Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-09-07, Page 6-7 --------- . ....... .. A F. �&Nwv . I Nil N 01 �j 'I Mt 0111 #1 j� l� t .WA ®r DT) i Weil it, 0olld': All P: othor AV(.4m., .0 2_ o CAROM), mrs"'lo No 0 QC VMS mic S o it A V o k I' ik I Y' 4 1 ;"'PQj Tj$ L:% 0)1 TH oilo Ajqit' ldijjo, '44 IP 1W NMI$ OR A t, W 11 v �1,1 r ;t, re 61 4, tlip*- Juv o P Fears German , I W W -K I I . . - j . �rllvd 'by is I I W 10 pro- gQfj6 . . . I , . r I I I I . r ' .. . " . . - I - ) a r , t; �Q'. 4gitt W! 411 (11 qq ,t ill of, 0 -fee" iol Dutbreak . 1. , I �)j , " I'll � - I up'Im, e at 110MG AGO 'Q.thc;- !'ird4tic 7� �)X st.wq S11 ;uld Ile 6, �o J�,n, Ii ]k" 4c$�jtCh' fr<)IP Plans If are, S, giiiiin ;s pTepqr;i.ig, Jor eon a 'N b ei st;idWd, And'ih s jy, layer a _r vb�jiehlg txzt�_4 cat Q4 war bet eeA Wit 4e%7 Ca�l "T Co Pon -.of t- 5,-:4bq. Wheat Xj�rl�rtll -Franc and Germar Ith 0( sencies in the 4ex Tbe Bel:_ I t� I , I! ty of Li .ON "S Tgo, A With' SO 14'e, 4CIr i y., of OAU m no_� re Be t t ll� t I tj _04:� qii 4 a stei M I . re� , ory.� . - , , -.1c.rt", r ani' I I NEW 3 tQ�boo., a , i., ­oo ali'l to ox, It lid e4blq$ _,Ve�er. for gi',(yis, knw by experie:ice,ithat the Arm.V will nwt t4d plate. T. -h: -s -ye� t, - OVER 2 WLWON..P� 'WE K �ilio'at 40 LE LIOW-l" _- Y �neutrility of theiri,country would 'Disquiefin. g,- T um;lr'- -a flb4t, (ch, . �A t, Ill-st A t1wilght. t1lat it." r!E� 41 ar very , Ifficult, to di d bmi whisIled 1;jOugtkinit7t, Wegiiard in h; Tl Ur`�7Wjntev.jyhqat. 90' at- -I- Ws w�)ikldng- i it, a ileigbilwitil; t,�. the p � r .1 �r 1, - per cpr SuCh vircum4anges,. aiiO, 0ey 4' pe zt-nd- G4�r A' Bel- ents. At 5. XQntKz! fr ts 31ar'� ewvral 0,4 ni- 02 r fra6 NVER ANYTAKURE that -it, ii�� , , , Adolphe 0(he­,r:b1aokbfr'4s, lit tljj� iinie -TT First p4telots, $5-30; �ecvro ew h6urs aft -ein _)ji ''OR MSAPPOINTMENT NvQol('( 100§00 tli�Q jjVwsq;, blit, Ito, glan jourrksl� affirm th�i Y,r.,, 0 P14cel-in 4, 1 3�1$t�et of it: ir�3 jN t lie I an e pej, �,rined d InIstdt'rof -ar h -,i e A .44 gn 'Ffir�t li 6 A T. I ".'ea f� t I . N' oji 'track- E t e B'ej 3n . Manitclba Wbezit )S b� dj; �bern, !lot U=s' or all fOTts, d. Jje Jr at $1-061I� ago�a� b -l -tick M 4 beat, especially aipiind',U�-ge, to be !ar, e4 obn ;t��n this 6S an 0. �4 at 1:, ,:7 wbite, re or f �., C1. it — Killp.d. a H, i<.�, 'P�Anrer mixpd (11;0 to ZZ, 'MS -d* oe M3 as Fou n4 11OW'. td` '(()N.'C mli tes), of a 7-7 71 1 Qutilside,.. lir".irn, " , _r 0 It ENTO stis is ��zioro--d. as wo bAiro' �c ise f o.r� t lie j!'jan a, w It it. ,t ''0 Peas -85: to, "e, f. b r �:� . 