The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-11, Page 51. • t• • • Noar Yea can Alit. the , ll fepk lime Cluliteecues a vo»der/pl20 lesson,'. cduree,in Codlege*Artaanj.,Kitehsns ' Man Lament and 'enjori; the t .a per '; . cone; doisory 'rose, of Anna Ls.. ' • ott'ler Aar eepethe, • i2eciiQiilsed authority • on houaebol4 problems pertaining to the mice- , • tion, preparation and serving of food for all occasions YEN Without; the • coupons en: ' ' closed in' every bag. Maple :Leaf ' Flour would be more than worth • ever'. cent it costsyou. No "other Flour gives •superior baling • results, either` for bread, cake of pastry. Maple , Leaf.`Flour ;is made from the Director of the Meite 4. finest seieL'ted-Canadian- hard wheats; "— Leaf Club and .author ' ii a emarkablcsour carefully milled and tested at ev in Cookery 'Arts and aY Kitchen Management tagP O£.its-manufActur'tw;^ "' i�" wn guarantee of` uniformly; high quality goes with every bag it must be satis- factory; or: you get your money back. • For, the purpose of more quickly in ..troducing Maple Leaf Flour - to the ' housewives ' of Eastern Canada, we are ihaking an unheard ,of 'special offer • . for the , return of coupons enclosed in. every bag.:.These 'Coupons entitle you to, ,.a'wonderful Free. Course, the equivalent of a' ' college • course:' in Domestic Science that would be'low- °priced.. at -$200, 30 , A course by. inati, .written by one of the; • • Kitcl M ered.to-you-FREE; HOW .TO ENROLL is a Member of the Maple Loaf Club end obtain this. Frei Course. Send only four Maple Leaf Flour Coupons (1 cdupou, in .241b. beg of Maple. Leaf Flour -2 , couponain 49lb. .bag 4 . coupons in 98 Ib. bag). . to.the Maple Leaf Club.'• Maple Leaf Milling Co., Limited, • Toronto,, Ontario. This en- ,,iFtoApyou as amember of•, the Maple ,Leaf Club . '• and the erstfoj rlessona -of thiq reniarkat#1e course will be mailed to you at once, the re Y' • "mining . lessons -four each month -without charge. . leading cookery' and Household :experts; in Canada--Anna-Lee Scots-Directorof the Maple Leaf, Club. ' • See, your dealer .about It is impossible to. bu' Jthis this unusual freb•p8'er. 1 Y/ course, yet y0111:.., �e dqp. 'can secure "thee.' 'A11;1essons'are sent pest .paid.., There.are no examinations to. answer, • ' only cerrespondenee:anvited isi-fol=Day.—` •' help .you may desire: on subjects relating, to household problem or the cooking or serving :of special dishes for 'pedal 'occasions -Touch, "' My by, be promptly anspirered'person y by, 'Anna Lee Scott- without charge "''r )MAPLE LEAF MILITG CO, LIMITED HEAD:'OFFICE TORONTO, QNI`ARIO • . e • FOR BREAD, CAKE 'I & PASTRY YWd 9ii"71 • K Y6tiY tylitI ire's lie49/fr.S{Ntr . A6 -9:4i-4 41 Yak 'yr'I+b 'er_;+r]A:91,,P .9.. TEESWATER. • Two :pastors • said 'farewell to ,their. Teeswater • .congregations ion Sunday • • 4Vtay 31st; The :Rev.- W. A. Iiia#11ey who. lias 'been' minister in the :Pres- byterinn. •church preached his 'far•e welt sermon.; in the morning and the 'Rev.' Mr. 1VtcKelvie, . of the Method- st Church said good -by .to his' con- .; gregation in • the 'evening of the ',Sarno day, in, the morning the. service at' the, Methodist ' .Chu•rch was withdrawn •r. • and - the .Presbyterian church -wag- ";filed ;to capacity.. Mr.:Br'adiey •has _been.ax _enthusiastic' advocate ; of Church Union," but• the • • Teeswater Congregation had' , voted non -concur• •.rence ..b " a'asrnail• • Majority?. whereup- .on Mr. Bradley ,Tendered his, resign anon. Since the vote :was taken `.Many' Who had' voted- for Union had ,beep ',attending .service .at `t'he ,Me.th- iodistchurch, but, .on the . occasion of� :Mr... Bradley's. farewell all: were back' oto' the Pre .,.y n • church Mr. . Bradley, has ' about reached the age limit in D the Presbyterian; ministry; and sides• his health has not been go , for the 'past year .or two,. so ' .'that` he .'was ebout'to 'retire from • ac- 'tive work in any. event. "„,:.