Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-19, Page 1III.. .... .... ..... VL L XXXIT LU0XN0W,, 01MA10i TaUUDAY 00L 199 19TI ce S tage Cophe" 1�3 %e e, qar,' LOCA ANDOMRA4' Dr. Brown, ey nose And, ihioat, SKETCHES� OF' aREAT,,gRr 'the joquest. To, -Erbper",, ucknow' ild- not be done, 4nd a 13. JU ar o. �he was _bt, rOCK; 04V 'London laskweek,to join usband, tested and glasses. fitted. her I ec -next dy�and I have it, on.. A now.mail car has'* good there. ft,Wi Lucknow.� Ev anrator will receive AllthOrity-�-411 tl�i� plans of' the foki� Wiarton route. [Now that Recipr9eity'llas, been 1414 TW, Q.woriddlyn aQ10odhat left fd I- I I I 66at r APP104l. uO, to and including on's were R . e ,b.OQ 'per, week. to. start Thursday; I It, lrod" SOL th4 Ile, is 'New Orleans ��qre .4he win spend the :Qct. 26,, but not later. These having to TePt,412d the 16yalt of Canada,16, Bri Tho.ro is danger ofa milk f4min with for gir a, eigh teen And over. none i t the wiw inquihiveness win er, apples for sale kit e: clear., it, will 4 area' Of'- Josv than WRarto L idly remember,. 'And tain thus,,Avowdly mad Gib a t4i,s, win e D id 4V . Oralumn'liaA gone. from Luck, make d Very as', early 4sy�sible. do us no harm tou,square miles-, and �yet it -has a -There were 4970 votes cast in the, t. once to to re44 A few Simtelles twenty rd c -Co.�­Ltd. ne -his- fi#' Great Rrii4in, writien-by A.:you u- -,Ikst-eleqtion, in North 11]Dql S Perrih* now Again, on is jour to: om-1,in Florida. uoileAu, the shoe travieller ivhoLwA4 ng resi"tont, POpaI!tttQ4 O�th(rn e arri. on, 9 ..Willie Rildriob rcediitly1j hired by a train at Blith,,has 129* wxlter ��hcise'pe'n'is, kept altogether, -'sap 'as viell-4s,ag num ori LO the Fish Hatch J.. JI 11114. Eyesight. 'O of' Specialist, had,both- ligs amputated in Wingliam t h 6at t willbb.4Armstroxilg',a: Drug-5tore on .0,0 nine f the in I k, hot le� O six, thousand; 'but. during th' t art,61X left' last week fo nd ia. b Aay it-ii-4sited by w3vera . twuaand4: IUY Oil Y, Q I L h L, 4,r' SAL -4S tiekday, '06 -Rt- favorable pi6gress: toward reo�YQry� ALTA14 Ifrom, nearby *8pani�h- town$., Eaell to'bor one d souure, sa. mon., trout. AUCTION un an, 0� hthe fof m: Mount' Forest. eggs� for thAt'itlitit4tion. Xr;,�Jamq§, T4 aii2oi4' �ex- s'iw until I ov. !�.An At'Lot I I ; All, repair work done te, !eared of all 'but, 'go, 'J�Oakfie4 "on esd that ttme,' Stock bEnd.1viplements. wb ()a the garrisoa; -and the-' -loeke4 l3-.XshfieId,.' 9 Monday Oct.' ays 49 pe C� Ve' ob6ainec a bia l6al a add ''the -keys aro d6l!,� at I' gates, are 40b, 50 cent's is, skranteed .list ur V Sol after ng ew' �y ­ ­ :I� gn n ­LAFN f� d O -over LaCliap6llej, watcht* ho a ha with,)Ji A ne, . : I � - .1 � I i :. 7 ... �, �_ ..., � � the :,greatest fortress in t -dd;L� the eVroprietor. �nd jeweler .ne4r to or Now-th tf1h There'is an -epio at "the WMOI With -what, pr.1 we behold goyernoc with d" Pt&vis, Auctioneer Ue cererviOnv' that, a cortL OeLk and0LXMPI':m4�ntS. L'. L'Ah, 0 have an comiri Ab Complai4 has be6n� i0ade Sikbt Mildmay.. Forl the past e I Remember le Illustrted, LWtu e 4 ro on the, flaq.that ats over 'the: citad morning,it is quite the Pilpe Of FarmfL$t At Lo: Tel at� we�,l betook to o', immonae-'erc. Side ;the A-larn! 01be, r, 9a R Ui ' --Ashfield 11- ofi In LuckA6� h e own - Ha. Tab iw - the. 