Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-10, Page 4W MON. �ft hurifty, AU 45 Whij, I'V I .4 INew Kom, C."'awco . .. ... ... CAP :"URQN NEWS recentl eeii plitqed and, counpoted i T The following how. Bell fh�oiios ha�o -EAT H 10%_ CIT -T gry Ry Ittraday Ido 7 Winghail r% ou. A. X Purnin, Oran RJ, Button, pho It .. dUQ to, Old Y W.'Conn6l, storor p, I . 4-4 former, !�d ��IL -per & bQY, Davidson:& Sono, 94 his Alcity MAWtOr gets. :All �AbW 41111114 No Yok Tiher candidak for ilJ.- Goo. Le.qo, To Wm.'� H I ell 0,111 hut- sYou, w( Wet Th' o57 thg work tiatit -a,deal- -to - aboof.- "Wheat. U -felect, -ot mOw ehetile .tch r iarantee the floor, Ctg�= of the wheat I'couldn't 9t. 4toll), 111,11: per ponpAriel Ill 4ddition'to tb(§.,% �e,� the followT 'We tie for first, itAsertion, 3c,por ling -foir. W no with' _IQU ?St WheAt.. AIR4 If t W VoMeAr frojp� Crejrft. of th take g on the. Ooderich Rural' sistent. now -a peoplP hink Pepsi I the''.thi each. tit whilit'-illt work In tuo ny A Crt")r niako g ;I, brepd I aelao A F6"r­t'IAeS t1t'Qf4 JiVe they are W nhava con u . .. I , _ 'f . . nectioti. with L eknow- On' 1. ltit* 19 Nird are'cha Jr. line, for first insert -ion, W. Struthers; M, �Be%to J b rged Ze i:ie oarO Xlew baok iron* a �Pa* it on d U I t And Se per line, for each subsequent fit Goo.. Roberf� ho ,faco; J, $00hers;. J. wobiteit jux on 0fie x1ghit'side "PC - t -it v bu t h4s.-,. Im our- Pepsixi ivill, dipst, eggs, me, c W afi sertion, regular Ad line, per -dk� oil St., e potatoes, ck p4. traet rate, mide known. ik n ox k(n so A,. Toyije; A) . MeDlAral'id; irmi R till titgll� 90 A apoli- 4, uarii McNq; A Murray; . has, been d. a U'tho u1niol _d, ur, gi�aranft catio, Vk I, fac- barif, od , , . .... ,ye- - I ftict'nibst F that,' P4WC 'the tr UK wheot flo 0 Donald., ?nsiqn� abd Alex J. Tq�.Jtlat tirt It. -11.1t doesi 'iafisiaetienti your hand'-. sef ii�14y advert enta his first injuiv;­thera. V6 flqvt 'give Y righ T very'Nig.,- nd chan es of; aft 'ti t t'be' gu own Finillkys9li, 1,66lialsh.. Dia tasl!�, is- -the- thin rante with g ver seniens,mus- 9- In the. pfliltero., hands " not Idter thao � It is reporto now* -thli.t., Hai -on your money' II4. ha" ,porpayo, d'' T -ru. Nyalls, D*y.,j),ep. a i Astas .p.iti. 'Mofiday. of the y�qq aing, A., wvd�dj,- wais flootitied' � n-� k for Q.ovqr,: tho Pwr �i, �kblets ar ende U 0 tiiuitlplav Xinl�� i Will t4k 107 .0 4 `14 k rd sofli6. - -'lit d i ell c r4ral ja Ttil)Wy,'and linect, llJg also cO lit, 'Ai A ARCIM nknaw at an car tl' * .zalmonds with his gun �IJ4,.Jpq. Ratt- eboth enbury _a. r T IV Ugh A04'W,.Ta L, . ... . i, � ack Eat Whaj lik 0 ive Po9r, Kw,: Woo "llorp, , _;� I ; or, now 6i S.1110Y JDG M Yj %(,I, and he s n S 111.4 the reoto OPOUT. I . . . . . 