The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-08, Page 6W I OW 4.4 -4- "'7 77 '71 . . . . . . . . . . W. t os _iire y prqutically ry so .190 tolag 0 'Our Aqko 1117 EUrdDe- '"It'18, t A0. -pjjtd'4,,iheref 16 says a It 'I" AtOW t9jeffec tc tWo r Kingt ta 'A A R pmCe4eneq. over theM, a 'L ..... . . . . .......... . aw i4gre,11a ankj� truth tp.,�O� u-stuiLl! POY4-" py" q. in directly 'de -peon idg`,. he ljs� ded Trout 40ig* David of, Israel, cup 'Of W40,91r, hovq _*44�, b tsAs reputed FOW:_ btk* ",,a Sects X14F., A on" bw 0 �,A TWO Dqqlm� V1171 I . Augugtai if was. A, P14 do ®rtb,e r "f6rtliue ferink Fort of tjjrng� 0 W 'T i ": Vj legogd W .1 * 's ),. What r lug NOWPv9., teupi '.,d to go �. Y- I pan: ChU -e Wo 'k to jli§tp�.'y - It. 'I'S cer he futer _4 &Ws Of J , . . - ' ' '? vith a'.groat fo n e ;�!A DKENIFA YFQN,R!QPEST.. "SA�Agk "TORONTO A181000, -1.4, ,uot claim, a h afraid, of, heir bqdng� gPolleo- I b,%oney Worlot: vur garl" 't, does, LiCeMsfully led' the "Mevinuc 7 Plot$ Lind Rcqto. 'wkkMiss T 'Malusl p e oPlle, bu g t_ it, m4 tqrn:,�Uer -7 6 Aeclegt '13ritoni as: IDA& F6 Iwo O's 330" the, Y par ai;y*4ro d 1nt6 ;.L, %ieiy W4, � e of theil X., In w V g �lin, poor, Th6 pioeh� of: t�w IT Was pptgjla._thQ son, Of Yop, jittWmqn4yis,)i small thit his 0A#jta#qs ldrank Aniliijii� le�, 4bylOn. fell,. jab jk c9iij 40 �7 Ofr' te"XI' dl"ise& the, M#b�r iri.� a ip. rquted to havq..,Weib x, Aded'froifi R0,chjt.jd.lj attd,�.he- od for both.. r, i _ , I I - 1"'IR .1 1 11", 0 ��jtbp �burdo of too'much,'� Th& doing I . . 7" 1 r who . n i- - a u&'�"'think of �,M'jgS 7 re,'� g" -After' be d 6f eat "di', ePtqqasessj0_s,ra JeAWAb �,tW .t hdr&i? �, Swh hr Pl4in lit� Aie4pps, an ,.I axe.OU thel', 1*46na -,AliOt h -Q �Ieaped wjt4,.,F6jgUA7 and n Prqu.", Te agre. � Who. Vould' she sweet wee� fa�e-- J dqii"V� .4k a bit th' jjtjIV'je4�n iild :Mat.' �th6y vowed%th4t :1 W(? % J,; iR OME, "ttlets aild thifi#d, 1: T-�1bl)Gj@.' gt��fd:. al* arc has; A. o e h vp I*VI§ 10. two. 'Isut �s* pga Wo 'dtr�idot U64, 4,�A�bugh, Color or, on, antiL '411 -18% 'far, P.It4oug., soihe. tv!.ci r , Z6,. '6ne- thousand'- �eais havj�, jjq, ., , IL ma' A horries. .,.Many'vjs�#jr�g� rboms, A up of 0 1 h, w elaosed,' the,, y ma :6 a:success. of, being a ugar, woman: She rqQnl an, 1, they' one cup Of a 'Cup pat L'p ace X Wess. Poirlial a- she'll wai kept or. an bei Eat cu ilk 4, 9-balf bas b.eqn,j as,.t I housp his c6rtiinlf d kil�ehpus., thopg like Tfi� To Rlit _"�s 'e"11- -_oliccess of.-bi6j; Ak� poor, 'r lshedAo' P�e at util tett"taRt6 fts�-far Of -W SYrur-forms a* -ball d" of 'David, A lie d S" h eer hink f�l t lled-,�rdled_ - jt��b� "Cold:- wat�r:- U I-t'jjTr Wer 'they A --peikil rayety ,aiid- w sai Thek #U ways h' 'd-�aths'of Ai�xandpr,. hat it ng"Old of 'Colotin t 'Po it Sligrhtly;d eid� was. 4, Until 'it IS gk 'ibat 'Th ain h., ht I, dd two -t irds of 'a q f Z, *i -:man wle ye � ;a money' to Jean. is c $ 1,11. apq­-400,14ald of Norway el W rig hprjsh6'14d a Who r _1 , , p qc4q givost, �realized tY pre up 9 Y-1 -.k1.