Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-09-07, Page 3r ns, e heard. asserting h r ...... A YOUS SOMETHING' ABUTIOROCCO e. IF A AN IMPRF.S.OVE S ,160 $!I be rig lit 0, be cons in ll gmat 9 y Id' I or ia w),volj, European 1he 0 ax ingly. 1.7hon I m klAd�t.o 'find t hat I `1VIUA OVE, A MORN' 'IT I$ TO .T E WIM V�jff A interests ar;- at, staka Anct t- b ci -as m'i'staken thinking tha VOYIPT-1 TO T=.V ST� drew o, cord across tli cen nINV 9NT )!r000lr pp 99, the largost Iebergs (YA, two ma V4 *en­thi)-T� , 1. , Z: _nzz—jMnk7 from 46b 'i Movie P has in i in Ou.. ig .,claims,, in. Nor, ior. one. a ta p Tr was mitak y b 'Its Strategic t ttie he lin�r Qrals go sua'iiasqed the time �f the CaWR43ca incjdon�jp the safety of theprin I inistken,. And,, end mis- th Atlau- cipal Attention. �190ai who" German into !ralkland I leads In the; Sou the =Wnty of income llinliing 1, . was. na hor -way to Liverpool.. A gra- no hard work and !the French- Foreig 'Leg' r.and whe mistak6o,d ;wa glad. fixed rate of nq dirty wqzk, pr m. inn, a, fal omQtqr6. of, cheer-' For many years thinggiii Xoroc`co, dosdft'05n� of the monster borc No messin : -d by Ne German Co- flild I mistaken whon I are... adyllicated y Mr rcibly (414004 income,7-�r;,able appre- have beeng6ing from bad' -t(> WQre-r a �offlcer of the, ship, was given, by- a mixiug� A'haud' pastg, Iclation, in va mistaken, because. -1 ue-a In a goxigrous aij. _the w 11,knq,)yz a e -N iiw.. York, Sun. .Anareby -night wag cloudyo�', he viild. -j-,9r, ratlrei-,-I was A'few ;"The . a a. more or loss pronouqcod� form, yar.when A Gerra ore sal�� - .; I I wasn't wistake j"Tb Was,'a.- cutting wtiIA, and' thQ y I rni -as In &-I app(,arari;ie In ILe sake �when I thought I w Y014-havo �a n, The, Sun ha of 'the sea Was: down., to bed i 'of Agadir.: ib 0 ondi car fully. Sel6ctm� 0 militaken, and to I o' Idn't have finish- that 14sts ­p4blis , I , in In paits -of the' e old ' ziy� st i . 4 writer. 14 Aw .. L 6 I harbor th. ic splendid Z 're. Not'Ony h,a§L c-1- I i$0, when. the great, Iceberg AD, IMPI sl�ns, Geimaiiy acted *;tli the -;L huge mass 60.fe't e 64 woro Me beii. mistaken,- at'anv �ta d !'h�at. -,the that the number Shereefi ed) ensure to the investor." And p 9, thi en k-.bo*.:wea.r glas the greatog part of,that, gm-pire -got sea in thip,� �!'aj 4lib, partly'6overed with i !at,, p.jong ese desirable, ele- 11 a L fAtion f�r nioe Wo view country �o4 upess aoks'xs, if w; wor be'st prepa ms to, be1creasi�9,4114 qikCof hand of 'the central a0ho'r'- u -Of Icei,'wft1x 'the sea �nts ai�d are'inv pipes, r tl�' ity.af t isbeliting ahore dbly charact-brized the sA it? ing. stoves, 'inquire4, t�e cause' otthes-b-- c�i ut even that. p6rtion !breakind upon, it as upoA� A'w.Ide,'de13O- Secure ;tAd AV. 