Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-12-14, Page 5•r",
ragoons Charged t Armed
Witb Pitchforks at Oharleville.
• war 'against the- highprice of. food,‘
''.'which has beenlanguishing for the
• last' feiP•daysi owing either to the
vigorous .precautions of the au-
thorities or tlielpallititive measures
of the ,Mayors in establishing mu-
'01iCipal butcher Shops and other
•,,loocl depots; burst forth afresh on
. :Wednesday. In 'Several districts
there Were violent disorders, which
indicated that, Professional agita-
tors were again at work: 'At Creil,'
thirty-two miles north- of Paris'?
barricades Vere ,formed with .t4le:
graPh-poles. One of exceptional
strengthwasbuilt around a huge
boiler stirmetinted, by.- a red flag,
and it. required a large force, of
Stolypi 11,
Was Seriously Wounded - at
Theatre Performance.
A 'despatch from Kiev, Russia,
saYsl,---Premier Sto/YRin.was at-
tacked and seriously wounded dur-
ing a. theatre performance here on
Thursday night, • His assailant was
arrested. Therewas a gala per-
formance' at the opera in the, .pres-
ence of the Emperor of all the Rus-
sians. Two revolver shots in rapid
succession electrified tho audience,
and Premier Stelypin sank w to the•
floor. Those who were near by saw
[that he was gravely hurt. There t
was tremendous excitement in the
theatre, and in the excitement it is
impossible to obtain the least de-
tails at assassination, It is report-
ed that Stolypin's W01.111S are inor
tal. The Czar left St, Petersburg
a few- days ago,.• accompanied by
Premier Stolypin, to 'review the
statue of the Emperor Alexander II.
at Kiev. It \Vas the first public ap-
pearance of the Czar outside of the
capital in some years,
FERS. FROM IttiftsvmEttr.r.
her gets $63.20 for handling the .loan•dur-
leg 'that time, And generally n the
geourse of a year the, broker aniplY earns
his Money: for the loan may, 'require
shifting; a , dozen times; when as many
banks want it repaid. And sometimes
loans are hard to make, 'The client re-
ceives, however,, dividends on LM
ir 11111 iiji 11 1111 111 11001
i ITI4, 'I 11 /
.1. 19X6/1144:0
e 'Eruption is Proving' Disastrous
to Those Living in Neighborhood.
the engagements, large numbers on
both sides -were injured. The
streets, of Creil are patrolled by
soldiers. Charlevilles also , was the
seene of serious disturbance'on
Wednesday. Crowds of peopl'e•,from
the , country around, maned, :with
'piteliforkp, attempted ,a regular in-
vestment of the -town. • A regiment
of dragoons, hastily summoned,
Charged down UpoO, the manifest -
ants, scattering them . in all. clirec-
tions. At L'Orient 'the, mobs, not
satisfied with proclaiming a boycott.
against the market, upset the stalls
4411 throw into, the streetsthe vari-
ous aricles of food exposed for
Geoff:. Yields "RePortedWheat
• Oradea High..
.7;4`deVa-teh-frorOlTai4Oti,. -Man,
'says: Thrashing is well 'finder way.
So'n16,,e1Feellent, Crop reports are
, coining in. Mr.. 'John onO
.Of the big farmers in the Roseland
diStriCt;'finished thrashing ,O'n Tues-
day night. ' Pre& 119 acres in one
he has 3,317. bushels of...fine
rai twenty-eight hush-
, el,§.•to the acre. :The balance of his
.,'Ittrop is quite 'Up to. this splendid
• showing, atd. Mr. Clark says his
- yield; is 'no better than others in
his locality. Raports :from other
districts are .also ery favorable..
• \-
Serva.nt's* Indiscretion '. Costs • a
.Young Doctor Ilis Lite.
despatch from Quebec says:
,Dr. Dube,. a yioung' pbYsician -from
L'iilet County, is deadat the Hotel
Dieu Hospital a result of having
" been blown Up :in „a dyntlinito .:-
.i)losieri- at his home On • Tuesday.