'T' 4111 heni housi h of the 1-," , M, ' been, owd, waitin- Yloorit a �a ,301 .1 14, Con..JZ wcopred lios4rs. t .0 r race thalt dominaids,'un-dOr the' folds 6gain idmittance t� the foetiess: Juvenile P.Opalatio4 hovq,been laid.'up -- - are Ou visited, se,�erql times after night by.�othe J, id. -top altet r of the :same-. Evi nee f �h t 1_ Cliarles% A anh4uticing than the owne P. a same f act'' 0 J41*30 a portLi re a pas .uqtioneer.: Twb:gall6tia'America C L be6n secured, and the.. bffeiice on cf� T46 h ii. not' : moe6 sengers with this malady, and the. end wil I Is. Yet in sight. Varm Stock �nd Implements.' At Lot. k Ws' Some that ha�e a at ght -eat probably �a 'Tatels. don�_Oys. with at '3, Con, 14, Ashfield., Friday, Oct. long aarm and 6th'ers that ring -oa Oil for tha noClie i�p d this '01 ral Gib, Car sta-ri N -skins Q 'ines; 'vendors Allan, McLay, - Son 'Of M -Irs-. Arch2 McKenzie P.r 'fo .. _?ti Ike a. sentin6l.-,at offrait,.And W- , . - 1 Paslineh 'towaship, I I L I . . . 1 - . *Icolm OP - %i.16 hunting n- An -o RI r fifteen 'minutes ntent, T4dr-jn-!Coun9A _WAn b at _.pmsed, -blle infermi, wl 1. �1 'I hors ay, Wilfiii�_)W a and many'hu'ud do'of otbors'whorn.. I fever'At; Calgary. . His con . I ar.ge bills,issued,,. Y_ $1,00. 'UP t=ean, I-pea-anta ­RiP ey-18-11- if; onda;y October 3o t hi�llw See to q3 a silver greyfox., Its pe, said sea, ay: to our posses re to be d aksgiving, itirougii6ut each. Com, o in -and let tis Show ay of general thai §t'.' . Well hag d' Worth Foqr Hundredand Fif y' dollars. Ca �Ik. the EM been cannot classify,, All but known bad quite critical an his.. pirpats,,,. are Iada for the P - vidential blessilig4 of e ','alves for- Sale them to you. ng suaCelle the key i� til Mediterrlle�n;, c .1 , , f his r.j. S. Walker left oil d i 'd' the.past year,, will b ca hacters are admitted freely-,: when anXiollsi'V, 'waiti for news,,p im,. y, . a gei. V L a. the haie obt L Two ,thoroughb We ties &Y' b I d b' oldial for no easel c ii exiter -or loave. - those mined fivall Ue offic. prov6m n red Jersey hei ers for e, for Fiilfai, Man., to look after at�irs rate rth to U j9_10-ij. out a pi',%ste b oiar d le iale. App ficket bea ly to T:,H. B ;Aks. slaughter the iii e �.�Qt ��he d blue, waters froIlTL -that with rin ords ARMSTRONG in conn�ctidn with his1krin there. He uQC L At' QQ, S. ' ; . .. . L. 1. 1. ! 11,11, John, Wrij ok t1se4th or.Beu6e. dfields- passing in . I I I 11 -. _btson 0. a .t. son, a of expe t b ib All Pa A . tiger nputa'Wo'by,the gear - si "d fi to -gun Ta, t 11 of the T AI�D. OPTICIAN. Of fro"In -.S, From ev A canary. was g �iiei Of gans.. eni.ng, e. recently le loose earl ggling Wh ch,goeS oil thre: k It is claimed that there are `,as r t i . shing indchine,� 'He ..was,oiling rn 1, any w(iufd entail uc now south oil Sun ay, pair ie,.tt day.4 that rock has been a b6ne Sala exercise itself in a . Lucknow. homei up a whi le of.drivWg'gIQves. Finder please.. leave microbes oa,a d6lla�t bill S, of contenWil bi h -space, tbi� beidi 'the chief as On %, , fly eing % piece'of Sticky. fly 'paper hang-! e,ween rival; nations to() inue I . . . u, 906 his fingers caught, But. the- dollar bill 6� not make - Such L . e, 1. e, it .=r4rily blinded by la,pil W.4 dus't at Stttiii OMCe i .' _'ff, , Ing from b �Oari* ids -despi r�� ,the..:ceiIing,. it. made -a Aash -, t6 u.P _ranpq aunbsi of the .1a, allic 19-40 e a d.cont. nuotts e ortar Lge. F -In It' n th-lijilt 4 oyes. 0 b situai W rite on you. alight bir it; and - got tangled , tip �ao an&Sp�ain aniied thnii-forceRbo,wreA, 6, say that. i raltae, first (if ''t6' -d' ion a 'years �Igipleyj had a feei and wings, th-aa�'i it coiildn�t it from Bdtis� bands.' ' Fo' ur" monuments of Britains �'greatne'R?, s' C A r �, � .. 