Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-09, Page 31FP 30 r 41 77 77 7,; 7777 777= in i P premises Tiff; I IoN t,'�oo near'& $IIJDRISr�l Of; these idle tra of, mine, W neo OVO u ay an o not.'domp, a there, is thei'risk o . ....... n1iotels, �Wzql thw'd­ d ­d rit -be 4- 41 be a 'cam" ­�bptje iss Send tile, orders. t 6rdqy'S,.I nq Do Ile ho t Mr. Run Problent of Reatin 3Tkeit ed rk9l t A ­-Qnb�y I - ­- ­­­­- ­­­ k !.ter r1--- X tile $W110 A 44, '.1 1 � I I . "Want.", b�, 70, V�Ogrees, 1PO.ow Zerol, h. J�qul,Qt. �41g tp oiil�B �Qme imes bcat,5- 4nagert 'And go, to ixisilraneP� com�- A a A Tile, -,,vip 'in 11 '4� hi ex to " , ters 'a 'on tcr OURS— ALI Yes, sir,'.' replied tbO'm Eelt 34" 'will the Place yo p n Mal i iifAP4 till Oil Y94 4 rqf� from, �eveii to QAA, tits, i H4y,pjeJraS,! (Confo Me locked up., Try,, all ti r., rietitman of tory a le Windows, 4 -her ell- rom zer -a' Ay tho'diermometer. r; -a -s, ing give' 3, t a I'VN �. � will dQgS a' flrnA- Ther o -A'�r The larger I n very c ever a degre's',r) I'o :,ago S 41�11. W o Sir once"V` �nel smuggler on the beach jivit ai X r, F rie tt in an n looked gloomily, 'And loi ti jet rice,o­ w -o pritip, 141 siJ I f� I of ,adir r n hklw iNlio'when ie i it - to tj lit rnipg F on in. P pilill s. pa§§ �g clo4C Wrough: the e. ers Ahat I ia4 come itt th an. ,e k, and M ii. S rucei 1 R­C4raWpero;,.4nd-- is, in-:d4.xnger out o policeman 6 They drove to ffic,bitn­ S' I 0� c0rdl�l on by t,lie'afternoon'posi. 11 ,.y#sJhc 10" I , Ig sl til'of . . -describing his se ue, er sc.plrfe4 4%e -cs' great f i� h b lot �,gt-�alwa3,5 mak i� �o ta� VlAm, 'lye ' it, a. t r OVIS in" 'OrdQr e a n m fortuha. to tile cas iler'," CC4 d ge ds-intoi air,,r D t"O �i ere 4 ,nd So qujete8t%n,,? i�ni 1 (.6 sina lid itV -i,, ail 200, out, aid vanta 44,''Init , 'Of t If `s4d i� lie 7 Itat -Miller�, 4- place dr46 fijfi�ed it over peure. t a �estjruits arnd� N*- lrialil�! miss, � ail w X 1 carabiner0$ IONIA bil d L k r. sitd�t' . y0ji 11 L , I I , i. ", I I . . r " , "I r I ' ' , ,, as po 0 g!'Cw 5t in. yo I I WA, ly manager, -q6N of wood table�s. each 'at 4he Cv6t of its ;�'Ca. Long may they do so.�, :He niust be tile 140ters, and w C, n, r ave rill, conw - to, hi�,, r apacitIy a Ile cups� of s,)n Ji�rlces` ar' ' lowest the,,i� I' Sibi alj� as . i�concierting IIS a, snipe. ;blice; .1 tel -t you that ln�7. "T iat'll 0, sai4­My.` Miller e nie to' the 94t- -a. reminder R liere 19 - bea Ing is: hr " lli' grbVe I . .... . is Ii oat It .