Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-24, Page 37� A o 7 i m the -o,� pootpoqeO w-li hq, r6 0 4 n At PR t -N w,elt ty OUPIN& iF "A ING' Of qh"PuM _q.,Atjoed ovor' gpOpthips POW4 irbat 7". 'g "ru; Vgvb, 7, 00V w_A#"ixkde4 Any", 4�r An4 eoFOR; 1rh turo d .,into ,the Aoft 0,'ss i'UTT998 T0iTlK lN G. q, pow, Wa igh P o�P ro Z L r e. . . . . . . S. coil ropL, me a APO PF4 m, 0 r 4 !1oherk with uxl�, h h. 1' b h 4_ ql;e� w4hito r d Ln MOP _IS broadly 4r g h an ;44P,go� W# *14 "1 �them., o 0! r. r at, oC PC nAnd it w4s'n Ny.hethe Buclorig! " " I pd, 'r orlain Va. OP. rows 94, r ss, ill tji� shadowi �-rows -gilt, fqr sale A m Mew FA 0 4o: ex e .14 pp, di of, til" in to, _bte prfia Oil ItIoll wl df rs, H-ako t,te . Orkt� . , . . , , , I �., 0 ' `,prow FACT$ e, un J, T _d r :11' -the-tuost.-rirk, k bi d the, one, Canailian hirme'i �qlvet, 4#iAtil her heqd, groan. . D V q ge atabYOP4.4,; �te,, �y c1Q , , 4 c .04 the. floor,,'thp pj4q WAs, ba� f autpgr4 4 cnith. a a no-, but th '0' of jA P; :r pli"d AWAY t n ing its. foreps, an , e, co tae woi 911 P Aty.,e' "cop, perm h pit 'ethAll r r- _T4, -4 ILI FPI i4, -the hair in. _Po Need, :to T llliseA faehjo�_ 41_'�X - , 0 0 . 0 111G�- r� 9 11, bel; :-had ifi6t of; YQ ha�'c C., Far* tany, ti t fikb ad, Vine, failed to, ii� b -ri of YJ be,, 9� t4ted, a r Unite& $ them i)ut -of -Y, if trf� Ie ooze�n pa 0 t " f Aboij Ar irefM `ecQA9P, "rw. e e demoralize old. fa,�.Ie�� the,, conlitz the ,c h -r; ith almost -un i p ft�d 4 t t 'half irelip'i A., mos acex, In.y P q. t con. Muni iolt.�Wo ser' aits 'm mar pt: 9 the-Caha4ia far- -'�h 'If'd etctiqug� v6lu h t ,eq. ot,bls.pr re$ �se 'bo Id rchasdl t1je, meat, in am u 14 �b6 'A iouo%, wit 11, g4l e -d tile old money, pt; t h- mer. for IN rj a'i4 Arci& `burn�ed, h" h ow amirt6.thbm`., ri*6fl�,,,, th PAMPIng ;A 0 t *atil .,'after �a, atter -if they ApPenod, oy'.0pp- t will cQsi An farmer ti and the. r4Yo44tionAr'Jes,.,,. t iR, pagoAgp '91 4 sk P I�Y#1 tq� n'b" hi' 'pioducts i fo�b. A, had � he eX -Y & d#0anco t lat, t] hrs 'shadow luring th6.; j'�­ ohich 64 C nt� roe years, PucCeSSIVe e- n ""th in Or ogitim cry 4,1A to.,: tfie colifitT Aaran�r to Ate*; f 0, 9f 'Corrkinon�' to� Wh''i h Va to �n tjmei; agS IC might pas o. s.ay or gq�.,, 01.6 will 6st`,Ae-,,�� w 'if nce it ut, T116�� mark. wo, r et� h Io-, m plea" n t, *116 (iu otilgin-a - Ain i., way with�d 66 eet for the pcol.91111e§ .0 his tQ'Lt'lj�' U'njtc4& price, In- many P g 46- Ammon ar�a, AfrieA. Th r ff� �Itho�gii not'half r6alizi'ng,the, -k 'dut now by. t H "PAMP forward,,. -�o� her wn.i. -'And -wheri after Queen �� Victoriit And -Xing Edmi4rd' 'home 'bub-."boo4pMe'o*'.,discor�te'o'to -,well r. t e m, eir was not,far'off e. I t� &scriWog. 