• On ,Monday evening a: large num- • bet of . the intimate :,friends of , Mr, and .Mrs.' Brad.ey •w:gathered` in the o a School ronin of the Church, ere: after the• rendering of a mus-; leaf and literary program, the min - aster and his wife were. presented' with appropriate • gifts; ' .that to. Mr.. 'Bradley being • a' purse, of gold :' anti +ousting to $220 'and to` Mrs. Bradley n• handsome bouiuttet oP` American 7Bealxty Roses. Dr, G'; S. •l'ow'er read , an ,appropriatih address . and Mr. the Methodiet church, He.' 'ittring '''Tront the retif 's the -"Chu rcheatr•Porest,,, •Thelletliedis:t *Church Vas filled on $1411daY eVening hear lila farewell • Tho 1:1; PaiOn. WL1 CitizenS mere greatly; Shoeked on litlesday. June/. 2nd by the endden death of' ari aetive and highly teemed business:, hum, •,Mr.•'Ered Crani. IVIcCrum , Came • down, to the store. in""good health and spiriti brother, Richarcle being ill at liome, found him in a faint, sick at the stomach, and asking that ',assistance be celled. He wris, rushed to• the Hos:. Pita in Dr.' Sinclair's, car. His. cendi: tion hecame worse and et idiot 1,20;- 45 o'cleek ,noon, he riassed ;mak, . Mrs. Re' McDougald, Clair and where' they spent a, few days yisitint Mr. and, Mrs: Stephenson, Of liur- ,oa,' visited, with their daughter Mrs. B. .Braekenridge, 'eat week. ,whO have been spending a few weelce their home in 'Toronto. M,r 5. A. Gralism :Visited with friehds betrOjt, and Windsor laid g.,Genunell *as Caller. eni the. line the other day,. • . „ Mise Clara MeGillivrity who fhas A rnitilber, front, here took in the "Moonlight” •at• Ooderich Monday. ItgiC.V4 jell 61766.11, eritO this. week, ' ,Mrs: Tyndall: tven.n Ino& :S*230002414 Is In Ver. �.33 traggrY.p w :. it .- M 1. outgo otti, t the death of Mr, Neil Campbell' Who cession Friday ,afternoon„ The widoW and children have the sincere Byrn- 19athy of ther entire community in :their gad bereavement, , • BORN, --,To Mr. and Mrs. Jaines Wad; ell..Ffidey June 5. a daughter, kr. and Mre, joseph, Wall spent EridaY eltelling the -119;11e of Mr. Fred Johnston, „Mr. -and Mrs. Charlie ,COngrain arid,..Pearl,„ also .111k., and Mrs. Ernie Ackert at,tended the .Deb800:-McKee• Ivontlthry , ;the *Me: Or 14400E0 C4•It •Cur• MOW Meter 1.4114.40 the new “clOsed• ear: are' 4e, dared' to, be an Unrecognized , cause In the .0Rinton 'fy.f 9.0440 Lea - 'Die, 'Officials,: aeciderits:' Will, decrease as soon 40. N the Inototbjg preeeiteated/Spring:. dein.4114;., far Teles:.,, „ed, are', beeOrning ;nitre 'was the preSentation ,t4., a beautiful t4140,,,' the foitier -•'•OreSiclent . • •• , • , ; They :have gone suddenly. front end Mrs: !A. A.Okert,neeempan, :their open niOdels•! to. their elo,sed ied:by Mias Sarah Carter and Mr, cars 'Without .appreCiatirig. • the-- nPVY Ray Roulding motored' • to Formosa' type,. ‘Ot 'danger that al*ays asso on Sunday ',last.' „ ' ,tiated :with anything -one is not, fem, Miss ,Beatriee :7-Tueaday-svennig With, her . friend haire: learned with regaid." to iefe_mt er from here attended the ing suffice for their,..new type •daY. evening and report a goad . win for them the. reputatiOn Toronto on, Stiediy. .; bitter than- jn .etittained Open' cars • Mr, end .. 