Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-08-03, Page 1t_sit , ' VOL. XXXVU— LUOKNOWP 9N1140U0p• :TRITASDATI.. AUS.8 1911: LOCAL AND GENERAL . John Newton returned from Toronto on SaturdaY, 1 A large intinhor of • people -went. -to Kincardine on the 27th, Miss May Rahiek of. Toronto, is visiting at her home here. Ask for a copy of the Official Pro: gramme ,of sports on Celedonian Day. • Miss Mary ‘West' of Winghani, is spending a few day s with friends here. Mr, Gordon Johnston Of Clinton, is -eliending his vacation at his lioine here. Mys.'Tiffin waif at Erin, last meek attending the funeral of her.sister,, Mrs. Wilson,' • • • . ;Miss Margaret E, Crawford, Of Win niPegi is visitingher untsin, Mrs.:A. E. Durum. • . . ' Hyslop Bicycles at. Dr. §pancet,s Drug Rev.,•W: L. Armitageand family Pketton, ate-NiiiithinVith-tligioriners . parents here. 0 ,- • - • MisSes fly and Marion Smith retnin- • edto-Parisrafter-spe,nding at their home here. . Mrs: .Alfied E. Ritchie, and daughter, of Windsor, are visiting friendein Ask - field and vicinity.„ • • : • • Mrs. R. Ball and ,801111,088t of. Wind; - ser, -and .Miss Greer of Detroit; returned 'home on Saturday. • According to the figures of the camps ' 'takers for Port 'Elgin the foie has a population' of 1,246. , • Two: gallons American Coal ' 011 for 25c. at Tate's.' . , W. B. Ritchie, son Clare; and &ugh, ter Joy Of Walkerville, are . Visiting friends in Ashfield..' Owen 'Sound's population is n -ow • 12,500, an. increase, of fifty. per tent Since the 19.st census ,in 1901 , . • Miss Dahlia Graben of Toronto, is 'spendinge; IeVweek-hiltW her patents; .1) -Mrs. Webeter and Mis,. Anderson re-' 1-turned-from---Moinit,Clemens, Mich., -en', Saturday, mweh imp-mied kr-health. • .- Mist Margaret Keikle!of Mount For est, and Robert Pain of : Heipler, are Visiting Mr. and Mrs. Rev J. • S. Dun • ' A. H. ,Boyd and D. Ma ough will attend Grand Lodge of the 1. 0. 0: Which :Meets at Niagara Falls 'nex week. Eldon 11. Siddall, of Winnipeg,who recently,' it will be'retnembered, wnri' tlita Rhoda sokilarship,-. is at present •• visiting his parents' here.• , Mr. and Mrs. Martin oct two child-. , reirof Chicago, returned to their home after_spendings. couple Of. weeks with W. and Mrs. D, Huston. . • Miss ,D9113t Henderson returned.._*,, • Detroit On Saturday after spending her .vacation at her home' here. She was alcompaitied by her, 'Mother. • • • Dr. Brown Eye, -Ear, No*, . and _ O Throat, will be.at Cain Hotel,Lucknow, • ..Angust 7th. Hours 6 a: m. to 7 p: m. ,,Eyea tested and Gla,sseifi Supplied; O . Miss Maud Richardson of Fl. sherton, ' late Art Teacher at.AEF-1., a . o lege; St. Thomas, is spending a week Or • -so with her sister; Mrs. Frank Tate. • Andrew McManus of Lucknow, who • hitslieen..empfdyfiUolinkeye ▪ at .' Kincardine,. is sufferingfrom the' effects of a paralytic'8ttpke1118tItitt&L• • Get nur visiting carda Printed. You '- can't write your name on them So -Weep liaudsatiefactarilySke_samPles and. get •prices .at any stationery store in Liicknow, Or at the Sentinel office .The • members' of .Lucktioyy,' Lodge ...No, 122, I, O. O. E.yaro kindly request- ed tonmet.in their Lodge room on Fri- day evening, Aug. 4th, at 8' o'clock as business of importance is to be transact - .01 , who hi ye- been visiting -a -the Wines' OE A. T. Davison. Will .Daidson'1 , turned to their •hotne Toronte on' Sat- urday,- aceompamed by Mrs. A. t.'