,•There .were .several sticks of d2:na,-
' mite' in. a barrel at the rear of his
' home and a servant girl emptied
.stene hot ashes on them, not know-
ing what they were. ,Dr. Dare
happened by when the explosion
• occurred, •was • horribly Mitti-
• lated.. .
• ...:.- .•
Reports rot, ConOinglit's 801' Will
- Wed
...Niece :4f the Czar.
A despatch from London says:
An interesting.leport, cart -exit it
-that Prince Arthur of Connaught,
, -sen of the Duke of Cimitatight,,,the'
newly cominissiOned Governor -Oen -
Oral of Canada, is engaged to Marry.
• Princes's Irene, daughter of the
, Grand Duchess Xenia7Aleandro-
vna;--\\ sister of-.Emperor.
,Kicholas of —RuSsiti. It . is stated
that the, forMat'
h 'betrothal' will! be 'niade 'before
the.Cannaughts. sail, for Cana' a,
BritiSh War Offiee to 8end. Than-
. Saiid Men to Janialea.
A deSpatch from Kingston, Ja-
melee, says: It is reported licre.that
*the Ilritish•War Offiee is arranging-
' 'to send .very sOon. 1,600 artille'ry VOLUNTIER POLICE FORek.
Several Have Arrived 'Safely Froin
. ,
A-de,spate-larem .-Ctlihrigking;-sayS4
744e revolittiod is fast 'gaining
ground. It is belieVed:that no food
has entereUhengtu-fer many days,
where the iniSsionaries are confined,
and priebably already the besieged
are con shirt rations. 'Heavy firing
is 'reported from t1Mt quarter
between the loyal garrison and the
rebels aniong , Whom .there are 'Pro-
bahly"-ntany soldiers. 'Among the
missionaries' who have.,
in 'safety.are the CaruidianScs1/4tation-
ed. 'at lonehoW, 'Mr:land 'Mrs. C. J.
P. .jeliffei. Mr. and Mrs.' W.iD.
Ferguson, and E. R. Breckeili
lincheit s about 150 Miles •to. the
south-east of Chengtit. , • ,
The Situation is Grave. •
A despatch from,. front; Pekin,.says:--'-
Unpnblidtecl edicts Oder a large
force • •Of 'Witching troops' to leave
inutediately bziN thequickest route.
fOriSzechnan and Tuanfang. The
:relief/force, however, will take lour
'Weeks atleast, to reach •Cliengtn,
and the' full'gravity of the situation
in the capital of Szechnan PrevinCe.
is new realized. • ' • ,
___ •
Took 'Place in Presence of Select
Few at Ottana.
. A despatch fre,th Ottawa,- says.:
novel event not, on the, program, at
the Ottawa Exhibition took Plate
there on 'Thursday; the wedding .of
Ie -seated on. hro
thos in a Wild West show. In
glorious flood of sunshine and in
the preiente Of a small ceznpany `of
friends, Miss' Caryl Fenton. daugh-
ter of 'Mil • and Mrs. D. Fenton,
of Louisville,' fiy:, was married to
'Len Francis Driver, cowboy,
whose home is in Midland, Taxes.
lvkininnv..... was :performeo_.ny
Rev:. George Edwards: of Western
Methodist Church.. Ottawt. The
hride , Was asSisted•by' Miss Iteta,
gefierallY tharges a tower rate than ' • ••
Iqlmer orifenriet
Coss Not Limited to Amount of -Original
Outlay-Lindding Line,' 'Between invest-
. .
Solent and Speculation Not Clearly
tined -How one Speculates on Margin
and -What -"Margin" -Means. --
. ,
Inthe. first ,of this .aeries it was shown
that -distribution of risk- is an import.
ant principle of' investment. It is a very
simple •one, however, involving zoo very
confused ideas. There .is another •princi-
ple to be borne in mind when making in-
vestments which is et no less importance,
bat it is. however., considerably less ob-
viousto those "whose 'investment eeperj-,
ence is small --and even to manY who
should •understand its actions thoroughlY,
par the case of Torento Rail.
way -and so at,. the mid; ei the year he.
has received $41.60 more than the in-
terest charges,. .Suppose at the end of
the year the stock has advanced to 163
and the client sells.. The broker gets
$16.3(10,..'fOr the stock. atitt-the-elArit'a7ac-
°mint *Mild look 'somewhat is follows'
. Debit credit
100 Ter, Rails 158, '
Brokerage " 24
..ntargina • ' t kith
Ipteregt 753 40 •
, • .