06 day's d' at An ru e* noi n mrs, of, inward oings li� . '. t, ib'O 0 site,, .( on. t nk And 1xnj she. 'h of.,xifles that: the will' risk - that were�.s ri. r' the: ttirf.rThe his foot lt, iMl -e the fi o - I d Annabel on -the llip'. to �YOStjjlin't e-- ndian fr, ntie t ap crushed th" r g Ave a s Or. portance. of its1,rk;ltkj�r&I heiritago,, Pr riff jr bi :;ku4 . thei�e occasjo As, 9 ta ivall; !V.ith, this iienio gh�y into itigh, 'to one forbear, to, -stii r t0vq. lives, creepA -it sthe.'�;Lnie f the, should ofSuch. is�' the, position, in which Posts b' dight in, order as Very polite,tQ rs.,, wwe.,,, r. in lie t'm b- we must r0lneinbor, W,, thai tile frontier posts b i*� Wom, elueu .1 aT47i -gome-p6qphr-woitI-d Zlegarclin h�F., Ila -A� J'. Balfo _ricaus� have, thp earlier.season.;. isteaL 'weapons. fr 9 Robert Peel�� to,'Mr'. Pm. th. antU - UAL Deq Vu uc,s Wt. pre- aveP W -M. re a ind fulfilled it now the' brand of 4ft was'set; upon hhe_M: ...t. _t, eL Wor flo: �o age Pu whipri s 4coxA ap,�: e. markets f" )rixiging in But the f a., e possesses. or.a, 4� nite�d, -States ibe, "each in his own r, e ijpci our �Of�okt, "t,h t W rly �,indre. aZ "aliad oo Ing away 6d g6t and.* a' inl4 ��puld, win othin in 1 ki from .14j. 11 st 'k A"a ;Pt a -j I 4yishe,4 ot heir., n 9� eVerythit)g4 this, eneouiitk. tfiAt'she 'h ! 1i 't' o inter-, hr ldm( .0 1 r, *w&,ts ard -s . alable. a0dj ad. Weathbr Egberkti-110ities. Recorded Ill he Com- market., 'the; early.pric�;* T -HE ARAB 'TRIBES.' upeless. "u I 6.5t that'has happened iii't :p er t ling The The home 4rket is takingeigh- it An at qtjire, �pi0ur 9w o buy,. 181G-'­Vr69t irtA�uite Tnpns'du',* his lea4ershi In e came. o.war s, nds �p and.* the. o'Sal beautiful, j:)oy w It nd4di4ji. farms a t goo OF 7CO 'N 'e4uall�,!�*e per cont. f,, -t e, produce lett iial And cere Adi Id grey-:. H Q` h r with hd erg ar;efoer oniods, ty, h' outstretched `Ahnabeil," he The �-as. 61 the !at the NOT.. tirca th' 6 ` . ., are led, *i-th e �'hout knecdotal, ;or. . h1imorolig" C_ en to ar themse1v "Ab last! wit wsu r,, says the.Ma chatty d The. -little was cakrviing.hoffie� and,. it �present, th�. weWt ii6tt aiid, w4la 9pe of theii, house a pic- a- so the mood,aad.ch * "oter of Th" bov eje mL 11<1 f tH, ericail, l5tdry.,. Q t is mArket is contal DIP'st pe�rsistent,ctkgtomprs or.-mit- ture writer pr-nipteld; 'and al it w d f all kinds, ille appro creasing an C6 ng r 6 er with. line er they constitute Pa�liamentary.' r,� nue tudn, Zi Hi igh Ave R VTTI. e drling v &light , 11 . W. tary, weap6ii' as "a c pointe -a tetesv­�and bet: 'could iiiardlyAbor 10 -'look .,at to-Iliat tinio.-of 'histbry-of-u ii'valfeR-1-i7n It se -ed t antage of. "�d.