Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-10-05, Page 7pop "t so - Twok IIIPXAI��ABL E, W, RAT IS A, R ON 1) A ''T Q 0, UTT� Yo One o tho, �Gre test Curigo &nintgage, on R'. could #1w o oke Jeo, SwQro he Parsee 44 net well be -held by one per- PS Wishes mrs, I dk�pwnecj ber in�.th prive�r Tapti. He son U0.9. folks Zerxyt 11r. BANKS', � , in iec­ : . iS servants, and they' X TO, 17ake a Nap 004siolrta ly. There is..probably Such P0 mOro. P. to a number. isto *inue from are redi -b� "0M. trical, rallel. 0,4a ]39n4p, aro %I- AftrAinnr on $unday,,.And in _inafkable, b p� . . 1 4wgnh tt t 0 E, that exhibited, by c4reo� pf ill dgir tbi be fact 'ft�r dinner o k. Then ey t k to �MdUy tur'ned into gMab, at par 4 g ways Ire va,riq r, 1haf other Scipio African", he (140 law courts.. XQO iscON days I like,". said ur.� Billtops., BONDS the upro of t. or even better,: an , they pay twice PAU'L O� secod ;44ic -war and the,J) uk ais, 4, Jghbpr W4II pa rt E f 4red .1 much 0 nap, 444 1 take WA� 0 11terostas. a savings bank It4ly the�e� lived A 46y wlli oton, tug 4 ii:qu of- his land, -as a roadwa e those nap 0 . ror of ilter to the Royal Scciir� I just let, so h W.. 4)nto a q- -na �-h e Bonds b reforeuce_; W. t Vi 9 Y 9 U� know Im., in the ,gonz V"Meh w*i descended fr 4, Et ]Go'k- beWay, I , n COUntered w4 Claim� t PA oor wWow, who made, &0,.,sold. fine 0M. e a" interiestin"g k the, ancient .444� le, -family. erjee had peil. in- i)art f h !�Ubjee_t They. will be, ld fo, Send land' Of dreams, 0ozihg away ve q Formetly,-B Eagh is. land ooe, in. order th4t she and..her lit- it anki, nsurariee ,iiims he Be an bp pleased to have cQmfortably, 4, 1 .4 paqi�s,­and other fina pond, greAtes ad I t. i e r of and 040 it, to his ga;rden. t�very ou Will id Ilo boy migli� live.,'.But often' she copl,4 got, 4o work to do 'i;fd th ted I 'f'r4nC1_do4tb �Ai servants- ptoned each It; lt� oncei ed their oasb sur.. his age, pit elast night. for instance. rns invest Suff Struggle agai test, '&itda night, wh�ii 1 had. w4km, state red. fk ey si pluses, largely n Real 'E list the greg s other, in e ul4ti6n. of thd ill,will 0, w 11 --ml rt At'�unrjse.Paulo, miould take ' Scipio was. to, Hanilibal, o, -was b�t�eell:Aboir master,E,'tili: neither A. = AN B R 0 T11 E c4' up alliti 1144 saiil'ed acr.04s, the' o gages, jo-day they are A. dqe�l ALL fhew I purchasing the,B.6no jsstios� b -et. and go ou i Wellington to Napoleon. R an glass idt ilil the win, tAbJo at f DIFFER4NT,KI established and Prosperous cor, ba 4, on i nAibal liQuse had Bi lie, h Us and twi.ii, rig on the, u-'fro4h" flowerg,' When his basket threate ery 4eXisfoffee of LIOWS, MRS. other ie sewipg, �n had c t 74 to nOY of oods porations considering th.at,they 'S her dreadfully WAIS full, he..'wo.u.10, sit in the shddo Rome; Napoleon. was on 4, fair way her ME From. vourp tq�zourt th have, S4 greatest Security an aw,suits gue5S I . A. offer. the. to, beebme, -the master -of 1�urep.e., Re,—"Hbw V' With fho�,SAME !Afy dear, I hink'. best,. !ergstreturn were tak&n on isf-Some. NY appeals and counter used Shq'_X'Y�u see', everybo4rknows hbre is. no ieaso�ia' them to take Again,' SlJain