Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-10, Page 2� i- -�, IF � — . I -A�F- 7�7"F­r,­ -7-" �7 1 1 1 ­ 101- W114"rV 7 A., A 4,! RON, MERRY', -010t f IQLANO PT su 51M)t LTO A t BAKINGIM10 P11 Vi S I; T 1! �A,00 0 U. VA a I I 1h 1" Adbm M,4a, Ad C qe,, A M #0 T x dr A - \h frolia-`Ltlndo�.� 0 4t-lpll 04im,s thait,th'a, Ma,.acreq,­ r WPM: VJV Ayid, Y -.OAQ. .to, �w.:.e pqi, jil. - ws�c' �qu "wE A e s P a." e' L I T N N!l i;4 --proo W imp ll .nl- t pr9$ell" front - I Mil I ghioAj. At ,ye � .,A a,tf, thliv p Wle, c 0, b 'or ZQ 40*, -44, - *----, 6 . 1W .00 0%ER 2 MILLION PjiLt�AG L S SOL 11 VLEWL( Q, try .0 Q- know latqk ite,4, I$ -I ng a men POVOT What, b to, ijilt and ln�lutle,s, 41.9leh, , property., 4, aWay, Welell, 4a, 114 fleg V9 e -c�f, the yqj o of I I near. B r0'uWJi e t,�ioa4 9 0,04,00 Caleb R yra to' 099,40 Atuated.�WOP �110411 'Vviii h e 4, even ohick 0 ol,s were, r.gqer r,, es'at alis6 and afit-pr losing ,e ything MIS, 0'', . , , , . - . )?,d, I ANO, be' h RIEN Alilbibiqiiii�'%City.' whiell i! I 63VO 1011's ;I V Y7 0404ed by be hgo., .1, OVOKY, One, a FROM JS -Part, Of &� gr�nt, ma4e, .4j.- th 31 Of oilipt Oalel; In thO­ A!Otic'il, illip holdk�, Th e li�144op.,O t gr4n,, :Aer.o.is- th -b"d and: tiv�j� g,aut 64, caugp& t (p, fill, IL vtf, Xr, V d hajidqj BY, , 1,1114 V�.,.ma Of t. 146ad 1' 4ii. Poit 1b ' , g�sti -e 'at Ha;-,wiqk (II, W. e, 11 Ir 1414 'a lli,4, -at q� . .. � 6 . . . ­ .1� . -it., AwKs, Al, R- RAk. g'. -0 - I. . I A ARA - I '':,­ 1.0 .$ , , �qyqrg, . i CTS 1HE I BRAPH VQ W 1511 9 0. 101V�AIX6 u0ill hPaD if - pold fi4.��o oyo f L Ii.� RICES M, P60,000, ENS- .11 in kill tirs An ST Y ev N IN CA S r QV94 A r TH ya. lie, 4'09Q.- unk- a- otimmorel r e, III sit C W ALN Z r, RTS. l? R �Ppo#iog"4 11i 4h Silo �of 0 of rest, t shiw LOU 0 e; iy,l Jv cirted"At HaTe . No 0 vi, Equipi'' t 'thleir -VA A desp I frQm.Montre I s PIN Tho. Canadian. Nutionl Vi all hangi� 91 ays.,. s with of '191V-Plair y br site PI e.. t 'st it, 4r6s" fql;eJgn 1petrid, 'The propo Api of Co pal.; to eioas`� 64 fh' �take 'Tbn 041 -Aw of Du In Dop§ Vv,have, f,11q. q tir bl."' b "d fir to a' ho'I'l.'s Ce Al t sB un BREADS UFV$,- Competitor, in and the'b "d CANADA' road recen oy was isevt for tiendeirs !;, 'Per ie, RAQ lug took, place, at. �ba -ri -'; [i - -10!1- di AbroaA. . ..... ,cA, th&,Iatoat bein t:. "T'000 ai' P#L,,I,,,'e ea Amp. g,, AOrfin, in poonioctionk with )Uq AOW. strike. at the bleaching -w a of 1�1� iilet� -,aA two, of the fig ting.m Il' Toronto.,*, Aug -Winier. �wlieat, go Pei'' e. . n- w roops, in, un Jie me 4erq pfre, W.A. its cent,� Patents.: crel bUrned. �test fiteim' Pumps.. T-h'oy will i a- b -eak of siln to $3.36,: onreon,trQa s, poliulati-cin, is, n . ow t alIP03i ii 'ed all, the' va'rieid- unifur"nia of the 's 'Me! f,'t;h'e, briga. q. e.r7 tralkht, mallitob flours�klrli ents, w-aae, the td Pat ere $510; �:Becoild,patent�, $4,60 at 554,600 by'th -'lleY 111eq. he slim is. oil- the 0*cli e.,. f:.