Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-12, Page 24,,e but lie had,be-en y a riumphijilt. return, And,, the, be- 'T JOHN 4 hyllis a4d, I ave gono Kill: 14411a, would h EWS BY USIL ADO,;. n -home by the: vaorrow -, he. wouldl- not A, 10N -IN THE MAKING'- bAN oil D 111.9 PEOPLE DT Wil 4 of Phyllis and, Ullo. be able t0L 44tQ -BULL h them liriding, v] p to.thefiut p*o. w en TO", Nil$ MO., hicling, in he, -thought, lie. wag they it -wo , dis ox Ing, �broatf og rOZY 14 Aovericli, $qf- invioafflnf; N�, rna4, -is in tho Land That ft -a. r 0 race, bints ble for dqsir., Itei-as elf byerying o' motor, Qtor, are availa gh. in �-eilae iin.,the. CQm,' w -1 1___ r___ . L t came ut-he kn III I i �—, 77=-= 'f, � 11 � " L".3 --i U11 U- air -hq youl IZII.Y A&W, - L, I'll j: 'L T. I h Tlipgay as 0 U0 b s a Clary e ;iw-4!1 rushed past his air bili white bed, the nurs0y, An this P I_ rellirn­o u7i )"C- A. 0,,,,r e� Of letters rainfal fos Q14-49ib. Thilsi 't"'44T.fto tiiat Vincy, -so t west. They'. w V or go 6 �per'.c' and f ttr W" A�vay the but'With 4 certaiu'chill; mamma. The mouthful of buzistud w. o,. h44, just 1hrowu , I it ill 11, t movement of birc�. 14 roit' with something like, a h the Ili . Ar from e i'in bu itig', 'IJY, tile ell mong onth-t o-hor ftntpi, 9t bia , , sh Q b, And the,, stream, of chai .-the Appe tiM' to. t vig;t, , , i me. un� ts, 4ow' without effort or beat, so iter, ­ . heaffing,.. 41id e will h4ve pr�%otically, dis4p_ U behind the garden shelte' -Q A with which. lit) , - the above There c e.4 . a6gntag, .v 'b ILS r, ni; ."You dder 're roq4V mar- like AT' f requoint. queliops, patienc eto'. hoL wing, ocmdoid' bond4 *hich 'a 4aw a, lovely b�y 1-a'a fant'A,,4tic poa d had'greatly taxQd'Vin,c.'.s W111 a P aure ot h r9m tile'l'onclon'l Viii.py, said, amuse did. give r t Su.44 L . . . . - r �-h nid ef 10h yels, Yle s 19" splen ketable.0rid on ph c ss "'of white� atiri stealing near nly faled at itg,source. The 01 y Islnd, the granite' rock foll dwell 35 e -o I -anddian, - wes from hild through the great. 'Q in through the shrubs. The q wanted ' to� ride'in one, two drove on in 911, Devon, qn.,wh p. -plaqo, � an4 t'No' before, lbe itan pomt of a, -youn., vut.wa -r ikoe f roin all.rAtes and taxies. 4ftb noon u sear -4 behilid- a thitk 1111111% sdid,'. d�epp, s6b rose, morie, h ast llaff'V�wn 0ounpil. havo. finilly be. ciroi tchq once" t 'h i t 'a - Q T his, �tLofapqn_,:.off.drs.-�Bqn4s' of- stkh 0 9017- 9 ntl t4er Vt eir ra4u- int be the Young ijnIe, but, astc d agi Thi� us nd.the little fellow, ha4.harcl *prk k h* .rbese- charpcier.. The p incy s amusement. c )v 4 it for c n Won': 1P or. on tj a; TJ6 be b be f 'roug 'infor d'a'd" who- was dr6ssed A' to mal. et� is wap. let. itiviVs1or to, of' ; JMV Me p4go-,i.ashion t.6 -tarry S��iJistef' The eouU-_ OR$ 0ould- b.� fult of iute..e8t _,be %P, n_ may stle, 0 iq,,ns e p4tted"thic ,str ll� l�ughed,'a4d hndreaspo. h oJ'$l00j0M 0 a r themi- and�pre- ev 10 fo 'Ono. an "L. tryfaded awa m $06411'V i9de these se urijiO bV, th6y- to d th46 fringeA and s6ntly dasod Ji.oklllta a gew thought, ocoutre bpr;vin�y: 'h I 'MI14 at Cdy1s, qlaq.014er �het 'h d for Oy Qatai" uc Which was at. liberty.' iq fk sub to'. talCe (jutSkir ''a md fk�'resulls' 6. our 9. ,rl in 0. 