Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-17, Page 5Thursday,, August; tyth.,,.. 9xi HURON NIWS _ 1 The Brusselts Post is holidaying th4a week. The Maibland River Is very ;low' ,just Dalt, . . W. J. 0000 hal wound up bis jew- el'ery business in Dungannon. He will • spend • a Yew • days a,G ,hie . home „ 131y�+t 'prior NQ._-hIL4eiaarttire _for,.th+e:, iWeet,„ where. be will • probably go, :in - tet business agali , • On Wednesday of last, week, attthe. hems of Mfr, and Mrs, Robert Heail • therington, on, the • lat. line: of *err-. :.. is township;: was sodensn4zed themar- riage at their daughter, ',Alberta;,, to •R. A. Cou•tta,. ot.Wingham. y•. Gordon Routledge,' son of Rev: Dr,, Routledge df Wingban; who ham been ` :for some tie engaged in. niewspapelr' work.,lig ' Loriddis, has x'eeigned:. •is position.' there "and goes ta llrantreal Where •'he has'been appointed to a, good.•. poaitoa.• Pt -Reeve, •Iebistbr, oZ'. "Morris, has• sold hie fine 200.aore faint, on, :the 2nd. _line, to John 8warts, of Wagh- . !am, for 140,700. Possession will be given next ,fall. "Mr; Isbisterhas been --=T= -�: aw len¢�••Eim,e�•rcai+den;�there; and mtt�y'•6- win .be" wry to sea bt►ir .reanove, B� 8. Boatiu, ot Qo111g►rrwook s bas peer .engaged aa? •prinieipa'I .ot Bruits', ela eohool, at Wary, of yo1200, his. dut, e0 to oomimence Sett. 'Gth. ¥r.; 800tlt ie .an undergraduavte ihil Science; at Toronto. • i n[versitty,, and • holds :a fired class proteao�onat. certificate.;• Caring b$tterly, • Louise:. Lopkwood;,' a lonely little guru 1rwo Toxbnto,t. " ami d=et"-tlee7-gfaAtk"M-41101t otstito - in Goderioh • one .evetping ,-recently„ bi&viuB:._bo414_0 .rried._fXt!..ttriaiauite past 8ebringvi11e, which ,wee her_destins- ation, half a. *,zets etatione: do Wet, the :line.. 8be .'wan sent back in the, van, of . a • freight., 8oine ~antimere of Bruoefield, , days a. correspondent .have; 'threshed their wheat( and baarley • and report a' good. crop eo -Mrd sartmey,• of71/71.1171. threshed ,about '1000 • bushels , of, bar ley which:'Averaged ;35 bushels to, tits acre: 'Sia wheat, 'although,. a,•good samiple, .wo-uld 'average •••only twelve. huahele to the •sore •' •• ` "The, town !or 8eaforth has;, Purch- ased'. tlhe 13,000 'wa1�t. electric equip ;pent ,from 'the Water; -Light .arid Heat Coin iseibat of , St. motile., for the summ,'olf: $1,000. The sale ,was made day--tide•7••Hyduro ,Fleotrio.•17oimissian; —i and the ;equipnewb wilt, ba" Oran*. feared; be' .fieator'th ,by the, Ca> adian ,c490P George 0* the 141;r011 delirered gee., Oral. '00e .0f 'tbe AMA,' iiteerAl that has 'been ShiPPed from. thot station 404 teh Monti* 014 and .ht.'eught the snug. ettot of via: It iegg, got the ex. tra eize.or *eight df the anima that extra quality. • stT FIRp. TO ars BED:,-- Lights • brig. a .matoh to, see the Onto, oToho• 'BroPh4. Getberiek set fire .to his bed at abouot two o'oloolt bat Thtirs, day morning. The blaze spread to. ced what had lisiPpened. Neighbors. were able, to e:xtin_guiiiili.-the...firt, before. the . firemen iirriVettf, , Mo. .BroPkor had, one " rtin the- cheapest of airy 'lir Ontario, Says the Winghanal Tithe". But' 67 no. means foRnws, the 'Times act(S, the contrarY, dinner and supper arc never. the same, and a ioolcm4.1,141, .�W IV'OKNQW SENTINEL' of good. quality, The'. cost of, pallir S AND WINOS 91: "ti.tain4t$0.)07ehrileoe Avo; ue.' 114„ittit:;164tamigy., qp. Cp. 41%00 to 010. inton, are visiting 31Irs..