-� if --1 -.kick ti-bn -are the., asg V. nuws, eayy. rain letter beg* in , lkired' th "6 115' s rang' Hartopp., *a s'- used i b to,h ight e ov4E�d­t��c i e.apn6 14. 'return 4D Ame mu less Valli h' I h'1' day,. or -rather eening, *hiarl Urs, 8 h spprtaw ;,of haf*e I -,-in lmo4l as�l njqy. sto chan her' Eich 0 1 On. an quic n So i�iyp.iwitfi fts pentr in* the wil&.. sen' ts li1s­huj The caiia'diah farmer a -and cold Winds. p� saif- identical!. wbids, �f�Mr, pre:.,, ti6e.' small bo. hfin�' who. Was Ire' o "si, -apro . n lace cap, and revLiled inc6si d' kn�s6. of retur �saW att' , 0 e per prid,d and during t w entire s of the,§a 'o hara. and. wit.hdrA ie, pib"acy of lip eason oil ean-tliat? I.D. -into the -sitil ar*se, each mornin: g as begs' s and requ"i hthcre`hi�­fie,vepr, bee rqbl� dutito 1:011 in m4 uc,, kit- to inform him, hat'at re Seeing the immense, pro 8 or, f.th4 ' the. h-dusekeepei`s room, a h . % n: thdi a heakt, The,: a d` A Yet, wit ial, .,the, Cana(E'qn' r senq-�sava peoples, all,.�brts -o nouwe-� 0 of'her, Affection lia 0 .ell wor Ing in, e 1hV91t ng a mu e ';r Yle"i 'S ledd Ing'. ittle'lighttir. 'fram. . '', , . - : an . -procec s, (;Fqr: t. bee)i diairidd dway.,A"i' h d f I e b16d 1ani er, subordinat sl. Woe �rklons d ll� h -1irue. D<) you i hig, At' nigl as. warmth. an� 4 setti �it ACCOrding to't farm ag- a Wound towards.6;&other child befell, th.�'undeirnaid who did, not, jed to�.I�ok,beyolid d -1 kick.th4b bo, re constafitly eitg. nner�'of, the if par --in behifi a thick Por,-, ne. ma r -.,to Y, s g1k nt"thAt- -1 or" —speckles this- ith.1longing cyo-s -to- 0. j 4-ars 1 ps brde'r,tht wqpapell.. shave Ajively't­ 6. -p-res leaving Iiardv A. tt ac4i 'of, its hav- 6 United Sta-f,,- 'Id ap lit, the'ne' ti s. one friend in the of j*�j�,fh­ IiAr -had een ng;, af -ta _�kp�u, e jr-,1'7�:- 7j� re in f e6m arms, W, 0 t -roukh­ imrth. Thelrost: went-ouir c;k -go rued, the�,bu. ly as r, -House might: ai Write ,it to`4ni h �h never 0 of t__h"__elhA Tin ;-ri n e, grouna tin x in r ed Was one .6f t e ver fe p . e.0pl ju S'�. I i at t C, ind',w wer May. The. farmers planted. their' 9 ,you mind no 7" to, 3' the the d. it groii od, I ey ussi �.re*ehue ­er . uisin ill'. curtai s drawn over shut. ukLhDrd I priv, iege U Lie liese; �'letters,. dian niark oftly sldom;:a d cr Not A flie ops,- e,__LgcOA_YLQ the lamp, had smoke is''. aid at, lea 6 v fa Th e" time was d-varicinki'. There sprout, xnd When at last.it,canto .�o 4t. tw '�.m- b6y, edgibg- d he gives e " . I 'x, tly 0 1 .1 okin J:�jrrowgd..tj e �v rom, your mol - f iners. in fhe Abue�_.siixfAee� tb-6-e wasai-6t�,waxrath tM. ri tt—eq 'UP '.011''use an'ything1t.q onging,ly at mi : I , W7 0 'Tiie, the Canadiai7 arket the ip�� s i0i, Nine a grow. - a saut odor. Mrs...