Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-11-09, Page 2:7- M 7 A 49T 7r 4W Mfg .0, rk "fAttw ors, �and, at Bjigilton, i 4,41iti*4 of PEI' .. . ... SURS We. BIRD$, :_111 -THE drill p.vw man W -6 Wo v,4x forid . f bothi o ho 8o 131ano. TO NAiio 0 A E W 0", assure4 me, oncet 'fiE i does Win 090; 4, 1 him, if be W#=1t New,Z0ajap4 lapt AJX"V*L ALLVOWN, ZE-101AND. hen. V 8AVed, I �. . I ' e lb - - I l. used to,� )ut of C �TJON led' bf'A&jks, '*h&tl 44' c ;_f` Order ov Y., ijbLel I I -t. -yea 7 41?er , - 'bi *oul.d a, you 4 V M4 Ad Bay, A-tieAlk, never, "U"A47 is 1)), heliceives, no 'Pay, '411A 4, � DFAIng �Q 4W� �SVA up A , wbOW ieep -sea, a SIDES. *E$Oml� kic ful W f e -tell—"Which-p r is -and; 4A_ 6 r Eacu Hunni, ITOmi- lilt; 04 the, -if, be,, phikki -er t f, ok's strait, fjom.� wbos _", I X;1_._ I , - I I W scrupulously C g4p. ,tied the elffica.c.4",of stioire�S, o, Co e Variety ii-th 1�auq,of V -.e lfhey 11ass and Fre�jucl t4 aU3, 'Of ihcS� duties he iS Put into A - Pioper remedy mYSelf; -n�r did he, ,or, on i"eiing green, ll�adland , ­ �' ., b Bathing at $�dale:�­� . j nisbmept cell, whic �me,�TM hTeA4, Nix -ell, P the Ust-occasion0i wbich. he and, �Ica�j Aiy; you, 'he,'StintInit' ' - ` , "Pal"tine.!, can, see u '', _ ';­ . � I I I "' ' c9inq, Wo., 4W -hark,tpo b turnjrep� s as compared "Alio. cr*_eA W`Wb d Drew �qir �%�e a k t iter together 40, of, the SI� Uth b, The bf� 0 jin water and.solitary rofifiPcMeRt ji island Tbp 'in sud. hAd.'Lor-, to r0s dAres, use the the preseat ' 0100, 4'_ �w Oqpp,eUO4� tor,;IX Wq:! ut an bi wl c1sts ca row, ore '�&Wl hi 'thI!oVgb E prismAti, iessor,who. is devoting PA I -N TIM, RIUCT pearly w . te to, pink those 4 ky h n f� his, sen- e� a rifle bPt ver, fino , "w 4P #pm fortuet"to. be. More. noticed in -any him, Shark, .0 hin. . ' I but'this, of his life t"P't-he C§ta I t i ' ' 1 .1 It 4eatavar.*, ltis,notliptin,Dur would, bowle effect 6f'§Pn cce*tt, and b4vE� th ud" ver ap is Brit.- cor till, the Zu I iAshiw� M '.T"tter to, � c �4uet. 4 -y an; u,'r it, a,,very l, t.. I,Qlip. Surf at g froax al.i., 1; 'p the telielp.by 99, �b §oWe - Air,.- - - r ulue� t$: �Ve In n o to, o, b t a What, jlp� Lleli6VQS to be of this the, tareful.. bat�ler j I . led, be;w4h in am will feW� fail to� take AAYSI11300' top,, warm to profiee,'betweeii n" Por ile - baby', ro t. of ih ATsurroub� c"g't4Q'f,, lishrn6 111. 730 jeotIntr for A piivi �ege, 1S, rg.no Aere.,' )Vith%the ar er's.i6f Stripturi!. Afam=lsao I An� ci�och In t Mical.di*- A. goes 'bllong� wi, you -At waters -owing to ill rogance of, 01117'9 aking shafts, and' sic;rriA;e, or; for food bulk. Ire OnlyL. nces by liat'degree of It ing beach,. and, shallow' water f0r',� d. we go- hink that us� 4, jitof.