'Mr. I�La n, I ipLtely undei vention i6t. Tangier, ai�id ii.ofi I:L�7 Princip4l t4k q�'s up,.'tli'e whi h., r be'rCob,' When'. the iiioon,ap�e waa more mmed 4red h -ex�6utions we �Tkuinent in .defense o" -the eyo,of th, AGAI)IR'$. IMPORT hie, eight Was on never to. for&. nteres4-b as� In'thd. &yi i0en, re 1f your ealer do.es. ji6t e, Maglized, thore.; & ton,, -what i.gtill -carried oui in: i3tiblic an, �E4 n*g- -hfl I Sto 1'shuz or( -seemed tw f a ve Foli Jr as the, k.p, -girl'Al'Pon oh4e" Qe- dius his, natne Anil x6c, The a,jjoatin 4q, arge -as issue­s,tho�*m, a $erva.nt h ('11 LiverPoob with its t6,Wers,.Itq Wgged her mi�ttass..tq -�'at ILast,iii semblance,­uAder' I g,C�jty stock, sen e ones an'i naiatains flia bet§. o the comp4n t d f/l'instead. gaied upon y t ofv r me,. for the t' and -a full. slie tiii iimet4 c6nt'.91, has becidl in eyeptWn a. we'will send aOur itera- yeturnmiLil a g. monumeg s,'shoot ng tip T O.w if Morocco; was in: far re %j W 4hei iv day. out, -or. a p.urp,bse w Jj, Tki 'yffiv. q, W it , t b them 1vos. uc Yuh� Pie ' 44� ' 4. e us.. Q:"day foi- N .4Yte ma;Jo with. 6onall'r` tei.tskill )Q1131 � - "h" h being 'niiiihberpl amo'bg th6�6,w)I6 ­ ture oTn Bqp4 10PAme4to"and a ' f- , , I . N off a natural.- harbor',- some, 4, lin.f hiteaturo,"ilhiMm6d.no L DAUIE , �,7, it,; is. astl�� a ewe reppium d 'did, not'. ivu.gei ]ads, of CO., LNUM dQ-1 i en ,'In the mdonli fiver. wear g asses, Indiaor iri.'far- the ght like pollshed­9 1,�t of thet B.AWLTO.N. ONT.. j4i It is -jt is the lot of 1364 a ojglbt-,'� th. housd gave t not feel that coast of, Morocco on the. At- ; -, and the girl 'lie on `iv few to'spe a e e reqi convinc Atrabiar or, ii[L 'best. -harbor along ., the �vhble fiie<i p9r- 'AfaAe" of ike/anow, I 16ielsik�41#"L Mr. Stahn ' re8�fitst in � t . na e olild, r�. Ing and clear way the reasons! why Everyon'e on board the Ordvia was mission its cQu'ditiorn was ace to la4tic, It is' 'the .4 0. the such 4 men ppr.6&.ch,' t ppellbound'bi. the majeo �ic beauty of but-i-pturnoa 1glasses are worn' and should.' d of the rojion of 82s, . whic nown, fhp. g�gninLr poping ennin . I .. Iq . ly be, th' peace of E I: ROYAL -et iuTop n !I �s 4 scene., s- 3usi. in 1(TM)Q A', -10 )I o be tLe' W.Orl(i.� IT, COjj;q gQ TO Pieces paOI-...ricH in miner I ores and, Nybere �arl ble.. for some hours, I0 supposed,, to be a hy, ka§ asVe4 her kind y glasses -roally 5 E C.0 R I T'l It IF ual m reachin --- * . .. I I. relieve man ills to I - or quickly, as., tbo,'-qaso_-V khe detach d S -tAQL1l9h­l1QL - este field. - ent distees, 'fw t bl�; it could Ave been. in RATI . awatit'chag isenient for bad be, hav, divided' 4� XI-Xic4at Ado tb! girl's evid h at it) his -in+ I U !,*g 1poor holl earth is your ifouble. Te ..probably" the most"rsehsitivo DANIS OF MONTREAL BUILDING craviag.,' for collonial expansion, man !'Xoyod olMin S ndi�ate." -1 cafi h 1011.?" 'lob stairIT. 'I'm goihe,. to pretend'I THE NOVS, -DIR161DJ-E. YNGE.A14 QUlto.STS. 4nd pbrliap*s of all - kinds Of , human. liginji, And 'and, no upliea4a�l in 'world asleep.- -politics It cannot be,' sai� to 'be. in the !TORONTO. bltibloere4 Mary ""I'went thht if they'Are -not p b., won "sphere,'of interest" - whic Second Boy �On 'cas . Q or ep i in peri Id'netessarily iesirIt. fi either-, to. see the. man hanged at.. The. foTmifig the J has f. 