The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-02-05, Page 2, '41:107;'77‘r .ttlii; 8 ea'*i. atil'1111)7"97411: ' ' li ,WIndeirAO'xee' 1V,Iiike, .Yel,tP :w...IS4PW ' bex .-. Of -ene:14eit • boards, . 'At' ,,' bias .- • . ., . : !411.1:ieif.. :19°.!.1g1441‘ 7*44teti '4* ae41,4°4)1*14:siA foot deep. wl7fPli : ilt,the- WIllt.hiw,.. OW.* box to /low ‘.0111iirielk or the -toy with erclinerr. gar ' 41AA.'19)).).U... To. Ibis .,3„))k Will, •1*eit to ecid a littlti forttlizeptrent time to Urge fer . the Piallta 'W.11144hileet the,neur-• . :1544.theat Pt. the ealli' ••Po...nglne4It 11(104 : plature;,, fertilizet, tablets, etc., are 0..*, ''.' . eeneet. 'atitiitileStel'4er .010 Intrn0e;,•,. 1 .'' but yen., Must..i)or, t.d oxt,o4 tuatAtiour toonoro shenni never' ,p-olna to. opotact. .,..cith begOniart,'' '. .: . - • ' i .' Study the ISO. OM 0! your Wiedow'' , , lie*i. auk deal...Waite.' the 'niretalhe• of . plan:0111p bi •,.04 shadedplace,the flow,. . 90, vithish,19v.e. soffliglitileyate4,:i4,iiich. o9§t000d"to •foiod 'gip" palms; . Reserve , your perch and .'indowtexea, for • the. ,.toat..,ar0:10.fig',..bi3Ooloolk, and be :Ore. ehel'ee •Faxietlea;. 'ohoPsa" . the; flowers , tba,t.. their: alze.e.04,,:eolor „witi, herrecit '.ize,' When...4 timoofr„.: . ' -- ; ..., .,,-.' -.....: ,. , 0! the g000iat,..01,4iitai* great Vuin; ;her'. are, siZtlyible for box culture. The following .ara..;,annt• the '.:nieSt •,nopu!, lat.'', .. Agerattim,. antirrhinetn,;.tesetia,., :Calaillun4,..candyttift, cottons., . °retell,. '101te:nh411;(7,'-'4,)4reJ,Telniliii;/i:-illi'fieltUlti;a7:' phlox, tit' h as tuftititn;.ntignottette;Saltia, sweet Alia- Sempriterlienei and ferps..and'Peints, -' . , ..Tcfung . petted Plants eitouldnet be transferred to the; . • wintivw,no; 'in-' inediatelY after they are received froth, the oriSt f-:. give their roots af'ehence. to ,i,..,., ., ., . 7 ,,....And dinfii.,ipeit.4.9:a .04t"nlatir all .4..fut ' ger from treat 1,i, ilelieedi ,a. 0).4.4.s.ii 0- t turn ,e,t, A04. /weather noFbt 'inlute, .:,weloe4ual;F:0!;:*,°,4:441:4:4:ii: .,, 1;4,tfluee3,-14:41er::: . id:sir litAis.°Itx:rIlli,:m.:11,..4t04rpteiAl2;‘,1:talln009:11..'tW:no.!1141:01:pt.t,:virtt:1)44:11:, ''tilein'.11"1449:4i17" ' '4 . ' . ' . ' . .. ' ' . : ' ' . . '°7te4gice49.7::::::::44;q4.'9:1:!!'°:: e7747::4)°: ' Elnr4:744ditiP: otf4e' Its'gt7WPot:b44u:04reed4:hlr ni.r9t: .: .: 414e'w491°. WM 'bel"t 4P4' '°It'13;;94The" sense Itis quite a, .narvebn, he lig still i.eibauSie:Colt:t9::144:1:dnitge:eto,:Sdtt'!;°C.:414:0134:4:14::::uf::::ilinc,e'mPT:' .,ecidel1/76.7.1: matt: zelbtfih.;„ :6:7)4117 .e.p! Iti3eeer:Ir xtdoesetci7ei .v,,,r1C4,:f..0.6'04g`teliht.4'il, irtellte :1):14.4pst 7: 11441q4b, t• 701) ear 'fr4'. Are all descended . trete etiMMOil an- will-.,:,.14.0d4cae: e. greater :pteepipil pg , .te.he:t.0iirlziSit,naoli*itn'ti,gile:04774 tw440;;•.14/31cariSte7401090 '171!.; ftelYerfi-• '' • • ,' . ;.•: • ' . . '; ' • '` ' '- - ' i''' eats' ego placed a pleeeof 'A Very: ellareaing effeet.maY it,e, had 784efi or *.94.:4 at the bac); of, his harP,, ., t...1,‘,)..' . li; a'. , :1,1.4. the _Ttbi 1.97; , ,.mta,leat.01:71!:.rar 4.14 to intensify the ibtle," Or AS ;:sr'S Sliaa:14' eta/loo,.. otmg tlyi oi.uter, ,edo...win..4,0,41, ea3r, ,.te Act as. a •soondboarst,'• ,. , - '-, ' , dreg:0W Ofteefulli everthe'beit:Ye:rY.eg": iovir7,!.':11•Ainfe.p•-r4!ih: cree...0eAgihs.t,baaatY';...1:t7w,19thi''. of 111'104bWi:-,a14:t.KaY..1.11alr 1114.a 'P.4'!' eile the .seiti rSO•laflila:''ra*R*P14:; '414.1' ' fectitely., Climhing: :trifles. planted at - lite. buck may be trajned.,nn eaCh, ehle,..:•pB°10%ne'ddb°r,haprrditilft°i'lyget otwell:':icSal;l'i,t7;4,!;•t•zit.114,t,'°, .:, . MO ,4 to,01r,vor.:os., Ft, 44.w4140;..1,f ti,' C1.1,1-11. 1.' the .irtirentlOil br i' ir.i . placed at the top:et 9-.0 7,4149:Ar' '?.,r', ‘•aids. 'id ill45,."plualr14%8-:',:Uill:111'1107°6htal;174,;:' th3131,,41).'111111).:1.901. ' Ciimbing.; vine:; • , fre. . pereb_beaes 8491,114 "eye. be ,ttndr we iina .ourielveS at the V,Irgieslei • fur 19 e•d; . with supports. • ,oi.i.4e 8.41),..,. of. .the lath century. .Froin these to. . . ,er ., , are 110 doubt . the, eaateat 04 ;.the' Clavichord et, the 17th... center:S.:hi' :step, • and -anotl)er'--,--sh.Art--upe,-, iirtfat,- avitirtlhreTbut it is far more of- Da:-. a feetilia...w.hiti4i. a light .