The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-14, Page 77"T77 'M 177; 41 A J, . .............. . . .. ... ...... , IF 6' p 'D ��,rw m - 0 *.� %'! - "T YOU. Re igo,,, 0044 41044,14 grow Often it" pr U 6, ,b ood 41489 pip, oa�4 -ww JCy�r of > Y" any, RT T R Aim ous4r ',du does dink -V nd ly wrqrng,� fqr*tb0,' & #jna of buil gqrlio, With .0�rw urMdr, of bropins! to ebme, terrio.ry iiij.,,enough, to gets, rM Tb q A.4 and. rad te PIS. mo, . . . r 4ity , j . be -7' provide: w.,:, Arickt, fO w4tevqF-. YPA C n'ee di 'are -pt heat, 4p4,,rye tes An ex c 5r to ry, I um A -come twitf — , . 1. MviD to To' a4d, �r,'tqo hot. Atmosphere. T Who t. aJoile, Also., drjo& up the, ebicks, W44 will, Pity I lid Ano-til-pr6, .4to, yr,4,nd nei, sigh hose rip� t�, to Goo p..Oje buy, front, mc, ven'.t 11 gaid, much 4bout, W live, IjWarjIed HOW '61101414;5��ail P TM cqT404re ping, or paq Auso� they. A sk1eq re, qh,7go q k4ge ga 0d, feet,, evocially eAX ly, I s; �be n theze-Agon be yopr 1�qo. 'F-1 postmaster xA -9- with, loW Valugo? , - - I A. tel�� yoii� an Wh, f4. 1 , pyt Ing �on fore they, run opt 1 dq6rgi,mu6b. ptp,, I r is gan jr,,,,et, list of'. pils't'ie S01110. �Ijto -d airable. It should The r4l ItR# gboqw-p want to.kngw.,* There: , ar�, ;Qne U16 Is 4 46-1,letiqw, to port. pro..., MAPY With pockis. pf,lnfluy.A 4ar, not be to deep. From h'r..If an Inp the �im :d ., . . qans to 1*.,. eaIvt Mloct :he in. be0j-qr,: i* .@ , ;0:o14,"r"Wn.. It m T, I fir '44; le' ..X Aqw, rogn buy - In'ers; A A tq, rep Ror ,ersr? co Are m t. n'JIlvil 6 d4tll'ii putficent"AR)k t is Ore. qx creatp, t 1� ds that. par o ere S ttie P01 o. mn Phows Duty aaconte.ict with 14'r& acks 30 th r when y� gtlt�,there'p� t!4� breez c takes -.0440 u -:of the'trea liC Sfio t 0tin Zr-, to, t questi n ded., iv;ng. r&ghty- a, grelettng, f -baby, dAff dil,, ;P41 1�4 life. wort- bU(ItL -the packag js t, In tbo abse ha,,7) V111.7 row mlak,* h. every life thift�-f.q rs h aar0 Who h4vb found sider,' lightei welklit, c ip1giVe qt Alfafs, pd 'p6s#ge, AtT4 th go., qtivonw� U , j ��ih jo''muc4 4iffereoo� in c e4c' oviecreati6n,, and est' my b out,. qf'de life, as* the �0 heii bine,, -their.. expe -nees -and After,,talking to 'farmers ho,,," It- should be. out; i4tojeni0w a out L I'Ponder ox(.tFie oor 4no, own b V4044g here in And, city tolkiI, W in -the chicks-ar itf- n U49 to,on� mfifl aq� inch, !040, whe fte ort 'made; ��4 uyin thi� hi the- o Whitt X,� have to� s In 'tle. After' they,. X4 older it,can be pe that sy manner convinced, that there -aro� bt j1htilr $Q. r 0611 to ThIM -k tQ ftr"4 ti #.na. the ay,qae �yQ4 oomo..t aiid bjg�. �A&Vrtuniiieg: ibem,' i thay-,Are, f aie, or, you. -thug, on Is.' YPA!re willing 0;0.,-iilid d t141 uuuv ( Pe to givpprervi Wit nine­m�eeks old-41k4h it, van be'elat, int�D City': fo�k . : . e mai won t elp any- a, ­i ti i i f Aed� davVns,,i e ably one �of h' TOW buiies* the j.6ung� folk It d bJr#s,,itbi). al-L.6f each'willd Bu selling, -by' "i ohe 'of V. lures "T pt� 9t L With' tire' Will cut itf�i4-oi 4hd.'dri,6 y no,WRA6. on4, 144' fiagiauf: ta, ns or ches thi k '4QP hgA, qiijckly.�IY�- labs ,,is of best AUAity!And"r4b iShbwflak 0 blispoofi ro eggs. n I r� se� �4 , �sple�ciol'�,,..y,,,.*4v6,�th(�,),P S� 'gal a ,h b tholleyi, panyie ),g d pin; a more ess Al h t?Vhy.,:sfioiild' wlork, when e 0 e IS for US 'I g-l'than Can yf d 'rice, tob eQ,,* P t , r �a pldy?