Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-24, Page 77 7. 4 1-' ;1 Y V. 0, 4 j % moo "Z 4 ................................... FARML: ;FRODUCIS THE KING 0 0 Y 3"", HO YA OF iJ -L EWS, IN, 4 PARIORAPH FRICE: -OF P, 'HE, T wox -C 1,s� r It 0 31, Tq r, jxz�PxNO: 11APPIRNUN ,s FRO31 %)'V];;l I N TJU A P V U Tj;ll� io V - 0 WOR CLQBE' .;N,, 4 N I r4rp 1, KIXU� MLGE, CA A# 1,; 0 U'd U 0 n th _0;, j Red "P -P Q I -ja "heM in Stp4ed �Ch 'Idre e CQjj.� Is. Ninety r Ntrqlii'Xes.� Windsor, People. Alut, P 'ged: I 010 ooer. 1!1 A'A"Pr"', itigl" Tart! ]Ron iier4l, Aelpre Y u g1bit U li,� " '- . , ­ ­ - P �; _10 - ji o4" 7 _ - ` - - ` I : - . " . 4 hbj-gtQ-n- of the- Briti& ISI'm 9, West Jh­ jt� W T-4 P!� � 6 i� 6 1 � es 14 j,04,d�yt., p �fiport foi go f]r,bM one to 't and Abt, .;�d, fir m kun S 'After undressing the;,xi hAy 'was isliuw 'Qll We4ilcisda b BREA] . MW L Of all his'loyal! �U�je.CtS Ilp and L Toronto, of tbj� )ittlo� of ing t , em, side by Aide in beidl? 'the -y Y -o4rly­and,.in Or. ANA 'T h ther east. froomi t Ae V �S, 004rtmerO 10 Agrictij-. �,Jlxe.e weQks late., 0 he body, '1qrs" Thos, The toW crop dON5'4 the land, those hipat4, town, man then ee cttic-rcw w4s fouDd bang .-tied 4 Piece of xiop Ifil I., nt,. x ing, d�ad' IYPI *osterii CAuhdw- -ppring !a not' likel)r to -.pq'iial, 0A of last. The water in Toront.,.� har&r' -is to $4.4,9� Mont- are, c, p�',�riencing the keellesit, the A,Ottom Qf­t4,q 11,. 1 1 , , 1, 1 1.� , ­ L 1. . ld-41t'.; a & - �04 V4 Y,e I '�!#Olirs Fint And 't' i4l ... �satisfa�-tion­jn a-Uh r' -JI bed ther ......... . atefft­­ -- �O. C , T e" 1 6, $47:8 -mbs —P�r'sor ' ' ' . - '. 41 o the -lowest e�;, -recopc e. sQk-6nd­-­ p 0 d" ed "t strong -4 �O n fhe a, f �K' -'Th-, �aln r 04 T�lt ecession o. I�qg: .-Corge'. V, . P' ..., r L'�' Of war, * I ut, �heir e�(cellqnt pr killed by falh4g fr' Man " LL . ne;ghb'i-o-­ on Thur:'A'Ay, 0- n At-geritipA,; Oblili, 'whLei-Q A bo� N� jitolla .Yhqlft"T�o. B 3g-'- L ' 1. Ngrtherb,', lie throne, NN -r 'WiWsur, thr:ough 4� s,t-pve-pipe- hole in :tb',e- -80wx -iop� are, n,Qw Pass- tree r ay ports; Z at $1'pl W44ition, at . the .'ernd' ailtiiin a nea 'Ottawa to t 4 *,D, The - 4 a c #nq.;�o� 4t 109, -wid in a be< -.er the d lyo�t�iirs. th England e®rtri,*e�sp-o ujjsthirs,)� o, til, July for the w -We "Of. an"", in mil '.Charges of;" 1111114011i ation NVO throu h the di int rj istr, tje the 169s�-,�,7j .9 W ,of i -a-t-P.2c, Qq- &6saic, i 4h, i I dre fil-o. t­ra�,q f I aj, he- L,3Qdwt ew­No-�9 F -b . pd4 d-fL.,h 't lAlW -th4Wi!6u�tyies, -r b f n e aro gst, 77 t jTT"*a i ceiiSon, per4ap, weAtFer 4 ltd-igiiil; 'ef� Tre-m- s�de; *ndq1d;­ ;it 82 to�;03(,, d ' 4.. u po�iditians,, were. ell! P`�C! I lsojt IN, t,� reil vere, p e X, -throat, JiyountqU %, t&1jjq �4nd !e. r Pea'11�41 to Bk- k The' total. yield 'o rpportedJ4ve.r f. *NWr b, folks I "it S"teil tint .No. 2, knit at f,)r pye, 'An(,. s- ta.lid azel Oati4,�--Oqtariq, Xiade�. 