0. jus -t ___u:. �'Bond deal n so In 6"'. lead, m. iso'' 6 of �4C�P ol M01,301AFE INVESIM 1 400 � witho.qt doubt pidc�pd up fl, -:-Outarjo 'gr4dqs, PeV No,' Z' at We,, b;ot Oats R .1slaye 1. -1 till one lo- rieig� 'U d 1Z tr 7,v<T u. 'Q, 5 at J)UZ�de" g of ti libor auto 0. And 6fl.N C_ fr�6111 VinniP At I arii riot cra:zk,��,b t'�.11' v Z* awe' Fwq -19OF Some 1 0 h 11 a e� go' ' I �k A (lespat eg, 411-j' da, Q MPY .2 Western 64fia c,. and No. I -A lel" nay riorm a on Nt^,A I 1 `4 T ad. "-B I.e liev 7L Tc a Stipt.11, V of r n deal i. Lit Iftl It OL th' far ndf '*ilds of'Weat� Oil on.' y )jiqidoyed, no'M of �he. Lathi quarter im, . 11;. MORE CUs, mers. p ing'to mb k7e, B .'The -performers, banil'o eir -ora— -o Indeed ba d -THANTH some medi te, but-, lie to finishm 'I t get r him �o ' '75C. -t� --NO: ijill*ya, R 'inI.nipeg ' i., . . , 1g6i after of' C , - 2 American yellow qurtQd at nlelfter ;Wj$Ie' Of, 'da w uld'not,'-wisb , �ie�. - ". r iaY porx, and 71172c, -are A the basis -"of tEehr ; I I I I , EX01anation of rnjs im:nr 0 o51's So., good-bye.�--W er. R tant. pal W_ 'S. tie n Ye—cai, Iro;4 outside, . 7ze. thot N PS Sr' d.�� r_ and'__the.,_ �_�g OR D I NAFtYX 1, nleOmppany e -a- read tua-;rhcat� q. 2 at .5� cret Imoclir it N46t yiel arqd qu v s ea Mackenzie .,Ajurther'eoPjes9ioh as If6l L ke, Sto0w bat <1 i% t" 'trallsac�lbn' is grafinuo they.' subillritt6d coll(SiSteit I , ; 1 1 U4 ver, p A 0- ai bak at M� in baga"L T WhICh ar. Nevoir Reaid. andL Th f is noc, irt, �S th L e ro, it u rid c Ts d Itow wholly Of extracts from Bqctlipve.1 MOE ri!4noo A 0. M1 man, t The letr' I b hit and shoks US, in bage,, Toronto. this ur6d,out,before buTJ'ng,,or,on6 Wit ; i te Adagio' of th�6-� r Of V46 �,Aclek was killiiig� me� so' bye, -and Ontario bran.' Etoy Toronto.' �Time Not Colisldzre�l Rkkbning Re-, all* .1 am* �LWfiilly . I I I L , ' 4 , 11'arthetique"" -was bpinq', may e' disappointed. For iw7' ance, a Wo whp�,*jhging out the m4il, in God bless n' Some', Interi ns rations. N� k bird �-jttng high: u' tur M" t buy Electrical DeT*ej:, inent e Ur on ! U�ne: 6,"" fouyid. 'Pete �veak' A�nd driwil Sin Ce, the I Iia-ut _Q frL CQUYTRY 'PRODUCZ, C* in mpan 0 ds' at 87 on, iiie Pen` ark.et -his head ushed fliefe, 1,16t. but �eU 'd 19 in it Aree ic b nd ita,,,id. a' ead vi hia Bon (By "Inv ir er* Is W )ols nesto und 11' lid of, hand picked q impre--sion, as they r, he other man"i eatme:, it' MRADOR IIEN_ illstvllulcrlts� ,a eath 'for Me.,' Ortiel tr THE 1A In the first, of li- tWas ShoWn 'his incobae will be stoppqd drove me to ki t is serleg ver E Pp Shi at $225 per b'sbel. part] an import- aeaOf poi With. '31-07" xtracted, in ti 61 10 j 11, It is or e p eVery t4at "distrib'ution. of risle. 