�. A. N�1. Bicke'AOTI of I I ' ckwery, re 4 a When' -t t t6- t vg is, nce py,; win -ch a tola'! ru eT:mine , Ade- this is f t,�q Otte, g. human kin ir eves than -i Chrischurch, Ila$ -0, earS. - ajigq p, aces Iy' u, t he. I wo t number 1e, �I`Qof Of 1191" ta thro 1�xl�tilie,hao d' t4o� b illda!t �brhp d, esiped. t s All o -her kind Of cireaWres put 1, is po -ei, the e . t few,fat-al, - ­ � ' , 1. - t rty,,ye_ witji bird for f parrqw,1 ea ail and afe abscuc bb he, -f ch. [k, �f gether. goughly, sp��A niig there,, lud, he, ikas 07 jti�S that have, b 'elij , �4,j�jck,­, unless. a yerY� go ed L to, I desolate -stiet Sok more t hi �,cd . or,, hisj�eory l6f bid: 'For;, `encI6 be- h ; Atal o there rom an,, si(Kci4l] and tmkO ab,,, laide, cea .3 e -cal -and thuri&ring patical y, 'a lia,� has. a I South �kustr, Occur' bathers 0 h h k cer ain, orIg Pri 4r h �ndred'J�Im Ll �Me�'tioncd­ '6 01 n Is,, pay au, on, _'I"The - eAS11I list, in 7 farbi a- r,' arks -w ell a a.re:,a,,. 'a gE t46. 'be diz- At§ breathless, W Let rf;clveso butpne morning Lined: for I Z., 'of ring, causes r -W,��ks bat 6r'l,' Sending ,in the - Bible, jangft - I rom thOpe it on s f or, si1, f nei reat" southexly I - . 1 1. 1 amount, n ATiswets,�, -bei�g'f6rfeited ini.slimmer beat, that lazt o, deeper waters'bf S�4 gale'wa 'i4e, lion tIG'thQ ed,f say-' L 4 day's. pay* '' fr6m ,,, � or-, �'"A two 4 Pay at a jfjn he as beel h scientific Men'.' b6.9- u how , 4� e, X hurtsi t h hca�ier_ It e_- lifea-er 011oping iu from t e to s� abs�efice n mueb , , . � � � � ' _ �'4 4$ . , - . '1_ . - it �zjs ''onie hurf- lit' , h' ' L' , ea.q, in, - gne, �Vthese, 4rite-, Camon, ;�. I , But atAtyle (You d lat- t f 'Ell Ush crick the gkcat.'sigbt in 'the could see,,,L And., t of 'L. eis ca ti- rict diSc' or, tel , ll � . I I : - )uge, W,.. HQrsley_ im� the Tr ca's I =n ou tbei IeM�-, raelng, h illjoh8,sta, .4 it d Ion- hav f us r ed f. cost �is I I test J. Means, in t r, bytaks into t _eit. 1; by rpr not ug-carniv we c ­grapb�d in'th'46 Milky r summer surfi, a�i: thirtv-eight'a'reL rp4m, _MMI mse -Periodlg unhealthy. 'haleg from, the ine) so',CO I - I . I I I ri the C� o' p rt ol'a dIay. 0n6 of the most nforta, Ic Ii is a remirk lea i Sur rise. eir� 'ger )in blo S i h ro��,ntion a 31 - " ull ay stars are of can k 11requency of Alf btges, Th ed f6r each. d to.sydney'd6 WMIS, ag- e elos6 attention' f. Bick­ h world on 4% reall� t have r co '40ge- 115� videfice given of Ac laces in t e y ever you go in rding: to P,ro e. The, sun b d , is M. ay el ourn azes, g 11 e ou e, eiton the� uns a V'o travelill ii puni'shed a oManly or Bondi: an such -force, tw:. b 3j C ej4 eep to tht, imbits., sh 'e relat" eacb44 _��W4enn101s b' '1111 hr��yl�eg All within . ..... Fthe Ajarei 4, !il �h f,,� thi. bottom, ch�,a to �, them, e oae t 3-ne4l att ;n Upq ta e re ing, ixr s d ille shalloN OM r fe-r uces as F-�A rC ng n Res__For -agm-e- nU vs quirin- second -2 l., and we/folin A�iait f CC padi,. I a, -make At theft I wide h reve an, zp ure oofl Cr , 't an of tho bittein). the ed, "'rickfiJ W .'