Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-19, Page 5A •-a °, 1li rgday,. October 1 gtb1,,, 1911 THE LUCK NOW .SZNTIN.E?I - DIONGANNOIa to lose bin), knew that bi* new ti pie* Gloderieh-his home toren,-.:willLanett aFrkaklin ankle Thompson h the on is of enuring be to the beat interests of the n snag iceg' its patrons and himself. The tgana- P gee's . phare here .is: now .ewer'.by which be received while . playing at ; Mr..I m. I ttier.late,manager=o€-the° school I __ _._: Tama and`'"Bayfield agencies. Forbes. Bros'. telephone conatruetign gang bale almost completed their taak fit Ashfield; township. ileo. Bradford, who. •sPe nt.:tho:.am a. • =•— �onttea-iu�aflei��a�g8,c-t�-ooh":" West, havreturned': home. He had'. '.• the .misfortune to injure his aakle: If your back is constantly h hin • a: a , or ming. . e „�h ile, t ..pies . g d y 80 before his: and'. if you etcpenence doh, shooting departure,,,. floo. Bradford, who •spent the ti•dal. • or, our.Passagaa frequent aeanty and We have been shown :many curious freaks of Nature this fall but that which; surprised us the moatwas a beautiful. cluster of Apple blossoms. which we saw on'an appletree. in N. J Traleaven' s back yard on Tuesday. sup tE 8IGN8' THAT YOU, HAVE KIDNEZ Page'. SR . The farmers are bray at. their ..fall ploughing and root hapvestiug. --11isol-Pargea attended the--T-eaehe Convention at ,E;eter last week.. Mr.. Md, who went 'West:; a few; weekelvnn► agoRee, is. ,expected, :home this week: ..: .-paintul, your kidneya and bladder `are:out otos der. 3NTeglectquickly. t l I i "brings on rbeu f. �/' 1 - - __ � madam, d i• a;.- betas, lumbago, A Naw BANK bl xsass.—Anoth r d 1 C 11(' I . e change has been made - in the .manage-' aceattca,. etc, J +Booths Kidney went of the Sterling Bank here. [1f r:' / 1 i - Prlla are .goer.. • Andrew Porter, who has. looked after einte3ed to: rel- . the.Bank'einterests ably and. success -leve • or your fully aince MaY' has been transferred..m '. , yy. , • ... nosy bade, : They . are. the world's .to the doderreh ••Branch. •. Mr. Porter, ..: .. sal; , r ., .. - • •. ' ...greatest epecifio for kidney ,and• bled. •neeileu to say,; proved himself a bust der trouble.-` All druggists, 50c." toss: ' nese man of integrity; and his affable or postpaid from the proprietors, The • and gentlemanly ' disposition 'won him . R. T. Booth .Co. Li"piited, 'Fort Erie;; - • many friends here, wi;o thoughh sorry.,Ont ryFree. tri&1 on application. =_...- Mary and Mand. Cunningham .visited Mr and lira ,G}. W, Lane on' Sunday lash • . Mrs. K. Curran and dao hter,•Rub. of Detrol .are' visiting 'a fi t, R t the home, of Wrs.. Curran'e, father Mr, -J: Bald. win. Rov.. Mr,' Walker of- Whitechurch,. preavhod a very im reserve ser111o1u, in:. Haokett's church Sunday afternoon:: Our pastor, .Rev. S Jefferson preached Anniversary services .in Whitechurch. TOUa:.. DOLLAR w •D.. ill. wap sea' .� " � :• U .er lasts. ' it: ix gam forever! 11 it to • tis 44Order .Howh• e. A eu our idvertldai cvtnaies. wifl �i sou sea Iles wt,tre it will buy tits. west. .• THANKSGIVING D SINGLE FAIIs n Canada also to Niagara Falls and •Buffalo. N. Y., Port Huron and .Detroit, Molt.. Good . going Oct.: 27, 28, 29 and 30, Return Limit Nov,. 1st,, 1911. - HUNTERS' Return -Tickets at Sin le Fare Oct 9th. to Nov. I i th. to points in Tentagami, points Mattawa to Timiikaining and Kiwa ue. Pa �. elusive, alai to: certain points in Quebec,' 'New Brunswick,. Nova Scotia and Maine Oct. ; 19th. to Nov., lith....