'but not.;, .1 In quirtd i�f j3ut the pe ographical Lrst) Pp,sition of Sii&iin or Frari6e gged out or JArk Accldent*ai, rt6 bury, he's been. re v- t t Prate them serious cases, including many. th country �and the 6m ex of se Out more 'than, this: the- TXUCH 0 A- STPAI going to get u and Put- y 0 1 iniere s f which i is nat rally I holder f thj'Port of Agddir; chn in di u I the Launching of.tbi�'Mys�­ raj 'Wrink(es of the forabliad, . rbst4esb- the- timef war menace the t the giving -you thiq ..eentre.muke�-of-it.moi�--than- fade of raf� G ndpa�"I am lflS'j­P­e e- wis"h ne s a,' reealil pawn i C cent, "Willie, 'because yt)u have 0 tem- n theinfricat�e 9 Atlantic,-. And that trade is lai-gely One the. coijamonest complaints er, - indecision -in ,ge. ion p t, requirl been.a good 1; tjk tioy. chess which is beiiiF British. , 3m" on -the- p Twortainty, in walking', tatt—igs h -a -ed W6c­nfWp­d7S--.- _-a -e- "-o-n­ e i;,Ojid—calboaPd. .-.It' bears `tbe 6' offi6ial ii 'Yeg; r-Apd-p-a aMe 11bon'til I n, me at n for them is' r*kid by M-idity. put f6 thq� ri id dirigIble ba. t .0 "u ti oil. ad infinitum. ep I e. a 't, ire'la tio n -to -ma Any-' ' r -a lite m w A e �) in.. t- -h .9 a-T,-xtermia i I l, p A0 01171s t; Ang. biffit at, Barrow for t$a, Navy. Around , schoov all. St. Isidore,."F. Q., AU -9, 1151 1!su�. �tb t -at 'S' for, p . I sas—m-p--there -wr-e- he we as'Egypt doesiot -��tection, made hy Lihimislit;'Co.. Limited enjoying of'the east. Bot i4 tain'Germad-fiinis 4oi 'year It. flgu ir th 1) Gontlemen.-I aue f equenily ,u"d ...those who,go through liTe Ear - I " gain at the saiAe h eountries ai n -g bus n: red In the a o colntr the only half' -of it' who if they �.Wttild ti.in!�tely connected with' tfie 'Agadir.- -.But the h I iness. in. War. Secretary's statement' . In MIAD'S LZINIMENTand'also proscribe jofh the speti,c uld.no e rd's Liniment Cures .'Colds,, Etc. it for -my 1)�Ltients itlwayg - with'� the mbA wo 1 .0 . I jolt 'mikn when,fia corns (X-Rixrope. . toth ''re i- around that Phice"bits' - ­14se of Conimous as evidence.ofthe Mina 'it the -a been iDerfeet 1i ­ ; ­ .1 gratifying'reiults, and 'I, consider' nit -be-more-panif ortab ATmy---CoiMcI1B --- attentiveliteI13 to the . : ( . , ... . . best. all -Li guards ly quit:'no liv , -rOutid aiment - extant, i4l.-pol, td, -his wite, 'in" pWiel'to . , e,�,Man. sub- 40rrAncan p6wers,: the o'Re'' es of."O of a GOO FO -bu would ce �ul. subJect erial navigation. A D RE.-kSON IR IT 'as �if -she wagn't s 'have a more I h f an er, and Ger- quent: Intervals -it his been t described- ROIS � t fre. ea,stern or DR. JO AUG.. have hevlooli t c ­wes �r jqcts havQ been in d .9 isp6siti ones, p, c ap e'r's,; usually I raAi ally, man ebin" I sts' theie,As In the 6owsr t n be, re- -aut "dundaht terms of a0p-recla BkAVT'k,RQMTERS. in the, whole. 6f Morocco, 'are very �tion, which, lives. in his omobifi. y TO THE P.Q., .8, * In cohnectl he 5.0 Id r 19 m ''A PRE IWERS h 'so f n Ith- eronautibal t Mk' -Jabbe-'.1tit to -Mina d III, i rbd'u'ciion. Mr, Stlihn Mail when cam��red- to' t 40 0 ma- Llhl eat G. re�;l. 91P t tek bis 'to buy"it.". En' and and 'terd,'tbe Pu lie to joveii' Thiis home -The of O'o*do' to: v FrAh6o., pruskitm by tife—W-riter1n.