'Mrs. C.. Dobson spent ,e but' the , Close& cat's sherteonainge feW,:days this week.. it the. homes :of 'are Of' a different,•kind,' The prob.:. 'Mr. Ernie ACkeit :end Mr, 'Charlie leM. Is. for each ., ,driYer: cliseoYer this. difference 'act. acCordingly: in • golyietki ...sabot)) iinapy 'years age!. .1 US' inherent SafeW has been Milli% they' '!:ixqe. stile,ldect, against the., attlim* that .not take „eel great: -Motorists 'have:,- taken great". tiee .with and-Cid/. 'ability s'llield,'„ageinSt. the •Wirid. Many iiersenS ' are": driving far fester' .thanl• Ably 'accompany, on e s• ignorance with engineers' thtt highway speeds . with 'engineers. that , highway speedo •.1..Y few:. Yeari; but. sUch, increased .speed 'Cannot he safe -„Until 'drivers grade. is slightlY•dOwnWard:: ;Speed. alWays a hazard When: Yoh :are: mit aware ,of our actaal speed.: on the road ,440, when Yon that though ,yoil Can', aee . ont :better. in your •cloied cap than, .Vou, Could • through' rain curtains. the ti4 body'. posti, areT:sitt ',Points 'yen' 'are Cars', are.',ussually, 88 Unfamiliar the..new tenditieni :AS you are; :and' that the 'safett 7 plan is '. alviaYs to • the sUbjeet 'of considerable thought cites iwho are- Said to have overleek ad..theL -significance , .-the nubile :.1hipge Over from the open tar to The. local young ladiei: Institnte ',,Went Teesvrater Tiniraday of Jag, Mr, John Wall. has treated.:,him7, The ditching mathine from' White. chnrch is operating .on • took. the • Moonlight Excureien The borne . of, Mr:. and ,Mrs. Wesley Bowler of this ileee was the Scene 'of quiet 'hut :pretty Wedding' on their daughter, Viotti, Metz. :Was,. Alexander --Richaidi, member of, mony..book Place :at six O'Clock ; and -was performed by lieV. N. BoWes, liaStor 'ef the Methodist Church, '• the Presence Of only, the Annuodiate re.atives of the contracting' parties. The 'borne •was beautifully decorated -with -pink -sweet peas,... hydiangeaa and trilliams With ,a big 'bank. of ep- slides and. steckinge to.match, ;and. Carried a botienet ,of resea. She! were the: groom's gift an „Onyx' bar .pin. ',Her 'going. away gown was, a sand Colored enSeMble suit with hat ahd. the griesits sat drnyn ''to 'the' etniiptu- liut wedding dinher. The gate to the ;bride, were humeripie; and.' included. evening; The yoUng- touple left ''.11y tion Was tendered, them. •Frientis tO the 'nonbei abeut: '4g gathered ;to weleeme them. and an enjoyable' ev-,, ening .was SOUL" We all 'join in Wieb- WISHING DO yell Wlih• the !world were better? Let .nle tell You .Whatito de; . 'get a Watch upon your actions; • Always \keep them 'straight and tid your mind Of selfish nuiti'vos, *4; Let your' thoughta ,cleau and You ean miike„a title' 'Eden ' Of the Sphere yon occupy. BY aceumulating wisdom ' po not 'Waste Ohe page ;An folly Liv,O to leant and 'learn to live If loll "Wint to' give men Imo-WI:age.' Itowniust get it ere You give', Senior Rooth " ' Quilln 77, L. Weatherbead 75t .W. Fafi.4,,no 714 M. Cnrining 64, M. Pritebur4 67; ;H. Idefarlane :62, M. MIller 55i •,W. rerOtei• A: Miller .49 Those -marked Olea have rnistied: E, Q. Murdiet, teacher Sp, 111,Isobel Miller 73'; Gordon IsObel .i.1.876; dor- II,IN,Teely Todd '1759 Clir'stina: MacFarlane, 1069,'. MYrtle: 4331'; Diek 'Weitherhead 1316, 'Ronald •I'irster 795, ,Colyin Purvis •I- Elden Miller; 1611, Roberta. ,Jean Them 919; : Walter MacFarlane pc:alai-4y McDonald, 1919. -45;3orgrittimmOiltri-1438, cheep, "A"-Leurine• Miter 'Gorden Mil: J„ ,M;• Buckinghemi