__ ��_ �' 11111. 1. 1 . _., �. , I 1.� h "" I d' a:, modej.'r n 4 pas'sed-to th07 on� I, V184te e In, thd 14 then hav hstvp _bp�h p�or en..,b .0 In ��ftj jsbo�jj And �Clit it in ked, ko, js­aljgd �of the. -Hous of* door. b A y e; P.fo jv, pud.61 * d turn:tbe ;qrowni shQu pe, , iii lit, Andre: PO.14h '0 raut meats ��nr f a �v ndy"Ifito% Ea give, and Jean'litiq'inim yn;� L Gall enne,, wl e, of-the,lairidii , 0. , , . 1'r Of Vairick,. better knowwa,s the �.tlwe i3ack. tal he,.CelpDrated poet, Atoll Illenue, Au 9 0,W1 M,r ®raughter op -A aro. L i!t ha:yp'�";t I ­ i . ,, 'I Ig �h ' i it - ' ,,kfio* hoW �.. I I d� pan -Quse p­;wqi: AerAail (I sister,of the PT Into -aqua p` wh net'- agi d�a� un one the, yoling; Iddies' In �,,Oiarge �7, lines nation ail 000 in, her ow; I g t, Daii'd. And, after; A Vr h a perf .'-wa y _,eqT ,jj4V6u"t y6u'notl�ed what. a wonderful La Gal is seerking fawe� . ­­­ -I., minent ilctrresq�,, ZILIAN 6�y nqt abou I -and veine, some,yer A FLUFF. �N �7% �ruee i#ake good his 'ciaita �Way u1singl5p-, you�- ��S jkg� ire s n tlie� botidin'of. -iff ��Ml MIX! dulp Aiiviled candy ? x0_1 'Peolilet a valuable .06jnt*tsI� did 77- slits t Ve. `61 i "'There. never,'hoa-lbeel p1&n­*itb�marshmA1j tathd throno.. I , lit -f— & A said, fluffing up� a -. anied colored s n 'And"tfiink j dplight,sho,�' 11' fl Ofa a brazi 'n wq Ile t;! tril ge"it- to �', ' -. r 1 -0 bepa jb '� boy�l een ciit.� Slip:. J"ite.. Mod 'long black, 'ia Stiawarts, whq. 'the makr1a, r. SteVv­ Ur 119 1?11011ey-�Pp e pillow., With ssels, t at, a each slit and.'force the edges'rtogeiber. 'nyway, :r-,­dQfi!t 'd' "A 8 t�aon't ave, Inr spen lq �'Whitp hands: of wlnter� thro ge. of W41te a-piela 'Rbsti�n will do as had - beep Place iri;: it dull tapestr Pour a rich chbe _'that: she!Il' Carry Off y 'p . i -c9vere w ng, qhair:,, n.. 4L "Doi Was sub*, -dark nce old ey well.-` She husul ma art ward 'of, ;5'cot an �jt olatp4iidge ove�r the, n"ed V rather maish�Wl�ws an41whd& . othy'Bruce -Vive'Jaineses in `sud- d -Ae had`� pla� and,,, L rr­�., Xean,.Oit bu �w uAl qu sl -own -b6fb�e Alilrj,, j I b d' D0*1i in I . I for,'�a -real; 0,11day. La COMWK, ishions,'hivq lep s& tl�o Cali y Intb pres, thro ilt 'the, eadowi h Id U4 A6 Ildi at mean.. � �. I r ' : �� Eetllygo,�r h ` " en: money er. been so e C b" Er4l�L SIU. iN wore . thle'. -or, in her foi:, a,litile'inr.hil&, sp' d 4 popular or whehithey ha h, "Ots" C. Rilk spe)liifg nuer. of lovely. That. does, n 9 Apvpr,jo4X 'the T jike, all 4na" Pl� Is 4 ot -rnea�', ibot SUP . T.VANDir. Queen tof h IrLr a familiar' It XqOM,, and,'yoLuxan, . iiharphe - h6k' ber. , V Up Ta6king-Ahe toad rut one and om-half. cups f in I a of ber,.nam. ipore or 0 U,� tbau�,,her� 1lovely thingsj d!raine'auar�a they, should he jil dl;'hit and three-fou'rthi. of av cup , of r n& anCL d Drts, oi T in,, cozy corner sea ,p p poore oL thAi .4 -� ty to,pgq Marmly i6 Abep V to pld�s-", se .. a et on, . gvenp... a. LAI b Abi UACjin 't :death ell ZIR e ery re- Sugar into, a,. saucepan; 'bo til Then lie Of s6jrf.'� She�.-haa_'aiich�A wr of putting ZO .1� �. Tea,611ing the,'� I fo1k­__pV 'a tinik Mrs'. Ho�e put up her dlas They,'jawt %el Ch, I o,sen v _ea ly Ird Creep, en uAestr :brought the Stparte, in,the pegson, of. fully' to 'glyb, just thp hem"ary bit:, of t ;ard. her A'aug t�r. ird1jall,whe h ed'in" cold"wate 11 Ppl a --of butt�,r,,an -to ear fer' -tbree_r otir a room,, and V dd:- o the -throne.' of ngland,, "DeaT, mp; Aggpstap aTh', I hearing eu in T'ne pry, I. I V 7 -Caid"the' hews -Ofth, age.,lor,, Wnr Dlkss, lijlig6tp�h 40 t e rr wra 'y ire blkpk. '-.X6thing is more it, ntfilue boilirigt Cup to a, T. P1,111cess" X. t ant,you often the Sl I ia'ird I Of,,drYs the. syrup Until P(t _'cr 1"' dint"' oruic�,,­,,,A, gf�er.,' W46'ji-wore`Bevero' h tal'arid glass. udor Ac ung, 1) Who dafice And r Iriore"60 An, its. er 9' fortabler th ' q - j r,,.6�, cro'. Q. n g,$r 6it-Ap miid �wqit;6h �vi.er; ne. White'll 'a e AndgL 6f",wInter -1 is reiifijil; 014i n r�move it fr9m,the! 'a W_ eirmoneyi.aw4i,? hoje, Soft-, pillq*A h _ea.' de the th__­t� _W� .01 In- , .15, w roul: -:-olaek, sa n an. -'ffn In% ,.In. al ere, lifie d Y Aeayy and 1q. r7 s.. spme� �pg d 6 oun so em!', Xuir1 'the �gillerlll'b 'h je6ld ing VASA%: Lu1jr. 'of J W, Z ,a arai that,,, Xpai uso it!'USS" -OW-ith" these Huslilngille rlpt , ­ I .. ., � r;� j 'L' ,r . I er. us� d' co or"A wcu, ea uaye§ b h 11 the, scheme. lL � j ''r 11rea 11 - HCR tftprtl� Wag, vuld `cha�& ,�t ea tune, ert'L eir of xmars ath er, pripp rquip, �uitiAt�a gai nd b4viot, a, Is �rt ki on, t4e,'de' 4et It a Vint White"Wind' r -walnut meat V a : in,% the �,U line, t e' throne beadl k, at';Kitk�,': a CU a vr deaa� blanched Ali gap e, a act Beautify a A o__ I'� news- w" everythingr our thel y go mixture into 'In' 6r. 7chancp 3e, Blackburn, �l olle pan a�U6ep' -vith., rs. o: introduced, intd, 'a, room beliter rma, rM V his queexi's lifetirrie Scot - is t Ws� Duff;-Whailey�.viai�lia�ing tea 4lack d m -man wj_a -f- ' l - M Vn e aud' J -;v�hen tb6" 'to R;;r -e .1 3tj Ut in -L. wa%', a t 'had�, e er',a fo:'hei. Ilk. T hb,,� I it' I this .'touch pile., e se in t seems- have: gained. in im.- Is St 161,4641 :mOt&r may it ill, ;ecool I t I Ahat' fier successor mus no n: Diift-Whahe ndt vsk, y, illak PoAanc�,� Ail of b*k� "8 Wish � add ' A tap. each'- of lalmond 'hild' 13 s vc Ose, 4 �ioif, lioote;,�� t: UVj cloillei- but'aIso do. easily' o'btatie4- in, eushions.