400 6titsid6, T-1, jumped is es easie,r a ,b cy and aii tbought,� W, cat, At, 17,700,00.0. indj,ca4j-oniS it.'to a go;o.d idld returri.,W1 1-2 to No. 0 , 2� .. . r 49 t 16 iai)d'. 12, ears whfidt -e ^,s lie c�ll routo. New dutsidpo o, say.�' God. Sav, tile .--w yen tbe: li've, y i�, been. the r4Vsjr t. of y 41 tabu).dt- 2 W' oats J;�c Am y 00-0: C 40 1-2c; alta ;,.t 3-4o it is weat,hi h' a,'ve� hay ports. )is majesty witli'llis ha ti ts t O'light, Qn.by years ac ne 't , L . Ind' i g 4dC in TO I al, harest I n. 2 A-wericali; yellf)%-, Bay e, liar's vs�. Nv -re a"Me to e-�tra- do 0�t I, husband W& u 3r0pe ately-,11 n�e. j)or. d 71c, T . 1 .1 1 e - ' �40 Sty- E ),NN, a �lli 66 1�2 Y r y e. P14 111). of) N'46' .3,i untc qrf)nto, ery. week int<)' your till I 'rom h 'h diti o, 'hi r co -is C', and onlia ries. are nonviia Y yeir r6: he abdidt, I'll t Sm qj - ar4 fro�� theja,�A .6 So ni,. y�T as Sen 'to. il 10-nou h t Ile '.eing 13 o o ni e, V em, am lece o-kar go stiff' -E XN PO and Qd from a i xj� patronager nech 'thmey th plac�, was xoken Toront, $25., in ba . Tormil. s2 illos N --Nothing � froynt u t- tie I a N gr P, 0 $21 iu--� bag8, Torouw,' of, -sud E it R T 'AIN ho,s' iial patients. af r t h b Mr. ercy that sprile oft Nve a] 'I itt tfie, -P immonds 'fif 11 ax -led "Ame, o, the 'very. Yerg Ptifght.0ted Pei)* Fled t t. e PROD VC -113. and Miss ere� ban-ki uptcy, Jn. Queen. --Bean "-p drmrnE� - ourt V W, f al e- C Uas� aile Air and as at IN INQ -ted in tins, 11 AR A their c I) Cie upsetting: Combs, - 2 , to- $2.60. IX -r It I I i e tic fol it rt, f A A �,dej�patall from.' Lisbon sas e,, a. large _pa aJ4 . l'itWii, . �reepivea h i ted gfear� r Ner, ea and No. 2 at $11 o $14. A S $,hoe e a sign to -his V., `0 to 44;6'.Ao, on traLk, To- ,Fit �everything re� e re c C repo, 'NTE Ii A L -qS, S i t h. unfilmity th 4 of .a, CY- krdlially, in4-rea- g in.' olexice, QM straw er maijqstY. th 40 ah Potatoes -New, in b $4.5 d,'per7 161atext pary o 01 I tn w re feltLin southern P,6-ltu pe slioula as, Far FICYM hilnSelf- intw the dark water, :guid d' n L so r; assassinat6d. to 12C 1 ng 'rlo �Iisjri6t pWen ty. C) i to $3.60. Peb ght i ed sday, 'night. ,Me C 4, PT 1: 1; C D TTj.$H1P.. Imil .0 Of Z' C -0rese Ing hims6lf by passirig his e A shack - ill Albuforiia' and - other: ixlts� ne r --O.,w -ks,� the castle, I -nts al ovep the.'