The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-03-19, Page 4Ist..flete ;ad Harr*Ws foe Sp"; esp. The pnceica!,theso a;. are lowet Wi/W.' 'Ca what toed rake we glee yew on tlIegeomedeemir a ithl ciyykodiheliT o.thy. •esneuPsYthe Girferwisit *ambit• No, 1 Grad* bk. Sweet, Mammoth, Mance, Grimm% and Oaterlo Variegated Alfalfa On Seed. • N UC Lmthmw Wingial* 7 '000 Pi OflumeiflaI wor. FOW 0-4,wiLiGgpi **eat; and Moat `coaiide14--. •,th,c)larst.,heautliel dodge/ . from, In Scotch. Swedish aur Cast- , adian Gr,anitea • make, a specialty a Fand1.#- Ileavatta and invite yonr ipt.Neatly, lCarefellY sad Prouiptb, Done:. ealbefore placing your order. • RA.Spottcs clmowi-Ont. ow LLO. No. 42.8„ 'meta lodge room,.every second Tut s- • slaY of th-"e month at 8.• o'clock p.m. W.M., l!ff. Parker: F.ec. Seer.. Wm. • Back to the Starting, Point , :(tiil3r Otar) -inany.''Perte rign1 Russia,. POPulatlen..0t. iteesia is very. I - argelY, ',revohition'..' broke ()Own Some .iraen., of 00aeat.!en., and jitioityi* aava4, 041711:v0 by dreSsing, as 0,4* 5:41t4c, by liteing;henceforth'peaSants like 'their. ,neighbors. :They,. their Wives and children relinquished •every 'pretension and the' cOmmunity,. Pleased' and gratified, took them in and vouched for them 'when the Red officiala passed through. They,are.there, Roy/ever,' seattered. ihreogbont rural Ruasia, undistin7 guishable. from. •the,:regular run: of ;the liegLiOtiz, but7:..educated,' nbiler- menti'thinkingr-rdt recover When. they can their lost Status,. but accepting the situation as it While they..must. the , o unins - Pratrda,••• the 'offlciat &ilia the 'communists. in recentlit;'apPeared .n•general •article Which' •,Shotvi that, journal to be perplexed by conditions in. rural „eoormanitioi•-oat ,Of a .'•populatioii of ten .thOUsand only twelve .persons , May ;lie: cOniminiiSts and but ,fonr:af 'therie local en. It earn:that. frani semewlie ,th olerds" haVe re ..rned -:--educated men .teaclieis ,wr!tere,, priests; land surVerors, civii engineers. They are „Peasants PoW--• - they. wear cOarse bOOti4 woollen:shirts and tionsere, emoke: 'cheap tobacco • and drink cheap liqp0r. They. are rough Peasarita. like the rest; but thei?,,,' influence directs - the "' whole colintryside:' '"I knew,P' saY,S the Writer -in Pravda; 4;cone. former priest' 'who long. ago. eillliled.!hishair-.014. Settleddown as a, peasant He hves 'Village :fof sothefour thousand peopl.e-AVhere the0 ire only tw,o:cOm 'muniats, bcith of them Officiala.."; The .peliaant52tro5t ,the .fo.rnier .7to such. an extent that if he speaks at .a village Meeting .for or . against 'sometax or some • innovation,' hi% opinion 18 unanimously ' hacked." „.• 'Anether,influeriee is, at work An agent Of the gOverthent arrives in a . rural, eentinunity „ , end he mast' „te - , . :housed while there,- so, naturallY • Ite find's:shelter With, One of the richest peasants for the'-poOrer ones have no acceptable acCOnuneditioii to • ,. and, he gets, With his meals; ..:•.,the -local: impressions'of his 1 proriperens host, and is guided by thein, • It would seem, . • therefore, that 'in Russia 'the. Inevitable is happening. The- With- edutatiairluid •kpoidedgi )iis, advantage Over ". the • Oliterate. The. Man who,has sonie mean* has an advantage over Adigh- •bors who have none. In Oe country: .of the hiirid the.orie-eyed man is king Reduce pecipletoconirnon level., and • at cage a figure emerges, • pushes up by its own viger or is thrust Up •to's; general consent to be leader .