Dividends , !,.., • • nue
-100 Tor. flails Sold16,300
Brokeage' 25
Tins is the principle of .
;652, 60
accordaece with actful- requirements.- CheO•ae-Ior balance •-•
The, dividing -line betWeen opecul,atiou
and investment is not alyreye clear, , and. So that the client ,receiveS7.beek his 'mar.
In , • •
diseuosinginyestint it is .not unprofit gins and 'about veto 01.:0Tont.••
'able to digtess''soinewhet, to go intethe Of ',coutoe„' in this examplethe, ehent
field* where ,''Safety ofprineipal" is held: ,a-ae quite fortunate He had/ only pat up
rn-sinall 31 Points' On the -market -pride 'cof'•
*.lpros:Pect-or,-appreciatingie...i.irallt ' mirht hP'zf
(1.8114:1"$ Op Tiff', I10),NS,,
Light Glinunerea `From the' Old
ToWer Seine 1,800
Travelers may stili 1.,see on the
coast of the •Edglish. Channel at
Dover the ruins of a 'Rennin light-
house that, Was built, at the time ,
'of the Roman Conquest of Britain.
Another ancient lighthouse, built
less than.'a century after the tower
at Dover, is still serVine, its ori-
ginal purpose. • It was partly .re-
built and ,.scnie alterations were
made in it, but in the main it is
the„ Same old Strtietnre, that guidcd. .
,the 'Roman, galleys as they skirted- -
the coasts of, the Bay of, Biscay,
making•their way, to the Roman
port of - Rrigantium, This is the
..mdderir harbor of Lan Coruna; and
the lighthouse is :the most ..ancierit '
thing about it. •
The Romans called it the Tower '
Of Hercules, and the moderns have.
date of its erection is not known;
A 'despatch from Catania Sicily,
says! The eruption of Mount Etna
is assuming the •proportions of a
. real disaster. The lava stream
whose * path eroTeerthe railway line
circling the volcano and which ex-
tends eight miles from its source,
is approaching the railway stations
to the north and especially threat-
ening the depots of Moio and Al-:
centre, which were •abandoned on
-Wednesday. Squads of laborers
were at, work taking up the rail-
road tracks and removing all trans-
portable material to places of ,saf-
ety with the idea of minimizing thr
losses The entire Crest of Moult
Etna appears to, be ,in a state' of
ebullition. exact, count of the.
number Of fissures. is impeisible,
the, -whole monntain,' but . there
seemed to be more than seventy
new fissures all belching smoke and
lava. The eruption means great
Suffering for the peasantry. The
slopes Of Etna, with an area of
•more than, 400 square miles; sap -
port, a •population more dense, than
that„of'any. other portion of Sicily
or Italy. Therearesixty-five cit-
ieS.and.villageS in the entire area.
stock, 20 AU 23c; Cheeie-'--Westerns,, 133-4
te :14 1.-4C ; easterns, 1512 to 13 3;4c. .But-
ter-Choiceit. 26c'; oedonds, 2a1.2 to 23 S-40.
, ; • ,• • . •
"rate of Anceme" is a decidedly'. oerena- ;dined 'that amount. But before it had
: . ,
ary consid'eration. t; -. . t• gone very . far the broker veduld.
, , . . „. .. , .
Of course in ,general it is understood ' have written a4 polite but firm note iislc.'
that one Wlice buys Mining stocks reit- ink. for ?further . hiargies. ad.'the )ower ,
lates." and one who buys .bcoeds• "in esta.i! the ' price 'went. the greeter. the amount.
