The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-06-04, Page 3im- `;77, 7 777 7; 7X1,77 �'7 T `7 S 6414 wvot, down before SIR, # 0, 04MV71 7 Q4qU I in Away -wIt4 thought. To�-mPMW Iles 4 V%y not' tile t1i,.e. Q G000 NEWS -FO tat ti no :.;Or Summer CO Toe In -,th� lar days, before,,qgrn '4aing.B. jigil b siffi-boru most Up-to-date 43chool In Cdus a-, BRIMU IML PIA hbugbt of 'LE 0,d g Xg e; or tlia f -j # t riiq'�Iozi oth KOP And th6 gr*AV,%'�Of . , the KENKEDY HAIROks.!88, 1. the Ilotgans' me Ariglb-Saxons de- PARLMR0 %NP ACADEMY..., 1 111glite,4 In -plOnwri", '.app ro4tly; Thorels, butl�ow, pid, jan 441b. Wood y , T ,orO to,, Pnt.. Th0,-grQWI;i9 of­fllber 14-Britl1ji 0. a,,popula at Thj$�. T ayi. qgb)e or Sinieun, w4 r name ,Klu9Wp, win '718 Yonge,231 Ypnqe,.017 0, OIn be dy ParOrth, AYw -tenpd oolu b roj;njoes f e Puglan a then, .ill k 41, la p o becqm,,e. a Ifttl In, I, d tljoy,shoi moral .4 Ug une M45t be� wreOpd:* Pro sp I indusfr)r 09 sompip, importance, Ill �Irq also f to. 6 lleg were� ond. of V­ dinilligtive pijdIdgs 9(!. w4ic4 ,kill 'of earlk future,. 444. Its, p pp th Qrtunity is ably set -springing, rzotj.j,� David Gellatly, w was, pn� ',G r, -And coelg-r 1 0 I I 1 11 . - I Tho'.'MOE n one of t4 tug in 1�c-' klence thi- ol !I, �t ; pre of, nut grow 4on' Of'toiday)' worn 1, 4, e, plofte -in b M ­ the -PaciMp coast provin�e. 4d,is, Ono. 90149 QA the �Uyp.Ltlori parchmeuts,�oft64 contain the name, 'ever;o 40;lng e forth by 11, egri. w by the bgra ga-p ln,tbe t i'lip a ir"umaii,q .1 fforer c& D,E:A ri aciitng titt(o �roltsf, Tliq�' new r4dto,bulh. ACO'UST.1- 1 plume, of thia.fiiqptjL 2 t 11"papin '411fttle Join lotion Or IlWmeqt: pyer did or ever be CON Is a' Ym" NO r 44 m4rvel' of li-h new, epin, ornoters of, tlig Simi"' qr'13 tal stageljn,� kyn" Latef -the Normal d �t ult, thep. .-,The. 6xpqrirfierl sp -4 is upe.q the fort, ificonop oustl6sij. A joy to can do Mori than, thl�.' The. illQu -spray Scu this, branch �,pf jigr" (ilinarlia V0, viading. oti" -and 0 ma, wear. and us'e. -we are 916' iure, It -0 E ANGE PEKO 4, 41acurrelpt'gh the wj4i doilgh��j6u, reg�rjjeaj$ of it has been 7 h and .74�' ORA begall.to p6ar do Q e. TqcQr,,-g,. tie, I)o1son is Poote4fAA11w blood,' r Te 0.0gh As'die, pd dip '-y the lithe' t 2,10. tre'a, can. be sudceE,116 pulation grow V I; sire, new usi;u I , '7.*, ­ I I.. , a b - 'Wo that. *6 InVite the., An Op empIT6 iof' e e out t e -twelf hfrt� that t1li 'Is,tri it want 01no to fu Ir, grown In BrItish Columbia, b 4.oc 4 NIgm nt In' yd you, T t onth 1cell 'try It 19 '011 tuites, the hify'l f pale, n g Oif- 0 Owill- go,41glIt -to tile toot Pt pe to go _pable,:unreal realit),r. ta h. ear ng, tr e f sa.1ne name, by tell- ,Irghpris' iinil �az ter are one (it the the trouble In The blood, take, Dr. WK! That 'ut-bearlug,,trees� solt'cau. WIJOSA6 Sonia .111ek ivere,grew to the men call life, No' de sit or pay O�it of, At) 44rdliakt 0fn ibg y a readily 4" .1 lijina! 