-' to.l+iuskoha•Lakes, . Penetang, Lake of. Bays,' Midland, Magnetewan „ River, Lakefield,,:Madawaska, to Parr: .Sound, Argyle to Coboconki . Lindayy to Kali-. button. Points from '• oevern to. • North; . Bay inclusive, and certain .points:. reach- ed by Northern Navigation Co. • All tickets valid ffr'return until ' Thurs- day Dec., 14th:* except to points reach- _ecl bq.,steamer-line.s.Atyesday,_Nov. 4th Pull particulars from . , S. YOUNG. • Depot. Agent. :Doc STORE Ve&&et and ;velveteens T._ There is every indication that the present fall- and winter season isgoing to'.witnese a very strong demand for black and Colored Velvet. and Velveteen costumee,'and already the, market • as, almost deleted, and manufacturers are . .putting • forth every effort to fill 'Ash. orders,-anticipating..thidemand wb placed ' , orders ahead, and our: stack it now ', much larger than ' usual. - Our; specials in black, brown, navy, green,. cardinal, garnet and• . kyat 50•cents and black at 65 cents • are extra good values. en's vercoats Overcoat Weather is at hand. • Our stock is large 'and well assorted in styles and qualities 'MEN'S" BLACK OVERCOATS at 7:20, =8;00,- 10.00'.-12.50, 15.00:and $20.00 , MEN'STWEED OVERCOATS, latest'• styles les and cloths,. at 7.00, ' 10.00, 12.50, 15.00 and $17.00. Y Men's Paramatta Rain'' Coats • We have several special values in Men's Paramatta Water. proof Coats, which are now :so =chin vogue. They come in Fawn and Olive shades; in the - following spa..ial . prices, 675, 7:50, 1100, 1150 and $15.00 ccSC.: t Corsets We have just placed • „• ..'• in -.stock- • several - new styles •of•corsets •includ- ing ' the new lois , bust effect with long . skirt, all at popular prices.. A tiitvenetto-Raineoate.is.6.iot only,a-good;,pcot -run, but supplies most of thePO3 ur es of a light overcos tr as well P Our Specials which are mostly smooth fin . idled gays, come at $7,50,,10.00 and 12 50 ' 1YMen! s . Rubbers We have now afar stock of fall :Ilii` bees to fit all styles and Shapes of toes and heels; ma le by The Merchants' ' Rubber • Company, who are noted forthe fine wear ing Oa the, of their Rubbers: Ldies'• Fine•" Shoes If you require anything special in fine footwear, visit our shoe department. We make a specialty of all kinds of fine shoal,' and are agents for the famous' EMPRESS ` SHOES FOR WOMEN, which. are noted for their fine fitting, and splendid wearing quahtiesa A S..-.1 OOE •� ..STA.01 SM 1 `F1D1?` Particular 'Women N. B, --Store 'closes at 6 p • in. • except Saturdays. �L—M�. 77 (A M Ladies OLLEGE •ThOinits.oI:t. Were received last :month for Office help -37 were left unfilled. Demands for,: trained help are so great -that -we can affortV.to fir-"- antee "a position • to every grad-, mite fuud!tnitioa4=0ney_" • I you are anxious to .. succeed TODAY, v , CaNTAAz. BUSINESS CO1.41lcn,....: TORONTO. • W. H. Saaw, Principal., MARE YOUR DECIBIOI'1 between success and failure A -course in-the-Populaar ' TORONTO. ' ONT. • Will prepare you for an excellent position• in the Brtsineas World. The first : step is important—your : choice of a school. ')nr catalogue explains why this .:college • ranks .' among the best on•this• continent. • Write, for one to=day. Enter now. W 1. ELLIOTT, Principal. Cor. Yonge and Alexander'Sta. • Our registration. greatly exceeds; • ) that of previous - years :. Why? Our school is ,the best of its kind Beat' in courses given, best in the * teachers 'einploye:t and beat• in assisting graduates to pOsitione. Business men state that they are, the best ' : In the past three years' we'hiad . 'eleven applications' for help that :.we' could not supply. We have three; departments:. . corms iciat.,, ' •SHOar$AND and TIII.iuGRAPRir. D:. A::McLAGHI•AN Peincipalr a THIRTY :rYEARs. -. Our -Seven Colleges have been' eetitblished during , the past thirtyy years..-The=-largeat,train era, in Canada. Owing. to our , connection all over Ontario, we do better for our graduates than any other School., • You :may study all it :home or partly at_ • home and finish at the _college., Affiliated with the' • Commercial Educatore' Association of , Can- ada. It would be well for YOU to • •investigate before choosing.: Exclusive right for Ontario of the world-famo'tis` Bliss Book- keeping System,: which is un- equalled, It is. actual business frons start to finish, and the student keeps ' same ' books as chartered banks 'and wholesale 'houses. -.Enter any time;'' • • ' Individual Instruction. . FALL TERM FROM AUGUST. WA. Write, call, br phone for ;farther WIN(UHAM 'BUSINESS COLLFi