.' battleililip's Plates. A, Pie -N; to drought and. imp6nd- live, t 150 whiell a. *or s in f India t ie- Delhi x1tir most the nti-re' rade tif the t6wn, �pajj. arid a child 4e.'te the co!d.E�t"obnside,i,.%bl.e,-damdge wa, 'st, g , a, in -As bei !,;glight -kratin g -of the chain 'ag�' B7TTER. ANDj;QGS t living a hu ridied- yards" 0,mein- ��,hieli; thought -i 0.11, an� a injUr m MP jig, III was a PQ It us bar Ay 11 hift his when . Ole, 'Of',or �Jeil o ut, hiirlinig Butter -Dalry 1prints;- 19 to zic inferior, thc.Pj46.e, of thd king'. s. �cbief,liome,, Greek I`Varship?o,� The frighte, ZpjA,; livbed' from, i�. , ' L I I - ' pe 15 to 17e. 24 to 25e, tp r lb for is n6t'a large -upa li 1pasteneq�t -by. a,' now rid4lfen a* reassuring pull- occ and 22 to,25o for. iolids. th, .but 'the The Eton, bo N,! s Wa�, cemrades'lit tbe boat'lleard, though tis to the ear i r' -bds to -the S'trfiets, The firs a C vas' Vibh* T If o �b-qA w a, fro o f'near A ds. in'the" fatno'us obt d frdmo'r`6ontiriu�d; foi -ell 2�. to 11ALE 11? Y io rift , ,D" 1. 23c,' and fres at ib to I. in f E A pko ortioll p fel e that HassdD held .k'r rePresent 1160" loti. ain., .�ay irwl D At Lae*§ the" d aClirbanee,'�was -the MI eA Ours rather. than 664ifonx f a, I( AT wave, wlji� c, n% 'the 9 nd Maps and Pllafisi*of. ustrian d to. t iat� was' 4 u i ng the war 'between nui6 -66 r 1104 P-RODUCTS. , nekli&le w�ien.6ompare 1A to0mig-4 took 'refuge! un iv#.­9'0ne ere thei . ..... a pani6 atilbligttilL ose- liviilig Tuirke,5; ah&` Greec d 1807 that Seemed. t, h t Yb at Her Flat. -ge"-, andL..' 31-4-11- -r case -of--- er a" . rt seve h to ear,,. 11 3-4d pei- g aV Ao -and ri '.el. _N't -. I' d e coas it cjit,. $23,1 doi, 'niese, $21. �hi-inhabitanrt ' a Youbg' Acer camoi to, the surfi,�e­ jtlreil� by THE ROYA4 I�IMES� 'de Frauleiii* T�oryi the beatuti-7 Ifa-87-Mediurn to%light,-11 to 171,2c,- dq., 1. illagei, sinc.f so. �xiiau4eA b3r','tbe oTig'. ive was, �rge rui il daLlightei, of a R tiLsiai e by baeQn, , 17, t '16a; L figeks, 19 1.2 to 6n,tho.sh6 path of the ito gjljae�, L -& a rolls; -ki -2, 'When Qljeen Victoria- 4i res aulf' h 'th t h hadjo be- alm6st�, lifted 444 in t he fill, ft k n en d And the Till. s .�e a a 7 -'- a" 10'3-4c'- -pails' `a diff r'ciit:b e, that &.Tlelleniii t is roun the piopeller h jLA 4ip f 'quite e battle hip�v had C e has 14W ned to find I into the beat prison q arg4 g a spy. n �ac exion o d 5E L ER n e,�'% ov �,d' with beiii u n- Uil '.- L - ' . L : ;­ 'th& faCd--ofjtr 0_ b nd*-east'.-an-c1wr,'-.off4 g no a t lie hings `To texed dSP8d-4.',j.