wasflie. cA�er. .,of la.ims till'the MOhAmflic4n 'llad- to they .. are twins and poor must have drbp ble, ar9u..; to! the pe sell,larid to ad— zg, she to.me, eye q T the- most,splendid a�hiovemcnts-qn I n r� Isfy. the; costs C, ment to.buset the fact _atwhai Spiin are too well. known an't'pass for Onl �4,1.4e=EQ he ASL nap�llika that. moe st rivestment for tho. ulo bve,if t'ho goiver's.,and'the �and_tl had:t hiv.6 i s op e_ is the be 1 skrzIeS 1. f iijl eep over my work;; Bapk -'ecs, art , espec'1411�'the bJrd,E, � 'He' 'ecapitidfion, and. .'Well jmgtog�s tj e, d tell surplus is the pe e, .b6st, T y on Qrs, al�d s6mictimes .1 :,.&o to - 'kne.iy riumplis.Jil Ahe Baninular War -- Then, baiik- , . I Mentfq� the ifidfyid bird � b� its song, gn�! littlo, *hil , V uAtinves ook� tor., the '. form onii -of t6 �6mnion�1 IWW,.COLON1ST F.kRES TOJ11E NEDYEFOrlh KJ?4DSQFr,,0_1S crjec lear .,a, noise An his b6.dr6Qm--. Ut to'sit down an q Write .t"ay for our Woklet cs, lie would 11 a e.tci�'.qpaper, b -t IV - lig!old* cat coite back in -a: .1 I . li�.. ofic C 6 � i n a v o;. se, sv�!et and"`ele�r. tho'll bisto et. rqself g 6ic t it a QZI. OD. $SUCS�.,Vrqr -�N Is, the Chicago. 1;11IQn 114wific and A Jk at is,! �Bomethjpg, I coul<l t vey voul'd stop. an( I� :Zre �§eniT4 ri iccrn4itiorf' fro. 'West. -E -to U h -recor Neither of h6sie- JrS ds, and -Bond, i I dhrlp i4qui. weathe qLE N,and. S in. her ".. . ,,, to October ISO chmnce,ofusiriff tile AVRON(l. for thqrO06 Iva d rin "Oe 1148 to color,,� AlIc-blors from yu'br Drug&lht Q�f was. a Iiot know i "t ii e gs far neld. 16th fivip. all pplilt i1i. (;allaiia. pu wei-Iiii archadyers ry .� Ullitil, th , prii. Line, daily -and decisve - battle-TZ&ma and, Do-Jer.. ColrC rdUd 11, ia V never sang, save no., o f"And th-aVs t.)i with Al that,h had dleautiful voice' an, slaepiii� cars dai'ly'.' Persunally conducted Cal-ifor Th Bill bia bArOn ilullwan touriA sleeplug-cars.00 , e when alo M aterlOo Sp4c4ti oil�, And, the through, q ains leare Chicagotuesd1y agid Thurs. :ro5ult of both battIcs was exile to DEATH AFTER 'SCRANCIL d,,y of -each weak. vor rates. fulders a _; obed lo the an full- M ROTAL. Pau d partlau!ari ly to B 11' Bennett" UQUI, ge of the ae'feafed chiefs. Hannibal re, lot )ntri$ I nsitiv -Sh 0,( ' L'' . I r -(' -V got" too So e p n., wgs or: SUE. me1h S -E'C UR I T JPX. 413D, founiaia. in the market,-pla,ce- 4a Vollre Sti out a conscience pbe an, eley to E 'M* r1s./Quatza tir,6d. Na. 0160, am, thinks 'i�g his unsol. flowers, Hii,mother Is. leye 4e, 10 E eCORPORATION. afid cratched' his W I ii *3 not eno St. e. "There ar lay sick a' ver, 13 tb S i ,AND Ar So many things o t home, and th Was, no But'tho parallel .does ri If be I L, I M I T IE 0 here., thought not ling of the idiUy, but ed' it heir duty ..to DAN'K. OF MONTREAL'BUR IG i I and Wellington. n. YOU are 0 ag .done -all bread. Very sadly'll his � M � p MIN mll. Mild e picked;Up I 6 'e�, I , at Nvorl�, never AJID'QUEEk STS itary on �tn Yoi. him St exchan A for a. polit�6ql', blOo pois 1�*� �nd ho, is (lead; J that 'be*.: in list *econ-o- a ways - YQNqE baskOt ial�ted '' "ross Ithe ild h re D T a r 6 e'r. y no. e.' O^k n K ..