0ihk'�PijlsV T .0 wlible,lillsslon Tiie' p"t, I hht do they It - U 114t, tlloir"c�ilttrre oh ar, int, where jhe-A iptiori h' P sue , a * nO. '4.ust send'your a Q� P o I, All of this., "to Pux..Ifv and on-, naT�j addid"s. in*sM44, dcale',would be a -yaliqable moulcille, is.. 1.� . .1 eri ane t Ili 't fi e' pe i1jeli the 1) 'go -1 an . �,heu the� db, this it, 1.). u t ee. and, f roe trlm� re4 )3rItiaA­Columbiii 'and, it is. d,�v or c e 11, h-4 I ood, i g T euma.. din source, I ioith" rougles, ' in,ciu, sileni-fo6tefd sla jp -knife W Install Mj�d dl i. Ambng 'ihop6' H6 I'S tism., sappea Xb ti n rt;Mty,, t� Sin or, crop iinot it brishable one, a:nd thl§r dropped .. t I , y� ti� .1 . And U 'qd J, t4 PTO ern avq: prov e, value or Dr. W.Ilt gsa gM.eri lia 'ere6ria' 307 Or Cathp 'aft Is) th B.; *0 ianik, ink Pill's is,'� V P9 S*betly,�sale a Waist [r Anbi� Si more it' in Isti.rs 6 heavb0s atukt:Old Banib6ar Alta:, ad MonVom j.'Qu aNsilly 4treanl,' ng 44 )y'r,, No Depdel Sing,isi MOB 'Or' that O)r Nbw'Is o'er. trited still: i� One of, the I MOB sNo' (U -West s one, 6f:04�jiiw localitlest. tinie'M In the says awiftiar in thq'Widia -Ifd Was du� of miwy- Ion e 6ntl� tried,several do t 'd y ierne- 'is, the bomb QKB., an. makejili�s lilossom in, the '$now efifficlently W 00 organ ell to malie thb1r',gro*.iug Ancient. Account, strw the sky with igilve�.stars at� worth w Ile from a ci�mmercial. stand- . z -buLooXQ"qt-M9r—e �nd_ A butchers bill xWore,thanfour thoum. �a -little tONvA ai)gut-, five, miles than terilporary rei.17ef.. -'The trouble " ''.& p1d: :i�as, found in 0 �nt. Dfofitable;. market is, awq1V 11 se6med to affec,t my whole s f r6l Manila,In the Pli'llippirie ls]4�ds; A -4W_ght 1 Awbeel the of Ur of the lt'� -the 'In ..her Ystei Ye.j If the day Im ees, g. a u adquaWproductf,6n e." In. z , I . to In In it organ was Pout 1818 bS, ba'al$r- rundow.4 anff puffered -.f�rin' of a s .11 blockr ho, t fiscal year T bu, Was moon t las ill lace ot pir 4,bleit.of fro on. old - Sji-4ipi4, m h6aagc�he§,%as. -well. Fina 1Y I WAS About.- my. flitle 1itcliqll t Britts alone Iii2ported. 82 pri6st, who must hav r. . , . . -r ;' , I de: 9, an& b ke , ay,! ori, on& fac advised to a or of which been, an; -ektkinely padent'anil dev tl�y 1)41.