-kaver fixed it sq that hedlis6ict or great loss AT MON1T.REAT,,..,: begin with','. both. Kin`g*Edwit,�r�l and Tfi6.'iui;pr'ise 'h' -er'. thing can move I BA -c' 0 it. goo -1� t merit F 'a 431111 ontreal 'El. This. Y ma Then link -by- 1.4 w -or ooU fife would have. W. ia i -he e. cordialli�; Ls -'savag6 - � Sevefal ntbs' ajO r III Aug,. h of the Turks jbajjjali� 114,theted I 'Western, No, 2, 423-4 t t until-Ahe' boitt" re'�­ �.t -xtr a - No I-- Co Pet -041:-1, .hbrp bit M 'ia, P A. Rolayx& S.:C.W,.. 41.1.2 42n. S ritig-the veii'.',� The'ti' 'ed 04. inha a Mr6ilthe p,!�I-Ililk h' fle 'trhe ca VG rieks--wh,64-o Ta -i � i� te. and ftinit 1) r- uyned U. 'its starting Orr s I e V ri'n dint wh'ere -x up n g0frri n to n m' u As.%tios nts 61'.. Gila: i err- Ii - 7 6f fiv, h -risky' ill, k rris f, m at .�enorts o, pell re rigs Nyf�r no -b-otte fZ is! . I I . nd Pair!. 1011 -tea. den6e thii T h� who 11cilict, bat from the el, W�a n JiS Fight Sold��;--A - ' ' ' i ii . , , .., , 9 t est hill . t&vvering h ­h' clainis. .06 chain or 11, She, got - se the,` hot] St er an(i ingL,S11: , ) me., officers w ,o cto., in c for abbvo ch'ied,tho vcs e in 0,%,a D andlesii 'tp twfc 9, -Aei-icj be :here p ;nd,-i ooivn am- t It er aj -A dev'v'aUph 4--orry' Lg�bi vo. 5- P, e de -i- o r h a r - o a 'bAPTCREj): r eaut "h6r in er "EdNvikd NIL, e. Tutkisfi An ittem-0 by Goverprilf . men and The on it In a,41 e, 6 a. ro tit offici t fricint ds. in' a" very shbrt. timo. When tb'. 14; -ge . rit, a t'jk.l' a ' n in . vi ' D ' itter . x wasa man, o uxurions taste� an, an ui nd important. misK, w (� led edd h '06 of Torqpt ",Will be '31 3Z f Tfw, erti%ly r4 awp reyea Sh, r8F, , - - e .. - .. , t � n jP. a, S -hiel -ast6itiihed-fire-Greiek Itikuri6tis'-f! . in o a 17 P urchprippext, on -ern I . 1 -6 U to fare iid. eidina'ry hbce.4-sii r'les p Ifo ­ there af "not 'seem curious�, .. tihe was; ea6terim, 12 ....... d'iY.,resultf6d.JlI a b'dOwe.eh the has an idea,- that Ca,-' 121 utAer-,-QhofC6t.,231-2 to c F to e regimen of and 'the tjoopS.,L: klr:-, rare y seen )irgh: he 'the,;bottonq ofibe d vinc,,- m er(� :Turks re on. ih�,:miatrcih towa .p loners illiescoried by in of- Curable in, the'culiti or( eep ra b, f 'I w I' h many p e'reio Ji gn IN'llies, a, Aurn er, nad eer, w4t. I U x had, no,. f6r. t 'Ing c Were S ith. after ll'iin team's.c-6 O'Vd. prodtii6ed 0 rburn slid. usually took uNlfiikj). 11 r'Z at Arta �r. h 4AA . I . STATE KAR inpioni". the walks in, the ne'igbl�.oihq�d'bf. the, )6�on �Iiaggcd all thd ra - asThi' P1 bad. ra,re. fridts. vege b ild �q exceedi gly;, bs . �;d A:( itio enaL, the, in ervenw n I diffi '00 01 ific -2 d rj'ant, 2 - No� however a No. I thorti, 41.011, o: idfereAii May�- $1.043-8 to' $1.041- 1 h ­rd A o <1 v n and, Uris aru I el, t a. 'an f y 4Ay Jin a e and iien: $1.031-2, Noi t( .01 guns tD be" 'd cotitilleilt. -been-or 0 th ougi "b" 2. N orth� d d­tp -fortify 1iq- s t I, a i t -'ohAhem. was:ln love vith h to' &1,0114 No Obtaillel(f fl'4bM .'ment of,' military forced. 