.They Attract fin6, -Life S inths, Fince sweeps the, c;tY,s surfers !hold hig i� i�g with All -,Qrt� of nasty �slimY 'thick kith dust' and ad wit. their over z -lx mQ I Streets h'' the meanbed; the. t f rally it. under things rom ener bush'flies it, e en� pe-ople bahe ''the 'cpr .3Eri g ing niora,-qt, 66 ote'distance pact, br, grazing,co but ov e inonths in nia _,­�tides, ers were. the, cag e� -.or t 'j�d eels with " -i - b j IN �4j th arld,if under, thr' wiethlat mass, L h-d'sue'll a ave never eeu an. -qi: -IeI6 (or I -u ar<]), I , '11' , . - nej ,at, grblzili'. le ee, I uti h eeth, and s ielAv-, b viiIii.ire,'the crs, the Pait 5 c -on :*X 1p, pa firdin.wbence t 0 Zi onlin accoiiitre�,_ -cc and forte' bar -don. ptotrudin� g into Utriebt on, he -ture locity, of'a, , e new h �md the: 'joy,011F Itfch , were body, -As, Yety of 'b�y le eanE,-, t t* ,in -Your -�ra6e And Y driveit ass- lore. We.'di �Ove eir Ithe nigglitiar4 the - ;�u - to- atay-pun- Ye k bein,, -�10�4 I the, bawk,,,th her t' At6 ;inflic, ing. The �smo e Fe to S r�a th, s at IshpienD w!A ;iwirded Ov It t c',h, n av b e -on6 of our party thei,cairie a p eyes and mal fli presencei &roilgh, irieb the 1�wl, the.. partiidge t pany o ce stref �ti. f Windr _ds of,. m'le a)secofid th or t:4e com a -fu �l ch 6f,thei -S. m p or coin mAP P idtn4 h the uit and other x4 a. bk rkj ze, does. -not diving'h�_-d fij_ZtLj� pUlpy,maS peae the �61icaa, the. pige ;top th6ilg gra g,L�tdj sa Ute,aj% g( n brea ing in: of them A- cominz sparrowi. -Pacifi 00,6a Your el6thes fi' h ki the �u'aiij. the, �aven t e t alters theii,�coltr�e� 'The coal!q�c Ii throat 'i�to"v6ui cars' hi�e 1:lea�ob 71196 ned lik' tgreat swel.T.on a, w t e, a.M sa, 12low, arld, the many. tjip Stork the si_ �cd third ashore festbo jjtry�go,, or '_N-11GJI7!S REST. 106"tq'trils. 'People batb,, ill ood possesses everyv, her. e �trit/.h. of ocean. 1 F0�, -are eswan. Yet, here k. one 0 e�- nornia 3- 10 THOUSLA 7 s- - rthur". s, its a oms an r N71)$ OF B P ... I h A Triv'ellcr,ls Rxn6rieuee in' Ahc -Rees In e laqrle, more 4qa f NG YOtX0 PEO I LE than it i � h I 'African Wlldc­�es& a in greater var-ety, e'a;t .,61, Auck� 'the, most.' ISO tb�- h Pale rd, -resembles, �Of both sexes, Young or It, I :, ' ' Uin, tht-reforeit, eXPI crps an od oath la_d Ne eaja-d?, rn..'�at, clad in nit w Z most, no.rthe light and,air� bating r di d 00( lices ea ng,, in . 1:ug a wa 0 s ally At keful tejld� full pl�ay t� dd W' rk.,Dqnc,*by the Chil ren ig that, g' un, Go e rAze of skins Thris a g ffgces',, Tomrni'L' c.ity4 For. overco It is bumiA'j. A OP- 'Aid Soci rio. r SOME TME wo, nie�ties of Ont, en6y at, nigbi some, people advise d &nse. But covered I in the, wa er- o S OF, THE YEAR.