'id,.girl named' Elsk - ki , . ; . What it he st6ngthene4 his pbsi� -is of the great Th' fing.our It , in en fi 3 decoyixigthe heir frbi� is, At 'n. remember 16ur, 'the #'Pe't"P'I vo I - d-6 -row�d .and filled with 6 0 t4 8, "t nis S a01 t hioh 'with an t stir S :w. dl6s ie- and" holaiiag hii Eriiot traffic eet ..i alq w n. e,. wen, on, 4145, e may call'me �ngs 'through. w Iffy 1pea -�t "Oh--�Brownc. . ou r a ns, o m Here might be an arga- Y. here, and. tlier0i, Uncl D ts Ith., mp)4t which . would, appeal more I r9wP r;pe, ia oil (Sil, oy Uncle I�rowii retutned t4o.. driv- quary . C purpose$ r e 0 h Here I- am� at tho, end of my Jou A r. Dun ' n Cunningham,-*- itroligly to the. wife'a, Qj�r contrived to tbread. his way., 'The' er, not west a 1'. Intend to go furniihed. It .1 0, than the hushing up of'an oldtqr' -was aoused: at the 8tra 0 Y' "Thank''yo, Uncle,Brown., "And final'stoppdgewitmj. before. a shabby before,returnitic. past. it is only four ted. he of'bein -lodgfng�hou a 14' intoxica a f: hoiff y rate'et IT go� jailed in Case Migi man: came. tp, t 6- oir Victoria,. the capital of the, Province. a it be, IT . . 1. . h 'd ioaf� r�. 6� a, tteir lit vt,.' 0. -caark, Nvho is: in her 9th, naptl r ifL it "Well; no. I�11 tAe� Y�u the'. I (Th4s My I try, and cot lher for 'A day or en4ered 170.119 was the winiler -of the AT th� fohild he imight� even L i]2_, lo4er -way -you like it e ST 'to. her. "I want. prize for R�ckinghamsliiib,laqe t Freeman," h' saj two before starting� for�.11ome. Unci -rease hjS'tejMS. by three: or four. iso uch, Malm not mind." you to take caeof hiin for to -night. John met me,at the station when.1cot Flcie'r Rhow ]in WIL QOU nwl me laded hundreds 'which we.ro'stire' 4n -and toolk me - rijht uD to� their h9me CORM-RA-M)M the, child H to 1,on& ith was: venient: thit e has come pp D 00 'on oners are at Some, 900,0 64 1y e Any urse. and itself in cj-71nnabel h no le. B r n appy. and Il. amused. the -cousins 'were there. of c� -o6m'; fo i. Gix or mo' re,in a, Kquld be afiafid to inform against e. r elcome. They -6ertAlh- -struggle, or autery would have; maLd ooi:the figt1re, is 20,0,00. d rL-k' of- dete tioli -would th : .. . � : I I., L, im am -plan dHAPTER'. XVI.' have b e bet ing6 difficult; is it w*i� the e u good to me... andthey have The A bolition. of 'ill t�coat b* --- --- .wrk-amoothly'to the. given me,the. best bedroom in tho.,hiousq. he -bobble amed for A;I,. 4. Came at the. interrupted kL ighl�ly' --forwaM,' aiiother ur Uncle The guests s irt is bl' `nd. For Q city. to hill ve the residential di known lines j h6lght.s, only ILI . few '�'Hilloi Ernesii be.sAid. "That is wedding were so -far consideiatefv�lth'sCn outlook over, th strict piles on �Sh:aug 9 annual falling. 60 f'$1 MOW 111 -01e jobu-s house, "d this as Grandview. Fairviow,'apd.-ShauchneBe blocks Tr�m U'u r Brown ran on. 'hat. W �:of them length mountitins beyond.* the Nottingham, ix6e I at speed, 'slowing i fe . Wjuitli,3 it,good,plac6i'but I know" f a bet- 1. dL , here t ere entertadiam n r' video -you get , 4 a set n fire -one niFlit. 'T4c evectA.cq Mi -roa s � W IT - ei t. at. the; iieichte.