'is' �Vi�lj ar.,wbereas r. C;r�ntellli ang d rin tit thing Out apd pay. ergp' �Valher "D 0 per a �Very 5 they Do� ve- 4djjjiniste-ed a 6 o investment, and t --y ar on a N e le rgZo pt)r cent. bonds, he gi!' s but 1, V. atter, , *nipfe .'.onei joweverl 'involving no ve lb oisy Rooster. Ment beautiful", 1�.isutqly snatchc�s -The The -two o -- in mind Aviften 'niukl The. erocity.-an persis ance 0 -to f t f bay ClonJlused I d eas. ot, 1]146 wh6le- i �Ealvd -No. I is t_There: is. prinqAT Tach thoiiand, as he,.r w 'baTe..to a;% of $14, opiobe borne in aturel 4Z years It in vestments � Which is ot noless !my till n tr�ack,'and' No. .2 at'$10 al i ins i to the. baud r,��'s at veri about five geilier aftr the ln4ueA, ortirice, t he.: r, -s I 'k t ell C4 , I I ;,, ''.. _ ' " . ",L� I L , L . 11 " aled straw 46 to t(5.5�0. but; it is, however., conr a ob- . w ich re dm� dogs make 'the C 4.1 �ty it y, dr 1, of lareat 81 on $710, pregorits the addi-. of on. rack �o� to those vihb�e ideiaiiify 109 equal q. i d quite I avi turnd a verdict iof maird.cir a,,q d Sul_� ' to. li%-eL stock out.6f the qit 6n t n many w4o Coast blli,'a, fej��­'�iii- e r eck,rd didn�vrgi, -The-r U . s. d-1- Tjh e., �N ay jur f iif� i0il A arge, 'to�k o, ur an '741k evit to ad otates�Car loiej.' 'in bagpi-griote understand. its actions tuoroughty. $130� f c6uilio, is t1io profit, deriyed.from U'J' d tiTh" -W n buy i2j. the bonds fo, $e, a suni of .$104, we On�d'hc"' are -5,340 PFAUC'p 'e. es" In having 4rates beneath y el s Wit Beetho compo th6 bench., n na cia :;I to 129c;. du rrC� ere. re., w On, tee on- 'thi.5 C. sl. turkeys, 5' !"o q . , L . n 'are, reserve 110m e vereurn jz3v t 'of qf.t OftertL U high ineonic �olk a F ttAn s Wit N 'UP 'GRADt' 0 �VE 'IVES TOJHE DLOG" r abo t�2& t the r rs, ei imatIc, and f" PaLr'i L.w s Ifr 1, b 1 1, 1. . , , hotil L ais-,a� b6n =,It �g, i ha the 0 t s 9.11 itch . jj bell'Ch is c,%try'-ddyr'I had' uu to ass This fe eat;" 8_N_aiFoT!77 se an �—,FrOlff­ 7 o tin I lonj­� torpid old, siicet in tj i e a.� Or Colic n6t 'lid talien. V elk 0 mein, tfiat IOU ch erio Atfeci�. , , , I , _. rt , : 1 1 , ' EGGS, .3 64ra els -ith :1 I livedl. th ConKumer. JI1Bg 0 USe'� =EA . r ,) It It ogs 111 -H -Dog Perislieo. million 1 Me Whch pays, r4 r win e . I _N' or, c r 6 1 dan an'dI the gr, -;A- g. ay . of h ill' bo: a G*` �0. lift n do of oq§es -a ON14, which Grpcery re eS L ere owed,,Lcon- The. ives o :six pe p e. were sav"- d --d. Of, itch 7gw_Y46 k AL, d�Sp#e l"An, _Ottra'Wa is 'dkiidedly,' part.. me Butter