�'. Hwduld hAVe, I th'r j � �. ' . , ' f" ­. t�k 'at. 1 ' ""011 Dub' Of the 'er; 19 1 : : fore, pour ly;bts i. Prptestaiit, 6%ut Ad doll, the models supplied- vaiiii1a. extract just be ff a: was mos es ing,, the;e ri�a 'th. -tho;ujht Jn n a hbrOewi Tli b a y into th� - pau'�: d:,as W Th iat. t e,� 0 heanifig P�ople w,' anner o ques- e Hous6� of ljaA e� British' 0 1 1, , r'� r � '� � : �:­;� � 'naked b4i.'alUm f Vgirlia;ment finiu4lhat the' oil' c� Ody, nlhy� bi rill, co th -y Cona Sit , I as or decorat afUff - t] both t "t Ujo of b k :C -A�FAAEWELL PA -see -to uAblisgehod muEdin;`641 86th, 0 Ze, -., 6, at in t1filled F "Y'llp f hb6g6 Wag ihat AWt Zee To:S't Mrs.� Jowet Or, san tiolls, aboldt'inter! linj;r 1'. ahk- I : ., .. I � "! an, 0 e Could �uae,".'to RTY ed - her:. wh e on :rpoinj pourinj nover,. e was What kind; of.. js�r y, c4n we 9?Ve lor - - . , , , _11 ,a ., that, seeme' d t6' de- f., directly sebuMad cess "aal L A oue- te&, lintor 16 ton., Eyes- "Of" shoe bUtWna;','nose­a waa`ilie,Electoi� of k6i, 14 IQ Ailn :fair' f fr nd I �de' "-fr6fil' piln brighten up r dull, room.,. co 'ill ips-,with band' 'Y,4 " If�a a'%ueikhbor 'wh6J's moyiXig to Yvd-li6aid, tell'ttAt'I'lley" a may "' , I- � is L to dae. took urze erre , wpre I amps. Ell ro� ted ern pro-hice!, giter.o 'Jau'r sky 'ma - ru _yreXe oo or.pain k irt� g6euiS , !4-416step§i fhat, nothing corfier is d'ar d k au. 4idAnce ffles,',-.so- i�hite, Ah ;east�,: hb ,: 'I,' �� ' -0. t', d ' Who, 'In. 1613, had 'inarri d, Frederic rarwpa elk "'Th as N Lnr,lKr bi it KL V, AV ine e a ee 'Parce'..;P6 be, ingi ijr't e. e, �'thp I faither And; a c ow-nAhis oil will be A PdAy could f r b, "ent I t r o I bba� '.t 'White, Walla hung withr paje'�w e inesvvnes ;ere Call. the dde "vi 'Uit may. be. of intere ring. In your, invitatiops, say.! >Th6 -Ha ri I.ib -Yfiit er suite didd­61,, ailiil hprieUj' eiiq` iiskely d' h T0q, an ., I I , gry aiwtrac ye. 0 �Iai4' shade. Ilth � Ch" 'Ifiat n1UVV UUM LUey.% P0 shp ab6*4me1were, love 6ftt6nile -oi. sicraps of- iilk' or an d d ly on j& �.JAC.4 that'Parcel- st'mail foi W:t4st 'Will proved thenisel�.6s'�able ruler ors in 'gilt frawes,,ju,4' L�Atl 31igs, P. roll66ted* dae�� oiiy:- titiered, amps; the' Par m6nt skades . be', a �ertilh hourk, diLy'and To. see. 7 re0res0tativ. a o fiee. �soft piriks and blu'ps'and.,&6y's, PIV but place. Ask the kd6tg to bring� wic worth e f ili Jille �!.j 0!Ie In' !AI�y 1 1, r th package b n ove pe:7.., ar to. 'L " I -e t'd- aost were dges- i -i an onne or, ging am is. p easing., ly OTn­d ntei mind �seifii� tii. ii mAq, e u or e� Oro er 4 Cohir and style' g wx pir. wp� -,r . bi �` siie'& er �Sjlp fWag��:r �Ittl ;pushions "*orkC&riiiiilhi is that, it tak, 6oke d - as, if ` they Were � put on. fres 4 te PrOPe y:wrappe I, an A resse to to h ? e'. ;pla! d egs A. has 'r been; er, the�suc b. In es mad every morning. Photo;grapM - stood wjII'ber so glad;of t et'. eai.. i oke an&,.