teache! S. NO 10 Ashfield IV,M;rrtle. Johnstone 69,, john Jr; 1V -Charles:'. MacLean Tem Howard 49, Jaines. MaeAdiun 31 64,' :Cordon 'sr; rI-L-Roert Howard 68, Thelnia Johnstone,' , Billie ''MaeAdare 65;. Hilda Birdie' Reed IGOod),' Vera. Litth6 Greyhound on 'Thesday, St. .lielens aeles AO he awarded. to tbe person malcing the higheat' aggregate score at both rifle ranges 'on ivre. different days, the first .on ne4 •Friday June 12. There will also 'be several (other prizes awarded ' . took part in the„competition Chief •Ihoins attended . the District, Meet- ing ef the 'Weinen's, Institute op covty ' League Wes ,,honors Helens, whe won -the •League trophy with an' aggregate Score both 'aoges 1200 apd 500 Yards) Of 530. The other teeres. fellOWed in this Or-. Ftelens Ne. Kingshridge 323, .St. Augustine. 293. St. Augustine --.W.hite4hc-othertearris ad their lull . In • the ,indiviclual scoring: :Peter Modal. ;.The iemairrhig Prizes Purdon, ;St 'Helens • 58 .Williams, Goderich 58, 3.1.40:11:7sPealtrdrdbownir-7, 04H4eeileiciihs: 17tn,G: g`inahan, $t; Augustine 54' 34-j, BOvirnian; .GoderiCh• ,. 52 President, -.john. Waiter,' St. lielena,, Secretary,' T.. Rundle, . Goderieh, Treasurer, Warden: C. A,'" RobertiOn; Helene ranges •• in -the fall,. the.. ,Stl. Helene Asaociation :to -arrange the': date and Other •detailis.. The -next LTD, eliunty.:ootinietitcop.*ill be held voiles, -1.0c..4. Pl*ards Crepes;..forDreSses 28c. UR Checked' Muslins, Dress ' All the Newitt::Materials• ..put on Sale, tO Clear put Dress now, while you have • the weather' to ustit: Rupture Expert Here • Do 'you puffer. from turhure 2. If set:" ed. /Mr, ;Reavely „the voted rupture , expert. Will:be _at. the* Cain llouse .dune 15th "and be pleased to give . free exarainatien to. any' sufferer and to demonstrate :his. farnous. .an,ce.: This appliance Will cOntract :the 'Unerring in • 10' 'to. 15 'days and months. This pplianee -ja positive' ernOnstrated. .to yeti. 'right on. your own person without, any Cherge-Yon dO 'not spend a, penny', unless you • are . fully satisfied that it Is the, right ', with gr. Reavely will Cost Yen ' away from yen. Renienabey the date.- Jr: '1V ---"Lillian 13roorne-89, Edith Burt 84; Helen :Bert' 71; Harvey Sr; ACkert. 90: Jer- ConeTany• 69, Laverne -Johnston, '50 Ir. :Burt sg, Bernacjette 'Cassidy 76; Clifford Congrein 7Y„. Reggie Broome ,60, Lorne Johniton: Jr.f1,Ptayritird 'Ackert, Eileen ' lad, ,Therese CassidY, Lida Johnston, Printer, . Broome; Te4dY r.„.7_,011,:i!...LyrA;Nthatotnien.i3w1: !Oi• Fterte7 an There. lleti J. S. Hardie and' Mr." Murdo the, 'Congress ,of the continuing Pres= 'Miss Greta Campbell' of Lothian wept to Detroit ' on the Greyhoun4 on Tuesday ;morning and 'will 'return home bk. motor on Saturday., r., Donald C. McKenzie of rie- , Canada . spent $49 056 179 1 t trim ru recl up an spent a few year for pensions and re..establish- •days visiting, with ',,a parents West according tO s teport.rocently issued ' One night' laSt week thieves en - charge of 'this work. ' Mines, .b1; S. preath morning And evening, A ,cordial invitation is eg- • The annual garden 'pafty- of the ASlifield 'Circuit United Chinteli wilt 'be heki at the hoine: of' Wm; Alton, 2..n4une .16th. Supper from 6 to B 'O'clock.: The prograiri Win ,Pbe' given'; . ,A:. ntinrher; of Mafekinites were in 'The ladies' aid receiVed many Canipti-, Ments On .the five su,pperT•they•:.served , ' ,In the • maitter of ';'the estate ' Of -Drenntin,". end ,Will Iteed. : niotered , needed, rain',, which, taine on :about ' Mary Martin; late Of the .. Village' Of' down, to , London' one 'fty last; Week, tr..p,m, end .fell in: • torrents.' le :was Llicknew in, the - ..Count.V.. ,. off' prude ,They „attended ,a' threshernian's . pie- too late to.. pOStpone,, so 'ai a . result widow, decealed. . ,.' .. . . , :aie et Springbank and; :also, teek...in. the attendence.; was, pot -So : large aS—: : .'"4" Notice! is berths,. given that ' ell a haseball ,getne. ' .... . ' ' it 'would.' 