``DiCy- . ken./ Dr. Ovens, LOndon; Surgeon; Eye, ear , nose and throat; will be, at the Cain . I. Aaron Bennett has disposed of 'his intereSt-ia.the-Express-business-here-to Ab. Milson. He wilt spend a short time in Auburn, and expects eventually to go west. : Mr. Brannan, an Old Lucknow boy,. now in the employ of the' Merchants' Rubber Company, of Montreal, ;is, visitor in town. He game :the :Sentinel a pleasant call this week. Mr and Mrs. Samuel Weis, of , De- troit, have been visaing. the 'fOrmer's brother-in-law, Mr. W. W. Hill,her, during the past ,week. They ,will ;re- turn to Detroit in the near:future. ' Lucknow'S Civic Holiday will be held on ;Friday next. Cheap railway,' rates obtain to Kincardine on that date. In consideration of 'LucknoW's taking adVantage:of that, fact. Kincardine ••will: declare its Civic Holiday • for Ilenday next-Litcknow's Caledonian -1)4.1., • , The.belit 'prograinnie Of sports ever : put QP in Western Ontario ---that is :..what-tehe-.inanaeemeut- Promises -40r Lucknow Caledanian Games,- this year; and the pronitie•Will'be fulfitted.• .0yer three thousandsdollars will be expended -in-securing-atheletes7and-attreetions. The monthly meeting Of the Women's Institute will be held on Friday, Aug., I ith.; at half past 2 o'clock, at the home of Mrs. Walter Horn,Stauffer St. It is expected that Miss G. Grey of .To- rontoLylin_has been for some years as- sociated with the will be present and. giveOnto_ of her experience. 'There is alsot�to be a competition on Darning and the usual program, Visit- ors welcome. 1 ; • •• . A fisherman -succeeded in Stealing a . . goose froni-a- farnihouse-by-trailing. -his fishing line along the ground in sight, of the **goose. ° The goose, seeing the. worm, bit at it and got caught by the .hook. When caught the. //man ran, pulling bird after' hifn., The 'bird, by flapping her wings, . alarmed . the ,faini- er!awife who cainenut-tOthe gate,and - ., • ng-Ake.ina - be. afraid my good man; •she won't touch ye ? 1t_i_stannot• inced that -.the 0. T.'R. will adopt in the near 'future' the des- patching Of trains by telephone over its entire system, 'displacing the tel& graph for this purpose. The .company has had two telephone circuits in opera - Oen du *ngthe pasteighteen menths,' ilo ale have given entire -satisfaction. These circuits embrace -the northern diw isicon, with one despatcher, front North. Parkdale to Burlington .. Junction via . Allendale;:adistance of 140 Miles; , and the division: from- Allendale to North',_ 'Bay, a distance of 165 miles,: with cone despatcher. ,,,Ing,CANADIAg MAGAZINE for .Atignst contains an article 14 Professor Ire A., MacKay, entitled -"Canada- Not Independent," Which is a reply -to an ar- ticle in the Same magazine by John' S. antitled-----."Cananiaii",--•Didepen- dence." Professor MacKay Makes 7 strong case. 'against' independence, "Saints and Sinngglers" is the title of a harming sketch,bill.-M.2,1ClarkLof wanting tour in Cornwall. Louise Hay- erBireha1l givesa novel impression .of London, under the title "A City Of A;i:reams.'7-0the-' rtieles--Of4-"eiteelle- rnerit_are cm and Iler by Emily P. Weaver- "The Passing of the Sailing Ship,! by Chandos St. jehn. Brenon;"t'ePe's-F011ir,"-,--by---A. Wylie L.Malanri;..55eiglieur.L.J,,uli urine; by Sipko-Erannis'Rederus,-and'Tormer Land=marks. of Toronto," by xo; F�r- syth Grant. There are some excellent short stories by A. Clark Mcdurdy, FriikPuckiJNuiia E. Bacon, afid St. Clair Moor, all Canadian Writers. • -/VIIhnitil , MiniY young Men And women would. lite to get good positions in the business - _World, but cannoti,...o_wing practical editeetion.: One* school that places may of its graduates ,in • good positions is the Elliott Business 'Collage -4.