�s h.11 , � I _ I I,. I � �,, I or.� jla7ed'-_ These Packages C601 ..6 tat 0 1 1 it 611 men lookink� sweetly', iutd gifts-.16tr'tfie' u a onor,,, ohe U1 thir ;Vacancy' OV *111 d< jr 4 'a o - About of wb that evirrdlesti ks are guest ur, Sn er the,b;6,"� -of p�'pj ow 6f, aii,: kiris, Thili t, .8 s all,, reas e First W6� 6 yp ligni`ds� �b' comfortab e Cost - ow. usyj Eli er --color Of,the­rainb Vlar. sea, boling 't ese' a a,, �a You're,hot a, bit.,excited,, d b 56ks,,- of 11 .1 11 1 .. ­ . ". 1 11 ' ' ` I ' - ' book in .:wb, the -wodtyl '' A ther'ei are cand es tp ic eae er 'Id 1� , rae juist, I -Are fastened so in�vab 10 'it lay in din d ti �d .'hi,et n en ygil, go to'bod'st ulght; ti yea 1 looking about I saw scrap aa�- tvLekling, 14ii rj­ In a] -lay T Cn,.,,,, w, fig."t e'. iorn ng. tel.l'ie"J., ee f, o match'aniou� of.tilem. club. &61d, write her,na e� and. pbst colilPrlsi "How's Dick office'lidiii;Aa., The �kuests could7p n ail is t"Ill �,3,� Slw­ 'a e,, kef-reshinents The,I?4fern' hi I)6if .1 Its a ia e.'* 'whilos 1a a,"A in. a C k oy 'dia not cire for �and the Ar garmen I Ju qyJ, Ma el 9" Aso, -�asb-irLais;,'Pa' gimpa aba, Just befor' i4- , k�_ deskj�eta�, n WP it,,l can� iell the worjdIst�li,"h'' it A ..really' -don t - now;, mot er: sits, ffowpr bowls�a in, gorge to Par So -a; Mbdiuik,,',16. inches; b , , 6us &16r� t- tks, - an&�she al all, j?,jnchc are, iseried, the, Vatliages could be 'de- f6ltjrritAted y her the b6ll 'ariound� 01 6,6 hTered '.to the" j�_erson ..you wish. to dra*inigw- LArgej .2 inches in engt W4�161' Migs,jean.111, en - �n s� With. a wiJ& *boo'� 'Joy. re - I g r 6i I Pi. 1. ToonL The g4 'are frame -too go t -i -ell them. r6u tumble "out, of be Miss he hostess 4,6npri -then get ajuan n9o. Nap Ao could -op '6sts e it -atid - . . . f 1-i ga e, ire� b Ro' pers' 7 U - . _ . U d spea� louder thith �T­ i� i h iiade her, wit To so at, the �reffe�hment nt to 3rard.` .-the. S a rn a And'dash-�up. ....... :4, A note of, color in'a,.itoorn e tell"hei�'�cj�ical lines About the:� lags No, MoreNightmare thtbw 'ttid A'sbe'.tfiought tb6tcoiiiet�i- Inc' " materia. I , � " * , - 'bi- " ' """ -' ': ' - ` d or ihb I of V -i -h t h a d 1p&v� a Ys thought,61! pictuii� f�Aui4s , a ej use picture postcar a thj.�jp�j'._F lilue s'l"',... "OIL' 14.1ghimareg, unp easant dre4r p to 7 1� C, U .;nsipi 'An Americau,'doelt 1� freshm4rits in..boxes c 'br.t,..'