11 _. a', dral, lliotj*,hb1dL , 'd I ' ' hi'Ll 'I � l'i ­. .... . .. I'd- � : . week in October, by a lady.. Mrs. N. Qarapbell-hia�chised off .Again: -out against t6e' - w tcl.arouses, n our min g compe itto - - ' "i fir i' ' r fo 'nas. ollock, of After �� acur ty, on in . lie a guesSirl An& budge. 'It W to be' ulled 0 we ghti of from Dungann i helpe� compailio�� SO& estatlrant&� the winter . wont an frcP t, n n:th6 until eliei It great r mig ty a by main b i * of Fifty r�d bidenelIal Howe. dsp6pt. for. th�' iiiation a'ham: -gh persons � compe -servait in or earL with her dau ter Lorna, has g9.48: teted for al unicipalitieS ir was first captured by the.'. Britisli, which o 'Canadiiinp.. .orin a piirt. prize, wilich....46s...a. 'large h;L'M,. =inquiries Spend the . winte ...with,, fribit, 6, F My 100.0i i Ontario to,S ntinel Office.., Miniml Rooke, ip -1704 'And �a'tld Ode of;thalargest.psirts'. Ille Bremner WM thOneare "-Grano Be44I; will'vote oulseal potion 'by-laws- next At st od ag*a` -a I t . Mcr Cou'n*ty' there . -will the British flgl.b�s, floated aoove,..Lt' Sitturday Spe�lals Januiryi . to the exact in p6w bAvifia ba t Fowl Waked con be t.es0�-.Ll4qkn'o'w- and, Hep- ev dr U ANMRSON "ChOSE h a. overy, Wed a.k1gS!S. �Sedad nthisl Worth t ey, Are 'da� an4 ursdi-y m .GEOR N villages' Qtqenodk. and The fli-st siht of Gibraltar ft6m the meal. ties orn� sto-eks 'have Mi8sAu III who has been . . .. .0 . . . . oh*r nN -9-n c. oc I any quantity.'.6i ' i I., , is Will Be liberal Cabdidate arrived\ c6tisist.ing of, a- fev'rop nk up till' 9 o" I ' k' , ' , , enta, here, :to , wnshipii ha:ving tampaigns,under way; deck of an,outwit.rd' bou' s,toe. tiler for South 13'rifee At ;Ernest Boupdy,of 8outhainpUiij is diick' �geese.* No nthS Visit to her par ad. to 'Jvin innip,eg. At.. Among gqi�g aroundo-ni -'crutches L P9e aya...� --iii crqPF9--- op pncet., ;,cas urned-last Friday -W -oifflik-Pi- -dir --((Q-s' -No- f od' ret ra a"ie eal'-i -b�-taken. all' f __T dr P reasiv one; or the C ovfn OR 4 tea, th ...the same' time'MiSS'.B6116 M6 X;Y.. left other'plakes,willeire'the. in af rhoonof fro 'tite d' es�! .of lqv - -i­­&� I .1 . " �are­ �c !_ - eos�to be- -.18'abnAted-, itieg ancouver. , 1. Woods 9t. Hel ns. An hg�mgn wQr 5 An soqLq of the -ge rdm* the- one., The -a %XUVI , ;an er§on,, -J�l Pore Arthur; towns=Ayl ck, ar ainead Js 4 4--Qr- --or- DY.10vbfis,7MW,; Surgeoni By .,o us, UK 0. 6 e, ear torn.f in Berlin, 96 L nkle Apple Hou§ t f nosend. throat; will be. at th6 10ain, appeared &-great, grey,, he� unanimous ..e anLd Lo or Sale Forest,, GQIO and it will, be ow, Q choice, of, S C ousel, ward 1 outh Bruce' Vberals in A frame' cip't we some wle&� b6fiir6 lie tage. in good covidition new- . c env6 . . .... r d -re. �0`cithbe-r` 42; ovein er ecembe :0 6 n -i t begAn to Formosa list Half. your, c oice.: lithe following "a' 'Ri:4 �j" , U- ri H_ Luckri erichI :ListowdII,. itChL I' JoLonling. Up tj the at U. kh eCowNL e 'Fese,pt Ap eW IL '. ' I ssply to *on 8 u d'w s. or n a Ili' Thursday,- to' 'rep -e c. chopping mill -..has n . &oi4a, 26-10-t L P. L 'ty sh ,:an(. very, -SO0. them in, the r —good.."' ialatu,rd.