95i. to 99.1-2c. , Corn--�N 6. 3 Ull 6.31-2 to e .r' It o6ar rs e rn, 961-2c. T o r� t o �d aN� was ;the 4e, reaphj4le: Straits,. , w . �e,.r,ithd ho el �Ilsplclolls 4. Frauleig rom�-, e, &0 1-' i o. 11,46. ppo� Persolls "S U E, RO-NTRE11i YOR -FIRE- LOSL 64.c. bau-.No� 3 'itle, To The man e,.-bo*e.ver,- lost.no n y becka"9-..,.deeij nnP n v th i4 n of engregalion.- mattqr!§1. �o he-&6ided,tp wiftch'hO�. Flout ir patwi s. $5 o see-, file ' stle- The, galintlet''tL)�f�'th 'b-41 I -e hi. e red C1 QW.4, ks! I "'Idents, of fir' a .8 nd e r, ;ith�- soldiersi� anito- �iorty t, hei, fl ond to - AA1.75; cks a e, A rhooii he called: a At �$3.36.to. gecon-d 61dfirc $ $2,� Windsor short guns, whicli eapt W -D xspei,96 IP d uA *as 151.1trido, AU9, wh a st,r nger; t -,.Prevent -- a gh- 101en she" iEtsL�oitt. The. id-_ tiom. Soxii �1, viller th�v 11111st ed� hid -bee "4. -ii k d T rom -Uld *alt er hi n4nj 40 Ta s frohi'fijitifying the s A66e�s,in several northern itki ts e. lorn-St'.. n, pr- No.' 3 0 6w 9 1- c; ehori II -b'ecome, too strong t Thirty- oblif hive 6 4- 2c No.. 3 eor,'67.14j all 1,ntp'r ofen i efoie tbev ia& Tle r He '�.e the yblun,g woman, in p, y i b.1 e. �Fti I speed. a nave en emporarl V. 911, . a 7 but to do bi�. nied h agains, -1he city -for lo�ssbs b' n . ratt t rdu Hlb �ta- Ir ov.; i, Soon N%,cr.e r Y� d &A and found ei of priests,hai a mass.,64:1i 9 lite, 4 rl t -c ation in fold 9 ine-roqin, An. :,pro - the rec lig , , . apart,m o Alh. ag ior ie eng aced undr, arrest, ing. .'ev ite, 0 i6 ItW9, I irninat idence.' e It 6,� . . .. , . HAI: '15 P ON.J:& :PL­Ffat-,�4 v ce tire s rQa 1,TOCK­U-A aJ41,Vl f.: Kin t thp c be.f 3un Jan f, ii r t6s d With the'a agged �,by some HiLF "A BILLIWN. to suppj� A NVQ176 el 4C W n 6o on an T " ug. .22,'.116avy battle, butch- ilil Qiic6n 'the. �.Iuds had left ml orou.,cij, stib'91tern -h 4n nueen f6r6e',.", Work As, the enjin'es 6d es' or Jight expoi,.t, $5.90 t6ii inedium these ie. I" I . I . - t�e still: of b iyy,� i .' tj 'Cho I.' . I -t 6 - es:se e .in, i ar, pl#ns.. 6, ca, !Ul ae mix- ha�,,b 11oll-ed an d' er,'.' ,v �eejlj4e to Real ice light but,-hPrq% S5.75 to'.$5' ch ,8,5; 0-ro on prw�peri N7." once 111 e e j C very ar en, all ca I IC io,mnton to tair, ar , , . I * ­ ' ' In e.n ch 'nied circle, b a exatio lie aied, a di- ed, to! $5.'s or hin 4;60 :1 6., 1pl 'L , , .. n '11.1 Te.:( III ait, no cows, $540 li(.wough. 'or jn yna.t-' eypn, to] erA to $4,25; good, $ ineri;, $1".50.tb $2,, tot !