„trelia et, la,tha.. bringe'uS to the. litirPSIChercl, Which. alisrieraitep:ligF- retraitaariray, thcie voxbttfa:diletlfrobnly:,:•.'79:,.80 far as we beey. 13 ' all Haydn .and Mozart had •to play the -back of ;the box to 'the top of the- So far -the 'essential' Prinelple of 'the_ _. porch,' vice „ the riha .4, to,),., .00iik f44.,.. harp: heti-Thee:it itiainteined: ;:ter'• whAt'; • ,.biLtegtb..:.:gesoe...ireir;,;:ins,:ic:ittr,:tii:0,;:ii:dr.7.4.,wa:ilt_cla:,...eztrrat:__: ftlieitanttygraer..kams4eaciilta,andiciceadl... 1:11.4ePrinO;Oskiibr ;L., m4iiagdhet.: , ,. culture• ., . TOP' much..stress,eatr'nOtlielal4 sPo::867.. iepvl:Crk. from .07.‘ktresytar.i tlfeVbytritieet-ra-ht,;-wc,t;xdted_lay4..,,4'J4.-_, :.toh.17:4703ei,e0x4. 4,ca.othaebrclgilloi:7dettat;hTti490,oaei:orillbgr'ili: .'. i il'eynvt il ifith:ta6 erd nu:kfh, : b,'.1) .ebi°7. grircenturyt tttrl:ii i' nt:145gal:tiesr tiev, '::cli.W4i ;1;1 iWa:ti SI ilro;::::,PY:slYe;:qttwit 1Pateolirr:ad'it. thef:.11eC it le .. .' ......'''... nho7tiolhefro:floihnileirboatatintiedee„,:q"aourf7if000p7.0,irri.„7ed;.;n.rriTiot:r ".egriietpei,•a..1, snuito't a' hott. ia exposed so to speak, on all by the: sides, , and evaporation. is much more , levers trOin 'the lceys juSt PS • the. plectram had . beeei This: invee- . i-irac,,Pal,ditiihavn9Ity't..ivirstaldn:c17.s,b,xwetflhedgarcle - tion is,.generailY Credited .to .an Italian ,clUart. Of weteit. evoo when 74.7g-a...91,%11,!,-Y.•:tai • •nitined. C.ristoforo, who,: lived in Milan.:. regaireit .711! 0.0ii sliould.13,.3 thorough. As tlie•iiPlin'ae,Welt'noyt. it"..was,per- . :rt.5317:071Ftni:7Elit.trerdiry hot. *eatcr_cve.i719:.eTicrx4iiscs ,,e7!linh 431,y:,...,.,80,,ifiletv;Lailt;6d,:ith'.arn,ateets,r.-,:is:C_e:..ritielllt:ypa:t..:e..,.43,,t,i,o_o; . ... , . ‘ . , , .13' ,faturated, :Once a•dary; and in; and the:liar:fee°, shonid at .all.times..beLewdyiug the ,tilei,4)riet..;.:., ..:„r4.1;.),.,_. 'Ilti::Sfult.lilhaaelnii:(ioni:ITOrri.i.leei:::' ''.. • ture, It .frequently.,hapPenti that .:p3. . Shortid,licy•F.arfatenfoCmfaisat9fbOrrsqba'swiintycieunttioantz,"" 2 dOing out the earth recedes from th.-.:e., Era ie4Idteee;hoLlithtehettelreeri:ne4g,weintilpaull.'gr:: ...thiMeparn0.8.771'odi ''‘coi.14hCil;tei0entin"...t43.hre.. '/.1,' it eph £1114..1;ael'.....:... .: Ing through the .eartit:" 'it:•;t41.704eair.t.tlahntha hammer to the .bust .''ativaitthee;,, and .: Jgrit'"tdheoad :leeltiltttrieethide4ewraatler,Ill,-b.0.. col- .htetd:iillinelly6sh:Wieg .sef°,olif7-theed.E7illgtIllibiiishtmlaT!:;.- , centeited and 'Jotted JO soak., -;through .. bieetivforidk...one• of Whese inatruinents , .4t. : • .,"•• . . ! : :::, : : ' ... ‘ ... . , : , , . . ...'.. ' was ' presented . ' to Beotboyen.7.7•fbougb,,,:, • If you .11114, it 41factit to grow ,eihnts-. there 'hate ,cif 'course been changes in..., In'bertale'unfavtieable lbeations;: sub-' • detail: ' t •' modern, • ' • : 'atitute, a , 'Agnew Wietto*-boi. forn'the, •Strtietitt eu the'aiiine. Mechanical lines., ': :.-5,- ... , . ,deep one and 'place witted plants:with', int,thtise of Erard and Broadwood: mere,' . in it.. ,Titey . Mtn , then be removed to . then. ti. Century Age, it Meat . be . re- '. mere: favOrable :quarters to reduPerate .10431Oherea . that ..tbe.. .bOrisanisl , or ',,,•.: if they 'show,: signs et W.e4e.nlek;' .'; •' "iraiti",iiitino was parlier'itt date., than .: 4.7 ' :Fitiii.„ Ca-t'--L--.Ch Of,'il...;iaVV-o.rjd: During the:lash tentury Mest91 the . t . 'ti.stitnete.'-the...,tOtal., fish 'citteh ;of the 'the. difeetion of , ohtalititng more and,' '.., /Wei:Ailing to the moat hlithoritative alteratiOnSt to 'the„.piatio hate been' in , , . . . to. valued, at ..o.vai.:$1,060,000 000 more vithiMes. of .sinind,. as, the iestre..',... 'avi.°yreladr. . . . ... ,..: ., .. • , .. ; .. , .. 1 ..inent,.: has., become, on ' important tea - That . 1 Baiipraeypar,eaiteandtetatahlue4,1,:aparice the con- 'tun': (1f Pme6rti' . 44d 144: 14k1:4•:'6r .'''' coo ..174.9age; .douTop invii.etta,riabned..1,300i , musk written for it has changed. th ii1„4Utpl; ii#11( 'the; chengett, in 0011st:rut- ' eating. ne.tien,'"bee. catch totalling for. that . ,s long as the piano, was..h.hara, air' . - Japan leads- the', world '• .as' a lish- . tshteayeesaaratealttaa$10;,014,0,10th;d0 jtia..aTthae;aUrnsi8tesde.:." haip,tto4tualadic'h;.e. played on ik-waS tioefy; of :Mink -the 1.,6,th. and 1.I.7th. ,pent,ttri6 • during ibe.' middle .,t'!ke. ' --7.