The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-21, Page 77�I - 1 7 "'IF 717, 5 X4 I'- _7 2 . �Jj 4 00tk M91re-,—T 'Its. Ye Oro kna It orp 4no, It 0 14, 41�.Mtm_*1111 y0C.er MA hs! '. i:, 1 74:. the �.1111- : I .4 4 orphitua 6 0) 00 ois 044to"iM lmp� 4, )w t tanil 41ia' Ito; a. 0 0 P.1144 for, fro,rJttilos'. in .4 A . S, colg_j TP �Tsrsn;# XbWd a 0 IV, wltu,* 02�: v tuav 00, 04 Q� - I : " ' *'*the,, -Afftltjlfon� W'Ith'. and A" er led Kq jig 'Wltjlr b'r�tOOO, p land 'Now' York, city, qefrjl� thr" year*' I;GV4! r b1q. crip to" -he liplds Va la Fltxhiib�rL t4 to TraInInR 30.,,�V040q. �WP0411, II&Y00, . ik remain, IgAor4nt thap� to be ble. 0 plal Or1q1 Kit ro h ou�auip . mn,, 04 he It s loar.4,qd to write ;t11 hait, adopted tpo �12�t- ne A 0 Which ard, knowa:bY 01A D9010 e ouplfii ritoilvo uniforms -0, C o; tralripi 9f touch, that is alin q� 494rco--A q",paMe. J our ltffi. Jo TO' 9f t rpbA4, The �iip of plac, names 45 sa lLpId A-pre.lmdl� amw �%,0r, t in Ilr4t. 1)la.4qe,,1to ileqig.- jhq,4000 , 1. otfity —To 9 a me 00,144cs �11#;travol b report a c 'R110 rt W. on �j4ftw;olk '051 pp q'q.I%pn,--of III a. OU to to ad from'ffilv� York: for 1011ift- reader an op, n, on. -given It it e 0 UA 0 In Oc lity Pit$ to 4he 64%1 riat.6 the indIvIdual by 111W 1 -A Ififormatlin ;ap r ei fi6iilhe Boy Seq.tita,g jpi Qqexico th an Irtyaolqu,'Jubt bAd"c They we never a —1110' ati 0 4 em Y, t 400. 1 Q '9�60,p 4, i�.nr , _Qttie from friend tik eii f aj� L ; - - �.ro A tht (itta. it pniobAtill gag In spite at It, bin pled �*t --a , thisq Or P plift at . plipd,, t pr�Sqi tttl. 4.wplt, th Ap, who. r. et 4F== ­xr, rpp� prose' for -0 suc I use" Of. the. 'tllaw'to� t e. Norm' ,in q, Vecauge ofit,' '09A %or the, +640 _, , - -Qu that aIr Iou, .1. , . 'g. V_ .0 UAMO. as -right lAd, -dedicitto �'t)i tpl, plors, was A. Nohn�ri well. as ,.OA given riame-.w6uld, have, CQnS( iiihie DO keep. to the qop#age, and May l:140. t4el G le aILLof wlib,m 60vrozo dy pure Axon.. ng, pe'OT:., . Ption tp.thls] ;"To' avold: 'Ote trut 1,44 tiw p�q 74- ­px� --the 0 1 ey, Y ORA EKOE".16, C2 or rpst'in thoir Th N ej The E, P1 er%. 0 Arg orif; xipt made, er blz�d adppt6&,a torIguip 44 ip.th,6, cas eke 4. o lien 4 d rt-qge. for L nce'wh1bh'*Ap 4 form of ts pa* t '4 at 91 vqptqrr� f It MAY'Allisy S)Lqw[tho_11104�41107 , S h Y iiial. in. the �bollx 1;taig sop of ad, &A d' Wo i ern Fra ripy.erl n eija�p e It loneA.. to lb I Ing th ,,p E in _9ri -d oVerlordiship, oVer tho plAco Men, tb r In 'V,o N else 000-s it Lp, is NEW SR N"PH deeper d'of how Aeme, - iahola 1 devel66 a nee 1; What high adventure h6lde 4,d WA-wzD, To - Po Pr`4- - Am, Qd Arst,.Aindle, qpItle In Up T e, G VaML " *9 �,qxplartatip Its are offer 9prin bt sew�ng at of t1i thoriginated. . One as� "pall to, the fa(A the; 1� e T �tq - c9myng to- possess- &.gaiaen �zid fo; 'VEAK.