-the. otter r --i s,,own accoro hasTUi1UW er I utilit , of e. newxessel, ere Small but P . teiit.­Parm� 6e s� that there. iiromore Ameri wl it'A na.'ural'prey to ona or the'othei. Isn?t 6as' 'punr tured. tre en ogs; 1 was being, bi uilt V;eget,ablo ',Pill! 3, are they Ep�erprise is..! the'.' lif� blo;Od n f uh er,a 'r 'e �� it secret evi of� t e, reat' E Its S AI�MS: FO ildeg.,we'arini glasses than h utopeaii olonizing A TERRIBLE RICOH are. effective in abtibn.`�- Th I n e. 's. W REI;T� ANO SALE, pean sis . ters-inay, 6 -due- to b 'fac 'O e 8"'. zjgla�d's com I mertiAl in-,, dehtly j Qt;4 i 0 highest -import eir fin F aalities as A Qt, r -a I _Re 0 p. p it a Pe certain that'the'tr�ubles are kriowi,� 10' thousands wel �i,6- son a' farm.. 000ui� wl the -ilast fe ee, rea but TP want -year h at:' anot er powerful, w and tbe -arc,in qnstdrit, ana .,A heavi., conscience. gefierfly', + I i. . .1 . 11, . I Am�aiicas� ha.-ve-'t'ak s' claii-Aant . w . as'.0n.liand*: 'France' and latine I Ill not., take� plac�. ble c d6m y year-, th f'tbemban b :U .1w 0 ,ner po as.-CVery. mothe--kho W- Y�­,-UMb0­1�-i V .juu u, wa�v f things. AJew years:-6gq, he sition as a7gr de r"" arw,- een.j eat. 11Y which 'part Of ',the' vessel has To do %hi�ld's-thinking for it is pow.6� little 'oneg'im bnadii b what safe and sim 6 - reiaed�' c ayi, gla�ses , "re , considereil. to be ranean �.aii4 As &�neigbbo-,� dur- destroplid. uc- the. saei�d,�Ig4t 'of HAVE some' of ..the best -,F'ruit'' Siock old age' ing,the.hot summer months fr ex- they,aTe. T�oy need .4* ipfrod 0 deprive, of Grain or, Dairy,.FarmB in 6ni4rio: the index TO-Aay'they to"Moiocco Mde her clailm'in every 6f b a'valid -one, - Thd- -rivalry -of aso' D' J.. D, Rell'Ogg!j' Dya6ntery I tioii.'to ihose acquainted with-thobi discovery. and prices rfib, -of a, - other s6, n. -Of ,I] More -Ofte� looked upon as sei ce�dsj ii- wo i 'those --wh, -y -no n P UYU ' V. . I ny kaly�� 'year.. -ea�on r. tib ot th�l Ti fo butt the out*aWsigp of ��ward intel th6ie t owers1Ti-*y*6i6c6o.thrbat.l' is' !Er -i�,�lrdial .is ..,ptepared' o ma t know no *vi MIX,atr. W orno su rp t exces 't-6 t -lie pro ession as -T street.. Toronto. -k -thwy n -as pr(7�� t6i -he hhioise th sive: p t, tA 'a hdalth and e 6o and &jv6 en,64 Come acute but. Egypt t t, .. , 'nkIcs an Nvas on,�'Great h . . ion --on tie in, r.dis- Sacrifice. t eir b. drade,4 �-,troiibloa,� cholci,& i6- oughly reliable for -the ch*14 preparat bi ids � t � "' ) I - % . 4gliinFt.wri d harsh fea ares. iiinds to gaim-gold.. -senttry ach.. I'jasses, '6ht erai d3" diarrhoea". griping Or4e Of - the stom; there are.certgin 91 'tob., -.France was the., re diar�-.hq6a,. dys -ry .And 9 doach- and bowel d, " 8 � to f 411 0 'It . . , AN� �AS RR Arm one, -but thatT10.'0mP6t10r, o Englapd, And ot or -stom, m- pains. ana. suminei� complaints...' C sta6lo to tb o A $tampe Lontl�n'. �O.t.,.I. P Iota. 