-House 4.aicknow; on the following dates:. Aug. 17; Sept. 14; Oct. 12; NCV.:9; INC: 7. Eyes tested and glasses -properlyfitt- ad, Ore- • * ' Caledonian Day; Monday August 7. Greater and grander Ga.nies than ever. Best atheletes in Canada, and attract: ` -ions -ceding a fortune :to secure. . See big posters with "Donald Dinnie" on them novVettt, • • - Tie 'bort Minter Of Kincardine was in town on Saturday. He moves about the„countri' in.,A.little Gasoline run- about, which Seems to be one of the s handiest *little machines, for. a busy *ian whose buiiiness takes him out of town, that we have seen. ' Last'amotig the fifty:one pieces to be • arranged' for the fire*Orks display at the Lucknow Caledonian (lames this year ' will be a portrait, 20 x 20 feet .square, of King George the .5th., in natural colors. That alone will 1.3e Werth the price Of admission. ,brpgeurtoti and John --:Hildred.: left LucknoW . On Wednesday morning on :the commencement of alrip to the, old country. They will probably visit ,the • • continent alsci, During the doetor's ab- Of -Toronto; Write tO the Colkge for a Catalegne. It is sure to intereSt any anibitieus young !nenor woinan. Church 'Mika • Rey: and Mrs. J, S. .DnuOn returned to Lucknow this' week „ A Meeting Of the LiteknOw liranch of the Upper Canada Bible Societiwill be held in the.Methodiat Church here on 'Wednesday evening,," Anal* 9 Rev., Mr. Ferkteptetetittitiv4 of the :Society, will be present and will give a lecture, on a Trip through 'Canada. with Ole Bible .Seciety,., illustrated with • Lime light views, 9iilt the Joh The Walkerton rieritld reports ' that Mr. George Hudson, who has been Ed- •itor of the Telegeope for the last year, . haSquut th:eleb and intendeptirehasing. a paper in the Niagara Peninsula. Mr.. •Hudson, Says the Herald, is- a, geed newspaPerdnan alt;traYs*lias his Sart, to • Bence Ina practice be in the :hands 'the P>tind and a 004 II9.96 for nmvs. ‘‘ Of his son, Alfred, who Is (pike Capable' 'He will Make things, brighter , wherever o faking tare ot ie goes., The Mail and Empire (Conservative) td iffir-weerthat, ,I73-.7.13efinelly made ' ono of the best SPeeches • ozreeinroeitY delivered at that particular ses.iion. • Pate Extended • , TO give an opponunity t� farmers -.mho have been' bust a the haying and harvest for SQU10 weeks past, Mendelsohn kBfitziitein have extend, ed the date of the •closing of ' their ; Prize .Sale ,until Sept 15th, .Tnis change, will be announced in their Iregl.•!LELAL-4.. ex,t Week. ' Procilimafidn Aceorclanee with Aigned . . . .petitioh of the eitiien'S of LtieknoW for a Hohday, 1 hereby .proclaim Friday, • Aug. 4th 19IiaaQivie , Holiday for, the Village of I,Aucknow, and .'request that all •citizens govern themselves ,ac: c -dor the S: 0. S. Celebration -in., ICiricirdine,. cheap . Railway Rales will 'obtain th harthWfirtirinr-arMing anenjoyable outing by the shore of Lake Huron. M. Mrrounix,•Reeve. Caledaelee Sentinels Lucknow's- ,--efilirklon um , be .111dxt Monday.. 'Next week ,the Sentinel will contain. -A-Jun.-Write up . Oftthesa number of extra Copies will be print-, to-seett re--Any- of thoeSe Will 'kindly 1,C4Ne. their 'orders 'onCe. Price, mailed *to any -ad- dress; 2 Copies for 5 Cents,' • • • Geo. Goulding COMing• , • Word has --been -Setit? , Union Sunday :School Exeursioe Ibe bnnday, Schools of Lucknow, Wfil hold their Annual Pienic to eardine;en Angust IethWill connect with the epursion train frdm. 13russels 0-9,0101•141. Further partictilars. will :Ale ainiounced Wier inAL: 4 , Sarfila‘Detifilt Excursion. .; Annual 1 0, .0. 141. excursion to. Sarnia. And Detroit will be :inn on Saturday, Augost 5th Train. leayps Lucknew '6,03 a m, Return fare. to. $2 1 M Frm Sa'rnia to De', treit•PernuOlificient.stearner moo", at 'low return fare of 75 ents. 