• in. the ,lightIng,'spokesman . the argu- ment,' or in',;!de.:•the`iliiiikirig,.. Mere and there 'a hut better roofed • sgamst the ram than others,.is cleaner and Otter kept, .fised., isvith ,superior comforta, and tbe occupants. acquire an inflnence and frord aernali materialadvantage derive • greater ones. It has doubtless been so in all cetintrieff-ni all ages. •:" • NO1111.1eujum. , • -1120111114, .11,011139471411011711004 •THE • cr •SVAT/T41.1A Publishid, avow dim 149 ' 414441W. CtntariO. A. P. MacHenxie, Proprietor and rditUr, • t. , top-notch sales- man at office -boy wages!, This salesman; who reaches the ear of the - public,. quickest, and adds the largest num- ler of new bus*.ess prospects—cost'. You much-- les,sf thant-the cheapest office -boy. Add him to your dal -force! • • As an investment that can bring large return's, e.ncourage , your best - .13alesmen to use. Long Diitance freely. • Each year rnore than 50,000 • new telephones are added in. Ontario and • Quebec to the list of • those they can do • ness with. Costa a famay Acta 2% op' • otinel/ ouaay. • iLOWERRALE • Mrs, 'John It. McDonald , .two children; . spent , a Ifeyv ‘days ; last Week with ICincordine frienda. • . . • .ThOmpson Brothers are busy 'cut- ting Wood with their new •sawing • outfit;" Den; •Thompson • and Mrs. Strathdee S`p,Ont Thuradak, tertioea with 'ars; W: Jack :Carter and ,wife day at the Hedgkirlion: ' THURSDAY, •MMCH 19th, U25. EQUALIZIN,O THE ASSESSMENT - The Village, Councd'. has made a good move in appointing valuators, • to equalize, the yaiues of property for purposes of assessment. The assessor of elle year, ugually 'follows pretty ,closely the comae '0,f, •4e/144..0014 0,130144-4,* lriattat there WOuld be, no profit left, • It has genie about that 'fann help wants, the abort, 44ed hours of the ,raeorir: and big pa ---less work and more roonei, is. the war the targe operator above. -referred. to put it. The farmer -can't have fixed boon as he must meha ;,w11110 thesun- shines," ., • No 40nb4 mea'.ea2ald be indueed to work the eCeaSienal fleceasary. long, • . hours, but under, wasitng ceeditions 40 fanner 'can ,affokd the .iuce- Tent.; so he does the neit best. lus predecessor, ' "vei4ifrinff "'V OP• thing: he Pits. the fqin 'ander grass, such °tom #4., iniPtgYenients *ay and so the great counties of Huron Wafran:t. But • PtePertg values ehinge. and Bruce are slowly; being convent - 0r' reasons, and in the coutai Y.eari a no deal of ininstice in thaiway of -...asSessment is liound to de,velePe• ,' The ...men 'engaged for the re:;val,, ;jatti, h i°4r'Fteht0aikood .: as d"' c'Sk'oL:14"esPowi'sibe-- Jig the :worlc.as any. 'iriallahle trio. that eaaid be ;selected, • and their wOrk should •be fairly. satiSfactorr, • THt. UPS AND, DOWNS, OF WHEAT : The priee of wheat 'which -nzdy few ago was going IT by leaps ' ..hoeincia.„....00ate-has.-been• - geing dovin. . an even more rapid rate; . •:With the decline. as ' with the rise' Ahere-46-en:Saying"-4--Where-the end will le 'these rapid .rup4and-down movements give SpecUiators' . their opportunity,. and no .d'oubt; a number. • 'of the, big fellOws and a few. Of.,the Smaller, ones ,made fortunes - dnring. • the , rise ,and again •the fall. .1lilany more 'who staled. With , the , -game a"littie t� long made and loet. Alga „ fanners who " had a' "..'ew-hundied-hushelaLot,Wheat bin,,and who ...tor One :reason or ,an•;, other "' did not get it oat when the Price Wee feel that theY.,< liaVe been bird hit., The, upward rush started: With\te i LOVE TO THINKOF , • SUMMER TIME big ..bnying of ' 'wheat -nand flour n this continent by tha.:.liaVetnmelit Russia; This, ereated. the belief' tliat there' Was a .world-scrireit Wheat and. rye: Tho price -went up to -day, anci,.it Would .to