The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-05-14, Page 5i, ve iIOW'YOnnt a. �..•w-47e•r} L. _LX telephone you cars talk with your neighboukor • : ;• wuh:an Individnal thousands of""males telegraphtiyou,ca1i. ',°110119#4;b1 caige'31)7"u! span the coiitiriy#tt,'by.caige'your .; message' ran' girdle ;the earth ' In like manner _you can used clic, service .of the. Bank of Montreal in' 'or:•large: measure' •as the. occasion demands. ' 'You- can transact business of a purely :local nature - or enter into .finariCiat dealings with, people in any Parr of the avorld. Like the telephone, tele • rrcables-our-s ihcm service. Is 'as' extensive as are -the needs . . of'ot�ustomers.._. ;_,_ E • ablished over IOO yea's Total Assets, in excess op $7OO,0oo.000'. �. 0iise •i, •_ _.g • +i • Y• 7;r: 71;t44:117:R: �._.. n441445 The Most ee our - tan Soft ande Even; though you wash dishes' three or four " . 1 .. times a day and • have the. responsibility 8f cleaning, and .washing, and scrubbing"for.a whole household-there',:is no '. `"fi:ir �. Charmis a need you to .suffer the-pn, humiliation of hard, ough _the ; • —hands. a arm c caXs everything. Wates' easily and.will not harm the:daintiest skin : ': or. fabric. • Just dissolve Chartn n water andyou will be delighted: with; the way it dispels dirt -and how , lovely ara3' \soft your = hands will be. It .saves time --giving ::you. inure Ece Ontlleal • • ;., leisure for life's pleasures arid out= Nousel®ald Cieorlor:• �. Ings: ', With•harids� that' show no si. ns of rot' • he$a:..and..redness.you-ll-erijo our -1 isure�rnure. Very woman that tries Chaim,1ikes'it, an coftinue' to .use it. '' ' • pr; J. R: nlay ox -was fn Tororl to last week attending • .the conven tion of the Pntario, Iedi'ca1 Associa- Mrs, Ciit]''ye�ean fam. sly, pt! ' New Yoordi ,, ire ylsitinveg and at the :home of Mr. A. M, Tr+ leaven. Mr. Howard Henry was in London, on a ''brief business .trip:last:. weeek. While motoring through Clinton, he had the• misfortune to' toms inio eo lisiori With a',.bicycle but luckily: ro on sustained,.ahy severe injuries.;, Mr.. J. Outerbridge„ of Queen's UP- , wcrsity, Kingston, is visiting at the home bf Mr,; J B;. ?4irtyn' Rev.J Scobie, of '.Whitechurch, pc-, ' cupied' the; pulpit. in,. St Andrew's. church, •Sunday ;and ' delivered farce 'fuj aha .inspiring addresser; It is our sad a t�yr this �tie�ek', ' tc' ehronitta the •passing of Norman McI:ean, ° who died:at , his house; , in. Ripley`on Mayr 6t1i`it the'age!-Oft twenty-one y _ears The deceased, ,wac born in the, Township ,of.• ?'aron ' and with the exception of some. month' florin whL h he lived ' fri metra t. spent all his rife. here. About• three months :ago. he a ntractedthe illness. whi .:caused 'his dear; 'and in spite 'of, the best medical attention, his condition grew : steadity worse. The -late `!Mr lifeLean_was-•-•of-.a-eheerfr�-- -ana-t-iptiustrionts 'disposition and; hi early . death waai,'a distinct., shocl' and source of sinchre sorrow. to 'thF co.remnnity ' in which . he "lived. ' The largely:' • attended iiuneral, under th auspices of. the. Independent Order of' Oddfellews, was held to Ripley cern- etery on riday, . May 8th... Mr ' and Mit..John Munn and Mr•. • and•: • Irs, T. A Jackson •rr'ctored ti Seaforth and. l{ippen a�a•. Sut�iay.; � Dr• E. Hall,, 'of Walkerton,' was in•' tows 'Monday. Mrs 4(4-Martyn=is-sufferin n SalL. HOUSE PAI #Dr. eria8.and Outbuildings, it, has no equal Wide to Hied Office Morainal for' l'nes'.800ldet MOM!