§ I 44vie 111 never Fet eyes on we Again less w,astqr ()v6yyipa,f qits 8wite of tit I ­. . �' , I , , hef..st-OeS Use water, Wil") ar, i r e.citrabineros' hovmv,-�, compally ed -'yo'' I all "clIp Q� Sllg� t1lare I roill t 16 We . n Eire it. . I . I , N SO I' lat.r ow3lon q Ioff. purposes, are 46119,17 arc� so teptler . boarte b madd, of SI!eet- iron a44. two oggs, two never Milk Q.4 'prcwve:4,'0 jol- d that: 111Q, shai. S proollse, yOu oy, a lit. or (orpor4tion t1l". tile 'annuat. Xl,( w JVP -r le '-tight, heate m pvxi g tablt'spo4wis, �U' Co r ".,I s t, I, ' )I.' 5o tile 411 C y 'Tit u it sirr ti ruing. Yodl:lf ail In SLOM Fervi�e, bee [I J;,f' 17s, Friett-, a Iii A;S r§, rc 'ive AM tftka� b CJSt e ` 'to.r ila -06S,6 are PlIticha,7ed, oil file 3oil sugar.und-,Nvate eillove, fr<)In� a�llofi b tobacco front _t -is ---if I -find-yol -find -t SQ le, Are cases. A ivise a" srt6a-ne I y' -.%:as due -ho. strui�y, to nia a n S po ic ith ;,iZ op� at, baser, it ShC.A.aS oile,WllielIt' 'In vtbing p im- tIler-%-'!av, Oil the I idl), PA,�6 of *outsi­c, aN ai� t t a SlIIJIg lers, the welfare ofi�l of it there i 9 ls d It ,Ing as r v Nv b It. llpal 1) and'. 'boil 'Itiltil thic Re, p in.t ie e.tter* to -r. rrow, t �le I ey re p nei ecip pprtanc I ri it call �% , .1 `A f tired in Dawstifi ent , y r M DRE '�A ."�t of scoundr'els 9 Satisfactory, -WfVLS Ill ute me to. tho At r white ne, but J f 1, ron. in iiy Prove_ strous, t6en to depon upon -.their Pe' CC !eS sblut ly I n w6kild have Tile !as rggs 1! p0t. stiff, beat ten UV* d n er , canndt car to, me oilli'lig. d lit' rob., SI, plain,ar with whipped, nithi.tec ugar -it s" ii all e had i his P14CP J)"r,; W hl&ve tit -etAo tit, leir does, sa r.� be, tiff ened tile i";:tJrV.R'6e 'mofi63�j a pipe rlin,dire -e, rof, -dogs And fi"r �tl tar or ' !tit" p1Z1III '211P it*siard, tssliout entage,of iller bi6 t at. a.! cat pea Post, ri'thing of, IL 91 - it 'to 'it rus]RUIlitra it C I!lg4 or -spice I - 'H t ro W ri: S1 b six uAtIkees Qf S 11L W It I lie. o Acco �,klm, e a-446 �-n6t, atrinki -',h t t,�. �biiswcss, i4i thus, losti, t " IiA6�e! volkq f tuifit,61$, 'fok ter ,'and call id I, hr6ugh tli�'�Pjpe. Heaf jellic�' ill �Vle or ..a or rn,a�i age r a to 'al. '4 aIQ b acene no ve to thla to' the f of' tllerfire,, with' Qverep a this'to some exte 0 -t, go, out ror 4usitiess,' '�414- got it� of t cie� a Fi C f ol-a thing are, So quie., GocdLdav 'Mi- ' a red; the are It, uiting. of diogs qn, tho ears, a iro 'the Stock, take 'to4orr t' 'iid, riacle!N�ed -ol6lec of ig[�Iatiilie in I. If a g I I Tile; exe much, SN n Artms from - ill gr d not, ebyer.whil 'cook )Illerthing. ake. ou't ag path, not. etitiretv u it Ili I ter and f roifi'4, to.: 8 'ne 'ta, r I it- me Oic natur' have ia linu 3, .1 m i 'With . ............ -iou e— till-tih 111`0 Flettl 11g, a 'w1 ­f —4�' ig in 11 re. %v t 1 a liddin . the veupt pAy ,Veo.p to:',sk3,.Ia k er i hin short.distane-e of kii, r In tit car. 9. tacles� fo Arrived, at Bi.ighton, It t V. �i last tile poor,i-L d t. lial ents, �Nrtiieh ito not add t a I? w -a a re ie v'no�, sir,'i agree -o 'or r tit , el, 'said the .'no a o0om, are now� used. at' iffTy 1w,,iten 'NO�ites of tho, eg,,,:3 ter' *I, it th -d Mi' ree' ist6in s. �u Tb� e that' be ei� it t of fit Uxidsca'pe, ,',L e,rtaiql, viewed fi% �igbt eR qng er; and e puf into I e. had lit) objection to, cutt''119 14 call'd a' cab tb� carry The pipo from,66 stove enters.the Pe t haL i ler," :' ot p, AiP rices. holne r. lu�o I to 8etj.arnd,,serve� �al p e I,. Fript6nann wandered Mr. Friettmaiin'waS, it iller's rVeommenda top of tile drum ll� ide of the' fir t1wing to st" oil t,oP QPP Oj� I I , , line.' hini, as Ile..90 -act v oil the ot er tr4, ti I.r os t lie, of men. wit tion occullred. t t in o pa on, and dii I S g AN4 I Q re Voti­ his Alakes 'a most '0111 S1111t4gling vili to ell ti S room himSelf I even wit Stopped the'Altiver deof tile par ition allot lei- pipe IEv A fow. davS, stop doihestic Set alits"Of oll-, 119 P r Ice S) icf cab, A n4 lie seet, Rit 4�eryl it g was property- -have, no ititefiti of, sit At the corner to,liuv all. connected le race fron I ti' -4 oiie� s p umOner bhi i pp,13-flig th�. to -the flue bI a0ing . . ara It 01 p must i 'copseque-itiv Cie evt 'Hi ven ij,g lie Sea -Illow -'ain.� ne't Afliatevr, the'predotitiolls tiley will fastened it". paused to look goods,' At njillit lie Iv rote his ord- moke e groun ers ot­ -fire, down on 6 side of tile, T quild-flie war; d'.forw*ai e 'fill- ea . geely For the acount a' drtiu� and g % QV e -�'d them to L in order -to e8cap aAd� one ell Nll- illot 9 b he a. 'ook greeii'fcopi.. Ten passill �,' -floor. Tbe gas -jet � y t' Itile, p�e aitirit d the other' e� isi quite iroug I tie s e. R b 'iling wate L tI jl)� titiorning lie, went o 'Pipe tarum may, water Les ill' enabled the-p6l netr to Lt, enters tile an lit hichr 0 ti ai�ellouse., f t At h Spent Beaf of, f6ar. eggs stiff Then sli Ile rbm' ou.t- eari a 'ne6dlesis helf be t PC emit tile It choillgli longer oug tells I Vou would' Lie .11pitist them; to rest (j. d to r grapli t1kereon, wili -a 1_ W I_ W W ped it t ill -tinaer s the , , e - I I- � A to I o; he hote aga Penn Sudklienly �6 �para I -wher'e. it ese- gel ati, ff r� lit it is for (fienf. lid r s T r tile', hekt meal in hi8 Soule of.trhe sinuggletsr are ery -As Mr. Jrlettmanu surveyea, it, Struck ills eve; d -I �11 —In it Iq rp ajrm,,an alalf-wit I frit, oloai r iP le- e is' .0 C. the 3 chimney it dividing, the..allove mixture, aad',to a fittle,flak� tl ', He n -lidded cheer to tile wana- th Cut corn from ;�6 non, and Nva b and, I'ro ' part ofr O'Jj6 '1,6_ scon 1. S the Ilioney. 