*nepinietti :. wrote' everything es '; • 900,000; 'Prance third,' With rather 'len' than: $8.6,0,00,000;,, and . Spain fourth' , though for iral-bes- °'-: '11.11(1:. °11n'761-14ent*IY:.' .: with/ $70,000,00.0. :f.:l3ritairt CciMea .nekt, th°1 614'4c/26111S 151.°7° n°iItiar'iliT4n1 - with ebeet;thesanie Value. ' • '. : . . : P1161c' ' Thi1' iltii:444t4rY'''*" .111f1 41.4:'''' The value of flsli eer-hundredWeight :4f ellanib.°r• thu:81c. 4'id :34.•e:.3•6()I'dingi. year or two ago . Britain cateh.:.Wad A..' find Haydn and Mozart writing.for -.Ole, bait 'falleatgreatly in 'recent years. ' taillitaertagt,r,t9c0e110t0,0y,OatOr.a .theie..4.10.,:b.eeil, • a big; increase in -the ,amount Of card- . tal.investedin theieduttry„.the,United- Statee alonehaving addeif nearly :$26- 0 -:.4.+.,.....!.•,.."-1:7:11.1-,!C,,, 4.40,.'.4.,*fik,:e•-:L.4,'":-W ,,t.-,. - 94i:40t0ii.91#1!.,,4:' Ot th, 0 'FIrgfil, PrOiT i jirmi., ,intry„.4 ke," ' ' . , /1.3Wn:: InI).4 ...' .1:P111.'1W4., of .C4x.4,..ri:4 ,and: gli414.41101)ici. isv•eFibi)10.4,1i1.4 Ajo01.4s,•)f!'?* • -'II�Nof.: ISMeil , l‘etkaciteh', ,::,:41,4, p4ii4::- hT:',, , -,'•• leentralised,:pleate.3.yz•tin 10,f,graoe . •..!'fize1ft wnli.coAtrilnito 1.011*Ni:111g te- : i'il!lyt1A4 . in"lbill.artifies. .0.9M:'. ',the 14 Boded ,Statita'; 4 litteerteedi -,. ,ith re-: . ••$0117404, V IA. '...-. . hility- '.-: ' - - " ' . • , ' ! ' ' " ' . • 4 ' ti, •ityietr:teellitimileterttileateamiite . 111.1:1101.11.1: ., ..'.•fro:o4 cite coal wlligh is • so rapnit'Y'neeoining - ' , . ,. '• • 1114 0§141* 'end04404 beating ,can ,, , - :. ,',-tv• . •,:11.4:ptafttatily,....000004; to 4). '.9.af3lcier*, :', , . ' ,, :. Pro$5 of 'Eattli..,;. .;, ..,. .010extoistinOn:nads.',04 t.140 the•SUP^' '...:Tba ',fault Of indat i?lograpbx- is that . , D1$44ketb,:eatOslie- public nt,illtrin tlie• it relikeeents. the ,one :who. Pita, for tits ' • :•4104sen'' Becttons"? et 'Cities, . and A9Wee portraiture as..inceettp).'ef wrong tied: ". ..-Inar, he, Welted .1eAtte n. ;04041 Sei.,:. 'inneVent • . cf. falfu, re., .' We 'Are given '.. • '''?„, *lee...et the. futlif% are '04)10g: the 407. 'what ,Reeley eallecl a: ahooelEVO ' eendY. "... ,•ent.'•,010vhretight• out by the ieveetk.,::,er barley 'Sugar :Seraph... 14 -.place or the •.'.0gat4ok.Joto,.,cootpal; 44ttog,..rodotti,' roAr Men:With bloodln. his arterle4. 4P4 ; 7.- . 00144404 '; , ei.i.: '. Ole,: pentineitn. l,.,., reel, hantan frailties :and4assioes.; ,: that :10:;..! . Bear*, -. ,A... Widespread lntereet.• -wee:. ,sa..raiStalte,,ageinst:yr.liteh..•Owen-Wister; ..i,:fetin4-.1.tne-:Sahleat •antl, pinch ,Iefen7 .loil$e(rbis, :pretest- When'Atiwro:te,'AThe'! • ' *nation -a,:pritatleai Value 'pa, ihe.. eon-. :§even, Ages of ',i,Vashingetni" • Recent- • ?.;,0i.Mertttlfili." c.4 .40S,.' liattleitialaPPPASr '': :Ix. A htogralli4r: elMen:r0 •Wh)Pfl'ii in dfs,',', tri.,. Pas7.:boptl..--:oonip00.4„:.414c( .1*...cs)?!i7, -.'.oribingi..0eVenyller, :career ::;of,. a. 'Welt; had,',,In04)30ard,e2tilite.",t;';',.,:•• .:'.' . 000*0•.-..T440.412:'.411ther,':.. Meilies"; it 0;l)..', •. I'be'!':.nrelent:blith:, eeet • of fuel and 'pear.sthat, hewas a prteligal, on and , . •therfrerigent• dietnxhenees,' in clinneetie ' ali.' Ingrate iKen: to alOolato. eoorpo,5..• .',.•,po,iwpotoollava,.tod.:,to:.00gkoNorabto • 'aild laiiPar>fass to ral?Alia-.0'; .13ut It .... attention..:',beine 7 gtire'Y: to imistb.4,6 'does not fail .to .'ehoW.: that , the. later fceninnteSi.antl%betetthr .:to, he Oerivert,..PMe grandly •tedeetto.: the old. Adana,. from..de4to:iited,,,heitinef,J. :An.L0,8wat..,,,;ansl, left _a_n 'exatialile-of .,the;teluetpliTtif: every etfiltier e:4iiiiteki-:.4oriag 'some:. trla 'spirit over bOtillY,,,WealteeSS: that 1, .,00ritkil,..,. et the year, argfini4l. ' heat is : WM.: Inentre .. -mankind. morethan: .the ,stlott..44,:•,117-0,hitsi.,,. and tkutalpg, • re4;.*Printed. book pf the • Writer 'through 'all • 4.01reIVfOr'»inedern lieelal ittul. cOnuner, tlaYe. to'Come.. . „ ,,: :. : • . . .• - , ',,-.- , •I We are, it, fact, , more likely •to ;be •, .0)11-,-1,1,0):i...': Ilii,velMlili..e.t:,,stelt heat :..lie. i ' • e'entetf-a4eiklOiteian.,:44n..s..itaLf...ao.',. .edided by :the 'storieS., Ot:failure. thee.; 'tioi.' to '.coatoo4. • *Jo:, jo, nortiorn . en, by . thoSe.of'8'hining and complete • sue - mates. :.wliet,o....,...tete7petikoke4..;.10,4,..i0i......Feess,-. 