But where One man buys higkelasa stocks of .rnatgin,' required. 'Finally, perhaps.
outright as a speculation it . on hard to the `client would sell otit at a snbitantial ' and Other Produce at Home
Prices -of Cattle • , Grain, Cheese
separate •Ium from. the inves or and for loss as he Conld, not raise' further mA and Abroad. '
-pr purposesh
s . Fer,, temeniher UiTs iti' stieculatT
Speculation takes- 'meek ;formsID ing on margin. the Margin' debo 'riot ilm-
' generalheereverit is done eni "Margie." it the tisk. Legally'o you oWa.' the stock
unless Mining 'shares are bought. The and the •broker only loans yont the Money
latter 'ere Subject to such **latent changes :to..Pay for it, .„ii.,:keep the Meek as
ie in -ices' in the market that no broker ',seetirity. The -fact. that be 111 tun' 'bor.
who bas haa' any reputation': werth. coesidet, rinvs-:•froM the banks' does not alter this
bay ;them: eicent for- elientO•whe fact. ;•..tail so, if ytiiti steelT sboUl4 drop
are prepared to ,pay for 'them nothing in !eine' yod.wotild have.
When one buys, a stock on -margin" to standthe loss. and Ilia broker could
It . is 'customary to go, te , a broker', who force you to make •geod:•the amount
:tikes the order and Makes the .reireli,asci' through .the Ia•w• coartS. ;.•lt•Oti could of
for a amen 'conitniOsion of a qurtcr 01!:V.i1117e:'limit iOur ISTeg ,to. a certain
• ,
'one -Per cent, an the .per tattle. . The' point but Aliat is seldom done, aad is
broker, being a responsible person, as liis not Often' satisfactery.,
Possession' of a Seat on the Toronto or ,Of,/ course, bad you beenan ltiveetor
edentrear. Steck 'Exchanges, .cestitig. .as and bought the stoelt:-tO•liold :you would
they do de some 420.000. Weald indicate, the , not 'have been worried by a drop in
.client, as,soen ..ns; lie is notified that his .inerketr' price:, for while, the spcculator
stock has t'iop hoiniht , Pays 'the broker -secrifieed• safety to picOpect of 'aPpre-
i ,• - •
fifteen .or, twenty percent . sof the. •inveitor4iwoUld. not bave
'value of the, 'stook.' 'I'his 20 per .centis"everlOoked verb'. an ',important reature.:.
the .t"margin ." Semetinies it is ,ella,Wd .
low as ,i0 per. cent, het "niricar" 'mar. . . • .
gins aro are most dangerozis. The• -broker COTTON TO SE etliEED OTTEL.
iaheS the .stock purches&ite,,his. t
let, its Say' it is. Toionte :gtreet Railway .Tit . 'Will S0011:
of ' whieli lie bought 100 sherea--and there
makes a loan on •11., The stock cost $15- • '• ' •
000. as the market ia "Torenteo Rani" at • A despatch rem Ottawa SairS:,
It is said to be ;almost 'Certain that
tiis. writinq stand at 158: The liank will
Joao go per eeit/ 0e this 4/Dowd, oir, General." Otter, ' Inspeetor-Gerieral
sq.64 . e e aincoun . • rtly
S1.160. so tht, the broket ,not ont .of retire On• full 'Oeu6ou b
, A
' Teeento. Sept; 1.1.-41Ont74,1hter W11,.et
90 .per cent. patents, S345 'to; $'3,r?0; Yant-
real' freight. . ;itiatt.ithba fours 1;csr, Pa-
tents,. 35:30;, second. patents $4.80, and
strong. bakers'. $4.00,, On track. Terbeto.
Manitoba Wheat -NO :1 'at $14314, and
Noi.„;2' it 41,03. Bay port .wheat
Ontario.. wheat -A. , 2 white. red Or
miiednewquoted at 66e, phiside.
" Peas 93. 'to '95c.:' otiteide, -
'6ato-014 No 2, at AO to '41ci• arid lie"
at\ 3912 to 40cin ear Yds, outide !Tc'••
iesterit Cenada. 461-2c, and No 3,
451 2e Bay porta. ' •• • • .