� Har- Paimerst 6tillick: as if beatdn�Vh her Wart Young ..... ...... rin t month -of June;* lo-orke-f4riller-, in 4a.-lookin" -you -disappricov, and' hei 0 n e shi- pp 11%, a d. inglyi 110 1 S; n their igrbw tim "-s ta ,7 It ir s �eire froze to,dath i -at77th`�U�Tjr(�-d�S hre6if of at a, 11)14 ere a In 't _d e d ie4d t la e, ��ejt I �� OURTLTG N bUAMA1. tr .6 escape:_ But h" tile �viiak wl at a ime.s le&, of�' lie ran her� ONY33, peepe, d 9� t. least t' ni u-.1 e ak0using. there ar ..wing on to. 11io' It a moor and �c ahnot: , get to it an ;Lpt'us remenib-6r,tha wr t ha. for thilee. tivelve� as m, few nighis tir . Propr lie esome.or- ietary -- 6 - Uni ec a es. as Y, �fgtme-`-fs in th -'t-�,i t t, ­ "' nd­, point, t-glinig" ait-he"- . g4rs after, ver is ted _g6d__=ost` wo td; sniffed illgai and decided that the p'e�'kjst lait, the'end: Burfiiese la�sies. a er, w. ere illy' k6 ator got lip to s shipped bv the, ag. parts of the northern d , arid so, ',I,l f upon site, surrendered.� When. the sed a 2 s�,npw,be'dlo The at6, was window mig It of tile'; 16 ij ladv� mi3 e h -St teig he­-woods­�--ind for � ,.N j.? an P44., . 'Oh oh ge tin Jit Y -room was Positively, chilly,. o& S.�e i;e - oufj t Ott-:- gliances a ienterxci6s, with her,-Idv- putter peop e c me. iaa. an . porfa ests. wem in. Small' aker�cr ;.s e ed deserted by 'the... ohe. niarkets h iy ig cap" ow -and.* it,w' f nbt..do toli&ve Be neVcl, her' 'he. rest%ofthe* -Hoiise. thel ALntrttnc6 to t 'e - pagod moo rx tty: was aware i cherns with -t of the ei ailic I d tured. 4 v� -ry ripene all "n then the to. have Ref h4 �s the jilinebei. UnitOd.. States', a draugh HOW-.:,T11EY . WERE WR1%TEN.' in e r 1 c" an.' a ru e all, 6ourting.4 t. qd:. wa s and rotted on'the. irees in the fqr--. ... but, s' l't' ..tie LOATING INTERNNO,. titell st'od 'o p� n sigl . In'another letter; Disraeli ou:' hme. Tld -VolingAtian-c-am. . ea_ the sash, falill lit- her th -d-oor v �6n hen 5'11� * ug I L- ge.1, -ea i t r a, n e 1.1 t o r t -Her c-ai-go 'consisted of.rkeArly', -a"i. Impse -in the �evening figure; a �91 0--c f6m e in A rk I& e already to �Se his 1�d sCribind,two, orabI6. gpee , ts.. They es. thollsa'pd Al�ou�sana i.n. s e n se �qp i if� -0yout-nille, hCrops,flia the roundsof �ikmmuni top, qn.4, ab,out,a 6ut. distinct 6 ugh f r rites' ."Never ties e r e4, and Th e 'llure wh§ -in. wai, nig,, afid 0 'iii 1; . p;oducts iii".Canadd, ti fail ed'. t b ma� was a greater op ti of farm 4 ily bas� etir little heir-in� 'ta -ce t and. ie in a. e UN' lie ro iiid tfidee awful UXL asiveR., own. -Dyn er. u e o:I"to.Axina-- T -be i1sttessl --And liere,.af