'A.'playr:recentlt seen in nits, city. ,i1Uritvg;.•t,40;*.tntSin.no.-*xeliie'...tiis::.,beekt,, atA.0140d;the e'Verage.4.41tPlift"'aterY or •leg''''Seeiton,,1*tentlaqoVer..,,inore than ':the kreelihorit .Wixo breaks!: into' e„ busi, •,,41.4i,......0.; oiiii.otti4..:ijoto,,ci, Under thee. :legs, ' and goes by . leeps • and,. bbunds. 00titlit.te41,;:t,' efilelett,', atiti.;:eettilbtaii.bal • to the t°0*- ' The . 3'6:an!" ileTa sa .PeSa .. 'The• Witida ef January howled yenett ',:cil 'me; mit will Cut. of( Mint of the rim::: again nearest the house: Two double •i4oAii,400.:;...4.)i.O4tat *oviitilizatiOn.;Ot. a.tter'i44ig' :4' 41)'.4ettl'tS' .Meettii.gr . (.14 the iten86 an& Slapped': tegether :theilera'2.far. .11aii.• And if you keep the reA:, :Wof, tali • :Peas:, . planted: - mi.41i the -'10ela:Are.',0,00**1,41ppitiknoe;::alid crO)ing," ta:.:1110"''aPtsrovlag:, alders' ills limb° .oi. the 'big in 1L Sleet beat 'L .elliel• feta:teen' incheit • apart, you can•ett• riles^ one more double row; at Soon ....deutenit..tiie"-2::iiies•t.,,.oeterer..•'.4ttentioix,. 4°17'ef. 'Ma :$014 aaseat•of •the' ladder tattoo On the.witieetV..'pene.: IViarY' had nee:theta 'foi. maxiters...top add., yettele , .• the first 0,e8 „appear, and theft one illt4Iilitr3i:1:44,;;:':;:::Hei::116):Of;:a.t;a*41:10.°Palliint''t44:49(1t4'.41:t.h9171;1:'1111c11Pf;°161:11;°Irjr .f..eile‘lt n44'PlliedP;13g s4breteliaenedsatk....1::1:°,7.!1 ,' 7,.'..t.,,l, ',.7Tm:, .'''...(,!.:,,,en't..Efs9t,,,,.reti,''..,14....:'..Air't.r"rs'a.ncl.'inalat'ef. the little. reession. .. The last Ogife. rows • in this ;coottot.,,,,aa..4.,.0.iiiiiiiitorixt. ,0.01i.i.t.1* attr,..thaitotada , et ,denare..,.., pthat,..te tue.*.e.y, ., it,i,rtis sjo...,0a.07,ht the year. ter .0*1. be . geed for anything .08p,---eprrp., tall this 'plot, aelloinviti viiCated, Att.tO...re-,:, Alin'indititleak.:,..,,,.., :::„..",;,,' .'.:'..:..,•, • .., ., ; . .. it: haiMens in,. rennin:6e." in. reel 'life •,:'•.::"'" 7.''.".'''."...-,' .•.;,''':": ...L.';'.;:: •": ,:':' ''...'...... '... .aiSit: • ni.hst ,,Wiailt for who, ,,tifey„ ,,ge.„. 'Catalognee..with 'theft. gay . covers , and . peas. .018.8908..e ,•,, : . 4.. , -' , ,. .: • .1•celye lat:e'aillilloWer,,cahbagei-Pesalhi3r. 4:4•.s--P:ArltEtt,..-:-.-. -.., - .--_,=,-- --:-,-,-,--..i..!1,i .' .. . -..--,1-..'„'''. • . t„-': „::,r- ',:. -,.._,.. .„..,. „I, -,Arai..-4,),.. _.. 43,-7,,914-t*..:._.' . '''1°.64.,.:9160•J';'111161,!t!,"*" ':.4---..'•••,,,..• TIleY' :must ,exPect :crushing.' defeht Alleir"111111a41.14441'i.71461.Plitre. 7 :1 '.*af:' '.A:13"t.;:Sant°11g.'l'Stl'a*lerrie":5 *tile'..nDinuta''': :itcd11:1741.31. '.and'' :kain'. 'Itith • garden, het); datildift Wait a day los!' r-77.17,71-ii7C-Tr!unuek- h-43.4eil and • . "Across that Path,:there are three: er,7 .l., Sieirdy:.coillit. ocitlaipp,,o-iit of oulgrah out the 'old Plant In tiro; fail.: Tbil..1,rbwe .of ' eariY... ternins,..-Which. are to garden. :, : ••, ..'.i •, ...•:. .:::.',',,,,•:.. •::•,,• .. :.': - . , .,• .,,' ..03r: yo4.,(1041..iiitog the work." .. , • ;bo r,followed by late beatiti.;.' then three heaed- beets. 'Oh.. the scrapper • butaii° 09,44043.„.jeeleseci 4nd, 10.4, out 104 ,oatly..; , potatoes. .... to, h renewed .. iii, • • ', .1.efiii!e . I . .OPeiled ;t4Y 110te.bi>c* ' I .;.a.c``,t1.9(.111.6!ii,iit.,.:70, 1Pida,r:4'ert.611:17a:ti.slsni,botinia;taittut.... firilwInfia• clibt...h.tiAsilisl.,..ti7a,a:a.,.:taorabtefraci011iti..woivet 09'Sot Paths"' hbreprecl'.with 'itleion .ehd frUit . iping:Cli: . The.' :rest of .: the: ',OPeee 'Wee t4etn' t° :alien elithil4ias:1)i' gone to her: ab''..I'dre'is7 lza,i. ;arig..tir.ta OLO!.sflthettid. • li. inakeS se: good dist:Wise! 111014x S. littielater,; and so on • in. Suc- 11 11,'.al•altl1)16 Of fOurteensv:ould 1 piottire'rfer eariy,beans... The Space tn. .'hcii'llriA7ieewt1h4e:i:°11.:•'1°'drinf8'.47,1111''.'cil‘dti.17a:13:iiii;d:heilb.s.1°.etr!td,.:P'*'.i:fell.t!e:d...,'.''.b.l.iitilt..5!;:.1111,I.'1.4we;le4bari,o7.trn;9,t.yrt);\b,,..ee:r,dreer'i,wizesiiibttrdi‘giTafts, .4.. i'n'Wath.9.'eerse?,a..Fehy;Ocieeripatunilguelnd.,l), eFe:?.. 'Antl: . . in the fall '... When MoSt• things left'vicant for Sprouted sweet 'eorn • • making .striV,„ geed, ,en ,",, I. 