'this Williirord an exCellent outing . and ari Opportunity Or, ecnrsionistki to -spent und.ay.-in Detroit. ' stnrat It , • • RecentlitLehentinelliafLa.Ps*raPhr taken from the Harristoh •Rerlews- narrating the exploits of a rat on a high wire: CuriouslY.enough, Mrs. Thomas ebs er of picknow, was in Jlerriston abbot that time, and was a,,n.eYe witness of the rat's performaneeel„ people, at the time, were: much bent on throw mg ifornka, and, the prairie' provinces ei 'stones at the rat end otherwise' annoy- Cnbada, A 'fact deserving special men- . THEIR 'GOLDEN WEDDING Whe, Owned the Bottle? ayor eo. tton isa ways r,eQy to shake hands 'With his frIend One day last week bewas eirgagedin a hand-. shaking round at the G. T, E. station, when l�! -horrible catastrophe -there WA .annuili;_inia_abett!O-jf._booze fell to.the platform.'-q‘he bottle was broken, and the liquid ifivigonttor. soon vanish- ed.. 'Of convict everybodi _denied ownsrshin, and, 'We. ,,are tolerablY,. the thing did not fall ficnn. the :mayor's pooket;.yet'soine crities will ay that. • if he . had not : commenced the. lianu- abeke, the stimulator would surely ..heye 'eased :a ark ,.:spot not.-- far •• off. Mayers; like editors, oe blamed' 'When they do net deserve ,it.---Winghatp Ad- vance:- ' • • • - • . Mr, and Mis. Wm, Davison hnVe beet! Fifty " Years „Marled. , At Mount 'Pleasant Vairn • ,on• the , 2nd concession ,of Klaloss,was a edo- 'itedT presence ,of a large niimbei• of friends and relatives, tbe fiftieth anniversary of the marriage of Mr. and•Birs. Wm, Dawson, At five o'clock in the eve.-. • • ping, :the guests, gura.beritni about 65, Sat( down to a sutupiluous, dinner at tables• speCially ereeted for .the -oc- • . cosign on the lawn.: After justicahad . ben done., to the good1thinks, served; the Cha.irMan Of the,:gaitherhig,• Aix DaWson;._Calited atneuZiter.._ Xessra., 3/fact:gamin mad MicEaohern, cind, • ochers, by Whom short addresses were to -.the: Ve4e.r.413.19 eftuDic 0.4.entted. the speeohmaking, the • chairman ,as- siace,c1 by. Artr. Igeli:ay, read' a large Ihea-ofr-Conartrralutory lerrere-ren telegrams addressed o Afr and iirs c • • Davi-son' from relatives and friends in England, Seiit1and, he state .of Cai- 4ng-i1ixk1-but that' has Pow' been f orbidT den. The Review makes the_following, further reicienee: : "The "Acrobatic Rat" performed on. thetgeetric Wire before. some 200--eii; thustastia Spectators. on Monday; even. . Lion. on an occasion` of this kind wai .t•hat .one tho bridesmaifis ofligy years go,Mfrs Janes Crowstn,, w49 is enjoying bes of he.ailth,• Was --present and able. ie take, part in the, Lost..,.• „ Traielnow courileof -weeks ago, sdniewhere•betweefi the 'Cain House and Carnegie Library; a black .velvet Hand Bag. Finder please leave at Sentinel Xiffice Single Copies 3. cent.% • :Ws recemnieziditegine 'Watches 'becainio.•we `be&Ve tbeni to. he ,.the 1304 ' stock,• offers," a . wide,assortment of ' ' Reg 4, WatellieS Come in and "te watch" with US; it will not ebli ate buying and may profit you ueh, 'We •-.1411 explain what cons 't - lts tinie'von owned a .11:tights We wilt shii'w you the one best ' suited to •our re uirements. Teacher Wanted F. T. ARMSTRAN kinlosi. Salary $500. Duties to cam- „ -j°EW:cliaEIRRAeNgil?PaWrAn:C#InAtikil,:. A Qualified Teacher, for S. S. No, 7, mence August 21st. Apply to • Ar,EX. 14cknovv. • 17-8-1). • • Warned O celebra t ion , Boys to. pull flax_=to start Safinday, :Jul • 29 ' 'Apply to W. Holtne's • 1.. . . 