XX I N G Wid dde;., ayto en ;one It dL as liferi d ger, nia)rk And, s dld i e s'- per for T.11s, i�d 24' lrav� be It gh� byL,&�rdog in .1, r �ay ve� 'ihe a fir arly -on'1NIed zAe 'Or V044s. course,`tbe iterson who figures jk4j 'TIL t,.h sugar 4ak, pin _eq than, yubd- ribrboh ofdark,blub," Eggs-Offeiin a iiro _raiejw.'ith h , pn4t�68 'no*, preiailin mor. which ae�tr�yed'� th_6 ont LS Way quite MISC t e" p,)jnt. "The Re�qll :Lih hij bog to' exag- mere e Id . I I . . ' I . I r. . . .-make, �n 4r . iucome or, 'retrzil" on, anr a t stliIiedi t'Led -at Z!c,-and fresh. , rite' of, In h,�I, 'wag ,' It hci. residence oL lex..' Mebug U 'to it 'mi , L e �ne tiele 'on the I ttleAnoWn noi�e. *-SpeAking . ' * I 'ted -.20- Ii If ibis r ',A. an 6z:.dozen , eb cob illret O,rlyf granL- urng ay 'IUb I -T e, r t 7 y a. ava In qpcX, s ee Lng 1 Crum - no - t h' d 'k ling... n'a* cu rasgier, regnuen e is ig Or. nq Te booth*. r'. -Ab6 it tL t d the Gov.7 reac e -d rouWthwerate Va .ayA �hg it, litI ivicke- (!age in get oil t of the i(fl�,aC 14o 'Der, Ili. and. 'twib ttt a, he. bib6th n t 14 1 �ast ew eeks, family us t6',18 L .1 It dead, to suut it is. qt� e '119 of 'the cei 4spiti 7 chvz2e-The:4 mar et" !ter b e animal awskened al� full' cent' ing Of"th; ith. h fh Y, n vews., ernor, take the. ce-eb of a. stock payjh ve. om-' building ' Fafety�l th-ough, almost z 19 izied the �6ndoV by,ihe*,thr(.;j�, black biLI-d with ubiidous- re a let�er se� eft 4 C-1 anC tdL,. Invekor'. wiIi :have It& L P v. at Ba� U ;Ig fie dis rb of -,jing suffbeated .'by, smoke. The I faiihfu from r voide2� itinted-t OT"angid fectiyel� gile ihe�, 3 =DU.G71,3. "L rit. Th 33U ' - :fi \' BLtjt�'�s' It i s',,b a it ace oarish rilgID, 00ason, hIS vance, is of vital in- og, ho6vdf, lost iis life" n1i) ir least M a,shate for thi� stock. sleep 'overe e h jr Jant bar- to bb'krow the a,djective Wtjl� Agvred L on.. th'q -Loug clear i�qc .or n tare the dividend Is ner covpre Te!un' s' te 171-v's t W . q I I ' I ' 6 a'11. 0 e of it baI beel lstubb um rs �er n found after. the -Bacn par -or barbus-colofi orn biT4, on. m6i#, faO­'_Ta1Ue,:oi the' b co -7- obe, oi e arcs, *.life . . ....... s atfrib priMarily fire. The.resteece-was the r.. h , . .. ., A ntintied-,fr'*`ni lie, bad ry uie& For 'shor� dtit, d p. tiled, floor.! lIC his" unt t i" ots. JV�ft rich a Tb�erefore th as a ' Ig 'to". oLor sugai-beet crbyl-in, �EuIr e hoxxie 3 aro nd thd t6,- $21-; e returA. oh the L I v, cb,"red. cii -fb ntil- be 4' in veized� . J�n �t c.6.uniry, $200 int, rt�.. hi6n��, lay r-one.,to . . $ . . This alternat!II6 ��arfare'cion rope,: p to 'light, '17 to. 8C on very r 0a '�Vorj, :A.p t,i)6 an many� A ' mea ital." TJIL� .1oss ds about '$25 MO $12'. per year or :86'' ilpoil-�r6sslejged.