GEO. SPOTTON, . Preaident. eHAS W. BORNS, . Principal. HURON NEW John McMillan, of Roxboro, has: purchased the farm recently -owned P b .. .. tp Jamee,Dor-rancee-two-and-'half-mites- north of Seafortlt,, for the sum :o f $55001 • • - • One day ecently Mrs• Will. Hall, of Ethel, "while picking crab apples fell from tie tree and sprained one of tier -ask l he.Trai-been-n; -prisone-i in, the house since: elinin town council has sold $6,000 worth • of macadam 'road debentures and of waterworks debentures, bearing interest at 44 percent, to th e National Finance Cotiiany, Toronto, A magnificent new pipe organ is:be- ing'installed in St. Patrick's -church, Dublin, and is expected to . be ready. for•use in a, couple of:''weeki . Whoa completed it will beone of the. •inert instruments in the Province. A barn in Ieadbury was struck' by lightning hist June and 'one rafter was, shattered.. The rafter was replaced. by a new one. In September the barn was again.etruck and the new..- rafter' was shattered .exactly as• the, old. one had been. . , John Elliott • of Brussels,',has re- purchased the barber... shop`,. which ho;; i-ecently'soi3`.to Cleve;Backer,' having decided to remain tn- Brussels. , John' Emigh,'who, was in charge for. Mr. Baeker, has taken' a position at Strait- . The Jackson Mfg. Co of Clinton. made a big shipment of goods to Win- nipeg last week.. It censi,ted of about one thousand pounds of clothing,- and,. was valued at $700 but it was only -pari ofa order, the lanee.of'wlich, will be 'shipped later, • • The Brucefield Public Library tend .spending nearly a hundreds/doll in new .hooka this, year.;, .The Librar is in a flourishing condition at preeen with over .1.400 volumes on hand. This. year Octet are 110. Mambo/cc,- would embers, would compare :very 'favourably with' some of the larger towns. • • Hina .PRICES FOR CArrr x --At the auction ''sale of , •Peter : McDanglll'a, farm stook, near Porter n Hill, on -Igonday;-te :head -•-let horn calves to inileh cowe,•brought the substantial eiim of $545.50 A calf: only a ' few weeks old wan- lirocked down at"$18 `� while one Coif f 'Wes , cow .was sold: .at $83 • Three other cows': hrongbt $52, $61, .and $81,reapectively. Thos. laundry'was. the auctioneer. A. 'SKATING': Rot*,Fos • Bausan>s. -A Canvas. waa'madelast: Week for . the purpose of erecting a.akatingMid curl- ing-rink in Brussels:` • The' proposition 'comes from Messrs.. Trench A. 'Duff,. who 'purpose, erecting a cement' . build-:. ing 80i179 feet, With metallic . roof. It will be arranged with curling rinks on each gide and ice for skating in. the: centre:` ' We nn erstand the promoter were satisfied With the initial proceed. foga and' will secure s. site. and -com :mence work at- an`early; date..• HAS ,' BLOOD Ponionina. William ,` Sneath, .baggwgeman -on.the • Grand Trunk, between Winghani and London, is serioesly,.ill `at. his home . in Wing - ham About, two • weeks , ago he cut -his,,;iiand on the jagged edge of a trunk. He paid. no attention to the: wound at the time, and not:until it - commenced• to',pain him did.he think of consulting, a physician. By that time the.hand was terribly swollen, and::Mr: Sneath ' had developed. a.'case of. • blood -poison-' ' ing Id addition to this, 'knit:, before layingloff as he vas'at-Clinton, in' in effort to pull in a trunk without using: the . sore .hand, .lie slipped .and fell 'against attrunk and sustained a pain- ful;.injuryrto the -'stomach: .•.Ho .will";! itis feared, be laid up for, Come time. ' GIODERiOR STANDS Hip .---For ,the, year. ending August 31; 19.11, 'Godo. rich stands fifth in the list of ports. in the groat lakes-wbich-handled-grain •hipped by.ves,ela' from .Port Arthur and Fort William. During the 12 months;'. 9,100,633 "bushels, of grain. were Handled, :and_.of... this: 'amonnt0- 5,379,8111,buehels were -wheat,; 2,697;: 693 bushels were oats,,. 