� From, the latt �only'at -t f stay for h he -r rasi� Stancomb lVilis, air .adopW ,be cross dIdul, iee anyt int- oi' were �Iiger-pasfs to, re4dL 'Th�n, 'y 0. L �q . ouver. was immepsq� The games in a solid sheet. da tghter. inter., ii�iding,� ,Tour' mother curC�ionl­Swiiiyrte 'did -not `of the ]ate LQjd.LW Me -you, �aud sh Alley comiur'her we -passed through 4i'Macnificent view, al 11 over t7anc cam R 't. thas pre, 00 - t4 . e: oys 6ii -the dutskiru �o, f � a is a of �and beyond BurmVil Inlet they e u h -it the-urbor, to leaped itbout'6 ty tee I t the, alr. awt Jell tod' $50jo pear, but -Joan ikhor �: briveV V'Q it ay�JKO if -you li I .:. . . at ' 'nicht.:' I am, told t at* on Village..'of the. larger sort,. the main u e mou illumiu�4: tfie -whot6 - distric k, tho'bestparis of the'iriv. so. I shall ar� Vancouver a d th . ntains. . the glare to ramilij did. �ber best 'helipp Annabel, and us dthe ell h d ' f ` he- Yellow Peril in Gqod-bye 'for� tba presLift, ke. a coliple 'of We -have, ear o t hi ed Toionto T;x- 0 0 .,qreet of,�w ich -boasted proy an''adiniiable lieutenant., range -to ge, hoiliq :by' the i-cl..Wintertt,6 3tatiou the O'Nylikt�,is memfit -Mr- 0-.'_F6rstce -toji&n w "Sit s:e thi stranger to -b 'lid q' and baker's� shop e a sence ofAke' rna�ster provok'-- -P ebs which 7leaves7tho- C. 'P. 1. i3i�Lst..and ion realiz' 1 pub __-husei h' -b r , L .-Va.n ouvei.; wliere� i1B to, exil kin WaV bpre at nine o'clock In a in riting an §peak low, or. f1i 0 hie; - on get to 0 ww�4 - -M- e Q ; 6 uantd by it ',�v n, �ty , W'Iis, al.;� tht, p9st o&ce y giftedoi the. Universi the 'will, hear +ou Phyrlli'sl� 411.4 h L, my- t is treet Uncle,�Brown slowed 0 a. total po- I'AfavQ eirried .�n goes through hoL lcht� Undo, 72, hi 4 intly.'graver tban it was' conve va,11ey by dArl ny� horp.are % 00 Asiatice out of .�hii letter. aroun 660 -for'ihe r �coming To Anj ... u him - and ere pocket for a week. You sop., .1,.,wroto It they d the lown, taking t4lo trarinj M_ ba;re een e labotittorial. -lit - " i al '*pitlatl�n 11,0,000. Obinaineft a 'h and� equipment of th exit ;t dec ard�. W i he� b6tter plaeb , ing,.� 40 the -.gosiJI' w ether :th In 'great�,n, ..They -ard Amployed 'd' 'in the xcitement 6f.the% Collegia. , hoke i. 2,34ountitins, iis wh4 11 shall-, nitse little past baker's P on clectionday.. an 7ay h 161spered -to to., oft 4spe 4, JODU 13. 'h sitandstill'. t- Quite S-lot ry -do A, -wom nd, he. p�Pn iLB ;b1n on wil-town- tl;�t,--niiLht�--i--CO'Mpl�te'l'y--foe4; an told bgI Ml a Mi. COM Ut I I . I . ­ ­ �nx 1 ­ 'L on en 10 ni tVr i V en'. cod, real eutia got -to Post 1. ani -it, 3 cc and--put—up b t�L.� on the, nporial Limited. LZI a -show 'resen s in. the ljbrag� speak To, 'curious er —L"TRIM 70 -'rt-- t It cL cln , AlKe V ancouv Kne.. w4ar W it .her\i�\ for, �me, Brn6st- the of at 'her..hu irew hei from his(Ifatie'r. D n geV, 'Guch guests- otten :are, out of, the 1-itchen own dinner on ih4.. ;�hat 'it in� door ir, to ille. side, re ancl: his C!I 'have my T 1) - �bhargq others .haie. felt of it. The busines� bortion of ilia town V, : . I I , . 7 ' . , . " L , , busy on me e 'them. to- ) . .. I hoin. rioter just outside'' an�.bod i�'110 �Ve,1;11i, i ce v�e . randah noor .'an� ilia. terrier'4ite iS­we1l/' paved and :had somq 8 So dom stid duty, shfill riot be utes away... off4jr,. � � fine. -'ohd .