4 . .1, , J. . $- CLOGE. VAL �-Uliffqyo$'j NYO DYSP p.ia Tablets iAi 9TAX14L.W-ViSiti0g. ­wap� owlick- vifr _o gone,, Mends in Winglia Curing d recenitst(WW'Q at 47flavor-behind-it—The- x 0� 9 &— ...... ana-Mlie' Wilson, of ew 1 40 ILT tinlea charaotprjzed &thleiic insets. in' ouq fol%win the flash�he dashed a v1site& at;*. A. Wilkinon'b. aVail- (it willa 61ver .Itt,. extingaiishing. litirelk absent, and in, its 9tead�prqvail- IR 8 to, I 4 -and. -thus savino i;he oiklwiag, ana, A, thir.iy and fc;rt� siting: at her home 6n the 4th.: C6. tro.09 e agop wag X -i .Jane 1�win, of' Det it G NeWs 0 rm A '�4� quietness, a reso - for In -AgM 8bALDr,,D.--4 a . - be, lit, e, Ud 'tify., "e spent -40 Ben. and Mrs.- -.U4 dw0i' Olivet Epw9rth: �i -conspicuous is it eagu a daughMr Druggist.' *at gft '14 WAs. the diWore nee b, - e ing, the - boind o� J ths, had hir right arm sboiq �ovorfing'at, of-. M I!' ElirussL e. ave at all times lilies: Ogood's t, prices 'D W Walden, Tuesday, Aug. Ist, ed 4. few days ago The on Mother was -n tl tw e . 101old ittid the m�v more elearly avi handling to. pdt whi" -waa ful) pf hot. e ange 'of th 'reveale o Ulterest, t e e charltqrs.of t 'h' public, h 'ch t At i dthoinitt''the- he Miss 1-111stioni of 04el S, th pro- spe'Riding A pit, "i wit, er n IM�'stW-6, whe d home t U t Aden Ailt, Ohl*s- le 0 e. �ev vatation',at. e ge Opport nities. o'n. Ar6ss,'CaU`s1ng­ the, Asont-our--custorners. las�ie pulled her water to Cbing fdw nals of on the genera ion wer 4th sip -thus th�e wui�- a.C;h' 'Ve Y milli, whose. 'Jiiannei� god' lor'als, left. Miss'-Matid 'Wilkinson: i's visi in ge,�T. e. 11tItle one is.-geit ing 'al&g ..buy at Cleari rices. This r, .. , 1. * it* . , r low ng V, yea in dh6. fri d84 i rm mr, uch to b e t those on n. -Belgeave. I were, n i h;oz returned. to:. 3 .19 re tSo c -of th-6in,:..t1Je ver flowgr of.Canad d & 'Huron road, has 8) were x I a.s t Y 7 Winnipeg after sp6 -feak! of ng tute Ili, -the a. topq Thos, w t ian. lit _d 'riiiief, intelligent': e 1i her 04rens,.11 �pd Ail, ;ifi lai. ry. cc ing Y. ickelt :was 'hawhea v it w p t OU 4. U10 s, whose muscl6s.' 41 d' which.,has I!& wee ago. an_ B' rg%�nts,aa aiR. ever, �:as �all.-. o' s greater. t -.*er6 su"l r 1 entAry 0 he " ­AotL Itmr-Brow. li�and�sb wa, "trl s. . . . . . =Dffili 'ma prominent ee we, luol; W, r n'this vicirkit 1"Y Sea the one r --n 134,pins -StO in.Ail h _6,rk tC 'r;�_ano tC Te, W The -tw, -an "e -,W Deerin I el"Pake 'g �-B es ALM., W.r Me obby-11eir,-tho-fast i .0� ;.w U little IrS6 to tfiRr 2L clif1dren, o - Met, The.; ng's Thomas ino -Y. ............. y RAke tc who ws %�Grtjl 15 be 6'fo. said, �y qn A] 0 " . ' ' - 0- 'A. 4. 