• Barley-No.2 io,probablz, worth 75c out-
side.."' • • ,
Cern- No 2 Anierlean yello*, 76 to
Bak Ppeto, •
Rye4Car, lots outside, :75e. West, and,: at
77e; east. ; • . • •
Beekiiheat7NO; t, at, 54'••to • 55c, eat-
: • • .
t 7
Bran43faiiiteboi brae $23 50 to $24, im
bags. Toronto' freight:' 7Shprt,,, $25:
. e sue-:
pocket. The broker, bus received ineetelleedr',obrthGeeNnie_ersa:e,'n; oot tnotria,t ioconint;
commission for buying the Meek. finding
a bank to loan money thereon and, be, tiejori:,. with Iteatkinarters at To-
responsible for -the leen'tt repaynielt0, Brigadier -General Lessard
when .demanded, for banks loan coe se. is understood to slated for Gen -
curie "on "on call" only, This means that eral Cotton's' pot. While to. succeed
the loan'. must be ietiald at Once 'schen General Lessard, as Adjutant -Geo-
_ .
asl AOthe loan 18 not very stalsti,,-- C'elt- :Denison et.Torentnd
•hcitic • used,: for keeping, active surplus .001; Pallet are possibilitie.S:
baub tuadsinet, required' for the inComent.• •
ati&anay time,„:the,:babk ,la,STEST IN TUE W0111/1.
wAS-attireel4i4lic real-eestume 'of'
the Plants, while the groom was sup -
poi -ted bY Mr. Urn: 1Valter 'Gibson.
Globe; AriZona, %From ,ehildheod
bride: and 'groom: h?tve praetieally
fiVed'in the saddle, lienee thilksire
for a ImiSeback wedding.. . •
,and infantry to strengthen the -lo- •
, cal garrison in' View Of tile intreas- :British cOvernitteitiUt`entemplates
; .ed importance of the Station 'which Eormatied,in I,arge.-eentres.':
Will come with' the opening di' •• the ' • ,, • ', ' - .
4c,p'4te)1,. froni+.',Ietidoti,.. 'says v.
' 'rename 'Canal., If is, expected tluit '
., the naVal yard at'Port 11- i. --4t 15 all'n6P.P.11.thatAbe Govern-
ment eOriteinplates the forination. Of
iralt burned last spring, will be re. '
' a ilittint,eer polite, force in each' 'Of
_opened seen,' the large , te,ritres of . population.'
,.........L--,..„.4, 'This is for, the purpoSe. of toping.
• It 011ItOilS or elloiitict. w'itit OtOtiigOinieS, Iikd the; recent,
strike. :
Turtish Soldiers l'earied in • ;
• , „ • • • I N 11110aft.t.3131.E.
A despatch front St..1 er,slturt,
. Cats Without 31e1ieh1 Abl." • •
saYs:- A desletteh te the Ntrt.'''e" ''‘"` Will Ilate Veit Battleships With-
even (qtrs.
mya from Coliatantinoltre descrilt- .
ing thc 114)rrois of the cholera ell:-
', i'emic in MaCedonia,says that ...oldit . A Pekin dmpatelt .;iattilt. The Min:
• ers are, trowtkd in locked ears istry ,of Marine' 1OS ,dlitiWO UP It•5
' when ilt and left, without water 41 or. programme, wide') win, give China
;ntetlical did... On the 3iitrovitza at the end ,Jf Aeven.years a tleut of ,
.: VskiiVrailrond living 'and'dead eight hatileshipS. twenty cruise,i,S. I
iiitims •of the cholera ' have been [ ten Smaller vessels; vand fifty. tor- i
'tirrovot from tar 'windows by their pedo boats .and destroyers. It, also
ikovides for four naval arsenals.