te-Merre74 Tba Market wins. filled With buyers while those ,:who hakgrain felt like bolding ,it for the. li.etT'e; 'price which: was. sore to prevail. to-mor.row ' or n elet, Week,' When the decline set • in . there 'Vats a fish tO :sell. Thai .bad the effect of sending the Price down 'and down, non holders-betime gusted " and 'began. to !wait' to .see if there 'would be , anOther; 0., It has. alt.reaulted in sort of mad . • • ;• - There is .a-„tendeney blaine, the ,gamblers •in grain •prieas. for these _boOinenrid breaks; .the ginnblers haven't. it; all .their own way. Doubt- less they. are ready „ to take ativerit.! age of any favorable' circumstance, and by their efforts greatly aggra- vate theunhealthy. ;condition, ,.but .;c4nept_ ' stari a really brat dais . lioemi , It took' tile real demand.• for • flOur in Russia 'start the recent boom. The decline, set 4n.- when :felir could believe that prices higher, •, ";. ' In ' 'Ones When the grain, : . • market marked by a more or less_ re- gular 'series oftupi and downs, it. is .said that the .big ap,edulators' \are 1)1.04 regular winners, end .the apec-. ,tilators With .0niall •ineina as regular, loaserk: At Soo times: those Who gamble on a large scale can cOntrol the. Market :Within lizniia and, atsuch times , the ulaMbs''',. are regularly ea into grating Janda. ' • fln; he Liatening"i'oet", ' in the Februaly number of The Listening Post, the Editor , was kind enough to publish an 'article of mine on political thinking. I haye pOnder- ed Whether It would be good taste on my Part to fasten -on an article in the sanie1 'Umber as an example of -failure wthirikTsrit lierinisaible -kir- one contributor to pOunee upon an-. • other and say': "This Will never_do-_-...., .. -airl-Aavesho-wn m my •contribu- bon?" Is :this not a • little like play- ing on Oe side and getting, a, referee at thesame ti e? nt,2-1-ent-,-teirrpted- tO risk .eyen. Such odinuS •ilnieltranes as this -so serions'ant',1'in maIntain ing ,that straightforward 'thinking ..ii a ,dire neceSsity ' with vs, just now And I :hope that Mr. Stewart i or anyone eke, will retort. to me if I em guilty of flawin argument .• •• • • .' I, am . not going, to go into 'the Tar• it vs.' Free , Trade 'debate ,ge4erally; I have already 'dealt • with, ,some of (Lthel4hielfol, • ' • e -L --n' inber ' The, Listening Post .1. merely wish to, sholiv the 'looseness of thought 'izi lir. Stewart's. defence .of the Tariff. ' He is obviously unacquainted with econ- omies and the principles ,I of 'trade generallytc or he, 'could never have written his sentences about triide.be- ts een: faraners and mannfaituxeFa; onsequently, I think he is to be ab- s yed from -wilfulness .of misitate‘.. me t 'when he says ..that raising a 'tari on an article does .not increase the price of\ that artiele to the :con-, pri\ • .. sumer. ,ii fact, he is very frank in 411.••• and n� tlefenep 0:40 „tatitt (except fr?!.a ie .419.iotZ tttlattit 404)k.io• dant' - ii\ade:te-'iriiieliii giv00,:a-Aie.; dal, advantage) bas yet' besi, Written , 9** will: atAnd 1°004 494-lialS,.. - • But iti is not often that I have seen. anything co incredibly naif as. Mr. Stewart's ; goloparison of • Canadian and American' Pricei• to prove that Tariffs' do not. Increase prices, , in the. first -place the comparison should not have been niade 'between A3,To tariff -ridden Cp4ntries,but le. tween av high -tariff .COnotri such as Canada and a free tiiiiie, Or very loW:.• I tarifr country such. as Mell'ul ' or Denmark orGreat. Rritain. . • , In the second place.; assuming that ". 