'an. Sw. ere.d. • ',Fro 0 that, ,s..au,ie . golen .1.0 by ,‘„,74„ : . .. ohl!,1,10'.'t• ilia'378„,(1a .°grearidaeatt•.(?12a...Htlinov.e: 4.6. .),.. 0..6..,get.... . 13., e., aaa,aa.,:y.•aa tt a,:de..„toare er,since." .„-,,-..- §it;I'd)eft: thebeitlautt°°.i4.1noithe,g.,...tthheer.e'betnehee;lat'ien that -straw . . ' ' 'gaidee-?..: he a,shed.,:, , :, ; a.. eel). ;.:sroer , evece883,4 goingplan. '9 . . I. 4:° S 6d :4b4eq.'",:tointo. oans,:.wailing ;for Acute early ...: ;,..8t1.8,;(,,vote,.7ette.,,,,!•-..gardee,.. „Gree,.t. cause, I,ou. plled...0,..thohthhura '8..hti, Petits to ,get ont,. Sixty plants for a est. of ".Indoor 'seerte.7, ' ' - .'' ft zei-keitt -turAln0 It eYer end • double row thirty feet 'long.,- 'i• give'. ' . 6 " , e,N, toe toi og. : h: hnb ee, v it'. , . blaze.i sta1:•ydOO:. re,;41',,e1,;1:teiint.,i'.%..e,,,:t.. e,h.i.:.,(1.:sit;11.16,.;,2. , : io:t.i)e,,fmt.O,',.,^yr ,$:::el.lisi.igilh:.1:;cia.r..q.,sda.ir)14.ii.' bT.a.,,hrbe.e.a:..filiie... f 0, i... t:b. ..e.,.1:4,:mitielei.titivr.:::;9:::::e... e :this diagiath:-witle the Settee d • ' ' 0064,,_ .t.it,edwin itx.aigt,h,tesyeonathcheabetWeenroWs=" "yoUr 'ground •ain't frozen •mbre.'11 a off',.an- Trd'al;d ..:16aves: . . by,...0...,,.... ..s.ea,,ii, _0. fn'c'e. r.. 6 . gzid.6..........INtlei.,.'7..l:gclsi:1134:4°t:r.'o.'llniei*.eil381::; :. "'"IeS- two feet wide,':: that •ix .path across ..thenticItIlert,;;;; . , ' i by ,„tvirfp4. The wereSUPPerted on :te war garden,' two wilder the 'eight .ahti.. the:Corder It is; the bettee.for'.straiv 'gardening:, . .. L. , . , . ' '. • . &time. ...Twe slender:poles 'were' steck ....Neighbor', took ' up • my • nefebooki .. . . „ open on .the table., He. reed' .aloud: 1‘GO back to first , garden: Plan; '0 'Iv'. 70 feet,' fenced., ' 4, limo .nfoie • Work 'bid Considering tline spent chasing °id ..neighber hens and .tlogS, to: piss.":. ' "My. helisr• be .euerried , . . ,.,.. . . . , . ho..n,Ng.en,•-:, .1 t7u,I.::.tim,......-`:Pacifle',.Cohst• ' . He; stodied. my ..cliagram. :A lot of work, he agreed. ' :- ,.- ., •-• •..-: '' "But." L eXplained; "it tneani3 a,vege- table 'garden; Pretty, as . ft r'posy . id .out lilm. one, With , paths. Where I. 0ea tato. illy : friendS,' When ',t.' Want: te- 'ahoy. off.' . . '',: ' . ' ' . '. . • ..."11edi mber You've got an asparagus,. \\N bed :this , -ear as .:well as Y:eeng tsees to lake care., 9,.fo"...he seggested after I 0 , ottles-orl'oreat4„ond moo. • attPl;e04:10:** Ofetheciso VaPShl, feat* eibfie" may eat , A T, otriN • •IS > if• avid OhurPhill •,*1*9:4if4,04*Pr.4ti).0,r-:04t,'.!;1 the'. °Pito*Pii and disaster and treat 'thoetv• nUre coal consumed Is us�d tor heat- ,t‘we:•imnbSterS itst•: the; same," : ng and where over sixty per eent. of: A men ,are. tot.as.goda,.noe.ai.an:,• ,gels. here-laj-ttrosi4p, theft' make -hp, t1,41.,, the tinst, pass, through :the .r,efitt-' th•e'' adversity 4hat thallhfing .-,.°ECOttentic, :Ott the e t. that in: thein They ,.,OirtiOnroLapt.#1.4eti',:haist*.it04,4 ronet ; expect to-0*litre hardness '.:f.iitOertfitten::::,e,...t.'.:ths • igood seldiere...'Grave-Perikto the soul 10.0,440it#C0:41.1rOo.,:oiootlititot4.•4 to :to Add .:n., late *Into .to storms uduetri,URS0.t Oetie,*^,Wthe`'."Conitier, encl. there Is nothing .•• bid' the ',Wthii-lprol!lii'keti ri riiyind-ll)00,:. %lazy Preasaiince 4'001c -isle aa•one 'be:Ci,Aiika*a,440$,.-ii:)'01.Y'plUiditilOey.44, ;drifts ..and. dawdle through' -'thh. mire . . ',.'whter-PoWer Air. the „genet/akin :;Of aloe, 'slating .hottris. are '4141'13`7: ' There. are. human ingSwho4se-em closi' Ao.',6100 can ha •ly "imagine .enY tit Visited: ,need". Or • Mode: of -1.. prPveznent';' bUt .•••$t, .:distitnce they know he* iiheerf ci they are. We areas. ,,Hermethe cell themsaints,and t ey are •fairly he, hlk;fititlie4h4Cfte#etkal.,:":la 11103Clit. .ifethOr:,1114 not that their. thesepriteineete-;;: :; ' ' ''" '; faces ere radiant of: th Spirit of:got:NIL ,veriting7:liaithade heating have :n'es4' that 'isf.a' l'ara° *it• We know nothing of the th y fought ere Veen adopted and developed: 'har'llie . ferent.'„Cenixteies ...dependent Aloe the they won to the Paaaa.* 80% but they • ...elittiatlef'ealtditifillaand. the reilitire: 00414. 