'eel Ing., d4a6ed Cress. a� Wox'llt r tle,'heaV. three ears add large it se' knife 'egg - t and t6, lingiover Fire, , T e !some. cases- are iirti a�d 'olie tat4 ground. r.here's atelet- i.for'�vou, .3 the At� in 1 .1 1 po:r4. ion , were. P 4c -tie -t to -Friettmann Wok �sonie STePs, ietthi-drin -he it .:Cor h ed .1 la the'' pgpper.... :u as Wet -a, nio I siiil t 'And te,, `.j n 4 thexaraoineros bi course a, iere is F i t a qu: t�d,: to! the, �eiiing, -a Juph e that fiiid tlle.office� 'stove and in'oth rs thi r y enollg,V. Our a f6,et di§t'a tit, ac r ing ito,,t'he size, e p rate ara W. r Cold tic. - 01" of t ro4 Placed Pinn�o ith! It wa.s iiiiiie' d b -ed, and �thftt the diroctOrs alte'rii, a 0 Inc. 1 hop feud A iea* It's It -1i g Tile. eY re, also arill n elream -c I 4e tore 6t to"bie tiftce, ?.,� s, � a W i It mi �Th '"face; i4a, had .�"Tha d 'd tile 41a tige' ous� th6tuAit ail I it I, ince,, A tiff rent,'roonis f r6rn t ei,bs seized rifyfoimed. to h Apt ee ::Crc,, -Our' familv ki.1116, two. cartibill r Ai S,the -oil .., . , I I . r S lie �11 Y., 1) ': 'iame, as A batter eakes 6r dr, uld in -some C Ityllts q., ven a cara itierol�llotr.far f roit'i oor Friett -lie a" a.* usiness at contain . . . i it like. US. lit 1 lie -et:td c tithe' IS,-. ca'ses-Ion,--the-se or 1n this I- have in, te<l, Apricot ice b'y, ul.$'i'llto boili'q Aard. fbi pi, aster T b r Ws Are. latilr , �u lid uyned' a it, Oreat -d: -a- Ao.. 'It de!ft v6d-all v- . it t Oil aur led 11t f ri a& flashc t ai.ed he:ioffic 6. fox Way lhn:cooking'.., - ak� it'in "captor *11ell a ter.-,car'a- tther 161" .$Ou sqzililoped or with 1 40 C -a ;in e, ea e i le 6 ., . _ , lig tile ry, or 0 e1c, or I e, ro runn lig and r I: Anci­eei I e oil lie �usel.. W, 1 fig htlit. or t Ily: hia heat rG igh tit t 0 ..,pick a sour kife so pr t 'Ole Se C, 11011sc*; tilky ilana' eress t co ifi'g will rec t sisting lawfuF 'auth, ri.ty At one e7., 4�v bi In 4" thought -what 4. re e,:,, -:o:. lip t in' 'So e f."I �.-thinig It ba ilso-a L, 'lie c J."'a in fil'�t 'then -QPk,--j wil be met. ro oa irl dei i n ed 'M'r.' Friett- R'ot� off , old scores" 1111d t, t�e st ,it, ti S641olibil Corn. '-.Cut. from -a goni...". I ilk said- everythi f d )in fire. a% th ardli when oored Vhel e knife A' t'See' Nsr. an twentiet I,, tit 4. cob-, slafiting- th ol dii a, i 0 , N, a: 'Olt V 1 00 rilipac ]BUt. till, ''Aisaareca e a strugglill b. .e or. frilit ress.,'. It. ivifin- ir..Daix e`Warchouq it Ihr Cat It.77 S tj Too .77 c. -bill bl feature n on ill lit be�ore,.`- in le -is so. of qorn'..t'k'- ut a -C�, 0.1 C. At '111A as NV -lar ly o V t Sit cien - or chim. s, �nvlp ur ge lit'down:': bqfo�6' 'o�q t -clock train 'a r ief t C,two.. men $pull. roun, mee .one,:o it inost It i vrOW -7, H 'POAVER 0 F. 11 U 31 A T I SION' t1i'li intense at,of �iidl I a � S Q ­ - - . aab whistle. gel 'I This Iasi een ove e on k, t-, ftP C OlIg -I' will! and t I te eb 1 ie. b t, 'of' the� "Peiliaps y 'ftL't le and A car iner OC 07n10rr4OyV it 1) e tnadd 1-— a e 0 S: feet. it, to tk6 tho' st he' aa r s. f0l dlead at his e are (I e� F drulli drain to,wa lid QUOS 0 "at a 1) 1 ci Syrup awl- a, I little 6f C ell y tit. IqI,e in, ,the. k r Lit. i.td Eye of I I O.P. a- te crei ha, aimed that,'- Ild, itlig -Aigh ha f f cor� a spe confUsion C wrfa C., g d mbill whem dropped in t a �HfS T% 8 C AA E -�wIdnti.b; . to Ills bffi�e, :hn it. seems. to a pan -sit inkle d He, 5A d, c`aU N60 lie xifi�ijd�i ile place.4 ''biblow 'at, A "P' C tinuerth' t*I'm.JterI_ '.'Inu red on C01 Wate r' Add" half a c or kin lavver �f �riilnbs over b re�16aviitg wrote C In. iat Purpose. -As much as from' ines-TUD. ep pi t' . gallons this f , r I -h. : tl I I warm over miling; aci a c equ� for t e- ins rnani-h,, gUl 'ilk coiyn � t1fe 6 four oIS N%aV U. -I I Algeciras - - a Ot in ''We ono 11R.I.IdtIt o I Inciii. a- b I f W It ndals are iised­u�. afth. ble 4coh- 1��ct in t ours�. ac,- ce had-a�' s' et ft,4 edl lekl put Ili A TnO�. t, of hits limi P e tit "AL so : of scoiffidt, scioushess, that as� be- had not drdei- par Wt adi to :sierve.' ail illt b raiiidv% �,�ith' the, coinfort4 r., ilhffl y/e, ill- -of rerain ct�, , , poll i"i while hot ei' C ad S, '.A t, I �cording to'the siz�oftlte­ So ii,cr ssing power h eve oi?a(pe -it� bro"wils, kne,-time taken i o' packii n'r , .. . . I I .:, . eai could.n e as lid. !a%:& v, serying' '.of ice -van . Ith f ali -incii. fd r 'no use It -cream , 09 an melt themselves,: rith tobacco. The'thin Re exwep ion The moirttihi, ':�kr S To ..a tur t -is, with stoo hi ecame pour lie, it 4 b tie .1 ,(1 rid 06' noujat,'. fuls of bUtWr' anti ibn hn wom'en graditall. ina ly a. nnj in,spi e, (�bd- b Hi6 told I W . -hi stn 11 iniou"t fiouelies t) is misto,r(une d,b' -den-, shaiJg I sp, P In lising '--all B'ut pitc� -o' 'U '.,sense si-4�lt -.n" I , e r " I , I nions''in tho train, is ior'flip ;int, itir Init"t le, " f I iri s. collipa, - I le 'e, nn of olefilse4rves; to ovet.fl6wing afid-� So and taceivId much sy . mpatby. Iseets An 01 1 r-1 t r I,& ark".4 iiirned -to my husband G atit Rs tile' itin e il ill the-Isfock-WiR� o*n,'mv of to it c It ill e i it "rh N, it, ha Is. d J%fi,llej the t Li!indbb I on it ieing',blill ellgirls io. arrivC& lie r, tj6thinl six �if a f 'conipa-ses t Ing humorotis snilles, h0d f4it to Jim wa c aid sugar, Ir 0 t r., I : 1� Pas tv &L mind dust t..he�..gobdrS'f6r.N-OUL ft;thful manager, AWait- floor i apart n te A ill', 13.�idge, ilis f placed thr-ec. 111 n0l, S egg,, one I"' d rd .1 smal 1. packa ,.,Of tob anioui A I., e g 11 le cold f tile -�oitt�-:ilie--qtiaiiti*tie��.,:� ed on tile platform.. rout parts, fthe bo( f I alt 6 d "thb tat MI! e a t: As a, sill le; ililk. f cup sour inilk.,ope tchs.poontui, 807'. werer hird it �Ork he roopl and'earri s t7' A! gross. n alialf inAtati6ii Frietttnann4 tile dit Ilen �nlugglill� W'�� v a r,.N' bentiful b. it, :S� T I rn 61 Aid 1t awdei-; one te aspoonful: cimfamop U 0. C ., k humanATAXIbED fid bAing GLERIS:�'.:OF GIBRALTAR nic With t �objejft' -P n_Cl fi till two hnhft�'pened to'. wh6se-iamefee sofilit bout, one lit t&sP0,3nf call ter Cattle it! to. :tile rq - I' t' . 