�TORON 0 iquare. tbo, s She,& purs"4,them. 'I ad, tb infrequent—ought. to, m4ke aft�r y',qu Are-marri- ate to duti,, and in al i -r 10 .3 SI t rcalize__ r S of "e 0 even in t ac �sma. esi wound. rom, within very., S of us I'S was ajar, and .1 r7katih reit ASK DA S London ppula el 40 Take &.Effnplo illUS.tf&tibni. When Im' tb vfiry - kind gentle, but to .W ON HE- KNOWS. came, tlre,Eoun�l of' Music. -It. was purities of e Blbod,�Co' IV you -want th Ae I 13USINESS COLLECE farm.,' cor�pult in,�:Aho blood O*XE* O' CH '"If she denies. All luxury-:' tilil(��fortho'61i�i��ebearsai." Paulo ows the nitiSt remarkabi f Wre a, knife a rusty ueedl�, M�:�6plinte ATHAM, QNT. Me. n r 'hese' of dirty wo64, a; barbe�4 wire fellice, c,Qme from defects JnL th., AE'RICA'S ' GREATEST "I wish tl)at I could persuade F Q t Mob, ,:b 4 -esi itemptatidn. A tw' o -g,rea , . :,. � - or a thorn, scratches th 'he e action BUSINESS - SCHOOLS uma4lt to buy' farm., cn.,,41's, .of the parallel drMw e -hand, t the -liver,- Th In I s. Billto over 20000 bholii, position's filled ps a rhomot more,Lanol he-was...crouebed., qy� L are revealed. �y ye�ir. lapsed fr. he latter. is, in irto�i in th� cool sliddow - 4 a huge arch, ilited'-with.-germs. 'blotches, Four years. . pasibnally. I.L B. IIA.,,qN It. HAITE.- isnme bf the beat Frui Iis to el le, A ufisightl�. On.. -9 ' 01118 011ers just filled;L- A V'Nr while fro on ei t . N,owfolindland, Placed withiSamk� billili1g, 6. ma— e..wa vo I Gri�in or Dairy.' Farms L.In, M the tre4te Nlooso jaW, jL, stoao,,.FlCBN S. nthe They must be hiiii altar j�� of Za d yeirs, to Th' 0 -a ' id seiiiousxosults p h k pri -right. *6n the g ea 6;o lthoo w6und , 0 in'. ' a p d btetio." P, nd. the ehant of the y�ky day -L rem r NlI t S6 and. ap�ly- Peabody Overall (;o W1nd4or..]M. C. ROBINSO repa t" U roIlLof the organ' a 1 hd . . Faultless in P uripose. ;Bkk-p;r with Bali Vtirniture Co: s.outbaraptoji, 0 W.' - DAWSON, Niooty� \�olb w6s trio 'on qu ZaM-B ilim ly.' � -'any other stomach- rq.gulatoT St -the choir -boys. ion ilk re d, f bribe Zam 13uk is a �bwerful the s no mor6 bffective�.-c rect.-Totonto, SO , tiM"S t1,6 Music Ile ;00�`h 'big defen's� - killer, and -he' ..Ompound OlJt"LjJ1( UP slow -rm 6SIIC ANDERSON, stj�o. add Bkkpr, PHSON, Steno:, *Witb- Do Laval Se ' t me e to -be u thn, Parme-le-els. Veg�-' Ckn. 1volvoriao Co.j Chathata. MILDRED AND. Parmelee's Vegetable Pills are:the grew lolid on yet painless *ge . I Xomi &his ju4g that that , a �Mpplied, to. the - broken skin 'is - -table P, 1. They d, e pars, or Co., result lot long-, NO E N TS. W nnd'stormy.'. -So-WetimesitaSL so T ab mils act it ctly. Oil Wlnlllp�g. it. J., study, of vp tMbI he'..hkd ublic. 'Be en sorbed into� the, tissrw� insta, SCOTT teapber,.wlth Drake. ge a e� Ailte L Wind ani�ng �the: -treetops, Bar e re :t Mnd by__Eettifig­L�p�`h *011,19 Tits saii tl�'e litly he liver Neark, NL, J. LANJT93)�-A stndy� of, either.- eal1hy- - rfes of t6 t -:coi3jpounds--'calvu)Mte4 to, itirnlilate A Agedey , propositiobe ince he. gerl L processes ha� , 11how-41'.1ast weak ave;rage over #700 p - after dark, oil, th� - iiny. e sed fioni" tbd MR ' I 'destroying t lis that'.