'Mr. Stewart's : price. eoMparieonsare correct, ...his:ctotal of •prices for, Can, ada, 7)1161411as a high - or!if; is less than hi, total . Or prices for •the. Unit- ed States which has ,a still higher Tariff. ; • Canada -$97.35. . says • -,M,"r. Stewart, ',:t' .Unifed 'States -,-- 312:4,,0$. WhFl., EleAherec, Mr.. StoWart `Saya. :that :larger production „means lower Aigri ouii:-.Fiw:Init of.4het eleven ':i'.- 'ticles cited' are Cotton • goods -here again the Americans have the -adi. vantage,. .Is there any „ explanation, other than the 'Pe.rduey • Tariff, high- er than the Canadian . Tariff to ex- plain the discrepancy? - . • :- .- ; ' In the third place, let us look More :aosely-at•-the. artieles,, *r. Stewart 'names.... There are three • articles' in his..iist-viiiicli-,aceount4or-th,-e-7,4.Tref-.7 lean Tariff. .en French 'arid ..BrItiah woOlen gods is higher than .: the• Canadian. HoW can he prove that the hirilre17-"'Tari as -not resulted _ir higher prices to the consumer in this., instance? • Finally there ii, one mistake, sure- ly, in Mr; Stewart's list. Itis just;as well known that shoes are eheaper%pi the United' States than in.:Canado, as it ' is known woollens are . ' cheaper, here than4here. liti: Stewart puts Shoes' at the same price,. But in s.:hoes the • United States is a . free; :trade • , I loire to think of summer time . When hirdlings take the wing, tie pid old .,klithesonie sunimer • thne, 'That follews after spring, Perhaps my rhyme is premature,' • • BeCause 1 ought to it/low- • •' The winter day, still' holds the Sway? The fields -ire white 'With snow." - • • I4Ove to think.of summer time, • When skies -are azure bine, When sweethearts' tell their tiles Of love, • . And hearth are beating true,• • rils then that life is One sweet song,. • • "That Song 111 sing to yOu,"' when You and It together .hie; •To...rtver.7..an4, canoe-. ..,and„...tait, „visited, ;I' love ' tO ;think Of simmer time, ber, daughter Irks: W.- Pi -McDonald oVirben4fiticitite su4; • the.week. '•.Yeri• enot•einniner•:tirne the best, day With lier AV,4 likto the...sPAngtinae'is, earlY° , , Tien all* said and done; : rand Mrs, W. Greenwood. and • .•the P.• ThoreaaY: Mrt. MeConneirlift • 1..iiitTireelt '0 *it sistere 0140, ' The antuinii's itisset 'brown, 'VS 'very nice to,e10t6 "P,I.1 But ,. ouinmer i3,bfld$ (tow4,. • •;• IAMEtt U • MOPClitEt4g•,', '01 DOkt"lit,S, It Is • .difficult. to see how sucit an unfortunate and ruinbus 'condition ean be overome. Co:operative mar- keting and grain pools if .greatly ae- veloped woulcrno doubt tend towards steadier,markets. • • • ' ndt coun ing himself 'among the "ex- , perts". to '. honl .entrust tariff . mat- ters: 'But expert willsave. Mr..° Stewart the looseness of think; • • • mg betrayed (I take them , section • of his aril, . 'only .a quarter Of n ; (1) "The raising collars, Old shirts wen' the following sen, • order from • one e Which.,eccqpies. age.T the duty' on net increase 'the price .of,, these artiee, The' Tar- iff Could be : raised 1or 100%, kut the price would reinain the Same; for the reason fated, that prices are based on eetua tost. of. production.". ' - • (2)--„AThe-tariff_innne__ f_the m sohrees Of re4enue -to the Country." • (3) "The Tariff protect s- the .wage • earner to even a greater, extent. than The manufacturer. If 'goods: made in Countries ,where ;low .wegli and low -standards • of living prevail are. hp- portetions : f ro m those. ;:countries 'w.herelow „Wages are pai .' .. • • ' NO. 1,:. of -•',.cOlirae, begs the , whole q,..festion; .., .there Is: no attempt.; to rireite it, ''' .oillyi,tife.