•WIML Pale. n. recent rePnrt 4.4442' C44444104 .4144 reM4.tuisii.e'd°°'11r4OnIns aDE4etroCith-Z*195; ,•ragagdid*ay; that there is ar fWatine-Pf gOod hut- • map Lauza Arnold lifisited; friends week :merchants have found It Acre. 3. Cas4nette., Prestoitri aOd *rontgoinerY, left for the. Eledginsaa, last week. 7Ars .W. Gueit returned, this week.. from, visiting friends lit -George- possible to seeure, anything like en- ,ough to supply the needs of their :pit* an -advance of -only one cent per poni4 him occor.recli; good' butter now retails at 204. The dryness of the pastures and. the abSence of the far- :m(1ra !tont town owing to harvest- ing olleratiora. Probably ace9unts Cirtitlii morning, Aoguet j• ,,Calbcorrie township,. lost hid, 'the Maitland. river. lie Was •bathiog numilief of other" young men . and, boys, hut. was heahle 'And .0:i+a heyencl• his' depth. lie wai .drowned before the eyes of his 'cona, panions, who were either unable' to reach hinz or too frightened 't,o reat: ter Lisa. Maa was well - very largely attended. lb George CoWarel, of Usborne, was 'feed- 'ing: his. 'stallion one day Last week .when the horse grabbed•libn hy the left arm, MC, .,PoWartt• jUii7,d: out - 'Wile, the door,'. partly -Closing it be- -hind him and thns Preventing the hor,fie from dragging him back. The low the. elbOw to :below. the wrist.!,. ,Twe weunds were Made in. the -hand :close. :The inuicies of' the:•arni Were laid bare. Idtz:. • Coward suffered a great ideal a 'pain. It • is• quite pose- ible ,tliat same. skin Will have to bel A SUNDAY RUNAWAY:— ana Ian ational August 26th - TORONTO September CORONAT1014 YEAR LEADS THEM entl Special Prizes of rom best collections in America! Goads. $500 each, Increased Canada and United ufactured whit" spa • THREE GREAT SPECIALS Festival of Ellipire,--Pictur- Wastrel" Curds Balet4-- War Beneallit ing the glories °rale Cor- Musicians of the Roxal Showing a °nation ceremonies. 1,600 Household, by special a Dreadnotigbit Performer* in uniform.' Permission of the Kirov. Subniadoe, . Mira, E. J. Anderson .spk'nt Monday) with, Mrs. McMullin:At Helyttood, day,.S.fter spending two; W6elis camp, er HARVESr WELL 'ADVANCED ' At Lanes,. Other Lanes Locils ...tnge.oLthe beautiful vi,eather• of the past week' to rush their grain'under all in the 'harts befere the end of spending a oonPle 'Of weeks at the :Termite last 'week. , trait eicursion last week . . "P. .Sanctersen Made trip Ito Brussels 'on ;Wednesday 'last to 'See hie- fade niece, who: is seriously_ in; West sorae weeks ago, intends 're" turning this week, • Meivilie 'Reid left for /the Nest -pleasant trip. DISPLAYS..00':CORONATIO.N...Ellt. CRESS • NE MN s going at full-swing;and-already thousands of d-otlars----o- argains-have-gone -to -those- who have visited this store uoted-inTeiretdar, or in -the last-twO issues of tlirSeritiliVI s tall(ing about the Snaps at Murdoch's. 1 Pairs Lace Curtains ATfilriiinge Of prima from 50 cents .• to .85.00 a pair, to be Sea ditring Sale it ' prices reduCed fronx 10 to 20 per. Cent.. . • 7 Pairs lace Curtains Odd Pair Slightly Soiled to clear 'at iarge range of, stYleS. All these p'retty and Useful articles plaaed on sale at discounts A Few' Table, Linen Snaps LINEN, 71: inches Wide, regular 50c. for 36c, LINEN, h0ipoliOs wide • regular value • 30c our special for\25c; at 22ic. during Salo. Seneur Speeial 'prices on White 'Damask Table Linens at 34, 45, 68 and 67 tents Per • . another snap.in Men s Fine Dong a and Patent ' I\ Leathei Bluchers and OxfOrd hoes; also Ladies' Fine Patent Leather Boots i ',Button and. Blucher 'Styles, and .2ine-Oxfo'Ms-ancL. Slippers. Prices were 3,00, 3:60 and $4.00 • to clear at the sacrigce price of $2.50. • 30 PAIRS only .Men'A'Union Socks at 2 pairs tor 2c, -tents while theY last. 48 PAIRS Men's Heavy Wool Socks', rect. glar 25c. f?r, 20c..a pair during Sale., . 30 PAIRS Mon's Fine Fancy:'. Cotton,' best 'colors, 35c. fOr 25. during Sale.- •' .Men's-rweed and Worsted Pants, great. range of sizes, and oualities.., PriceS are such 9pOrtuoiv.*Floot.,;.Rogs, Remember tha-Giea one Sairing Sale ends on Saturday; September 2nd. Come Early and get you sha.re.of themany Snap In .carpets All the, balance of our., CarpOts will be cletred out at reductions Of 15 -to 2O per cent during. this .$ale, and sonic- odds and ends at. =Oh lower priCes. Eyeort4irig.Cash.