`, PAINTING 'MADE EASY SOLDBY A ' & PORTEpUS Eucknow�` BE TRIED TO; PASS I- ON NARROW ROAD 'The' Walkerton'''Telescope• gives the following account of' an accident due to�"' reckless driving •. An ac'eident °that might easily t to hie father, Mr.: Hetir>Shill, *Elore‘ - Read, whs Out driving With bis •fiis- all it'. Mr. Isadore Freiberger's sand atartd home' via Otter. Creek; ,They ...with the 'Ford aria turned out to 4iass another car oh ' the . narrow - roliekvay :when • Lizzie. - took- •to ',the-. , ditch. -' The. /Car , 'tinned CompletelY ',Miss, Sail! Wa& badly injured,. *her :;hert,', right, shoulder, bruised: badly; right leg. hadlir bruised* *and Cut in *Mit ' 64 the ankle and the linib badly . !bruised', sho *as Otherwise bo merried in tWo days and tor a like. no weddirig. bells foil' him but slight injury. *filo right knee ' iis . grazed oft Ins. shin for, •abotit eight • •SHIPMENTS OF LIVE STOCIC ShipMenta of Live Steck from • Huron County during April. Steers 700.1806 lb's. GOOd 392' • . In. last weeks .:iseue I Of. The Herald and Times,: ',of :Walkerton, : Mr. Art, WeileY, the: editor, -hits; •off the •Cen7 t• to Previil: when:. the Side- of; 4:4 becomes, legal,' in the foi- "That, those propoaing to drink the table in front of a window and in. full view Of ..lhe general. inkblie;', re. Ouired by the Act, will. inake eV!!! the. Old seeks heiiitate about sitting get full Under .siich Canditiens. in citiefi; • 'where =One: neighbor doesn't 'knew another it ' may, he. different known, hir: tog 4eqs; it's going tO take' ft..; hard-boiled to , sriceessfullY _sit j'...s!t_it_with _the 'ladies .and , ren peerhig :in and -ready to: aprea the sea tidings. .0 his Wife and,A11 Of his creditors. The filet thet.. the hotels' have. to board' up the front of, their 1i/ire:to a height a 6% feet if they wept te :sell. *.beert' eiseirhere en the, premises: is Making many of the inn -keepers 'alight' ;the viilue of havini the new :ends aliout :the. TWo Of the leading hotels in- •W,alkerton, we are teld, • 'have in- timated that" their Would. forego .the the' Other twO' hostelries 'Would agree te de the :Ohm, in Mitchell and• leagued together and Will net handle the hop:Nice, The contention: that of .Ontarie is, not .being Aubstantint- ea..qt mhy be the thin edge 'of the Wedge as some. drYs seem. to. think, but -the test made thia week :in Loh7, den -where. a man drank :thirty wiass7 es,. int- MiecesSion without *ahawing !UV; Sighs Of,. ihtoicieatieni. leads us to, ttntit We read the above 'We had. Sniooth 3134. 57.4% 1141104. 84,50. VOlgt(itistiotIt 7,00 *00 who drank the *,„30 glass* ahd to those whit) weidd imitate hie 8ize 'of 'the ,glaSs the performers, previous experiehcei An aMfiteur might not StirvIve.1 stiolihono it laid to it givini: the, bagpipi.a, dee. WO for popultirs ity in glasiaiv, Wok, OM At Opal; Cron Cin 'L n Jew - 3 Patterns. ".h'• e being discontinued by theman- ' ufaeturers, 3 beautiful de- signs in; 3 popular sizes. Here are the Sizes 9x9: Ft., ; Price $11.45 9at1O i 2 Ft ,` Pril•:'e $13.75. 9112' Ft.. Price $1.5.95 Eory Eug Perfect and ,„ of Best Quality -}_ Have^you bought your Curtain Materials yet.? rf Not WE. CAN SAVE YOU -.MOSEY EW Window Shades NEW Curtain Rods, Royal, and Kirsch Brands, NEW • Damas, • ', to: cover ,the old Parlor ..c hairs `. Leatherette for Couches Gimps,, Nails, and all the TrirrLrriins to BRIGHTEN ,UP-TI-IE- HOME P THE- HOME .