�Wllfiams,' I�Ink P111B, Becous 000 p6libil 'of Alberts for. ills'tribut e� I will. It ol* on ot lete .,But the Count, fdr-thTeb. lambs oleltvore(' to cut. Wh4 r it -h 'Yet In -West6rii Canada. I rgo. quantities as -he used -We e F found � romp steel:,. wall4i that - dke-Alle, the.,te D keno! thYough 0 .1110, iha� 90 the a$ and new pqr- Moment' . ad bBH to7dilY I16el like a also re"hed C116'pralr a Mrnc relief b 1, .0 an ..Paid -haq�. �ut. . een--40or in ,u,,:ev r mijied, 'r N-4--alTIffie- —trunips 01-a 15. ut i�—Ingwat&-Wftar-4—atfd aone of wfilph Wa I can t �tje ea�st, Importing' moderri-bills Were the 'Dontiniu Alto! I requ 10� )f �Sov I, in to4oly �CPM7 f. al�l tV� shifix Tendered In or a. 6 aL .,f t 4 Y =end Dr. Williams' Pink. Pills, to any-. blow paye ter. o"t �two ears -,jn� orde to Somi'r M"AL Could ;i-� Snoffake�,added my- wa i I I to Sea riv6*Ay -and ft �jeA9,—eri,Wf,VW�pOun -rWrt t. ona suffering as I did. this trQu Nor philosophic. flutias shiall nl' d M g.them th.eir,d s o6i.theti Sarajes from .t -he. United Kingd immediately-Wrlig it Wto'goft-*a er., to the gioujid .4kTthou �ie nlb -7 . .... tiles. Spain - Eend thei with Ibcjsed t, 'Xil You got. these"pills. fr .. giiowi flake waish days and you wi need est, di -d his any. the 6pirilon" of t�, nic, USe."' vWOr prj ;:�ifugb�Pra4i r es. wr'gan is still i in, well that. the. -or' medicine d.6414 or ail, ab�() dent I11 ilty Df ihe'.*Onl�t od e . uiqal (jumt, centuty of use, anA. NO* in e1i the jQthea ftand.0 in xfrom'Tlie Dr.. WI.Illan , Is! c!"' "Ait. Art -fu Nrchitect. grown',filbert - to pares mot f __�_Mak ockviiis, bnt. it e co,,� Hr 'i's Used every we&k h e'vices. by� As"era; r I -of tb e w6styemOkab.s' 0 ably Orio the,i`go rgei, �'ather I asesof there need ot bb, Ond a glan, pileft iji dha.." b U 940" 91) Mudge R ..4erisioift 6 1 a t . li 8 E-ebre.. 1p Q r Qc e. eq. Holy, 'Days V1 tp, 13 � I an ��rthit�ctuml jok .bp seen Y.L Ev -any-visitor to in k Um Englandi part' of the In i *9 tr , ent is W High -made 6f,banibooraud: 'thd hlll�- so �11: kfio Kiev me -very in t C, rpes,'Yleld420 to. 6 Yearis.' Ever), one,may not ktow el!�U *n' by visit� geui� P10tinp 9f.filberts-can Ue.iMb-cted., �a e w4jok'is obei-v6d as 4 hois� 4( -the'-CastlestArIft 'he To* )t.i to t n Hall'; tory of, the me To Were ificluded - �r b'80 ivhleli has often'-be6,n asct.i6ad'to Sir to return prolitable yleldsAu six ei--While' makinf e. orga�o;,. -the �AnB-'Qf`pIantIng;, though- nations and. t �rqsVecfj�6,. sabba :C e;r flis, )!rfst'opher our the arefitter flis, Wr built a,. tiny ffiediel, of. St.. 11 be foUUQ Ir 'fedt iit , 0-- n Is Oyet�jly p jut r`hy'qTe.,`fn-th&Be Is Cathed I- But..Wren, only fin- -few nuta Ile A' e� Ved' MINARD'S Relk eh -ma r= Fe Rent pc an a. ull allo r- 'at 'ep 4" Gre0aii V on w1l" a. -a H of dii lettei 0 tholigk it is -iioil Cieftafil at, just what -nuni�,, v s t 4ay; 0, die befor 0 �ai6ble befo �ble _14es 'Ing '6 �'t e TO of I' gi rr�um. pro uc-- ves,: cas o an �bave e, ae-.ssyrians ednesdAy, revere,;. 