne.-; Eng. Grammar, Physlog,Taphy, ZOo- logy; Helidersen, Billy: 1" Eng Grain - it , , . ornio. ., Reny Mrs: Keyes, Mrs; J. b ' ' par, Physiography, Arithmet'e, Zoe- . logia Hpdgins; AudreArt ' Zoology. Race (2boys and 2'girls) Done Web „trot or .pace; 2.30 class: trot:dr Pace: There will be e big field of horses and gond. races can be 'expected, tinear- dine brass band will be in `iittendArkee.^ The track.' is in,- goOd condition and a nurnber of horses are here at present workiag out. For particulars Write A. G, Mazintyre; Secretary, 'Kincar- dine. „ ave You Tried Our Dainty Cakes and Tasty Pastries? ' Crean') Slices• Puff Pastries Cream. Cups Chelsea Buns Made witi?, . Oeliciotischocoiate'.calceS Specip.1 SnlyE-na..Sultanas: ".. ' OurHome Made, RaiSin."and'Whole Wheat Breads./..' Are Unequalled • • e,.ConsistentlySUPerior.quality"of ...these • Special 'Ll'pes makes' fOr,, Success • --Highest Prices Paid for ButterandEggs' :Hop,ymANrs BAKERY. 'Plione.36 ' Lucknow --1\litt Tartlets • . . LU'CKNO. W LOWER SCHOOL. studen4 who. have f:Or7Gover;--getAoQL Staiid.ng in the follin s_qub_leets, 011 tLk.eL1-eai?s. work: Alt,theson, Gertrude e Arti.7.60010gY Anderson; .D0rothY Geography Arc riotanY; Atierew, Jessie: Geography.• .-rt, Botany ; Calvin. Can. •Iiistory, • ueography A r Botan'.) Jew les; Annie: gaz.. 'Grammar, Clap, B0;4 ny, .Zbotogy; -Brairie-1:7-James: -Ge:graDify;.-..,•Canip--- •dell, herald:. Can. History, GeOgra- phy,, Art, Botany; .`Canipbell,. Mary: Caa.Histery, • Geography; Art Botany: Carnochan-, William: Geagraphy; Car. rUtherd, Iteria; Can. 'History; Geogr.* phy, Art; "Botany; ,Chesnut, Eng: Grarnitar ;.•-' -Edr,ninfict-; Can.: Histoty," 'Geography; Art, Bet-. Girls 14. and under.; 'Marion N9 son. • , Botany; F.s'_4ez, Annetta: • raph Art ster and Arthur Andrew' Olive Alton gins, 'Nprine: Can. History Bop': and' Charlie Webster. Andrew, gMen's any; Hodgkinson, "Elizabeth. C History,/ Geogr h ' j - and Botany Rage: Anson Coleman. Fat WoMen'e Johnston, Gordon:aP3rtn g... Mrs..Henderson; Mrs:, A. Alton PhySiograPhy, Arit Kilpatrick, G ive Eng Grammar, , ; metic, .GZoolegy race:. Ceeil Webster and Olive Alton Zoology. ,• (gie.sy; Pb•yslegeaphy, ArithinetiC 1a.1(7.1'11ar; 3 -Legged race (beYs):Kilpatrick. and Grace and G'ad'-- Col Art; MacDonald,' , o ogy. Anderson. 3 -Legged race MacDonald,' Elizabeth., Geography Webster, •Thin 'WOrnea'S roee:'. jean MacDouga 1,' Marlon; Eng: Graamangiir; Physiography, Nerorety: Can. History' , . 0 s • . erean. Coat aid Rezpoa :i Eng Croqiiet race: .Archie Andrew, George Giammar, Physiography Arithmetic,.. Zoology; Ritchie, 'Olive Alton; Lifting dun.- ar17111fkip"a:•Geograr•hY, Art, Bot- hell: ' Anson -Coleman; Will . Andrew. n •SFalcarlle.T: :Gogarphy. . Putting shot: Will i'A n ti r e w, -Relit, Art; M.:fervor.; r Physiography, Aritmeltlit gtIllTga; Mrs, Dave Anderson, Youngest per -- Webster. 'Oldest person ' attending, Mac inn • MacKenzie, Grant: Eng., Giammar; Physipgraphy, Arith,metic, Zoete-07'i son present, Mrs. John Turner's baby. Geog sphy, Art. Ma K. It, - ' li on. Margaret: -Can: Histo -3.' , e Innen, • lary: a -----u-o-4:1.--.- WEONOINE6R11010k.... . , ; .„Duepengratuilations to Mr:- Frank ,mbiorcoii'vivrit,ng,AO silver medal'in Iltekjutilnr'!'FarnierS, ItidgitijwConipetS at Toeswater ,Vere. ..sinneVithat ,•premature : The ,official report ,wards the sitver .rnedal tor 13,08 judg- ing 4gfet eattle to Alvin Thacker, of Teeslitter, while the -Silver en% Which rat, the highestaWitril to ;pen hi Judging ilittf" cattle yitot to Ed /lop 0.16,• FOURTH .CONCESSION Erig Granimar, Att,Betan3i; Zoology:, MacLean, Evelyn:" ,Can. History, GO - Mrs. WI* 1VIcKensie an the fourth 'ograPhY; Art, Botany;',McLean,. Kara visited. in Detroit las : „ . • .