% f the -wood. Yui motherth __many, d A part bYL ought ..A ;L. as _a g Y VI Ila Pffs L, hether'th.eir -own in 4d I ey �go- aboutl dome of them ar. to -4h -e w gbt like. at, rdein. it, and g ai in,:. e "East., "and theyL get, $2 TRUE:-TO111S,PRG11ISE' Duke, of d stretched p�r one s ores 6�� - � ­ � t* � Ini incy jumped dw hi : Self . aiid:'thefi, �w ba,`ck: tile foil -As slib"Ofah tiny plabi I baVe been women ih compares L W e cro1% y encamped ab. -Mipphe 'in. tend. they me le take- you. 'Ybu -will ell '�Lmofig th day, f6jr such work." The are, liked ad was - With f-dozien :Yards to ill b'koi Id be.,done with,"the hive the -.art 6f making a wyou,;Iet me* share k or" yoiIi litile-CO' - , L . a I ng an ha Whati� won y seem. yo,, � . , ' 4 . I . ' L ' I ' t4�-ir a better than the Shopi -A.L int ariousli'm6oted. Of h Ja -lookin wn to' the vanesei'as tbL 6�'ee: of f.iegh 9 To. 9 W9 windows attractive o was & * po L ' I . . - - ur vcry sorrow ftei we 'numb -rie4 away. g7biefijna ­ ' 1. .. .11.1 . -L - I . I st-w6r '�kubmo illo, 6enA r,-b-6himid-, �- - -6 to be better workqr4__�T 6 p: bo�. 4cr ivero cat course, d-.- There­u�,e� ne-or­two�hillel 6L q igh And, think. thdr.'mi�imum' wor 'Can do and the 16 is proliosed �6f their sur r wan a t terr ix a st -down4own seci ixiarried.V! 'she L hispercd as 61i eqp streets in. th bu s a ifte -scan at pf I I u -.ouddled -her� check against-, his'. inibledon -for sr dispons'ar,y; In." I h get, so.they Bay,. W whi citp: of milk, if ou can let: 'h� it a9linot in `it re�tence- Von. but for tbecm6st -�art .'it .. . . i , , Idarling,." again t ip level' max mum wage e cai The Chi' d the up -town peso hee great market �gar 6nero. 'Yes, it-for'my sintIltnephew- * ois-b�t say I A I king*- a cleliclolls _iss.,from.her from cillosil The� bbi, flushed up -with plea8ureit It' ta, e�. Ace on thd Quite -a � 10ge bor ion. .of Faoo. and all t'he -vegetable ped4lera'I'liaTe P U9 1. can be teei* an4 advis�d., and' Idien it part is cut-.ilff from dowo-town. by there, on �ar;� chil rkow. -Mrs-..� Sway,II6 mus OW ret lips. lt� wa 1, twA� treated 'been Chines some :SM th To, �'on Amotoi; -that had be r than- to expect it,, ibough she oreek. ail arm. of"the sea which iia�bsa peon out here.have fiecessary h 4gL ria ungry on a. c And cou the sir ycr;r, 'Ises alw-And - i A,fdid. h: .4qland--for-6ver twc� miieB_rXi,high- ide ..p!.'th- , are.. to no ate -.me withL'06 ihee�6-6f` iold trc.-- falsehood: withci.u;* Beem a gitand ide ste4i away Ii horses , and while there are ydafs P -L -re, %stre t,::T6ttc-nh oTii A ro'44, d- e vvlopO I I : ant to Winthrolie. wh6 was a;, -th�qrp..is twelve feet of Water in'the ores Y. 60�S I"Oh, Tom, w y can t yott.evor a --c oss d by three long�briftes. e r. Ing. rs... the --sime' but which I . r e h -tin like this froni'Lillmaind Phyllis,'anid paper. an n many; Who carry their g 0 6 baskets hAbit, w;3raq Write a I t%e -cousin id, mudh* 00. -COMO I nd wlange' crowd olle&iiid. 4hile -tide there Is. pr ..swunc. one . at*:BaQh*, and 'of a bomb' n to the hou�e. without bringi c have. tiiem syear6i ' ng� 'f�r him, in ence has befo-io kks. Win. r6lie- had' the'eindor At' lo!! adticafiy.no water -oil n., But still theite was' a lu'rking 'Vinofs:correspo:64. eifig'a tale. of trouble with I in f Valli in 'creek at &If jina the mild, gat vole, -just, as. �.rou see n: victutoi. ef lie police sear6hed--the in. psges, and, t nhgQG_ bQut't':h6w hard dDubt. figured Chinese coolies. Of course thete aft 'nie!r- so sick' -4 h6aring­a uch .,haiI car.ed .,.,di not ay. is buld Al are exposed. with 'only ipuddles f, water tile bi s, 0 M presen w s c6aclude th �tq k;op 11 1)4�o'nAnil apistle miy�� be- transcribed as 'ell. have:'to. w6il in Joa L, it here an there." The first time I saw it, h w chant. Chinese hero Who ate viry'well,oIT., N maminia , s . . sip Air 6 .. ­ -or Cons n told It w&s`,brZef,.