charged an general. diSeetints., . , the (.erntany.s -New Ilreadnotight- De -
broker pap, at the present. time, 51-2 velopS'',Phenoitteitat 'Speed,
teat, dila cllarge's the, client 6 per-eititli ,
the difference :being considered'. a fair A deSpaten..tioni hamburg says :
charge tor leolsing. leiter the leen. It iS etailrie&that; (letillanzi. has
lOg :the interest' and handling the. fAstest W'arollitt in the. Ny'drId. ,-The
aceotint. - • ' "dioAdpaltglit ertiiser Nroltke is
o t")
NOW. supposing •that. while Waiting for,"'eredit.#4 with speed f (4 knots
n' advance in price the . event liae to 9n. her trials., The SIciltke•ii a ship
hold his stock .1c:tr./a lite interest. d 234,PiP tens 'and - 84).°90'
horse -
win :Selman to $758.40; of • *Web the: tiro- Pow0-
ipils at varioup Centres in Ifritain
Adopt Tactics of Their Elders
despatch from London says:
Young England 'appears to ' be in
:z state ofirest+ following the
ample, Set in tlie• recent strikes .by
the laboring classes, There )1tIVe
been '$iriket of ',S011.661bnYt tOti•-•
(ion. Liverpool, Mineliester,
SheflieId.;'Grinisby, Llanelly; Brad-
ford. Ashtontrider-L:Vrie, and
even in Scotland itt• Leith., The
boys drew 'up rnanifettoes. hod fle-
nionstrationsi and engaged in piek-
their- c'kr They
objeet to the Use ,of, the ' eine, by
sehoolmasters,r,'and also Wthit an
eXtra 'half -holiday on Wednesday
'afternoon; At Islington the boys'
smashed the sehool-windows with
StOne:14 and in lItt11,,thete.was
Inigptiou stortelthrowing with Much
datitage to windows in • the neigh-
torbood. In most. phtecs the Strikes
'Collapsed and eanings"have been in
ortler, — /
. .
hots haild-eicked, 82.30.
. ' •
:Honey -eatraeted, in ties. 10. Llf' .0r
lb. tonibe;"
Baled Ifer-eNn.: / at 313 to $14, 4U,traeli
and Ne. at 310 to $11:. .
Baled .Straw -36 to $3.50; on track, To,
Mot '
r lots in bags $1 fl5 le el
potatoes Ca .•
4 ' •
Peultry--:Cliickeris, 15 to 16c per ',lb..;
to 1
BoiffsloSept.: wheal.; --„NO:
icoribern... ;carloads. • store. 1:2 w
ter, 49entNia, 71c;., NO.4
yenta*, :70c; Np. '3 , corn./ 693-4e, :all. on
track:, through billed...,Oats7-Ne, 2, white::
.4894 NO: 3 White, `47.1:4ef No. white, 401:43.
'Barley -Malting. $1.15 to.. $1.22. Eyet,NO„
2!',94e, through. billed.- , •
Mintieapolis.-Sea.' -ti'llidf,,,Sppteln=
ber, December, 31.034; 81-
031-2; IolaY. $1:07 •No
sn. 1 ItIPithere. 0,0334: te $1.04.7-3; No. 2
.Notorthern„,:$1..0a3-8,te $1.02 74; No...3 wheat,
953-8c , to $1.39 3. yellovi,
631-2 to 64e, Oats -No. 3 white, 431-4 to
ii.yeLNO:. 2, 611-2, ..82c: : Brae
$21.50 to $22. . Flour --First patents. 34.90
to, $5,15; seeoeik-!,aatente,:$4A3:1to. 134.65i -
'first elears, .43.25 •in"$3.75.1: .Secead,' clears;
$2.25 to: S2.65.
,Montreal, Sept. 19.7 -Choice,'. steers seld,
at 5.34e; good .ates,5 fairly.: goo.. at
•to 5 leto 'fairat .41-2 te, '4,3r4c., and ,:•cont,,,,
mon at 4. to 44-4c .per pound., •Cows .• and
'bulls 'Were, 1.4 to ./.,2c per ,'pound lower,
the ,foriter 'selling at' 31-4 to. Sc. and the
latter ,,at 2 1-2 to 3. per pound. Lambs
sold, at 51-4 iq 512c,,and sheep. at 3 1-2:te
3.34e Per pound.. • The demand for calves
WAS,' good: at prices 'tangling', freni ;$3 ..te
$/0 eath,: as to size and qUelity. •Ftegs-
$0 to :37.33 per weight
ed ofr cars, ,
Terente,,..Sept:. ta.-,choice:oferings wer
snapped up early' at price,' ra'egin& from
36 to $6.2S.: medium to choit'e, ,firni at
40. to $.41.5.: good lititcher.Cows'.1anif.hen.vy'
bulls; ilt-in. 'at $4.50 th $5•25; mediOrn: ae.J16
doinOiOn, at $3.75: to s4'..2:5-;•• canners at ,
60 to sttsc. '.hep steady; 11,...avy
to POi% 'ovi,s;: $3,50 ' to .$4.2.5;
laniht. :den and. 'eeeier! 'at '$5 to ie-
, stead at Lob ;
to 37,50, fed and watered. ,
but inscriptions and other evidence
show that it was built in the tithe •
of ,Tiajatt between 9S . and .117 A. I):
. .