�. I'three bodies pr6 I - I I . .. Out i'the b'� . -in� or st rd baniSliing fi �Slve a, t 16ndo'n ha_sn`t� Vbe- .a.rs and ihi -e his c the, reso, ute lick wb -going in. or basking ir. 'I ith . :y This larg4fli� f 0m,- the fact, that $6 of the ca�es dealt W. sp4zb-' 4 sun 'all bef Omp�- fly A land,',has ie s 08ra of,the 11 rders�', to' r �-d of all c�onsciousjless 6j,di -that makes `glden nswer le beautiful harbor,. n-ath 'a, ian 204dren, S., sahot licKly, . 71lich a f the agents of'( afid. a ing tbingst suc-h� or example,' as n5 This appears At' Thc^ schattritl' i -h -i�ateresting,-',and�i6r�soE�i.- way.iillabdare-Med inporary s1W g, singi; g furnis - ' i a d i i ties, not� only ie an is Acy --Pv�.Hvatt dite uttermost S for ti d r. r6or W to the, In "Suddenly, lexpi n cap�din, of 9011311 S.-. M the Allieklan-d-.hp.. + als I - terrd-neall"111'e en]oylng .so e idea of' ��racier, k S Idier ' o I -,.bq 1. o give h . 11 ''.. I . , 11 -401-M,- ry of jata� which, means 'Young- peop being done ver,, to _h 'Psa! 4-icompant �Officer� 0 b h, hi's "Dia' a 41 of r t po-? t, say' whether r S )oth! lit ndid work. that, is 1197, 0 t E I nComi Aeo 'h t does no �dre.�tbgeiher�9.6 dowil.tO." th% 5 The,:e atIonisin t tu rn have thc do ot D n aU arts, ot our at a�-art from e zen for,you fin Mani and be TIN AT lig people.i P d th -Imau are 'IT tb�ccven a, mention, of oWls' or, -0 :X Pr -,-He I I§�:Tijf Soine -re. Bickertn.�believcs that t le 31fi t -UP, wbn he, with [ashona fol ling, bl of 'th" ill the, breakers. Prof. bar- nd'the spark tair brily,the dove; tbe,sp4rrow,.ihe.1 cape tuement, t h, �1h a di tOU4 I d from owelrs� was, krehing 'thrbug 'he' Asea - atrns es 'druidy is'binis _WdllqW. thc� light -en -,i his father i the -atoins was, tak the nih AfAcan wi ens but 76 1' , , p erlp cano giiirdedbay2 I '- o�;- Of ten b _Xu&rand�and h are condueted , ' i . h I f,-, -ta"ough Fer__VF�l -i7v- iit-Y P wo-tts noonvent-ion ind Inno-; 'aw l 1a ss u il fli i ot rmle- k Wed, at, 110rden� pend being dead'and oone to lay tile foil -never 0 -cent om a I cia of spice,'there: 'the ni,­ & (an to see: an,. ,,Te . a cert, t ems. , ing h jut the off in :spot �Jn in ch�_rming fre;edom fr their "mg,yj h recommen&t d The -fath� 0 gk�me-not, and vc�u d good: tbl� little fellow -properly. are on�.rnefi'i6nled bfi�e. in ticns of'other, cosmic sYst he redt bu�it See. tbe.: -stia t _E har"16d w;tfi'driin 63<1�1'the _ummary ..of tlie�'�plagues 6lar.impact then accoring 'to i is wel-: er was, CL mel to e -i CAV YOUL L Mad L �'for the i 4& "the, C,.e e I hp. s ''he Iali parts tile ..city -from.' 0 participa e in�. ,g - I tit rh0 t Ifien S, ere We cume, Spots, tile waolo% as it r6§ a P�ct crea S_ fi k 4 o� f; or boy t`o he-- 1. P"their watefs 0 -sea-.