'The IA% 4�� nf n -t Turks; r.. I I, e day ime Vere'noe-sailglied t 1. t ona ncrease tefThursday,, ILI ri ;would' �inu the Org ol -h th4 niaxii d bf1hom sti-11'remain'ia :, � 1: oke lid ji., Is, tibil: per acrb. I# Washington god,Or ch'trpeslured as. A r' 1-1 0. -p eu tism, �,,by c6ntInb6d* to. 1 othe ha: I o Saturd no Hebrew warks. Was safe, forAtis I e' -fr orn I 'malady 0 r wenty y6arq; ay, bu It over the to PrOducti9n f wIlAt. er 6, free Cbril. Exchange, tbi es but, II's was-t ie, filliert, okjorty'atid iaix.ty,jears- of. -age It. wsff SUP_ Y oin 86utherw*Oittarlo, two pla 6,41i pede' Ili or! edl'' PaE an .gave M8 re , e at e\ Y ug good cropsi Th P6r'�dr only by great' th.ey 0 .�seedllngs.are quite �resisl req n the bob I �bzit 6 cold; 0 f" Q' A I . Wriq� to,erect our ars rn=.In . Wated ' of: tw0nt;3�, s:.ill.,: when he cries stiff.' �t e`Corn Xxchange beI9-w;tq,g ve wltbetAn ' di temperatures' A-great-desil t rd!s of 1. �'M js of o,-Pl nd d,for tt..0117� . . - the beanis,�on which.,. the lipper'strup- -ness of t1fe j6 1 1 8 orulses 'five dejreo�%Oow'�ero., afid- U6'9MGU.`n :.M" Ig jj:iM happy spra n r.;,GV.IIAtly 'and -a few -other an-. MacDEAMOt" .1iihWid; drie who' -lived la1et, at on op petth 'tutla tests adIdofiA.: support. I M 13aby's Own' Tablets. ill'o1i jLjn.'jhjj 'the, tj Ili wh tb the, first . Anglo-Norman.19- It,* �j as n v� E tiiiiiiastis 'In the .6. have! �Vari tions�"Macermid Dirmott, . o: grea arc i, INA . . . . . NT kj�g 6f� teiristgt, is UIZA -w thoUtr vaslans. He. Was a. delay. "� The. T461.eti, —a v8- 6m' -,so the 4our W -Man 'eipetimentitij, for. yeite; have -!;M9 aliiwld,, Path' a: ni�lii but -thorough - iaxativ to t,:.assured -therri that�Aheis. pilirs va9t arp4ifit r an-Od figure, ji g� ti�ltor-:to ew le 111able Aiclai, 'Ill 1111 werq, necessary,. 0 din -daeflc'.' �en'h M hig.c.eltic bio6d,-wbO'InvIt6d thialld:of regulate the bowels "4 -sweeten. the to 4poaianibb, d grow ng n - E�ritlsh sourc 9( ded %heir quo Ut Constipa,­ he seciArity 'f ow. bitrl.�Strlankl�ow and th-e Eft9ligh.'in a stdrnach,.and thus ilrivb o a -locatf6n,',soll reqnirementa; te t o t)ie ball khovb�r Family of tl�i� hboriog Irish kinjidbins. 4d t I op" VIn ; break up 'i:ol ri-anq. 1�digbs een.dUc&ereT th f,'plariting are eom it. has :b i Sir. ChrIS. ahrd sim nia e 16p In.bot and ple evers,41i t tile �i� ipce�'of an Inch ,oystoi f p andng� ailo�des, etc ori82 t and,( min. - .