The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-04-16, Page 2­y,� 7 7� For, . .. ..... . i 0 lots 0 's _0 109 S" taq 'a e length -Ano e SHRUBS Sto*.�' The, boards Jr.- W �he�l Air 7 ed AR �19 WO, hAV t .11P., qv( Ave oNT1W P P.o h4s:_,4314, Qthq; G 4' Afe A A,­,Ilt 5: e -is n.9t for oldep T mi� While; J�6'_,�.D L in comparixtiv.01y, _� _9 , lungs, i — bne,. A rect, IQ.,sqy that, it ne(, 14r, jrk t4ej9r.011 :of kiledi ing om -that. beRpy. e wore.,Qf� 43, tu& COT d, Or 741prq 4i qO A wl4#'5tr'V',of bouta M*o ih 4_�" 16 of t a ly, Of thb der �J-T r 1 0 tu"Whast".01,,W; Autuirort 100,44 AP4 Bojmlot W, ffoff�` oidqr. t),10 Joly All. A.'414c, mpre, V4 on whib W o, hop , k o, At PW 1 1-011,41 Ofth,14, 'p 4i dntecXAh4,,:ev.6,,4 ll.swam -I n4; -soon, if llegleqt bo'cOm6p- 0 older 4 ed F, tli- wa AC90 (Matt. 1,1 Ally When.. -ban$ u2$40), (2) Many Q eSup., loppepi r , b �04�: :.� or, .0 Pic :4 �cicithes or: p! QffoA Color - trgdqs'ralJd, ��fi Nvery� , SCAson theli `h Half- 4. dozert c9at 11111LO�eTS 'L A,!41i1N4K9;.EXAMPLNr',Q1F E'A#Ly CA9104 491lowora NO, Ioft -of bloom. Its- habit of sliOering A�tw­*A4. on. they, Were, may, out to jej to, llow him 11 wl,-%, AlIP TIAN BR HFAUNEPS, occopatipils -Wise mU L pu 4e hrub4 Spring th, 4 -j 6thei ,o OACCA; 91,1 pse, lit �Ai 1,eop CIDEK May, need sm 4tte;ltioll to. I&A -tinm "ThOo ',you. �w.jth, hert tirit lid 'pink of',hQok§j, in: b palvir, (4) Many, ho IL A DA9K IN Tj ANQ o&. WARNINQ,, the restful! bedroom. A or 0 111 ta-think-r-1-�­ f'. Ahl§ J ews" Do- est, order., IU- I by- the posy, d d Aozen'00 Or P... 'been. boye.0tte, vt)re4 `0 of thel'i faith. in Jos 'os -be to thp caus , ii� bedroom. The 1��R�1)13 N�W4 'have aire4oy s. ��L on �h _edbs, Sbould U11*0 tu -P, six� colon, )�!110 a e AE si)ilij� do, that -Eb 'ons �Oan b,6, p avC, 104�� Ice - rounded blati, You!., , Nvjth� 4, prkty -tqnne, lilce,'the Other heard,, in,. Cbap..',�'; 44, 40* r their 3110 pruned 0 for or., �,tbor� sait wn. light arid, _.,ere. 'Of the, OPOnf,other: liand!`6 Qlib�r4l# int -M,shaJ:io( !!A, , top, 161,43 in SUM e e .0, in V Vb 4 'bearo.9m, i ,talneouS ge;;IO�o4itv W.1th'which the -gus, brethi�eft wa&,01n;pirCd,-( OVA prospet, Up'. all early. Cb.i iealt, Ith p 'verty "'dow, Ue 'Instead; -Of tgeki *t ' I' S, 01 r more -na(ural Whe the, wi!4­g o At d 'y6lden. yellow itecepts of' JOS10 �4�'.to 'ta Wit a.; -In the', ere, Qnne� w by thoex4thplCi Al, all,*( And I, ap.111g, agal) Ctiy f 'ripp Arig bqat 4, 'fast , 'A on0�eo9#om1,c-'4i ;Etres%,withir a:rthly,pQSf,;e,9 I, the �OIA7, habit w1th6. reO 10' ist A."block,o q_the tipper en (a) by the, Sense that o� tlielrtmitu�al, f6rni 'and tipil-A were!, n 4 '-s e%' _ � ; I I p d x g4 �aud:'piqtu hw a reniarkable An full �bloom, XQU, wire� '-r6uXA-thi6­board alia-'Itistelil..', ..intinityl. The: world 9t.. an en .in thCm'selV a t. n o qe s- -$1010 puFoe�-th.. 40 1: It brotherh�od'but_onlk a rh�t (3) by --Any sl?,ecla pnin'j, OtNye the'ii�p�il_he`m Of 11161 j;,0Xn irattloo, one gF4lup7l�D!- `pf "Chri6tiliin! ins"of domg,kood Can, oux t Pse "Co Or's .111, y 'to, m.w.41will -ind �nd at h I �tonne ��rjche-i-. m4mb4s of. the when' the ';'Ch Ift" i kindliess� --and - po$04 good v, Ygo� Pure Fib lu;� '0, hurc4- by'thi frei&vhlb, Ma"C'.Q), by' th�, gellSe� tbit�t th�l prOsdift - iioAr4bcc;- It, I boug, ery bird, - tonli&,�'Thui'the: pqrtain, c, pir own 106fif" the ,Ev4irr': flow,047,��, � ; ere ii c, a, E'i OV0 -:color "Dos .5ing, awa 1- ing iiickrayid' forth ol�.ffie% . - their-'1411rds,and - �,tw:,as- "fo ny b4ttetl'y:'14,ls -:a� I.Y, betLpot�ed­bv_ f. Woo