-aiad -if arxangenjen d e� Punish rget-me-410t blue;, bifthp into y eir s info blood� f" th 'fami V'a ta er's 6xpen�e­ WW'. ott4j6), e In ore. oh',t th Ory it the 6rma Ion Pa -Strip.,. sp�e­dg 00t, our3ady he, LS tell ire. 41) el Water after back to g or any fa CIIARW lgi A_ia4 S tbiTd'Vcd ..... vhi f` e you, at, others rea' e t1' charid:, ell he maintains e. T. sed I olet gla cing ;of f�sh -is, remar -a t to arly.. APPIE by, the par been: miss M -A-.. All 'awav` a la�d 'we wen P as I t-ehd them*.,:, st�Alihg, was reporteo e, - L )y r :' - a 1he en Soil e sh, I �`e lakts at. as -volI' turn, ngly. as yoi. -d that i L nd You !Tno*, of and'� in4ding, tic of ence,:js �Jel nt0L men e �vi�.hoti.VarjeStL or of Egvpt,.:wb y -t ieory -s S the ste ienle. n is R k ail indescrib ati6n-- . 0`ajk-ing�bf, his tlic6r� id n6t sleep long., nec�ss�ary it i etiti,, who aske Aboui:,niuf) 4O"cloc j;ybu wish 0 and ojudicibusly ad- �r. of rfrom:the.neArest of bar or'LIS 11 Is 'able -itoise rose of the freekiom'of the Thi4 waZ the impoitant1she a.S a cro �Au k1a, Id ;,�itk jq,h a whole s one that, is- Is- ,, , I , I �11 � - vill not prAiSse uc Nvitholit eV the, opj'es,: U infinite ai ther*ise L. 15 'k he�baflOngo n h people if ",vou:� arc, a -,a ite takes POSFeSSlon of for mirist,6red b 'h i - Gahlee, the e- tie-agenii "tb6:f0rm'the of Vry�:ej t �Pe id,6d 't L , t, ­ ' L' . , prrjmls� t from ille,'Mediterranean to e W<) 4atigueS, drills.. baboon;' 4ninglgd .,with A,savage.' ariAlh� 603 Sh or ii'beginning or promi -�-bui,: it lack��;- the entranc- of a'spankiii,,,. I , I af JerusaIem -e. 1719 ih,�L m7d jbeL t"' e spot mote: an. a sp 'k o e mar n th n corp L 'ha, th' at (in s, e . ra t ';arades),, oi ards bad le i momen A'6o�pk -vf leo �ci Th k -cherne, which as tbeirJufc.; among the -Ma-sh- bliie' eL of daiiger,� butithat c -to acld to who _n*at-1_ between. all acco, : IS ea, I ess, ays to t �rilz) L, eal A -gir. S-11tv to discrim; id had fa Harbor of (11 w swith men, h f "h of- ona`s`cdu§ifiS, at still attractiveness 4 hotel an�l kind. �fI4 r ject all, that fl lit. wit,hiii thoIt to t e L oeriousnes o e or�'Svalie- P�0- - dr;tiking b n .,wint .. u were wit,out, 's. OVTI�S,�fffl. p In Sur -6me I'llIt. w" that the 'leopards I h appa or -as The ies And Auckl nd'k' -F�Je allIf baithing yo 0 astaken in- harge -and seDt to a scales such, e call, t us,. not s ure i'Cd i advancing billow-' firis, would,have h I 1P e 'A� IT iing home, it atjs generally, paid ame along' o and; dive� Ria<le,'i1e names of r e are 6bru� c a Me 'not see to, he r rap ) 1 M, con 4�1� W at 54C,�_j it h �alledll pathir; but a.L" and �headla d Mea id 1\7 0 into- just as�it breaks�­'to be swept oving shows, bar several' kin ected. A s �and decay. anA. :P, u ' ' the X 9 h. are orn,, uIs -is is eel P arad,�$,�:and t �_O'a re. �,qhoje with a bewildcting'leestati ttibnS, ete. were, hart,:Says' ln� hi- b PU tfieu;,,but we h & -c rooris lh� c egan,to", h dies a nd-',. eave b ftming , e p _t gidv�rti gem "tit,.; ex 16en 1. na �lie 6 es