* spread e 4, b�eneficiil :effect. 'the salaries: of the ox. hero r unnum. ,114easo ' an ping ti Ilown avarake al. me In u no can. equal ours.' ey'Dou"wi , 11 �ears to W d' ie, pain -and 'red, for the b0ig reoret '.it .if.. you dom�__ of. Waterloo' event�n the f 'rictions .and main- Mat no a. Miting wMyes, -ro Paulo for-. u the T* .4 -t*, 'td 1705 Our staideriti. are ampgAbe' 6ks 0 d t1' rbpa pq a 4k fid� them- t, the, riorm 1- got that ll�,, was*, lirrigry,_ _eat' -I UMe L to d theAt- s of . y9U. _ _ - . . I the- btlPiLy is offered. IT VXT'ST t�ar. ra,��l e ZMm ]13W� are 0 10 Ii ST. Catalake 83 tells of proved illeir Imfulited on h. LoUke refuge'from III hildren. rhave, b et r od ith-h4bands,'clasped. Ito -w. hpJta6.,k. of Lond the. *ork at ChkthsLr#. Patslogue rilo 0ourdes oygn JJF. :OR MEN, :ho LACH, . LAN &'Co -fa ltl,,e dracier. and' lihed WO wishbd that be mI6rbt'be'*V'0,i.ehoir- oil mob,, ahgefed ZCL Buk* Addrong 1) -Me tells 'of our U ss. dh esta or)* ust, t be &-lifilsed . 'T?r T 0 AT -T -0 43 - J - and gear a ite rob iihif I I --- �_ i - ., 19r -.1a I a 0. UJA1qU'U Eat weaMa -IX VU, pvEsesti U25 Nicliolp Sing ne,,itx, tile high altarl- of' I .'. .. I . I I.., LOGICAL.'. tained for years and 'M' 0 Limited. Toronto, n w. le 10, . 6 , - . . . . . . M40 'nly point i' ti 'soothing an.Aeali lue u ­f �browrt aiid rich,, Up, lUsie S o '' '' L , Ill b.' the ing Antisep 9 ItinL -BY�Mnd b-v.tbe.Ir She -Why, ca . 't give .,Me, o rl�aintal��. for L ... . MISCELLANEOUS. -bole pills must tl- aw My, -and 'the . t, . . . I .. 11Ils, is this --Scipio, dibiil �pxit� qualities that. aro�.hob -to. 60 ioand the and %I eh-oir�boys went .�e "ate maiched n YO, 7 6:0 5-- Lboa. 'of _-L -A-Y-1-aD�L PAR � lwjis=�s -was --quiet �Paillo -left, I -.1 - . , I' X, Sdale, Worksf �9, Esplanade,. tord to.7, :W6 hi, lbseL..chang62- - - ---- .-W-ays-stah.d, At--th, T monument, in"t 'St. t is. n6t 'only &:umiqup hea ing, �my deak of stan'dard pre'paratio; lington the hadow and crep't dlon.�- the as his io can e Which znoney-xs.:. ns. of.:61ily IA)"ildn" S also, P a' e' Paulls. But, alin; but it -i _'JAV71IILL' MACHINERY, ORTABtE a ii� food, Mills. L Iailie. Siiir gle Mills,' -that �Iseas eves inarbIti isl He thought, es. MInArd,61 Lin'itnefii� R111 or * hea*,� 1 the- r0allel'bet*,c'ell the ca4e.�_,rs,o, For dri in fieurd1gli. .6iler.si ligf.�s axid Mill Supplies. 11,40 tbings7 the church. TYING Ift IT. : LM& .4 —.4- 'P. bongL 14 Y, v rywher:-The're may 11 two ' , . , . ..., . I . .. L . ...). . TO extraordinary' 'brui's6s,' bilrbs, e0z0m&i1.c` Eifturin�- C6. Ltd' W. men e in u cers, ringwo in,:, cii. 'I m 0, n ng Oq cuiTosities. dt be 'coun rY mexic.ants o do n6t-� 4 D. r,1NE J"OR p p 10 do- G, �V. N im'up o' idilit equar. i"is also: used wi&- omasl� 11elect r -cri 111 gNt� On Szile U a hq. al to hist ry' haf c h1s. YiiiW9-W870-ffe­- -tre 4---W-YL-h A evio-ri, honie-. IV -rite us for our choice, began- t�a sing is o.. the Peace—How.. ld ric Oil _dlents. -i _ I , clared th -new lerk. A �110tlgh eY are w. nd -far e- JIL t the i v 8 of a ans pice rose, for which-, Jt. inay -be 'are you 1 fe a: iepts E sUg&cSt L. YL- gJ n. in. Canada. AN 1-:1ND IA N r' ir e P r: B 11 this ain't a �presicrip" greate9t d�gen,cy proposi io .,eehO�d;anl0ng the 'topmost S a. spetiAc. AM d.tug ite)rate isone and those* nlj�r that ntil it don't. No outlay . n6ossary. Apply. a. StS Stores Sell' 'd to -day,'. N -at .5 s m e o thei ,oil '.Thl51 I - 6 esbut, I - kin. ddzackI.y,,L-kno-w,-'S;qiiir.p;,- ore al C. L Co,,, 228.. Xlbeft' 9t.1 Alurcl� W qui or li ment or check."' Oil ellrldthing.