-or Oring..: Sake en a Sun, Medicine, and. left hie' horee in the sence -the animal soine manner der bone wag broken aitd the ani- •:•anil• was The'llorse wan' Only :three .,yearti Old and was Veri, vat; the. Ooderioti Star: A ailiZen. who bee been. longing for- the complettoo o the ,West Shore Railiway ,teIls Ali •Scar that he' W-"Sii-OVer the line a 'far north Kingsnridge • this wee fregressive prontiSing for ,early 'eorepletion .; and this: .Cpinion, he says gfreeting, withdrew the by v -Pin. L. Brodie, ,anti intreduCed a .neW :cop.., in .W,hiohLare soime.„_impoirt.asta changes. May' .1st, 1914, te set 'as Saltford," and a, clause'i,S, inserted 'to the effect that the .inuotcipality may resell powtr. in quantities' ef, to be stipPlied thd toWn cot 24 hour. basis, • for running the exist- ing' light • and powe'r plant; Jifer - 1900, "to guarantee, tthe bends, of the t 'Maitland :Power Coinpany was • - read tWiee and' will: alsa be given 19 . the 'electors 'on that. date. Tile -:iower jig .:shared by' people' all; the failed to donstr-oct their t' development plant, .and the agree -7 being, "so•ld .Gaderich ie., not bpurid to buy power ,Ircirm the'. God - as it jortV Lb be calleci,, bat 'are- •oPen,.to'.naake -the .best possible .bar.!,. According to the ;new by-law, the town, •silaY also.hold the Brodie' CO, 'Vitt When,. 91t wheit,..shall' We 'see th wheels go round. and be able ib take e.114 _ished4 4r ride•=en.the-firet ily The Star Would, like: an assurance a, nat. look that Way.' • : papers. Saylog that Itintail was now the "end. of the keel". Thst ted, if. such lower price 'he 'otioited by another. party.' 6.12otild 'the:Brodie Co, dedide not prOvide the current ,at the lower rate, the' agreement be- • miles- north of GOderibh. Workmen are building. a concrete bridge inthe hollow ,immedietely eolith of the vil- lage, and when that is corapleted the Ballasting is ComPieted as far 'up ' 'Ihiii-ifine:nittles. is Mille fit for piss-, idents along :rhe' lake shore read running. up and down the •,line, sits on the • lever side of the' cabt-: ,1.4s-firenikin„ when pot .8to.king, or' they ate allOwed to run prettY PALL PAIR :DATES Owing, to the •Dotuinion Pletiotis being held On Sept, 21se,- some of the 'iollowing-dateaare.likely to -ba changed Sept. 28, 29 Exeter 4 k Sept, 18, 19 Goderich . 18;16, 20 ettfottli. . 21i., 22 • We. have decided to ektend our Micl, Sal'e to Saturday; 2nd: ‘,. We have had a successful sale ,but have several lines which we. wish to dif, - _poSe of before -placing our Fall 'goods o.q.--- -the.shelves.. The bargains we are offert, K id,OxfordS, pat. toe cap,i regular $1.75 • Ladies', Choc.•Pumps and Oxfords, regular '$2.25 '341f.penn:sasriTyclaion2i50:Xi:dforBNdils:r1-6`v:Goo'0":'.dy.ey.ae.r:r.W. onie and pick while -the pickirig are offering. Try us for . Repairing. JOYATT:...SHP:g ?ST,Q.I1 - THE u HEM OtHI-BITION —OF 19.1.11 xlii.bitiOif 'Stb-e,L 7.- The best ever. Seed: -Euenud -FEATURES- , 'BIG DOG ,AND OAT SHOWS: FOUR SPLENbib .BANDS ' Reduced Rates' on all Railways... - Prize Lists, Entryi:And ,alts..taranfonm'atinn-froni for this Community. A.F0fiTyNE IN IT If lot' could place an ad in the • ,MoOn millianS of people would read it, Even then it would -only biv'aloahle • a few nights each month, whereas' a Want Ad In this, paper .while inore Jiinited particular locality every day in the year. , IYoung lad named Bobby Gloier, who, formerly resided in .WiartOno. was..arrested at Lake Charlea, in, iiharge tif 'wrongfully obtaining ey from. neigh„bore''of 'the Man for :whom he was working:This schinie Was to tell theint that his .employer • Walt q, paymeut biodeg . 'and was two .dollktrs short of /the required ai*ti tit. • In. tu eases the. 'farmers ibelieved the, bay and handed over the required :menet. The pria- TRELEAvEN .BCAUSE The Wheat is carefully Selectedr The Milling' Machinery is pedect.„, AND NP'6r37. 'hag of:our output is niilled to. quality and to Our Customers now say': "Not only as good a:4 the best, bat. better thaii the best". Try a bag and prove it. adturdat •