-rs n .1. u �t �as.im ossible to go. $3.50 th &: Chi e with th,d Ttirks ell, ain- 4 for ra,fifei r 4bcka. anv feelers� itough I ight st6r js op eri'al Ifiatters 'the --p-resent- -slow -at -to - $,U& -116 iau'd, $7.011 fed, and 4atered at t at Ny a E ptpeal L I . .. . q -kfiq�v 41 kh �Tlsi�n '-he"L as-t�hed I -ulte, t ie oppo -ig village,vcry w, de.spxi .,h t w�Ot Again eff6i prepa e /�verhcArd � 'hit aid, the cap, airt his discovery. -6t. $70 6 '0 fact,6f *hich the'Vittehers Ahd b a k, a ties lie, -blil 11 staitenient, of the1nancia aboup,`M6 G ve�k ship an&knqy�, %, ;engii tlle:s;am'e reye�ged'hi' 7.35. $3.511 to $5. 6; li-ght:, 6wd I voll, w the V4, to a Thee kii�g ill'130- d' con(! -.Wheh Ate, wa's arrelstej, ge., ! firs, are 6.� I of, the Cittv of ontreal; - The bi ;NTephew of light in rti4'�r6siilt. � irndy ees,:� L 4i ere e 41 -ri taiti(l.: e 0-11Y11 &nipt- W,d",w-th v -*olnt�n­did- t4tt em- --tfi &nnj�,:tT7 �,: a' n mice-fainbs---jan— -r- �611`t We x �r- C-41- dip ut $7.50 to M. elf, bat sho,,was ern.­warxet wr so -hn­%N­in s6r; -lie Ivisti V eL 11 N, ItIlIng.. f g 'fro t hL 4111.9e, saying.' . t rom.! gtirrin had penetrated,.- the 4ee J'wa7 -Y 149- QL1­PYk co <1 no-- is.'� T 1110119FI, u .. , I U h7 -de it- secret n t ­ I' - -is mor ng- jnV6'th4e:lo-' eal both if, m 6sive c Sit` nley Rhodes, a nephew of Qteil at: Wars,aw, '�U�l N G fi�",'the bffieer.8 rf�fuscd- t reircaled, a,nd a -in in' the - city d, d ing, C exs:, mi(le /this, wils Iscov 13 hode s ckd..A9 th� reglt, 'of in'- listen to. -the d" a r p n lie !A' 'd ity'an 7 hi�.'pleiidin-gs to )c a,the. 20,000�,ODD, and e. a$7; riei he receive, shi o'efler g roun hd� 4ucen..: t .0a-g:i fwa -411�W.C4 'to tr P. the be &,ed jonde'reis f aty 1.01I.-Bitil a ju I III were simple Cupile hed. �how'-' oir. the pl, making the fo�j;njtd �JL miss ''test -His- wife N At , 4; y Carl that, I 'A despate I -th6ir- iastei,' a d.p el .R ell, an( a':' G t I f-rom St. j 'JIL ?Aab�l " t0 n, am y est 'e, stri had 4ee,guffiellent-, re(Ill granted. T' R' t eniavid..Th6 613, ibeTurkii and _1,7 ki ayri eid'. retp ly - chAngilig. It clothes for.-tb6c, of r 1116als ed to ty ls� e( jea 5 Per 'cb'tit 6f. I 9� as-. 7 ni. S: tilt ofjh6,',tecid0`n-t Cimmell Liii-d' & Coniii orfu a.� e -of ally, he chorlis gir is lso' �eortedl, dead beer: a' e more r0al childro.n. lla�ve aIT. ��Ipom Df­Brightonv-J�n le Val sessa ty" in( A; rjting� th( ino As the dQbt of PrActicio6e . voty, o kv r, 4o r building the' Calia, MLT. 1) �'j QLHT VEN c ce or , li . c1% -a" c thin' s on their tali] (I,., know -a �W.it . N h th�61 ".. , , i- I : .-�/ . 'y ak L It Of Vg �athing, be, 1) he lowest, nts, and milk ptid-f 1 110 111 *S TE. 1ohdQ1ny giv s; me adivi TA' th lite, 60� 11 ISSM--m )0 est. to th t b L—&tp tiji,.q tt ek t o r4s 'the Mi"lurit 0 1' Ba III, gr vtal ic- pla t.