The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-21, Page 4NOW 41 Otyw.^ MAY 14 low -7 _177 'r 7V 4A wk 4001.g. OR 01'. h" bkord 10, Marx: pr i"'T V T! �R I,., STE_I., N OINK m4o �ft got** R.. p* d dit.01 , 1� 04 6 4K. jw- Ii -%otugh -!#Xick. w A roiw� T4 such thQ,pign who Any.. rogs,04, *4 a mg t.. TU 14, �zi Was! '"'PIER W 7i -W A 41,1' UArP44P1d AV­­­-�_; 1 betc;Lrriod'i,4!wAy:;.br Any At d\1 combiried 'sp t% :10 Oe-firot J0 'ewsp I 't"K 4p 0- Q 'U ftipl�14;10 PoApi, Pw. '�UIJ or" 444,9f JaQ,.th ipw qvy I not J gl4kin -4 _'d editor in( ates, the,, ipt: to� 'be Me too s 5 C.. sla th rd1n#'�-t.qJitlq0 V > ;thq two the' th)jul r si es, wi 1i f W 'I;o d' CD a�J pA -a �Cotr, R Wilking W.6v 'illy, 46, given eqpo tlipy, -79W Y, ftifi� �Tjwv A., 'WAR th f ptatem 'er Sure$ e.ad of par y c apglng� . �V 00 'Ir.—All -Galvai Mr. Hunter,,!�A th Keep th bilied.­paVer Will' 6;Aioni A of, Colo. 'I t1ibilt w t 'W, and 64116, JcaJ,.,m h r 041ibig, of,jeourse, po itic4l se�ry ow ,]I . �q publi er t ien ater�o`*�, A and e or ly ishes three tbexe :tfiavd, a e -I -or-'anair 9' for' 'ihe -4 h PaP01 �.gt i Everi though you wash d_ qu qon e, L! t somet Ing, in, us -to 04:91&p 't6i' it- s foit the genei-' fliat h4 d, times', a;� day' and. ave the resp on�ibilit� of 0 it as they once d"d i?U. q ng, and s6rubbirig, tibr bL ,cleanin and *ashi. 9 �hw,y- 5 7 ho' 11947P rtk stan, n one of,,- tU. 101�6s, of �,by�gorio, d4p,: U401 ohumiliation o f haro' "r6ugh -t� rt r th eansevery ing dst np.,cl h an ha no t harm die -dal tiest ea and -7 fabric - in' Lnd you will be arm water a an 'd �t:dissoliv th,the way ii elijhted w1 t dispek dirt be., -.Vour d how lovely ar. soft han ""will It s9ves , ti iv YOW he ,In Neonein �JeA'Surds and out, 1f6jUej1*JA. Clqfaner� no, r ands that sh Ow - V 7oman, that irid� Chart� Rk E�e Upues stu V. D2re t We,- Onakbdvfteon,�] , itly, bu en amous, Joy a, Wd t v lo��stic�iclenqe:. guthoritty -U, -have 'Ann y., to 77 stic ciece er1jra. upipq 1SWU"WeMotecL IJOMC t 7 :from, d*i6ussin �Ou rain ess( n e w S noi 'pub ishing" ifis,ofi C a cdurse� o ftcheri,� Mana -ineat :�-wnt en: in an-� -,in. pro- 'Sen NM COS o, ip �Fest of oOe p�l oftlall ja�4 'UUUO THE and; X, t w1lich t t� ih in erebt or iiItei k'�rniftid- ��.qk th a ains i'r Imicheone..- YO Y M to o t h Odftoi of 'a e Vuep Q.. esims Y -alsq: Ave th 'Pri U �w 'h Joinliiiz t 6 ust . ore, is, -,*Ii 4 �hon-politi I cal. pap, r 11 ave'to 'show 6rJOnaJ gdvitQhry 'sery -P ice�on w a e -I h t, h made of. Anything said,' D 0 wi e. e L_ '14b, direeted by Anna, Lb S�Otit� hich: RE �FR* NT A C e HA DW, A E any -'supJect jpert�Lin so O'�� "et e nage- hi h hig to�, Xn6Ii �e rui4iui,- whether in naeht4.