bqt'ci tbe­e,�stra, parades, �drills, Land Spirit' an gulite your jiver 'bv, tile '.;f �'i;lish 4Mjdjh 'boom 6f".the surf.., t6sited to prevent ell. Natuial Histor'v, linis men Men pay, hLo- tW iDtio. efflorescence o Vcg4�table­ t eit h t e powerr oo- tjb�at�a er9 f ifsforme Yower Ina' ne nt hom�e' at home witnin a,,. ew hundred tua b" I . I I . . . I and nimal U -1. . f, no Iage 1,,o i A it thev ScEd 4sboy e ,se [braii6 as.a hint that we Were not :kt.,T.�U ButAf you are 6duilit in th "t around., lave 'left" us th reat ea worn ftfl.'I.,�tileatnj unerto ThFrIee- s jor'. fis'hes. bu't. the iThis is f -tte.r -b E of 'One- aV 0 eir 'and iftef inspettion t c 'to h e utswepti out t er -;1hen coin" Ah becall' their tend pal, n C an, is yar s;L en we, no more., o " the, grey, mmervu -ma e,;. lower r nkcs its 4 'th h " d 6,111. 1 Vol,-;ial , � 11' t, v be If itN About- eleven. elock a hyena strong: a sWi imbei of hildren were, `-And,so of evc�y 'IitjV L still, eas -creatioi , , the rer o inevit3b h e6 d 'or' bv" m'archiag 'Boib ll e thing" `tha� happens 'aiit- freque does totted to, bc� absent' from ebo6l, f at an,. rill, amei alon)g� 4. brute with �a pecill- Lit was foIllild th, be.� Dreaniza,lon the 0 a ; an� a rs cted' atten Ion. "he iarracksq re, . tra as u I a for 6ne made have h6en ajl�Wea `t'o corne h hly thing is- t ie stili,, and. try t the as'setsqb a -of not furriisb the- clerk. of the whether. organic or inorg hic. member iarlv'offensive voice. .,He eautif And flba�, and a rO e camp in SydneN b hArblv. r ill a, A or HONEY have the' same sys eill'of PN ih�_ life avinj club�­the� M -lisi off, children �1RE TROY= cri. ege re are o'is paid oiA t itig �at he wer -,its 0,'L- ways se the ages'of-eiglit and de, A -i icip*liiy 'wiih�a` �d lritl&Jabigues -but on the Se?v6ib ta tin me.1mes 'convert anA four- mainly or -gathered from� .of 'the W The sfilijeet, of hea i.n=s veral on duty betwee n. suik thi e*igences. re 44,shot� gav I the' efiss, but'also. as a6r, d trav lling`throtighcternitY� oil routid'a ebarg e1iman Ine; ve rom beina e you On a lif ri,� as requ n poliedinan in and'altlic),ugli; in , All' 1irally, fb.'the ':�jlbj It of iired li,� S6eL a per� ugly Fbock', particularl� ow are mbd' -of clay th �ings of light wbilild, aid jWbability, he, was merely stung, he 'The 'Australians. tbce. rtdercur- done bN' es'ar t - Often -the , L t� It . rami., ' In 6asness ll.utt no. mora 911 e toa4.. are-, a bath-` r'ent is. carried aw`� av"tci fast io be was conIs , r, into py pptual iestl the different b.u' slncr� living hear th hi id , tubes is -spare ., ime�. JnZ charwoman �I had important t -d th everil - - ".ork d6n6-by. PS M theJud' n, a he, tri�i& 'cue to -have e ]j;Ieople.L 'T re ta ies _d, a n ng desirable ail S ents of p6rnall�int change tha birJ f4iarr" rubbing flIDOrs .10 .1 a, le. 