- and. thokujrhjk,.,- f(ir. the yolln sId th,& le -Ad., corn Shavings.-silduld. ii�ot b�* used: oRais� move all grepse ac md-similar " ' I M duwa, efeAr-1111,1takwai, tha� realftloo life to d6al W*tl� d i bab�.:ehi.ck Ittter.. Tha coar�se and rough, and *',hat is of even .1i th o noe�.d it eve?) d' ts also find. a i(,ody .�R tA becam'so lig two years, It' is rather pro Tie q in our count Aha�t we:had an cans it&�b 'ttles mbard -.Thoplas. MQro to fit. usi aecliffilikk0or is t6 , rkater-dangdr is the pGV qu, Y t W 93 of; olve, the problems, WhIe1j, �we.cpn 'Sn6. it you n1L P mice and, English'gilarrows o*' aces niied ti r9mpt eKvice And fairl w.Ar, upon, these rod6n 01all. eaiin�, small pipces 6fill 'sh 'fek- o aA 3 a slid SO sr �a' VP 0 creation can be lia 7t home hid' reco hawks of sotrw 4,1111 Ch6ni 13althr"m, Lal*dgy Prices bring.iepeit order!"A ..G6in&7Away.,P1ace Cnrds causing impacted, ei, ps an d to friekos. Than wecele.' The place CA'rds at, It'dinnor par" geative diso ders, t8wrMOSO biated at feAst's Int'6't' J, .7 4hat I Y'9004d��, five it. own bals,w lio. Were 'Wh 'the' chic s - ara-'littlo,:.beforez ut there' are tirries,,when A prices c ?wi en frled.`qhlckon�- 4,et ail Parcel-po t ompar th In honor of several People w its ose pric0s at the'bigterm' movi - from 'town were,., "photo-. they learn ',to scrAtcb, regardlest of wafrom SaMiliar 0`81itt'j"A'lAd -�rfip hai �type. 'of! litter is a 1.) 'By We oam- in raqqv-'T 't get s'— if all the rat, tails, Were corded, �up 1i money. Thes. re )y cutting. c- feod­ erili and Petailers, you, geV. mre' ne ' ill -chicks. ser. A S16if -III �goo �b tp]tL , ,I 1 .1 .1 . . 'a sIS =calls - 'stove, wood, we. a at aes and pasfing a 'Ieed.'for d. �he' uyegets the, food A li#16 tiir the i4e�' on.. a p'be of ee-quar- cir "d f ailos, Q�I6 rat 6 In &20-ver�yd -of- -often he Ps 'oli hgra h of, the." rsoll' aOer. than,�.At, cor4jr grocery., ver wo ot-cardb A -shingle 9 an T VP '-th Ndnt -2'3 t0i; wide.' ac 'Tkeso, r pliq egg-c9se �flat PON T,KIPGLW, AD RTISING.­' t ne. ve� n d 'We rom-sne- ;&Y-tu —av&-d­c­o5­c-cl`d—iosi9 —A 11 ano -w d W a ornaa-'se—veff-all Wa 'of getting had 20 acres of.shOcked cdr� stjjLding pshous 4ralihs �n Th ys 44.1 , tb de n w on or troublep 'ros Wndj ag' -as 'thlb, Parlor on 'he hunt, the rig. t size tq Uated broodFlk list' 04,custqm�is. Th--,4ulcke`S1' IS'.Of n te t 4e time. of t 4il.4 t yad d to th he e merkime t h o ng from colltam� were not the ot ulti coume,., to buy 'a. list of t the s, it is Wise to clean -the ut nd t Id the. to' co-me* 't. of the" "t in 1 "0 bd With rej t an d Pic ure. ne is a� f6h* of. thl a brop"r flo6r frequently, C6r$ 109 h is, plus' the cost of. circulars. theirZois. ci eilpe;cially A; C a,nge of see orea 10 Usually be;nefici e your goods mite', if me6assar�l � w nd is ai, t ,an, - an, guns, and dynh- Th man With, A! is in !l y h- o., -during bid' weather,- Nilien the,chicks print 1:�044sary to mak and' puld hiul was not many',of Uar ns In 9 - ig mp 4he shocked corn into .'the barn as an re iof known-, iu "I t 'M n Y.' 'Mdre- moving,to A dis ant State sal.6,1himself a th� mi y'rea. y, to boar( ood, deil of the. oydr� when yop1my aJiSt from they' --tore it' d ls,� ra�g r *0 Pleas- 'a d h a -S d4y $C.ho ;L essom he A The un dical 'student A aoWn to� ge;fthe rats. 