'These -como on' so quic y if the, person jVh" . ddS'`tlIc' o'n-'Olidati6n. of Eng-, li-ec'n, iislid- i y lee's' Vegetable Pills, comp(nindq,d 0 ne, DIPLQ,2qX d ..,Medici n, ­�Rl ti e� in kI D-. EVERYWH such-1ittle w4rning thi dica pr 1 Eniplover.-Ake want diploma, �l-iss busiO ith.best pepplo. qhdy,sena.ible.i�nd'seaure an.-e;Kper and Opera amiimber �of. t -Ian&�sinfluonc'e. �To be free,of -tl)iz Incubus wiagi an'absolute neces9sity. 'Oft eyond help.. befoic years of bnt,irely teget&b,16 talv optometrist And gets-glis en­bab� is b e T.w s with jr'atifyifig�rcsults. iij, 'tacdul,, smart 6LffiC.jQ b.o� rt.& Dwycr Cd-. mite.d, a r-ovivil -3qA-9 4he MIG irie#-& vili -T-ho­tTe# -of;-I-M Y-7 P lisp sa tANTED�mm-A study-of'othar tbt, di --p ay for-, -suff eri-n-' -4i-o�n `�ayk, th L' *' ffereijV �yl jj�cd-the­* -iIL­.-.-Du r-, ey may� e.pilt-he will finA th.at"th�.-lityin--gbf-'VtTI;6r'91(1 confliet jqg..' b lutary eff6d.t" upon- fhe� digestive -tit tWhot,'summei in6ht6 the, mo -al PlAirit'it the. medicine, that .tor'O beatt away.. w. he i , , . ' . '�, ;y vropojitio'ns convinc6 ti s'e -her must e c U., Try . itL ug years, o ;t organs$ ha-�e!'-thro h twit nuue can. equa � ours.. You wil I ai- twee n ier wi , cu bottle..,- .It to sle,him.' -Pet it if you dont hey, will often pr6lob�,hor.-, n the: two:'eOuntries in.- t b' �'�nstintly'�l 6 A '11, r46. y.9 a A mirn ba'by's V ined � so emineiiiia.positi eithatL does hon6r`io 6 gpa�d jb� L�ee t J&t oh: thM�' ells. for.!25 cents. atta nik as w standard. ediej.q A r dis�japesr' in ir 11* o*05 ts' particulars to they ra ll�e t sx., Ottawa, n LTH Q.Mp rn-aplanoun nion who: cairled it to.. a sucl= are pr Ing regularly a6id' his. lit- T There'will be�nb dist ort Frou the two wake .9 . ate REST AND 0 i9n., . T 1111 HIM U111LU. -------- Fy -0 ARs. wxs bAbAlt -UUMAILD es,'�tbe sm! eL Will, be sue. ane now e itvgd S t 11 blas been GENTS,QIN V facial musel e DOW'S 900TH imple iw their.'cbmposition,� �t *V 4V. .. The greatest agents'. lier ev r,: o Pe athe, kl, -i roc� Tablets should-, MOTHr-kS.for. the 3A uk bun' er6nnial �an4 $$sbS, w jet that ght'llad a, li4nd in'M B ahv Used for P. AbY s u speak for� �,our CRIL IM i.joduced.; every use 'can 6* astinill. as At be ke�Lt'irj the ho on t. y.0 119R.P14CT SUCC14SS I oft sight; 20010 500,­Ter.oe� r6fit;,oni. ated Motive. �ower forkin;d th6i�A;hts: CO Me as they are i�lf J;ohb ?". a9kbd­Pris61Ila.; .�tbniach.'and are,&itain� ve g agent'a 6ales amounted , to S 20 I in eii s p,r j, n gi h g r n' t ubblin4 Uhfoktunate Mot ier s greatest frienit. '. A dbie- - 8 -diet jC'AiLl):j I ­ Germinyi.,,,came I L ". I L, ' I . aIid . a ear b iDa th' 'Because," aniwered, Johy,.. is ..,an , -agreed e ;ect' -on ',days; anothq 32,in two hours: Mbnroo hiirnor. 'k4 ..upon ac Ivity.at now en wi.1 � prevent thiis.e' I L je . e . the best. reinedy �fnr. I)MRIR it is Fit)- d Mfg.: Co. X,,. �1�8�.,La C,rosse,� Wis., nse' *t* ' w en.­the`gr`edter Part.'. Of Qjok-&'com on, tud�... Winsi6ws s6oth* ftN . with good. This, in 1stA o`�scene. -of,world have not",.h�d ik,- obai to* 'get a alutcly -harnilesA He sttre And Ask. for -,Mrs. the siug jl�b �digstive, We' Me 1, -e Mr. StaWs defe �aildble forAe ckly- Irlt s tak io 6'LbeF .1: r , den thb will. b6 L�ui word ih edge* MISCELLANE the globe which,4i a* anish� k�lid. Twe . . : . .: '� L I , . : -E TRICITY,-1LAXED . - - ; I 1. .. �. I .'