-. statelnent that there are 'very few manufacturers of &oilers • arid \shirte ' in Canada) that coMpetition•ketiareee the Caiiedian: ,manufaeturers. \',,ic e e p s, ' the prices. doWn, It :is. economically and- histor. ically uniOund, but, let' that Pass., ' Keep it in Mind ' for what . it is ',•ivorth. and then pass on to.,(2), and (3). , NO., 2, shows that the "Tariff, high.. as 'it: is . in banacia, ,does not: protect,' !n. the sense that; it does not , keep .DEP-OPI.11;ATIOIst GOES 014.'g°,3,0604d: dlorrie01;iteein, igrit'o*I?CoaredButnaija.,\,n'ok. ' With the , coming, of spring' We • °IanY: of them' d° under it'Tai4fr of 1 . • • hear of. still,. a few - More Huron 3474.ti' Ine" that 7Jiat 'Mi.' *67 eCtieus.70tynef,atvrinhoerLsg:obi4ingil Ocluiterefatitutaionn- • `0°14,acrt.tioeilioll,i3isti'"actualv:rartificPsiaciitbIt :rca. Da' a escaie. **cod to nate in, .the county Ie. else it ', contradicts , 1‘.1o. r *alto - is. going ,to ort -dolor., -arain_grriviing 'gather. And whielgver • horn of the ,piiratiaas to a trillitintum,, /le will 'dilemma' kr:, §tewart, .e116°se's will opasturehay and ba!ifid Ifaetod..4 ,.ctrttre.,7.gtredri 3 deal cOntradict his mein thesis , that the where they hope to 'pick up a living stock .. and‘ htiolo., Tariffe beneftcial • to the consumer .tects:' the wage ' earner -who, as Mr, • `Caine 'fo, NO. 3.k., Par. if the Tariif . pro - Mentz, letting the farin . , , at -large. „. ' . goto grass • . 1 . when selling, ',of their while they , moveto , town „or, •City• . ‘Contradietiens. multi') y ., we % soretiesahamon;': ,,t'il'et.t . are .soec.ial ,.., cow, !ftZtaili:rti nsgtisYcsOstgs4sThia5t a 't.4hen • t o t'sii.yl, ttin llet &gene: which; makes,. this, ',coorrie ! ne- , :r•adft; ' in 'M'''' 'tvjart.'s rid"' now . , ,. , . . • • . . . iiiiiii,,,.-6.at..-a-abailyi saima prepared does--inerease-t.tne.-..- marnitalaturntg. - cultivate: ' • : . : ,... , , • .•,. •,... 113,6•1-. '.,,datritils4u' me66i.lits•-.-AlI'eti -iti •O'fttehrnedirirctise.e• •Nt6o;.-:. ..t.0 take , Pm. ilelf. --..ebend4ned- 4 rFee .t.f ' xAt the ,,batIC of dt:',all in ;the .1iirin.: 4." But the see°114 'Part of No. 3 6on- . , heiii, orohfoth „ f ,. who, tradiets 'Veth.'lle, ,1 at,i'd No 2, , . , The.,armer, ow- „tt .t.:150,.ilaoiniigneter,.hoatioi4,, 4, iittn.,t1daarst,otert Jit these ,ContradietOM: S.atelnents Mr. 'Stewart is not More confuted tl,lan any other od,-ocate of the 7;:e 4it, tiiiii'” ,061.,16.741aliti*- .-volry- clear 4,. atirmITt get i''''il ' twohlo, 000nor sr ;ate?' Le..0;41.4 C•itieat .'' It!Y ' •010 Otit0Meit thItt t1,101014 J1 „,Aviii4i' 14.1111141Cdar. coincidence? , . , ''•*114.011AM FRONT. SPECIAL:SALE of ALUMINILI .-ThOl's44y,..,:f)71.04:Y'..04.Satgrd07 , c0Thnial: 3 -Qt Water Pitche-easY pouring hp • . 2 -Qt, CO1,9nial Teil.Ppt; Iiielded spout 12 -Inc . Seadiless 'Roaster- . 3Piece arid 3- S -t. Lipped Preserving '<age 11. • 2-9t. Colonial Percolator, • 5 -Qt. colonial Tea Kettle, Vveldeci spout 6 -Qt: Potatd•Poi, lock lid , ••• • C-O-Orhandle Gur--Win-d-01( r. Also we carrry the Famous"Budceye" Incubators and:Brood'ers. one fi •ai-dware Coal' 11 Cli,n , ..Pitn-ibin • Ti.riStithirg• , 0 • r, , and Mr. WM. G. gray wewe in' ,Peterbeto on :Friday, :attending' the funeral of their brother -in law, the . late ..W. • Howard. . Weram, , who 'died' very suddenly on Tuesday., at his, home in Toronte;.',..Deeeased was trekied to Jessie Gray, daughter Mr. and MrS. • John Grey of Wing-. ham. 'He. was With the , McLean Pub7 Co„. and had been in I.istoWel on 'biisiness for his 'firth. I. week pre- vious, to his.. death. Many Viringlierh ' friends extend sympathy to the be- reaved faintly., , says that to operate With hire4 help is :Out of tltO qtteetipn, If tilt .b001' +isn't" IOC the ,=intao tor 0; 00 1r01 0.10040 • . • It :ms with. regret that Wingliam, people will learn that :the B,ell Tele, phone Co:, hal ,decided to discontin, he the, business end ‘.