- � :B *,a 9,l , the e A distingaitillod' novelist recently 'fdatureq:* ere clearly identified. Qntari6 'Lea pill , L . baen. ruhning. for. 'th-e.' y* found ee neFs Furfiitare itetor the 62itr e doors that ot receiving their. .talka Ouffi- staridi -the lialit' 'ffall. was -.packed, to, -the With' past hionih a trdih igubspkb e-rs' It paper womem!�_Hwvng_7 "is' riepr)r d tO.: has ---been V6_Very day; and the ' 'ti Nolte-, Ge, tlpriebor ouRe ar I --Point. A r a e'or. to .confer it favor I reporting ng, uropa. ma. -P,6n't pognizea him Ished or- )ry unfortunate, ap ouse and Lot, in ­14ud, re upc -gas,prodoper will.'b6 -1onally-in, tfieF hill are rdwi -�f­btu,�- e df .0CC froin his' ptibl -up - t7once as )a him in re�'. a pronounced. a ate t at the now. rfLme the mails's1abel gets rubbed offi �Ad racks, and -it, few- private houses. e, larcre ndinber 'of Lacknow Many- f house., . in good conditi on. Stablt� onlot'. gard,to his.fio4els, praimpig' /them. Zeno eum. --.an ir, which was unendurable to in., -the eye rests on a-strill'o . termsand -further-- 'Crdolin. '66 sub8onibe I& to see their. the firmbrii are'lls;Vi6g their choppiA r 'wonders..' owhat hall i a f ;Liberals were:t6,oi rep aced bv ste6,in po;�er. J-4.cre,of land. For Mij�! S RjA§, -t 0� happened., manne t& j�nd aga, nail punnit- - through g partic sea;. app y. 0 -p iiLuthor. Presently - the. tmin - -woodland -and fi 'done At Lucknqw 'rail ayo 66 tl:I6�//h .. . . , to seusitiv6 SP ack use theni.- now. of hogs 'A,e '4aiann6"nd in. the darkness,� thirteen, Anderson the' -is going.. down, --�i Of Besides 51P.L follow- -ie U6 �ng a so weren Capi.'�'-McKinnon, of he, to down, down. It is down to,. $5.70 now th�i vilibt faised th �-liand hundred and feet'., He�e il' 6niinateW�May6r- MN, ntl,i Of oultry Wahted.' p back of his 'h%Llijm*an4k ed-it.soundly.'. Ad�ni R. H. S16)Caj, and a ery k .La drop of sik-ty-five cents t& to R., Kineardi t'd*nihip, met.with. hoss . When the 9i rial station froin: Aiolii, oa.'' #e foa � . .9 a Highest cash price paid.for all - illdi. efea i Recipr6dity. Hus ink'' one 'light ieturne nd the two'. -loardayipan, eaL�aildl led the approach. W d, women b E Truax, of alk3rtq6; James Lyons, painful accido t. recently,.� 'which. 'will of'A?o.Wtrv,L live:'or' dressed;' delitr&ed. A 'th'. another in :-icy silence. of a ves, Willim Con Amin "Am in )ne ael'wbon f ia'.still forty Kardobh, iind hill, up f3isoqle time.., The\h6i�o. at the l4qCknow )�kpress Office,- every D ti e f �ip an rop and lor, all e, ace Wed, 26.9,6 iTlibse-Ortioa-w o sve r( ladies the one:iegrbt of; Henry, a,Kinls�; an4-,,§. R. Brill, of, when he wa's'putti, . e diet" t At d: nw;,. ran, th baconj,: th 91-6at Suavity, h F -ho- was drivitig -kicked him id Y., C 'O :_A4di6ssing them wi. Stoke i�, of Ludkii' k T P h iken into sai my , ar6xo vei to the landing, s6ige. P, ng it in, the' stable, J. T. A,. iuCkPoW.)9vapoiatoioh' past' gundaysl life will. behAt 11all never now which 7 . t place; lie e t Z .close �y, is tlie marike Toimwat After brief �p 'linookin& out several tooth' and I L' Drug,'store'., eechs,they For. Sale,or td R�n and, done damage on the premises are otfiat,kiase�dme!' re 'we M you it e good frjm� ho tho-m-inyglowina, all wi AnderA �i r of -place of ng his face in'a.