The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-30, Page 4wpm, ........... 41 Y."d aait . ..... Te wis h Timid4, 'the 4V emrniplit , ' - , . ' RDLAAf e ru go ;, d -A. ed ilie thip b6ycpid, ea IUD' FR nPt.' 'Work -Sqq.tt:haq be# --I rep Au jaAa f p�, Poo IP r and. AGA a%4 tw. e:I4 Bull T h- .50 TA, I o�nd 11 9 0- r X, wo b hrolb 1b V tore, 7 OvOli We�%O" guilit. to I 5- S that. IE P jury wat'leonvitigo 41M u. ilid for -14p. lVe $iu ;*0, e hifie to 00� '0 This, lt�,C tb e. le, elec K, ndof t On' lee I 11'"b "n-thibl h- #Qe, thA b;� 'n jor Gen had," to ee polj�j.f ohI j Ig it ige: CP4. One�.*O li�- 13641'! dma a Bbard.!'; e 4, -to� ?4T t Thq, d, .'046 teX *.orkl has r- Mc '1' ed to it" Par LL. on th d ve;s )I ind )f tir g. ti A was mqr -0 CQUt fo--a 'Man th , . ;0 - A t tQn tha or, qs' tbi Ae tho wor 9,t ood, d Mall bC j%L ��tjlaf cost pow er.,o r on V o,. m4k good, an11 . tq intq e" ;ovexn qr aXo. ieoe,o ai, el i h1i PTA eme. eft ,Qw �:�us., e! g*S! ;a are t t,CO -an j. a. S *King QL� Sal jt,�* pr, T, TbjS 16 oldest . _ B�§ j Ir .. Like Tfi6 pita lon" il a Inp ete a no ii�a w been eleCIJOAL�to �o n hahag e law BhOV14. tBike its �ouoe, Thou :We inflaiii: 0., y?� But apart S �NTa%, Old Enklish W�X Oatifirk Vadegaw P�6miuelit 'gove ti rumental.,'"i on. get oil, tb utiliti theio if. We c'atty ;joveruoT, wh6� 3, the. - defacement Qf' r-edi, :sYsee'. 14 joli,ngo.. L, e figur fmust Ms. had no On ft w-as-io-tenutiful in :AI6Li(a:.C3qvft, SeO per 0 neXt 01NO A: 016DIS also.,: Ono ax -lardwood floors dipi - votes at: ur AAr fOj I a 41ic w*tters,',*thvr ilhan, as, the wwte ro�ks� and 'NO 11tead, bf a;mfew to WhichIl his wOr4 L noileum. in ipu �limbed' d6wri and at the'. )As,. M:� A tbis' st es it. 'is ow L his 'de. ANDREWS U.0 nt CAM liewd inGermn 011", .25C. was Pon opattl�d :be a liangipt -had �bem post dar Oil, 2 pd'50c Lemon Monarchy as it jai TnmtAtrIsriL end Uke ad it is bA y PP4 giye PU Ahl�a me iwall-sh e5. paid. sc a6d., These ld I bliz- opinion -MUCH FIRE, ea TOO ilge. *at'lie can ha*fe anAjth 1T to sd6VIVIll st the r,C 0 :,W.jjjkjLw1lial OMMARY 100.fe ent. e M.4rtin-Seilour"Fain ur nurderer' is I it be rap te-d-th --mci eh 0 - - 'd- Bub Wire, Fe b isr; ay,firom Torqntoji -of I&ing fqok�& rep#iCiin., folMr �Ijy'sent`tojail and lit - M a, SP -W ent, He t e on -has- 'd Tk Coiled ,Durdalk, 01;tb(, 1111112192112non -be- U 011t3fauding all 1att*r pli that d -hit 'awil Co.' W, a passed t is.'there, -a bir Tn w . 9 . vionfid e, r in, uyin filay A .17, Sarah Paikin At' -the-,C]"e of. Z 'd . orld. when beore b 9 oat gelfieraL Ar that Chiciggo s un er q IS1111" by Prov, of ThO& jWj Iiii. 14; vilfir hip was-takelt' In. charge tWas ttiVie 7iliflWHi kii iikg its inan Oer day. nsta,�le, j)ob j da� finee r to ne -and -ti-M e it'. a Of ty-aine yea= F esh­.CAr'6f Va th t t :,N" 44e larg, st-a4d *00-"Naiwo- l9e, elig and hi.