-In & k her T e�k aria- ab JuIelY ' 1 .1 . . too, lengthy i?p---of-- ea�bl--so aiatlable.to those des'ltous.i nop Is" that -they: of one of, the sep e the of,entetfnk, fiamie'. '.Bui'l evfde to be free from opiates and.,narcotics �0 Hall the have never given: W� Originated In h. b�ll. of Argyle, who d.6rjVe it frorn� a, and ca be ijverl.to even tift' upO*i:ihIs1 g�ii as. I & stipport,*- The sp ce beiieiail the fri the . ti ed t tie nd always, o�jj Y- ofety a "b p ritit h TO �but'readily :ing',03 they, -from. the 'same giveiC 1)4rmid--is boiie chiefly -:by members guarantee..,.- -that- ihiI four is ta. of. th Cian .6irij,- h 0H bobs with 'pe' �nd*c4iling.whs hidden y a, t in' chieftain, *.o bt namoi.,466lebraied., I ct P1 1) Withr-'bepef results, Fjsh—"My.g IN burn!".'' W ck W e Brdken e results of pl, e- g ven nii The. Tablets- th "is a very 1ncie Irl.thb slayer 6,the r;": Who a.%, add etlea work `Fish "Som�ouo: lyin t Prust of cer-nBirt*,.and h 6ale id. g, -abou ow tbat this has' in. this. "direl t -' on6, and. Is found spelled . variously, the orpgenitbi-�ofA-he�liouse--of-A-r-g-y-le�� sol* Y 11 rs or. by mail a . t 25 ciahtA ;Ii.box 'from 'The Dr.! :;Out. �,'CutidUta 114( tion by. he y.dU a e clea re name, In. h;b anc ! 10 ' _ " I r' '-- e 'ohiplished 'a' �:: . , Tly fallen out- the, �paces --experimental rmid nd "Di tmeldhY -.The.gi*eh ient 6ae. ODiscove�er 0 rdfi6. in oy, aqg ter's *t.. neck aqd -it Is one that is found all lic.,ion,u Ant **ee-man.,p to ernment Ald a6f. *W& t6o'lftile d h cheat' age ha's been" t kl� 4r6' theke hlstory� of. lrelaud,,long before It wps;' advant, so I�or were very r&ther evjd4Qn,ce that ths,.Ahtarctic ,,biad.4,broken ap with rthe 1. in-, 'iakoi r�rn�. -that:. eoubir t ei- na, oiner to aws. that festered and �, hed' f t continent was,.�disc6vereff in: 1820 by wn in't bidly.-­Sfid *04tched- the, affe. e That,Prbofe ader.Againi. S b4angtield led' *t'hU(S duistry. - se destined to, be krio s ari loibitid?'', r Avaii kja�e 'Scotland by. th:e �ilsh Olainj kii own W, 'Va0lations Simins Sitripsont, 1�1- -Mor parts and caused. the trouble.. S-oofter 0, la ev gtat moving or a povirig Wit: S 114. J., C. Ross, who sighted W wt: d -ftleah by-ftiiPIyWg,th9t spread... -At nikht SIMondS, o you -On . n of theDaArladic Scots;. Mo mdrids, S rn ll� g* at than in6: 5oiqld:. aUrn y attli an appears no largg, Sduth' Victor 41, Nyas­not, fhav641slidnestly covers iiitW 1 1 be t 1`6 sle�p -and the breakibg -out cau6ed ike�n of a. .,,..Mopd s, Syrnondson. a star,of -Me�liuiri- siz6. 