- IRLS, -0 the ft'rSt' ja rl th CaZa 'o a. (he �LOnet()n 'Opitlioll'- Col. laontr"L. lat tbq� ocailty vMs, thick y gie W sp ., , -0 P9 One, �itch 1444?d' of,r mini o04eqi. runner. of -modern With �qrrpthii �therto a now,,o.NQl'etq Joing s nee be Ila& r .0 Fe t hN, ATL, "TC1r1?4I' TV pbel.au�lf MAI Worq dor),oting 0,':hi tances CnTh bugh the Rich, t A i;t, old ollnwte�-" an 0 tit eja r,ts the trite .w-lld, gardbn16 *here qu4i*� tp, 0310L 11 L Buff- ntils. both. 09' 7� ta mail; ob InarodW 99 �Aodeo �4qys N 'Was the, Ang a- a*s e maj,piffy of ft6kndbu, tiver-LA wyandot JW71tta. f?r� be ell L IN Vo �fl,obe Ju Hb,la� 4. Seciii,4 One, 6t aned Blood Made by Dr.. b1odip Ign dure , bt drl� (tli e prb� f1clal' egw or I �is at ii S -h wa by OOXO)i, to i modet ra pprunner. OU d �fhl tb� 4. bor Theile CoVes: a t ]:to "the clut6i� of t" f his tenifeif66t��,�4,v'ond (W.een a it,, .P"r 1r, '%� - ',9.1 q it's it t sPrn 1:01ort we- Ju4t ad' Oi story, o, fous,knots, tbe d L tt an, nct, its;, poun er t An Vani ixiike I e A §t9plil"IF �at Y,fpi their' r- ed that he, W; Suggest tied.one Of -it; 'and tliere',,,comes gre. d If gr in "brecliC11 owell oast,�his heot 0fe itty on p hbldlng�, p k us4ally is ulred, thl ly 0 —t so- when,a q 'It liatit' descript.1 $�� ith hq$eJrjaWo 0.x n9ts: 11 p'thro�ghlts -11 adae neArest� t 11119 to a Jte o,00d to the _b,—tu—dc%Ign—at07W -eeT-4rorst cure. coal( I I get I . i Anan.u'si�ript. I.WaS etitQ, attacks oPdt7 6q.14 the -lad., yoix welf,to pump, blm:a, cold,,Oesb, drink. W'q-n t pltlier.;wlth�1116 ending 1sorx" e'd' Ig tothecorn. tatlorf,,,4 coiistant * weariness gain t tIty �gqod'hV3a1fb' QrauOps.?" Bug-, Tak4the Wilge1f !'cant tie the lot',-�11 sen t tpndenc� to' a decline. ll those SYMP Pre tz which,' lIx i()Ii1$ may ijui h, t Norm n prefl34 00 g. ith'L Zager,and thrilled an reverep , one iikL NVais g6pted. t1to 'visitor, whI the old tied, till' OfAL em an, go hform into. which tho-'old Be, any pan, d lit In it n :man i4blfed;' 4'Well I've lived, here, at ny T 6 Wat6 L �Sorfte 6 bii(l, 9 rd ­fiiius­ �`tiuglly beCimpo ti�ularqh'Aej but the presc trit er -0 J01; )4e.te�d ewell to*r III and,, never' d ;LI '90 r budge 'on tll'e 0�4me onditions as, gh -6 wiien a ines' W the o. ers., ed-sity 'for tie Of: ee nd twisted throiIgh Rr. keo As Ye repot W YP uittolding hue my son u 't 0 cit 'be , h ourislithe-blitrit. st �hned, 't I : , h my de44r. a the 'L y eaca, tonic, tongties I iii.�,Nl Its, ..g r 'has, 4f o mL d'IS Mpther 11pxt obf. annoncizig -making n't agree boy is like, a cefta English 'essive'liffluencesi of.CAItte and'Teu- prompt.,trea ment., Xiid be, twIce,?bu y he,, Ing.'me t gardener; althouilt the jarde d r tape, w a e I I it e Armful ortkoriio Pran'ce.. reatment is, through tlje,blo.od n It. drp WAS* *ffiiouttands; -h6 san cotiiso;� are broken the'record I ying' the 00 q th t1i people had. bee W")d Pin, vri die b6foro�my at 10y, 'JQUJ6 iQUaI,ktJeS..df. Dr, NVilliams" eafity,4xid cha F[ub.bard%a#dj34uberti r" i 9_4 Wo ome ive-wit-k- lie hip took rde '�afjatjo;ns ,of the'. s410 rilkirio. nelittrg. As, t the Age graph! at. the'144 _-T in npar but --Duc watert; --anew -ations, Which become a par where inasoles. 