. . ... - f d" 'd EL 6 I . 1 ; .. -e-d y th4i Table.0., -The ets A�,parsan,wis apfiLlied to or' a 11 WFAR founding o -coon �:'"AY a SCALE& Witiont itht s .. 4) '.Demand. 'r. tTRTHER Orl . yle . b- bc f h ia empires T lab] k:, I -o s Jeri - reish upp ies.. in P ep y a mem �r o is 'Oong�ega�L Sculp 9, Esolanade, Toronto. within e� gras o y ion; n . 0 'from Tka Pr. Thomas' &Jectric tion N Of c WANTED.' ArNt., 4,)141. In rvat in the� r by Wh:erever he confin" h are gold by;medioh�e d'e'd On- A.ep Mr.' 8tahij, ."Lbave' fou ((' that 13urVIAW of other*. mail At 25 cents A box h a, n�d the.. -vi-AlIkI n4dise imv�qe on -a trombone, nome. write u f (a 0 B 11 _oil verg ew. who'-wore'glais6s, tire- in- ,she: has repeatlidly a -t ock by next list aenssnp le., ed' supplies harve been o'�4ered` show� oWe have tbe ebriato4. '.The' ;,craving fdr.'. .8110 1as no Just f.�r o�re 8 a donlin- v-11le, %Ont..' 7 'Ito _door neiglibor., IY a "Hon�st �p Met') I greatest agency imn)bsition .in Canads' -P. stion Oil su "'Ise 1*111 Is 11(> o a,:greaf 1'yes if's O- t fie -aske-d-, --�w h ;d P Y, evl7wnt s' O become n .: t �celleftt Oil rits' Power: �h .,tbe ,only h6 idst thibg -sli b; an' instrument from morning -itoi al�h ttouble the troublebein the.o c n Pen door- f6r. hCr* ever��ncreas- ANC It ahoxi,s h o)� dishou - o �Tii ht' be a good Christiah' : MOW,% LUMPS- 9P Xo matfer 1�.',whai Ia- abbui ER. .TU eM iali d -by UtIc :commerce, fact 8; "Sue 9 Man might pos. red without. many, in" LIN,K,:W ITH... VLE. FAST t :' A externaI.,cu' Of glasses in g �s e s ch �Ce' re'lly is h ey,are' i4sdtfie s'. -She soon .�aw, the P.Ossibili- I I . . ---- 1. . , + eut, Wri iitude, it May its pbt�nc'y 5iblyp b - a -b' 01 "cases: A,s'soon' asAb u ed,tfi word !Qn . ir hoine treatm 0 Xt 13 es'Carget.. In, Cowi. 1.Co1Iir)gWloDd Obt. C�O,' not on, . .. UP4(4. ',but� his n VW oro f man Tea ;7i, t minard's Liniment7qu . r P next-ddox igh-� because 0. His BrotherMyltig pew rtable s ape 'b)itl�s and-- q h in c CraviLng for its, in riches, -but also because ttiry'' RAN Wo' j�L 0 ri 11 f ei, 4 f. bo -r- d -n -11W —I n and'a'-Kalt l3c . f, 06 Toronto' deiW &% b car' ed Wit)id Di4cussi e reading. of fine of it:s rojitical. wnith And its evi 9 1*1ariade- I brealiggo. s'ter.; f inability to tfan4 wn Wiggings -0 kn6 SPtOIALIST.K Apviclf -print, agAinst ich the., wri 10 The prealding magistrate at a police. 370 IV w Ahat in regard 'to any with. court'in was aith' -.