- t week • • • ie: Zooloey:, MacRee; JarnieSepi.: Eng, ••'Miss Anna Nieholion of Toronto •• • Grammar,. hysiogiaph , Arithmetic is Z.00logy; Martin', :Ethe';!' •phYsiogra- hoine fok.the Sunamer • . .phy,- Zoology; McDonagh, Einem: Can Mt. and Mrs, Martin and fainily History, Geoz•raphy, A r t ; \,"Pairner ' spent a day in Guelph at the ExPer.. 'Myrtle: Can History, Geography, Art, i in. me n:.aaar.rcial, ;al r.s oirn 0 c h spent_ _• yeioapAner.i..t, ,(.A,pmee0Hgpri spatpheo tryy C History,' " .Sundey with Mr. and Mrs, 'Wm/ aohn7 Art. Percy . AlYi▪ n: Can: History, Ge- sten' of "Luckriew, , • l'he stork called at the home, of Mr: and MM. Jno. Caruthers' and left p fine baby girl. Mr. IL:McKenzie and daughter of Stretford Visited at K McDonald last week, ' Mr. P. MeLeed on the boundary has made quite an improvement op his buildings by putting On steel roof: Mr. John 1VIcDona1d returned' home from Toronto the last of the week. , The b, F. W. 0, .meeting • at tht home of Mrs. T. !twin was very lerg• ely attended. ,' • , • , Mr, Geo. Middleton is spending the week in London, ' • Mr, R:' Martie is 'bUSy these days building:. a veranda to the ,froilt of his house. "rtfic' tenat of"Cemplete Nutritian "If you deinand geed value as Well . as 'deliciousness, insist ea "Getderl- Crust' tiread." Make,' this 'delightful' food a regular part of your diet. , 0r der 'a ioaf ,to -day at YOUr• grocer's. or iho'iii-r-A8;4tel.cts":poroluloai..1woofy; • Menu for ,SAtureay • ; . 'Honey Cream Cakes with 'deliceous goltit.:1"evittam Lounon Tarts, Date , by; Vanilia OT . 'Terns. NOTICE Notice Notice is hereby ."giVen ,that 'par- tieS • trespassing en Lot ,18 .Con, ,14 Wett. Wtwatoth for bathing or any other Durposeto#111 be protatuted, 1811, 4040 Porsiti ography, Art; Botany; Percy, .Winni- -- OPPORTUNI The North American Life Insurairce- company- wants to 'connect up at orre6-With an aggressive agent tstt take charge of the Lucknow The man 4kre want must be of the very highest type and,character, and must be well and favorably known in the District; Business or professional 'experience de- sirable, ,but not absolutely necessary, , A real ,opportunity _ f o r the right man to get into business of his own, without investing any capital. Splendid contract n d dverKessistance extended. SEND REFERENCES Apply R. A. ,PARRISH,, District Manager, 1)6/pinion Savings Bidg., London, Ont. ••••• • • •tillommomiumimmommommik frecif Eng. G-rapintaT-r:-ZoelogY;.' Rit•-• One; John: Eng. Grammer, Physiog- raphy,dwincArtl.ithianilttioci.„,G ;7Zcolagaryaic Edwin: Zoology; Stewart; Jessie: Eng. 'Gram- ' mar, Physiography,) Arithi•rietic, Zoo- logy; Stewart,. Marion: niar, Physidgraphy,-a.rithmetic;' Zoo, Therripsen, Kenneth: Eng ' mar, Physiography, -26Ologyi, Turner,* Fanny: Can: History, 'Physiography, Art., :Botany; _Webster, 1-lareey i• Can,. _ History, Qeagiaphy, Art; Wilson,-Ner- ;man: Can.: History, Geography, Art, F E. MeLeari, ; Prin. • Men are mordreinantie; vers :few women lOva men who can't feed . and clothe them. • • •Nanneaiiiilitaimilmiltrimoignimnigiimaminglimiatmormoir • •PitHILIC -0 0- _ We wish to announce, that we N N' have opened a Lumber Yard and Planing N 0 Mill in Lucknow, just north of Silver - Li woods Creamery, where, w e carry' a " stock of Lumber Lath Shingles, Siding " a k Flooring, Ceiling, Doors, Mouldings, Etc. i Let us show you our Satin Finish 0 M. Hardwood Flooring., The finish on this 0' flooring. is perfect and it costs no more. N Door and Wind&w. Frames made up on short notice. are 'agents for Milton -Pressed Brick and Canada Ten—est Fibre Board. R. , • 1,41q.NED'I'41),IVO3g.a .:<Wokrioiv: • PhOn6 466.1. : 111114.1. IllitiliM114$1,11100,1110,40,10r,lidllgt,10;400 ,