-4j:td bQi6 �ii sifi*a- e,,ient'L bhdk A -breaking. as y�ou sure, f Uhl te.1Ikd'.a7-harbor for'there ble' J�hu took m6 to dinner with ­vall', 'bLy a r�epor,to 'pittborebAk of n it looked 4iii e to relinqui Chilla eVejy 9 'Of th 0 sp6tted, fe d 'inf t 140.. us lot- to b .,would -be Sh , ' ' ii eAbn ture to ly-, em... ioes,'ll.m. to- An an er. it btcmiI6 were small. boat� *Uit rafts, of t Y. S� 'par S. lThe 0 ep] Said the -7 inendaciolt i Jchltan array; an en I 0 w ih year. lie came '�to- ancouver-tWenty.: s rang, A'. Me to,�t .p que e"I h Mille, which.11no. a t er. "Sher S!, boy. te', pr9p t sooli at 1woul be e �ght. Inc. close t6 t.h sa eight -years ago. andwas'lleize when* ths- Cmio4s n6"t .'kn6," baukq of.FaIse 'Creek. The'mille allho.ve you; for she -is biis kno**� mild liberal,., andlLhe' shall',bd--re-; '64itu e of 6 vers.. ufii'. Ointineh't ' t� eintilln'ga, '&I pisee, wag. calieil'Gaitovrn. He -h -As u7 IY� as You umber ch terWic 69 r. eorge. H _W�ed& IS All.:this-'' Z arac, With."tbe ''�st t6 2ns:pe(!-- their viles 'who Aot hims�lf Ing . Come thii. way -,advantago.of his opportunitibe. -and must .11111110 .': this -lumber couhtr_v.. And -all. have great at n 'the t thero 6 for the car is furnaces. as hit. Be a great, anteUnt­_. giv �ion ry wal ing.... cuia retmek s. MjL� rnost successful afla economical' Vincy addre;ssed4ho env Another section e yellow Der.11-le the'� / ing -nit direbtions for his burial �lopt to was a service: o : refreg-Anieli, ine, as tiou'' 4 �vhore. ilia 'be worth -That. the Ctiti Vincy liftcd the child evethe I .'of ill aste from� the,'inills is burned.. F1 ist'ren-gthene -with' rabbiV, I iiiidajdxed a mind coffee. afid.'�onle: light sub' - rl-� ames foimed "bj' our tbit th'a' follow subjb�tq' tb� lifii. Ind among thWL are constantly, leivint out of. the open for. torturing, disfiguring iff�cticins ie S' -y u his many of th6. e. afid 1. be. plaioed In his i -ch divided ' th Stanipi a;d", it away. n guest.ii' doos. These y dverwiter e .31101i on. �eii amily Bib -1 of these- furnaces. 'which are thby f1l. . I I . there was no .:fed esiindlis�calp'cb,ulcl receive tops froni the It.. w�� lucky.he 'OLU'd d-ro6p-1t iw.40me' '&dmo froin Bu ar diethiguishabie by their of th6skin clo n other ot cutting 'of the &eat b 4ake ow's, -sort of spout which-prOje6to oier iki �t1faii-tho.re­ Part of the, Duke' 'of" forJ's had iil,i�­'the 'ear' into this lofiely ride are of all co no 111106 'stri Ing r Bft� pocket. 'He *W os�t-bqx the route;.'n lors, V60f -16 Iress wOn- A-,7�*here Ill 1 -onshire proper . was r 0 xkf� s -tri... turbans. which soepn some W Ate, some, ye - iild --'.0 6i: W ifFfi opltuqers, and latli-Mo pleces',of wood fall, F fy 0 could. -be d4o-' could'not,be-. T 0 darriages, ha u Ila '16 3�5 Tudor "ro.. d, -L y, an iloi]l FI.n'eSt.. him'self soriatiaidzed, and e It 116 Miy 1, Yo el- auction at Ta�isWok Ircentl linc * th 'Out to feed'the '.0ames. lo*_1 do 't now. wbat..color Vhave not d, C�m 0 BID ty "'Ca i y summon c 0 seen. There were,ten -of these chap -zed The proper 6be.awAi6it was un ess " f '10. tho\R�ih.