-abS61 Utely. PR Y or,agal steit pp:monl courde. 0 e -iewe -b "part' so will 'QUELPH dono�nced accoidiAklY p. y viq�w-point, and"lVe"'editor I -S 72 5, Polighi4g DOW' ,are:sent ljdstppio. '�YolulbtU 'Th how''.you. Choose V6 �blanksl� to'fift No be pihised-, 6 6xdminAti6ris or c6lireSp6nderice'i6quif';e'd,'L Anay e ,An,14� spaper 7 5 a; new A Sav �of it' in, r however;- ana t ing f6 adVic'e,.' C so In 0 -aa�w6r in 111 "1 Al y' ;es:kdg'ardih.,,. dyid' this; ust jffst g it Wr men q :11, . . I all ad regard ess of L Whit party' any- ousehold .. : s This"Outfit Con ists of e ''W' 'believe. J. J. "Hon think' or say;,, e t4?r,. as, e ra John§on t1qj1id Witx' U.50 'all X1aP1e',Aeqf Vub -and hil' th co o do* th s., 11rd* id ne'w. d ot� 16 Join"! the Qt" awd holesomentmo to.lbt�' OP the 'hko I for t i0'Voduab&.'..Gb itree. �SChAWJ lbbe 1 ohnsdh's� Waxlm THOT-TG9TLESS BOYS 1, John'son's'W loor. Polish ge Vse�' -y of MAKE 'L eight�d to iiei EAF u 'Bioyt-�sometimes:,. et in 'FOI -,"d Pi jRTH Mo0i to serio s /'troI6614 through". ' hough �O,ok:;on, Iforne Aeauti- irantecd t 06snesi 'or. I Wicellerit baking iesutts a' to 6reiv user Biack, sifiA `C6cil Robb hre -25c. of Maple Leaf'Flourj. ad every bag contains ebu ignorance �:Of e iolusnesi, of -the tying. ppntk,_ �the! b �n, the Mr�ple Leaf nen i �Fotl to free mern ers q thing.9 'they, do.-i'Last -week one of our t Itling h i �NQIub nd 4ght Con_ oNq Valuable-.coilrsi�. <2+.'1b- -'bajt�- a'ator lcoupon;49.1b.,bat�-"2coupd d fam, y- MOt- af, I S Mr. anc Send: 6niy,fbur�cotipfts ddresadd. to- the'Maple'Ld d `,wh� a shop afid, took This As. a plefidid. 00 PiD [16s. Lind, in ns; -98 li�: y, of a coup e o foi bk Limited, Vidronto a, -quahtity They wore Outfit c�oniplete andat a: ore ovi ub maole, U f UMni' 'Co L�­ � a Sa�ingt, 4 ;--HOW -an 'ered,,. an n arlo, you wX sic 6 _V_ ew ays, *ith, new,d es -for th' daft` eing 1 75, d- 11-be�6iZ�olfc home home mopl� :Leaf Club. and recqiv.6. th6 coursc�` VAR, heforo -A Inagisiti aid gald, anld�, 'riqr#dq (.inj 6,'Yourth WetArry ohnson'S V Old E ate s nglish'. Wax, Mr.' Jack meatoh". of L'uokn sA k d"I�r today abqut,Anr�a L e ow �doneiit j" JOr A Senpur. ao6d, and',` se thif martin, - sp niding, a 'few days home =11 cour x f6r Hardw flo6r,s' e en h' ins, MAPLE LEAF MILL114G 6).: t The inagistra c gave em to un�. XV6.. Simpqon� -of Windsor is Vi6iU HEAU'OFFIC R use, k. ---!i'01kONTOj. 6jTA 10 dep'tand Ithat brie'a Ing, imq,a. ho' O'Qedar Oil.,.25 and -50d. also Leftibn.Oil, ing, af tbik homd',,6f h ek br4her Mi. � I . I . .. . ; ... ., i ' I .