8ve� the -'ffios' Xeg, orX, -the- 4ipfigurcmeritj tit probably 2the most nbi :worthy t On f d h "Djarmict,": 4� jeast. e one w �Raiatal,-O.rlgrin";�*.nuid--$;4!Kdw, new a [a n ad 1, tried cvc*1tb Ihj 1 �ould think'' wyfl P 6ifle `coaBf1'and'thd-g*ow- ic y Areasure'r,, 'the It as, li� rushod ..irl.tol tie -enter- ce' ner, read empts are�.nla;de o s -o- —e� o -tl [I —el 6 6 Of-,ut fiothfiig-he Ind ea flue ih�histd ,sppyoe Ar.blWqa�qlvewnarne� tudy the.pjauO gr �e�atla Jn ng of a variety of jiuts'will IO, frient tor Strangely -enough writew Dr. Th in C61d on. advertiserriesit for Cuticura 80.�p "What's; tile: (,rouble no y,citi x4pbri'on an'extenufte'scale. There the' comilectl6n . . ... '-1, '�. �.,. I k, . . ' r a er-., . !aCnd,Ojr%trnent`afi 'r free d ent. for Ai ied Alib editor., I i ktle . dou bt hit e in Cpnal:Centu�y.Pld. sample. X.purcbased more, I and.i4f, i that �hlmatoly -Bri- between'. the, narn SI; a 'an& QQIumb4a ill be thiD. nut4produc' of sjnlc-1, , -is one ls,� the'propidi it 0 "Here -It. -.Is, n the. �bibllcal ii�ame' This, t i0ref ore, in dignAutly, con . t nued. ter,usint one ca e 02P ent ear, marks t4d "lout1li k ol' Ctitidtirs. a 'Ing �hlch:�Abwa;B no to mitke krro;�rn tbelnoWledgia.�cijulved -the 4MCW'. pr C! Ill t prov - Idinglor Apb t OqcUr -to mbst'peoplei The pres Ing to a: ne' 21 and, one 'box of Cuticura Ointinint 4 ARAND t Itr*1g. XIIOC: duripo -the rftehi obs.-orvatiabs made anniversary of, the..:Irbilipletion, and' wai- fitalicl." - -(8iined) ?4fs. 8 e Y sht I Is hubri to be- upon o of V hear my readeis 6 ning the grat'trie canal, C riqlan dbm��er ilcI i,�`d And possib] unusua�lfor it mah Mars. It "so :christl Si Parkv!ixy, -an export trade, : , . . . . I i " item R. Z. Crbss, 8 ngaging in qu natrie Re bejn�: 'WfiliajTi,.l34nfi -zoedigtely ''p�t-ttw ot I I - - ­ - 11 1 , .1 1, , - �by riend. erna questi4pa. dly lca pilWic" Rochesv�i, : N. Y. .. V c or,ri Frenchl, ho�ders-. of th6 bonds of the cuticurao clear your sld 'OX Wi It VV Y o, is Mars ifillabited,9" i :Ba in the do 's, before +he dl1d'An PO 'at Ntions F (im N NoVjlj. sa� f ds. If ew, SueZ Canal Co..rare dia inted Mars* s.,�BuriounOed,'.by, AddMIS Canadian a interest, on. -those "Itm.treal." Price, S*V Dopot: !,Rtmhouka, laving to ageept; the 25c. . Olintmebt 26 and DOC,. T^ICUW,W; e the go When �wll 'me'44 redogUl the spectrscpe�ai That., This Label bdndA in j�Ap�i- fiancs Id Se' resence of 9�ri 'and bydro .04pr, Cuticura Shaving Stick, 2&.; men all. that apert Own ail o- to . ley are' " tin 9 il& ilie. nterests of 1lose is on '�,our Fo�' ire accumulates at ther-Pole's -of Mars' ' no uch, har'a luck� as ie* -.gives us- a nem, life;, n But'il I�te�`esig,, a W* -as ard"'.Btand English just as.6n earth, 4ocan th6se Gerrmiifis,�*w o invested be- withc�it that; life ls�tlfe saill'u. H:� h6k, love, are'ten