4ucknoiv• mg,and stttnts, iiier • -ds-s*ing Jronf; tlie••• wire suspentle'cl by his tail and,cliewing itiouthfula,p1 Dry - den's Manitoba, No. i,hard wheat, sitt- ing:up on the wire on his hind legs 'and combingwith MS :front_ 11 The sing---1-tem ,on- the-pragram O was a vre.sentat'iou t ttte bride said groom,:hy:thirfaruili, of a parsact: gold, and other uunieroui and' uable gifts by relatives and„ friends:. was_pre"Seni '---WiL11--th.e11/!-s—an4. rendered sev'e-rait anadei---Who-wei4present-st----the---eale7, dorlian:V:I.aines 'here last year, Will be present again this year,. to compete with. McDonald. This . Piece of -tmexpected,goeclluskras,only rarely, ,outside of the big sporting centres, can . • , two. such limn be seen in competition'. . Starts Pabit Farm_ • A ntan named. LOrighurst who Owns 10 acres Of land in Shncoe County, is starting-a-rehbit hatchery nrithe:proper- ty. Several .cratesOf rabbits have .been shipped :tip from Toronto... They includ- ed .cottontails, Bolgiaiis, white, )441_ - • 7 long-eared, 774 Pretty. nearly eVerAli gi ...that has.. beeninvented in the *piny line. In the Matter of large families the rabbit takes offhiS, hat' to -.,,but-one-TeeniKtitaa-g,uinea pig7- and.,14r.-LongharSt; exPectS that. -before fell he will he shipping rabbits to ye- rola° by the; car -load. .4Vinghtini_0irlAtes-Ol-n5rte , Edith Jarvis twelve:`Yettrs of age, and' second eldest daughtersf R. Jarvis, the leader ef.the Salvetien ArtnY band; is Wingham-,, -on ---,Monday; On 'Diagonal street' Somennen were loading 111) Ir‘r. Gray's dray when, for some. 'O.:- -acconiaMb1-6-1--eaion,-.the -11Orses "took . fright,--and,-,-runiting-7-np-oirtne--si 5 - walk; knocked deWn the little- girl.- . The heavy dray pass(id.Over her 13:Zody.. She was imnieiliately carried to the 'of- fice of Dr. -Agnew and later Ad her hOme. She'•reniain'eC1 in'an -unconscioue condi- tion.until about two o'clock in the after- noon. At the time Of, Sid' accident- the little girl-Was-wneeling4 baby- carriage cofltninjng •her .baby..,brothet;- but ..tke . baby escaped unhurt. It is :likely that int fruitiest will .be held to empire into , the'derith of the little girl. • if A Orem Chance fOr Newsboys • Tivo bOys'iti this town, who are •hust- have an oPPortunity, to take in the rot Taronto Exhibition for nothing. -- besides earning some additional Money without.inaletroublei, by simply selling and .securing orderalor,the Special' Ex- hibition Number' 'of "Exhibition Illus. trateu at 5c. per; copy. This`benutiful * paper is one Of the inany attractive• -fed - tures of this big Millet Fair, It is, 'filled with the most.attraotiee and viyid views that .can be Possibly. Obtained. of ,aII the. Inteosting . features on the grounds: it will be flhled with;informi- tion.of greet value to the :visitor which can be gotten in no other form-. Every visitor to the Exhibition will Walt a copy. Every otio 'interested in what is going on in the world will want a copy: Many Will Went et:Ties to send te friends. abroad. ; The sale of this unique. paper will be very easy, arid two of the '; hut - ling boys of this town ari3 .going to ' be lucky .enough to acetic° 'the 'local Money, If you are one of them, write at once to ,Exhibition I11tistrate4; Saturday Enildingt.Totefito, for full particulars. r ,-Gaines this year-z•and.-who is not ...go- ing?