floW%ox's- CC t;7 d, w r :Aq­ a Q cp ILES -FOR b rd icom�* th �,;h6m6made oes. ut the seboA I .. lie,cfinnoVsaf �Xt9l-:t of. Christiaw ��Jib��rhlity k shelf for, Ox t Zif the 1,14er ' kAfuTris in 1; e- pr Vii. ­a%37, Qlie.con,5P,� 04 6lustel'?s 4nd - otlipr esen� lessop-,j 0 mm,&,�godd. To ` ' lit CTI world Was, -pu4l` Y ana tha iedindOe tho'!we4k,J U U s, �,,.ha*e 4900 S' ar ,A he 7 Wt.. X A lorii iiiidchivhlrous�-Ouk-ih' T It! Bo vI P' �a, . ..... A 1 10 OV T, ��T4F �AT�, 'h in o'cap� of, osep Tlie', ttdine V�hic -stles 40le,, -adfi"co df vl.�ulilng- OP yt spytic.lep t born in:: Cy The 6pd gg. orsgrppn,,� N H hdoAhe QhurcA xe. 1,o, �AV B mbas,'which 5o1V4. that. hdri4 of its, ro Vr. illort.put. is TO TH EE ORPHANS" �ng.beyond Joseph the surpame - ary i4n�,,val of g wtl _y eliovr. a ifse-4eanlrl OY hey did tQ secure h gi gid yipst ho ,ion any. t O� 090 primar s.. eo Alyi T Le iq suffer� want for �raus of exholti q.Tne -th4 one i for seyv.- t4��she* has lb eir dwrf�cbntro;.qclrxCroPs nien.car ­so-ih r6cognItton"of. Bi 'ess&d in. addltio�y lo cilloal of unde 1'*,� ai�d' i�64 al trAy 1 Use "Thtire?s, ITrls� tM I irn,aba-s.'. eo. ti d 'blue, And, 1, n g. It is 20 �x 16 forward alli dy ar.d- o sira,i bik, qndagh t�d. -tfiree:chi1drerr_:.4nd §he is not d ph(ced what. they had At, . _f brr_,1chcs., Thi,� Is 'dbb 1*1 179 h0� a�qp I I . "d CU gd Wit,, encoui ae�g.everybd I ill .0 I§n1t it ri, i. g1ft o body," runilig back a. few: of 14 �a. q oranK 10 �Off ithe. el -req crift, we. _9,., I Is. chfl� 11 r1rig 1111L ' ' ink, out the best in e�,,,�rty YOU li, �v t hold p.4n,:of wat , er 8pall, el thes, yery a h Z- disksal of e brotherl Fa'llb out btihe; uiked to MaRe'the'�acri nd-ii. hatniner, lous.. -Ili illustration ol .'each and,. grraduaby1:ciuttin'9 09% her ! this happy Olealling 'fluld,,tack or, pg to count I . . glid. Th to ark a-dispositioii every, year or. t%,il' aps*,of herem fice,'they sh,owe& -0 and- catch 'all. the dr, w at6r dfon tb, raise.V present; olle is h _e theoy, liad i sel"Xing his estatb (2) his aat,ffia tilne kee�tngjhe,rest. truiiibs� f -rig akes. it -Is a made, A lady the other' dayi, an 'All , Was,,.,o d and4o 'h at the , er rom. qcql;p 0 nothing that q qui e,. t One a the r ition'lat6r 6 of the -convert, 84UL% most distij -Church at,-, Jeru-, t 'thAt_,,shi_,had; A'o 147!p M -C to encourage iw- Iare -Sufflcientl� t i's service�. r �40;�,eg Or,, C otthe Convenient fTQ1I1 She' jab �plshdd ex- .pmed plant thinned 0 ol� D o�af r.W Perhap. alup es, 4 to Admit '-'jDt 'in nga b -colirse Of' my. 'his ro n n e ro%vth---cit-her-f-roiii-th-c-bar, fahoCburch--leader,- Bariiabits,'Ny,hoe E41f- -sa�em chlldren�-fiorself influenced'UT jq49 W�Asahn-"t tO Quite in keqping,,.:wit, him' (9:26��27). lo' down oti d 911k: Crepe . ri C on �erit'-to'some. exterit. -Had,:shia known' Size fi 1. g,rememborM.- -tils the Old.S.temE.,,, Thic, osh lauildei*d 90( among the ary' Sympathy With tile work (if. iff for simplicity: is the, printe siAtdf"ted t, Wit,"n. ng about tlie, inher'llome. I.e 'd- AnAhi` in'ill mart. that" 41 eeks. at A och *S 'file h "O w nature ... t�& ButI litive' she would It __opyied ro,ck,which is.sol gay�an the, brighter a light because of. e -it 'A desip vstipliy�.4 4;10 wu�, of -Mts; Smith ave nAL. Frock Ie_pme .2* h e -piece kive:Ie ! i neir li oado;r model 1 4"eed ittl allifaixill �6u­n-d-aW 7rr0-dy.—,*1-tAk0-db *6te-AV �of . I lu�-kun-pya-Z a e k,'c-unt 'f "F 1) lied 105G is' a on growth a ty ti curtainiul 4ewing. iind cQoklno, oil 'these little co or. r in .not but kundainelit phira., The'latter, was r of easy o-_niake�. Sret gives, ch ati� not b'x�octed g- -is' the same. a g re an�4�needle- iWA i ci�ipha�s `14r& Smith: fouhd the gre, cn�ie-f P1 L by unselfish motive . I . 