­ . _,a. wi e ir a e e'- Alou-b.slpid, t6l-4-- - _HO*-cdu1d as either gilt or some dark 06�d. Not 'placd-dArds;,'or you COMA. pack't .,..Mrs. Hope was MU. h xcl d4 en ch Can be. b9nIshqd;' it' d-uri�,ofm -giz it be �iinyfhing` t�,,Mrs. h vi*1d'acaAet,' scife' it Ili &d awej­ she' hpaid,`t xn` epap'a I , when abb re i '0 i5b in stiver, bttbp�,Wilaoz� green 01 .QTe , CiA ly idej, or qd:j, ey are e Y oun w a can a wa ihb �dialrs, only HOW, uf "7 r torls' -theory As 'fiiie!: He Claims -to on. find wrap a d,a ress as or arc�l p9s -curod, a *owAiu - padbint of. terri­ 41 fi h 4'' Jowet . sayi 1 inj o., 13- Wbst;��Adblaidg�' I. bl4c4 -%V�W'k--Iin' �t red, orange :and Velliefactot i P. An wi. ge.stam-ps.. 4 �a corner_ by' ��'Wfiat a`p1ty'!.at iritervals?',:She did- d' Uep4pd�th be. old. i With� t Jaby-caffialie e e ie`pay�'-r'y� �th bdkes to the �."Reids. who lived ifi�"The"RigsAlitj oron 6. 1 black he-ai Mis;;, ig dreanig,,. giving her. Iiis' tead j b 'k ' n-d,6w And 1�? e Is fro qorj en noe or ring, an �4, y64rs ago? But. f me*.thpm.'J,.­ Duff..Vhlalie�!g np*8. of. '!1th6 "Send 15C. -Id �sllver for Our 110-to-'br.lkht -arid fi�ppy ones. A k Alim n: cha, rs,' Lad --.TW6edfe/','.`f'rde' rely 'Was e,��q. I who'suga; d ;tit fibouti th -1,025- - - -, I I _ I r I - CANDY, ditob Fall"and Winier 1624 Book HOMEMADE atid.' "dear v , . I I 1 .1 1 1 - . ­ the C I answer and bring, in i 4s, _1� aidine that,the cbt� d "Fashions. ln�a4�.for'Spi�al a a`d'13 1"i T e'rope,may be, knotted gested'W Alisoh 3 _r! n rR de 'Home' 'the, ly.'packedI. qY s nckng t,,t a Murwuiing� 'Ift,really,,11 d made the� 0 h k' tol ru are. a -Ust-a. _Y_,Pa-rce1 'ild - bavo " ­�� , . �. 11 W" tige,L. woul&,6 suit 'She. had'lost o riuitibr rbd the in�st Interesting -and'. eAreii start�-. b 7' ,nioney and, wanted small PhLcti. *or ty lacking'JIq the, thin - gs; pbs You just kn,ow yoU'ln tb list. oil, uy.. W 'Al 6,urn *o,� the; dinirik-� -A*, Ask UP to A Y, lug. man'snidth6ij canib rom Corlaw.; f. Itiiiiiterested idiot�!_-'thoughi, Mxii' o, Duff-Wha1-ley,..t6 �Keiri6il as.�shp�iur�e�' I�ICKORY NUT, 6APAOE room, wh'ere �ofEe.� should be seyve '011 14poll, t 'e., ­ cli wer,e'tfibnaiits-of my. Theft - [V h hill M" o snow kath to A 'May. -host vith. fruii gelatinie' pr ice cream- for f ro& hei ess lag bun- f4,' ' i ' er'g;I What was!"'the, naiiiii I used to can wbo_ai. With lt� blin6t f i:: f I f the - liiiht c6ursc�6--.- . T6 ' dining table iny nus!" least hadt some. sen se' place three -1 ourthi 0- a CUP -P 0 1 n, upon t e aled thiii crehmI three tbel ne 'd e decordtPd.,Wlt a Oeritre-piece iho'u`gh� �6tli she oii�d 'her at ' ' . 4 � I .- ., And h" Dow be� 0, tbeir' house �by of butterI. b �cdu' b Apra bit f away ya 'go kar"Spriii� 1 i., . . . ; , , , *, " `�. *4! � " '! ' ' and gefrthri o0eake with 'su -cup 0 mola cup of age$ made of cr�ep -a. a 'lainentable lack 4 -style. guiar�and,�One'. qffr, to represent -un -'-%-a "great.,lUxury, I�thciught. iix e led,,on it ill t iiailbag. In this -b e'' ild.ba bo ure to agy you olu VA -aid)A* She was the bigling point And7Wdd three letters'. addressed to the Vitrious jiestA, so sqUa Now* contaift-4 R�,Sngs...Avz& Jeannie Zaldlaw. When - 1; iiiarried of.iingwpetefi6d cboc�l . ate. Stir it carqt- C Do lor liecklers-13oasts-, ach':'.1etter" tQ.i A' ocol ­ e' has melt�d- And, cimQ io?', Hqpetouri -I -n went, un 11 the ch at fully, a a un s 0.18 ` er orm. These Man� and dontin'tie'to let A e, tons Could Also, be."liged. 