*of Va c .'a - "1 sanTie co4mp Suitable.' It sciibed And then ' he' asked 61 ed,� ame.r ulid irrega- 8 In. ces4r,- L, tri,ian 1 " rea I 5,060. re; were ',home frotn,N6w West. It 0 way: to Lo-riclon; as: the mist ille qU�St'OnO& - L - 'Also. t T6 n OiMi 011� . CAUlte of ;0 ticur himent 11 -hotels. otber I go � likd: he ana after delay,. fok the atiA iinw, vuxv�l uly� gi t&d ."And I left bi cap-biltind be',caute the shop u. o 0 'Mrs., r0nstet yesterday.. They seemed' 4U� nl:ckeid' 6i till and servaof� 64re;1i'd nge.,* tS N-0 SLEEP at home, and were.lau mepa.sles. whon one year qld, and i b- 6ros -the feiII-heir catcli. in. th�e bu&ea out hig cha' .swyhel. :standing in L tile hall gliltig: itrid jabber. in- lfq� e, 'hood'. cc he0face N6ill,a very stntrfy forehead' % e.. r . with- speed th "' d4bpArhirb, felt Ing ',away. among _iiis�fves the li-ole tioll 't turning,yo.0 come'sko, can Ens I be Seenred. the. children .t6ok, p, I 'It, NvaLS Very,i r th the tbl2graph y,ViJre4, 1Y1011. strike int6 gro�ifi stiff with'the desporate 4iffort' and face - itAing.. "I havci way back to Vaiicouver,. I ain, tola 'that ie annual - got, a spare coa on e 'S th, r ed wli6n' Ile s'' tched. of . nd I'I)L wi-apyo*u round' in"* it,.'? the Lohddn'Aoad,: sir. Thirty-vight to'smile—to milp.not oily through 1) - 4nd wuld bi s crra o if herself'.. I t-ook',,hc-r to.+hd doctot�i -C it eii le Aster 'bu in&P titit 1up .'to 2 Years ago �w diffe ent colored turbans i6dicte dif I it. of ushig. dfolit, cast a il aY, P t edVine- '' '!tile h 6 V T .4 17 reflec6ed miles I is ro and the mi tsthiiat 'tho ifien" wo'r'k' 'for. e gave ter, titient., I IT, ]on., e re ­Urn` Y4 NV the most I)art t e' sow mills. and h some, oin Y.%too Yo, -.vill 8 ,ofiy and apprehension f that of hiis6hern' gt6ne.iis j'ust-'beydnd, sprivate ag both teaJ h They, site vari' for the suttess 0 it and coffee 4qlilarly, OW But I gupose-tbirij�- 16r, own Which.'l ' heaxy ou-,,'h sT "I found that my- r,ttie'L Moot it and it did no gAud. 1�, hi etitions,'� 'W&S is. might be. Ono the. figures.. elvery swa:rthyi'and to Daft are ing to.fail, St oUL M:. sald to small boy'is mch like anot e AW6 fi-6thing to Vott heli,rit., ginn range, nW. s 4f- lick-beafoed en. f How W4141, %v temperane h&oca(�5" It ir eight'miles a t 'it be to send f6r.& be' tacks would come suderil upon . Coming, home, from V stminster I whizzing -ty, 11: pee lit theED.i,ifferileft aboui,on,:imo ors; �To' continued.) We anti el b. re pp.,; . oti ointinent.1' 1�did so, used it OLD,'VALLAC =ble -so e,,xces, :saw -something' that would surprilse a, mar, 65 W40 lict, De a id iffffe e y- To,XPLODEI). DEC.Jbj�NE. OF, EXERCISE. �y hjid friv-,bbY's face grew bettoj%- Tile old'.notk)) go Vilic -s thatte.r. alfig ninety miles of, y iniled-, and' agreed the, siYely that'I. could. not do my .*,cirk one from. test. Passing Hastin sli� pvivai the P,C. thou J te while.. thgy. -� �boy, e i L ft lefd i's t'a' P'hind "ba, a. it ry-2hey atoy-idy't 0 long And if I'm. not nlf4ak6n,-. nQe w4g, not—iiiiich, laste&;..my_s1 I *11 .. I _,*7.��- Y sl� la a, lct6ra�ciwed aNay cloudh is n 11, the coat-pocket:;.,one tkat .116 *iis ssed long. ilig is in restl6A, iii, lii* wondering TF %V or _wr ow, , h d. 0 eng w--wel-17 abrout i'liold 'nut' h pk Laq- fiscomfort.',' I was fill4ea, -'wiih Ar.'"ve 1C ­p0werfu ��'W.v the� and by. 7 to .,VrtiLp.up n a t Stem Of th 7 when stat�ed w on-li Q'n otIl "a 'By e bitch cables,.tr) ears. It is bettei itL a, j u , 11 tank. Th A drvous c(infirill-ed by V ny 0 e IV 0iMment. are ote! ej can .6d the 'treed as i hey,. ktand- and dag thern enw N �g, and at the -'ae 6e)." motbrilli fd'r fhow 'Wh '.are; 'not -carrying.. bu paticularly "A friend' suggdst %at �os-� 'froni the -d I L I I �. 11 liolus-bolui.td. a pile In,11to e6tre of the 09 ty try t oed.to it,. Voi -it makes. ii follo�# the womaxi acqompatl� )1y, iea and coffee -were to blame, that a max., with hardly - f ait to' notice, the r'eircilutiu y c. ilia tree is"too t that hag taken place du sand I decided to give -them p; ;ithd A�ot th6 " are cloarin' .if, h msek:es witliolit <�o.sf ilei tif... 016 told, n'L) oig :$4() JISt the [p 6f failk. iting the to i 'a hot ficac .111 � it' Zo 1111a niijonlit in,'. !1hr6ugb't.h#-&i,r. HeIn casting about for .table�. be�- Itaffe it is cut In I go, and thelogs.are te trcatni'�nt of ,decade, in' the metd1sofenjoying, 9, n t J� 1froetatiod of.. a hearty gays!tbo 'Mtdicial I , rough'tbe air! That t ige, which 1 -felt was tin absolute hauled d' to the 'Ile, I saw Bome 1. - fa4he.q, itchin , f�itrningq, �,v qivhd o0wing than ot let--, he -same. n en D go necessity, I Was le'.by 0,64 fortu f th ivas - jtiqt,- atErindsi Ion -ed to -do- - ni liner. want 'vo ititomobile yh 9 -to three feet', thr ugh, I o It Aom l0 a d u oa'1. The i izzes by on r Irs an piles aro forty to My feet high., 'Wilen my s nd to th� 11f)tt(,r to notice 0011,1 u' to" d ,,from the bottom of b 1 s h e" t. This' this, as,,yoiV1We thi tv 9, tII6.'rbads aticlAbd motorboat spiit- to try Po8tum, 9 sinif 'In n.hrmight 'h - i'n re going to iis,moiller's !:too li"For more than, it ear havd thb-pild. is. as hfgl;'a§jhy a .h d6X0 NM in act the w"clisil, tl mon so -e. �va.s Pat 'the Ibuns after, as t Its, 9 lari and. go d I i b; A fi5 kirn, irm messge of, porQ' otp� padh hearing at crowd f use "Cc' , 1. 4 .1 I -h good has it clone -me, all the timber ifito'101108,L Tbege"Piles, ate with 32-paglo i . . ., . gi � while even the pecto so mu( od in giving himself tip to the; Iad� I waiting.", p easre seeker 40 to continue its UiJti.cluring the: rest tbon set on fire,il *110to woo 0110 'of f�Aa thority on ��kfn'and,scair). a-Lfr',1'(+i1qTA, 40 an'ticipated �&nj-o ' 11 said t tb-a Yment-� t w '1114 be "Thttlik vou, tindbi !,swimmers - are sruppoitd� a lar 0 It ch�ldl, � the �#�ry th 't were in- propor ion RA good pony George &)Wor of, thopd at least, L by an Of mY 'life- "Soon after beginnitig-the use f had in ou of the 'Von, a to 0 tp was 91 (a scd -hi herd aftifi6ial con 0 174 i d'; add 6en the eu triv no designed liostumi I foubc], 6 My sllkprise� o back, and Ihe� w .iJo keep them iifloab withot exertion. er& on agdin at H K. Bt ST.' E A n: 1,s that, iristoad"6f, tostilig on a 81dep- 1�_T . % W111.4,9111 4 1<1 te. -big br or Rowing; .�Valkihig .and,, swithimidg 'Speed, tile for There "W & Stop ideal exercises, all 16� Miss Alfiry a i bed 1,16 a�ctliriiosity in as pa ,e. twcrit�;. e(>f kfok- ' iles� fal,th � n -I dropped' into a 90"und, In er Qn at .8, n it orininq ing atill falling off.