'tell -.1123, they ante out ef, theate-484.0,0,1878.0i the inbahite,ete-; grog' tribiilation, and .ita ,or renea.t,„ yenta, el3;. weariness and tears pet!) , garde • peeiaiiy on the oentinetit, lieeit,:tb. with the light Of. the • incetn g.' • woiad.000isit*ottoo or heating plants,. heatthe being through ' itoldiance .the..13tiiik 0.61c;• . of .8teant or hot : English recomm ;tads a water to serve groups : of. buildings; or, bank hook aa good reading. and ads,: 1141147i entire: sections et "The 'general 'readee", ,flne. the eiri dile& AS:. i ,general, Utility 'Service, deztonstratiOn ••'"-.Of. the Weal:gun • ten:teal boating replaces. wasteful Inimin-reselvea-and..the•vanity;of.:1M- - Inethecle :of burning fuel ' tr• Multi.: min iiiihes," That'hewever," is only ,ttxde of entall.'heating.tillits. .Bach pro-- one eide.61,.the iitory.'..There are- het- . greigive , other ,pubile ,services ter things to he retina in. Moat. bankhas, frEvelved an hicreaSed .cost te fhn For example, you can find In • „ but . the additional' comfort them evidences of love and, perfoacri,• •.: convenience tlierefrOnl have been'atif- live and heroic .thrift: ---a. ',Byrn' ...with- . Relent' to warrant, a general adoption. drain to . keep, a bay in. icsillegek •• So with the SUpPlYine of heat. 'rhe other to a friend distreas.; fre:1 .•7:ativentegee..of Ilietriet 'heating are. aP, tieing dePoilts, 'perhans a few• -.dol-, Atarent-iinitinsgenetainiftYhe 'stated as liaidzi3artied, hard -saved, itiade'Jni ,berng; .0 the jeer: cleanlineas, "Oom-' an effort to lay 'up .Spmething against •fort, health,. •Con'Vetilesee,./MfetY,. and .old ,age. To get the real significance ., flatting. in :Apace and furnace,;equin-,:ef .atank-book ycre="iiitilit"-;:read ;re with to7t1it-Cccimnitolityit. 'oymi)athetto . • my in fuel consumption, 'poseible *Rae • • '• . • of '.Itivriptide. fuels,lind'appreeletion to: • rental valuea'af- property. . The Oldest , • . „. . „ . r • - " • Groupe ,,of Efforts. Are , to be' made , to prevent , , . • eiternirnation of the great tortoises on • -ita many Cases • central or tilgtrlet . . . the Galapagos blues, believed to be heating can. be . advantageously.' cone. the oldest living ". by finding -.hitted-7 t refuge,:fer them on sonie Aeiiert, Is- trlclty :frozn •steamt station's, the 'steam lend neer the,tnitedStetes, •':• • -being supplied foe heating after Pa° ;Beebe,' the. naturalist", passed •. through the engines .61*. tur- -iota the,National,GeographiCal Soolety Mina driving the electric• generetors.. it washington that the tortoises,Aorite In, addititin to actual -heating Service' of Which' Were in ,eXistente before • steam: can also be eupplied..froin large colionelle• ,ehme to ,Arnerica'In 1492, : :central etatiens 'ft* the requicernente • arii- rapidly being killed'off for ,and , of lauildriei, hotels, Manufacturies,, . will. disappear unlen an ef refege • and for iniacellaneona inclestrier ptir0 /8, felled. posos with ..the Ov4ctage.e, 'and:, . ate a rule at. lower costthansteam generated by independent bolt- ers. However the inteMitictiott of get- • •,tral.heatine•in Any, Dottie:alai lobs:tidy' °ten& be pree,eded by detailed' and: careful" study 'Of Vital Condittenia .and of flid• ;factors', bearieg 'Upon' the prob., •Ten In order that, there May be -tee: -"eonable assurance ; pf 81,1C, , • df,tiffrp,1; hQ41111r Las been -adopted iri ',Vaned& to ootieiderable- .ettent,- for, • grotipe bUililinge 'AA . repreiletifatlite. ..0f,:the large:Central, , „,.4.4!•atips,..1r,.*.no4foxis:In0. 7Mett.thilk,, ed tite '7.7itiVeesity • of :Teri:into,' (2/ ; Ottawa; -balding:2)4 lYfballl.,,tuttt°, (9" builditage),;•. Al - '11).4 Iddinentor (18 bulld- Ings);; •• an4. Queen* tiniveraitY and •.,:ittilgistelilieepitel;Fingiton, 00 .b,tnid. The hiteriige-littr-ot-getitk ithOU't , 1,2,,,yeatt,„ • had fitiiah'ed. • . •• ; . ani remembeeing-I never forget.. It makes makwarin, on old nights, and, happyondui1 days, it iiiakesm gay-. and yeeng; Nat to 'think:of thee(' trees -enklbere,elipped..and,collated 'with-- tar paper;: their ;hada all set for' the brst spring day." '. "Mary feel like that?" "Onlyttiore 89;1.4'. .-, • . Go to it,".'shid my • neighbor. 