0. s. 61's and w -TON a e omen 6f.ruattire yqars;, Of oecre.t. joys; that ries 6 'In, one a MTM ...... afsfortifite coin -Sey I of, .0 1BA � es to us, It -Is good were assembl Here 1.5 a bit f tkor1g, Roicial'Or.)§ln—E nq I lsh tnoto w-, er, and. hear 0, say us, hat �lif e its achieve t) (i, N."I Fin' y. ritimbs. -which- have. beert 1i ,, 'New., teach e trow' —6harlotite B cli is ..er. e�A ;a. , y,. N(irds"We.Shik 13t an to renl6mber suchimwPi6. ;thei lit ildn them, i�, irty 'coald. rescue Kii g 'L can. stIjl'-"bAV Sourc oIr maro'than thl a 8 AV a S me &10'rn Inhia, . In Jewell's, masterpico,� LIMM 00 of (i di nard0b Monte, Isni that trbi 'mph ...the'ewestjo� o lop called treniely run1doWh an nprvoji�.,con �Ml ent,fl ought' t n fia a poor. -e rived rom place$ are not qAl;il to, tiq nl6ver' did., -It not, been a Itint 'Of A Y NY A s 1 ng AOS�h d c me there ',had: forthi 6bstaol s we. over a e lidun. apt, ado Chi Icis plant. ran have a clue to th' mppr I$ in hing 4t,all.untbwai tritce,once 3 ose Ink., Rice -1 r agte. Of Eyes Thit& e nie: and thoge' ink part of thq 9 now Y from, Which.th.ey A or i t 'MY. Y T der' demanded.�._an, 'jplAnatlon ro". Oil lErr�oj;so. called 'he: fit 9 $0 yeCiareftook 'i�tiieiS_ar-p,,Often! con Tmlix' :ban best'�Pe d -=ion nave Id Hadn't, he s.0ie abybing or new bpen es gne condition d'..., w;tYs'.,x it is a,wlir h erable;' -1 haq t a re it Ores ent only four, tunes;, hqM"Ive§,, 'thoygb', it Is not a 0d to ibrlbat� traius/ discourage H IRS e am ri '14 71tes, In 'fac quently froift ie@ C ttiftiod: in t1 I ie -b6ciiUse �it -is II6,catastrop e? ried 4�e�v 0 1P. t r the forger, T olied "ttaa'?, by eil,". replied thp. inght dariny 6kill'L" In hii ftt�gal alli t WASL Ca or pieces. -of at the"first' and 'did not lielp e in, the Whosfl�. in "I s some people bbing abotit� m Ading, u- g*jart rjsbisr�; Aid, YL,Brlt ele'. n4 -1 en ver-yqu!s '�eqdlng. 6na day: About stands. - bare. I , - .1. � . I ee' least, Then rtit his,, k9p e 'he In ..,Ili ad taken �­aithoujo, ;P ton It In the ,water e�qld,0ed tO. lng� receirl 'year HING fairly sa. e: as nothing to. qq with )r'a fifth:' It, :61 S, 1kriglish,; -tti be,Vlace w e �to Seip, 'Why ',the *�re r Aftek sng., r e Tdke .. ong a L -bottle- of Mi" At t amptl a u er,. uld pin are' betrig, 'of -resi et owever; It's 4a. A uttery 1i at T bame away-,. but. 1. Pink .'Pil Is, -I d tenderhook4 s it4ting ft a tlia� it' b� tt 1 It i1re tile out iiour by, y riard'so �d�104D4 ltpwn. I ae"' t 'the N It' -jif '7 _X __70ne_ OX WItnr,LIItJ A.W'. V Or 7-0 a to L. ItIFE a it LXX lotes. TEO ofigbia now wel And Strong, theru,L It may bemerition*6d; Is in Wind- rit s al It, has'beezi Aii unwrittien rul 71 to n _M A I . . .. - ' ir I 7. ark, e,at KE I L S�lt: han e Burton Is stin ame, of place. at a'niatiiflo, but etltd.. b Vre n a T*rta R F 1 -with good 60.1 Handel's oi'and at h.saiiyi'ipp sot, Castle, &It four'.