The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-19, Page 87_�7- 1 01 wwwTv Ito - V, 72 041io maim Al"M V be# Mr.,, J91t;: 1041 _V,P.0 -Thoam �4& le 'n- d '0 AYA jend& jOL: L w 'f [V U r - - TrW PselL V e "�s 411�00U A. 9#1 "nal e fQr S�rinrf ,W )i4v '�'tbg w- �7 C' *Ar IWOt. ga, $mnfty, now A th kin,� ut 8h, j'y, �On;t"` an n,.,Als d �pjj Q% Luq now �inqtqr oe rtaip RO e C 1. rtajn-,$q1 u ptI#.b'Culbqit gpentL t4�.,,w d t �Mj to e a* ' C i' . , . , . r �:Or 4" ' � 0 Sc ub Brush s �,�A V,� f'Aot. too. *4'1� - .. ' :* 6 . 4 . �QhngtO6 Cp �,Q on ppday 4"OL' repor f - ye .44.r. 41. B S C _0 11JILA',4 ero% rj f, Wine -Xed is. -year, -o W or over v fine, t T UP. a, V ;d a ish-B, -4�he"' ��M mom Q01 Mi, X 061 4 -t-0­1�, t gigg poris "toC Opoids, Udfa� ad� 0 �011 .9!M. 11T9 'h O�e Y. LE Lo Bur erS 7 j1d a 0 e to hear 4r'. new drkvqrp� n1g, nlesw, or !and he r I' lilte-att "d J, 'ze 'Clothes,, MV oril S 1, � , s, I , " P. jindej ,t4e -60- 85 and 1 o -.'s, a �OV, dA All" "oo U, go Cy 40 10 isle` SIX Daniel, >1 $f­�94$4 16,0, Sboe no,"'Rubbe), 1` , .1 , "' I '' i, �tiii, wb�:thqs,jbeeu alittlis BLrQomsAl1;-c- trm fbii ��Ur:iliw Stor6, i ei4-46' _0 A. few liorn, vu ail d -`$410� , _ W C hoMpioA . L , "mro, _ r we6je�,-� �04 -.Oat tot ier. too ;,41v P h e of, our, lativpol t Too�kfimy On the #jq� last jxift ne :a' 'Pill �.T ve 1.9 .1 s. oisingle. ol loolity ,o 'hg' , 6 Line rd som, 1� 'Pute, h`_ 'et A iday ixi.thW pent,,,, in thek, �1, the S. thos. or, ot few ti wi�h hof d X ovenlpg recent y -a ra - ge, of 'BeA 10e 6se _e AreL re utjf�JL�l C er". in Xjno, %C' `h' W , early buy'dvVy& _p f feW of tb f- j. Lte i 9L C;"W ee very wilig Men INLO k oir, lay V r0s90 00 W E hing*.Jo 71; o orl season, e 'N W Ing 0901P §41 'pPy, the No e s5......... -W 't.0 enzi6 of- Lorba Sh' last,, wee VISI e4,NPth.L. 'and 0 0 $Z5 '.0 ice iri K St e ,4 n Mj$s D., Hender LucknO, t W' n d C6 *:rW-1th'M14g,Xai t priflift a h'd McLeod. shipmeir This Cloth. 13i -ve' d Weie at, rs. oy e, is pp ft� 'B I �ending a 'few ry rom aroun i9hos of au I e Ayr Seeing rge er . ow was akin 'to out, to, thei ri qed'thls�Iegs It 0kbeg is or tehbd the' sale gt%,mr., J'. struthe'S weks. with friends, ht L will jg� with,p ain -o dl d sQ A f he�_diq" 48� f. t 0 S. - S' No '4,.!WC-st Wtvwnnesh, Oj� ram Tiot �Jlljy ill' t1le 11y'll n-,Iica ice a the '6idmr . , A �per Fr ­ any Arn,� atch n�w' A d t" 31k d As ere is no. dt it. 0 error Nvh ich: ers are !busy th $t on Siihdi [0WjjI t o all SnOWL ay e short. dAer -Bh' ltvelk. ell muoh' the season.m r. and, :C'h' 14, -report As- publ�s, q d,. 1�ipp t, w rgLe ip6r a. Seafq spen -,tjIQ­t6 � . a Or, are 'ii In 0 r �sehool for couple �of days 1, t. tQ o! w. - j?, rt -and. son - Keit hre -h eeL t They -,A hin it ;thIL4 week.. an e 'be :greatly hq� -h an, he'pro lait.,,week 2i �R, 9 ddle-� 1'ie ew b iv.6rtn, veni iiiictur��- t -fOr-the- 'a(! 