15 fo 'tL6 h4v9'( Oil 11 InIt Pt vool�. he ering ay S� i'oy Muslinej j* w6rth e I Y-, nT Tedder 10 to to, crea e n, cki�aoa thiin ily ot er 'man n 14y,. Aug A cents. for IL 21: d, Do 8 in, Frit, 4th,_ to e, ti er-jng�-­Hay,L­eader� td L n. Deen -in it.. rraoctleavy 7K I" 21P"Ultoi. a, :thirough su�rrouiiAih townships -Malool rf a 1,15'. to C.� A, Th Men' an. �ike tip fhe apple s4uatI9A..*As a red- able U�oia,,'bleached, I 61.00afor 85e. all,.of th -tire- Y AL 'd' A ii Doerth leip 'in indits bows. GotiWe,, Diago4al, all,wo6l. go.by .'61.00 for,450*'. . I a ies.in sport, h6ld Work ha bee' ervat.igns'' 'Ie sit, 40' it' tivi ap rt,fr6in'thet ac t. -N uh .b,'f his spe M6,1. for 25c. n.,bominonced oLa.. t c 'N L fl[,; 'S R.E01111b'kfore: h4 'Ief t I.;%dieso Coiton 650P P teiponsible pQAtions. th Q. � , * new,'clititch sl e V special, I 0 cen-ts. for 6.re _4� -J)L fo�'$ -th was- .0 -Th6- 'd G-- 4 7- 00 go, ............. ... .." .1 III 18" IS: 00 JB nav ser V L p L, p e :evaporator,there Xdr lain the*�best' sport s Always clean. as AN. I at of- apples d' Warrant, sport is not iieeessaiil 'othee than cl&tn at W ay youto d at i '6s in, Atio,tisi , Go.. x(ficient- ci�p witi e we /. . I - - I more Vhan 1.1vo oi. thi ti... -L ck w, under the atApi Uere,. in it no ces W ------ -0 . I ` * � "' L:: . : . . . . 1> e as�; all hd` rou on i ty, of, e e lia I Soc L the puillie . ..... .. ..... TC1 0 -,Butter, �aLtid, Egg� �pri�e e I dgdd to soe,, on e L year., the beat An 'LUN themselves gentlemen ST YE -Staff SPECIALl ices e fear t hive formal no% it 6th I r 0 as ip eYL T --ucknow-!s Ja­ -GL-- 7 wil 15e Att ll�r dhildren',%vittiessi, Pbunded, Yo R- I W: .;ON' L co nii6llp.cif CleQana 0 -C 7— ,l �rmgrong s -t; tit let that fadt, oft -bit 113. wee iberal suppoi ow cer ies to molftom, ar� 0 at r. orde th, sue rpceivi� sVi4ititio" Is r, of Miirdage Licenses. G'j Xi&S Mary A;bso ute moral, el V has return- rilines be once duly. U P#W .'-and., they 'WilL ed to a'lon visit"at,her: . Toronto. after. .9 15' jo TUESDAY,` AUG.'1, - ------ of Viii to -the youtil of 0'. thr .one home lots. edua'tive Anjittences of- the' -dines. .'red bew DAY. LY' p -y'g'u N -and, ean to ise er ili,A� Sw R i cir, Ma'ni an is on n �nary dealer,, H the *A`Y-hO"1d.