�Jicturqk,a:te� re Pprforma;�"§: and it,�s-4tated., III, '6� what Dr.� Wilifiriis' Pink r, .; 11 --but ED IniiikAble foi'th�"bYei -wa er The. ne for - me 'c"no't re- t not a, rat ata t eoPilli ba�e do h' asion, of the,fices Will ytihat t e ex@re est"Stiainji '!Th*e a WE- WANTCHURNING. Dle;-.norhas th coitntiw-dan6e BABIES. 1E. r kluj�lx .6 commend t ent'ro%�tlKlil be - bbanged L if anyL.D%IO� tr -of Hills h Y am r6prqductio1r. *standing, till. the -Ought get. these 'Pills from �any the In f i a., bi do with the country* hn'OF co' opposilte-dance. -a . rid constipli- b unti�-dance—or Stomach 41 utbogees' e I ;i,by mitl StL 60� -cents *ill,-Msll 6:' dls� last:no e 7 dicin.j. dea er,, ic m a i'L' ire - resiiaitibleL'for Auell'a case t oCat�call hd!�4,,Xlotl;i�g�,t6�,.do-�wi.th!�ciLts;� A101 Williantso t1pd"ne jin�t a quInt. e ftraf4a. th Ox from the,br;t atght� J I 1alAei'and-:Young child-" T et I#' rieltber',' has, Sol -for the -ca or. calk kvi, % On. .0. Broc 11 s further', p)recautlon t e new t When baby- s cross ir'r "The Dead Mardh4R.S4uLP Few �ped�, call -kind -of _6ied Sires.: j,4ply. cans xprewL bafi:,notes Will be a mad,6 Of e, 0 remain: Sea 61 wl -Greeli Mather: sliouli drama, -and: the ke and, . -�ay clusloh)',of a: -not resaii A ch. pie' IV nevet before used by 'the, R#I ex -press. 'W4Y . ; . k. Thi�, paper, is Mann tured the*two- man . e 1 y -,ord`ersi.'whIcb -ca . n cashdd -ton wl charges. paj* dajiy is. a�:corr�pti.q of' 9 baixt1ires "to toriect an -h." no. connect th In the major ty. of. caseo' ban4dian live stock mri.,are intensp- o00cap ry the trouble for ibre used es d anywhere wit he child --ly nterb9tod �Ing , of- na t ougiit�to.t,�joisehpirY, 6r t1i from the ramle, tZe Asi�t c. f h' the �biid, bu ese - 1 Ores simply drug. t n. the extension of Ahe 'in th I tli an By. ind�sdent neitIbef has "gooseberry: into An unnatuidt '.What, is.� nb� bil is Mal is Ord and. iron- er. to'coin .—come t e. rthtidnal yinn, lan L a., , .1 1: 1911, 01 sleep.. .'rilarkpt,otak beef and eef df in, iges.'� 'price,. 4�ieixm - , 't , .. . 1 11 . a Up Qu! 4st'11fas �be� ingrItleg. .The new-noies d, 'I " I % TO" obtain the .,top' 9aill anything to do,with d.ls�i�geiitl.,Jgxative, that will s 'set-, D&te.LSU6be&fUl�-),�'8Liilnst.!., , . .. ' - h Ing; washing,. dr�ixig auSt be e. e re ately' after. t 6 1) aye or. sung (nll�nqdla h "French", of the, en stomach :,and , late the other countries we. Must. improiie, the havd �eeu c(Int. in; aner. th iju ity found In � ilve -Stec grosdi Pantry is 0 fll�waciat�4 bowels-.: - Stih kbmedy "to Ul pqssible� *iih.;ny. �re iout Iskib. In a noves, rep ace can not ledi. han. 10! per, . a at �W�ulcrv, on 15A pike o� one-ey r r I S n k Butter.Vat. t :,F�t4 'ir'�ad, 0- py are.. without sis-d .11: the hymn 6 with-, pans, P:q Babys-_ wril Tablets....