�nlim e -here y warne -n . to q so Again, or nae� cement veneer 4 d ot d' From further. information received -erranean pots.. SO. good cellik, -six, roontsj:*haIf**Acre of first- co ors'; of the. koit =a�x *as given A rquailig -Mn-Jain:os Sh 1K i ;aedino th�y �vill be prosecut6d to theL fullest :6garding Diision Court proceedings as 4601%, Je%�Sj and all the intotho 're-. A. sb good stable and hen "JohnJoynt. iII last, we6kp � e, has -a fudr.fboied'. dabk on his , -fa rOceppion. Re c! S soil.' tent of the law. -rePOrl ntinel' -it i X . - . .. various use. G60d'spring'well on premises. ejF to a 8 a a ..ilationtilitie* ..who fi�e' cent-ele.iion,he s;Cid, confident that Isomething Of a rvel li, After onl� a feiv:',diya iltn�ii; froli'i loarnod that John Gamble was r6 quent t i's ma at go -Situated Wut. ' half aile north. of' he was workingid the people's inter" uired, the ej6k� arb. to, be seen bartering' the, r a,�tel rqkd, For* N00''L 2. oh6 in section -has . ever sceii or Lucktiow on mOV pro daughter of Mr.- an s. ,William only the costs 'of Gardne?a illree'Wit- pheum6nia,4ittle Fl�ionce Et y, not the costs of. the but.. o it convitic�- t4i infant to,. d Mr" pa ddctq.. of -the -3uer6uuding.,est§.. Holia4bon f, heard of before A grei� any, paricuars ppIy*to Wilson F IIe i6th. Of -one par't eggs 'ed.-�fiatthe,pq�ple. did* not thi Jr ato. I hoifips6n of th ness. and half' the cost Of� repairing. dpul people - have.' gone see t to ga,&Ioson.. -e bein� re d last.:' The' Gardhoes. bit 0 Offo &�;ale by, 'thb ;But the,'.'Liberals, h Added, 6al duc, It i i� neakyjall aro*hi and, Lucknow,p. O..' 2-11 is- also ---pointed at _'P. i . ? th a S -kcount for the rb navigAtes without Any :'inconverfience Moors, who geeni to have corner on ou§e; fuxieral m as on, S4f -that'th6' 49'. �outh Beaco fdr'; e too I h' kd�y' to Kinioss 6uf "a, ry C6w Lose&- Str d - ATUR Y egmetry of, thahu&y was not paid only, be se.. this, branch -of the trade, in �notliev aill, he promisedl ihe assist&ude� he aye T, This 4i4j- ir, t6 be _P -Parkerv-of "at.- ­i4it received -'by- _jh- n son Wedneg­. e spe66h., n ai Luckno% A till aged. red nspo"he-A-sberallan-hre, . . 'COIALId'aiVe chosen: c ' -LJ evviel.--v -s- di Dir andidate. Fr6m­Mrs�- gender Is farm *est' 'of I . 9 - season a.a Pefii Sul Garri*t'a - 11ote '�Gckno,� t6.' Shape' of , tarboti,' soles,, d' ..the hcow,. �.iic Wh tevorr�vii;i6n.thliti necessit 6s 'in !wares in . :,Mr. Anderson mii a a.brief ae­ from p., m..P Frldayq the. report as, ali"eAidy published be red wallet, eddi 4nd.other fisit- Wh i6h, Alber tbankifia't6 delegittes, be,asked:' wood6 are. full: of hare,, .And horned., I abofit � 1060,� Fii9t' ays 4' ' from 12:30 � 63 .11 Weight _3 t 11 unt ......... 'we on ry.-. summ( p..M,, Diseases of Re4pir- at once evident. "Also in . the. � cas !a,CcO f, the d missed.,'about 2 weeks ako'. ..',Xlndl -b -acU -this nomina ion,, how I of nadia'ts avo no. acquaintaab6 opf Y e ere'ate a greab# many partridge so a ion, Xerv6ug and'Alfitnenfiry. systems,., MeLeau'va. , hlcl)6ugiall, 'I th' mave, any w6rd rekarding her vhere L female tit3ouble, joint affectioits; . RLheu-* dan WAS witif; al4aain in ittiothei, 'place, w;. many are Vehiiid'irfel' 'rho assbutbi abouts,,at out sfiop; or phone' SATei OCT* .1 st.: pl4ijK, ot ) I I 0 e. i en'L US.' y spo m are thoroucrilly enjbying the.'defendant As stated jampe L "s., 14tickn6w. t4 -c.* ill miltism SCilticiL,'ete.�,iucci�ad.fullytr6at;., are met. - it� bewildd�iug ,arraj.. Of d to' its fobt %rid-oltoored. lAgaid P batloo and h, de Per concessions of. lind f- ;� WhidVIL'Are.