times, .,air clever. rined, Edwi in the Fx', Wlre—'recognizkl: b -the the of io.Bogdad ra�,�y a Mu�ic is a I * g' tfi to" the blessed doctrine Y I� u age .6 the it ciqjws ihtexpyof aliovejabol on. every roll---7bas .0 hid, estiniate whiell k soul, but given moie .10 �9- 0 .'Th ave Vear .1 too 0 !other authto�it� ifi Chur -P O e I . .. /Ii, , " than bbur�teen' years' N I I - 14 eb lier. Al S-101 SS ell lfl�e they bav of upthis 'year,. iinfokhat"i' .0i on plorreer e Y.give rathe e 'to bear and �fpfm d p6rfect, service N)w T�sufts. Tho alir s State call- ti -ilace r o the 4. C Intuition.. never. fails them most of the :new':, faiicbeii.,. ner on'the,dtfa.co,of Mi 9 than Ouft B -A d *ar T nTllehe' U .6i tl 'Tber.e's,'a reaso eabth'.: Jn. fact;, -It Is..3s, thin jj ed 'Watling'a f6r., b A. Vachell. fo rr love our R#lleirtd by Lydia, E fliftiv;� and prices Ai that 0 WHte 'or wire. ' fr4 , 6e 0 1 4 . top ' e MACHINE' .1 Oftitgon' k1lbAn4ters a 'WE WANT CHURNINC Vor� to, idea for he� stay sh Oxyge ld 91110NDS CANA i IMITED 0 ted and u d bath 'A Veq6iablo C DA vAw 06 liab DU�DAG 97� eds love 1p'yerY lightly djsf'r To UVER MONTHNAL *T,,oNM1h*�,N04 average teMpera;tbVe,: is never' Twnfi� HOL MAN.'4, Aum "rid W T P. rr 71's 1 i VA j -d aA well. dntaMo Silos 'Agent 5 tejo. Itcliell ntario.— "I taken H. COMPIJ31fient 61 litentment. 3ne RUTHVEN 1711 t degrees, belo�v r And' 11 ll 0 N d" ine for a number, of yeats., R et Mars EL tomperoturer your me. ic T. I do6t'takoa it steady all tho tinje,. buV. lAfe," by Oliver .6ofile 30 ifegree� above z6110 Who.16. %%It� . supp y raus and- ti'ay- eibreS3 I ad.never. �rithqllt. it, I. Alwa.#s keep, Gregory. . I . 1 , , I . . : :r ftifitiah6use.. I took it'lirst for pairib-' t1le efilef.of f charges. pay dafiy� py ekorobs Pew wonien �can I-. long pe'riodf! in the abdomen and beariftg-doWn pains,4 idy, oAdeI`C'wbIch, coo be cash6d which inoi oche8 hd paina'across the back"I �ibep frofil trying to Imp ve..thdlr'nierij �'hekd Mari,, on -'it e6u tit f tII6.1 harlef, Witiotit any 'cl iarg& e.1 r 6 11.6,96 p'per many lin 8 to 0 haire my'Unl� to l6ok d that �a ah saw eeb] A 1 th6 1 n th6 'top plrk�j' Cre'�,� a dayl'�oula',n& g6f 't 11 tisern�fit fft 121*e paper about n ex On at*a Is t ra 0011 fr011i ta 0 is wil tover I , Td ntt e tell . ! niust:-.6e- yor ISt. the 'PdVez, b Ile is, w! i0pp'' or th wilIcIll I" I , " Sa re froni bad I avors and a summer. contain fi L, no leg.A�. than 30 0 Millet 'told tiyj AreoWsih n A to v4pot. din1fig the nd-Mrs. Jo'hiff 1116 'sonipthing 1' Pinkh iWo 66getable L di& L nIds. 44cada too. V -o' m()a tr P qcj 0 uj� N*(,tV tj it, it It . '46*19. For Co lie o f t1fe. t 6 r, r thia r I Y O�,B. 01! dhik',-t6lor (iii, Marg' very N eu ra I I o- feel b6ttb',1 and I,Always r�c- ia.. lie e e in ar rbifesston- - 1�tn p= t ab nj 0011 2, t &eaili T11,0 long wei : . I Jim ;%filliorik' liglilt, tile, very trll of .116 r lines of Batud. 