-c ickons c�oii3e' ove'r. iii r tled I, Wes rugs wthe lett�r, spo r; Stabili. sAid: She went about tht� busi nished to li�i� to . TRY RINE. EVit REM DY �x § Aio�L41 OQ it Inds S==*l tResi-,WhOi7a0k�d k-Wery-WAter-y- Eyes- 1,,ussea V Sen easarO yardsl landGrnulat E 6lJd§.'9ur1n6'Do6sn't n G I IL Sse a ite age, *ri to -d asses iggy.] "I" ly !ith fine'print ho -should -get gl brotbers, reWy. that be bad one, but Strugglin-g Passe4gek' '(on j- . ns -1 slippo�ed they. did, for smaft-p o I'al ON � ,,that he. die'd L a n.. Druggists TECK U R- road, traiii)�"This A 1W wihdow -sticks they'.9ever c46nle b4ck, again. e ye embdy,. Li4uid',256 Bell Collingwood- eeAnd. on] egge,44-rdirait, -pinatlo -1.Wfta 50c.' $1.00. f 'Hurin Eye y Now; it- is�'� ..widely held th'at', the' glasses fo.. 1q, of IM A .4; T" stated. that be wlis. the Issue hdecond age' -a Er m6tri?d renc b . . harMitil if the prin cicbr�, -For' ciras Code his first' -wife 4n 1169,� at the ag� of: ,ai -7 1 ell" th iarkbt 'd swollen a liptle by the I t kill sdine flies in, 1 06 as in a b Murine Eye Rome Y� 0 ChWago.. ordin ro 'a � I e all xiglit in A,f xi,�d hou keer ho*. have to Wthem- I,, ut'Wwu writa ,urectio St, P n.reaa, 6x 15&. ary 'have, a ther pair of la�ge . meint diplornitic cbeck,j nineteen', and thia following yeir thbid ay, t A'(1 f `- 'I t' till wng is ane ion. 0 ne� 00. Was 'born I6 n asr. sgl es an r e, s a sob, who, died 'when only, knom tbatl-� Wilson s. . F1'. I ananother pair. a d' tfie brganization I a few'montho old. The latter's.fatti6v, It 'is better't aveit'a war than many firiIe*s, ire,,an ft. "d do not 41 11 .0 a preved rn (11 Vou ��CAN MAKP-- Wkom.- 'Eleetriety is. blAmed in great Part le m'ar­ri4'W, again'. In 1990, at' the ago o� In- tlle Meanest- 0;in*g,cl��I' IL 011SO. + [I' "for' inflilmed apd F a e it... Keep y fly atchtlis,p 30 A 'D+AV e1ie I I I ar. '.Yea t I n4. w stick ccan oiceunder. anish -and. se,)vnty,. And itness. -was born ,th�j in better 'to carpets And fu ffifie tikp� A 1 gn sickk sa " 11011se h (III el Tho.ijgli r following. ' - ! t. -nigilti, ate 4 )Ig ��l I' I'S "T $ loodsh6t Ile in �reaking r --Oil in the. eyes. Civi ization I ott e of, Hamlins;Wka d Pe. . she did not succ I mrs'of age'When, , b -vei,tin .Sufferilig ge! on - Iale 11 t. 0 w. I re 1, declares, is I :the uspdg.. to throngIL'tbe, 'n enc 'giving evidence, the interval since th An . . tion, clw�vhero tire doing it. JToli,cnh. %tij, Fr house , -and th 4�nfehte L I . 11 ., — \ ., . P 4 ., THE OLD STORY (10c,for. to, be cured." refer'ow.es requfrpq, iq,g en fo us. The br�iale or I -g i to 'the -Hi death Of Is Which the stip , iv -the firsf,chfld was: e x1, iV.sav,,es. o-� da,tin 87 thus soixnd, And it-giomilte, Addics�s, P. O., n v n a ��no-Frc' 6. n d BOX. i,45' VOATcouvc-r., BL., lar'c offlee und to dqo to o er 140'yea�ri t, G6r­ "Had,: eVery cent- . l ghti jVok 11, sinfor6re, na -a Ig I hle AN -ARC.HSIZHOPIS�.RECREX g n. b you com -our y ectric—I the ioolyl mi er to , ! , orted to in'or e diversion be; pillow for. in revolver, but (I idn'tt - 0 81"Voot �' ' I I 1 4. N the late Afthbioliop Alftblagan, and I 'F re Wat n a lion ohishe was A good WhIll'i, ( h9 Cause, I ' . ( aijj!