•of their: business .WinAiam and OWing to the fact :that all clerical work will be handled from: , their. Stratford _Office, • Miss Maud Flenty bas severed her connee- with the Bell for:the time being. We :understand, a sirniliar ;situation awaits her in Stratford, should she.„ care._t�goo • that place. • xt Winham alOne, • but aiso, LstoweI Goderich and. St. Mary's • ,Mlices of e tell have been :closed . • so far as cal- work is -;concerned. . " . AND , GUN 'FOR .APRIL Facts a fiction for the -. sports- mteres mg an of '1, wicdc var- iety,. ars_ offered iil* the .Apti1 issild of Rod andG'un 1 CalindaT7The iiiitial- • stOry, The Silent - Up ' By the 'Gera:- de-TerrerhY Aide Griffin 'Mer dith, is a tale Of silver , iosPee;tin'fg, war- ranted .,to. - \holdthefa 1-ention• . f all 4,, , who. read it, In '1,,l'he ': i otoring •Le., gions 'Are Cowing.; " Wm. ,O..,• . rwin heralde„ the influx. of sum\to rists • into Canada.. 13ohnraSt1e 1a: • and J. W. Winson again 'clieNirse•\ nter- eatingly on .Wild bird: li ..'e 'and Willinms and Mit tin Htinter add, , their quota of goOd! reading. MAI',1` FELL le• P-13-iT • Fred .,Plaeter, a lumber -I -nen, had. a narrOw 1 escape from death ' when W fell from a ' tree a distance f 70 fedi, While- .adjusting. a cable , : t'. his sawmill, six miles west of• ,Cargill on .Mer, 'llth. Dr. 1.1, C. -of Cargill, , who was, Called t the sPealite e'hf°W11:17inbgadltyhebru. aisecedidInntc1 ;f1.°151i4r1rd 4i ...' ed, aboutt-the-body.1?4. ho 'benci were broieri. Mt. Plaetzer, WbO is -al -.alai::: ried Ivan,abbit i. 65 Years of L age, eame,.- here from .---• Auburn, Huron .2ni.C°4ritlitYes-,, a :gilo.e,a.. ar n dG..•°14ne" t.ni g.tah_r't .11-,e.4,rbh°„?.nt.. W •si t.i 1.3"... :Edward Dam, of.. Waterlool:has heoperating4 limber .c.amp?about. slit miles -west ut 'Cargill; •.- . --..,.......1.-44)-o— • . "One geed .79.1 to stu.d.4.10e eXPres•. siert tit a ..'-tvontaii's 6,-..eS`'. is. fe. epilf ItAtchup oh her tnlito elOth.• 'Whatin' the 4, '. BULL. SAW fith tittle Ruth Myles" • ..of Rarristofir had 'a narrow espape ,from enrag- ed hull, Saturday, ,which Was; being led to the market by ti 1,4 little girl who wore a red tarn was walking atteet; when. the'btill„ 'sfghtedthe'.'4.iblem of • (I ail-. ger, arid. eliagecl at tl-e 1ikL M9n, the-Eitto(A Tailed to ho to y4n, in- to- a. stor •whieti 'did She wasn't a loo.meii.t too •soon,for the aniinal. raced right ..up• to the :store &pr. • .. ".""4111,11.(• , • . ' edie.." • c... - .•5' -r• ' -r )-• A. -r • •••,' . ,..4 ...... 1:7 . ri , .. •• .. • . ' ".-?`.•''''s ' -.-,.."....• • .a<0.,:',„...7.,...',7;;:1, l• l'Or,/W,ie / r,',;/,/•/'';,;e/';>' . ....\'N>Ni ' r ''''''. 7'..."...i".4'... ' p ../ v.,0 /07, • .,. -44'41 Z..-, • • t y be, on't jam Lot r. • 1 zicura Cling makes easy layiincr---° .XCELLENCE viobd; that 1.1b.,§ beco. care,: ,fully :: kiln dried .by ski11d'';s7orktnen. of ,lopg ex= erience, ptornoe5easy laying aiid *ensures a floor Of beauty. When you .1dy239airian Kept FI..ard, wood Flooririg,you are sure 413,t, e\iery strip Ins,.been carefully ' iripected to staid tlae tes,:t of a 4,fetittie- fOr . durability, e,conorn'y.afia beuty nist upon Seaman' Kent Hardwood, floorin.. We can supply yu in any- gra e ,desired. ,Yptt,:ton Ypivrseif 14,1.--1.„..1 ste..04141.61 010 ,.Ch00:41P Than CArpots.,..; 4•04i9ot.,-.1)•-tt1vni4.1.i. • , No. 1 Qu a r'ei- Ctc,f 'Ma ire -Pak 3;, oak $aiq . • , PL UtkilOW r.• • • M.'t •'• ••••f,,s.. • pro -••••• •••'