'd t) -blacIdeadIng, pers dismi§s the tiage in, ew . I ht tparticill; elsewhere_ trlv inteiest- ie Lord are :a'id to be ""Sweeter does ai it..Ntatch�s thew-%vc ellAn ta r e3r:V. pa EQMeOne, I c leaning b:- Ii en Ao sleep- in ocean e,we la,�,dow mother EatAlity a dropp gs, of Of the hAvebeen'an,- "Bathi L�B pee our or z An 'Aritial;ari b6v in 'childre�, and it th-6:,duties� than honey and the,, iiiig'�pbtg ��na b S ng. ;d ligneycom It Thus d ie pe'rson.�s who. and fti,Psalms I' Ile PI ate M, r'equir M0 e usual Source of t 11PPI. IN �G h came� hlit 14� time; X1 G �'more fortun OUT I�Ar -potstoe or. i later when tbe_next alar —reports—a tile agent" ev out -of the e -A lop that daus6d it�wag4t Al t i -L islindiciitd "wth hon 'FAn pTaw ing, things, havipg',sl d topped se e the oterrent, td he ot V " : -too -pensito To. her oCkL Turks Fin(] I WAY, travellin �er"y i, no de In t .1 . lb'S State ch66ls bae f flathing. They- go. toba,_-cp�nistis froth selling, cigarette r n sidge- we had crossed of -sur es.6 t psalm. 3 f 111.1ve More Th. he 9 io, ,the image c more: fr,),n to barfae. utw n e roarA. 'the wh6i,&pri� Or bo�s 'and:' irls.� nin no to young boys. -reL the -ell- I'L ri "W. $%�ee It re in. Europe, a mis- -est.: classps� ip,' WhC 0 0 oil swemeiiiess redur �ht.r�.,Jj is Carried Up n its blankets.. rather slid- t U lit by, the thought tha:t'l girl f twelve' was waiting Unio Mv. k tea. ead Thy �wb _I _._ h er V tFdch taken notion that �Ijjlost.e geribus. punpnml a re. a g �;T , 't !so t. taste to FWiM . 1, ; - 1 -4.. mother d rds' a%V, hat' ht, -as nd ar�j e 7 d sw.ee.er t an 0 ev un to n n auntJ y rotiblirig about bnd. Ving with) S ung I,-rou 1 tit 0 �rth- as Ii M, at liberty to marry-asInian iheir.po f M that� 'we were,t in TRt SCHOOLS that noi-sy. ��ez e- r i f -square iii qui lion; He a the iE alid is a ek 6 'e only,� and z%14 n corrie ��etiopal was ked y Some fir,^6 n in t�ing_ -easy, o norpe,4 wi 7 ;i: In tber . ' 1 a Y- ef ni s w4 whorr Utifiler. pecu iar -i n fif he T,:W el 19'"the fite-t j�lst as peT- av game he r., ov rcoa da ring that imi Wol 'ing'-Us. for. adpor n3m, . % . . I eXet-P Ion, Jae . p npe ,na keen and�eNc6ljnV, is the cuh-pf ke.tting sItIon- gamy. is Tit not bf, istr �;ollr,way. It P_ c6r.161 qf ney stirifftig! is M'Ar -T onIv:As. po6ti&ll sim;le" II 7 f D, ity, biown.; for in advi gleeted e ojo� ''f r , VijJ6,J wi"ion t ind, 1ilin riN per he And, in Ilicah i..'G 4, r Ile, t c nib 11nits our hour i Ing to th6 if A- The s.0 d' atu ritl were y day'. stitn�e. d ';�the BIble. The and not the, zone ��i oulv �JjAj not to,ex�eed' -in,of,da the Osmafflis a 0110'that pa:rtner 'should he some. ritgolden lirownis tent.; t sell I'b Onlv omes ill —n ki id, )Coiing: inc-11 b6trs were 16 iff el -b oys a nd aq king of1is -ir + self ygamy.' -Psa ms cx%liii',�. 11 Ill, tile nictro I A . e hour at 2i�-blue- TrO a r� nit t Ing having 6rganized" i per tent. 