-ap, to Ave Inon afor* Veifig. iiltdx ca �-c IS an the ma'st"bi&UUW -deSISM aid tW, the.� deceased' lair,ity., ..411D and' oad 'C6 'men jland in It is 'ill (and likely t. also c Popu bartre :obstrue Cori t On'- 10dam Qflee;i a. countylif, Ire. is true) pL.,00'VE 13AIXANS e was. On uctor -in' tht� execution. Iandj ;Iildi at� tlie �age 01 WIL -Ing a C bott tbat. ti� oi Ayant to be' A caudi� d !IjS the '�Cjrfity a. Mifirb e;:�S Jlijilti* ijl�� Strid . 7 came t6 Cain" presidency, and hk C.PAL being th�: p aint date for Abe ti _A duties thr e` Its has h cqj .1 ion Cepted­the.,nbm= on at r7 11110 -tiff �vas`fined bi wie PeA t�: the efitirir irs nIlif his t4) go,' t -t e aga, ge *h -is: still ge, ' -RAE' PGRT old. fripriiii li�li one c:f't-­c -most bar.. aror-s vwaA,,, unite!d in, ;narria 10 . . . . train ciew ing, present 'as W., ne t ;the er 0 qmPson hplfbar ArQqs ear�� agO,. OW_t4jje inijo itcRoberts, who. ;b 10114nd 1. 1 C o0oni 14 -.4. n_Iabv, d -111) so 4XIe___VM up VW up e. t 4ecte 1P onis ar iing ar re will, fi � L d 7 h tuf,� .1, : W ' o*' voh�re they� Affilade Ut" the�. Cause wM rd their Ouring t (k h -a aftei 'd vow warle Evi ently �leclkers 1�nk, hesitating, Villillicn-& yllls� leg#Wl' SoVen chil ji�- by Way "P Owing 'M e -i o� bi-+b th' =Tidl Ili:;r44i sowhethfir'� 1. IdS ore die One 4 wjnfv�ucy g� LlHeS or"With t in its,lot' the c hafleS died with IM - must and 'it; Isai� Ms ally �asing, tu national em'lt 6th'lPmdg i�e gdner- .... .... countries 11 ur--, e !s -ago hL, tare�_ AW&d­*jId Soot"M I" Ero& R. A., George oUutj,6$,�dB Mg 14 f�mporayy suqtc�s� of!ibe rx4r�, Ug senting all B�OT. decided in i�tned . .... . West he�L ided, �of ti thiii� a r—an gulessp ee.. ater Of ts WAWanosb M*B' WP�' ver*,. anTo*"L, wa&, B t 1. ffM 'GeO Ae c6ilisid6rab Wy� L con ition jv:: Madutyire, Of bun& The b3nt, ex, p a. t "a the,' s Oc eu Sbeili Plitfact v)�dk ..: � , . 'h J�Osuie O-0 cM& 10, M. on th Uckll T'.0, Appear tQ'haye. been In= from 'the"home lgatia the w6fld. r9oiti Oeiry set d th U4*- r -em- In jjju&j,6jj ;he M they ;,Were. in O� 8 R n ussia� Th action 0 e BIS dj&' of the, mon atL, political stritfe,­. 'h A. �w li*, , years nW M ':R M, Parker: -Adc. W -14,o en 10 zftV Angn Fren& -militaiistd' win, find, �-juBtio: easant-, E '�killya:'addriiiaed_ k ind. the �ia e - c -nol belief. Nyi-,, between the tary, �iirqe will�keej� Ger-maLn3 -earnvag, and an was a, life!. n e n but, ini mry e 'and mili the arlistocra e - L or The, PAwit, d and in usmot istant'Alian e Var Up L r Ing gth. me 'lit the vb in tke. Ih-,49][8 the ,peasant eieme�t gain - 6'. Thd L. W beare" men an P of d material. It, imay alid. havi� the ed,,contro oderate.. inah '_StAm- aull]l� /m Of drawing Britaizi' a�d- V.