- . , - taking, away z 'h' h did Wn hu enite- -V e I S, Graham. elo-4g' "-to "th vas no joke at Alaba'stin 'in not ,b 611. shades The. son Of r. Goo. Brooks. who alf b me r which thes, ut a gerioud.'c�i fo u severe pum.8 iment: in -its, Pur lias 6een. oerilo6ly VhtPIIMoft' I atw. prescribed h M�ttiitl_'Iseno 'r Pair .100 Per C e n t,. e,' Ia. miich -improved. /We aie, Wad the iorm,ol it, long, term 'of.. t _pyi4 on 011e( B prig and Arb Wire Fen�in� I'' o.say C, a so, ment. M- in* It will' Mr. . and Mrs.'R, Ma�rtin And ta I., i WdVen'.Fex:164�1. pay I ,,,The b0s Lhi� baso,atpearbd to U'' give us a ily -spent a', day-'re.cently, with, Urt innocent -s� far the bef4e' buyriki p be' 'bd6ctly, ctiniffial loature -of 'their aWon went, A& -Y WT marasil oParlstone. a'L reeUd L Inie entedf h Vourth as,"wlell TlOpreg R . the 1p6n 'them the 06usness of tudknow,;rueS" Cgrload Cein b them gni ent'On 11-ang 1at tb�e Pries yterial ''but, they, had to pA the cost f. y lisk 6 'o thd'courtf,', 10adwork is ild order, -6f the day A OL. 1 it hs -OLD, VO RAE POR.' in* this vicini Y. I T 0 . IiE YOUNO re a -ted -him r, A. igutherlaqcr TEOUS sell to I a new r0d. A has bedn the rounds ttle X4thi 80 age; ILI een 'Catiu *�,P M, of_a r Aan, who drop- Ph o' fte Luckiftow ce , ery'sic -past RM as b Y the week, it' pedr dead 1A a darice all irt Chi ain We 'are pltase� to, - Say. ic�go, 1w e 4kd., imdulged beyond bN 11a''rdwAre ing, '0 s' in tr1l) the "li Plumb* MM go 0 Tip$Mithingr.' ping kht' fan' R6�6ntliewfien., �breiking. uii: some. ta* H6 i e.11 gent', -Was cele. s 0 ground. fttr IIU� farm,,oh the, 7th coh- rating'­h 1he: me of his A81-ifield Mt. DO_ b �nny CaiiAdia "I TbAre b this-st6ky the dAte I 6W QU.6606,ng oil, Agrl4c-" 0 '66oded, to speculite upon -the chari very. few of thtg ultu �e ing tiniesi ay 'h�, Para N were n wero4 -by. M �,',Mc., find shoUld �( ., of oxist"de ttnd, tile. ago, they e. M Y� t) the arB intere9t. 'these boys of eighty- could N '1:. 0�.,Co!-operatlpg, t t� oat, J1JrtO.* 'V.r' A. Vapo. -un Wo s a means of ketting b6Mc7 of, q Art Coo -they S t6 ho'W r d.. duo lent of� thjr�y ,dx adips. I P V its ha(f on, the n of;day they (lrtalc4. "T' fi, . .7 _ t+44�.,W1t_JJ,.., " _,r -eatin e -n Me eomam T, r . d by who d6esWt . ketp� e801A !gave ongriltu jo-s us a , in 611, h6W.,fflA)hF of the 80�_Yp'ar 6'ldr. Mi iAd I up s11U�des timoubpyg are doing thiKO Thi es Are in w . ­ � I., r &- ", fj& lngta6ft 'ia the,tmly one Mem, by foople 'W�o Mlade money in -old, bi) t AeS mAkor''indre" Vioned And th'b, dt. dob:d,; -led Juneh an Y, AK r4l)"I 'IAitArt fflootin,* n?t to et Y�U 8�1. "Atento, ard - who V 'Will 'bo fijid, gtru a Who take$..'n, I " . . oy, do what Wt� A1rkt;,Th6i64j 0 kN6 'th Tug n Oil in C 1, A"ha thoy Wdrd 4 thlk 0", 11 9*64 ............ ..... 00tid 'to Vlottl 41