�t'got a coln addl Get d frequently d whi an, . I paIr �vhy don't .you t, I I U'r 'MG Ta )"� P .1 1.0 N, EIP 14 0 bbWelst, invikorating rove d 4ill V ano her 'recreation in Whieft; he a, d '-dbably,bb I t n4i in hinial o,. ity one I" ayWlleyi' bLud.. Aulged. in tb6 wl' ter, Wherl'opport it :'Cau`se.,thel.I'd have e 'b P Y, to OM Ile) offered, was curling On the ide. was good doul, by a, gentla-. uw the' IdZ YL 4,186, d great love of, animals., Y i'Ll ti -111a w' -act b dd thoutoah visi It i9'n6t generolly 'known "th is�h as ro �061.1 race Vas an art at, and painted up' 'b "' in''olater-dolors- 'The Inh , 1, lio packt Fly' Pads a- r - cleverly ab WWII% Llhlmont Cures Dstemper. aun't love ypiz." 'Ah b ta fits'oi Kes*Ick it On li�a 'killed a of-houso Aiet, e time becaind, a h AV gob -V HAVI I TO Ias Dr. Morsekss­ aulte accustomed to the sight of the' This ig more than soiiI4 possibl� be IM -r kea lie � ! �A-nada:. sinc.,.Ss Colloge Archbishop seated sketching on the( caught oil throo'hundr 'sheefs of . . . . .1 " ­ . , r , I a a id, t Ifi. I I :C AT An, ON Mjj A W6, t)y Its Anion papdr. Ile, Orlv�to lAnding-stage of the, beautifill. atiky, V" S i , qi& T 4chools' o 0 shlogs hf6h.--b*d6r f was' tented b), the Derwentw 414 SVfJDF-4T8�.PLACr01 IN 1909 ills* , .on s liu t It"09 P afor�-and BRdbt r. Maclagan, for b1sr holidays, Fly P, "IOU get the 1110 hve .5 8 8 �) an4' r, 3� there' Are 'several Admirable littid geniiiho: �wjf6. !I� it r 475 STQ131NTS.13-�AtEt) IN lilb or "I Ithe rworks of fila.ln oxisence, tel.l. ; ' &Ve t i)ay*h(lI f $800 tnfor otre WaSL tile happiest,,noment diiltantu f;taadullts or ilTN fort'. me, Anything yq pro"A -pas , IYO Mild 1*00mv $3.0 pet Wteli, Ole. ` 6 �,?oar �Oood boatil A-Aldul . foi- 'ill of eo C hadf a towtz In I pufiislied yofi, merely t.) dibu, r asked the sweet gii-1. Tho.nc,xt -day 'the njaii v�hs driiA.' If you cannot, Ocilla to'. hqt 41n� *d Vag - , I �a 1) � bIo h'n hy t a Ip he., Lost monient of'rny n eely As Mudoniff . 0 I'l ii 0 Teacher uarter at tho Y tove, for.yuil said. Zho I �tl' "T -old bachelor- a i ilihab is � it, 1-1) Johnn ahs I "T iho Wade, Caftlotou , %, brot'o .1 . . *014, all -thit's, all right,10 sobbed the Al oac"How is this 1y) isked a fl nd� y utely safii ei It's a ggookl thing I *he e j we er signed the a lnjL * . - - ttlo Y. -Wom(, Tinupt P IWJIY Your it'" . . ... forL ig 6 couldrili. lick us fi, two and. most 'h to 'return en �6nd. ge e no 'i - Doug AID, b b' I and now yu are, drink r "I t gltve-U8 in xc" I "It is. all' ji r )� Otero. prid Alidltor.4, for oVilftll�91,' eof 'tim, dimonds, bled ge-si gn d, in, unstoay t6ties" .4 C�rts are Cr aused' by the pre�sxira �11 don'b have to koep.tht (OLLFOE ovol,Ei4s" Fon vrw YEA#, "Woll't you P14mbt give me'. Aft SEPTIlmseR 6TH.' �,,Occagjonaljy there, iA tl* boo'ts,�� blIit'�o 6tio,'n�ed, he, man that I . 9 ;Wife says�sha will 33L (011,§ of Wbek. tit obat'llAti 'CL )t . . eve4where. tho prsistent trbublo I 'With them 1; Tif if ON n Mt i�stt;Ahio Afajgty *ould)A. y order 7" pliad4id m0L 'Thais flie kind' of Nvilp to a 64, teftV WD �L; bV Mall have , bljt ilItto ja #,jWays, i(lome a- rpli�dj�irriple `hA�e, ''(0d fellow, Let's have 4 9i, MbLAWMAN 'A G� golfdkk Dian the, crusty PiOPM0r. !"ClCt Outl" Obrb'Chre -is' AV&jjAbl0, 904 Z chAthamo ont P 4 to bel Be R161 ho e n con Med can or t EWA . ...... .... ........ ................. .