-will.be treated to some raze at tractions:. EVidently the management tait ;astray ita protbises. In the aftertieen s special display of Japanese Day fireworks Will be given, Compris ing rockets which: go Up to enormous distances; explode, and send 'figuli-OS in the shape -of mem and eriiinale iloat- iiig off into, spaee,,„ The evening dis- play Will-coinprise, besides special 'Seta' -never before shown, ,a series ; of Cor- onation figures identical_ in quality and character with those to be-shoWn; it-toronto Exhibition. Greatest at- traction of all will be the ,Japanese: acrobats. At. d price nev-gFr-vbfie ;paid outsiclisof the big 'cities , these have . been engaged, 0,nd will give, they. pronuiso ;L prograrnma-bettet several. hundred dollars, than ,anY ever put on by them in Onto,rie. DIED GJIIEI1 :---In•Detm;nit on Tuesday, August 1St., :1911 , 3liss g•fith• R: Greer, in her 3311. ycar. 1uneral'-iom-.the-4esidence- of her-brbther,-',, ,Melyin, Greer, LneknOw, at 3 • o'clock p. iti., on Thiu-sday, August S0,19117: . . • 44> O '0.1::0...00.t71,DIN'Cf 0• hainpion Walker. of ' the World, who be in LucknoW and will compete witli'MoDonald, next Monday, caledon. lan •Day. , • ' THE ORKERTIri"q .1-i-otancl. Lot tor Salp 011 Havelock street', north. _in Luck - 'no*, ',Good cement Houak,1,8 acre of _ land, good stable, well and: celiar, AR- -ply. to W. Stlinnv, 10 8p. JAI:know. ; Members ' of the.. • family , present: were:, Mr. • ,and Mrs J. iks' Dawson, - ---oC"WaliWr•r-t-;.'.7•24b-C-L-r47.---7:-.:11-r:-•''-W-nr.- Tdren-co; -;aud: ars:. and 741.r,s : Who conruus- tte:,-ko-resid.-700 the old. houcestemiT and Mr and Mrs atiarlei of Vcinn.lpeg.' , • :iLi 'anct Mrs DitIVson have- live,d nt thuur Present:::h4iM:4(or-,46.fyi'‘:ars,ifil0 yv.er.unon, tlit. pi,oneers by whom this, •portion •of 13inee COnntry• Was first,..Settlini..liALtnen014,_Mr Da con 'hauu. reaOhett. tht. ad-VA-need:age , Of ,83 yeurs,•..he is.'su1 in ..v:irgoroui.'fiealth,; and :the: Wisk.Of all: to ),i‘r:lionlv:'fie anti 46tid. Wife, 'aie;liaour•.0 is : the t theY. notn •will be spared.tocelebrate' th!:4.r. Dtaauona Jubuke- O An :interesting EID01110 The Owen' Si:T.11nd 'AdveRiger report7 the following; .Whicn is not without in teteit in this practical, work-a-da3i would itIii-3-51-fh-gliiik interesting. oases ef •-yornaUce in adou'a 7a.`-eku,e1- : in the police • court ' yesterday , morning, but had a happy 'ending. 'To be truly ''. romantic, however, :It, is best to. emit. the naines,-butthe facs read : like story book. Aleertaiu young Man has, for „a number of Weeks; •beenWorking on farinin the vicinity of Owen bound fer a la:riner, whe...sVas ,proberbially un certain- in his pa.yinent7ancrdia not show\ • . / • any 11C% spirit of generosity'towead the young man, He, lioNyovt.; took- na new .-,:metheIof--gettinievenr-,but-t-he-' worn one of stealing bis daughter. The .youlig hay was qinte'ogreeable and the '-decidedto honestly,lay the- case teraFe" ii father.: Quite unexpectedly • he Showed them that he had Other plans -for7his-Aau-ghterratid-gravv•:'-dwidedly • • , •.• nasty. The young man' therefore leader up.his mind to ieaie and,Fame int0town on fiunday, bllowed by ..prein'ranged 'plan, by •the lady who coma to visit friends 011 ing the father mother made up their Maid look for their daughter. and' the bcenco the young couple drove oilf to he farm to get their possessions,' which they. packed in ti trunk -..prcpartiL tory t� , On . their w ty back they met the Parents,' MO •stroritunisly. objected' to their going any further;, and matters cane! to a Frisis during which even blows were interchanged. The elop- ing couple, hoWestei; 'get .• away; lilt were followed to tuwn by the angry father, who got out a warrant for ;their ari•est on 1 charge of •Stealing t trunk. 1.1n,y. were accordingly 'brought up eit. Wednesday and remanded until Thitrs-, day. When the ease finally came up yesterday, the magistrate made Short werk ofthetlieft..qUestion- and.