-.. e Atgentivie RbpiibLiic is" 'he �Uttet has, lo6d to bd. n. 'ddtib�'the 'hiiidUt'cQmDetitOrfor t Own, 11fit Wit' he� io, take and are guaran 1 to do. with t ie4. BOwei, CistnpinyU aL t b tirely - f r�se train. opiates an cS. It Tq-day he ng oe cutting ourneat, ut, m ana d'kia:Vcbt1 ' t � are''able Laglis .111A as To.upal 'a large quahtit r of*. -.beef ou, the -66619' Wish tohave, murns's choppl, e Clit. e Tordnto -'rib 4hem, W Has!' re6og�104- t6ce . , Band et,dt e oronto, ties. ophid;%.� oe.,, *ri mark ]Road Office,. Ito -ifttlia��l Ar.ithe'iiL� or refei6ncei S li'h t 'th E :a T ihaL I io.�e wer, - aged Would like all ffiothers'td� knoW rlc45 titaii Caliiadlans,' This Pro ShMf0f.&L. DankofMdutrei �6ryojrlbc0b er.� p In qUality. , filbi e Etzema btok-� t Of -Usialills1i over thirty y j. ASSt People :Don t. Wantr�To �Jlnd feel. there li no other med, cl 0 Antic superior ttA, Shftf Of S Sentn6eS ed !for ears �.Always, -,�ceep p6 questlow can 'S )3egInfii 'Work as7 muC11'.1fts. -Mey won Babils;Own Tab The4!ef ore,,. th.e tr betwen my fiPgier8'ftnd'on ng - and ends are botb .0 94. ng,us, 'inAh wha't can. we 'do: tbofl*611is bf'my-handse,4 The skin boir e house and their prorhot use is,,; to beat 'this. /com jo great: Imp ance, and,.; the former b -restore my''littlie 6 wis ted id' nip's to and swollen and us to ave., been fool —To tlonk they,,, h i6d nev,( Petition? Alipuld never, 'it SL of aU 74041' As,ve - Ook C be made. wIthoilt, III -___7 health." Th-e-TaWetiiare Sold -b I the report peel off., lt.licheA snd�buriIed bxdty ec�w y . 2.- . , . and wJLS ------ R' Britain dar- -To, W bimail 'Lt- 26 qe44 - a 11 '.'Gr6i . ; � lieve.the,trath it I As,uncom-o onL sales held.. in -S Vi i" '. .. - 1: ; . . "L n when'!] put my hqn4a, in � water.. forta e., had to keip'my �ban Ideal box froik The Dr. Williams. fl d tk4t the dii bandiged: ln'g the lastban yearsi we e -sent A ;.The maw -with �a .-,grouch- -thinks,- mers of- the A-ig ntine I cbie. teOnlr-2 bl �T6',hear' the man who it big Bra ranch'.ow )r a free sanIpl is: A *� . I r .1. ­ whereas - t in ne preachlfig, AbOilt duty.' tj dira, Soap up taW ii zgental U e c�s_ i6e Ila ioc 'd, Ointatent Go' Aky, a ormousrprf 1i hit dmi. '11-purdhiased:more and :;hA �hth - . ay. mitelf 'Who ne�&, to th'' God's viiai-w -their, pure.bred herds. - I tiery true a er.1p Bayer �hth , ... head' i1s, In the'Ar 7 of - Cpticura To knoW unpleaant facts. If 1) easa 0. using and per,- candid ft Cut; dithirde. Flowenroarfect dar' i wastoriplay* an.fils oas'are %Wiivable 01. .gid moral �,p i ell d er. Soap and one box atial, Twin-Scrosr, Steanters '-of Him. fri -'saY.