*eSsj.,, � - 11 , acett ati 'a sa ih� onP all -Liz —bi onto by, one bakers%, $4,40 o a .portion of'the !)like vio� and, i Gibson, & Co., obile-i lc� to- aul its tw t ei ne,ce�ssaTy 01 eVolfg 1) �Jcci '44 Air aY Ports; 'No :z at,99L% aud.No. r*,' th.e a llit�id­ -of- D--- 6 ile i adder umu.ile L j . one �.la t &I I one, au, ubigqk diti -at 97o. t Mul the 1,206, gallon steam Qoc� oht� U was, -tobbed'. o .4L -Ilis, hotel as een., f.e-. neerii'117 Barley�ighe e. Ho—Of o rd an' artist of h' omii li'r td 83Fa o tsid 1ean'with a pld sign't riii * ' . I isin side, alid'old at .0 .'Ernest '10 'Xa rkk,�k �r; The' aquatib events., '00 Onta:rio, z at, 79 to' 0, t , are.. im�' on his g twq int f s f6o tion ibu-in.e. matli With prices Hyshar ha et� is, u leaving Or Canadi tional �,�d6ht 4aces to' Bd.'�Pex! yn eight-,oare(j nominal. ­ eqn committed for as-6ccurred at IIS -77 sewo .,.rate side. for 116�,2, uAll L an On track. aVA2 06D au 0 1'OrQntO -'No 2 , i.e`�i caaVU, 6e� the h' p'' , R �ra" t h I 2d e ArgQ r!,,a fu J -r!'J "'A 'hundrid and..on6 ilescenda of Thbmaii -060. feet --- t Oai �,396': a orts. f $20,717 ;Qy c 0 whale een. 19,10- ar, iw h21,000 -of hose, Vie crack 1NTew Yorki Qon�-No. 9 icati,- :r6l: was never ill;i varry- feet 61 n life;, and I�Ay , C �U. �j a, s'ang etween I " 5, 'are left. -has itie" never t -and .70c, ojouto. wa;sh6d- ish6 I' b' le'sciill r a,'c e, : b P U 11.1 C P A plo�c�s I -The in rket � iiiiii, 'drank; intoxieating 1-i On 1'060 Stafesi, gallon W 7 , , I B -on, o Ica -YU-1,1110TAt-li -AftGallao, qo-vi,ji s eam d tlpr, -b John T quo b punik p, a:nd one. 800 MiU6 ampi f Amei and r n. y non itt Ike, a' e. of V, s� winner oOff, F, Kenora erilig, and-orice or. ie s bin Jrelght g nino of,'Dalk Stafes le d oii �'Jreduc bleik e are nominal, nAce -B.rit rail- anit q ni dd to tlie.se Toron -l" "Oro 109 CODA1C. n A 11 ... . In I t tonn tile: cdriia VAMPTY 0'1,1 &T; 23: ih While, VieWi tion iiii 'NEW �Ancl,mbto bab Pac lad S U to 0 ent, dei P" s an 01 Jia ly I .6flve �Days, cot tr6i hsber r ninatitins,' and\died a �lTe aer'eSL of is :e,�y in mQtian,'t i�6 ace, wi Y A .01 INVO rcti ex pre en -e Al." -e-vi LN re -1 Col H W. 0 the oe ii�fe een t Cf aeu ae -aitiL 9-A i, Vacancy:, in: I U­AY-A�LzV-01 . d' KV �01�­,%Yelan P, orre§�. g, A -A :V VWl T e er- r, 0; 1 % A and! q nort savp:­ Unles!s t ere t it ing IT 22 �s de no me Rule'' and', it 1. b Iva two' cons ar,.o r b B consult orpdratift hid, til the�-eletors'have, b B tre'aksh �bolllri t14 giwth .,of -t; er is 0.. 6c. II61weekls. 