'Ile right to it . Aeything. to Make, the girls'happy." . • , ',."That....gatilee 70 by 70 was the. hear - est available ,,grmind to the. house. There was 'just a lane between it and the kitchen,a greeelahe down to the like. Mary's sweet peas had. tKfence, outside., She Say8.'abe got Mit into the garden a 'hundredtimes as ,Often be caen it. Wa to iittarthat have tto idea..hoWvit resie 'her to rlifi.otit a Min, :lite' anti .p,tele, a Allth if berriett, choose her vegetheleS; a 'Serie of pareley,She • says : it 'hnelps.,h er 1'.0(1 Os -boitet.!' . Neighbor. '•iteildad. • '.1That grpittla - . . . tree r..; :the hoes6 ain't ,thUch4 lin n- clay 'Tuve ,:te fatten It lip," he 'suggested.' , : 'Better Make ,Yott.r.gate big .eiteugh to '. •let the Wagon go throukh with tuattire: : if .yett: are ;'geing :to' plant herry bushes '• I alli.rettud .ttext the. fe.nCe TIK you ShOW. , ' .• .Yoa van haveh Small tate, tOm 'a light (meter the' wortienfelka. Neigit-, ',.1i6t TOO'', his. ,wif...e., . NroWNtliere. isn't netek flairor it his 1411c4.,,ess,,.7 ,"1 iite.,:got "dead .,elieStent ' yOtt' eolittl'' 'itat, for that • seat .1 eee, he said,."and fora conplo tit uprights to, held, a eitss-, • Piece .fcir' the grapoVine,!' . . . , .,, ... L.1_!..is,„:0,16..0.-.4idoitot.,.4t ,:ilioir,paforatoott .;-,._. the .gardsn, :inside the berry: littsbeao --elig1it,:kr7.1),,e_ fitur,...httil,rh".•'.:11,014rim,-,Ite,7 ,i. -:efeadriif•-fotiti•-:,feet. 118:::I,lill:$ .11; -,::2Alifo about ' the -hill. Sys tent t n.-(1 with the' etraWberry.. borders' :41014. tile: sides of . . ,,,:: .17111:' °Atlig'-4 V411411: 114.1(4"°q' 'bt4.64tige. - . 1)r...1), M; 'f"':etttlitn', de•PlitY,:triedieltisPOistr'ef' A .0-011000.10 $4. flg141'll,'. • , •, ._ Of the bother tif-keePing.rittitlera down. ; ' ..: : -'You've got 04,_,,,,t. ..tbeee,..ae*,tattg,..,paecal.Stire:thitt_ibit,011iltiren,:(11„.;14. _Atilittoolt4d oo-,,t,pottrk, trou„,,,i,,, , .. ,.sr...,..... -itid-Oultivatorittiowv"-Noigithop.rennna: t.i..a...stels,.witil :a... motor, van .giving IllustrAtedlektOpo, „. ....•, _ . ...,,,..,,_„,..._ ....,.. ..,•,,Sucty-tyto by 'sixty-two derided liY:i1 tho- grouhd .:Et. few. feet apart arid a It.We.i'Ciet.. paththat crosses in: the.: cOhnected at the top With -:a slender thiddle..:I6ayeS foie, beds. thirtY,' feet cresspiece.' Below this' ciOnlitece'at seeare:. : , regular; intervals' Were attaeliod three ' ."‘yhet1s to , go : in ',those :thirty:foot:, rectenghler frames.' .1, The •tomatoas. heds, te.',SatiATY 11111 simetites ?", naked of a 'dingle loaf., starting.ditect read„.."Fitst: plot,: 1 -on ro-Ws..cf' soed y below ' the lowest rail -or fraine- onlons fourreen 'inches : hPart. They ' were traine•-'d mit And reund tile-s'ecOnd :could he a 'foot, but 1 will keep them inward agafn over the. third: and croatti to' 'the' strawberry max.:kora this' year: ad frombote sides at the ,ton .where Next oeite five' 'rows•i.og..eArly' cerrote, ';•the y were 'cut _off:. Bich ..tomato •ISlant five;of early beets two rows of early: get,,ilitee to font bunehes-ail they cabbage, •plans S'et 'altereating.,wltb can :ripen before 'frost -and -When head' lettuce plant* between.' 'the Irows :first SaW• them', the -whole, frante was 'a. and :between, the plants :in. iriass 'of 'belt,. green' and:Sripetting:" ' . The onions will berzpene(1' inainie • .My neighbar, stood ,up and stretched , ;toplant•winter spinach in September ; ;himself. ' ' ' , • the early carrots . will give' place to .yett.„.grow"H'yottr.cucumbers on ,top s1 en fees, for., wit ter lind the early t.poles,' he naked, "Or On .the -fence?" • 'beets to.:t lie last .pleetieg• of lettuce 1 Neither, ,the fence:for pole Augut• • • beaus: and Italian' Seraph.' . I:grow The "Tixe.Whole-prot will be.under.--ettiti,-,:ctientfiltere on a -Mat front), reitied to. vatioe at OE shine time and be leaf let thein:hanrthrough' j tiitticliod to_41,,e t tor ourjahe:„ as.:,iate.aa„:„....x,HerShotiitLhis-head-ir'epetied the doer:- Ponihre.". ' . • closed' hire out and the .Wermth..1h. "Aeross ". the Centre path.. the. next .11alf an hour yet 1 before Mary 'Would. Plot reads: liltrly •radish followed bv chli -me to bed. Time, to take eveey- 'catilificriver-,4he;'same spacing _as. the • thing, out of thy ',garden aa r woot4 pabbage4 and e twee in the :first ..plot ; trunk, that Must be repacked Time to then fite :roWs`l.Orlata 'beets five rottis plow; harrow,•. dreg and Wine.' it alt of,Jate oa_rrots_;:six reivs of ; earlY'and , over, again and, yet, again for two three of. ,:inedittin 'peas, Planted .ht the mentli to home: • • same 'time and. -follOwed 'hy,.hush »cants ; • and, at the tar' aide, 'hY'tcimatoes. :AIi' • :No Bahy.:Carriages. these harve,st"tegether•after the frost, .; PuShing'habY, earriagett, on the side the bed" cao be spackled and 'en: 'svalk ari .affense' againet 'the law fiched • LOndon, pith oegli prosecution , seldomTitc..4 lower pret . t'e.ads, . • begirthing ,occeer, • • • ' • • • • : :1 - Acaounted for It, tio Doubt trbeetEggit rtibiC htlatatii, -laat weeh.?' , ; " that akeotintri for WhY. inObt Of Mote" Yon Sent rititind 'Were- a.theit,o • „piano as .thOggli it Were a ;stripe gear:. .: •tet. The 'tote* ef, the itioderti,' 'Nem.' . of the instruzneetigave:Beetheyen !b4; Chance, And he produced effects milii01:': . ;were much grander and more soneretts.:. than any before' attempted, ' 7 • - 2. 000,000 , to the . value . of „her tithing- ,,, • . It Wait left teChopin, however„ to al?: boats, nett,and so n. Pr_eciate:and ,explciit._,Iiie:essentiakrfea-4, :. ' -o- .. • , .. :comes -•frent",:s'the-eltalloW.'''hanitS: near ,8884300d10,8. - tures of the nilidern Plano to their .tti..•-, . • Most of • the: World's: :fish _ sepeiv 1 the .eheree, oil the ,contip4iii;.: E-.-to:-1-7tdoitti-Und...from-thitt^pretWet-viter.ifis ... 7 have nester.. been' Sar,.... . here thaethe .118if flee; and It is Well ,pastfed. Neittly.ell his Workif. arc, writ, .•, •, .. I • that they de se, for iteiiicg on .a large ten' totth ,_plitn_._ ok •and ;written by 4,i' •• • Seale. is - much easier in such placeS' twas not miry a great musi .; .. man who • .. ,. , , than 'it' wonidte. in, the:deeP 'BOSS. Natis About Noses. ,.c.17, but t. a great player. , After him ' the. oniy.,name 0. note is .141stti -.Who.' • carried 'eteterity and .brillignee titt • nicer daitotiq,.to,. Oe' litnite`,4%eoSsl- ,. to rebut the temperature and Intitilditf • , ha. One of tbe:purpoites et the nose billtyt,4'e h'-avae: it:41,0'i.' igin'ai:.ilace,.,t4e Of inhered hir befoie it enters the Innis,' ,Plase will 'last a long lithe, owing to . . The ehlder.anderieethe.hir;,the great: its .atillacitY• for reliretlitAitig''all 'kind. ' et :the need 'for this function So' that at nmel;'.• It rsallYIs a .l'elliaritahle iff- in a ..race whieh, has lived long ie „tt. strument. Retnember, that it hes, Our, . oold, 'dry enyirennient the nasal pass- leg'italife ot.roughly a Century' antl-a.',.. ages bepothe long, end, the nose high .halfoOdOne more to. dissetninete Mus:c" . and ntir,rove.... , ' .". ' . •• anlong the„petitile than .anything else viroAfntienre.finitigtora.tthioohl;ftriltini.f.O4neeat;.ipulteinf te:i.,...fei,orlsuld p4ssolbliyiphnia;ethdbodif.$)OiliniriSeutAdh.,t.elet;i7it.ohieu.rte: „ is not inunediate,-. but takes. litany %of all who lo`ire the " geerantions,, Thee, 'the,high,,.narro* . - '.L, ."'."*.''4:.....'; , nose it Of the. dotnintint. castes in India' .. ' : 'tip* High.is,E0g? . indicate that the latter are conipaThe ,ra- ' i • ..foge' which at: this tiine Of; tilt . teVely riket immigrents 'free', the_ at''. are api. ' to afflict 'London and .' north. •- ;" ';' ' ' ' ' ' ' other great citieit are In their 'essen, : :Pettell skulls found In Europe, indl- . tials einereiy. • ettronlits Clouds . tea thig-, eate -very bigb, • narrownoses' .during er. ,ana brpadr . as, the titth,ht.e hh... 1 tipile(iitilli,tbthgeli)sationtAllaanrd°::iitlit'eirt;ir:p.ue.it'le;''.',' the lee Age,. gradually beectining.,short+a .,/ • , hold in..shiutien Thai eautte (lion . 1. ". :tote so Unpleasant - A sea fcg-.18 tht; ' .Hait0,8 :Had.u.8180„ .fs .!33:nie thing, inlets the ltepurittes. Ile; ., , , • . Ing compos410t:partipieS-,o1"0 watery''' : . Journeyman hatters inle g and ' h •vapor it is cleanand t to^igh "danger.' a tl'Os 1.1Alaa: as earl•P4t15 147. . 'owl to shipping, it .1, , ;ally . . 4.............---- „.-„:..... • ,.;tile label, „orange veeneLOW-111 kreeane.,00. • 11g eitY rega ore' ustaily.thal,. • ' fii.kf:P.',rail"poi-Pi-ceii. Means.. • 7i .1 . .e.01,te:hieethe. . -`., . " , - ' . ; ... ... ..... .. - .. _ ,tittoatkittaii..,tteoututty.)..et „tea. • , f:41.0110aaata, 0120,,;(4,...thaAaiettAbiti4adr4iOtkdiantito,0'0°/4:‘.1)1°11g1L'61014011#.04j421740grtil.lii: to oton11:6Alglit 4 l ' 4 64(t'' twoultati, Cumberland, and ' ;lot etect stmilar to the o sport, 7Of..., the -hidden tre:ntre . . ivottis1i,,01,g I nds, bo enjoyed,., • rick • walis or. teeidu t..,41111c4*