-'rance 00S 66iilt 316,11 iAke.,, aA!i -became, primeministIm CAMM. er toget !)OulqskU th from St extrenie M Fear at,the­ile�tlon 'of Itinden- 'tb -forces Stantibouleski. I�AA 't 16 f thf 'lit, the to wltfre present burg may met�a.a 47HC d 0 Vfr,pom his sup� war, is. -for, the presen , 9TO, ndile�s` III the llr*d"' element Of t —Russia -ill d is more. Y, toij AeAbe rob' the rl Wan ted if lit, is not likely thall;j where ese to �Germl Jtse 7.: the re' and'. industrious. aifd"L voide t '-e ise. .*epub di ks, niefili- have'decided the jicahS �Wilj tAef No won er an owl 00 At ge0, itoah turn of -the Kadser without� 6: fight wealth, of. e country. -es A. wise one to --finitely on iu-�iINF- -except the 0 thnes�..' a 'have hese:� influence, that',9tani as, to BAs� great- power n4 were t upon -hit, trail �overn sksiinr . Vu tak Ment',--ilthoug ..h( TM extreire element'Soon'Lideeide? is by'. no the Whole g urAered. L le e "was in niini. T ere are tivi Ouses' Of: Pari7 h Th lic h. off - the burnink L Aand- method !this­itid e. u?.ui6bee. P.Q. bs *ell and these verl; was: not prepared foir'L S "y. be, rie s4r to.the Anki. 0' publican. .;,,,-±cL! wifill.ve beautiml an4: rar .:tZ I 'L '-i .� b bi WoVe., O -be turmoil followed .,Tile - = h00%e to, survive the Ill at election of a. In" e 8; It in, SPI , Adol :'element -pow r, and, �giilnea id th�' 24,f- 4 or t iiffly ghv-S of the goven"ll thA *orld SaML to -have been creptf�d Mesiaency. of G�r"zi 'too tile oOn to.thogoL, who' th 'big did not turn e reds "Itor s b en 4 n once rittel h old their 6'�ject :nor- from thei grou d for uneasiness thev. wa "tliat the. litLt and then expunge 0 - , , ��j Recentl; et- ts ill -to fresh text Ibo 0 others the. lottalning��:theift otiginal' ext 7 -serve -je ki ch, import' that Time hAs Only d, to' 1"jo 0 oV down -the -F P! still land'./, its love 'of ouirtition eIJIV e vIv.1t e In fit the t4t Ttiore, ndelibly, s a number of his blisters 'as enough to. -be. dang I altz;ong rnighod 'their:)) ctures o t reparedness' for. drove through. the stree_s colors'and *'tl:K" A'�L t;6 Germany's P gbut ie A rniniber rw"cre In to Mind tj�e capital city. Novo -there is -rot a reader Vut can bring, dozens of� such -on his pkr�t War$ eincluding Gene`;Alt' deo�gliielf" itbout tWe sli ibcamw on WIT, C Lo run t mada.. linillion rDiances, "diSellis of tb but. --the. chief ...Objec�' �il)f- t1le 4� _CheMc&M 'an , e sen )7, or, eac 13 an. en i y in 9wort �Lt�s of the Dc�nlinl( OMaterisi ollowi prin P, -6 moft, wiold. war eirtb"i( on" to tll(! (which - NO, unhurt; -and still, leave' millio ��ver,:,be out, of date) jill ep t page,., t It is that we:.Ieqrn to conio.bnck ill, (�ho- ppe Aptil 16 . '-;L 60mb ou Vage, �Wbich Abd h tibly litri bly d tched. As I - '6: been premy It Oro,; es- o-igifial' IA6; the land itself;- with As it to 4 vvidently best short stort hag' beeil.L bs' es of this 'yc The and va . 