*PLAYING* WiTH EXPLOSIVES The .Milverton ,8un give!, the fPi- iowing account of' it" type of Oceident Which is altOgether 'too common: . 1 "At the mien hour Oh 'Tuesday at the Poole . school ; sexerer boys were ihjured through,*.' the expioaion • et 41 difigerotis 'explosives arid Set it off With:a , match with; the result that' fragments flew in.All directions, One 'piece striking:, Abrahain Poeteker4 the son of, a Ithesian immigrant', who cone out , Oetoberi in the is that _the. sight will be 'ruined. Mil. t.0.11 'Neuineioter wee -• Also, . struck the„eye.;•-whilerthe•-•back of -Walter Mann's hand, was laCerated *with -wi- ener' piece', and' he else): received. ONO ih , the `abdomen.: The Poetch4 er boi _Was 'broright by hie father but Dr; 'after,an examin-,` .otion of the. eye, ordered' him to he sent/to n Specialist at strattor47 the Neumoster !bli was taken to . Dr. !Mater Awho 'had him Sent ie. .a. sPeeialist at 'Kitchener. it ia'1"eare,c1 of an eye...some year ago entether scars' on his face!es a result: There\ Should be 'an • inveitigation iffte ,the 'matter 6y V;iq trustees to •see where the boys' are •obtaining these dangei- • itiArtioNG 'visited 'hie motheLlirs.. Stother! attended the funeral of his fether-in- denghter .01. Clinton and'. Mr. Hen,' Mt: Bert, Reed and* Mrs. P. geed; of visited, Mita.. Thos, Ahaer,.- •Perdwich `over !the'.-IWeek end: • Week outing .the, deeth of the tea Ultimo*: Vie 4if the efi7 ottho theit tad bereave- kVoinon *link 01 010114j GODERIcif TEE CONGREGATIONAL; VOTE ' The' haine 61.10. Stephen ',Stothers.: Trafalgar street, haS been sadly be., -reeved t.h.-deatis -Of: which Oeettred -on the 'night Of. April, 29th„ Althoni;ii 'Are; .StotherS maiden name .}vas ..Sarah Dayidson. ivAa her: kixt,y7third•yeat%' She ./ S e Jived at. Dungannon: uhti tahe,renioyed,..*ith. iier,':hUsband '• end •She was :always ',patient ',and cheerftil .and tho$ •WhO,, 'knew her. 'kis • a - bereaved' husband, one sohNillieni,' ;Davidson • Jam es, iiniVidapn .en; .i-fught:DAVidsOk of Saiketchewan in vifhoni She was 4reatly,:fiiteXested,.., ter,-ot' Knox. The pallbeter- John Elliott (Diingannein) , and Saiiifitehewan), • were. a.. number of ta pay. the !eat :tribute to the rneulory • In the CaliadianT gtg, et Ottawi ; And; riiiiitailith_Tiq,*•:af, Mein iiien they Can 'be :secured ,at preefically • th,e' eaeli:71Tune •delivii.ty.• In. order 'Ito: Waiter BussELs Crolleasyleyev•Ee. ioliti,:rpur;iisee) mem. liers of Geneva, Presby h eh Bruce Presbytery met in t e urc teria 'Which has the. largest*Imeinbershiji In • to reegivA the result-oi ',the Voting on gress'.iiiice 'Easter., There were 519 votes cast. .of these 333 . wore op,' Posed to union and 1136; 'in favor„ of inajoriti et. 147, agiirist: The re; atilt Wae read, by the pastor of he ',Church Who mad repave:a it, from. 8, the. Meeting :VarS ciismissc' d by the Paster. ,prenouncing the ..• behediction.. „the- anti scrutiMeerilaierei :S. :K..LEvir Oswald,: Angus ..McDohald. in ;* the pro scrutineers wet" J. Halliday, W. M:11house, D 1.1YfeCulloch Ana Cass; . ;The evening a' prolimin '•ary; meeting -Of :those who. Were. i fever of' Union in the 'Sun 'day.. School -room Of Gerieva Ghurch sent by the queriferly,'• and . Tine* -Boards , of the'. Methodist chlirch .viting. the Unioniata: to Unite. with of The United .:Church 'Canada af. ter June 10th. The invitation wit; .uhariimeusly actepted hi. the Meet- . bag* those present deelaring their in- tentiori :to •follow the Mother Church Mrs.. JaMes Huston', hae -returned 'after ,spenditig.