1. 1. . � - ssA' iont box- Alt, ,s, but by a Cal lat iTs 1' 2 t, is not to.be ut X'the. nex w so on to uit, -to "fyf ' " - :The'time litoj. 00 ti 0 rst of Chkistiall liberal Upon U fl t� ith aTi'O, ina e On. thqrs It i ' I s est'liossible Ave 0, ing policy,� an - I lo-.Vlatit bloorns Eary flowel 411; tbo$ :�no 'Up� -the, s a -in the early C tell' 9 Wel ing:ac If 'the& w cb�sl at under side of pl d their sudden. - deaths that the outbu i4uld ;lot 't 0, last, A#1n 4 IS liiiid experience' and if the AeCk were Interbreted,'as a mark of God'slity 7time tl . . . 'hich, have inpi.r . ed Counterfeit', -4pleA, owns displeasure at the conspirac Jn.,w blo6in froi�i biid to�:the ur6ifis the' markfngE ahochorl. po, in, y s formed on. they C re AngerQP 6 e 'Of op6ning'Wl 'fi b6coming and an- i When Ahey. are -couritry, could only reAU7,61t los -13 - eha e growth: Of the mportant" but -to, lit, ot 01* . At, tfie�dowii end.' the,, e4iite;a �106ves with- .'turft dconniv6d. nstance is recalled m:ups e. Own,' glv- mig t find,- appiness, y, A'SHININGEXAMPLE- 0 b EARLY CHRIS: - a W spl�nr g :�, deeply� . ffitp th pointedcu -.or, short sleeves I ..prea! �,of t undertaki twoor,three for I "Plain -h An- d I wife'Sal?` ample"' yF redbird vehurig; rtuin'the Id d" orld- of burnt itself e,s I un -.chance �to, RLIXEss,4':32-4- memory.- anias an,. As red 0, ' 'did"rt L Crepe n one of, t e TIX.BR0THF . , L . rig ihe -Of 7 q,; phiir, 'plotted Ao obtain a name te r0iad' bo.pkundd lmlll;�dlaK�ly f r Vo6hi IS s' doing -what BAr aornele 1.h of used The... oy Aabas and othe tIons ol'.thii �early Chii6tians found n J ' �,, - �g`: � 1 _e, inspiring,all the d , Is% hill 10, �A t h printd' esig_ ac o: hgakes is myvtli begins. enas t.gedur! 'c6tiasting. rimming. ne,: but with6ut the pkc�" past, Find before,. tNAg - z xpression. in -.many -ways in -the cbri- A� autulull button�, hi in save! up� T;Aq 0 1riir eatre fll q b JL;, 11101rite 'T uid . , :_� � * p:Sh CO. �i ved ia�o� exCellent clean- f;S- ' .' A " fianco of. a true unity -of eiVed. the ted in- �vafer'xr KI Tow Of' PCarl MatAhing �yhiehjhi� tkofession of uns,�l r he box:� ad p1rit, Ind1n a-ste-Ay to CO"j,_ Church one�.half ng,41, o7.o, ado t 0 C or winter tht. ids, b C14 S g; ±h81 t urrandered. 011:Mr _91Z is, Pic -size 38,re"J t e-most"nota t Off �is -light. Add two bust,, res 31K. yard9. of 36 ble ar was tibn It part/of the, value au st, mUL-411, e d Ift' toge t 40-1nch­iA6tbrialj,;*ith. Yn' inus it 3s of� all'prope, .9 This. deception 'Mrs. B. t flour, one�eikhib: teaspoon: !Sal gard their ss4ssions Vs. 3, 4. o36:!in�h Co.. ow.� aisle : -=­- .4 upbn them, the stetn''deniincla, ion A,anin Season 'J%wder., tile r i,T/;.L- d- -if' I's a- D admjr;!A�redJor the 9 �4 .7 d this the o- er a] tho And twoo teaspoons,.. baking ctoss,,9f I thp go men good. r pre S Corn prxa s.,' 't ii� At 0 parted,with Peter Who e Of POta. ws" efigthwise iternately'. Add thi mixtuie. � slid one, 'Cut' I Iasi -thd slgar .,E to' any addrp�s on in 'other w6rdgi..