- t at these high price see the -The truly reliklious,11"fe, 10'116t )311 her -itrid'Se' ieve g entine It you, tnt I was,. completely'. heakd," —To b6' held, rezppr�fbie. "for 'good, ea n Un ess �abaut life and, its. va 0s.. us -he, I . . I you lablets o, It. R.. F n es: b d n. t r P d sh@ �elrd� efirst (iligped) Miss Neitlql�ees 1704 'the cant' a is' slibnatura joveftm out att e eicdon� day heirds and ator Win'ed �Jn, 011JI10 ring.e M,L' lello,* e� "FORT ST. EORGE09 1 Qrx�arlq. tmnsg6juing Bayer pro t -first 11 nt tO *chu oV cat0e. - I' ls� little,, wonder that 'tlie g6t1ing. Oinim*nt srid rescoes, incOXered. "a The time 0 wi� rch t Cuticura Sloap, 0 T LINV thre-iw water hint. , hC6 , SeCOAL qUI animals, ini that court" '11ionS and a M1 has self-13hp r n d jilty of:b.eet uct p ovdd -safe Y W-1 tre�all,y6u.neod or every- ti�p rp, painted y thO FtJKNESS. BERMUDA XtPA College ..Whose day 1 full of iaI6 leaks a4 a re . er .. h , In bout 'tithe pf6sCribdd bY.- j purposesi Ito ty. rice oii�,hirh. he last, tiy!. is ex�eptionaliy. hig Thus,. We y toilet and Pit 34 W itt-hall Sitteet 14M, ha Engl�i P;Kker,:ik they.1 the, )hysiciins fo�,2 di Ily" �be. that we M�i�t I . I -or An Tioutise A It ! . . : 4 1. L I I .. . . I I I.. follow time theyii'threvV irt, on im. road -'Stmhous� L C#Zaafan 'have td. NontreaLl fticei Soap an acq intane 1470. a EadhTm WY X&L 'Addre -com ett We exlin�le.of our at�ongest p I t .:par$.. the value th No. Ointmeid 21 wid Wei Talediah 26c. only iiikh.cla�-ss pure bred A&e onj a* NW_\C�Utiftlnk, Shkavinir �Stick'2b& 'pt ors, and use y Louri-grAde. irganizition, and et -he -has never 0 C bt en OU stock paCka troubld &Orgomize jiig Own r.e V -t Vigu s from r Oanadl.an the . 'Settee $32.,00 pikag,sli6vir, that only about 2%. o, f FREIGHT re Multiplying means a c9mmun cuaifij� t Handy' of 12 tablets Ifec. 16ris-, jolo. Wai lit for.,, ainsproven.. A. rri�rketpd ditrin ,WhichCont A'" fidlgh6rhdod. ir $13.75 HER ade -the Wb d ditb�$&, boxes a..'�13 -75 export trade. tk' .'W� toj..�Ih k and, figure ne:tt tat n -W bottles of.2(and 100--Ilruggil,Bts _POW 0 j' Who gieat tatigr y. 'jois sustitzied,.t,lie 1161 d Ckatk lre&i�tlid III Md. 4ge and call of, .4pring WhichL Juvir Vanafletute of X9210-. E notg out the dtartl! &Otie ebter ofLq.a11('T '6rage farmer loses about..$30 :,you. fel' ithin you is 066f tb9;t-:fbu'1. to' j40 :pbr head-' ott 0 edx's.�bred, from modda:pliflosopher Ift of t Much, T Describe h T h 8,' Dune lblaA% �ct&,`proVe that bit every 'instaueb, Ing nA alied,the "Living* Thle"aUjLtsr sires. LyA14F& P A A A n'A SL." - 6 bred Slips, Velgetable'.Com . polin of Out 'Chatham, Ontar a. Started to iget only, sell for prices; 16itt make from pur not S to, Psga,76 R it Z` C egarded Ad arid more economical gain's 'BY the'lilit IS x moro ral b n'L the, ng.jlongi, dregs of Seotiand,, bit 095, 1 an,those sir�d by'-gtaddL A ak after corid 6ild was FUphitUrs' an Worn Only WL rbile. W6 ar&' � 41),: AWarq that high 'Ee- I N0 JerS0 as pe, iff, opfop 0 t. dorre6t, for I W 1hil Is na I worne: UISE41 COUII �o In the Highlands a4d.bagj*qvisr-beft prices are bt ftiableAorI,alm60 notdo rn� own house!.. nimal, yet it Is Ver� 'Amerida"s sffiattdfit work end was,,ea