0 htr", "Ood hie — wIng new, linnami4l ts�r lb' ar thvhull Ve IL Lhe-� 11D cut-aib e -;--D, N.p -n ]all ro" in h ,6rikne t n w6rli, #4rj the'Riud n119sl nary. I, ng. a w t1ba .,a Pond V.. r Xiiinitin Nili 6ill ifudoubeidly, be'llAU61 -ad , 'brk is t.,j �egi n b teilday, folinki In 0 fariners b Ya P� ast Was formerly sp'6aker bf'N44 'L6g- t t'd This lie" w �Oxtotl U th" grain., wt rALY. a, at the. �Saskatclieii­a.n 79 und i u- tin IS ativei Ass in IS IM 0 n jt6ljoi.j, of w -n 3-A- o-*j.n JL W W eg- whiff In, ey. is c'. a poun in V-'Pottild ti 'E, 46om -V . , .:.14 1 I .. owtk�,� 0 elfast,iLi-660 1 - 013 a ad x1lill. 10 pound,. He. No. I' bikoney s;,qtibtcd w gpq, yli�e wtt`$2 to* $2'25'a, dozen.. I T A, r4be Ila war i3 was ell, n.. ber, of D "c REAYBR e in d eaths. olosfe quotations, avoraip o Ulgtefj- Arnattur,"r, B', nor -ii-illety-five $4.50. pi�r b rrouwrtnew potatoes out 606'd6'k-1,a:bo*i;er:�' �.r vatd es of he rring, "r' first prize, 66nsist;ng i. gil- - i , of Ovcr� 00, e 3,.- de. e r6in Chasio t -New-canadidn potatoeq,, uw pe rafi� r ik,e "at 'Londol)-j,- -]�-ilg-r- d X U - a il� . . 5 's. for -Piimes to. $2. Pell b: Which a lonal� Drum "and Flute- co; est y6ar Z�Ain nat f Th"and i.6 -n at imp alqt a v ty - edfly variety,� pccup;e, Gne* 'on Iitl.ia'n -picked...' ee y,, � �,�: 1, from orliand 4.1 t Which, took, placb'­� �at, a,nc -c pos, man,,Auefiiei� king s Q). tbe,, djgc()vL1r,d bN ])I,. � ? h un� e-� � a ird dak be- 111, . - ng and 'rcently ent. that from July .21.� to. d h s Regtt-a b�­Si Mail rice,. Fitz, twoJilontas foir,forg­ '60een . iseelding an eid hdL vie. chol 18 oyal.placixr� s, were d uly �.6 in6lu'si era; eaoes were jeLal 11 AOG I�ROIC06jTg. as� �go osted in ting, a 0, ege.. Oon- on r, ots. Pork., s or theft lace *n clek it I -2c per'ibi !it case 'a - -` , IT ne, I ;,Bac t cut., r -wirkc- a yic me., tim6 a] -has gi of e,, ui, )3 ViCe 1.6 tick d Five Irelan - �0� d-� p -r o v) IT c e�'- qj Hauis� e oung. e,6�'days. If theLnew an to 1V 1-26; -Ya '0 -3r, 00-�,qa Roll wen,not to in th Dn iefv whic OV -Vet �na 157 se and $18 '-deathsj 4 1 ffig tl�,aitle:,Aboui bil 4i xgcentli' callink eav� move -.a of. consur, o-n--tlle* 6a. s: W15 I -2c - to Is, 11.1 -2 -to 3 20c. ierce6 .—,1 4 —tubs, ITI-2c . �--Pails, t4endered.�ths, Sove4 as has �tlfls' 2 juaL& Th6polke.had ftp to fl�,e, P.aTO,imp, 00 essi�s and .64 t year he':: ievenuo the the�'placarda. re d4 de at fi.� Ac 'c mov farmers n ii h province. f, PIermp,, F atioti fe, 'i ay n 9 ane aN is th4Aatgest; in its, is orjr. suifa country provce 6 'B igade.' �equlp- on(. e ondo e een.U6' .1ast JKF ad ed, fivii, .. I YIT'F 'Uitom� r whea' 'UITRI) 9TATES MAIC TS. .-S TES. jny'ird6is C h6ar tho;dep�wat�er jetty: -tin tfi -other 8 ing 7., qasj, an the Cbunty�--Dciwn �Wel,oVth . 6 riv, . er 'r 4'3: des�ths., p ovince., of eary lint to' Aug. 8 e ilg` amo ed $14,955,'a' i 11-ithleapolis,. Whejt�-Scpt petrol- motoe hra lid r7-$'1:02 A $1.0T 7-8 -his tie h. $1'.02 14 - Ma $1.05 7-9 'to'; $1,06 Ofil iknta4le', long a fell'int6 the ater out of, ITY, UL petr( Y.4'. C escape.valis, 4',deaths - 'pro�:ince, of Camp it ctFi qand �o- h rd� I 3-8; 'No. 1 Northern.. '62 3-8 f t was drowne o $1.00 Me - m- d d No.XwhLiat, 97:3.8 t 'in the ieveinngi�'H, six irl-tilb boun ties ill ee'- a P Itil 0 1� I b nd. 2 0 1.