'It h'e" fiv� . r. . aliib be,`reddy, to answe He or Ac it. turted 6Ut to be t"'t time lying 0011 - ill does .)iQt.' . . . , - r in a lotx& 'At�jj.e letting the! ot we fi- . , ihave before' with e 'bathing into a gang -for that parp a i t in '.Scri i.� rarely In o heit names every, that taw'n frbin I-- ---- -f - -- ­- -- - !cerittes a 46; pl,_ and drrwrig fal,�aliti_5 .'A r ttlr'�C' n _Ile imag 0111all, 6lnpitc4 r ts were znd[ i' future, IT f, Iore'the ;10'W_ the, Annoyance 0 a-4warin o , 9rV e r t'ie'ri All& te U Iquisl and ' t viv, anibngti nlo�t 0 e mot, the., as here:' "tl ey' zing are utles to ne, of' -'the pracc,� Ti�, ofthe ptincipal bc-e� at' ack employed on tat d fiiid a, litfle I Was'; i e go4� I behivit- n cla� L h, nl, lPpik �,J�qea Y' iihirality What. t slight4Et, i in ey eexception. P, az well' Ld t! tp - Z�- I X jobr of .6nje ort f thL- 66etv and S view we, �ton<luctef ri a t 7- r brown. Thoy in. ot e 'h con c. froil 0 1 ri,,, 'C,B. man mitz, h! In' to. Il.e, !SJ�,Oitt heL beach 611 �-etlt to f r, c� n d s in. bear -her. cuj)s Eur oft b ew'a i 1 j.! I a g. r e *I t pai, an, beiiig a person W _. ­ 0 hL' '' ' ; H -n h,)ilts t ey ave 0 ur'dV a�ze; the jti*ojl� and-. is pot AU the z61.4de- b iis, qaaireling among d rin& Gry ''CIA T1 a to 0 cepb'on in, ji;)" w6.�rI6 k' re,�t, - riotiol a po Ailie'. ne-;6 ef _eLj in hey' '..re is 2.e a no a C r t gf-.r!r,-az had k, 6 r c ve iit beo emplf"W, r 4d;d- e inrhtrs IN'e' folillti txrf-.bath� fr e f d, to ottild in lire,-, of to ra n4 the TnAn.a �et besittrie bu no a, lnan it- a boo 'a. or tieltv of iai Ali, the. one, he, t it' IL- t) 1t14 on L of 'the K1, hoffences, , a lt� p r tma n- r,,,� 7' v . lei, liad,ilil�c ch Indi, -i ler� L r tit the ohein'r, so It- P-( 'til .6n:lv'd-' ,, 6 cj�' re* t) of 'the "I �,+ 61 �h 1, - 's' fthi-fe qT nt chro rf 1I br n,the nr,,t �- . 'I ., F- e.r. -,sharkin' thd 6PL rj The n g I 661 tj:, k t1le jj�at j prL�.iiihC (, r _ T ,.r, nc P-? r 1,�- t 6`e In aor , ling ca oIshAtil to tnxr. + The oh d ,i r I i t t6 li-m. t in t�.o r io fr, t g,(. bor: hie, ha to t-rej .or h IPiL in S:� M� 'Thaf� i't, nh ill, the fft, thn har�6r tian �llot, tj at, P lit -;it 7 'ortliddo\ bi �6 W r-,� r ej r, t ra ti n g ,i;, tcm iTirryage is Tl it Tt irous t zi It id' r w a T in rit I till soprate t iv, a Ip,! i a s c a t -hc�d �; .., f, �' ; ' ' , "" L' it 4 t o h -id a ;W J!rles A,� jlj&r.uft �f "k' t P-,alr d n you' tilt- k'� And; Li� �- I bt I an 'e'n A M, te 4;1 �N t.0 no, <Ione t t*' t r e;.r, t� i r btithin� =150','.1 th 6? "lle, heW V reant ced a 1, voo try ilied 1, ba I ati In T,_ T Ring III V Tit* ed t t lit T tot "et ,but tr-;ed t N_ Dr 'n v� ill U gt� r;4(j. d. g tit tat, r' tjlot' 't4o rk tr1r' i i a t�� wiho, has to! tit) OT90 ;W61(00)V 16 d fair' �ood fid tot ttre tnpb�rty The w a y al e pe $a P iub 9 n d