'I The � me w a�Wn i166' an u e,�ory-,terl would like, �to --rat$- -thd�balnl 'soutli, -of "u n from A a gates y bettit, - ay is !M� �recallLtho­number we'eks: Or �6` f h r -a lot"tif waste. A With -a days to'two 6r *you can expect 9 should. be 'le ed.,o't.. to exAbunge, or - buy W6. had RIM& Orelgh ore herp there Are st a, hpildx;�,d. sh.Oca noat� dOcjol�'S sitchialle'. Th Ring 6- bride-to-mbe had MAY ­11 ftritilge *pj. names -h-bin''Awother"'farner 'hill ly tipped N d; WO" Modeiii. Invent on t,on the fdo, an tui� 'of the-. first reakfast These nni Almost 'made. Ahis' posqjble,� product,,.', twd, dais i hall IT -9 ihill if the"iirm6rla s for s. f" d ld' -if- into the. e nidoal of,whatis poisiblo'with iul. o workc ling A good rn. one Mas. eg, let, Smo new pre' j� best wc .19. G61dej6'Text his I n abotit� the ba stiitn, Acts 9: 1 ,fl Becomes these p�c Tires'.` a,Chri t -roam,, he. -c L air Z6 MA bi nie reares 3 of- corn we"hid h6t flote,4',a r new, w' 7.: ANALYSIS sain6 t y is ti pap4rs;',-c6stig'frQnl :15.� to 0 oria, we kept -m6irement ,dvetyl-' mb� gain N RANCE--SO It ,-ood:. S-1-1 -Bull UGHT sort f the Vvor:. whore. So, sets, , outj TO -DO MR way ponomi " li , I tra ca am told' Y al-mers who. do -it. 11, w-. neihbor. .,4SWd' -aA :IG66, 1, 2.: 'Grand Inquisi r, for'DanlaSCUS the, most. c b' f" A, to 0 . I . I I . WHAT GOD­BYI GRACE— DID FOR SAUL, And' 411, thl s t me -STARR. 342 47 18.:. ed. ''And 4NNE a : he -By 'in -Ignr- es ybu b.py.sPjjce what. had booibifie of all ih -ratsi that ells us �&r- At"hais Yet-be,6n. 6ivis' -aftd Sid good hwar&,� he did,blindly ps, ones try.to g t int4 MItile 'Often - h o-c&lIcd home or family paper. he had not seen a' rat &�'so,lon�g 'he, ilo��-,�ome to'tbe' once; :thinking, to Please Giidl ROD CTIO ehJPym,&ht while. -he is takil 9, Sue an,'� hayo tdearl�.Iji'AII6�mdrn- basko� ng,lightly oll'hls �yo'ullg greatest', even -in -IA'k GOD Y GRA E-'- 'DID FOR SAUL V big. diffi-r6fice WAS not uth: siqxt that' hu ere is h betw6dix th, 'in res6h is'fath6r's rm. t, tOU 11. Wl C h laid know Christian. his What no d�je Ike, Ing power -of .1 ourney. But,, ast, it & that he mi ifiriginary the'pap6r.bought on d 11 -Thiq was the: 3 19, 17,, 18.', pu, 11 shiS6"the. ResuirectibiT. t I d the, a 'conversion, -through a.-d-Irect inteipo- 3. , SAW, never, accohiplished-. the me6'c6asiO -ghifall. 'His way 1ay oy t t k'' 61lse'4y'rif r "in- this eiighiful maner the And Is one u Y to a e .t: trip away rom, news sta�6 bec" f #14 that wa V. f o, scare y all over our Soo -fill,: M! -6ad; 'that."Was al-� -morning pagsedi An'd,,noon-dbt�r fo sition of tjIe the'Arch- -pprpo4o, �of 6. �Da nging, with ads11:and:.the.one do!ii6ed-:' wondei� glu I hat. mascuo. tiori whei*ver iv,6r6itr; nd AN. atirl- . , . , ' I . " * '' U us of . .... jt illk-..'Wheri �he: ay$j.,eha home sometimes. it: was the Youth,. with heated b.roi�,. still., persecutor ilo near the by �oll the. bute, it '.to. the' vi SR'111­ We Alteady. Before,, lie got- 'there wh -hillk,, and the tra,veler-1ooke 4en s oun-g aWyer..frd. 'fore rom es .111 d 'Mme pa. b if against theli'iri.,o' si with thl, , I and:` g0re'lls warfare 4A6 his Ompty'bi�ket. 'W Tarsus city,.'the pent-pp,,iiiritual 1Y to take,�ffdaily, per y-theAar t 0 ti4irpler duel' g f�nlopnt o ur rat campaign. It Valle.Y.,100W. -SOftjerjm4l�r.. it'wits,-I.