'Gibbons. of LangSL of rS,, Fred,. J-1 o J1. iWeth 67, Mi I f 11 54-- he D. M r Creo" of e .7_go'e Met BI ''B own tit: an And U y ine. at the on 5PLIM -Sit d ht' P ast 61, Aklifiifii��l panied* jMjS$ glog,, ,..n �ler I -1tobfnson,S .last :week. , i WAS v M And PS'pe'r y Jr V- JeQIii own, was� We 'of A 11 TENDE _6UtL the Fourth 10 T__ _ _W C ivi .11 be reeoi� U Ing. . e red e MtDc Dakota,' t, li noon ..oi with- Ber L la ae Ctimlifibij, re. Angus, The ars are 'again Seen oll fl- A' y ces h -horse. -,\N- jo�r. -0 road, but R.1 T. Says it - ial D_ Sd JYM11 bi ill 4th d -f t Ior�: 0*4V and buggy o'gkt oVer th. V__ "Safety Ma(,Farluiie th '01ay 0 i ill 13p�nd La( ies Who' -hag been spending 4. M mald of Ong `49, April i er where', he. It on -befoib A ,Wide" w6eks returning, to, hW 'farce 6&#'y ilf 3, Ac to 'hi miss:: eviia Snelgrove, w o as tic, in" t e te �0;ag 5e� y- r y i: fill t - ith her FriA N aunt 1, 1 41' i d t ni.n& N� g1jg n 8 �or 6tto'n, the, 0 qed at ft alid returned to her'.- 20t -at, 8 1 5e, an6 LA SL 1.1 Cl SI) C j IR"in 0 >na tl� :, 1, 1 inipsiont 25c 4n Detroit ii t et 'the Save T end ee t Mr. h (1, t 84 1 d Mrs. - Aj. Sut eil p W" an 01 1 mens' InStitut nyr at t tendied a St'� Patric s' parky,kat i 4neet. At. fl, hom tin. 0 Tre-a tirefl; R., Rj 5.'LL' e +. , L . Du k no the eArth tilenl0ed. On, L11 11 a ThUrS S. wonder 'MeXiiin6n !,� Ing n ho*6 Miss T�na' 'p �9 MUM uIra, don .'of 4.47 U 0 C 1 er i R. a�s t roug r10 pril 9nd. uesday night. warml C ngo ums, rift6in-Netsi Dkapei the er: We ed Wi .......... f ht pinjL�,O�.`.:f� hlbm'e. LOCALS MARKETS� "i;'Ootft '4 tter U �',C4 e -O i0o ; W -25c -22c W, . . . . . . .. . . . . N e�,;'" e 'Wil e a t ....... ..... 0 H, $ 1.25 ......... . 13uek*heat .�.: ....... 70 e nBi "ter a -T-h e It H so a s -n s C dors.; nd.':.:Sj4qP0s', 'a o sui L. every, ace. e W 1i a f Nibur S, r . e lift, TER HXFS.- '0 OV Pric6d at: 00. h St buy 0; eape hats. �bu.t C ANT� Vt U:, T Ut F, Ir C Ait,$t g e. -in -n S howIng exc u We at6e. �2 a sive aif4 hd Men p ra ser C7,ap;§ Bo. a f0flhe,' ea, neiibatot Tig 18 TW�401 T PLETE/ SPRNG DISPLAY just'l I Caps, .0 Whic ad's 'a t, c nCU al oft" -X�LA"nystores nd rej. em er figr 't'. All: d 1:'' ' a 'n s arme 2. -ter, which 'is I. e' On 5,'Or- f6r.the. eaps, w ell S-2 �0 h lY 0- -E an. ,way, to ea. h ahl V_ tor;ind, ina'ift NEW, �'C UJ. R T N egg'.. 