&I price Anddrsdn'thinked them a*nd pro. the, Attridge, boivever, iintil.aft&, tf; F L 'in' tain ruits cannot be legal shot e lo g allude at 0 in the isplis6d Of at , . . .. I - I . W dh ta. its seem miSed to o into� tW'� mpaign to win Sale,,. dIkosh re . . 11OLLE. OATS k'M -was takea.to Win por hi to' be ridiculo'USIV a House 'for hain hospital on:� Wednesday to undergo - 0 lo*...' Grapes,co'st abotft, two_.lcretifk -a,, Ile" 0'aid a tribute. to Mr. Truax,:.'Q T A: coniforfa, a W 501b. Sack for $1.45 alble dwellipg,.; ozj�_ and an ope'ratio-p-lo-'r, tff6ii,�riotly r­ev"iewed 'the peovino'i' s ory ap0endicitus e was', pound. - And wlitit grapes they', are! Ahe, Wiartoh. ­E'oho rame,' 9, -good rooms, and Great. bunch e.sppke of, the naed of laige Wodd6hed, -good conditions '$I 80 taken, ieripitsly. ill oil. Sunday IaA.,'After r) ..t itlerearequite a nutnb6r of: C4 er- A :ea., of,.- the iosb Aelicious 81 Re War rice a'.colisalt�tioii; 'physicia0i � decided iliat vative. applioatio, Inside atid out, Arst-class well; and cis- Rev. Gdo. Mcliiill,4: preached.' Ann'i� kindl There al' b quai-' -i.DivilService refdrat, of e ectoral. re- o are tb a &ot e ns for the positioix of an epertign, w.aA ',hip' only, h . , MS7 I terfiOnside, ' Quarter acre-gobd soil for We bonaht beoe Ae 0 Indian, Agent at. Ctipe Croker,which 0 Ili Pe versary services at Purple Grove, Bet%;ie 1�'. chd�p. cher�iea and 'apribots fids. foiam, of a mlnin,�L�P(Jioy, of. gare�, .several 1ruit.. trees, srilall fr and an.l. V.. pr vement, and of-thpLg:a*rdibg of the,' a to street -t I any friends, At ank.iou . sly I a . Wait Word -Appointment; I"i'Sandai'. swLAI,sim fi%bln i�Alenm' itis 6iepedtod' ivill probably. sooil�- be -Afront- I . ­ .- &� 1. r 41d i I :6atcome! Ov OL e­-.aupply -:1astm- - ro lbbfigli . reas va le he' 7t -d- k:;IhF -h- irch. -an. -be kmild- -C I ran I 6 -Po 6,10e recent 2 Wide gr utilre llan;aps to, and:pr�ached - tv�o 7vepy�. -i Purican; of Sfolv)r Xu'dging from A.- J4 Lin �jay. re, da teresf;'nk sqrm " hapS twill'bome ai -surpri 4o to most thelloffered byLUr.'Xar6cfi,d.xprqss-. L . h en ill for 'a few ys ona th larid c6ligregatigns.- Cho strong -support 'that lie -.� Ilas it ove'r hi For ale' I y people �kho Gibraltar is ing.-confidance in Hon; A. G. a e am oue..- He gave ­ r, It nd're'aret,ovi be surprising, Ter Annugi Thank�oil`ering meeting bleak 6rren'r to: 6own. tha a w,*uld not' it he la,nds- _ROCEWT 1304Won iii Lackuow­AM:,_SAtui&y..'aAd at at the defeat of 8ii-N. rTll no e J0, No. CC G L p )tk�R9LS, was repan to-riamove �t -Who,. "O _b the"" foil o,: Fe w n rtseo ..of tk�rW. F; �X R.'of L' know Presb Y_ ithi afew.rilil fred LZ;idr, hoWevet, would" 'd T948 00 teriall Church,: will be hdldon Th breeds: Ba" ursday rfi�ql add white Rocks, Whit;e of the rock And 'could, if again to gurd. victory, ys o. Wiarton. �Eehq.- About �Atfp evenin� lit 8, M. L. MiSS space per- L Wyandottei, Bladk.Mitiorcas, sInkle anti Monday batL illness Orevented 9j O' Wber,26ill. geyrd -_re -Oil lie dians ck tsel _ros;!-comb,-RIio&-1sIand.