� Ossitato� Ffr;e T I rk-,* AO'ord­ 41q1, P No. 3 C ince­of;,Chs�crta,� 0 cases' antl 14. 40 to'40.1,2c. No� 2 re,'75 to 79.1-2c*., Bran aftoi� the ificillest on ',$20.50 to $21. - Fl6tti-Fir§t 'patents ­$5.10 ad' d a ge,L inere s, e olie.force.., th' BelkaA Train t orn, 63q. No. 1 white 6ats,,, Ajiamcar jumpe� -the 'track yea-r'of I)uildiee e way Sys em, near Fig re,4., Afar D his N�He­ w-wlwix.��suffopatc at 4 IDOO to. 10- sco.6nd Patefitg, '$4.6D, --to $4.85- 1 I Wore GIengorm6N',',' 'and teakiiig- down the'- k. Say -9,',,' first clears, $3A a el. 6f rst-, 4a.§s .3 and ;'A tleispatch f rbin Yeiv: 5 to second clears' Kre, a man ri ied- J, ()me" .,$2.45 to- $2,65. -1. : 1 .1 .'B If I a ­13pring. wloat—N6 ive Y tea e -s. -an a Noilthearon',- earloads, rs,tOro.- sixo7i.ze - win jjl�. - t(Vin: 1a' rU 341 reetsttuck. Amp.pcitt with.such 1014- e�117 -lip V one was iur , ;:� tbr-,- 2, -corn sc 'Augumt 1, allor4 ing to; u', )r .Ore. thia-4 �69c, No 4 w d d ble' 'e' x'p'e Ad I t'u- r 6, Till bne',ai tji�oj t t n. 114S' it, forc& to b k th", t k cit nle 3, W lietl o9e& t th 1gr pas fiyq-O ii+&ai N97 r6di o �rel' the ht it I lae. white, 90c, -��No State- pas%. ish, has' orn.,;66 34c, all* 'iving ea, .0, 0,00 pt yellow, bl, 11, addiiig.' P.9 ir la.r.661r. -intimatetl'to the tiusteie'�s'of & Me- pi e Heaj,t', yelfo�v,,64 I -4e:-,, No. 3 c, ()it the fai,nier�! I re. G r ovi the inclu st-a�. t red b3 e A 'Do I ., s� . 41c i a I tl1A k..throu h billbd. , OM4-No. Magee Th. V5 tlla� C 2 S, Nb. 4�,v��hit6. 40c. College, Lbn4c ent� �h� Ai. st*.t i ino' fo r .,many years 4;0, � No. It6eth, .13. E, Al his wife, ing. are a th I e in 1preelairi I out':230106 ap k �f eyr t1ke' na 4.,s. i,mmigra ion gr lisp KET,4.- a, is 'to, 61 ow a04� West 'a t LIVE I . -0-; -'e's-e-n-t 25,0Q0jo in -t- o, lit again two- I 'd It ad� had, tv', e kl�' N OJL I e ill t.] 'onlh of toher 6rofh�r's �mejn- Ye ti, I . p'l "Afoutr6al. of 'Steers pre ON 'fo 191-0-,�Vas antqqnce, s.how a Tuade At:prices r ig frour`$4,50, to �,5:00� �ading p ah,"s i4 0 to til 'it "Comity ocoMrs; at-fronk, from ex- n rl�� C, e'. ine ading hid'ilaine TT e s',. censu, at X! Viiited 100 --texided' -�3!5 nd bulls',at. title f. ."the =J,nst 34"482 .for Ull la -q ar,\a-w per., ah& 4 cent., increaze 'Of 3' 1-40 to 4c, 1 nibs 3 1. �c Bell to bq 100 1 b!3. dal'yes abotit qtea Y an'd s- le.4 C ;�cts 1. 