16r -a to.:se,6 Mis. Reid, She, r��fided me of li mixture 16i Until tfie syrup a firn ball when sh, k, of My�r SU96 : at - A rocetit-adviOrtidignient, in -an CoilaW; - dnd could tal fath6k,, forms !fall ni ewspapeiv, 6 Id watert Remove 4t itVrofesislofial h arid I.. liked , thi ek � his)*rid. drol Jafuea� Rei& jfe 'InUst have, 1pi� is'not piltirelya ugvtaf -was 4d from the fir.e And add. 6rie-half tap. rained all Is money, at wa-4 re;,, thiri k be : 'and' -orio , qupm 0 ch en, kno a in thb'n of- vauilla:' 4eckleri- have Ife o0ped 'fro f England fof some t14 0 d th h nuts.'�Vurtl the 'inixitirer, into :1 'tod 6 U an any d . ........ e e Urd�. -lab6i'oriantafl! W1 ictit it gun: Classes ....... '*Ory ,31, tiredi// He had a bear&and came in e I' okea on'hukei h, , f e4st'dountry an - oiled pan. hen it is _6, T e ajlge;a� o re are Oefit t6 the d Wrap. eme squa A d i aiupd h' .1ong ih his voice. Thpy - h t )em, una si Is ers,t er,a 't4 in a'squares an I 'Pre Worn: Men "ab'd w6filen ',bowed with; effective ter L -e Xirk',�nd'l �*heard, on�, �P' "i *hied- paper., ed Car -curric uni 61it of Y " f M,,* IThe. 11lClUdeS, a close a."n say to. blin.ag We came FROST t,en eyes were 'Ev In) 101d plovdig. t ittidy of Astand cuii�nt DQ11fical h' ureh (��bere, a re Ipg Collection for, pilglims �.whose.: pa 1. ch. tir nd pour -it tdrY,,,and dareful do6ketlfi V the ii6xt,Sunday had been aripound�dxi axe a �CnOCO 'Ate. f ' Udge" A op] Israel-, of a the depth: Of one',Yilchi Bjjld)jg Vbbel,j�olls into ao:p 11'' Lgtsol 6*111! hpip Ol-,Colledti M`66 a: an ons Covel it, thickly with �Ooarzethopped *fib l6ib 166!cbrd, 'might bd: Uagoo `Iagalilst rIV0,6a in oor.k1rk,7,6tnd.Jimes- Apid. replied, :dtidd Agg.- B n dates:' This �Aud6ntg- t 'Ouay, but Ma *aY is to it oil 6 , e C*hpiul of Aught to, t' raw Will a tion.'- Who�ft.-Vtold ywi'fat4ek �e wis' and, one -4 outth bEa'cap of, Water unti All qttie ly dod's angels 6 pertinent d puzzling - q 6 - lie deliklitkid And said *that Ibp, inust'tako �1- j ih� syrilp spM a tliieakl1an4 then Go jiftlug lieaits ill t falL 'tions, and there ate the. whife. of one pgg prig ill git'd an addr64,­ that for 'his niottd -Ar6uj�. lit 12 8Itrj`phjgOilr oil doors ijak, 1wben�ouo niftbdrw 6atteii.silit.. Add one :isp.' of.