The Lucknow Sentinel, 1925-01-01, Page 17,
• $2,00 ?BR T .4,111/1 ADYANcep.12.5R omravasit
0,,R4ROD3r$ ' cog* 0
• 1.
.Kelelifk • Ripley, -rhoo 29,
1! 4. •
Dr 1 MacLeod 'will visit ' Lucknow
every Tdesday
• DR. PARKtito. ,..STRQP.A.T14:1,4t the
.Cain.•,HOuse,' 4azknow • 'every...Wed-
• needay afternoom.., All Chronic &LW
• 110ei :,siceessf011if • treated: '',Ozitee-
,patlin,.14niovea,; the 'physical eausea
• " Of- '4isease.;"AdjiiiitmeiA: 'Qt."!
' ,spine te. more -quickly $00!Fed and
•„ "'with ',#)WW tkeAtinenta by ,Qatte,a,
• Oath.T. t4aP by .anYr0.,410r. method.
Physician nrid:-Surgelin -- --
Office: hours ” 9-10 A.M. •
2-4' p.m.
-:• 7-8 p.m.
and by appointmentSpeial attention country •calls' and
night calla. Phone 8h
• ''' DENTIST ."
'dental • office Dec 29 in Liickno*
1.• 4in the Joynt Block, over ' Decker's
storer Extraction- either by gas •or
local. Phone No. '56. • • „ :
Wali Paper -4 have On -band
0 the 19-
24 Simples of a. number Of the best'
wall -paper zhouses, and will be pleas-
ed. to show .them at Jo be:use, or will
take theca to ,your reatelence—R. J.
Cameron, Box 174, Lucknow. •
FOR SALE.: -A very 'cinnfortable
\ dwelling, in ‘'good condition.—Apply,
• •I
Abe, soot of Sudbury' is visiting
her sister, .Mrs. _John fiotten,
Don't forget where 'you 'get 'her.:
,jtaino. Palnier'a,:Dry Goods Store.
. • .1
. Aciehei Pepess, • of Chatham,
is Visiting :at her herne 'here," •
Try Palmer% for,EarglihS' fro
,Ist. to- 10,tk of:Januar-Y.
• '
a'r.•.,xeorl,re McKee who of late ha
been at WbOdateek visited: vilith, M
•and'jgro. James Fisher lest week
, • k".• - '
• ',..Mi^!;,1 and •Nriit Jack•,•Cain,, Telede
' #.• yisitiig 41ae. Cain ,,IIous
--Mr,;,--Daye-MacDonald—has b-ecii- yes:
elected'‘reeve of .101ilross by_acclani2
ation, • -1 • • ,
Mt. and Mrs. Geo. Greer are home
afterspending the ,Christmas with
their daughter ,at Brantford' :
Palmer's .will give. you. real 'bar_
gains • .in anything in store now be
• air. megooft, --ChieniO, is
spending_ the week • . at his former
home. in tOwn.
The regular meeting of -the•
men's Institnte.- will be held in the
Council., Chainber, Thursday' Jan. $,
,at 2.30 o'clock..
Mr. James .1VIagDonald of , MOrk
treal was, a.',:chriatnias visitor '‘tlth
his brothers here, Messrs Fred and
MacDonald, .
Mr. Gordon .McCall;,and his sister
7•71‘ 4ertradie7::-Of
are visiting their Lucknow •• • friends
this Week... They were a :couple. -of
weeks at Bruisels • '
Mr. Joe Hassel Of the Bank of
--eminerce staff has -been transferred
the office at ',Wroxeter, and . Mr.
Fred' Gunnell; of Hamilton has taken
his :Place-. here., • •• - - • ••
•-fwell, improved \ 100 -acre farm con-
venient to Lucknow. Apply: to Geo.. ,
A. Skldail, Lucknow:-", • *
eartiiid: is 4 lireli.ikred to
. all ,,kinds of , logs during: this
d'eliie'red at our saw-milf at
1,LucknOW; and:.will--.--pay-according- to
.quality the ;highest, market Price for
Maple, Beech, Basswood, -• Elfin- Birch
and- Ash. ..For full particulars call
'•:and -see The Lucknow • Table Co.