er' ti each. im othin t Rfl U laces ja s me ..e, ppol i.ky pro- -po-,qs- er -*ere`thare�, ky pro,,, 'fantastic r9pe, air-; rise, came specu a -If ce. bel s�6ttgbb 'a certain si cen' wrap surp �she r ��aff for the lhirinin IqA par ri n.. Ca:rkitd n. farmel"s have' siold.in 'the 3' P b'blow a '.fleet sky. high, 1 : 'r -no a ., Yra il wIlWi covered hrihead, and 0_ 1k ofit at 'fhig.. chilly ulating;_ Is.voic lnother��. while.. t t eat 's- 'Of i cultY Utiite States.' 163/"suppfles, w, reinte'll edfoi ders was' veoing why.. 5 ghe ple'. a, e r'_ r o -an �'f idi- ni. Th re Abogtii if A-.1aint, :time oftfie d first almost, jee Q r bhap6ron". reserves to he. e f the p �Vith Product rV­ d. , Tn _Y;l9M7ot s1Y1TP00Png th Oenua _R6A�luti6na oad an cule to t e 9uperticial—LyttoH . oc�- III n* arge. sp el -mO-Aan fa, rs will, liearts, 4 1 s ti . 1 000, sost despair. 'L ts 6016., daint;.ness I seemea the efti- win& ck ap tile -tw ve-A, ws were, un- casioiially.reach�d ieveli the ared on the fiic of the, sun as tee ZiZi it s: lie i in , -y' h shuttered, s'hining' ;�pt or com- .,in the Cucasu ga- er t - 'Aud'perfi4t'ly encha'ined hi1s aua-­ of 'all �hp b d e b hiough itk6 smok trick, of �the, gun -run i seen. Y A mos-, n she, was going Aowll A I other ma the all' ht. crossed pa:6,4 u And if, rs o exci e -b s, this. a rihe nert,,who fea t 'by brem-nce,enda, n�gcrtd�,'& tile shr b6prie fa T66' fir§t' 16tidei of,'' t House' t6 ay*k6tind year arid almost wri. Otter I to monhthe.,whole nake. q`e; fkbrits privailed.'every I 'd runfli te 'a. his: S (Y er heil"-bosom,. arid, with, the. Prige'! V WH R ESER V M . the. rifles pa6ked it 4ilou it, ber,fingcTs .. c. e' upair. Thought '�q ly, 'and acreign, 'was Mr. uoorge Grenville', I Itched, pl. ces m, iere, G' dai!3� and. are ..,concealed; ei _,:jn wood on�interroga lork-7� carkie7� ie .,t.: vForth.'a sti an.�WM - Mr6. Hart6pp'liald'not,for- corti,ripened wis tb� onl� -w chests to the top, of e0h of �Wliicl �ypar,­a' eenth. c6tittify' ke King George f U With a �,of sded foi the hiext nd; it,wa , s 'ened -A 'long. :ne� fingly lijiglifi, -of gioiWin :tile ��ce'tie of the m0kning, I I:' in1britie'd' lie �tolli� N�bioh* other, eld.-4t an 1W0inj WoLr epec( gure d At the end.' -s�hip would glin ..'��dip''.Idoorway-o,f the raged4' a ' ro ' iffid, Jobii Wilkes. d 'fitic In h with now and'.then An exception,/ 'd- 01 ranged t' -from 'that far�- The -cases are.,dr-oppe at.'a '�.pre b118 WuL Y to, this tile ,in. by, sin. t.-aiid 1 64 rd.tihey arb in'ten e4 �Aa 4 _s_11 -EXTRA 'S !,,others, for *bo 'r xi -e wed in st- - ----- u her.