�vel . Agaill' h giving pr6i�k;of his legnLzeal by being'his'1111ture suddenly., broke -loose,: and ilowe �dep'drtiment-store' 'Advertising, *t' iim4,well spent paused to loo a party­-�and n unmoi,ed'ind coni" I, car- and worth While qnd deep, and ­he gaze'd the' Arouiid'�im� T Saul had kloul,�Vpheaving heavenly at n ra ri. but 116 Acts 7:59,; 8: hen, VIS11011. -'There shone`k6iand aboitt him,.- hi -the F� -to th.-' Ing I any Wnf�sted `ter placent oni-4xAfie'denth of Step tor majes ic,mountons, im. 'as gracefully as eVa; Va e. of' atever plA Y. Thereafter. Saul iv light fiom he -.had* the P, YOU employ.. to build d" s blue sk had aven, which -C Y01I can use a little. pr4rited , 8 'aH He whistled merrily asAia,*alked"Ou1 00 lietWeen the flilng hiMselk li,6-art And,soul. into the immediate eff4c: the -beautiful green nes weie -hot drpsade, agMnst Christ" V!, appred aux nees..., - We-lth y I briskly'along, idin.iting "the.. i'anity. He be� his k t of, brih rig nity..,�. nt 110�:we`r6ally 11Z quis r, 'I xpiio morni comes -'4 sort-- of Gr d I Ito, Vs. 5. Th matter to good,,advit :8orde 16t PlufiiDisi -leaves,, for the vi Age. Usuii4ly eases Country,. gloridug in the misty,purple . u Us,.q is, uch' Star -yo , ur , I h- - i 'a, sta�ejnon-t of 'Frult,.Growdr, Middlesli Co. * On" an etter ead th. and 'the, fruit �thit c' II Whosebusiness'is n vision for Its inas 0 shopld of morning. em, ving esus rl ground.' desire to -protect plum t stone will, -over whose top he though'st a An , ric I there is afdeath. And' cromrne& - with I f t. 'Bjwand-by he canie to. sterd on', th out'Chris' . rtre the 11 iised ;from h falling ori the 110t; iou'-havO 6 sell,'1he- quality; ce re" high JR. fin d- " h tianityj'.and ;D little Seed aqpinsrt' Brown , I I rOF - 49,0177- 1�170s�, oftunately - and ''two.wili,!be s ' - uni Pockets varie4"And b�'eauty,, but pqrly'with., y, trate nthe.earth,, Soul eatsa-voice t otestim an re it may. ionial or Rot, d Ph urfl cauglit glimpses 'of 'thrifty e a 0 germina e, M'striaggl6s, on to a7 s6e& approach � III Passed. t literature it might be A Ordeiaux, andlowly belle-�er­ Ir Sauh,:why 'dost thou ling,-�tljpn Vito: a Sapling,. 'kour� Aux mixture. "Oh, thAt -I, had a ying, .'�Sau ciQnt.46 make by' spraying with Borde thope.�o bad and S ul - falls'af tlie feet, of Christ,. a sa get som of -the'delf-w repare aw t. looking min I III urnc�y. n Lokcl?" lw.sthnimeked, alreadyj,pei- ure dok les not OnI3 which Saul, haps' 'h Vetft6rs, and - your sed jo' us *holt is *t at sp om, &r ru i g qaks. to overd .6 goo idea, to illpsir �te­ it With a pie swer—A ..standard- f0kniuld fSrl yonder. vinesl"' I - li 'r In- the woi-k " oup into a, treei'-Ifli P said he,'dlsdaj��ully're "Who . Art ' Th illig'". up you How is the B d a 'An cious. fruiVAhat must Sur gy burden Psh I" The-importafice'of this gr� �t chan'ge . persecute :me?'? IThli'k of s6lf, 'family,.. or firm'Bordeaux, to be u Ong ji Tic r con Selo enemies, yin at It -apes9. Nojrdoadl, rathe�r` hereaAer to* be known as Paul is up, o o ' Jesus,: whom thou`*ait- 'lums,. kivim'by the Dominion1lortf- The survi ��l These 1jictures lend ''a' -little pA its: fight tQr 00 the httet is- no more Whil ss notl" to do r'God aind'for, Christ' blat in thus st4nding, covetously. gue perseca ng cebillk ex- a on wa, cutunsrt in h,6 sued bul- ns. n Imes the'a of .9 1. etin, 'ties, add this W towiird- making.yo .(No. ently is ga2;lng. at the waving legvea� go far Noon wa's-gopet and,aft;6rnooh ftojl� tbeJact that td,him,ziore.than'to. itfly I ceridn4titkori empiihA' tha ter acquainted. Is, oids,* "It n -in t e eff u b,�t 45,'New'Serles�)' other,,it bad, been qrts'� of the hate' and, joads,',1- meaninj ',that S '�tvitaj at the fol Above: him,. -all at onco,-he "knew, that hekvy eytilids, . saw, the van to S I is- hard for ihee',, to M& 'agitinst tioe,6.kepre t beneath'her te t the Th4d..thinjs are -ii ows: opper sulp, 4 poupda, un Je,%�iSh religion. to t e -4ttei-most, s sh&re,,, �of Sunlight. sarFyouth with his still oin oil n him—not.by. sket Ake the. supre f " f :the I Rill has too lut one tr' in many me proo 0 04 Struggled agains't conscience, Often— a:,1riend I , t slaked lime 4 Pounds, water 40 gal- walking idj� on, The. vines were ee . , some:. a was. behl d unfilled ba or acqua IT ano.in a L, was, still, save the, la#7 ce or P. you.1 Ions., or making.'t' jo barrel ' nd,: for'61 an that it is 1ime that -tb succ,6eds., t6. -rernajn&r -giving up kant- will �hel his in sou utility of legal righteoutii�ss, - Henee, drone of inseets­��but by in' uneasy thin slid poor, h�[-frtlit sqiall and when), h%. w had gone':s4Q. fai; in Ju e battle was lien 101 'required a' ho, overj R.ter a Alosink bat6ej.fallizig stablish-�R. market. goin ds of W: the. ute�sili; re a,fort4y freqpently u and that 'Saul' fiad�giveA.,in to o tho 'as get ship. nripe, though 'mine -here In... the 194116ii bar'reil,�i sensatio'n',' `thn't thil'ough his here, And d"i brought by direct Act of "Chii�t; orest floor, and adding 46 fh twenty gal, here hung 4i, fino'cluster n. ismi,ww V kyai wo tubs, of accum-- of, oggrg which' h, iWO'bucketS,A PAjdl4,And .cQid to hls t God'to Christ"- he ssw, as I -one el The confli 'f�'dang� ents. lon's 6ac spinal Praia likoilect To, - sell 'to fel- s. 6-9.' at: is in&ed over. ulaii6n r0ug colfibustibl� de' . 46* A � He � Wrned.,�0x.ouud'-an4. "w a. MR,] As,;the afteno6n grew old," had ever 'so rl�axly �ee.n before','thai 84ul-givesjn to Christ.-.- Hig pride:l� ws.that makes forea, fit I' low Workers.— Oihera . oatS4 sack. 7 Arrdnge the: tubs s wild J dalsm Was abiogateA, and th�t God' CO ro so diffl-' bU 11 o that him varie lies replaced the rops in p ece: IT' is., on either Jestic being, b:6. jIld6d,towld: cultivat6d p6hb-d. up,-thr Judaism andlii himself d j, ault. ..Witho a fnw, Ont si&'of.ithe barr4l; ut a y um n istaiisiRlice. mot of h* n s;., iese ithout� any ''POrce 10. Wil -to pro - me to do?" S#u1 must now. take: CoLLr -4issolv o- , in�it.fotij poll' own. b r long W t �niiiylbe utilized. f t' "d; ­jarly - nj And from being t 'h hd 'prints. 'Hur.*- slid Ii.V f0fest of to -A liptici- 'pui.'ii t p in pound feet. iorf Id. oid,,;what..,%�ilt-'th�u the, pop pla& in one of'the tubs 20. gallo�s of .ing wij. of salvation.., we er an T e youth politely �doffed his, rying.. oil, h pereil e amo PO nds lie hot �ap6itl�'of a the,absobate rule of his -life from the qommercia' xTiONS AND WRAPPING.. th� leaV4 for One only na row Judaism, Saul -bee' Purposes,. It, i's ple' -doing this by hi� and wished' the"stranger' good- r 'the Christ *hin'-he liad're6iOd 'At this suipendin -I ing, of b1liestono, o n bu Ataki 9", collebtl6ns. dependi,: on how. morni one., t alli'al Were. -her. tho.bDuestone in a coarse