-L '0V it 0 Aoixior bf Y In this iss A1iSii,CAFIWO1j Fl�jljeist6jj, iS:Vipl n lit tic, n ine appears e 0 ON&BANK ...I 1,4014 it tha" t I ie, o rj� i M0 PART)(Z.A�14 , . TH Urs:'We Would 1355! h-recontli Teel -O', I &L ' reprint of. i�_speac. deliviered, Ing I r...Ad1-_M_r&'- in. PrICOOPORA 777' -1 u n 11 h -merhomb-at' ruc '8 by M�- J,. J Do.ne y Against Ae.gipra- t jei -s th -B e eac lkl' giving 'I ed t to Nor- speouklyallies f6 eeks. 09W' h roe, of lit pupi -1 pass ra &w w t ig. a, '�qry odispeec And, will Th '410;00 to W .: -, go' 0, 000 000 I . L , a 'the Opposition, "'kil niia C do �n r :to Q I1) d �jVi it. pu4ji line (if' R... AN _T""eantinel .. . . 1, �j. ) ;d �: and eett 1*6, We Carr al Reserv6.­Fufi0 for, 09 i �t;! it; �ou $4,14Q0000. Y, Mitpgarct ODA, lid. ato" aPO woU L expect to be .4 - F�rt city, and ' Id 'Paid H.-MeDonaid. via Cin6ago Dul.u'ttli' .and oAl.,',014i CE IVU�'NT ET Prane'ds $18.00' additional leturnI119 444) Oo the saine rate" for.,.giving.: piiblic &ssas '�Y -to TIIOmas* 6, Dbw, Ot the All Ind -j oof ,'any.Liber o wggk wi kum. 3ec, -From Toronto to arA& e it te C at member Of x I' ''t 'Produ e W n d..,: S li 9-flic-arguine . , .. ­7�74fa. -80-B dl ­ll rguine -gAa-t- �a-n ran e -i an-ada,-,- S �- dial e wn. a jOL 66ilth in,t, nd returne Oiitar a vmce d, thereof; n 'all the'� Priftcipal� Cities. i4the' Wrl&7� d Pie,nda. . . - , - d .9n $tit; w its in be niadc. In a mai'ter which Us be- urday.afteenpoh.., L BA.NISING 13USINE 5, T'12ANSACTED,­ Aug I A GENitRA P.�fll ail' c L&Yen e �V I'M. L s -A -g .. A64, 01116,40 al)solutol A Ifirge htimber froin her 'A M -44 4101tliti olrocit in allu rd and tit& opposition. to, niar�. ga,mes n 'lei' rr, ne' onto. lilt, T'I )lie.) 8triti-fora. -B A 10 E, 0 A, 11 I E,P I ... — ­_ "'' 'N K", I T- r -Aid nt ra e and 7 P1 Y a q the Ti vdrtoik _'T U C N AwK I 6)th� 114-016 &�d tat- Intan should 9tat III "Vie but it d6e, ninK.' 4.8th Rogillicrit 111kid: w . 11 1 4 le0 14 wal a tttain circum. �o dtlie day, ..ion$ ili 011tario,'. 1 IZ16 ell -it of, dlkd� H. is a VIA 'Jo 0 M I 'TH. Matiaste Ill tie And one of:. the, 50 MCC AX, tt uglit- � - order. Tfia "edlieg f the '000� _tjL SOUttlAikipi0h. t6­-*1.'.IiL' it-' " 'f be Pi' lIx or to a ls',ft now to�, the PaAY proiss �h eY.T WX Tbey. � Mil Icaill� on thQ fivids, ,111(iteti! an(, jC j,. I O (into"Itkidolq NT the hope that, thof t, 'of 01illia alid ipfi I I, ituly, U R (Ione, Cilo BO geljt,)LVOtet,� to 010 I F401"A" the parts of VE f rout htly ES A iA till- in t1jo,evelli I' q, till fli .I lie driftv tholi'llowil T11614 Agent A Add ftona'ltobr, efum, $10 Oil isFollowinj)COlilidifloo , hs: nlown. it 'GOINGL DATES, 0 a404.1ow they, --------- ....... j-, L I, L" ' ' - ' . all eatlo6h on'ttil lines on '�duth of the Gratid Truni main INS AUOU III Ila -AU60ST 28th. il'U Une, Toronto.,to 4rnla. ineiii(ii 11' stations on.C.P,R. Toronto to it. IALL TUM yitk ............... Coolial Paid (to ........... $2,750,000 Ddrolt. andkgranch � U GlIC1011 Ifilb-offorialon from Guelph '.Reserve abol U -Flum,all ota onWuRA)1tuto1f%cm -k Jdairi bu Jell of CL1,4111 : -h- lidivilled ON' jith J.