* a.' week, with friends MO. William' Abbott has • returned weeks 'With Mende/ iii:Teeswatero • Mr. • Tom Kaiike aneht tin evening lest Weeki:with/friends ih Kincardine. gmilton Xineirdine' called- on ed ticeeptably. here on'SundaY. R. .Harknese" is viSit. •irig it. the bonne Of • Mts. .Iiinet neon' beer will iii:.floWing ,freely. MaY. gist • and 'the ihitill 'demand, after thii' probingea dry.. period. of. P!'obibition Royal' .and. CommerCial. •Hotele steh. ti:tienrttii*4011snitedtila..ttehel.t•eFprseimQ- ises ' as Mai .lieneeeesary,tt.o eomply With the new tegubitiphs. gOverhing tho .sale Of the :four peint donr;?"iitid eXpeet to be: well eqUippea to !terve the," thsiti .:publict when the; pro - T.. A come itite. force. is visiting -his parents here. " The concert in the town hill Tuest• day. night, put on by -the Cheri' SO7 ',..-.AVery particular, Mr. *Tee, beritehe ,soles Were :also* rendered The 'smiga by *the Choir 'under the direetien of Mr;,, Paton left nothing of. the sehoel..children • trained.- by McLennan, of The,' Reyel. Bank: staff, Will be leaving .shortly to accept a 'wifiel-',.''''M.27re,-t..'.H-e---n-IY-,•Dalisher left :Gowanstown tot Attend' the tuner. al.,Of .relative.. • • • Forty Pilgrininges,46 the lemons thrine Ste, Anne di Beaupre,/,.m.„ ':Quebee, 'have alreadFheep arranged for•June; July and August this year. ..transt ; of ;Ahem Item Montreal borta without very definite result*, the imperial 014.---Ikinitedf. proaoses- Ntr4,K,I0 , . The Den. of ,Agrichlture hoe made, ,the exetiraiane *to: the Agriculture!' 'popular ' excurSione *ere renewed '7foiniet =ears the 'proViiia-- is being :Of having parties, irons the eaine :sec - day, The- 'eouti44es 'of ...Bruce Enron, of dub...rate:4 *belhg. extended to Parr. 4$. arranged by, "te. paities them!. -proportion Of visitOrX will se • OY *tor. Last. Year's 'response; ' .,•inVitettioirtoit, the College. wa,4 .of the week's Prom:Airline. This. year greerime. The coliege. ,property 0,447 The Store with the Stock .WHAT 'BECOMES OF THE. FISH • •• -FROM THE IIATCHERIBS? : Canada, has spent .:good ..deal of inoney in her. fish hoteheries,* she hae' *flattered herielf 'that in' ee.' doing,. She . was net only protecting°, - been:heard to wonder just` What' . .brook 'or 10,900,000\ Young White'. fish. in '6, lake., Finally it was -decided to investigate Vie ;matter little. On ly two months,. these fry Were un- der obierVation hoth night and day' •ber 15, 1923, Ounstone Brook was . ,and .9nly 174. dry -Were found 1,520 fry were fonhelt, bUt this brook • lad been seined of. the larger, fish . „fore the dry were,. dePosited in its ' of. these 1,520' remained alive. `..,At . this rate 'tft" is .clear that Opt of the ; 'wlithe" 10,00o dry the' whieh age would he very (small. As tontorio the Doniiiiieh $370,000 on the artifi..7 ,dal breeding, ef fish, the ' :niatten„ is to' all anglera but else) fo ell "corn - be able. to Adept meashres which Will Bennett: ;of. Midland,: who.: • ‘yzis just. been Mod., for .prohate arid • dispoires'nf ...a total estite'' 1,..111.,Lileitnett, Of Oat: ,P610 end 'the reeldue of 'abbot $1.16,3.60 • 0' ly Wes Cerrit