� li'p-, upon his brow, She Was GAR 11 b a6 am ",Voice's in. the, Jining4 I oom., D lci6- ME,- PARSONI n sequence, youg i RA NJUL A T E D N And --Canni own tp t 11 e y rkighf.in� sitia o stealilig out now to, mee't him' under FO. t" lus'eteld uPst th' Mar-, it- t iKo ILI ...... pick. thom'.:t wing� -t elo ashori airs wi . 16 oil ger* ader of ouxtinie., ip, to It ft bes. ' In -case 6 The, triorn- "TA9 SOUP- OF NEARL means -of the; rq�' :11.1 a I Ili !a(, a,*indoW o "Nlife, and 00 Ih serio s timb-6f -al ailni tie ropes;can,, of"cotirse, *Ayn'e! when ft -was conduct t at, ad A P -me 0 fi th d. �of. Nx thi� N ary* ea,� ell %i%hich wa�o, it Avil c(;4ce drinkers grour. 'in would df�grace 'ai kiteikenmaid.. indolph 64 favoilite has" serving. '96ikgkirk a ,ce ears ago,Ahere took plac4 Many iiielilditi t, ince 18 -this prime. r t -hie ith nd �our'ce,­of pl IV. madei, the ',Or(' ive-red th6 lami), "The' �or;�Col6nel," She '-it headach6s, Mr; .S out of4fi6:dj-axlghi.7, lid ih -I n per' .0 04 U. a'. los -ainazing rage -m h 6 rel ip`agai it a ndignatio he risks 1),8� gill) Wds f, Sir...Willikih Ha iirt, 94.wa.:s*s .8 of anAdian hd c,-)jIsuin r .va .6i kness, sleell�e -'a daily. tirgid to- �th e riviev. -of their t oI -tj -ed Tne, me,, r6ni6l rodin for 66 undisturbed-. t loya f.j4d6, fb� tiere, ce her gillhood. .9 itj ve il tin 4ja "We. naturally soilght, relief �1 Wa.q dirk oil Bill the Jne Others . l4v witt6n. --------- into -a OiatiVt wag clo ud,:oVer 00, family had owned heT��serv6e� The I- thout'a-irail, for. -now -th id,tters. 'in" the I Hoiise' itsolfj HE: -CAKA' Ing blit '0.64 drk4r the, �b.AOv i, firstwife had db.pc*qkedIv wroi Dal* T Dk SUGA LIMITEW 11 REININq Cd 19; antreal will :n -She would not -t - ib "rug. U WLIje' 0.: 1654 6Y Job ndows Jik� GladstvjM ttlstf l to Esiablished. in. a W lRave'deedrided o 9 git p pAiticula 8.6 ed t j"i tpath -scivants"._ imr-L as ie - rug, 1� e 16 1 r r ' icing -.0 u . . "!F , - Taidni' 'TIf -NI _N7 0 a. it t4 conti­ reasury erikOh. g e1 "A LAG., iiia 1 c, I�W_ We tild screen 11 'it bil a o r the ho ii�ok i . all -the hd 'Id havei ,bee L it , �k b IC I re- CQn elpf) ut 11 or i tie'- S4bjlt otlf:r.. o and using, paq, p ace --on in:lier t t of hapla,s8'1or All. 11,6, It ri ee -And 40atf ce& for 8te'alth. of ienililod' qenfl1fty,.\ In.: 1 notic tilt 6 aiu sp�ndield: to the''411 wi suq`ill bN ed, ilia', my haX u '0 the, Jarkness-aff6' -aclids ike, I:i for manyi years of , fair liv- tolig p6n bLs.An.N+ ma log 'her wa d b ain :and' figure, And then d lie w left ly Sudd �g h4 , een pl. 0 So tefiacioftslSt did-Iie, stick to his a terrffie heit ow ft t 0 w W Tetter tha aij'holwt )a I( Ile - 9 1 pidmbf itrid -fast' ould ar r ath& blihd.' M, 'gas ritig ha goh e er arid 16wering the. acre ' I c.6f A!4 P R,O, the' Lobbv' in hddt) kno ,into ,,and ho