Limited. J. Button Mang, - 2-1241•
*Tenders will be :received by the
,nndersigne.d up to • Dec, 30th, 1924
for the supplying of ,five :cords dry,
and • ten cords green wood at the.
' School in S. S. No. 12 HU • • Town -
up. Must be all hard m • e.. and,
beech body weed and 16 inches long.
• .R,oliere Watson, ; • ,
Ne;i, 12, Huron R. 6 Link-%
Iligheut prices paid for ,all kinds of
raw furs, also 'for goose feathers at
•Blitzstein's Dry Goods Store •
t •
Talon& ' Red Cockerels—bred to -lay
• strain -7 -prices reasonable.
D. C. MacMorran, Lucknow.
• ,.*ANTED—BasWoOd Bolts hi• the
-.round, ,37 in. or , 56' in:. long -5 in.
:and up top. • AdviseKeenen, Brothers;
Ltd. Owen Sound. .
, The -Auction Sale at F. -0:,..Meffat's-
.:.`6, Kinloss, adVertised for Dec
Pone& on account of
astOrirry weather until
'1: FRIDAY JANUAY. '2nd 1925
at one o'clock; 43 • head of ' Choice
Young Cattle will be „Aoki
. P
John urvis, AUC.7—
. , ,
u kno Flour MilIs
The dalice . put on IT: the Hockey
Club on Dec 26 proved an enjoyable
affair,and fine success. The"' ClubIS"
,yery';grateful to those , who supplied
he music 'free and helped••• aim* in
other ways. As well he scen- else-
where the Hoek, Club will have
tWo teams,, a senior and n junior- en
the ice this, vyintei. Judging .by the
Seliedule there will be stirring times.
In addition to the Christmas visit
Ors in Lucknow-named,lasE week the.•
have been ' or ate here for
the Christmas .vacation :' Misses ' Edy-
the aficl ,'Pheinie Irving hog*. from
:Detroit; ; Mrs. J. shartnen, ..London.
at the 'Cain House, Messrs .•• James:
.1nd. Robert MacCallinti,' home '' froin
Detroit, and *indoor; MISS Carrie
,Griddes----hcone---froin-r-Toreinto; Miss
Mary Connell borne from Toronto -
Jiin SPenee home from ,Lockport,
N. 'irMiss Mildred Spence home
from Cleveland, Ohio; . Mr. lini.°Mit-
chell, " honie ( for, .the week; -Mr... Will
Johnston. :\ Toronto; Mr. and Mrs
Harold' Rivers, Goderieh
, •
• ,
Rayner's. Orchestra,. of Sofia
ton,' 6 pieces, will supply the, music
at „a dacitce,'in' the Town Hall, Liick
now, on New ,Year'si ight This or
-'chestra-- is always -
_herb.-Dancing-lrom.--0- o'clock -to -2,30.
Havelock , (pure Manitoba) $4.75
•SePeY (blended) $4:56 '
' iqacle' Rite (pastry) $4.06\-,
Ontario: *heat '$1.50
Shorts $1.65
eed Flour $2.25
'Special ;prices. on large. quantities, of
- Miss Biggar and Miss Patterson
of Hamilton are visiting relatives
abOul Fordyce.. • 45:
Mr: John Chapion is visiting re-
raliVea At Zion. ' •
Wedding Bells have been ranging
quite lively in this Vicinity, no less
• than three couples having hsid the
knot 'tied for better , or fer worse. ,
. , 0, ;47004067*
laUttOX 01',Iti ,t 4 804.aSe-
Peat, :I 0:0 '4 i 4 $1•4041•041.)
110at'l #4' 4
• ari0lt f,ttfto. tk#61,. Vfl(, 7" •
•1 i44$5, .*1.1.11i14141*
After ;January 1st; 1025, our hard-
ware 'stores.' will not be .open on
Wednesday. 'evenings, ; .and this ar;.'
rangeniont will ;continue until, the
weekly .afternoon. closing :commences',
May ;Isit.-HW„in. Murdie &
& Porteous,-
0, 6. P. AT HOME.
, The Lucknow OildfellOwe will hold
an At Heine\ on' Friday; Jan; .2; :1925
All :Odclfellewa's~their wives. and 'LailY
'friend , are WelcOrtik-;.. Also any
ors at -Oddfellow Honies:. ',Games to
,start Shiro at 8:154. Omni:Aided in
charge -4, It, Otioinpsen, Rebt. Rac
and Andy's Orr;
.:11ACYpri''S SUNDAY Pelt -Obit,
. , • , •
The postponed . Christine* . season
et-itertairiment v.of Maeltatt't 4inday
Schoid will le „bold Aurchon
Friday evening, 1925, at ,i,E•,• flestdei; a niiscelleneeus
grain 'billik!salool, a play, liChriet
. malt_ at.LStebbineeo, • will: be • given.
An interoiting, fl. -4111-•
' 4 '
' • • 0
KNOW ONT., IrtiORSpAY. JA,NOA!tY lot', 100 c.
The{ fir4'.1g4chey .game .of AO sea-
sOn Sr. Series will be played
Lorne : Rink; Lucknow, on. TtIPSO4y,"
'next, week ' Jan. OtIA,, when, "Kinenr-
dine Will be the Visiting, team.'
Senior Group No. 1 '
Jan, 6—Rineardine at LyekAoW
Jen' 4—Wingliain at RiPleY
Jam :9--44tieknow' at Itineardina
at. I.Aicknew ,
Ja111'.6.-',;R14eYrat 'Xii•itaidine?,
.446:;"1.9-Itincaidine it:Viedhe
Jan. 20—Ripley at tickneW;,'
IJAM- 23--Witgbamat Kincardine
Jin,'.26—Lneknow at Wifighain • r.
Jan. 28—Kineardipe.,:5t RipIy
Jan. -• Xi—Ripley at 1104$1:4!•iti
'Feb, 2—Lucknow At Ripley
- Junior Group -NO.. 1 •
• Jan. 2—Lucknow 2—I.iueknow; At Kincardine
8—Kincardine at Lucknow '•
:Jan. 14:-,4,oblviOvir.,fte'4iocOrdipe •
4an. 22-Kintardirie at Lucknow.
- • '
COU.NCII1 AD actio.O&•ROA-Rn
e Lucknow , Village Cetinci
Beard for, 1925 is constituted as folz
lows: . Reeve.4lrt Johnston; beea:
cillors • 1D. M• Johnston, kobt. (age
A. E. Iinswell, Rebt.• Mullin,. , These
being the ,only, norniners who "(wall-
fieR np. te INE' tErrtzesdy even,'
king,%they got their: Pt tea a,ccia
Motion:- • ••
—1.-he'Schodl'-Boar-dwas•seilnifly tor,
tunate,, The three, retiring4inembers.,:
MacKenzie; ,Reid and Taylor, 'are'
a1c for two 'yea.ra, .• Mr., Latigfort3.
has one Year to put in; and Me • ra'
..J. G.,-Ancieraon ancl R. J Caine on,
xill eozhilete the unexpired terms s:
',Vleaara". Glenn*: and ' Tre1eaven4one
Up to the laat Mlnute•,a Contest
for the reeveshiP.-.' Was 'expected aa
.lentering the r a e
-against 1iolinston, he fin.-
' ,decided„ to ,Withdraw altogether
from:. Municipal politic, and let it , be
,:acclamatiOn.• all round:, •
• It is but fair to say
iage fiegiris: the • new ' year with :.4
godd and capable council And School
• Beard, ;And a•, oVerr
floWing..Bu.t plenty ,,of woik'
ahead ' and OPpertnnity to spend
lot of inoaey to •1,advantage, The. re-.
'Modelling; •of :the. Seh:091.: Will in All
:likelihood', be undertaken, and:, "the
: • ; z 7
-town,' is somewhat behind in the. mat-
ter of .Street 'iiproven)dnt. We are.
IcittuUate in haVing..ggod:•:ineti on , the
job„;. ' •
Mr. Carl Lett: of ' Khicardirie', spent
Xining at -his 'bogie here.' •• ..
'Joe. •,0Callaghart ',. of '•:.petreit
visited last, Week at his honie here.
Mr. -and MrS..•:Eli "Jpennes, are Yisit-.
newiths their seri', Mr. 'Geo.
at Preston. • -: • - • • •
r '-
af •Tororitoa pent Christinas•at their
. .
liodie here., ,
Mr. and Mrs.. Daniel • Steele ••
Komoka• 'visited ,.last Week with ;Mr.
and Mrs.. kakis 'COrnelibus, •
• .Misses Flora and Addie Rosa. and
KethlepiTerriff of Toronto visited
.16.8i week at their hem here,' ,•
--Mand Mrs; Wr-R7-Farrier---snd
spent ,thristive 'with:, 'Mr.
and ' Mrs,: ,Satn Reid. at Ashfield, • • •
•Mr ' ••,• and Mrs ails: Barbour , of:
Fordyce Spent Christmas with -.their,.
• dafighter , Mrs: ,13eh.McClenaillan: . •
Ernest sparling,-..of
speat, the Xmas holidays with
his grandliarents; Mr.• atid.- gra, God:,
Mrs, WeilWood• and ;ion: :Richard , of
Orangeville, . are visiting Mrs. •Wel-r-,
Wood's parents; Mr.. and: Mrs Jahn
Falconer., •
,Mr. and 'Mt* ,Arthur TIniland find
Ititita..6f Kitchener • •spent Milos; • af
the. heine Of -her: parenta. Mr. and
Mrs. Geo Gorton; ; • ,
Mr. and Mrs. •George Cettle, „Miss
Mettle .Cottle- ncl Mr. Harold
lug 'Spent christmaa. With Mi".' an
• Mrs,:KeW,:. At, 'Whighani..-
ref?.:Visiting•I„• at the-boane7:.rof,. •
; nizoo mettiniti4
.7.PatrOnite h d nee, inaiiiifeethring
ond,leava t.„61114. ,orifora at .the.kititting
.factory : int) ur hiirg iiniler the tnait;,.
• (*Mitt) ancl 1aok1 S11014:
' -41
The :village lest' one of•1 very
old .artd":rauch. esteemed resident 4 '90
:46.444Y, .ctf this sweelc: when
Samuel obertson iiaSSed-• tiVia,1" •fel7
, wing, g' f.*OitiVe illneaS:
;.ertson, . was 78' Year :of age and.
was fhlei. infirmities
nathrai to cat 'age. ',Tilt. end.. -game
,peadefully, shortly, after, 'maim, •
f,1.1110k0 service will be held in-
lyietbOdist "(Thure.
iv).;,.afOrriiiini at, .:230...'.9.!;10pk-,aftet.
.hi -h interment wil1 be :nIade -. in
'cip1ot4 :cepieterY. Finferal arrange-•
4n0.-,SerVice will be'.`in .chargc
years a thember,":" •.„. • •
, The' late 'Mr; Reherteog zcnme• to
f-iieknew in the • • early dayg.'and''.fer
'eanit 'years 'eonclubted a tannery,
‘;leic}nietsinuing' he wb$18 441he
eistorbe Zenint!
'Mr... Robertson was tVOC‘ei. married,
having. Pre -deceased
, in May ,cf .1916. He; iiThurvived
, 'ay one :aon Mr. Hassel ••' Rebertson : of
'Add -Well at horna,' W
.E Hen-
dersfl of Luckn�w and Mrs.. Imens
,Toronto. '
, •
• ',As -announced last week the d An-
nual Week:Of Prayer will be observ-
ed by the leen' „,churches, January- 6
o January •9th. Services, comrnenc-
each ,eiening at 8, O'clookl. •wil"
11I on d a Y, „ 'Presbyterian 'Church.
..YoUng, People's , Y; Tuesday.
Prehyterian'olinrch,- Rev. -K...4. Gol-
-air Wednesday, S. Kinloss church,
Rev mecoanurn ..Thursdak An-
Tlieanhurch, Rey,: . W. • Cosens; Fri-
_ .
ethodiat church, Rey, C. Lang-,
\ ord.
- • • • • • • O 0 - 7 •
verY p
at the honie
. - • .
-etty.• wedcling'.took "'algae'
• : Mr, and Mra. DaVid
: 24thwhen their
grips, was„uni
atriniony to .
e, of. Godeil
\bride was becoming a1 ired in a
"nrett own f car b
antogrep trim ied with o dion
K en tie di; oOD
daughter, My
in holy.' bands'
,Ilarry B. M. Tiehbo
-the • Rev. . Mr • Seobie •
y g am
er .
pleating, muskrat fur and • rown
suede shoes and stockings to m • tch,
'She wore as her only ornarnen a
beautifnl rope of nearis the 'ft
the, grOom, and carried a bouquet' of
' a d
OPhelia rosea mai en, hair fern.•
The .lai131*.tered • the roorn . on the
•atin of her. brother, .5144-71:reWirRen-,
nedV • to the Arab* Of Lohengrin's
Bridal mareh Played lay Miss : Alba
rox, • and took • her place •under an
evergreen' arch- *During:. the , signing
ef the resister ;Miss Olive Tichborne
•'sister ..of ';:'• the groom, sani verY
'sWeetly ',to Premise. Me." After co
frratulations:, the—guests ritimbering
•about fOrtV 'I-eta/11nd to the dining;
76ifr•ihere a'surriptuous.l.dinner,lwas-
served. 'A iminber of the brides girl
friends-.• assisted at the tahleS.The,
hanny , couple left OD the afternoon
train amid sboWereof, rite and con-
fetti, for tpndon. Walkerville, and
Detroit; the • bride travelling in a
Wok: Persian lamb coat with sable
coliat :and "cuffs the ,gift,„ -of her lath-.
ss; blnlr
. •
Suede 'shoes and • brown .. hat. The
groom's' gift to the organist Sae e
..prott.v barpin and to .1lie soloist, A
pretty' bracelet. ' On their ret -urn they
will, reside in Goderich. ,
• At the annual meeting: the 'rate-
payer§ Of Kinloss • Towns , held:
-here on "Monday last for the otnin-
ation of •+••ree've, and .conneillers a re-
solntion Which . we -reprecliee below
was Prelented, MoVect by John Pur -
viand -:seconded '131Y 'thongs daunt
and OnaninfoUsly 'approved by .the
ratepayere, present
The; resolution Was as follows:
Resolved thatjt, is the opinion,, of
•this 'Meetinfe • that , the .Provincial
Govevilmetit , should take adion, to
-stop*:•the ;'•rthe••••,..:htilltling•;
pnoccuptcd farrne. of Ontario
Arid -that` it : purches4,,Initiflarninf-.-tif
are ,,or • raafe and offeethent•te ieung
tarried ineti'ler .h.terni, of five years.
w t h 0 u t inererf on the p u rti
, favdt‘hl. th411
. t1i ond•
4 A
• At 7.30 o'clock Monday evening
when the town onpouneed 'tba
.744 arrived. there were only five Per
...he time. for receiving. 'nominations
he announcernent. Aons in the Council 6th7thabt'it.iimt° bh.°11a
'or a half au hour aft*, it ,looked A
',bough intgrestr was WI*
aken, in the. nekiination- of; "fit an
•orOPerpersone to •look after th
own and schdol, Ingunesi
• Ar:littie however, itie" Well: filled and _there Was ver3
Ii7E9itdand „ rael"htli'et!infeelil'•"1114.0e411no-g4;
-,lerned:,,, :The Women:>appeared to be
•-iatistied to let; the men have' :the
!daces for there was not one in the
udinee• •
. The clerk announced that nomin-
Itions ••• ,wonld he received for the
noaithins of Reeve, fbur Councillors
five trustees wia,e of the
trustee's. to be for .a. one-year ter*
:and three t� be, for a .two, -year• tar*.
;The retiring trustees , were Messrs:
William MacKenzie,_ D. C. Taylor
T. S. Reid, „ Two vaean'eles_oh.the
ichool-I3eitrit-Wer—Leatiired by. the re-
signation of Tie/ea-14r
.vid the removal of, Mr.: J. A Olen -
ale. Rev, C. Langford is the sixth,
liember tlfe -Board:.
The.' three retiring. trustees were
lOminated for re-election and quite
number .were nominated. to :bill out
the : unexpired terms of TreleaVer
••:‘ P
.„. At the tine 'et Writing there is no
laying who will stand for any of the
)osition . • '
:tins and Miller were nominated .for
•ihe'`'‘.reeverihip, and, the , following
were -sominated -for ,.;.'Councillors:
Geo. H. N. HodginS, D. M.
Johnston, S. E. , Reberteon,
• •
MaPIS;y1S'e,LWilfied Anderson; ',Ito.13i,
Agnew was chosen as chair -
,mon. or. the meeting after he bad -de-
clared• nominations closed, .• and ,he
'Called on the "Candidates in the order
of their nOmination-.- •
Reeve Johnston Was firei,te speak'
and -gaVe •extellent review of -"the.
county and Village ., -Work for 1924 Se
far ,he had to de Tim .it. There
were altogethertoo-Many. facts and
gureS for Us. to attempt to give
nything like a: complete statement.
or this pne waist go to the minutes.
o the County Connell' and to the
reastirers stati3rnent �f • the village
The 'Highwais program was large.
'ly responsible for the high -,`County
tak. iateof. *this and recent years..
The Program for the. 'coming year is
not quite so ambitious and will ..cost"
eine: fifty 'thousand dollars less, 30
e • _._.g.elleai,..L1d.•Theirei_sHothe.ueserodrug7t!tj()ent,41::
Would also, be easier to. finance be-'
• c!ause rule had :been adopted .,to
force, the hildien parents sent to
the Refuge to !contribute to their
support eccor n to their„means
Through r e about one thouS-
.abd dollars had • .j) done.ct,4:,iii,-. the
past. year. ,
, The Road rani. MildinaY
to Jiippardine hadbeen • •n expensive
- • ,
.proposition, coating the c linty $25,.
OOD„in. 1922,and $26,000 in 23. •.This
'money been paid' till year;
The , Boundary Road een
Bruce and Huron had been. ma.
county road ' instead of '
county °road* it had been. "rho
:'bridges, on thii reek. it treleavenfe
and hereafter' will be maintained. by
, the County of Bruce 'instei!d Of by,
Lucknow. • ,
Coining affairs,, figures
were quoted: showing the eXcellent
,financial position Of the town -both
as to, the • Hydro service , and other
matters. The Hydro service_. had
started with ;ohly connections;
there aro now 242. • *
'••The debenture debt al. tha present
tiiMe is Only $8,141.' and there' IS on
hand . More than. cash enough 'Pai,
this off,,:tio :that tlio is not
only, in fact, 'Without indebitedr
' ".-
tieSe 'Mit' nal it, tew theuatad:, dollars
to the. good, ":and is *Iti",s0 ' excellent
position to 'go On With new*: under-.
takings. As compared with the ./en'.
1st, 1910 the village' better of
flnancially by $4,650i s, fact Which
sPeaks ,well for the' cduricilly.:which
-'11slii7en6:::::.-1-bli '1i7dilifflogean'-13'1117i6nir:tietd!friblir:
'Councillor i'Milier wee _next ....-.ta
reeve _ankilio for ,counciltort As to:
,coocipor.,. he wait retiring .11 it ct .
wort& net he -a ' Candidate for. that
poSitiOn',. He felt that be lineliiiii,litt
:IiirtetntlVtitilt:seolitaitr-ltikt *mutt
iii4lts ;#04qt.101'; , Othetit '—i '1,0 ..tho
()414. Poi Alat then whether.*
would would ts3btael'it, or nBtti.rci-VV'horhzie*Orhet
wished -the, PprilirAg, .gopecil -every
,8:19'inCc0C.:::SC4ildlor:a.:tordegevines., and4a,d caplusooeirio7
1 -le would take, little thisTe - to *con
si4ek whether he would .s4ral.„
He had. been chairman' of, the.
oad and Bridge Committee, and he
341ced the . ratepayers to think eve'.
,;se matter of:, paving main inain streets
ihere' are ' a Mraber ways 111
iiich" street ' may betreatedThe
-rouble crushed 'gravel aux.-
,•:!,:pawoeil;.,•- jacs.7,4.:
that on account of bein
iptirikled" to keep, dervvii the- dust, , ,
ecame muddy with very, Attfoaak,L
surface treatinent-Whieh
'Arolild, 'cost about $15,000. openetrai :
treatment which iwould cost
-About, $33,000 and. 'eonerete "WOUld„
.!Ost, $39,000: ,Of these amonnts; bow -
ever., government grant would
over shout 60 Per etio on Camphei!.
, Street. . •' ,
Connalor, Geo. •11,......SmitiCannoun-
-leir-tbrit-7-TfiVag' di -finitely out , of
municipal. ,present
-„Ha-tteit Willie had. served. h'is terin
the Council Board, : but he did not
xpect :to be altogether tonal
r There always, was sorae,,
%nig to do in the:Interesta k
town, and it 'generallY 'ins • his luck
to get into, it,. Th ,he said
;:ertainlY is in :good, shape finandiallY:
We could -pay all debts and .stert.
with a clean slate. : • .•
' Councillor D. M. J91111.00/1' said he,
had • enjoyed the •work Of the Coyne.
had he could he . ,more nsefni.; the
°coining year thin •lie•had,be,a, in the
past: He Wois4 stand ior another
year. -
/Wilfred Anderson was nelinnated
but was n'ot present:
A. D. MacKenzie said that being:
a meiirber', of the Library Board he
would hqt be in -t e -running for the
coUncil",if -there Were, others to fill
'• A. E',ButiNT411;•itobt. Rae and
Robertson w e re ' nominated a n d
spoke briefly. They '.would: take un-
to -morrow to think it over..
Mr. D. C. Taylor, one of the retir-
ing School: Trustees, but nominated
for re-election, ' being secretary , • of
the, School "Board gave quite a leng-
thy Statement regarding. the scheer
and • proposed remodelling of the:
schoolhouse. At the ,conclusien . of
Mr. /Taylor's statemOni. the 'Meeting
decided that it 1,01.1)d he wellto have
a .. public Meeting .called'. tato dpcuss
stlicho011,natAtesr hiPfe meraerst°heel,egxpenthde-'
iture: of $20,000 or more the Board
did net think it wise to go on with.
ituntil the , ratepayers understood
just Whit it meant. A meeting likely
.vill be held in thener future at
which the whole matter .will be.
threshed out
1"4140.67.1. ,
COUNCIL .'gy 'ApaAmAnosi
The men who set' et the . council
(beard of inlosa Townshin, evidently
have been giving good' serviee to the
aridthe service isappreciated•After , being elected for 1923.. they
were., returned.. by aechunation to
'serve again- for 1924; and on Mon-
day' last, they were again accorded
the - Well done good and ' faithful
servants" by getting another -lease of
°files) without.a contest, in fact there
e no fault-finding nor .chinplaints
at - 1- 1. The councij- which -has bee
so ,fa ore4 is made up as
Reeve- J.- Tiffin; • Councillor • E.