baft populao)i the The lillc Was kind, of bdefr a R' t with my nerves hat, a1, W -t of parlizZont In to follow miilket ri es a reb ly- ihatthe low aMUUa alone at any ' Ime. 61'110U,. UIL p'orts close grade stock a ifraid to B 1746'Afte'li ;the 1110bbitO t. 6 fitst to stiffer wh(M the mai a , gir thoUgh -it wjS. tol6rited at a Ijiter dittep are th -Atthogogr _I e.. had pean It n,6VpL, 1) 'P'i nw Por me a wh616 ydar., 'I again.... OW B ng e 16 atd dop. r r idame popular, N alance SpreaOV kots.. taie i dJust a,,SM&11 SUM ItIg, tbL", in er t.e Perfo in, e�tl6n of the �Ikllt: is qftIte cle4f that hL et CWgi e gind before I was Able to *W nntIdb9dur , i6 PA00i Qui6tted. e otgra;deolr6s. is it losing' p` uh One C61 t PAS"g6 01 us S ith"t' ang 'h h f htrotranrou riend I doll viewed f Single, 'Ad It.1S,�higII,'tfmd tImtwo discAM Infe'ria let of. Lydia ig., hg -O 'tb f dt obitntry �ihO $9.00 nrid�j A out-rou eed In, k, rich seat has 24 coil Double tooblit The coftsti. QS r* ' or"bulls *he b oi high in .9 nccWto tb. th toll i�rino.'-IgpIde each 40%';inphes; &afr Seats 20 by'] thor Ahey grade or Compo n four bottledi of 1pigth Of to hc6so,­ This sitite is ft, ver - y pop , uJA r' lier. u and -took thet'dress. a *111cli c scrub ptir6briedal, ;Ooverigs from it. , I gave birth. toA baby boy the 4d A 00 1 t T nt LeCau6, ot thd hls� "is, importa Ilydriatrie."r. nd Of a sort Of Skirt, ille"Plee" M#Y." b.oUg 1. op tely. New., day of September, 1�22, 1, am.6till dbing, fdct,that. -d tid. Theta]%U tie My own work And Washing. . Of cautse �ted Lt n a E, Cd., LT0.0 the �ull,,used on a bet dyed or a, matitli, tho I t1its, yeire of If 6RAO'U'GH'iZ8 11111, 'tflo original o 714 F_ C. Buc6s at Department,, I don't feel We'll, very day becayse ea -crop befnj� get'inj ti�st 0,'the bab _ i's so cfoss,� QULe t..,� ()tr, J)4�eop "i bu rid OW corner` th, And, Oathurst-Sts.,. Toronto, Ont.' the Interior d6tilt ter ateve' rs��el fin d isoatd an, ease obl h r a*,- r11Y ten 6rit ell on, �Meyig the 6gettkblo Cotrt� rmthe, North 'of Scot- Vor eNen; But Itr 'k at, 1925 Vortilhire Styles, re GUIST—AVS TOTT MR' St dt ts t youi ldo-tt;tge! b.0, lot copy th _. -with it Rut B: �!g erVeg 04 A lot bdttdt owas Say itlotte dayft 0 q.1L.5L th, . Art;:4:tr Why lt�s. [)qWbod. pound and am, eep on 9AU16 ....... futni wtu "a b6urket filade -of thtdtn.,, Without 9 watsto"t, lonk+ Jg1bgUe, larity of'. Sound and 'writing to dag- coati ddl68S "i wat dagget*o 'd 7 n -an Ogiles ckg to,liold tb- *krnj� OM sa wit) re*�ak,' thin and hisr0us, lot drilkglif 801)lk Y(51 by flV '&n it, 6 sr - -, ..... ulsod L_ s00 ncrin guaranteed nd irength and P'tirniture", Ine cMa Wbight,, it r ligair an nerve tuie co.f Pw (Dept, W t"d ay. Store �n4r&, Stevie, R 0 Illustraied. ST ond, tealtil id short' 614ewao, phot -14AHUR ORONTO9 ONM 0,11 i,5 p rout St., J.'Al ni nt60 r t soft did Valtiles. QU N �ang,' T to kp#� j6 M I o*r4*L I i For, $Ore T! k� Tral `Yt E