1, 1 � k' oo come. th has tha in oF tro, the -chief governuldrit.- Pas fit and t %France ere g, _v all d t pres (if S g, an 4, slxch� a tiny S ariev V V Then is :th e Villgo �17he: ill umbef,,of new U 3 ahe Catbedrial .joachim,-a 'few rhili!s' ninistert'liad lone to j planes,bu a iarge -reeds,-lush. %yatets- of Nvater ena servi;�e in con L, ' ' tale�;.a coup aWrellCV vity.� jt..b r qyeti. Kiml le 6fsti6tIs 01M lectiol n ��ith the into!a plait, On 'ell 1)(1611 44evoltition'sts, ev— :1AitncieiIit habitant,tkpe and irglieff, I Get ,I,r I'll I - , of It In. the 1AVrS DE�AYS rt as if by; way of illustrAti en Ovi IfIlil fIthought �this_ a grand OPO ily -into -a- 16.-,v bench, and' , the noll ill 11,1 i'll tto� tudder f, ni "t nj. all at one -s S' ' L , I� 6 V.11fill. u. Ctiki I' where the preva 0 11 s ptivl�vellyL for 'a 'I;tt)e way wid then it ; I Ity kill .1, RQll a09tr in Chicago spread , � 1 1. .1 . . I ." t I , , . . I .0 one would build with old-failihioneill rd irera With this ob..' t infernal mach.]W, J�ap&' With' vim into giRilt CAP LOlonlOntc �. M0 I 11011101il lit tt, 11 .1 if jen an �Me* jha, 4- ing fashion of Allowing, mu 0 1� 4.he.tjoudg'a id its'fect 0,011i'dIV A ti"I �f ot­f, iI,:;, too fl� %t1htei last 111' , 1, ives vjis fi-�efl ft-`�t high,'� itsibeald :� 1 1, tllfrik till ig. , I . poweyful e3m os If. . ;; . gO.''unplunished carried- to the, ex-, witl river. fidsm f I1j,t,.fY1lIY)lIlI. N ailid agif OF G= V -jzi,th& iniglify yftoc is fire� abathe tieme the Sut6ritia-Appear to v" on mint With do of sAd rock. It Is hit the 'rPol of o the t#thedrial. i ILI ,f w proof w 0Oard me or 6 Write n little filix k0lid 'to 'here inle Am nind� utv livir iiiii cheaper thahlumber, twice asidurtbla o*d' hile �thd tifilrl�.i tjlp. ti k; I �1 , adopted thi alizing and tihi6d to, go off w I word. S'tor-v,, 1.. e, method of taut v ik. ii ro it itt 10inp s l'!l litiot quarb 'Much "iWaictoryi.­ -,Gyprisc Vaft Th� V6mbs *ete e%.-' o 6 fliat greste'r ro'nlailim I'll %kiliell sille 011filigod G I 1 ;4, 'jStvol , "I . their slAte of COT It'lli'lo. fv 'I t It -V ,Victim' ot in I ' I( ", it I amd Ctilings ar4 pern*ninti, Stro, 0 fjjj�tjj ' vas.. in pro ep.4 . IS,. doorWi easy to handle- preference to haliging .,accord f Olt- French';D English. �,Sa she"Setio-M1611( At WRY— A.))fl floi 1 11 1 1 (': 1! (*,If, -Piiie to* Yet-, it Vgv Wk hi6n- as tlic ',Add6d int, ti� sAeft e OnA the' text on ia b9orbed like WIS 1116(lif!"ll 641%li,00A, fstild .rro fill il:iei oil' I Ind fl:t v Of Ilimer"', low Prescri ./ rl persons 4 G*jlfroi. ift hanti, W tin 'were man 'hue liters again, -esravd�. it, soichim, c6rilthutli builie race Y. t '0 Nbvii,' the, W617& vdn- *11-A, n .1114) 110,L "III), 'f�; 1-1 1 lit ,I -o; lit, Ili$ fittlt wo", Chilea and toy herself all a . 