-� Theo� b4o):4 ry tters hejv"Y�. 15' -to. 16LI-?�-;'. it to l2c;� th per or sa -on. o e. in rot of a� raised or t revel 34 air f sl- �b r d I 'd nvqsted� t lip n cayd al d -a da, -beTate&.­ ith seflit" ie Nvas str which - NORVAN.1i easicep, dreaming RMY 31 U TIN 0 V S`., b conj 7, to l8c;'- backs a pre dai--,*' His.brailier-and nephev ��s is what .*ai referrod'.w in f v a' d the I-oud stirr "Sul f -is riving a UaLm bantam, vioos iirticle, who' rah gb,the. bulk',Lo raw material for to tqq. raW o 1he i -was youzij,'Man 4o �1�oic h jS'\fez 'to I . ..... rl 'a So p -Tierceri. J10 I_ZCL. giveril'as."one of..' It— re tiers e on,on rout ro��ed G evei- Lard 'Were 'seat f -of- SoCiAlismi - in0onildered:in cho-.ing fi :At the hex�iI, neighb shorC� and pri:66 began.jo Eoar.: him. 7 : invest Col. wowan o tit mA es.away the . f' e hut T]jjjj 1.1 CeI espat6h' fioni Christiania- Ou par occupied fb� -remlin,-. 11, lic t ,:A d' out' to, the 4 O� f k ini':Clishions. In iffie- 611;way slaves W, �n! tL e case o s,00 EE ENWINEEIRS' DIROITXED h. S;. aq4rWe SC6 NTRE, thl . be 0N r -e , rpo . r On' . re The ;Nb rwegian'. press js call- BUSINESS �AT WO� ILI tk Grenfell dro' t my'congrafu- htrtb ad. t, OVe,*- IVe r. Behi ve up. Simpler mStto nd. 3i v , .11" . , " I I . - " :ing§ ere. bur 11 on '66 G6vemme OP .9 g!-ji Me r I e Ji s th e, Most p ontrl�i 5-0a When we con�ider' bonds, lie dais' stood a, handsbm`�^bral�s being,. exch-an d" is Cankd . lau. unde L T:stand. one of 'the:'doictbir" orstern�. measures 0 prev''Ch t, �the a : Ekimo (I ogs -n t acier lit 1 1. , 1, s orn. _No. 2, 44:1-4 to' 41 -ear 'lots wevier,,' t e I bed r arts spre 't L -2c,' b e is �Loqs dera Y .'Ino'rojo ichiv hu*nj With- silken curtainSr Worthe li�ar saw, th e of ar nO, 09 are it arttI6 Call. t,(; t J.'e strong -id of '.Sociausm in be tal�en account jrn -the arniv. on Staffil' e - d e �o . �� 'ed 43L 3_4 j;6 "0.' a-.�spteiid..�. '..Cheree exp j OX as -se- an 11 1j.: 11 r A: J�sp 'fio'm Port rthur, forth'fr6m Ile- d;] a '.�itrgiii The Young Socialist party" h f la'ned ehi�j, n ."n tiring l'fl, May tha tile. G t_.�.�CrjL t 3 C., W. -4 or ,b, �t b6i�d overnOr �.r6t�d' he, b'irs -of. rev, -the. tictirrt o,' the despi n ."a be -foulid on. ll� e rmons, i uence o "Spriftg pa,_erj1F' fir3tii,, $5.,40; d OUld hav D ing.. s 44-1 -2c. Flour **y tjTQ dM nb wb 0 one. diStL' sow imes, ivorl� �r crObt is� en e u'rb,'- inEide '-the &or, -Lik'c patt-nis 156s di'the'llo of 4oino,'particular..city 4m) 'might:hanor giicst,by soldiers; 2id mutin flash of Lake Iff ous scenes arf, h" ke, s S4 06, 'Wint6r �vheat c tantj 6A6 jgbtning the dog shoped, off. tile -�JAD 10 _�_._bceurrig, it t e drill U-0 —1Y -io quit. _i,, r ng L JIM U OISE it r7l r oats, per arre jr,,4,95;' bag or 90 ;itere, The -P4 is t one� bond -r -may' be! Oak, 1 o o t I I ear. -th b idefiffegil the -only d serious ffairq-,,o wins heir 'Ifon�-xrrival at .70. + groll n n� az expected, at' Stenkide rollers to $4.10; in agE, .1.85 to '02.' 'ellifty is eNactly. 'the samo,' 'the rate n, pa s, all goin9j, an al] -perfectl� j611 �q sfandi s T "0 1 1 el di n2i -of clocks i i.e t�hi k happp wrong., And' stoi jnl I.- b la t t ex p in 111,; H." Mc0Dy,,&nd Re,3_dent a So bo., $�15 'orn-Awerlean '.N7 o., e1jaw,1 joba 'tha Wer CoriVersed "the fu Equ-2- e. br '94 k k, jf the -cell� and liberafiljg lyl;�a i g 4oc a. GytibI(!. 70 1* -4c. 31illfced­'Br�n. ��Ontario, SZ� ,to abi "in and �tlie, t ought I G. a�id Dxum,� ber' i t Eer-, Th hori be n jlirl �taff',, , , , e 'idered to bave bee -I) jt ­ . . I L I they -cons a b o 11 N'l '3L I __ - , to, Z a� ddl . 1 - rg.,, QA- I uric _s Jass,, alter, a,. tile manne'r of, decapitated, ic 'tit r uo The Ise unjus IM rlsoned. j in t6d, in ri-i Z4; g re 0 sit L late fe t p b� so rapi e a an., What could ill it L c I n idly of telt i�jg "'to t,( aanIng, p by, 'failed he -ad W -S M I,".- tetriol; �4,24' io' $Z6, r to: tvvq, sclocted, 24. in&ke�P v of S Its Witt d hat -ft on P 4. that t'hey,,. were. de�art`-Iig�., it vs�JA ISPAEA D Si cr,.� no, 9 ;0%. -aYs heaped to -terns, StApP66e a .'5 "lei with rich eakes UlagelItta, aie oll' 0 22'. chreFo 6nlil '�xp)airll the a . . I ,' ndAh y 'ien I t (.-Lptorrr. 131,4 13 I-ec; ien -to iliki o 11.11 b eir, amp a I nteer'116et J4.9 A.ffee hiarking, I w s: ne� fe­ a` ne.ra.,. je,i -'grit e, s d, NM t n,,an he. goo, Avi er -zi the T f e(l, lin o -th' Itment of slon, perfo ed "b� '& ia ve�. it-, in tit ch C "d t t c —which -is, �r4rer repal k lie Ii�lg In espra c Odeip looking young. ncphew,,��itb ov;cr Very ro 's�a �sto N hl):.-STAE MAP *6xild i:ct the investrif ob -the'. n' C tor Grc�l Ing, on Tue n .'thd' s s tike, at Black." sca ou'eve h14:�, t a ltei-it! gatie' A 1 414 Unared , limfeerr m j1a,' borid- is diff rent, ho�cr r T h f 1�, ake fel C U P-0 eecii the Ae I, rfor afiee, l. f oA"Firgtrhd �Ud it,64. to ntooi a Ynea c noCind' �It Mai Ilk' Tfi� Investor pays fl�r 'the af, gr? 'r* 'M L09 X:8: rid, 'M-tjj I d a'. came are, now tled­ 'j, n ten, iyears is paid ofr,at ��i no $1 .04 7,8; 7' o. lid mtkl, iave. enoligb. OUt te iti;, an rd i 'to, the h( Y as V5, In No, I ba. uI`u r we�te�r 1) r'u n. �railway Ari oytilty i4 the clever dok had,&gttkig,- th j3, e Amepoans, Aek "at jr,o3�_8-. o, 3 w r or h, ibly ke''is threjto6; t �1.04 X n, P7 'loft "'Two each C01114 Q XeiAr to ieplate thij ca, th th: tal pat, nts ee, Of j is to sail he muot" the t &-sca nt", . 's lolk but thc' of, el 8 n (I , !, �t ( and Xon a, 10, 000 fac W r� ds a. of. frp4 but It "and tit ir I­f��sideh�e unk 4, �-8 4v,-� R�C­N 6 YOar (it. the* ' Pn �thlch e2l W, A� W I _Zc. w t�d� t It had tit hp., This "n," e djarg boxid b.as to ffirl"Ahs, leat -interest', 'will antiIitint r4wi they) e Th,O" -w a ter 'It 1'l� i Cd the tip' to C 84..90 to, of 1) OV( Ing 00 r theL usual fi a6!, ry r ­tbir- y Ti ,,FR 'WWO �"N A_R E_ r Jae _tr�, 1 1. A r�l - 'pdflaj 1 o, 'n "d Era%'q C. Ili' -it, 1) o'. '0 'jcgjt:iM C ltjrS 4� u r,;, Ji rj.t rl �Jif' a It daIChL a, It frdgrartt ove th _P -of the til' wr(. at I and divi f nY c lit .y., We Al I_4�1 to b _j w to' I, rt�' a per C Too If the,,. totekee e, 0� 4 to '4 per CO t likr rich unq�nal j�ttyjt_jj nd, V116 44 ter I tI Eis, Shbb. 1W, a at' bi 0 titee r, lIo the of f6ft'Ijjg, efL) I I t the i,r r t t h('31 'o 4 er th at iI: It� r to, n q ,ate f�, (1, An Vr A atbe d ea- I)I'l�'ell tiff e s, r1 i"d tragj o t w� as it ill"A' jh I tt Ili 'I n rz 1 .1 . Its e L AV, t to Park the 115 ?0. A re- io, �ft we rle ;.r* pq r t (I c, ont id s"Jerable have �121 p, f r jj'j I � ' d t oil iho rjih�.r bond- A el tei 4 p4, a rr) �J, tP r .5 Alt Ig, at 00, with jkd ycarA fq'lwun. to. 41.2; id, Lanalls, at (A 'si r., A� a t Ir tvields" tbe 1# Te eW 0 r(.' ILI, r� f y . t a 70�r wj Ing) at 50, re- filied to. the it j q a F P, as atl&,, n it 4 ii The abtJ Wit'h rj' 114 firt. 01­�tri, fal am and, 'the he4.4 rIg many, i tper Pr ("i, w ij shsInto 1,00 ;and re, bfr� at, Vrfi t I(,, hW to 'P"A.� I ts. ')t j thil rntk �e ig nd off 'in fjL (A ,,, 6 $40 �?;f 6a t Mto Atenhed. F Jl 40 r omit�t addr�-d ihp" part of tha� V ey t A"t 0 VI,* It, itf yg' -the but 'it 'ho,� 4� tr T,�- tot M vill P 1b; 't J,4(l, nu f which, In fun �s, ey pi Ch ''all '�,f b u ed, Ume tb� boad is' tl�j� i I d �Xy tit, L'WAY thi tr Ite a r, itettiat trom , , I h, or 61he tawt that, tin, 11 ".h " r f? to J� e, 9, u t ki bu, owIts eg" ' heti�yf, , t (4jje f jLI(I y cn 'ell tj (ir ba6. ing uritruths Cash fo r, it ZA t i A 6! c it Azed datel the clement of time 'a r.(, q mg *fiether the it willhig !4 1c,, 'The 1�oiioc &Ialty dig- w a q i4 Q 1`6' P, ;j mortgtge "is imporant �Ce his goUk, Tha 2ed suctekjV oi the the "IrAtte of JOL tot It* fi"J� "4 vi ary "0 "gdinb IQ, M A N%A P-0