1 d �Jjkbjj In sugi heme tor, tli OV at - 'D STROY Dunl� A h1a's. takch. t -,u tfi�e,.Wldeuing 6 J�iii' S Plum came were made at front $2.50' to $0 �Rchl as- 0 1', g f pe6'pI6',fr6m.'the 4in' and q'qalitk., The*11larliN. for'liogs "nst. h4 agai i lian d T—st''Ord Vnited $t�t'Os' IOV-6d lcft�s le weights were 'made -at froul - $5.76� to, $6 waf; weakeri-and sales of mix' 11 �n U alinhi-bita: e ted �Mr tr nm 1lb aiiibii 074060. The oldest' nia.16 iad�Opiuin or AlcohoL.,- e,. Hafidred. B.0.1-Hes Conli et al- dly :c 1880 300' on the ligikreq p i We7cwts- din V ur 411 .6in P6 ru pine,. says �-ear llnpoi�rted, N. despatch fl AE111 na at.tfie, Ali P0 AT, DE t is propose to, &ect, an iron. Present ThOmen't i Three 1bund ottjos:. -of ., cokAs says at) ii QT. IV IVA R.1 V1, 6 e Lillidow- Pos ! . , . . . I I ;�ho �fiolds a -filgh ,cattd, jVITiSk W re Jestroy,�4' 6 ill. rai, Ing. plac of the.. tono orai, 15 1 I . M�, . I I � I . I . ''.1 'a sh ac -q, nach d --ven- - a�- 4V 0.1 ver -Exper"tiff a, In. E e6pl; Lt Dd, h' if I I C-- jupany. rg. nizew --TheyA) -h�-rlaad-hs-o -&Px-Ig-ox-- e I �n.c n, i a f ro A -a -n Faerli to th t IMe-! 1�0' wliich.�obviousl` . to . h l�qob fo r -F nsnges y it q1ling- I i4u 0 r tT a 0 es, V W, Q ed, Districts Boara for Dre -fi-K-Uh—an-Cl it Out ad ..,be] Y -T m, - i elared tli&t this Wee.dy,nj Pst� 'etters and �Atyle 'virng. or a IZOA or.t -pogteirds Ntilb be: a, I an oPiu e MCA fko (v a f, 1) In ,Lon" kon, e-kee,j) U n g th 6 �V, a te r ll tl' sdlc( - bikil k i 1) pd for thb er near futtlie. -t of - don if) IC Gllgg6llleirWs t e plac6.Of inlng . mpany, c. f ce which, ;thd orities E t. his.a. now mi'lliork 'ecU I, ci t M4� d n J ti -q— -- - - itap;In 6fili'al'i on IV) I bi�&n b)fimciil, by- n0 -t 41,Psinis havin? OpIlmi. nd:1 �an easily-: The u'p,ittin cion- n oAlle toll of clAi a oli -at vices, 11 i-enti6n e 46466UA i A sploIntille invt,stigation, f if' ii: el rj ie on66 da.liget which thteatenq 11 t a .(,I �ivhicfl of,the'�flo.Tmal per� ;tjl� . i 0 W n ia,s rp b& in, the'ptoductioni' China absollitely, Ing fik, fevoe chart, WV od 037 P 'TWAtony S. truct res: Ttcaago in, 118 gidl 'P take e 00, 00f sho, almost �.7 � !,p I "h,) #�tllelesq 'it is lie Itts't t t r it' di th ing qua T), hTern 'll tC sP Oj Ili e I g C IT, )c Use( am k, N Ma R 'I Old St 10 IT 'a, dil(nk, ail,.' -be ar r aMall, lor Nvoiiati t etiros, at fidur, 'which boile, 4.10 oAader.6' A hd 3ol n ) 0.4 i, s, t va i ni A 6f 91poti and t liob 6cn, al& t tec') 10 ill I') lion - 'et �whctho'li ON N 0 U 11) 10* ! 1. n q t'llut tile -k 11) epo'Se Jhotca8e grftL( tially chiot Ton 11ve in I sfite. At,- th e n'Witi I ­ - � - ''. I IT �l 14 - o. t4jo of t 'j3r top in lly w par- c i caits6d'- b� 9 ie, 011- (Whadian nir Ifi-Itigh I bedonled, v -l'y Timn. IOU ig tile htteqidoli .6f s, ter. anttInit iockkiii of f' ti heIto begirk's 'to deadaet� 'slightly, and, f, lev III, as It Wtil I'd have" been ainC o tj,o Im 0, uM It dikingert, um0 ast t As of h W. R'. mall -grm wo" 6 kod 19 'ightly, sej 1 rh bi rig, , (11 g,�� i 11110,6& til NI I " I lie `&t �k -along .,Sll jj tot, 'to, inn. 61 fit t�,6, 0011.16 bon H aq �Inok asn.t.8. were Ili' ound 68P, kin I gtad,* 0 t r: and it EL a r'T Who t 6 re tho noritiM p�v- oio .4 11A will 0,61t, *h* to VI JW,l "L to� ie h Will be - o all l4u