- bol, and- there, tho, letter 'L was His e'Yes spark- Y, dreamless sleep' t liID VAIN 0 tillE, is apart -from. I,thet6 %Vi� no Aanggi A w ide 'clemand'ing 'the open air all having.'clefipito 1 obje he moment n ho_S&Nir'tho dfgpp 'i excellent ,effect, on bodily head tottchod'tbe pilfbw� del�jht wh, ed in--mbich w'otild reach An- Alicii, .. cw e(Thch lsil . 4 re lige c ar sind hq Willre(t out a health.� But Ahe modern. amus ,donly a a at that, and hold.%., r 1 have n.abol 3w, -We -me ning. had left. me'; ant de nSe for the 19)), ;A ,ntsi such as motoring, und: inbtr' all my nervousness,,. fall * 1. EXtril, draul IeAfluris' while Viriev Was' finding. been writing 'to iiiatninia, 11 Uncle in( 'WhiL off ttto�.., �L I beat raciliM to recom- c I on She, O'Poratct�.in ptiblio Brown. said, when !'to clini ed ur, 4;havo nothing m6nl them ave� that t66L ro� before, had- 411- at -once' been te- art R 5 a'llotsci to tJJLab.,.'-,. ft,gifire, it, 016 Objectie)�- a 'aih to take, tho wheel. 4. W'tll 'rip a (1111 9 I -ate my foo I ck,e ectiflon*-i qllire�outcloor gpue'._ 9�or6cl 11a ea, keen. re is I. act lot, to t,,Ik i"'To in arnma I rtrli6st rcp�atecl sconit 'hdreaslng e. 'The '.otlicr daYr ippelvinde vr" further 9.1tercd by it, hi,,j to be I DAMV e�p with: ear-�icctq, And thort p number, of its clovotees, even if tit "All tli6 nervotit dr6ad has gone. S.L wa "Ay to minnia. 'As io6ci tell in i6mc racQ a we' have littter 'go to the links n I walk apile and a half each way ita. 11hiforbi hi `h ntile Midlands, it'was Mlsq- he wag pord-ted, tip on tile At, 't 0I As tbi's, it will 'be bet. 9 qu. c6i0mends,; ncars. A is not. only the - kiloh to m work every dity and enjy it. who, ntep�e& 'n to 'ilia. otmd -Ind bidiclon to hold -on tor, -tot Vo a L - .1 . . . - I 'the. �itr. u to com6 on and y thia housnkoepe'ra-* -fina ri intoirost'in,eveytti ing thtit 41-�Patchc&tho animil with skill and- who beconia lay,"the, ciinnipiristnt I tig]Yt. 'ill(' ight N�ith mV. The hoifsoko�bpqr L tr6lit, 1, 11 ... 'Y Car emt6dies the' favorite goe's on about� me -tat inakel life, Imbed )iis place to I htt�e %rM take care 6i Ad of.the' poor,.. in 0 �hiner.%, �xjd ell I'll. drire voi pleasilic. All this I owe to Teat,. .4i - &'Vcral M6dd�' �Vo 46D f then I L baek.to-mprow 'ing off toa,and ooffcoL PRUITIP REST UGAR, BET 1) I t t,,1,4 No and thd use of Ph V ill, trainig as Nsfitim for I have tgk6li itia meal espqially -in Irelaii.d. tfoe,Aio� were oil the bigb-road' tuld eth, �7 of to Tinto 6PACe Ito, did not 761'ect 00L_ 0. lookocj, q lotts Xame givon� b" :004till- sT, won'.t lifty 'ahothict penny y Ask: Your for' JR, -tit' 8ptod. - There, was 6 Creek, INW- eo As ace. o re in but his� in the' a reisoft," h ti �n tr You pithe'r, gb' bankrupi: -or dto .(Afl, aild the buq ,g,et bistrrf,A. had, ,ta a thel0alhed ill tho I&I'd book, 'he mi 1'0 lily AY'4 T IR 6061, kil-hit6d Vayho6 remainq 11titll,'J. me to , tiMe. Thev a ts' iihov.64 S*fftl� tiit� stricipthl kni ever, read the 9660 letter? A noW,oro% Est 'bli", r 1,P51 he tile only pl'ofc�gSj( appdars fooin tI )nal k-il obar"oet ot a. drtain* ft W 'i ilt'd 6, Browitt liad aen�: word to iAamm&�, f`h " a orsot Irk All dic Of litidt IM JOT J4" d aled. Siam her i .y