§q g.ob Co Tol�661 or: pr e 4NCJ�eR, T cc again the' C1141 Ovcjr cat.." ox,. post free 'from Zam-Ruk roc-le6 w 4 Chin' e I&' n r S an, littirnal LUMPS, 7 'gum elastic.? -a medicine ccrtai ternai'and eiternal. cA and III it, fili't 816. P4 fth'fiear,. stole 4 . L fdd witb harmful imitation§ ,11161:6b trq ment.; 113 :p BE take:: .o. I dopuin b� oil q. ing- olown,from the q1tar..'.Atthe foot. of Th� Indian a 'io 0 -aw n oter...- The b e f bdr.e: taot� I a t i. Dr elima co I- woe, artPrhall N f1d S an' fitard's LinjhteLnt _Co:,*JdiJUiteA snthe stai she stopped Piactfdally� 'all Can n mand -for': it sho -tarrafidd,i. The h4s drug- is , the C ase "L. 'd only p6pula, er'a six __JUStL Ifttle. TON :SCA� `GVARANTE�ED,. �VIJLson's great 'bis -hop. was st�nfjiirx in the. just- fini§b6d 'at -.Bombay aft Th& Arilst dMub of gists,, grocox ae a I e rs. Dear Sirs,4%71lile i,ij :jhe country latt-1 ade;,. Torontdi,. L egan Bhao,�; 6f all arch, W* ears' legal 11jJads.' If -,your' tint L I ate0ing .him. - y that a, b mine see;� dear madame.., fiss' ;sell .1 Sedle 9: Esplan tinime iidly bitten by- mos Bobbing ith fright� Paulo' fHl -to Gu reke�� do AT P�USY- PH toei, so bhdly tbai I tboilgbt I- 1youl to els d be SlPtelA'LISTS AbVICE FJ -a cat. ` 'Thab. foli�; inimal su,(gushiti ly)-0 'no 1:. Y&a.`aro, hpt,aik hiln, why 0TOGRAPHE-18 REE. coSt llion! 9 disfigured, for a eotil;,16 of* r,.e*el- j. X� NY I,. S.'.iu. i.egti,rd to,.any. diseas L es he hop , I eL Lt6' allay, t.. . 0 owess y or your S _, prices , in : dtqgs of,, all "kinds. his 1,kne A ille vOic`6 �of has h I entirely too. modest. should 0611 advised' S IDCe'.� e"quarre, to try your LiniW nt :and did Bo. The -Off-'ect wisi Triusses. Il,fed, *by 'mail. Send measurg. pect�d, a�'fevr applications; ment.- ritte bv age. Write to -da# li b�eautiful voice, My IA'tho Pam� u you - -Wat mo drug Rsbop'iaying,_ gently:._. �-.quit6 in it, am OU av fthy- Blood '.Poisonibg,�'is- often.- qgase, dl�iyway?" J make m t becoming 'Bore. wbocl. Oli you ei �nd the'treasarb "Why 'do women va4�.'tp go ment anti completely ,curing. the irriiiiiian, � und.-I fnr anytbing &old: n hr��Iass son. Tell me, *'.bo are. a oven in th6'bjteS ffoni I D Persian �ets'of tfic'morld'S wea in' I L I t' I 1,ato�r.i to Dr; ri�llmani C611inc yselt. pKe tier VDIAR LINXME.Nr is all d ring 'courage, be, rosp'and n . ix- g6od ath wmen hailed oiigiriilly roin * the. by slight ds want show that ­"ThaVs 6SBibl ma' this arficle to. keel� off tve told hill, JI � , 7 , , .1.1 . . cuts or �iwoun Death "Wo, silhPlY, im mosqufioei, it �cur I may e� p,' le 'yoUr& 0 iowed. The 'good, tn. YOLU 1�kwm,mo same, -land f c:'kir, ase.� alm ous.:fact thatL r, sta. 'makp an;' h ... 