92,167 bushels •were' barley, and 101,842' bnahe7s"wei^e flax. Another indication, of a largo amount of business done at, this .port, was in evidence.a fair. days ago,' when a train of 21 brand new C. P. R; care were loaded•at the Goderich elevator for 'ehipment- to rmillers in ail "parts of Ontario There were nearly .35;000 bushels'of wheat.and oats.of the;191-1. western crop in the train.' • . BARN Buawr.—The Madinat* Gas: (Ate : reports burning of the ' wh• et is said'to' ba the largest barn in Huron county. 'The building' was 80&130.' It belonged to Walter Renwick of the ; townline of Howick and 'Carrick. The' fire was caused ... , . _ by.park •from.. s•. a e • threshing engine: As soon as the. fire was noticed, Mr. Weber who was work - big near ran to Iooten the• horses in the stable,. and .his eon went for water. Returning witha pail of water, young Weber found his father •lying, on the stable -floor kicked by ono of the horses: Two horses tied in another part *of the- stable and •fifty piga ready f or market, and ill the oeaeon'a trope were burned. It• is Said that it Will take $6,000 •,•to' replace the building, and. the total lois had to eeos pe throw h• the silo; who in $10000. ` Two men in g the ,bur><inpl building had n • narrow escape, the' wind spreading the fire so quickly. distressing feature of the affair is that Mrs: and Mrs •Renwiok are' away in the West, • BARK OF HAMILTON Cailtal 'Pa1d Ue.:... T..•••01...4 �p.. ... $2,761.IN IkssTI y� I1lltvldcd l �!!u!ftM2R.1...,.e. �,SI T ill- �.!!..t.TR7R*•11�R!M.�MAa...6,*-...1 .+.!,�•A►7�f'y{A: Arany *whine .pilose scan be traced back'to the day• itp.owner; deposited the first dollar in a Savi ngs 4 coount. • - The one dollar affords.' an incentive to, deposit more-and,..as. interest is added to principal, the small shin grows more and:, more, rapidly, ,until it finally becomes .a competence, potence, L • - One D.ilar will start. • an account: with the Bahk of .Hamilton. 7. E. McGUIRE r. • Head Offiices,: A t . Luckn $ OW• HAMILTON It wih.:be `Havelock and Sepoy Flour for ' this Community. A.. BECAUSE The Wheat is carefully ,selected. The Millin Machineryis-perfect- The s- tt Milling � perfec The Miller competent and of long experience. very bag of our output is milled to quality ancl` 'to t —needs no bleaching, no adulteration. Our Customers now say: "Not only as. -best, abut better -than `than the- best": t)ng" 3a_'l i've it. Et1iV-I$os. LUCKNO' INCORPORATED ..s8Ss •—'^ Ca italY l' Paid �Tp $4,000000: Deserve`un — $4. i4 1 $44r .�i� Has 8o Branches:in Canada ; and •A gen , �' s and. hicatore Asslic• ... , , 170 in all.the Principal Cities in the World.:: ' • .. A GENERM. fANIUNG • BUSINESS ' ThANSACTED. ,SAVINGS. BANK DE'PAR:='MEri'. , at all. Branches. ',Interest allowed. at highest current rate •LUC.KN0W BRANCH. DEO. H. SMITH, Manager..' Assets' • • ori Don't Need a .To urn .0.der to emphasize the merits of your, business or. armouries . ; :;:your special sales -A straight "•'stoi told' in a i wa►q to tht'readers of this:. paper will quickly, roach the, cars' of. the thoughtful. intelligent `buyfng public, the people-whio pave the money in their •pockets, and. • the: peoplk-who--listen -to-:rea4oirand ; not noise. `''Our".. books, wtll'ehow you a list of the kind ofpeopie' ysu , appeal to. Call' and see them at thin' office. • Keep Your Feet Dry at • S0D ��or� roc t • 81ils. Our Store has the reputation of handling high grade 'Shoesfor: • every day .%ear;' our stock for this season 'was ' •purchased from the.'very best Manufactures. We have.. Sterling Bro. • French; Kip at $3.50,. English Kip 3 00 , . We have � ,_. Chrome Kip at W . p • n stock this fall the ,Arthur "Williams Shoes• for every daw .• ai_:i ... y ear. Every pack is guaranteed tO give satisfaction. Prices from'2a0 lip to $6.00. Come in and see 'them before buying • RUBBERS1 :'RUBBERSI .. RU$BERSL, We have rubbers to fit all kinds of shoes, a good. fitting rubber means a cool wearing rubber. ;Don't get your feet wet, 'let lis fit you with a good pair'of• rubbers: ' ' ' A Square Shoe Peal for Everybody, :E tl OY'T SCE' RE STO y aMltnrtb4� dsv These,. of Lucl: cls primo wnn. nn a boiidays. e* meats; SII lairds oi• L4 table,