-VanillA Sfil�lng more softly than a st6ii and lifin or,bef., 'ntinue td'beaf it, Until it is stiff, h& gf6bin't4 haV6.b ', 'ffi 6 shadows, 10 �ieffibdrh, of,ItfioI`oj4g hre Con. t atfention,.P ly, 7to 'k off:b& glasse-s"and. Opp 0 and �d W e li;u r if 6ver-thp layers 6f fudge and hf to be,ready, with�tLot. we if "WOUld Xd VrV are, thug e en o �hek-self,--.oir��r hoe' keedlipe- angty wl a Cuilbress as, Niitliani6l, m9ug"' Iftelevint Intdrrupttdns-,�,, The &X ffl."s and cui it into squares when 'i tiong", ..."Utsi Reid*as' 'a, nie'd cregm;' aske& �611 t&,D, Y, little- Wife Ufidaunt, fth, ibl�, a8,JP"j., WhdId%trr(%eId9 to upp t the. 'fair.,biko a they,s* w sN�i itt, Am rd bb atugry, todil a hdre,., r '' i7 1. --- . A .1 ­�.;,�, %. :-, , : .:: . � , . .. . I . . 1� ., I � . . I Y I -t - ­ , ALMONDS A-RaM N1. re 'are regular rob 6ar's'alij, dr it if I d on her :soft :Pletor. He was hev, chief mYsQ 0h; rhave )�Jok6d 6fi afig6lej 1I three, 'dupg, of 14'gWbromf i topic df'c v6' ation; Pet6 j3'oi I phso0e,,' 'And' cofistdbrable attent o I Oil rs eley6i-, n, The gngels'bf t e Lorldi", brking'hi pjIr %14­��,i:: 'one of at;6r tifid, one tb o A e art. of W ap. _A, Cohgjddj.� as# PetertOg kfndneigg fo h iqiit�ero cup W re one, - heoiler' asittAk, an app" PU are)ftt y ter'st go tractiq 'in, live silver lboires . ....... . _fton� betfe�in e1i I .. I I od looks Ppteiii'�u4 �61 �in,eg�jr togethet,'mithwit stirring W -tf6AAh,6rtTer1h4t-hla­c nv the -syrup Z� th _d i i b U 6' Phil 19 tin 69-ftfiid f't­ lm�wekl 6U lsbeilng�',:;inducte y -is ai� pins- -,ithret'd -when OfA A� ou r in, or d )�pbd: f tom, -Ah 'it lovp�lt Itisjbefed) yet th`6 tefingle'd it Dow bliquidlilli thatik' e spoon.. Cry �dhg At thd" present t; he.,, �The `:4, . '111 , r( " - ­ � ­ ­ �­ -1 _ e: ' _A ' ' #�g see. :us h .14,la-wortutp 4fielr ttwar& Isyrd 1 4,WV -V*K13 h, M*ea at; A6' River''16"', 16­41.j� Wbtrb U*R'�PIAN enougfi_.fro hol ghttpe, "r', (�o p —7 '4—' 1_'17 � . 4't ".4racib, dAV �,thfsOzkqi, �of the whites -b "from SAii, lierhatilt 0 , bd lie ot-the I Y dozon� -of ban ski :4h, th6, �j ltfktrIn'Terfaqe-- bisdow-fed. by Ii Ch *111 b# .06ti in f-01 'a its hAt onriched JtAh, 1 Augusta. I 'a fox rarn blished by, a all 011i A 0 then 'Add pho-ha f tap. L d e - neW,,sq, I': Oct 'd- �y the �. Ito t - A 'a' dye, b, §VoktIg A In fi X 4 it �rather a, fornie r Prince tawkio'xilind man,- ortyi _d. he anq or 0 tjAdt d�d one, heap ng ctjp,�bj allij6nd's I, J*ays �- atf.iiin I i qugh tmiso Vdl�able d6pdsli� 4f gypjfijj�� tin ildding it. to . h fib alNvef the b6titiffiak '04VMer. Wbr�td of lime Alid, Epowvt to , A u oved gi�,eat,.dtMdtjou.to'aw�teur sit! , , ' I 1 11 f AVq r" 'that h e it 4: Augusta. I at'��.,mother *Ith* Egwlau �rllests were hljfily,lertrn� bi�u, bl'))ched- And brokehi iill:%bef And, 41461 jumphik corapedtfopA. A' bqen� discoypr6d iid al a io 'fi b Ookod quickly froi*,Ji,,ted§P6oh...6fi btdv it 16, h1ra t 01- IQHP� d men, enti�usted.,V�ith t6kp�. a . n i'o'f U -4 t7�'x-7 - I I Y-1) 6 k" mv�; I 7 F� 1r,,, I