- tUda� _alga. -NY- poh 'few one year old coi* MODEL -RESTA-URA M9_1 an BrJCo W�� .I . officke'n't 16cturr, will -the hoight'of the uppere kt Ferga, and.Mr.; 0. s unimer'' 4i or over to Minnesota a -bout breed. Pro ident if the Son dre8s the meet, G Ize in cliarge here." & 1t6ck Aosociation in' the - Stead of two woeks ag ' b Titriier - of' ,&1I pr -wifiners at local Fairs, patts 6f'th. to brwArned 'by the 0 y do. u Yards, Lucknow. `Tfi -at, 4J . fL tll� �Uhi ba 000- %VhO until that dayp r to ey ii -red in.. Sepoy Foulfry Williata, Spindler has dispasRd Need he J The League on Monaity.'evefiing, ton the lowor t. 1-1. G. Bogueg',- Mgr 1,1iltdreifin �tho: Implement btiginess ofo was slopes bananas,_.. liv64,.. U, piei the P)SItloft;, Ei - Kant ..MacCharles z, .., of, tents and, the weather was pretty cold.' on;% I Committee' profusi 4 'Notice of Dissolutio'n of PArt-, Spindler and Joli oston to John McColl in hargo-'of the Social 'and Literary Oratigm, and vines� grow in S94 Vied �;resiil' titi J. A, Jolla. That alotij, with the dilfforence'-in the oa n ve. dresr -erton. f1gae­ Nd a- ry .§ de rmosai rusuror, par tell ar y. and C OYL -At Ho yrood. -Cli�'Pr.0fusioii,of-be'ill'l,,tiitiv colored ITIdv� is' herel Y. g iven. tht the r cor, of ythi Mr.' Mccoll-is not' 6kiiown XLr, Richardson of Flesh - 16veitwJiet: . o thd, It t' ch, f�r the Indiana -interesting " * o* is te' ved 6o ma er-ship He leaves the faint'now the Which- of the, NC art' ed hotno iaairi .the firs6 c IV ains. gage, ifi,-tho sale' lie had been atfeAding in Toront-0, be- - reopersi geranium aqdisfiriibs. partnership heretofore existing 'betwee Oct6ber�, Baeg . to eli� of farming fore'coniing , to Lacknow Th6'populatlrin of dilbraltar 'is one VaIsley 14an Shot. weAk. maohi Jib -has taken up r`e'aid . to vikt/ hi its as entg and, Dealers. l4cry, ence Iinplenje Ag n 6no of D.'C. Tiyloroa sea daughteir, F TAte, A duct -by of the most cos-nippoli Sava the- S'outbampton Beacom - und.�r the Atin naine oiSpindler &John- I � Sister 0 V ty totT, and a very By the accidelital of'a ri, fle, it hou on Havez W h4,l S the Greek 'a �as ails e h 13abol of ton ue' fills the Co nt�rax:tor Jam McKenzie has kept' st�njjd the. V,illoge Of Iuckiiow bed 9 air, Here young 11, 116d, sogepw . BrAdl6y this day been decon-. sipprecia Arabs, and Mool's. III I i I erettes statQathat in'hi t 10117, P'Ctuf�, iva Shot and intantly�kdlled whilo in tllitlgg� humming on the new� fish hatch I ii opinit)n ent. Any perotl_cir 'persons having P A inedtingot. the Lticknow Branch bf er On S W I " near Paisley, on. X6nneth, Canter' " pp es which, he luo flo%Ving d,i,cqs and with tliei� t1se btish Sil�da� 'last, y,-�uilding, and 6kpecb; to have thle' &Ily..clajms dgaitisi the said firin of All kinds, 96 in, V�I(10, the; Lord * g Day, AIRE heads obvered witl�Aurbati: or, fe�.,, In company.with Iiis brother-in-li,,i, intprior stiffidi,,ittly,-fidisfied tb allow Spindler asWithout tiny except- vice will b , held' i �k,johnst6ti, are herebyll6tified in it thtj,, best . pack in Ontario.�. This the oalat ObAreh oii r, rit GXekel - of Paisley, he left 2,11en 06 reselit the,gatne.at Once to either of, y eveft� Oreeks anct Turks from the- Levant,. owan" the spa W'n. 0 be - placed * in " i6 noic t, to P IM, I I 1, I 7 Abes not mean in quantity b,utju qualitii ;ing, the. 90thi At 8 dclock. -coal black neirroes,from the deseets, of in the aiternoon' t6jocato'co6n troc Shirto ' * I '. ' ,IThe spoako� 8.111 weo�'. . Mr. 0, H.,'Cunningham, a And strong as the state:nieut is we,,,believe, for ihe 'evening ',is the Rev. the. Woods, wifli-the intention of hunting Dated'ai -Luckt6w 'the First day - ol Africa, stolid Rindoos,, who keep +hu g6veefintent olliCii&.from. Ottawa, is. Octob6r, 1011. (Signed),!'