1) Y ,,, �iid adfill"_* by. thelarker viloo' diet'llbod llill, Ili, If 11, I�, lvid lit, Read 66 li � ea.0 an 1tsue Of The go Tri- cir'4ve b aired.. FIriproof *&Ubo&r .d in tbij'*ajef2bejnent.,­ her oi�Oe' G ol"ll F -will (11,11,1W ill(; 01 t �4 hi6 4., 'Aire Pictures And rni aWyour , � , , J es Wolf& of, twd� c g occup] A -P onvleiped Mill to fjom that �aIciijated' u b'_;Y" t if� 6Z- T4eu % Tng_�t c1lian-'Clilt' o1rd'thilt* dealer oboirt!t` un- h's ed OgitiOlrf, !km r�w ill. VAA41oil; iw (Ili,' 1�(Pliw it I it fi' TE., & S I ginin I �, : I . I I I t P61i as Iwo, Iff ft" ill o�fjjjjj MURD dfuo' sentence. -of. death for moill his jilt- unfolded to�g torch nilll6ry Ironlivilcos I' 41(lil" ldilgq out a AL time almost, over: In.- M'doll flull 11 Vf 4"I't:tj f i I 111) ('1 tj j,()jjIq, (141 (4,j"I th -.tut� ot bIernard sastins.". vw erq did. It"T ItIltv I r., i kj il e, a M, I'a 11141 0oll 1,111*9 % noo�,zomepack f rom- the Y illfii� -diabo Ica on age Isn to te 'to the'larger Votli � when I flull, I)fit rift Mll' lll,� 1- 111,10 jl`fl� Grant w, .6, 28 OWV was en r of polic, j --t *-I. gwie g^ shocked, the to—no' emark 4rhiie'he� '�uch � - -egard for oute the Vil - lagdrs,'tbe that6h NO-AAAM 11,6 1116 "i0lit 1040 1114flolflill", ;I, Io 1,111 , r, bAvli- Wed a - and *hin thle sniokt, low,orl tviov nid 0 fill fmirf X& ed rdbl*ry 'AnIll Ue, Vj*`l��%W to r� f o n4tyff ff il remiLITIM, was., perfollwk; .0ii.00p e as '�tldry prothinebele. by, thofr 14 �ts.' Atli rt hrli I t'r fill t.,fliqf� I'lp, 4 r111,11 Ilit J� kis dutyi tv inth gre of 11,14im. V, -bill arli vaf- rVivim-�N01M., - 0, t, 1, -G Oift- �R*St'.Isrom tbe ri _q �TbLafi All low, Patty th6' ert-wAbli- g, I, if -be 44t- �_4 I '1% 11141 i 4. %!he that'Ifidn"It onflatter wb -4� ' . % , , , ., - tbi.nietimi T t6ir hit Ion "piroicbed _rnffi "It* - ;� ", . ­_ - �1. .1. k �. �A" olj� trim d" ped- , % ­ It. - — . MAJANT 1,6T I, t�lii, art .... ... iAhe ne , 9n, W3 al, 1�w W w so, it ou he, coun t A )&-dati of his t to,the, WMIU40 me-, 66it o_ -approac AL j X:.Mse .?w W wu Ou lififfsk 4 4.0 Wo hollfto tif Tkfl,�' I U I n ear to hAve 11 at invft M 16atm in ',016t, VOT. tfr��fr q R '14i, V *.41z-A4AW, , - rro6if*g' . '� ' . 6 rod billillut &A ii -0o; "w *.;jM IWO 44, do )IM04. 9 "7 M- 4 j A "o, -k- '1 4 to V to t 0 1A q 77 _7 lk . �r ill i j" 11. 0 will, -7