'fl 'Joii'd 'bet, CUPS gra lartir our� one�l alf cul) tho. �-illftl�c of I 1 .1 and-eig Wilielit8ter 'Right'. right!"' wmild, Mi% F I- ic f rcshificnt�rok)m and I I 'to I1k Gi 'd that Bat- !�E 1, P. VR It D 0; �Nulg4fiiefit& -oniAn' Pit its. nilpble' ',ctdadN- fine e in'; ino THEt A',\ 'N\ who' a& to Sir V tin ma r' And erate SeXt-e "with crent, and gre#- deal of r to a(' ri P n I f it A 1), YOR, TWE WOJ it"d fckd VV gross a After gix vears a grop :&ied 'r. hcr� cottage heard. on f with of 13 1 T, hls�, goliv, 0 inifid a �ere- coming ftf� c . � I ;I) r '01, tile letting hiS` manageri Pay tI tollil in� &kness i rum tWhAt,we dds Of itl oX or, the ifgn itio, 'as fe est wai le� Nvall�: (4 er f roist ed efarry4t#�Viibaeelbln Spain in th er, (Englan( of ttespoons o Jut t le :t Ito fteco and,' i.Aj)0lit' 40 per ialke.'eii, ias. a pios com- pbtir -a k-od tip 11 of nilitIL 6f *V the. 1®rilCir va rd V itrati.to tile jbo&.Ofr E .,.cen aniliulit. I�ooks. But colne ill Ole p) ied A tas -:,ilk a C ed i, in little cold water, k of, dInjili ijIlie �upjul ecy 'CC. Mr. 'Mil I In'r into NV d 06:two.ev S. lisn I v M tsh' Wd tl 0, 'in v aitSe �t It e-% a11171 ttilli , till, rippe, its white of �ach .�Stdge the tit 0 iing, as coilipleted.r t it ve , . li ,* 'murdima, v k� itis S116W,111 tit s a , in �ItI6 S-0 gL", tin . g tobatco, 1:4 sinking fot I t d' I. away.dild t,%.v 11 S lln 4911ft t apd aand at ce d4 -10 di I'' have tficir`ipeeia�t rti tc,, lift wlal op. I' Pprovill I nd, "Thev, it f. I file comstich <)tie -C so It, 0; pa- n t "I ei. tecliturv. �'T i� I re thf. lid I. in ..vou r ve 11 .. . I " " R If and' btillrdugh a sieV chance of what tile'! 41P , Iat, i ilie fitting- a "i -t ow� .:61 f tho- lad v whole (if stra:ghi to ou ,b bqcco. up- 4�11!11mcr- e o -sugar, and gings of , QU, ®, Z4ji. T ve4ake'll sto it'little alla 1) ft!(, bll�ful of 'met), inn to lived aniong I C 1.11, till, lit Oil t t40 it a Til, -tountry get ie the, Uhea a i sill h And borde'r with One or 0 It. I eft. 11 It 1up ------- iit-i­ - _yffi. tgh ieath iz If I, Ve I -with Wo PlItL In, at,; t rt, ers go ai� L ' tot] ends- Oil daiii v,aU(A PIVASin'g' desse sit I armed o.11 'it t too illucll�� 0 1 el et . I S. 6, Tep 6 kie r '141 k" Il e C of an attac ""by �NT ft Ibusit tlteazoins t iey',O t I A S: -This i� one of the tlie. er tile ill to he lioll(IS't ti t.,, 6W fh� t go A I -J, 46W 01)] pa the olleration of cilfiiiii I'l (I tic ara- -ed lit come aet be. fo I 1e�:uZ,k e I' sit e�cr� o6ex ros'-thbf latter take Uvo, 8 lilt res _ I the- fkll�'. I It - v It, It 4�(- (Ilf , '11110, L -asill 41 mo CoIll t 11'e, $.line 'OT f or three of tile) StnugglCrs whon'gpthig tileir to- br" b ile, i'l (I is lle, in st;iniportant '. I b I i ii, Tile k, t osnia I hiw 'lli 66gills liv nirig' & labii r s w n 1. 