., 'it to, be not to6 a By the A.,'O( To.on6o,'who is. adore- curiosity sh6p-�; native hvidlist6ra; Brit. the.-anitnalson Monday night. They* tera to took' after the. collectio�h -'Of ireatly redu quality SPINDLER, .. I Cod fary for the totd.`S, JD 22-caltbre re&afipZ .Of.hi - his - attention . to- 1.0. -soldion4y s1rait afid . Alliatice .,in aiA d '10, Ontario. ofall t a is in t eir. �:Uulturo Xennoth Camern' is doing.an A �dry 'Interesting and �Oto� , Ing I ol Array of Co16 al once,' UP OC ings for , Afteir makdrig U work toward establishing the fitable time untold Assured to All who Attend which, to 6VOEf ite at) 'a in still 'a I AL Hdrob th, e g. CuboMed to, &16'4obct, of th6 Adjcent w6ods Abotit'five o'clook 0111 C6URT. At. giSttatd pie win industry in hu a o I . . ISS 4 O' Of,' �� IlOrthern'cou it tries foon.4 they SAf 410 county. The.debate to be given uirido thdr wn upon a knoll. to take the, who, 4 is , President of- Clio LIN cents for'only 26 dent,q, A nutnb& of, beautiful paitititlg§-, the' auspices of the'Bible Cla'sse glowingpiolure, British visibOfs are gun -%pailt, r. Ee.kol - handling'thd rifle. Aid And Protdotive Asoc, freely shown through the for ghi pecialiat tifleati6fi a Tito �Vas ii.ot'wotking-, Very it Childeorla Court last 'd� Joyfiti�,are at ptesent now Presbyterian Church,. will bo-, held e workof Miss I iatioli Ila -Sweat ',9 n Y) the 61 ainbe, which b. e 'at - Frel Id .1 acortain.1 freel, being ne%V gun. and a Shell tht y Davis A. T. tilrou I� w -0itor bf thoSent' l9t heliango in' dabo ra re: not fro aindo;#. Tho met is h at a Oclock' tilrou Y�l slilVed unn( ticda I fil thb ingpine and a� sted a dispute, between the on's nuf this �;013k, 'tile. wedk'iti p�rb FIgiti, Says Chi time 1;bitldn , in on Thursday eveni' f ell Importance; fo*r, th6eo tire into Cite' bteech wag n the it h been in exe 1110vet'll - 10)� but, it tteeds ol more 90% fofs40 M not all Art ctid ad4 on , ece , Asary on. mcowit -of in u Ail en of two families 'who -got intix Arnistrong's , I e sons' 6f tl App- � the Ineeting of the 1,6rd's, Day galleries �c t in tile mok 'which are ont disollatged, just At nioni6nt when othe . 6 Aftee ti arih io' beautiftil to Alliancei dilliculty with ea an wliich 'has been arrapgod for Frida yell is y AM -life liki -r, known to, Woa f6w. go.� oting 131'Adley' fistd lcn6d over reciate, Cho A61icate B Colo tho.q6 Ve swork lat. hag couto f ni y 6d iind, iv ]in(, with the n1j' Z3 fo eL lainta and a U9 Siore (Yoflig ry Dr to 4eetet& k6pt,, nfuture ood behaviour he Joyntfj A,prbiltable'Aimaidassurred to L113 rock "I'lie bill ot oiterod hig face at the lose Pro go r t 11 i n "Y ont through the 'back of" his SP Lnd tr of -WIT44 little . gre&t& d6v610'p. 6,11 who attend the delAtel 4� the sabject that v�he�onb,� of, the European 'r'bleei­ dismssed tho parties will,'& watilik Tues. 24th. Low !tight of� the t Isti, ititereg ing V6 .43110611 $ a which app�eciates and t onp, wad the" debAte'rs Asked, Cho 06 rnor. 0. Gibraltai hdAd piefoing the Wit, The yietfin ivo�ld happe6, if, it occurred ION rge t tks ga(h aA i6a I ould, ard able 6f idee,"lated dealing, with] Show Ilm thsethe T, 11 He imposed no,�6,stl,. dit no f iiladoy& - r 84% eft. LY I ..., " ..4 . , , .. .. of, a eaddson 4.0vernor was' niuch 6nibarr �ae ONE do no ha, m to,, 166 0a 611dai I was eldest ,,On of 1. people of Lack w by UO4 GOW4q,. A�nd, lei O' iage waat$; Of lag M kin&