sac wild And Shia -praf of -,(hrist� tb the: em k-jui;t NVIIQI�%d mornent . he heirs the PloYinent" in, out:-Qf- ihe-w ay- Pot-, be, Voice, Of.J y bug] P I g humanity. telling � Min- clearlj'. t thi.coun'try.'for'.m'an�r,'who'are .ou want to Ao fiess,, and, I it is low, the surfs th The spirit gi-aoloq'sly smiled,. as he And so he walked, on*ard,..qtll'h0 il� ce of, , . I . : . - o proceed Much -easie�, thin, 'I ' — '. - r impos 1. WHAT §AU'L­IN1 H'T' -ca. 1iotufn6d he. (in, idd' f6: d"' you. magin4 90i�g other tub refull� sile . sal4tati Ing- till evening Damascus and' to awalt gether: sufficient ke1our pbuiidfj money, to' farn'lor's' deniand.' advance; .of lime with shadows ovor�,hjm, lbeiboqndaries DO FOR GOD 1 9 ctiok, 'there. , So. he getting odgh , in, wat*r, being' careful 6derstan& that had I further histru e6tRblfibtotheMs.9lv6i in '� their'. k PAA : 61 it: ii�jth the - order you loillk for Startled conip4n- lidnies,., -in-, qf ifie, vineyard wer�'passe conW to erosialem, to pes od, "led, by'his, to, tise,ju6t Onough.-*aier io'f6rin a me of, the fruit in my Ard and d, nd hi a larger, number of our" s--who---cqnnot­hftg1ne *hat -has smalleri-'tommunities 'the ma- utaoto 'and� the rest on d6liv so viney e Study the Jewish thet46gj.-'BAt_the'r ery; Some solid jilicls Aon Ahis'-'ha 60" OAQ .1 ii going to kAWIfy 't at longing.�' Ies b wIth"his- u' t hi " I th aurbation of1brest Products Etrid-somie' m6k.61 �w y was a, g�iga er assion in big, heart, come over, im n twenO 'gallons with' water. And ng urned to it great athan to, khow theology - and t -hat. was: produced by � tie spliltus.Y. rivolution find many: of the, 46mployces: of D. Ahettfibrouglily he,:�mouiinfiuily, ..iook' become right with:ihod. His'own' which has takon place in his soul, Saul 06 shipmenO C. tho'bad "' t' atirrfhg �the -gont,6ilts jrQu gato -in the, 4pietly I us thi'�e not a -Ito-' mills h built' their hom r d bucketful from' ar awayin: the 46ailtiful letters tell. -emaiii-A for thiee. days without sight' five es—orob,-­ all ?PC tter' effort. fibly 641--t1jey Your return --iiildress. should: be on of both tube poll k, each . ickage,- WhI14 oil th ed e h 81, ult. , usj� �Sou k d when he,.l 1 gether. hap y IIthis `3a sid.his hand uponjit to lie g�, j UiTgath;red'ithe' gloriou and unable'. i6i eat oi drin ''In th6,wd ld-Ae- bj Re in anao b r o1cink.'in. his - good' fortune, the fruit 'that morning 'go goll Incere he 'fOund* 'V -e* 10-12. a'POh Ont -TAPon the -forests to,�:,�r6vlda, of - mAilifig. it � might be well to, cal.f takifig, co d x0 thafthe, two litreams mix. youth. followed the generous being !:and cnfessed that ­he F.-buld not keep Meantime, nanine your attention to the importan ng'r t Cluistfihi. dib6ipw at" Id 00 'Of Whe4- the barrel Is, fill],,- thoroughly int -,his g r IT. "The gate - c, I id c a OMPlOYM&A.' ' Of o fOred, t AM -efdsed. the ex el 1 -the law�-Porfectly,*, thQd h -*,I- b I visi oil, 6y -0h tazcps, ha . . vaue wou. 4 de 1. . g on & y ich he Is led to seek 'at thess-hohl;Ds be if, lib injolpy WrAPPifik wrdthis gessm of os . 'Ion thp year. stir, the. blu6 mixtute, , t, harvest , that noon, preps4d'.,11 0 'The outh P Ill'ke'eping the law jar: *er eaul "d to bipfizo him. Theie'twogO a long wyin delivering., X&ic�, the a" spi,ay—tank, 4nd 'the. d; With.