0,�I,Dr 'a' e 'thoreforo!, froill WO ill. heave 6roato (116 . Lifillib Pahi the fiffior, it You desige a. Prr6 eSSIonr YOU 161, doij. 6filv about thi's. an nd­ 0 should consla.et �wllat- the lleld� til ii . s letterai a tostimo . Mal. Alrs.,'-.,J' by lo aknd lip lattoh Iong, �es—Kedd' of At�cpt Ln 1� I W ii ry Science liasA6 offer, draduates havesplendid.oPportuilittes oi,yoavlo�-alba k HeInd t e6. va '13ank bf�l a, er, . - -Alf -E, rhi nvieit 1ydi .11inklia, r niore"ready. to to a Audce6sful cAreer. Ife,10vo stock Ind ' ittitry is. tb e or er-Ai6ne of d that'llo Est lahly a ablighVil for 0 1 veloblublit i;id a Aft-kr;eo; est e Cbrinpoundr is told- by tlla;� Recent obsir, r tsor, icti vetbrid ry profesial t, t V�getobl ha1 iv,, 6 ont, ing: aeoirding 4o, V oA we id Morty women know: liv .P,er,ehcd Wh t this edidbe Wil) d'o are it) reJolve with w1lidlicontaffig'proVet! di'rMiOnq- Stilaps," by rnof -12 ablctiI bhd they site 8 qf-ototh6rBtvI,.kn' ofa gtoe� Ish blue doniffiat6d 'Ito botfW ot 24 100—Druggiitar, an(! finally ia-d 06Akde of use - ony Session BegifiSL oCtbher- 1% 1026 nier tIn4i Such "sh'bili'd ci A�plrin man- suftering from thd,tro6bleq to S, V 13A�et. 4 W 6 b d Orders. PrI 010AI" a,s.� frion 0, her to jivb this, ebtilietin and calendar k ;Gl!��t P plarit I�fq quite. is 0"IY2 of Svljt�1'00dd. com Rays romNew you a so a ;P e ft a on ear I. Do you know'tbart_in a recent CanN'�,I�B n o�Ltfok­ t.jjereforof �erxjjft .0 IT_ �N in M'o An n PlfljIt6 xlgen; bf th'6- all-:' W 'St 1, bi�6 , titid 6ver220,,060 tabe an n ge-, iir rcit or play. at it, and 6 fierrn�da. -tdld�ii to b w iate a C61 16 dw 'oil, I'llove you to' - o 6d., tli;t �kselt "if &Ived. To the qUeAti SA I '' I Re i�,­�erners �,40 ORT V I % 'Ala d Illet �.Efn rA `.�on ug to. t, !eiVe0bendfltb t th' diein.0 F Idi iiabl' 61ni, that. on awo of' 0,�(ry 10 l3i .0,6111101A, ptod a --orW s 11-- ' - . , , . ' I With, of,LV6,�Ijj� the, 61 1 , A �. G EGR4 Md. t thftll�ahy otber ciouhtry In thd Wdfldk'� Affillotad U 0 n nth r o Vepar(Meht ings nh 001t , � litift6-09 be I I 1 1 4 ' V )00jjr.jo-rj lots ol I g av e, IIVeA (in txdiit�t It omen ate in better health of., A00.1401ture, to, regAlil lie 6V or. FO VDA I rg h b tivVi thi6 odicinc �,Vttjndg _1110,110 Tht's wh� I C HN x6oi, � ork I $ i V� worleyltod, .nild her dbAtAct6f S, MARTI I hed,ud�r the I *car 1048 140N. 410. Nj -Torono oIn: me'll Yvid notfwwl� ----------