- 9,0 -know= - logethe young lady's *right to decide upon, ber marriage as she , was of age. When last seeti theyoung couple were buntitig for a. miniS‘er, deCiding that "the course of truelol'e never did .,ritis smooth,": but alyB'ssill that Cnds • well21 ,e have receiv- ed this, week a. or Rent tons' ninent __o f - n0 uc now, on Campbell t. a •ric • store; single .or double, plateglass front; • all genera}rstore--oi auiy, business. Applr Twelve oz ni mprovein ents. Suitable or to Maxie•Murray.. ' 0. t -ft • . For S ale O friarge cpantity of dIre'ifffirdnutn- • ber; also logs 1 can tut for special 1317170N. 024-0-C. • TEApirErt WANTED:- For B. 8.NO. , 4•C; R -1111)11-7P .E,3epoiid.--olais!vee'rtificate.`: Salary :41400.00. • / Struthers, Secy. ‘. • _.Iaticir.novr.; Out _ '27-7-p. O -.--Pputt;1*.-Mai4et. • All kinds. of Dive; Poultry bought in. Season.- --Any number of live hens want. . • ; W. T. Holmes, 1,ucknoscr • t-f:c. Farth for Sale., . 150 acres of good clay loam in the Concession of the-7-iim-ship--,-0f- • Ashfi-eld, w. D. Uood- raiiMe• AtritsqF Barn 4O60, with goodi.stone:foundatiou; Stable', 20x40, • with cement fOundatiOli; and Driving shed 30x40; - Artesian Well and wind, mill. " : • e a.bovs„lind.aniLprejnises sold at a bargain. , \FOr further Particu- lars apply. to, . • josepb Agnew, 1.4ttelinow, t -f -c ' regular 50 cents. We-are-eleaTin this lot out a 25 cents. See our Window . Notice NOTICE is hereby given, that _ transmitted Zr delivered to, the 'persons , mentioned•in Section 8 of (The Ontario. 'Voters' Lists Adg the copies required by said sections to be SP transmitted' or dehveredlif the list, made pursuant to said -Act, of all persons,appearing--by-tire- last revised Assessment -Roll of the said •municipality to be entitled to vote in the ,said Municipality at ,elections for.:,mein7 hers of the Legislative Assembly and at A.,Iunicipal•Elections; and that :the said . _liSt..vvas_fittst-posted-up--at-my--offiee-at '14angside, on. the 20t1t, day Of "lily; 1911, 'and•rernains there for inspection, - And r hereby caii upon all voters to. ;take iminediate:proceedingslo-haveron*h - ,errora OD omissiont corrected,. according_ to law • Data thes17th-day of July, 1911: Go. G M Clerk of Kinloss. _ - - PHONE 20 ot Weather C SSOrieS. ammocks ,frfim„ up to '&50.: ; :SovereignLime Juice.' 14, • .* • • .*healthy drink"...:' Fans) T*Icu'm • Powder , • 'FOotiElnis • Toilet licrateiS,-et0.- Hyslop'Bicycles for sale. TO.:COUR The Person purelia.s- -Iiirtlie-Trirosf-goodS` .froin. us' fronl June , r7tnz to Sept. r5th we give the fol- lowing' three prizes FREE! ) 1st. Prize •, Lady's Gold Pilled ease Walthain Witch, worth . $124. , 2nd; Prize . • One dozkniyes and Forks worth $, 00 Prize • -.13•e§t Litien Table worth $*.56, Mendelson & Blitzstein r.. Spence's 7-Dflig7Stote: • rsidtiCe. 16Ti.dt is hereby',,giiten, 'that Ji hove transmitted or• delivered to ihe.. Persona Meintioned Sections 0 an 9 of • the °nutria ,YOberst. Liet Aot 01 al Per 'appearing in the, bent., revistd. nt of the olds, Inihuinthicei,peatatyiatounibeetwein471;: 1.4ed...e.tioectViaoLie, for nimiJers.• •the L;egislative se,mbly, fund . at: munlciPal elections .and .that the said List won first posts. cd, up at my office, at Luoknow, o the Eighrecneli day `of J'uly, 1911; an remains there ,for Inspection. • Electors are called, upon to 'eiaini the' eald List, and, if any omission -di' any other errors are found' there in, to take inarnediate proceedings have the said errors .CorreOfed actor faav. • . : • .• baited at ticknoiv • this Eighteen day- of July, 1911; .• Joseph, Agnew, .Olierk of Vill&ge or •Leekhew..