Ackert, . Carruthers,
Al McQueen,,
M. Reis.• Gee, G. Moffat is
clerk of the township and Mr. Thorn -
as Gaunt le,' treasuror. • •
• s
In Ailifleld, there are' 'three 'can-
didates', for the, reeveship, ' two for
-deputy -reeve, and six candidates for;
the, three places as councillor,-,
• In. Wawaneah there are: two cand-
idates,' for the, teeveihip and seven
for the fourplaces ascouncillor. .. •
In • Ashfield the , 'candidates ' for
reevp are: tioseo. -Hackett, .. Frank
,johnaton. and John,: Jamieson; •• for
deputy' reeve icandidates are Roder-
ick D. Maiteneld and •Thoinas Sulli-
van; ,-,,and for the cry •,cil, Wm. J
Black; Johns:Cameron, :John';..P..stamp,,
and Sanwa Phervveed, •
,In West Wawaiiesh, the line-up
For reeve; ,Albert E. Johnston Inid
ten S, /slaylo'r; for the Oeuncili;W.
W. Z Haarhattoift 3, if. Medd,, VOio
4,1C,Stl'IA9,10.111tt,OrTil.01V4 .
Thanking ()lir Priende for the
Goodwill, that, has eiaated ..dll,PP8
192'4- we wish everyone a Very
HoPPY oft(' Pree9erous 1925, '
Specials'izor $4turda,
Doughnuts Puff Pastries
Bon Blanche Chelsea Buns
FloineNade 'Whole Wheat
• -ancl,RaiPin Bread
4' and Eggs at ,Ton Prices
0 137;111a119S Bakery
'1,-. •
. •• Have jnst, :received e,-•sh.iOnlei,
•:Which 1 believe to he the bes
beard, on hi..'market:.,to4a*-:--,.
4 'Sheets; are 4. ft, by 8 •ft.,, nearly
inch.and you sait it-lik.
lumber ' ' , •
• ed
theThi:?1.• biiCaildniandlgsa70.,t6:Qw7:141:nmellit. '*usne.
over 4,00(406 It': of this hoard before you bilY, .,, The price
is "i
u ow,
it 151
Marks—At Stratford; Ont.,: on Dec
'.23,..10,24; . to. Mr and Mrs.'
Marks, a daughter ' (Margaret.
*Ruth • :. Marks '' 'Was
Evelyn '-'84?-jhdler _ of',
14acIntsre!7,-, A t ,MerCY " Hcispital, •
Moske,gon;--Mick, on Dec: 27, -.1924
Duncan .MapIntyre aged '45 • years,
11 nidriths and 15 days
Dee 30, 1924; Sarapel 'Ttol?ertaorr
agek$ years. ..•
Nieholson-!- in . Liieknew, • Ont. On
',Dec: 20, 1924, phriateria MacEion-
' ald, •relect_oL the late JOhn. Nichol-
son, aged 80 Years. .•
Reed—In. Wellesley.§I.Tospiisk"
Drab; on Dec. 282 4.024, Florann
Jo ston .eloved '
' • Reed, Lucknow. I
Kinioss TOwnshiP
(langside) •• 'Mary '• Hunter; relict
of the late Henry Richardson,in
Mr. Areltie-.;.:Madintyre;., on 'Tnesday
Of this week, re.cived the Sad rieWS
that his 'nether, Punderi, had , died,
At Muskegon, ', MiCh, 'on ,Saturday
last; • death following an . operation
for ',appendicitis performed ozt, . Dec,'
' The ,reingini will ,he interred
Wakefield, Mich: where :his Wife and
ildere• buried n few "e4g.ra' ago.
The. late .,Mt, MacintYre• :Went „ to
Michigan 20 'rears • ago and was
hoine ;10Veral tines since, ;hit' lest ,
visit 'being in November 0:f last'
le isolmiWived ,;by:.;arre,..,1ittle-datigiv4- • •
ery Helen, hisnmtlier Mrs. Vaty.,
MecintYre, and three .sisters, Mrg.,
Dan, ' Nieholion; et DaySlatid, , Alta;;;-,
W. L. MacKenzie •Of LiicknoW
and MrS, Lang* Itidgeclougiir
Alatt fi:ve.:16re.thin.3a4,
'AtchiClai Kin
, I