When the R,oma,ti empire fell, and
Rome lost the inaitery uf the seas '
.the light in this. tower was .extingu-
ished. Per many years noneof the
old Roman', lights lit :up the sea
edges of the forther empire.: ',.11tiost
of the light. towers fell 'compktely
into ruins' buta fortunate chance
saved. the Tower of.:Elercules.
For 'Many centuries it was nothing
but 'lot& wall's of' 'Stone, .and every
CentUry added -toits dilapidation;'
but at last; about 16,84, an English-.
man and 'a 'Dutchnian, .Ciins.u1S ,of
their countries at Latcsunt; agree-
ing that the ,building was mot,decay-
ed beyond repair, had it overhaul- ,
-id And patch7o-i.:-Tiwirrg v as .
again -kindled; ad t -hough iV- was -
not. kept. alive fur many year th..,
tht,i-structure from-, irret.riet,abto
• In '1707, mere than a centurjr, af-
ter its usefultiegS had been rei-lYed
'for a sliorttiine, the exterior. stair7
wi.v encircling .the,building, by
which. 01 -Wk. -Dimas and -the two ("On; .
reaelied the lighthouse at the',
.top had fallen corapletely and the
Spaniards ;decided, not .to reboil&
it. But they planned a thoreugh....
renovation .• of the tower the
work, as they completed it; is
They placed new .stairway
the interior Of thO'stroOtute.. They,
•tore down the •upper 'third Of tho
tower -ancl-.-"--zompletebt“.-rebuilt!-it,----
'They'. faced 'the lower two-thirds
,with 'granite,' Markingby a slightly
overhanging layer Of stene the lino
where the .ancient stairway had
clung •to the exterior wall. They .
fTio.eurtdi sntlip.aetrieteltie
fouridations •stand., to -day as the
Roman ;Stene masoni left. them!
This' work ..iyaS' ecii0leted about
years ago, and every night since the
light. has guided the mariner along
this 'part of, the northern coast' ot
'The light can new be, seen, 4e --
cording to the weather cencliticlus,
at a distance , from . sixteen to
tt.ventY-two Miles' at .sea, and it is
derubtlss. illOte. effective beacen
'16c: '.' T..dte Mitiltry about te, towecthari • • ." '
. ' • Central .Can ada ' Itaitivav,,te IIuibl
)1ontre:11 to Ottawa.'
than. that ;which glimmered '.fretn.
the old toWer .serite '1"?.',84)0" years
ix aoo-oo-i U -1X U.
l'hat is new the Natives Pronounce
• Name of 118w:di's Ctipitztl:.
• • • , .
'Honolulu to is a decided mix,.
atter-o-Dairy'Printa, tt to S:tc;
16t� 27c 17e. CreaiiierY etteted ate.2,4 ti; 26c
Per,Ab. for roliS and 23 to 24e tor Sollds,,
EgeS,-Strictly newlaid. 23 te '1i4C,
'fresh at 20, to Ito per doin in ettSi
Cheese-Largb; .queted! at 14 1,4O. per
and twins. at 14 1-.2c. :
.1106 iinotir erg; .