10 0, i IC tan 'Sit 'erg t'tile lie 'rites. i: iSome' !little od b� with ttloti!s inadii 'Iasi Ia 'Ate", W o lso tile Urt for'so. aa, v tIt ce Q, Oue kI 6 the higher bewitues, To vcr stri'tt, 11-will'th� ttil It t tilue proj�iS)011 ai�� -it] b, nd 'five dfinish fillilli the'Prices ill il� tile' Pei f oaclet st, Men nd i� It t IlL.'I I holets -and Ito Vari6lls and'-811cc AS the. tile gl\-C� It, tile to tol g!i to your bai& I opped who e oWously A ilpackcil wlthLtob;j�ep I ftIld'Nv o a e- tTh4t -ed to prooce .,()f al'I'lut a 0ar 0 ct�niplete. But aft6l otit ad td Olon li, tV we 1*0 J i t(i �iVil . Ig: tilo .1g. ilit ties 6 -that it Pro:'- -till illtulll "0-1 t w k lt�jt li )er. oeItitig'a\N Ire Ail hand A.clg� tj' e' It inrihiiiero :4cl id snd a fir -O "to It I'lisp- will Ito sp 6,_ ;,Tl i tass So that 01101" 'p4ck- Iu Ill.ki, itI iJ& tile t Xi til, r ques, ilth!!, 1)1'e I tb teA8 1;oo it till' t vc4 it Will' not be, advisabla, to Wliniif !" tone, sees women coming I b0i I cv,(" I, ll� 'Jil! it lli�'Isit lie Ig I -up ill of flie unpoPulat 'Vt oPinch' of theing, searhedi in' (zlet ItIc- Irea durntile; t g v I zzOl- Water, at dark hour d ell It, lll'.t 0 ),Ott it) 111l, e. I I L ftlid, S bot,water j , buruer 6,oin� tic a1v )lever -i�lg tin mak I thin . I r . '(;q twed 14 AfiV other Ij Ile liad 66t, A.t' 'o f Mlprk k I;D DOGS W& - 11 \V (,kill I)ni(,Ilt tcull- ig 'till. 1. alid, i)i:jce� oi , I , , � .; �ki 11 Ll I re tire le S r b, bt t igi; fruit prtgs* stra ogs wAth tobacco, it abo.ui tiokit log, embil % lifie \,I a.t or lie gouL n unill lip- ill iv, otile higlit. �Boit og water At 4ark huc;r it lwqhi� io ihivkeat� then add oil k A 'Shoul Tile jogs'etin take lip, to, fitt,, eittloon t 4e Ci of 0 tile S, T6�& "'' This kind _it \t rk i. And tIenoilgh �sultabllb OIIIN� tot, aiW hours 1 tile iis4of L t of Atic Afitlalusiftii 0 t 6f thick,l6retil, retur'lle WniperAtneti id to ot Ill _Coil, . !kiSo( c,� find� it Then- add t1us0r4­Niid,1 dillilex, 1fr.. r bti tit Iw" AO und covet's, tor wipilig Ad lard:to stick to regular woA hence beAt Ad'd �fhe ingL 0114� Cgg Pit t' 'it li-tters hav It are u'll g ra 441t I tile n S a itpro- �jv Vott" a *W , . �k� son in;is 4up- pftt�Ara'r S jae�, ft,lieoill itfimi&d, itt AIA it wl I ri lot vras�er-,ing. se, I I t3�Qjjr Illet, ' I a. ox a upord ing -down to'D htdii to S�, 'if: �,Iil d 'b tit usibss ins a .9 od $ ent in inta it It sQ v, tt is�e4l e ce it L- -gas I tn inn pie ck- yl Y'r