-scarcoly� agjaljce� hope. for he iaIvgti6)j of,God, ."For behold,'he prays.01, Sepi - F preparation 1o66d back; he saw, nothing A)pt th6 9 Gon. is, un' kodu6ta to.the buyer in* good �ondl- Od the wild aftern thi more that, -conscience sf g him,, ligid' meano. much"to ready , &e truit'of. orst -protiction ev use. You: -can obtain Ilia high St'e Wall.. te' had van- -so humbly, so earn - 11 IT -never prayed Voh;' Of course :the.Aistivil The ga d the more doA.14d his'zoal, and hiI, estly, In fill his life as in, 'ery OanAdilln. It ed must be bulletin on appllcaijon, 'p6sita no*, evenin; lie r6 0 free, !shed. yon e&1j.s 'My'4ptherls thesis, ays. . pro . sper It an 1 0' e Y7. -increased aken into'eonSid6ratioli. 'Ordina'ril'�,,to t e Publ' where 1 g he considered the­Chrfstians to be, r 'cations Branch', Depgrf- fti.pf;y-�andea' -Vs. 17, 18-Ananim carries ofit the 1oWer'taxeo. d a om,in innox' t Lordlg hes'L' lie Are '"V'and be comes 'these P. I s A. servalit idipktly thro;gh -'this vineyard. At loilopkl 6PportunitleA', 1 neglected. t 0 il, -lie Ming himself ffit,� ;L�' fury, and g vr�cautio belivO'it best to itiCk' to the first, ment of Agrictilture otta;a.. Never, Oil -Again, �an I. have tb ot..worth iak- :'Jesuff to.bring.ap r� ns ag-ain forest nr64 of gat r iie *bi to. tho perecution against tri6d.%'.,j1tugj, light and grace to. the'conviyit. on, you me Vop wak her you a of Y clusterea thick Around to stanip ut t-beir rell�yion ss' Rejected;afid No Starching'S baqketful Ju any'kind', of, grAPe* that mell� ' . .. 1 , - . I . tunUi n ac7lilis e4ect, he P1 y clirscid thing.. flik� drirgi)n in 11il Potato . anting., f'most, though d:cAn fill It ump, g�Ajioj; d froin Saul's yes, slid he A'. W.'-9,0 Oxford have Tfiedf hurried and'perhaps hungry Y-0 'No` SRI& the.. 1 6 y i�olenin, &r-aWay�'guise, he "bro nd t ro series' 6f'ciiltural eg OnL Wish a voice; never Again I bap Potatoes. We14 c6nucted fit, 9 611 passbut once'S1411 with i�. Iiojected-,' Plesse. ex- when starchin' time coin but, onoo; and must',gath'r the fruit ed! fiad,* 86rhe. h t 8 re L ways gild fo'-ge; the for it is hot por� plai revisions of ille L-egdliitfdn' diyi I Rsv you come to -it through ifie�jardefi of lif�, Eneffiriental ombe, Al - pan StRti011,, Lic 66rth, fr, 1923. It was.' tou errInk, fhe�eto,. �alM to 'No -Grade of 9torch.alreadi ma�e andcool,-wajt� mitted jo-u- to: return for led, i. -hey '1j!,'2 A Atdont SauN' are n ever the seed, nd thikt ba-kil -floor in a thi'll layer About miMium i tig to add, 'to, the clothes., - roffered 6 �econ !live once. ad wat you 6fferings al'e t imal) �inarkt.a e potatoes or' ay. Hence Yop Aind kohig to'the high p 'on Inspection 116Tifid-lon' lhhed -lie,smilingly have n6thinglelt you but, repe one' 9 ago thAt by taking -A As'tM' n I . j four �%reeks b�fore pl it 'ti either cut in two oi. III A warrmit for the it, nonce n ng, they will op to k H -est of all Illen 0�. o,Gra.de- way ekyes C Weary Wayfar - �i And Sale Aci, mvi'des that "N' illuta'loilger and making. t 6d hiahanI hOYA b,'Afidwas. T. ho' treen up" an to Ieav�..two mthe Set, pro 0ji hurn4d, andi.in Christ in nk, %0lop) be d', Start s'taedy; qrouts d1aced gone. 64w.the -magj�- d at -the jereat'centi�e of Da; 'crease tb HiLy" Shall include, All. h6j that i&,in 1114 norn(nj, whet' 'tile teakottle.