0r.0 A! tempera 'y .Dre 'es tuie �'D th N E S's Theer -bo areL, "0 Ving tan te, siVe­rahg6- f an L :vfttter d'ViPe -of aM SjiC h m Andhe,rrces ar 't ateig e& copper. an i a e, em, ry d-' ef JL 'WEDe Are jo'Lconstructed,ihat ARC 2 :'Ihe *Ater circulateg ri- �heat -in, e In at - tion. c W a Madras p oldr6d". IdlyvOus" insuring an L. " . k coich. Mue nd is Store,will,be open until 9.30 RM. t enable ' ilt parts of the ftg 6ahib6r. se this, dethOnstrl 'and, Gieen�,.f u :50 you'.0 C a 'tilatioxi and mioisture,ls,�Oottblkd per- The-'ve new. Ouw�og of. excli g e nice f6ctl� byventilating lides on d,bOtt6m An' eutirely and woa-� Ladii6s . Coats 'are o a, f n derhil Coats�Aigtijqctive'$uits, -a most. r C611 - re iDrovided with strong fast ncubators. a 0. �rays, and ed 'G rl9' seririceable'' A 5. -models' he rack' .0'. to 7 substantial e' they i0o havexle'ep,'con' ion of, ifidividti�FjJresk gg Coats.: lost cotdiall ii fortable nurs0r. trays,' is ff th rpasses. -v 'pg ever. atte hedoo-M h 9 1 ' ' Y nvited t6 See is ave, double '' Ing with:1-4 u6h bi6l e the gL aSa,�� .;which ffiakeS a dead Air Diip 'su q er . th! nipted byll 'S FOR SAT U WA t l';iy Ag if. y S P an� Canadiah�H6us6.. e u Ap Co. Uj�i an P, H bV o r Y 1 Pje every, B16 0 terj tested 'a iteed to reg Maxitifacturing TfieAom� qparar,. hAve: prduced a line' f 8`1 d gig MOdels W chnot, � onl' W1 e,, �brk ma�ejs, but AChl", any patterti, ister, fh6 ternperature -corre4ly. goes -,but with equals the" b�st $ in -640w$, ''I '' ' 1 . a., d ine. y Ix argervarieryL W L t a n iaterials.,afid agreater a§qor,- 0 e -of dyles,' e have thege' i it ck and:. in . I . L, - I L I'' , Unbletiche. 'S fieO till ft St' ment of ev.e e an cia - on- nch our. Iftspect.1, Piece w*d,e: ni A Puila� repkeseriia tiv6 who will be in a ft thr ad*-* d ij&. qsUrenlent' L y iof�e -2 heavi�st 't 4 U advising. th&,gelectibn of e U in V Ifs I)i ay ist,very cap�ble­in 1 65� W, the proper' ct I Only' V.4'nd gure ELE G 00 d q y ear'a ore 'sppcia. . L h ' ' d and 'for - 14; t $J-2 119ATIN &A -I WIRIN very., or er is cut And tail'� UAI To CI this rtason-ank garmeniread be' d k:.an�, shad ma e it, size! or , length desired "or I Ank i�odel oil Y sub;.: 'B 'IX AST' Jed s a I a n d.'Gah .1 i 6 d el I ii 6 i e d -Ak' 6 fi icei. a es,,are: A few Of theAleW'sh - d' Cinnamon, E 1� u alim u see, aple Syrup making Is the 'order 6 9 Iins4e' r, Pelto 'received t e, cto W, Chukker,� Word �r6m` �the dipartment. at or. "no �of 'jj� and -Mm, Viltted fit �f­j nopporl L__ -, , U -is __A a ure the sale r fA New .. ........... m � I . KIn at v.�Urg.. we are. Wte. sure- that- speni 86day 0 Meg6ilbS ItSelt and ere" -der e�-_iw -fu -b volii em wa n a to as the, A0 'Iling' of, Ord; .. in oxic -ViARO "At tba`h0fil6 'Of Mr. S. Ven 14 0- wo6d saille wlL oft 'Sbqt;wood �spent -a few be IiaVle t6 ec., ast,v 0 W, in. poSse#4 on A -AL E A of t6",966 alhip. thein Wick to ilip Ph) U CK 'U'rL' An4 Ms WaIter:AItnL�V1aite4 at jh4 honad of Rrof mow= 4*ay lost. P d a