114s-itt etto(t
lets. . Pork, Sheet, ent',$.23.; th nie4 t+111.
to $21. ItainO.' Mediate Cri '..1ikitt;•.,1/ to
18e; do.; heavy. 13 .to 1612 o1141, 11 3•4 -
it$ bieahfttit bscoft 1i ti •18Y: .bactie
101-2, te' , • .
tut -it -Tierces, 10 12 tuter., 155.4e.:* pails,
":11r$INESS,ott MONTREAL., •
`3Ionireal, Sept. l9.- Oats, -- Canadian
'Western.; No, , 47e. ea r • lets.' et-st,tre:
extra . No. 11 feed; 461-2;'; 'NO, 3 1'. %V. 46et
Ke...*2 Ideal White: 45 No. 3 Weal white,
450' No, 4 loedi *bite,' "44 I:2e," rielollt.
Itaaitoba Spring Wheat ptithiltio'.
$5.46;.sceobtiO. $4,90 'Whiter' wheet :Pat-
,ent4. $4.73i ;Strbitg hikers'. $A10i 'itra13.11t
,34.25;, $1.85 te f.MIC..1
barrel. 'f5.'25•`; hag et'eck
Sz..66„' Cera,-Ainericiin X. 3 Yellow,
otiorto, to $24: 'Afar'
Onta06.,• $#,
$28':. shorts, Mneitelia, $25 $25
to $32. Eggs -gelected, 24 to 26t; O.
A. de5pa felt frkin Ottawa Saws -•.ttrie
According to a director Of the Ceti -
tie,' Calada,
the Railtray o puny, • w4ieh is
Said to, '0W.0 .over a utillii itt 0,ercs
of land in the Ottawa Valley, and,
contemplates eonnectinte.'• Mdatreil
and the •GeOrgiii.ri bv &i itev
line. „Work will: be Starited on tile
seetitiit of 'their
eka and 4
i,Ies of
,tobb.;.ties. 1& has. L4�QOel Htlnaiii;t1,
12,000 ".,1dpiihese, 6,.:3001 Chinese, ,
5.40.0 Portuguese; 1,300 •Xlnerienna'.
B;itisli•and Get tnant "' 800 Ptittos
1,009 UuielilflS, Itr0 Other
nationalities...„" •• ;.
• In it &lion ride; on the .5.;.tret tars
4-eledirie, you pfeae. says •the
'IlosAry 'Al'agakirte; and, furnishing,
\ et..? .good &et -vice -lone' enn,
fOrt the 'snow falls„ The work Will' fei.,ent sp,ok,41.
torn:tenet.' a t 11,841-eshury and'Will ;
. ,opies tlie n•atlyC,i..:NV't.1111)-Y lfl edra•-'
/11. tV
9:?til ttletill;t: tltil%ittiT S:ii1
i)1:ittnegk;11nith lips
\1111 othat111 g 11 t 'y,Itggeat American n -
wnt,ses, and e'ara,
t pushed groes, but \tint St.t4Ight .(not,k1o1,,3)
'black kilt and: a eopper .cOlot- that •
rifftED 'ON'3101t.? • 1 , ;It:4
• • ' Their: langua.1 TG
!#611Y"Vi't,it.„)14' by titilitisfr.6no witolicars it fur the first titt4
TPOOILS nit l'ortuguese Rorder; eonics the letitn
t'141 that e.attork-,
gite•s' expreseti tu$s4.1•1itinei•t itC. qn ' •mitwt e441rre;-1rtri :
111,. .1 PLflUttlk
t i.`rou 111 1,41's'of!'lee.t."-'''''t, t a 117.1 Inc,11. A 11 od ly(lite V lin is patient and,.ishea...,
.qttarterett here on. tne Port • •81,;,2,11.z. ,, • er.kla
' gitos,r Prov'ent- into cint v be.. , hotter
front rin tutt country , rno. ,spomirr stift
NOWO,I;;Ii4igil4S`k i'40` ttat*
lanwtattp% b %&Lsnited
t h dolcfla Iftrit• tri Ian, NI
'flotOnto4unlititl. and'''Ict. the .
`Word. *sett
111(.4)- all` littnek ir fhe troope
Mitt 231,0
iittf toYilioWlitg". The Olabrit411,1 is
tributed 1' tiC Preinftling • politi-
.4,61 te..,t itt the diseViCt.