-ij the, twill m ill ifilprove:th �tand, h the best, tinfit'ior storage b6iffilk, the �Btafch The delighted' boj 116keO arou')A �tgjl ;4io, had 61)enTd, -t the -yield' ' d all one oij a damp, could be' nce. gave. - poor* yilds - covered he kate to him Mascuo. lie i�q"Aot contn't th' pe'rso- all ..encoui re eafliel.- ma� e I ItIL I I . , I . e ills Ing 'th 'at 11�ust, establi'll tur.ty of' th c �op. W, ni. olie to thre, ounces shall b �elitei�d in f Pee me blosd�ttjnk 114 #n saw tat was Ill h. vast i eniorning. these fj-�6 aqd Were the, Ind. t bo'046. As such 'with. a not4 as . J64t.de the"stove 8At.iS4;qe((,ry afid'Mow-; be :,grfi6ofh Iih And beautiful vineyard: - III evory 44- diate,� with it. lie him d �ondition� Re" A bit Of"Paraflift'added whije rectiOli', the eye could zkeach� fts' qu'Ality and di0eience -in V i1e d 8 � ''Wile 1dy -have statd tha -consist. 'ly-ladeii,vi'tie.4',htitik.'th6l'r grace. proj teed I jecte.4 p]hdor. th�. Actj I of lke� 111-oning easier, and - bnio6ther. heivi ninent dehtisa. ,e two plan Also a. drop o hal hads; crowned, with"fair grapes freih truRs A'flian t lli6nt 'for ed' frOlil tivel'V� to oighteen' j�ch bay, containing� �161-6 wailty4ive fyour favorite parfume r exce es -o* Produces , the teeth. Ihe�. 11 be' I - will' it�palit a delicate* And pjesi�i of finest v�rleti The. path p -di apart ii, per cent. off0ftil or gr Odt- as a deni!Mv� f)c.� scont to; any clothing niaAto6roftha, vineyard la ch of fbeir cellut e flay,.heattid or. contilning\M118 stdrdhed in this Out by the y I'S se ribrOs �lld the o�ohiWil crop. Where S"d,is lato Ickely, P otlioAviie dainaked, nd in-',.way—Mrb. Wj .1(; rhrdugh k abod id, athiiia e 1,01V of, a-liting would . be * prog tableii, MoUld or A . I bay-'not;"&jd';mo%igh Io ludes alf ox" 8etS,'fr;D1lV the, riments' th jades of St the lacVs, hftd. 1raW.,. Gnat whitet oink.�: cli sters, the ...... .. of tte po u 0 Mes p anted st n6ininioi nd gal, steP,;tempi�d,hl9',-A0 .'haiid-. but he deptl a r Fdtd aS-Toc V, dilcise uninlary of1m, Prov*islo'ils!16f -th puiplo 'and M611et 'yield - Of Pot C. y find Airaiv by writ� t16Xl-. a is of,thte�o IIVe irLd sev6ji iftelleso. jhe -doe p est pis�ti a O'n, of" story lian0l be� the $oed Bi-AnAl ht otta so r gave tho be' r6 plucked.tione. 'T11611igh�.k St. awa. to th'gradeg of btr(twsr th jolm, livib , j over, on 60 4th -tliyself, Then results, 1119 to the ic-11611m; ,Ot� [spored lifib, OiAti hac6uld acard!ely III. all ej�cesc just five ydilts. agd� I took het6unf of son st'rted 'to Welgh thie r4ilk.,froti-t�y,.h�.Sd*.of,.,tio�dditript,: tile S thoutht,, m nt A -11C thetb MiAt be sonTo tro em,, ig 0 rawi suffible or, feeding We front 6 an me -regufag' evitt iif i*i ai, ideVIO'khoWir an the 11S11rEjt,, montlig, 0 4hd tha No. 2 'shall be iily,lud t*o 'of iny orit'inal'herd, but bid, 'The, 6arliw �,biit oe$, ie sa, MOW. C tit oisted ..Gaimeid C6.0ki6s o§trkw 0i6d 1b W ... tilid t *Wade4 , sM Wl ave 6Wn to carbon find a goodbol I t Tokit-or i ir -bcolisi isle Sj U -g 'ADWIIF 11, isnuffing, wh114ille'Might be 49 14; doe I�Lto will All. 'At0k 04 tro%i ",Am I'mAhlti Illy 0 t I ngRhy 1"814rts ekt, fir -3 It ITT. rA Se, he-passed,Ij youaly 0" can 6-etourbit Fla Did 4AYS trIAj R111 an&put 04 sam ii'd gtei *1111 did btfi0t oil! do,' P in g- th" le A tie A1,111016 Io'tin hllbd tb"g If rt Oda f katd t 16C d.6'sit thor nlihlb by flyoal`14��f6, filly MIT I Aild I fee, 'the emj� good ody, M69 'ttine '06 Maim"