-Itere. Air. ot�t,61 pp vi C ',;'I sh�s Dr..' C�p Trit lie, ha .-Th &sb 'to; d ti y. The dgg w Ild-di-AlAt 14a -one titne 11 aAg_ iffills M mg Urin 4 All U', ii' a ffill Inch], i-Courftry y -4ed­ th ibil -ttl N e �sejv- le pro A: IV ete 'by eth fr 'n -,ea I sc� -h v, bl o f queon's rt NO I I k a nJ i ga, y pd' t, Ott, 'St. Ajexn- ei, t0g;ethel C',oll�ee of, d .00C V C: 1117,8 8 01" TEC'N vCrs -Joctj An bngorgeo NVIt an Bleury of tile lig at. Ihis., point. t st .1 N � � v 1, ' olittice <. q) it tell 0m, ot-1,110vot, _t 11 P 04111'e'd 'le. venc be 110 INYW� j�- A,8t t, n th I 0 0 0 pokt6i'V of' lj�') 'Jo il, <1 it ;d P, �.37t7AO' t6l' tile i ts (!ainph6,r -agd half all cittrice. gel f cjjnge lie. leas't in b p6fi- J'ai a ion'. of 'th6' n4C, nj I C1,ir,11 -t. I L an t loc, t, achops pf 1) o 'lie y <111 ",I a t") 116 re 11 -vnn6fit Illeen ijig tit i. 0 4t) c C I- I 14 , , , , , "" L Alt e tb-, beilig , a r,q Ag.0 a��( Ilion He 41' 6f et Ofolle 016WI , I Nk, I)q t follt. -,iicute tfac y rt it0, $d�� no ling, qui , �scy as 'tilanN, ket b at I I ; i , p *�J' t I t it"ill keep, ti t, ;I AN, twbuld ine,vitably follow. the' c,,tab- some' of 'he'r -fait 1 brim 'fast, k i.� io A, I lishluent of tIJ40 men, aft0i. The fla is 1 fin' eallgilt eS 'her iliao�ty 80S i t.S e fl� t I'00, The iiii.%ftir t lq le i�, tted, a I id S( 1111l, of ill't, tt to" Itost.] mill sIllr N ki rLjIj'q' be o' Lqmloll-�. fit 01ilklu.vsy, 1 .� to., p A I, t qk w Clip of bob 'n�l .. ........ .. L L (�.j t L -il) Ind fill r nd b ID .111 t li 11W a t 0 cost 100,000 ing �i,)10 for tile fit shio 11 it -IN L to e Wit', A ft6 F n L it ill. tf iftr g irhof ni it� it 6(-mt b. sit 'a 1) 1) t1. 632 L ti �Clr 016 1) j -4-f n c is ay liwr bank f lGh-011 I'll AS L64t g 11-g A and be� lettor thAll hi, It 9 t lit shows that i� f1 101il h o t agaw�,t, that .6a y .04 from - 8 to peoj)16 "lla �thero "r4a, tbtalg o catses tc(l (toaths front elvoJord a t f 1, 73(3 and dvq, )11,t I'd, who has arkiNtod 'ill, Ilor l) 011v Py ill tile it I hr t Ma�phcj'14011, ,r0)orttxj oil; 800k �Vjlej "C' jooLS I'll g E40 'Itivwx Ott a stteieb 60 Ilaborm�, thLough Darnoll',, all Aretio oliplor. lye edgj�s' �one, L' jj gt6lil4 I �i (r - gfove?t er,! lins b C Le i�A* $�ttjfjg ftr� the ' to .40 V01'.if go. oda, it Will 'With, I'll'! 1, fi(tV Tll(' I" It m ing, )it iwt, inoro And the, toildlic, 11 cges, al it, delltlilq sniall. ji-itUdril ea'st lie m- 'of Rome 116 sit it r' I o,\v tigng o W -b 0 quickly f t, I'L It .141 C el too<L.' q 6 c Jib( gtailicj �Vrudi other mi- jill.4, t t n A 66 t 'be m o' 9 vii. for t A the:,Pkov'1n' Ca ned, it t hoi ,'tNf J)e 41"� 1 4 d" lis ret4 ily til 1 .badow the W r h A In, 1hat ncA Id, 1, 0 ,N.