�as h'lle agailist, the the hai, y d'in' order to'. relieve wif�, infrent to deceive the s 000.0 t one; eelin Pattern' ailed All:that- they -hi d' ire�ss. 9. ilk i6 ind .:, r .4 ACV_ e eas -the Wilson Wes of'clestituti6p 0 is nd 'such a's thi�, lin g'- I I'Jut - bem'in. a y d.rch I er; e rose also - shorbqning. poon rece p in their actions w, e fihet�becajSe C,4 ­�A O'lly ring Work, . iii t f i -of which in.actions Silver' b' covbied jar of cold ftesh'witer. to, use idCd alwAw to''t, is group. valill1a. and one CUP chopped- r'ai[Ang. Pd�lishing Co.,'73,West-Adol 'ui laide St., Tie law or 'r6kiihition, of� the. commun�, ought. to bb,gu by! ap', n n y return mai eng 'h 'to lkorontq.,,� tern �Se t b, U lie before 1'66n� is';d1l6thfir 6eded.-,.,T:,. Ug �uj6 inspirations:, of"the Holy_ SpLil:it4 It may 'be!, 'P?aned,9t Irily r�Ampoc;M t1iis Course n them hb, sqfiking,mgke63heM If the dough.. is not thick atego h 0 Ig, Ook and -look,1ik6'- new 1. also WAS a sin againSt that.,pure sinceHtY aad'm6reflour, -Turn.oh aAlolar Puie,loveto Christ. and -t6 -their I yir. wh,ch� t ti -growth ��tart§ I n rthe '.ipi jI Holy.'Spirit- in8pired,.-and the a liettkful�bf a Oe but -t ese lioil, theizsmaller..p`� t Indfive. ho, -flowet 6uds aboard Cut, Arid Ake eve wit 'blot. �4 e and toil ibin;-'L be m`ih� fait fame of the� t ntly,..with this nne a -dark, ThCr4 Mes.. whi ccou U tit' twel,'V''mimul es. `V d. -of t to"iwinAhO wide With -their' j'acXet5,: 'on to hpi,4 for in- a' hot- �yen abo NV66 h' tie iria -o Id ..03. Colisb4tilb] Christian- con me gi�owt eter made it, qtretclIds. _U : eve creaming, An the disciples had' no abundahil cle r th 7, �ma y , ii 1. 0 '' U- t H & K.- e�xaiyiple oractica-l'Christidnity, to we g'sbrilb be vittractiA . At last I t"i6xperisive -t them, . the niitj k --have, Pun.,�ait ii, .90, CO 0 e 1d egonis. y in preac ii lan 'hi rig th6. Christ ga -9,nes. suppoi ourren er p is, f. ficult 11''d t d, its t di f' ew od vines. e The Ttiberoui. ious use. ,a t be' necessary to* clitAf back sev. uh r It you ImAgilie, wa er %or':s y onq. furrAtumpolish., � Melt' , I Alf po ry,. Urty to give 0 not o -Of a livilig a4d rlsCrr Christ. re -at i ue,. I 1 4 , bloom �he following season o1n, our, roorh 'of 'Sealing w�x`"and' slowly pour., into 'The sha4y spot, Wbften a wqri�y to e. e X.ve plain dwelling� can be'relieved doctrine S' I 't- sairi- -that, they,' prac af y what t i1rring the.,�-p .1. n6f, produce., xtrenigi belie ,co ors: �;cannot, be Use x4orii as -ii' which in�.,a few -years they preache Ahey c ol -e wit, 3 EacAfficed.. X' 1) .4;. 'of- xrffqh 6 its stiffness b the p an. girig y :�evDn tiest thi �Jo D will Were expected to of aL Vine, and Ould' Ow. N ne. ri be-shaded4ith Constantly ntil the',mixturb is - �ool fine, velv Mir, are the're4riailyl ejpi h Th, ipg a- striightirfthc� resurrection,; of 'Christ 'When it, r. pr;uning �'of Allis �h4rdeter may,',' Cty lawn, will break `th�'rnonotony of ion re. in r In Y or' 'beigf n. nouill - 'it' The inspired such unlinlite& act. ns, Will succeed " i giTien A i eyckr,J)p7avoide if onieuses.ju .is ei rhilr� a' d d &*er& that may b�. �S&d to, SaVe wa. Or arsh. corner. S PoVe ,an eg y: ible iit o it -6n ary, eQ4ori tuberous, d" humanit 'k 11 h Verandah an the 1�6, or urniture, wog wo' itl r in ai;d. bid V �he siddc�h ;of 7A�nahii%s Id also, be to:Tbi� and..re 9t, 'six nnth4,�, th neS and, distress h tt Ta geL! the situation' Wit , great effkt,' fences, I py''ar-0 O'Oppupy. 0' yeil o*w' d V low of this exposure W m'of rees" c"overed with vi W c ;ould'. have been under thei7 shae Un- ummet jul hi liYness, R medium-sized home., Tq.,app use a plant cannot -be su6cessfuliy :irown he in,.mind that any late - will so chane the'.,hppeararice of 'a lev6us.,,were a, ilginrit on oi. bol in t is J hiler plcice thatit-Will hArdly,be tically lirninated. h �erl� it as- ll'Ilg Of :]?,Oli6 ing afl 91' rubs i,?, cis W'in�� in i6-futl sun becc�use t6 i6aves Vurh recogAized A-cleak pro6f"WiSr ithy member of" th* Church" pr I O;xe' ree,:min t e the plant veriyr unpre- -k Iere',rla a, or tit by on:e,, Who h4s., nown efore. ti madv 1 19'0115 d gr( on: two P. e and on' it; r� inter ny. varieties, IL -A W %. Ar bed, of. the sy'dnouh 6, stan'd ge ere, Wi ed'wh4n­r'�On uqe; s malice. Society whidh Ilvdd-,by simpla sillcer-s mix ure �004 o do,thvs�,­thtlli __there a so S har t gains There..