%, IELLIZ)Tt Ith fidi"Tt nto to Iincluding C.P.R. rints. 1161tO Calen r inousive. total Assets.4 ................ ....... -40401(10, , , 4 I � it, .-Adiii I I a , a rand Trqo h Jet no Vreit, ­11owif filpfuO T' dA JCL h 1 J1ttktJojj3*LJn ontarl oronto,and (it o AUGIM 164'7F.rolai Ca holl st. Orlwa and Scb CAll at tile Oftict!'Of tllv Voulk of- fraill. 'ONT-'. Sk 11 ill., AVG*jft,stsm-Frorn.�ffatatlons Toront 'Wieth Ontario. USr 28dir- 0 to North liny. inclusive and Veic.- I iltim and secure, it pass -Wok, I k is , it AUG Fjorn all, gtottlorn, Toro o and Mist in Ontario` alkol Quebec E"t of Itay. Our g ScPtigk. let, and aor� Ywige. Ale., Re lilt .. , 11 , I � ." i . I I - -_ - I R ol. ONE-Wilif SECONI�CLASS TICKUS: WILL BE SOLD TO WINN&EG,Onic We lltivd 4eparit' NT ONT, You cautiot to, AtiVe, too oLarly Tdfio 6. tdd by Uanft6b� 1110111th, for. two or 01,00 YO tk�voil. aori Albertit GovLem. ItIr lile _jJJJ(j tile .4aving.4 1114'entage lab6rer% on itrd*at at Winnipeg, pol 0 V is Nna -it 811011A.ND allot graile work WMA tnuill tation Will'bt turnl3ile<1 at %Vintilpeg I 'I In n d is jkt iA harteri6 -h� am need t of Mool.e. LJAW jjn(I lan Pacift'white J1011 for $j)e Ill SnUe Including litrancheii 'tit 'Of $1 �ba And outila is w A31111 for CiliChway,Wtiterea, 1114taAkatche%vall antrAlberta. tcd terchtit Paid Ott d6p0q) ill n6t, fvolirl�y ut1woll C � 11 . I - ftlI(I jOt A certificatei is frimisilz up�vf tWitt' plach ticket, and this cerli,&nto, who vear �$80, 1tivcAi,j4jtt.,, 411 tlliq filiy, toy, ii�ii' (le.411 the n executed b tamler tot 4(14 1111i6wing that, lotboter has wdrkeoi iltirty days or n yoof oritisfae.t secdad claw ticket badk to sL% 'oft will bit, honored front that on Int for, (Ir. �llortllalld rting NOts In On6rio: 1011,4k". 0 'Iter it are soddlohir no $1 8.00, Priot, to N(. 'por ami we In pil,11 im aild, oil' to i, polik -re W. 36th, 0frice:'l sIn Ott alwill IA%borrri trainq, Which *.Ill L be itit fwd, o �11' nl' eeis to'W "L'ng trit) In hbbilt,U h6ut To td litd bot. Catulbgn6 NOW,, MCU, as well'us to Yhon, but will not t>t ahalf tiue� in cbml*& foi. otirliallikooko Piurtic;dki at* nearest c.i,,k. 11t rIu _Rent, or *Hte- iY R. L. ThOatscirti. P.. A.,McLACHIN I.Itty 10 li4d ollerl, tI,qC 1i 81161111 princip itil W. 1,.K1zIj0T,P iJ. Nit ARMSTROW6 7