49' -h , ' H' f0i Y. Wo So 'MOSS W Happy, a. . - w ou ­th . . I . ; A.. — ".1 I I regards. all obats; with will dra t o-,poison,..beaI the dioi!?* �bis6p did not forget the-li-itleJad if '.every.', heus6keeper would 'use loathing... o whienPA, w.6ilthy Par- wound ent serious trolible. Nltuiber.Stlandard stock and --and ihrugh' bi in uene help Mlid prov tL C "o, on's, Fly, Pads 'L freely ',durin' LISTED STOCK$ 00HUED ONMARGIN e domestic A of his Minard's pros'. Dadr ff. i�eached'thii'p,edr' wid P ow. - aulo P 9 the Summer Months' the:'housti 'fly - - correspoadonce Invite& M-ohaihmedan neig ke Joe, 'wan ori d S�o TH. �fE TO F, plz %, was wnt� to 'Mnd, at -seivie* hbor, Mooke'r- .$he�.Yiqs, I -Ted,;,' hb is So POINTEEi PAAAARA'kPgS,... t M, E GLOAMI ing. Into hi *an t He---IThat- woul 't�jng, 'of se In a -hit d t n be tirne, drs ; d"' g ­w .6 robe,: s ho0li every ii. hardli perr 'IV LINOA ST. TO Ion., 4q, -r -Ga -a' as .40ulful G -�- -hat is it.the Doet.' -be -his own- -the b saVs aboutthe night hii a thou oys. St: Of' cou'rse not; &m:, not v th APR ser er . . -;;:L­­._-­­_-­�-­­� e, tlie� le -0 obiqp �rotests go�n to mari-y_-hi er, gives: 6h,uTe AID 'OF ill 'Sand eves I FEATHER DYEING The� oni� thin 4;ipl' Wred cornerB' of" his he i0 She �o trAv4q Choir b eri, In ne� ing, -his 'voice 'Abby -d- Curl' * d Kid eay �oet'L le per oii. ot oral `y -o u never go aiiquets: vith, TlioRb can be: Sert4 or a woman to taox -any Ps -there te f :9�hiere listenj 'ebirmeL' .Kokerjee giye im,'the-laugh so nrapture : Youth �efl.11llig an and- hi� vay is himself how Ic -great' futu'' ­fiD. W�- threatened,. th'- kill. t-6 '..:Corhs� annot exist.., when oil' .1 . easier f The he.4t place Is caV the 0 t's n e - , ' . , (No. pin" DYE edi t a r r him. Your husba'a.11 a' ]in an 'than rive a nail. only -.ozie u. BRITISH AMERICAN � Ong c t e. o owing goes the r an t6y'.11,ask him to m ke h 1_ __ 4;ffie - . nex . Im I infiuded. d' C06 t t�L' e . t Cur�. is applied to'th6 Motith'i, K, the if. It d lir nigh' SL a a speed. can t SlIver P'ne nighi:aiid-went to'slep`in the fire- 011S.01� tempting to. It is, Undisputed fact that.one p , er. tt Parsee' 'li ed h to f S A, W01AN'S WORK. -nd he make ne�Tl 'IS'L it- permi6ibi zaftly. . lie: call! I t; bix L t picke G l �P&ds 1a place., So. t6 ."Ihat's"it C'\ lies �sedlhs� 6iot; 4 -were- asked j-ps QU thre . w� . her out 2jo intokicated on love RL a dr A;ctji1l 'killed- 'a, bushel. -of :hous -ffelid'a,S went three -1R06BOn- wlivii- 'y 0;wn 7' h t -now he'd get Y. Wh the m "Y_ T topmost - indow,.". M to 1)4; -i rtuhhtely no..su'6b' qu11-, W hi� do' nA t, flies. ,6 ry- p4anime-. chrohic 'Invalid. at al� lip and ; especial Any, KATR A Ndr& Q one -eked her up. and she :$U eri, -Be- suits, tity be, found,in 6:well wti�olit iea,A nEi 6 Sd r'atbh dan'S ipi ff 'ng 'from i selcon Ily-breiell of �tomi b6�k published.ihn &rih,.w y Re PALED%P ao ow n' rh AiMaginatiou . " "'th' ' i ute the. whiile' for Rod, Mr6ak,: 1�'6ary, -Watery r,,ye Pads, will liel the 11 'i'g yme i6lared n eternal feud o' minef e,,. min, I . few'of inariv Wilson'8,Fly n.his ndigh*r' s ]OR Air, wri bor. The ciorresl),6ndnc, -that Ml- ne: Doesn't the he n -A cover blows.. hyell,d Muri in all. "Please s6nd;m`J L-OULPLUU5 nye e i'leftling Ud- L jkft":--al�irl as. -been married tDruggists 7 �,6ur Silvei"I owe charged witb� 'MinardOs-LIartnent Cities- ouriis, vto. Pain.. had a colt'. cut last'win(er with t^ihe 16 a iW1 IE"So. n day , * . . i ­ medy, :Wolutd; �6c; F, IN AN lb;irbi�iie--lug�d.h.ilfabottleancI it. h,q,j.,do� y&r She L IS willin -0 Occupy tfi� Sell Murine:Eye, no "But a oman'4- w6r]; is I- eviefl hammock alone, 00. �:Murhae Eyd -.'Salve ' 'In and d;dn't leave: a/ much Now I hive anothercoli- :CtTRATIVE TRETIKENT.,' Aseptlo:Tubes' 25c� $1.00.. !Dye Bof�ks W w it beal�d' up a a Ing ess .,h e. Iri -his re d" 'I �y had al IFIree 'by W '11' thas got cut,tbat I calculatc, done. Quite tru woman'long. to .j.d a h ' oe task -she's finished' on tob conle.to thdpoint-.unless she is try- o heal'with wht �h left,' but -V Remedy Co., ­Chicago;.., coiiie to' the Word 1�pun in�cng," J' - fia 'Y ' ' L , : . : . nef . ..... t�oilld like to you end me. 56inothiiig'B found..: ish Mitrine all, v, ng -to sbxrpen.o�pe ut another battle if I A;ould hhppen n4 it w E,�too,!Qllig:and -for he little tliingE� I'm life ihft.t '.M. beginning, nal Y,ear a a . h'is"t Wb -11 ave . v� it any-,trb,ublo�'jn td.nccdi1.forlth1nklcouldaot rould,, mAfto&r puzz..ing, a N Small - . e ee To d1lild sl ould be 'allowed 'Is ot ,%at t w6rd one dro�adfully. Xot.a, bi e end of I MY. 11) oney 0 SUf Pot all WoUnds, v1lilt5 h 0nostann-diiiig. th Whotlil; it be asked h� r. b mosq aking both el#i�s�ffideif' Gf It w Judge-& 1i3an by'lli cr an hour front w0.rmS When lirui e , burns.-ahc( sores. eompninn. -and- tho' the �.Week alw'ays othe bredd , � � �Iis. ple, or' bak' Bre' Akfa- A -1. *a.'q Ybu. bugh rittlier than by his:'relati 'Tu hrpmpt relief ca,n be go' To dra' ibl te&, t not' to let that puzm line. tin a sim ls or h u in'q.q h. bed n6. t' L . mis.wered ' come at the it on Ucompanion . are usimlly of big I n ustrong r6med,�; eal. -n v r Or make t o S'Ll' C 1?ine ileal-!. v Y�O n 19�lecflon,, but* rela,doins. afe. thrust '(What does. Yoor. mother ji 0 ,Or ply iie bibomf- Worm E.,itc rill i na to r. ing il is. a quick-, safeand-, 0111 bolv p crisp wlicn-'jou have, be ll up' -h- N6 ne r'locd fear choleria ok any heler. , l��typ a., i=� --- Ul oi. ust the rb on Im S 11 MY pomplairit if they-ATave- L'boffle-OM-fland-f . ortrrrrcg�rf �cd... Ist 12,1c -;'Mc and $1.00 b til r oor to siJru III bby V1 Ihe- ottle, 6f. Dr: J. D. .K016ggos Dy 0 c, at sentery- Cordial' i't t a..Sltutlan -ao erra�d boy, $our dealer's ot front claim od su, fe 0 Or kniveg, to'. rub ox, I -CON$ 'oi, table . . . . 7 I , , . A0 . I. . 1-dat-he-hdgue-ige'li. - I Bob CORE OF' ss me SIC a tia on y -good thiait, ri n. p orap y and eau ' s'.� healthy anc food does nie a� Abd h' i Andrews pra at,,. al actio'n.� llils is Or m-64 o 'ict, welr do 7 tafi.' tell 0 qh0ves to k .t) Iin th n r r I to-caif, oPPL SO MC)IrS I dici Tor te. is i0 .4 Indian Rock,Pllls, h apted for 'the yoting -and'-ol _"JN'C,JJ t,sebd to sdw, .1cl,r vani y. - guy Ilor, don't for this Plant r-lCh and, podr and is b know 'but. I. Mr. Ocorgd Andrews 0 Or to. gro* 11 it aill't Close td -hl. -Or Jgnoratj 94 tw i With Me run,- PLUME sA t 6f the krites, ' - Ine w of his Jaw- IT6 tdars X have bteii troubled 6hol6i-a c .') 