--aile -I" of-- vin,69. f T weat fciid­o�-disciplin­upon- 7��kugust shoula 6---nd­6c-o1d-,iM-- kergslene—riCs ',6 e 00th US -thu 6­�0iTn r� i�n pover y was. clue to* man ubir bsAegonia beneath-theLsprea, -fro*. *11W --C7 igm C(-. (1). Jesus haq Of his be- a 10 -it. he Corn dimbers 'mke, rapid fir -this' oun rosetie, rein Ves. the grime And, -d t k b.rahches 'of oldl olpig i'drawn mafi� who sFoWed.- -with' the. spring.% of may, choose. Clirfstia''11 om am h� I � I o r, *hen.'-oneo bs lis slirub,s the,, dis-iiiheii n S 8: stC the beautiful lustre of 'the, lawn is �.an "impressive sight. lieAlig followers Ong therpoori tril B, Gkjtesidentp living lilts Will preservbs best �`ei be obtained, ho e thile the ra leaves a growth-. b K4a oft'the,soixthid C Me -find the tuberous begonia of the Street used y ;preparing the 'gr6unA b4oreband. irrespecpve q: D The Dominion Horticulturist as i'T whi,e' p�kinj their h iril too, large: a b4derfifl. h,6 eloiWunl.. hinium, po , flower f GOOD FROSTING --FOR i grounds attrat e 0 rteornmen ed the f0i owing ars, been krecitly lhiro-V4 pu arly 'b r, the little iroop. This'r herbace'ou, Mlirko tive 'Th. re t1fe 1v The," rii�deih 'aelp Live S Y. r chooSe, h� Cb o y' -,made 'ftmfing'-fdr' coiTee.sta0l, t 1 The; morft r 117-C b;y �rog� bre'edirl' �er � the.-Virginhin Creieper,-J' nese -Ivy, tbC hardy me, I' r scheme;' A hit may be,�called' a', III evw�v: fo is one I 'U Are . but ft. few AS g and selection. So' rat' der,thopurprose o . my, room; �kbunsbrothe akesra'ised Dutchlpan.�s. Pipe;-- of the finest a st psirablie of tall rful of th6� five Aock niarkcj;'�y the Do-- fi, fe be6reen. houses that limbing Bitter-' fCetr aparti ndlmb d Of. t e. newer varieties of * wondo AS'. a' -thbij the 'f aim � livmg-� that needs LimbOlishmnt t6ck with%east, �ohsists of jranulat�dsugar sket, lbleir�Atis_ of' several .;varieties, minion U ers. faV&rable, loca- include' Mi3rhoinit; 1ifte; als - I " ID,creaE-.*-,d Volume PS e'th eno! to,pro- r bl'' ',,ry indicatiA , - :rQ'oftr,ta, mikbd-*.*i ig�.`Cjn gd�rd�ii flow In beauty Hone ytuckle.. tion and With reasons, e care th6., nioi Harry meetli ale blue; Sta� )lots, restful to the Dimpg­pml Wit co or. 91 t tuberous�begonla is strikingly...af-fibme The Virginia -(Arni6lop am, p" g �a­!better,cQn '�k fo tber summer season. � Here � o'thb 'And EnOish -eye. W;s clueb a 11glit_-bro I A -a Ing n., Creel:r reach, it- height (it frond es, RuAe, blue h c eery so s g meg in aiy_ be betw en the.-IN-Ak ind Wes -now li I I" ern, vaiiai Atb' aindtiiyst s adinK,, 3, nut' added, 'but §6 long agli gets afi'liour,U Sulishine owh I.�Iike to _-Iving,.,& fee ot two, of sis Quill4tiefolia) ik a ch�rming`[Rev.' d rke�r a feet, pkeserith bue. of ia a Id It'i 1-�'e'0 six Ing of hoppitality, Halls hoed'in�v f eduring,the'tiay. is not-;eSs4bt1hl. Just be ore lished,is.a;,ravi --growe s� veryL ed,with the.,same period, of, effect. particularly in he, hardy:,border. I and eml-doublo._.Can-� Adri: ad year 'berous bpgonLia: fher60.aile bajrdy'�, And,' will Soon, cover� the -Wall Of t, e vC, any..vaiet es,. both d hi's -plant ors dolors, digni od' like the living7rOOM, the, ih the oven; �spic�ad the to sP of. the delphinium run: frorn The col Counil.