'Otherwise have: been,"HoW,,, .• •. persona baying ,, eny :Claims • 'ox de- , , . ., . , The • Many ..frieddi Of Andrew 'eVer the, rain. ;and heat: Since ' ' bave ninncls, against ' the late - Mary' Martin Smith who twas ;a., resident; 'ef „ASh. ,heen ;flatting inency : in the' ferMers • who, died.olt or. about tbe-t*Ntr61t4' ctliy ' field for .mani years . Will • learn With ,poCkets, Crops ad '.garderiS:. are:WOO- ;.: • them„ duly verified by affidAit. ..• 6 "prepeid tr. to 'deliver to the nirder- signed, AdminietritOr'. of the eState of the said :Mary 'Martin, their",naines ario„ are, required to , send by ,p6st jtaliinoo4rfieothp' kedniati-;!,,m'thti:jcz,:it feta:* ' a' Pelnitsthtelw,21eleek-.8einedvfeanrtcl- ia!i. Wheirrigthere:: . . -deafreonrtiVicd .a..E:tml.f:dees:Isi,..Te4"...11d.b.t,-;a5ise.sr-at :II:its:all:1. .:e•-•iti-si.ei,s1-.ftli.:ii.-,•-:-ti.11,-- --,-S.,a§k..: 't-,zcildteirfue:..dli4.3•:i"ice,rniiiio*h,oVerb-;ed..-.-.:;-.•-• , --7,7.-, 4,-.---,."67:7=•.,..-, -,7,--.•-- the:, faMily, left •. Ptiremount. *some, ' ,. The. AKhOel.FI Vf. Air; A. . will • hol.d . Mrs. Robert' 'Struthers: 4i.l'vd, 'i-Utheeil'Qril:if.::." 1181111.'ae. .8,n'!Phiii:eelsl'cl) et atiiiilill'ittitVn'ift;.4inhr:„IPLa71,,it.d'A°6i1:11g .otWolid.";':':. ';,.*:''' • da.y ',evening, June _1(itir; ;Every, 'effort , Mt. Will Alton's grounda, Tues.-, .114(t,notidel, and that the .said Ad111111.9 denfied among, we,. .perseee etitfued turning whei N'446 °nee 'marshland., tneknew • vis4td.: ivittn r• .ffle.''''.4. HI best,' ever :For .'Partitulari see pos,.., .therettribiiVing regard only , to' the, :elaiiiss 4.1 *hid) !,he shin:oft . have • et little Nriiltio 'into the meet produc-' ilistribute the asSera Of the, Said det ,laarregeb'eittaktreet"iabilH'sthheedy' , nis°reStlYrep6indly4: Itigt::1:1:::dstilvf.. r'• •A'ioc...34aii,:artnid ? f ..is. being !wade 'td iliii,.0 wig' ‘C...,,t1.6,..E.1:1: • 7V?iaskittilit:t:titil'itti::::6Lsth-t:t1:1qYkfie.14:.' .•-• :,..1.10-t.... 0.1.11..ci::::::4otItAlItiAlitettsr.,Ottillit,...._;;: istrater Will not.be ,„ liable for • 'the ' '""":"....74141.4.alaamor , . I the'. itigh,bqk ,,df 3.3". B..., Ball who re. wed leddie Wi liO bits deinetr ii.otf,e...t' lw: :.(it seectint the right ,*ife ,•and then ' , rfo,r.,: the pleOistire :d. the . luany . , , . . , _ceentlyi ,,iteteoret•topboro'81trien,lut4tii.lt:is r 1,:e• ino• foirowihk ,direeilons, • . r A' 41111teld ali51141.$4741n. 1 1 eel' v 1 nq . W4 . be, • Animals don't . need Ilitia0,,ri, ' TheY • Ailikobahilidm. ,Iliesti3.1c:ndtAisilnei000 .bi4.11t ;r:roiloti:tri441040111:0:.c.116:1:1;0t..01411..t„1".„g, 'shti 10'4Sark° lion Oiti 440.1tid- 170'1401.c , held, on- ElundaY, ''iTune 24. The Rev,t seldoni, art, 7 thinge.lor.whiett. thef sfole the •two hind: tires of his auto- 4,900, cattle Owners' in 200 districts have Voted to make hince 'Edward. Island a' disease-freeerea ender the . Department of Agriculture arrange-. Mont •Whieh calls' for a' two-thirds. .700..ralle trek northward this sem- 2mer to' the bUffalo reserve on the Slave River,where they will be .turn- ed loose to mingle ;With the, Wood that -