'Or' lessons tvachi rid Ci ,I b, t� in Thi ail market -job 06 th hi done? t L -L -i!1. LL "'LL., "' IL L L :L' Or b. O.Lte.r chiarn, yer -is always iii lvitb chronl.� 'Constipation the - r turn, tuctit never conyes sitigid-lianded 0 ace", have. been a viciit� to Lie tnany ,, and I PONVER Or AN AIR-BRAX11 T�ro' Weopet; �f. 861i O.r h 9 p'fieti I zing. Id' -SiJv�i, ar.c that constipation brings, itt its traity, 0- P()�Jibr of, an. air Or, plate,or*br�,ii,,, aCimciftim MInt'f01' I'have talcii the 'qi cen at the* " e'K, bralte ilitty'be gainod fr6m tba, fol-' In -der.fo fixid retief, but otie and all I I.. Ilipt Ms. Or clothes to n1end, oming. 04 in.the Sa:ule 110,I)CIeSS Conilition; It JOWi hi urbarw ng fftocts It tkes poivorful Or ch.Urpn t4nd, 0 r notps indit&y 'O Convenient.. seemed.L'that.flothing ivotild expcl frotti o motivo tl%ill - of 'A Scottish the the oheliltnent thateatised so ft�ticl vonlan who wis 8 - I passeligert. cars T di�,[Anco Of iliolit , uoobterea trotib 6, yet at I )os-, I livi r varl t ro ' Nv., soma is Ot qtoi it 1 fnj her bblidays in' London poll<! I dstj reittl About tbcsc Avo'offleg to of sixty, h L Root Pills. m0t Op in t NVet,11tr y 90tva rl ellph lgtga -Reft d' c-a-brac search of 'Was indeed a luck� day ior ind, ftlflc�q ftl� holir on', a �sfrai and lidudsolme. A' bri game all the, org, -A day it me t6 f6t Ywa so Impressed 'with the sta, Eonl0iliffig�',odc! to take h'L -Ie�el The 6rkes' wi, I stop Int) t, in it I 1, e2 otesp or Ynotior h4or, Aik± she. haol. Opi sa'fno tmi,in from sf Roxhomlier flint will lvera. 6ut: 6t tho P a, elcacy'a'), titinj with ments Ornadd that I dctertiIiiied to. k' � if tile Dluthe Is nit lid Sob ad aw ya le kive tlitorn afak'trll. ty,311110s"Iti 116ur in 700 feet..It6lig ftSPOc' sevcr�t artklds".but, had They have reg. found IOho to: suit stoniath atid l it m,( her, 66 notic-, "wdl�g, ulat6d *y ybb that,M ti`aiit-t� iThe'llethoty.' Lhigprs",. Uted of ondlipatiol) ilind be stopl, 8 I dalra' they. haw tlItL't, %nd usett by the 4d 9, flugint, 1he head and' no. equ -as a niedi MODE Gr=tr what (10 "SL it Mean, when ahouldero of whibh &ppear�d of th,- disM,ne,o L)bc .VOV ty7-W es AtIctuateM, " It the counief, "Whilt,18 JhMt JMPALfi. . crtid to"'give it its sp, 04" iVei�, dioller i' the U say'that prid in or 6v6r hall"tt -eettttrv� ]Dr. Morsp s se Wol over. ctio ivorth I" sheL tadito'c Iny, iofi, thAt they go lip Ckhadleln' P0.3tUM boreal Companyi i4ft oot PiN hove bettt , lvulh A g ;ULI, 1�rc haven't tbe things. *�C'6illrete' 6.L bo,6 ti it"s soiiietbi dd, of the salesman" �4!p do, an : cl hI it WIle a i'v�hn�o Me iffil t t Ic !ivd ki nt'.YL )V6 got to bv" the P�ice jodft -r9sm 8 repi was 91 -Ven In 'a, subolile ' I d rr tottlt froni in 60 balalicb, is borro�v the. sil'o 'ClAb '1,11on ma- Id 6VO'L' h_ und Nivanting. 0,11t lialt A mi iand when V 9 OU't t I 6 got -to to a 00it dowhi, Th�,%t s the proVrltot, LyA Ot it kay as',* 11 th P6446 1iwe ds Lininient for, talo 6 t*hjol�. 1, e- -------