- but -eordia. with A­melTow warmth of eavy. cream. -o oob'-e of 'a 'house.' 'h OT The compArative..�.st idbig'.,of our, the blues and -into he .4 Cxpoft rado� is. strongly ilq` 'th Crum-, We come.. ledroomi, I find mo,47!ieSt- and, irijn�ny shades rnung hutPmn n p White through 11 �bis 'sprinkld,,the 'Sugar, a Spice. whp h -any, t purple phadba wit m yaga. on, blooms lear in. us ness. keys. 'Whon bkcrd - the cake wlll,be�c rs., �Grdwn in f A soil, th stake on A g! TIvi ua -Cnfidence ifi Canidian Eggs. favor fa this yeArr verdd c9 0 the; dWing'red shAdb-.. '-stigary glaze. nese IvyJA-me16 sis'Veii- a ear that- all availabl.; wi 'a OU P ies' -Canadian he varieti Tbo of: amethyst., tints. e in �`SELECT TIIE RIGAVS APi' d4ic More par- y The. 'apa t 'an4l irty odd iiiiIiibris.9 beilig I tvik %707: Gitall'al. F 'rig' ChiL). is �nf Z1 'hardy aSAheXirgirAan flow, er 's. p: ikO, Of '00,117"of oceall snVe is WP -o `Color' can, niake a room warm. in- Tosti -mix one tea- are, riot, en c -i 0 6 -c arry ,I . C OL� with 'twO inches ackos D -u"ble -A foot and a 1;�lf 1'engt hens S, W tir -y t s in hive many, si e EPOOnfU f thnt-eiteodthc cited rnillion'dozens of e ,a Aitr,- kraliam 6 t litile distance away re per.' n Ottawa it o of and 'evd 'or JeSSr each yeir u, usu in tablespo6fifuli of sugar, and then mix e ies see k . v t - Ally zln a a 'q MO e ovpral Weeks.' n, -and-Work. hard ina mum nu a 'paste sernble'. f 6 atiu- 6 o' f . t h e r m, Was light walls� make. dark the most III riant ros each -sue- th D "a rk re xU es. 'Ally qrease xi* oi the dtougfi''Cro�m ake, recovers. reo,lothingr the ;;aif 'it it 'blooms -freely i� in the futur6.'tl&n � they: �ay'e. in c It is -a beautiful vine or Tub.6hous"beg4nias, qan'be:. raigedfto Whi rodms.,For that cold ort room tq' TA Weill gr6;w kc�.n:` domatI& f one -overs a e trees .:use c �pr�acl �ut not run. Spread n. cut immediately past to' rheet'the; increasing dbinand d -by wilich will 9 -r.a d-liciA xr ceeding,, 's'easo de velop m e ri t t h d Oft shly�bak�ld ��k,4& and se6d but it.is- rathe e.ope a- �loselly to:,the,Wall, July� arid if ed#r.�attlo.-tilii both domestic', ihti' -have warmth to'give the IN& 'this.' it 'Clings ver after bloaminig."Alid given a little1er-:, for goo(! e mption of, ig" __b,�_ - likee tion requiring expert 91�11 and speial I. exp6rt. acco n fi"t6 the -ovenrf0r­tw,6'oi t re'senting, a'fiiie effeci iii. many homes Second 6g ii :Canada has rapidly, incte"ed Lin( wit. Commo' sorts, can W gs in aellitieg. 0' .-'b or-, in th in, redent ea: A! e, fr6gii'�g should* -bubble f 'The" 'ordinary iimatL-uk d' he ceniial %VI appe 'Aue,to the 4dop oof ',suriSMII6. Vith. retulV p tili and Well aie�ed,. a e khOwn.1f.) moff�,' "d ton�­afid minutesi 'Th thci, cities- n towns in t ftrotin of warm ivor f 'bl"' rs tion e sutr would. be b�tte abise& to, o OOM t Twenty-five less an unsaleabld e, grading Sys rose. or 01 0 ,ith Colors Jikg' veil' 'VI in 4he 'all LDve'r'tfi fa�e'but not -burl and- southern 4rts 4�f Ontari&,.1t is C"p the t�boirs, iiither'4rm�n't-or 'autumn. f-th .9 ;a e iciou-i I OMIT 'protect t e� to!) id ' ith, price, a_ gs. T;Dr the .'F,�Oom on th -own d U.' sprouted d It' .' ts 'of o given a, A q Compare W licligipi i. . Len ed to- viti -Canada" ',onsump ign., fihde, With b4r . In on it should b ecirs'� Ago 'in the.,spring, Having once acquired two W"Ith fift��A liogs showed an-�advatice of frOm, $3 an eggs pe k sult, W4ile the ;this vine fokhe -first yer.or. ricMd..soi a about 51bz., us'eveogler" colors--bac groun s -cararr. k d df pale AQ& Supplied L for ears,, o 1` aves or, striaw, packed, closely ddep!. arid Mod6ra tely rapi a wa gl a' i ry e the to - $4, li6i huri&d, equal' -to at aham flour lerids,: a nut�Llikip flavoro h ta gray,"doot ivor,or grayis an. ome *iih lsteft%q - provided lie will aboil'b e pla for., a 'foot a 'Ir planis' open sunny, QE tuaii4n, Ind mifficient ensAn y4ga Four yeaks. ago it �6.76 t�. "$7 hive 'the top. MO or, more develop had- riseir t6, twe'lity-ohe 'dozens' and h,_ r d, Toronto. room will� broaden space in. *hich tp� properly "Eakd 'them up carefully i year- to t, hundired Th4b, very "little n 'h last %�eftty'-six- doze eggs, per th crCam, ave the fin6,.btown 'de f alone, h at the b Aants,, like ninny other ve.rage ,, right, sha -o co:orl.gn I B a 'dry Pic M AThe n 0 4; Pipe, risti).ochiii, L . .1 wl Surely , . - 'C for Dutch and'store t 'em. Tbe� D an OW6 nci�A­ _gn- n selectsi,'Moliticlil algark r 'W e WhA er m all.4.- StrOb 06 dark colors. Make glaze *hich is So, t n'tbs. perennials,, should not I' � d 'to.' his I r se VeS eiiand during to becomil'dstab�i, than thre?,yeaksih,,one,tinue vs.:houseNyi come,farni-aar' t iS tat ier slow Vh6acI4 'T 1 $11,82, and. B'dirionton $11.42i,' The k -d igh c6l'ors. give ea pro "q'q �,,ith while�, 4 1 wit ich� 'is �&.i ays a, karderi�rg �iant the tubdiri lishedi bu -makes 4 .'wo'll'iderful! effectg:, m -Oft it Should. 'With the standard gvade_o�, and1he as-' A cake ffosting M e, V� 6� I Szee as soon as 'tb4.,c6urse o oi4 three years. Separated 8utatice that grading o illose ogethor `411�e into ihee''ga b in place, xb�t After thAt I time, 'armeYs I.,; made"by boiling I repiiinte-d; -b6 taken up,, 9 n��iiture wewill ka. eather -arrives, u are !At n, kher ,Whg',dd the purchasing for the, family the 09 `t lv�ight if We take a tip'frol pl� ctly t Is 3 :, pne- cupful of� it, four tiibldspoon�` ntin6l Its lcav�s hCart-hape A 10 �su Thi' �rn'y be dond; ei in SpAnd rieVdr do a �io6m 'in' one -color, wit S a a ouge- deep extra llcturn, fbls Of wate4i 'r to s eTs in. th. h 'ream. Although 'very at rotttiv4, one. lever toicispdolifuj. oJ bette tatt, tfIqJA t t�,,ting. into No' Wi the increased demand to Obta'n thol A 'floor,anc, t e Walls* An -d li�ngiiigs' all.'the p ;iistai6 and ohe�qu;iiter teaipoon-I q*meliciiig, "ciut h ­ 'tiddle, of it. is heavier woldrig than gome others, j Pit as 'the plants- rike tc. for' The . liey fO groWtk, �or-during:.the fail * ionths-. CanAdiq.n e go, as their"llir Ie_ on gamoK' It is M0116tof'Obs, 'b�rs `mhy ''eilci- 9 ,"Boil to 'the'! Makch6,. The tu n. And is &Ore in'keepihg, With 'the.ma- #er& �Torft the at�, known -'through - systematio, gid - In 0 er One pl. U col6r %vhen,JiIEed,WithrestrAint,. S6ft_ba i, ant 1phialium 9' kAge- (hen, tcsted in c6'1,d'boxCs'0'r' ' fl p00; 1v� building tha with oh6,9f a light. Pr"tection Against' Citnadd, bec�: n Of course', every color,mi,st be in`r.tono ultabi of slagsi 0 irij, b� confined use as wit, C A x ri, S, t five-inch-'poY in� -to �11 not,cling as dd,othek,,tacli secur�d b�] WAS before wbtQr) then -beat lokyl into the. e� st?le� , It'do �kind'I§ A the lement"with eye'ry: colbr.. As . ivor I %Yay to the 'plan ts,� bddAu6e & - ' - damage ot--th, Agricultural or comp of'oneogg. F1 yineg. but twin-esm, ibout bateve'r Ob- 1 7 081 : r r ith" litchle, a fev lt.00 Of't '0. niffion ae lft - ill 'it 3 C X_ the C Ua 4iid mist ail use the ove C . 61 n. Th 6 n1in natur'e,'noutkali Cer'. kors W, to be dWurbed When 'i Comes within �each�: P, 4 as winter 4, Oreai ir'Wn is learnifig of *�ho -�s v hafidfuls -c Ashes Co;1M House of -Co Many,of,u �v�iy'this frostirig,add I Soft hag. then no i to tastoi p ant JU of selling 861 We C Ile set the garde e j4pahe e r the celleneb. of Canadi4 sott teiiiixture -is boiliner, four tea..; 'the plants a 8" aol? has beon C a drop of at, dle p4lftt box-,," -ainage a)nd 'soil. of -it ligh, trus'arti uiaius) b -ing ed taking! sweIn,very ght arid dark hues §p6ohfU14, Of guga�� �,illfft Good pot 1( r aAlso 'to Jay a.,feV evergr r'Pild nio lm'tor thclk'best while exposed �ogli C I sea auld be used, V-urther'- tiaetive It' of 'gio�Ah IJ Wn1ted In the large strolches: 6fcaith ed,,by bi&Vniri`g� Thi' will dhiirvaetck 0 lbri;incheg or other refu,66 trade SiaW- it ibiscuit; or the like wh-11. ie. I over' was t -useg qffUl.,eO11ors—. inicil,frosing. Vdi var­ ail's Pi ppod�ce a car; more, the tubers should 'it e ore somewh9t. likep1hia'Duichm' 'PC), p J'h;eL atriValr.of adbp'ti'ng, the, Canadian call This'l- "I'll th,6 pot�, 4 shelf s�w does �ot.cling to 'smooth y, na Ure blue,thd 9fay, ti n just Covered re.eh i6ty"Add ��ch4p4 �uis; raisins, or lna�much a, the del- skanclard 'of. classification. wbich -it is the.shortcnink, kind there a itAground. for -the qmcillet- massplaced.- above a r4diafbi, h6u z loved %,;ill have fi i col lite fr6st�t fiare, tho'evory uding. ie. e.p inlubi bo'i tb iebf6' is A.�uitab e e'V.arietles of.. the le 0 d or.ind"ke ting, !th NVn I 'p!A�d to statt, tlu�Aub4rs. geaftcliflok4o, a 0' It grLlat reoulylld'as 1' 11691n: Cariid-A "b 1' xy W: SO h It the tScarpetod:,with the, 4AAtt�t, tones 'A o temat'I'S' itge hf4dad wh to su� make nd.utter, 18 A_ t a attntion as we' carpet out llointA, fitly;, Given ch6.eolato three teas poon- wAt6 ring fte(14e t come n. aV( sky, IS the p Rbunilailce '0� ldozetis')) .1 K. b4tto it es t 19 way U :1 C 0 .1 So the Uand. typidal, WPM'. of� so, qy n q the b�!'iftg InNture. in pa' -to-'a'.highet eonsunjl1t, A tre -s,or 'I _ �4', locatiorii, Wi � X isvin tI er .,'per htl b.64gwett a cool nAtive. of h6l Ce feet Thi �eep4rl, itqo, grows abou hjih;� (3 r by ye 'dif , re- ot as he , . . y 1 toil light but withou diree.t.guniihine i still a tal!ci- vqr-L no, C,L0S1i,TS I -MADEi'. 1. A.: 'Brovirl, Chic f of the P nced, good V of ni� ai�rlveg hboutl Oil re the qnting'ti it is lie' 1111til tho.p, rs eating blu( And th6 floWek it Division o.1 t h L iv ti t oi 14W --d- h 3h LT R 6ti' 6)� due ar y -61 er3 1 t e 00 d e'd Vill Ltd, "q T most emortu),hoto's et; n han,fouil, adiaii,-�Lggsl e Al -bt Ille the f h ill are dolklousl it up fid holstery and b1 Wel'I io'takei4t, front tho' gnA Until Tile Man wh(% wall, t, tv f!ou" 0 11 � 1.6 ey.U8 At the t aydashes, ar I Ach el he11 aid I t 0 _fbVt vatep ow, 0. 'ter I'S Ail 'e rie , r,,, ii ai 1, to, n, 11. A icAT Wil sttotchtd'a Wre roni h�800 howevor, Is eocit. han'gers, Egn- be et ll;, M 'ted, in.T k" than o A 9 r - I I , C dohl of sollil. Onaro_ t�r­ P` r1fl', pCr 'acrg.. instogil hf. thor, Ning h4 —not only e0or 'Your coo n res r t e r'ec,ipes y( gEJ case, �'o should be' eio'n' Oy ri ob, tdii g! '1* Iotind in 60 X-6rtilit ol tl ii Wi(I th Itleg"'at al q peor _room pra can, go in 6 YqUir �or llaDgMg pogo of It �Ook it fnt floa(18;1( fitle rec8ptablefo �1jo pq th&,gakdowil t4i,,ex�lote With full tb, gar ell o '01 A ttom pit 61 in0ci and With ilig as toil or fdfL I Ili' bt&oo I Wishe pets, rid! magciz flia, red jfoft�e. 4 arm �dq the, tLil $1 x6s& U, e aloSet, 11001 is' rcliasgd twa "to jC6p Mot A rl 10 1911Q tiptoe I im r