nov lost touch d l3tAJIia ia,,no s it ti qisheA,audible from one will owl of. Wi t h't, .6 �'thc 14'ea. lie �can ret(li7e What .18 on, ei wag'set gdkderl- �She w turning overIn * hcr mind n jispit4' text w tie it bi kibO : -0 1 lo e us%r 91 tile oth6r lookOd up�00� the I her to do. f it, outnijilibereid-, 1, n. s p ace a �j - H s. Wife .3 c e tigh tip' in,'tlie, Ing lie, e,wtlj -v 11 - AN. W I d jtIt'6f',f0l10w-' d ther W`i� A- GOLDE ;NO had'fir d tile consisting 'Of' oand e T w, A3 fer si iitAr. '16tfing-�qd'on kneep I ), ol. IoWr'jijj(j tLn- ]tat ears�, br ind th6 whole M it it' mt il'tion. -"p it r, ote . hrl The,week Y 11 ifte-fitrin" btjStjj0S$j 4e r C, _I arcopp S, P, hort titne. bac�, they report wi A , erg, , a . m , gold iowitaill' pen attaclied to Ilia - I .. .1 . . e to P096,u e oad-'streafti of viiaing. ekl� curtained ' nd A bt I shone oil it tht4,ligh-l- up� 'Coll 1j'. - ii0t 0 �klbjeci,ed .�fa linolig;.-my o da' hrul, g. tin, on,'- the chasfi�ehiofit but -Whg 0 n't in rk a b' Ittl On' I ng, litrally iricing ri o tbe�i'n'ltse DOG' 1k. eqtially hounJ ill ier MAS Or r, ),ft- and4otind to, I 4trieat ques A 1. would llavo: d4drie. Bette 0 Tile S r -b P o I h place of coffee. *riv I' ot a Annahe f -w And yot'why g'r6ttiet wrong,,Lingp! Aid 'of hdY �on no ime -a i a oujr� e 06b I mid 11 4ut�ps to write Y u )o, faki� 01 4!' . -whti ht aIhI56014 Ife I As ns: mit niay lOttOt to� his lag W-61 a n. ge '�havcr oi Pai'$O 1 one Therc, Ili. her oWn ­gArAW this 1) r& ftcA,�alked' th In n 's 611- lasYro I's — &L IHO D, REAW T Or'6 Rik I e -dr M.V. letter to Hdr% f th loop= nny own. particulr `4it6On', `thev steal. d tl 'cl�ak o 6 it Ali. ell, W lit 0), 4� t 4 d S. no ice nou stout f6i tl�� but gild'. ' " g, and jen'OU16109 10 in vid�; ;Jrdq I Or' ' 1% . g�; '' ou ' ' " j_ clet, bit ndovelting rqa$0n. U 0 book, . "I a 1 0 P 1p,ah1v upo, I Har It clen ogild Passe Alia tile, Att6ihey- 4e n aifid.'sb the Runs . P, '', - "T Tiev t, had atiy,at lv�i � M miawl F �E TS a is mouth "EK 'OR d' 06n9m). in pail ic 1 -11 6 oj)j; 'oting 'grass, ri 'hilubbery. Now bAld was w gre il�itteal '*eb, vOr P61411- ths, M-hoi06 lafte.r? A A6W on .0016, 6 timei WN !!ro 4011 An iny, dftr 6 oover 016 tot 8 r ble�q and k"P.'y t1h16 I . .6 , in hAna f, 0 OT Oat- children, t thig�, Pht-1 am I 6d I atta, utoMay. a 0 V Oil oturn of is b.� it N . rongo idi, And thitig ab open 16, t,Wk;11—rA6 4t, 1 she. of ybi , torda. itupp Olt in tilai �Md w bd'tho sig" NT 'k Ille tl* Ott noo6t1W 01no 1616 iii n %V 0 a came 416 0 h + -th it U ri oiio mo h -;"I ct,e t� j f6 and 9 tie As ach d N t U119i e�l r u �J-nt -P ii A d upy e a d--& to . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ............