Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-07-06, Page 27- 140 4;P6 - Alt bo, jAftW., latorfouod ihi�, h r -dier4 ppe4r) ond p . rp or 0. Tim M. Autes e M '�U cr My AV4 V40M NOWD9 mdo" 44204-4M -10F TUE.. PRAVE 4, h4lf in 04 Jwoor w. W . q, '441 or -;,k Iiu it e to 4 at Put ovorAho 'lih 4, IS t to �v,' 44 'brough On W& BawUm - 04thlW4 door 140 U Whilo Mr. alerib folios' 1 -1 n. Sh . #, r "J. , Wai )z4 vitil lie atoo 4hf� earl$r Wero sUddon' P14! wai,6 r*hk yr 04 Sm. But :rQu"d �WsAf 001 * e for it, is : ' pp, ar order t to,0000. bolow to 'API QAW$4 XAST ))IMP$ Or 'as a he T4 Iell �wUtxa*y 'bo, Up I,". J411t l0h XtQlue �be St smixtutq she W oout t that, e Star ja 40 a- Titanic but '*0, soft,,bm� 9 urn on "Thh, - 0 , *1 -t -t Arthur 1?04i tru6.' ' � it up Ingi bu� sho 4 isn'oth- P"t '"dan iot We vl 1b -YOU y !Wm h" 4t Prib s# ho NA t9 AOTA% WOW -.14torral, Thex W Wod Mir YA y 130,mor, ha Jh 4ad 'earefully.dro th ot 4 'Arst, it WA ie� ab 41,8.. 04 ;toXUA- *4 til �ht W4 warm, 'but 4% tutn�d 'tQ, hall ers. e, to o., ded, Ji� P rted'in sn4, �Ler 11044 lay -9A, hii shoulder- Im tirel e-4 tmay �;W id tire] s. tn], des� burt. he, 44 A the &to ftan,' &�410 �Q A vr, I -couldn't ngs ot pasmP 'nk'of - satig, I bri ileatli, the., -,311404 now lin�.of b4m t -thunder" 14% va', :1 adnjudged from iny -0 felt an ver And Y'Qry, 1PJW0Uti.0n.;r 'WA$$� W*rk-- 80bl is *at OUWcard pd a ke., I �Philcl which xho dropped tye­, beA in, fienzi. e -"where, attraj ha4s day. th.e.newspapers. m-et4 -f Oil, Q .0 from the fall, butJ ed ed thid�g Wtho.,- year.� :bu er . A, -- os, - 10 40 WIN it 'd P 11aving got three .childria d ve ­ -4hem liferov ileopivios One anoth6r,, all tte, of the� loss, Oi JA her coal opt, 'Alice A*roo� was Peon. by A'un- lev- Mon n -W4 U. to auitem; for profit nt whi 004 ch 'in imari bif h0ur. And A jairge �'umlile" 'with A - oeuvres 0 ort ati.g. the, nd: &I- d tlx i, Jto tied',, P$94 49 f the, Maurei�ni reds of horri4ed. eyes to c In itiloss as 1.6 tnge:e �, i)t r S tkree^ �a Jrang4,B and bistered, 4ild, wit.1 - he so; in t th nd stand,; there ke 0w1*;f4X= DAP**,:,444 4bwlut* TM not igst,tbm climbW.-,.up'tbe inside of bat 'Of the Lusitan*' EAch o tish -� t -a6ut. IS,004 their do-om. he ha tote, to'Y-Qv� 4urUiA , op, sp�e;d fina�ll� �L Got, into -irolible, ri 'a t V ��us come, by Y' Mr., Middle 90 belltv his �,of- tiventy4ovr h, Asphy Ahe ni vn,r until it -heen+. in, XQ4 Ai$ v j i, f a in, sanW of coal evei�, a nios of'flalnes,. "'Sum or t b't erm Bar. a �k 'I N 'tfie bar* Calkhro F apore-,a, ', gir. whp'f� lu W sh gre t, I -screamed.' !he- obeyd;. U L ex., P� arn.- a ost-f ,Crecy thda pgrrowj n4 is, being .;6b- tion.. thgk '-eu enan in c -ad! suce "d er-, 01 e Jia# ed. ".-that out, 149t ve4r. I knew evA the ,�r is, r ill -!fated 6-oat,� Ji 1v espee. ho zriachinery ol ,4 bad; case * �h , t, ), , , Aust"..Aind d the, b isie sis 'Plie of said, eid IP4 f.- must be' kiV,4 6. aej�ing, er th id, -falling-on' the". b yt e,,new cr4 �100A% W4 h 'you gee T.kpew. pceordhm a 'e bad :never -dirq4ruvd. he cause, e, p;wemt-4 -ki ed - CL the 01�46 was 11 and 4 Ireput vur , , 3, F 1 s, is t4 s es�: rt ou at le 0 ith4u t w ;a Popose, iti, 8 same man ad, f -;a,, anbia est :scream4, when, "Mr-' new, ome. po of,fu�j consumption, �wbjch- Xiddlorib th p 4'both. 41IMS wl c0A he -.w ma -to, sarfai�e d PEl). 'IN -7 r an .1616 hei. e equa S*vini, of the, heroi of tho ot6w, n'to 'th16 �e& again W1 that made ot w Pre-, half as xlu6b whi:�pDredd,, 6f r.olsm in,deiAll;, -to-, his 914. on- - A 4� olie else threat Y,6s; it w ;M a done aithe a, hO h clt4ug with, -a touching x�4n4st another. re, -he Thco tO ang , dopt raittle,.roaied�- that the ]Flnppr�r might.§Tdc - ILlie senl, Freshfield 'sent wod, ion do at, as eien woi Q w pera,- rseirXes, .0 expi e -officers -and e yt *n hir a ITAW, him' �off! . oh'. land o h b or In August la:st, tb ' ireless At rked out a es -of th In . It tor - at- Ktchikan,,, Alaska, as well bzd.;v0aid half the amount;,. and Ifer eyes were Nw. f Lgrame�ats 8jdA0,.y From ) wzfs -the la;sit Mg-' iy " '' ' - , ., 4 - ' :" 1, - ;r .�, "At, 'any Soptt-,. ioniebody­tA4e �bimtL. nt -of 4-galfalt A's those iri, the rs *aS,Pr0kDeLihg a q - g its - gco4orny, two - s -dam, lNin pacet, rate; t ere was. po- n., r, tin e d 6 it a. c6m aa-dier;, -sa­,�s Pears;ori!s - Week- bold 'of- OiJ,fjI4lL' tAn.d Rupert Jt� caught" 'i a . I ... Wfulli'de 16 eclire 'ra Alkli RED hether. it .1t; was ;y iL -a thor. TROUGUT ROUSE -ITC; is schern4t tut or, in erna.J. ',inl `h aneous y. -wen tP be' I -the, nA a del ry o, &;e# a eo husii6lk- W1 t� And, wh6n a. little. TRE )STOM� -LAST It was fojlowe4. 'by this me 9. eni, Igan, -ACT. jlq,th ft � and I� kl�r ha�­a6t iive*d 'SAer ore that tickling the �'sPai i& thif the Ines, We�§t'­t 1P -e- Rag . esllmlfgWt y str r�6ok­ exPX820 'Send aid Jmmcdiatel� ' C, 40" -aAM Rarha�a Cat- But, T Won% 's adio Or Wo and im�. d411. one of i the fastest, trains,. 'in th f0lowed, the lati7' nou Pve. me lea.v� q)U Kt mediate w t. into spa avoid4fice There ieWffe ly . en, 41d. �On of M -th M 4t . .... ar6h: 7 tude and 16 gitude of,'th pltan sighed. There,migh 'e h, ',useholA were aroused, by, misfake§ made ixt the pi nn 11 f r t lialio e sce.ne T 4 roaring along, the' fls�t the 'at h' r,hiw��with�B -a ]a w 'ch' ru n g, essels tur ed'and d to fD iTe abam Calthi lia4d'IL6 nly, left Mad-er'.Xiddleribr' and th ng*e4 ra th rescue, And e 1-Humbllit, ai­ . R-oictie- s a the ra Ofthini q into the room ad S! Alpid'AQW the�'113a;'m who ud.56M-:� y BEE SM, G. A -SURE CURE. Volt aervants) ., .1 , v ;r d" were 'the Ameiica-to carr$ ajarger, num- IA-41cd. h to take their, Course, et, After nytS,, P,6ilrin rivedin tinie, to 6nd neal-ly 260 peb after ew despondent days, lie to �the gei�eral confusion bet o 1* Jotht t" veats' TOM U. of howling -when h i -ship's boa It" 11 F U,.f - * five; miles'an hour, e er while tha� to. "ta-glaimt'his 10, him�411 almost glad in PAO, nat randcim:'�azfd .',aakn1j, qu�, sgel thatfloats." By' giing''le n the 'opened the-door�of the It bad -4 pace mac, inerf,,AudJu is se gone, o - t turned to fil 0 fizifig er fut' appineusi, �even 1150014e-r-Wh. d'I Got �w 1A fi" '' - . Oork gen1d'ta'fly eY gazeid kthe figure, of el she" ('his shovel with' coal partnre 1bo tender cr-for. :31oA 1iW4J-,'-Qn nyears, gel caXry-1119- t t;01 -of the captain, three -of Ong, nigh ,shir ,Pawirig 4el"Couraging the-�shfpping of , Jar the fiek6ely t enl, some 'of bi& s6id w,.,ad the, th6 qu; I ss ople �etr� by. He '�w pre- ':at the unattainable s�,Ot in m intities of,46xTzess fieikh%'Pre­ �b s� gave way. - The)ne'fol -i' wire e ox an me,,aJid driv hav- ne, a'st Middle- Onatural, Weh, wlcke,4-1�� a s last message:j whih 'wa for her-announ 0 ng - oS JE I he for summer X17, a d aus ig passer a� himself. Ri -btack.-*hile-he-d d b as' there. his� 4,ers., , h '-froba-, d cz e reading. in -sioke hothfw�era-hiirled io ti� K e thjns�4 it Pa- light' of sting of- ihe 116o of the - cab.. 'd W y i �, ei , it, M of it 6 read , froin, Fre ­hisfavorit6: b was g news PairagrApb. statin'ibat the, ig y the dim, -religious r bly ka Roi2ri '-too, ni6,ht% lamp. while he D A -X� ed Jh;6 r .4 off., urn st 4 in sma cure Sill" and, Whi, SP ec on4h. ,, Re , '9 - ­ the XDZ­ AROU.S.. for ih4umtatigsM n and howlec g -�ppaxeutly 'o'try the now rem�d 0 liver dead, Shouted, 'a- r'L'9h j, crew are '0 a& off.". List 9 W.. ught, his regretful j�alo.EISY ith Y, v,' enav Jru*y. Said G e the a,, no t can pe 'that 'Re contracted with kiitste'r y ga0d'Ind Y7 Ord,,,on un -dler, �Y�-, the,, me -had knees, eruji��t!#iod'aO`heto k wrho: wmecl -For the si put*.'in the boi.ttp' for ere �sdge, broke o# Un -7 Wer ii use d i a throttle and stopped theAtain man 'on . Waste Mid rib M to pro- et ry nVar- ishore knew that. 9,60 L - I sh agre Id st th 'as i.. was -e 4 at 'This:is soorier than.he- expected, ekeep the,.mena ao. t tirs Eccles- h clire, aevei . gene r up� bad and. cbr­ century 6&, ly M, calle 7al, to wit, six bees, sex drie-d- a n eking Poic ailojone down ith Th at N - png--in- �whzw�lruyirz �y4eij r 7.? P 1 H . and sp.cified-, bu -�M." q Uer a- and, after a,,�pro-, -she�turned did not tell his sensible e,'ralli-ed f%diently.t�r telw an nary circ -or'two. rar�v, and -mo on,an settle enc -9, seemed :pefeetry talk-of,.9 those bees for, and,46-., b0j7Wellt Vil d 'hat Wa a ji The ion 7w,�at'he wa murder in Tippe s en: p UC ,e,,o y- question be-, ANKPy, tMg to ha, clear., -encOlAr,7 ppenedind id, A ngs..-. bedto getr up his On, ;s. mission,w fort - own 0, a wor ng gait-, be:. man �E RW thi; h' 9;'head's full T. be A ;,.8TRONG prisoner and the ily, whirl- On& d 3�" mirig, iner, s1r e'roorn ass g th,6 inco venIng .19064 �111ee , Un L -d 19 brings an. ho ant! himseii atfos , th, German. me -ret, old e and -,Were., as Husk' -He. Could, lay. Xr- Midlerib w' al� V9 .. beluies Y. dying'4 e 'Ithr' eon- �r�Lysl o 1119, sun the Ina -4 rs Tons op, 'We known 4ep eb, out t'd p mb, t t M& .*ere' ta:have: ioiIg .Upo e *ay�. believe, at one of iII lit K pers,. r�, all Forty. iE for- a . b, 'jai Aig b of the niur&er. the to she, fell n'. Master rib 'with. a, Ztpe vanta, nus 00 t' k' r the it ss �d Weizsezpetze. The huhible ce or As we d Awkwird y, e. c0llfe Cd short,, wide-niquthc4 bottle fight-a:.Ae ascent is not b aib6lit' th­ bl!2:. h:"16t hini­ fou�nd­wiffi po T6,ene., not -wa -G-,-- Iton Caught; f mentibfi -pulated -1"0 A ou t _u a e -and 's, rong 0 OY -94L tha e Ina es' a, r Ct -it face sig t on the �'S k Freshfic cw; natured -'bee t� h - -k ho YoU an -could doubt 'that �,h u wag, idenfi two ermans td6k,no guides, All. o. 4- Yse hirnself m;irecoggn t t, it' g anee� hot-: a'. was, 'wweiit, '�rell until -� near' t er in torop. ri- e ." noticed ad ce- 1 '1 The -dime fied"by theclo'tfie's worn he, summit �q m. a weak, , both and'he.,s'en. xki, your and a dime at leas rl�e, Iliosi , tho ''t ivm MrA�?Frbme 1- -f be very rof. John J Wild has'd�-: ,4 t$ yes grateful, o you tic 6�angd hands. ivii, brid,.e. �7 geid with Y., e's s helped me a PT B - R i " - . i , ughIv curM 'of rheumatism �But the nzan­eh�r both, Eli�ln'�,: "Re' oOTTLE IN, P CKET.' zui�rp-i duly cam --, 1. pers. across b t by 0 the- ut just as WaS. 'Me S, a . er. -which- lic-iela sInAb­ striia is, bjycould _ve carried-laim� A We' ' t th' ­ tz e Ni� , ­- - -­ ` , 'reach6i-the-- -cent e rap. in self nIore.1i if lie 6d' g4tly oi - with,. gre4er' ro`US� -ICe- gave, A, lip-larture- coach all Mr. 6rib put h� iken I hope an e came to -;ln re his' coat, pbekeb and 'went 'into A em agiliti.- BiX the cur4e,was, fiot per- call.- hi Ing y The t a py- w-itnesss4 e� om ruc WeIg Ing 435 grains. coursel ou courage to. eyeing ever. he anent, to the drevaas,;, .4 a4c 6 is� I hadn't 'the in 'Uy� of Y di rl�t ex- f, d Uuse, vbDdy,, Middi6iib,' does W T ang ng-ovent,,i appear, rithehox 'give, ily--pulI&bt asly�, as to alk.,all Ything else, Ekh h go the, Was' some 4,epths,, . suspended �by 11 0 as - pe. that h wm2ted'l by t pol- .1. ig lAter. wat. th6 J'a4ded, with 'ta-tmered covusi!4­ 4,bar& he�,'irc�dolm. I'd .10 ho -mad&6�up his, mind to sting to death s v �ch 'was: ttac ad ht of- ing slid --h6 said- to appeared I hu hi --ine iintil an didbiIaL -lye 'Bob.. Buidette,:-- and I wits lettin& everyth I e. 0161, first t�irsibri. rains' -had- been reach FX`01116.�ho6khis !land 4"'arnfly.'. - g R6 onfided, his Inir that hi w, The or,;' I Won, me any_ to rion total ntionAt1d.'' 0 0 v., He,'hid,his, coiLt4 -truck, tand than' it 'B f the. famil gir,-6fl-ehighanged 'for killin wav then- 0 r -0 Y:PWT en. -veryi'Zilic.te8sful ately� Qnci, if, y6ufd, ratheo, not�,114 bees in dq ind.Las he ha4coMe to -aVe4, lliM- seem- I 'grains The:' �d P - "A tulated b�fbie'piktting,them -W T1.1E, ROPE OF: REAT]i� �-�weight, of th t*0 aVe cOngra 4t:ttieni 7 .310DERN .0�.%71DM: WORKS. as. , �but it- idn't. 'iLillz, �6,that it was. ptijlipgr a Kct� it I 'YbiLl tof load can gupss whj� away -he li&' the experi- The�ss" p Ou wished Of �Utilit -th chasm: below tbri omeq oum gain tip n -wa's s ey-., h net Glad to hear it! Thaes great -1 me arlan Works Stiez. Cinal nly retir e is h ts to ttle juryt. ee.' 4`14th an �eff oil.,. ees SLOWLY DIS90BED. ' ' . - . . C .. . Teturntd to e court, with -jet,� GlIe thing Cut the. pe. -It M4;tbe th :r fee r hat he J*w.ildercd.' But h6 V1 EIIQ� seven d,-A,�qf7,,gtk�l he FGT,-.a -er Ing. powc. eaVl"tandthe ightWa Ii men -remar Wdika.6f the w6ild, nidt-o'neig: Am� d )at that criedAV: jhdge, i� fhe� ':told himself that he coul tlm�e Zuepnoe� r rs of A hiamble T not I was., . mann6r, was con' as n k -nd lwas�'nmb thrMidletib ekicah.; -One of,tbem, 460 -years old ceive her.,. hat etiained-, It, ner..can't he Tou I of naiur� Wi 7;t, w4s, reat'as tho d not ut; that kubw th 'i�id -the with,the CM In a sh even I iieek 'afte the ionte nlijil has. its� inspir t e h tirae .strolled: about a 10n izr,ba gilDli:—St the letter now,,' 'and, was the undersW its sijzii#ca When :both, the. latter re f ireman, "MA the everybody else yKjs in,4qd �knd ..then 'Pe�er's.0 1110mia, the larOst clagreli e.. .. ... .... nild pu e4�v V'MUM--; r-enP -"Poln g on -ad affiing ago.. qu ng,,various qu 0 go- away lOr he, soughV his room., �ff-e turii�e&th, yeaTi7 flffe-i�-y—earb even WW ad. t e d, the beit plain lamp �is t c,'greate umphal-a .bhs-!,- F..M -he4#1 a� time. V s tij� s� feeble ay old h f the ]humble r ng. 0 g,appr�ppnatev eomrnezkts-,' but Hig'lugg ge as �ackiW- He meant shne .4" a death -light.` ever c,ordineinOrating4b, ha rapei a4., ore ain wag uld to,lftve town M-1 tho'evenin�g,' T zi�, Nk. M w6n. c' LESS. -Bww� dead than live,' hurrl'ed a'Way. or Insignificautea ompare with M enL poll �hfiuj'plpbging very s Ow Y. Od' tb� 're. ef perlme, he -.- e on ot iddlilb disrobed victori6i-�.. -of the conqueror A R 0 11ted ab! ­pr6ap., the, c��j n. eas- thingt�- do to. L am e ined to think- ­ck Ono bee out of the i bottleful tli6 changd ideal of 'the age& that ProwFaet of.P the, heroic -3waIr ) - , , . , ' , ng ftu a" . in pro�,oft P'40, " grave� 84� dney Fi4ome,i;ag� wro -one the, Th ug6d Iton. I ;dth'hii fiii�:ers and: n4t.gilt, :into only & of A[* 1&ini�ealing, his M, t that, - mi fewir breach.- of pro- The fo u qp a-li'vpurp''ardon.." i find lroubl.,, 296� e U�. Middle' Was �utilita�ian, and 6ifly 6nc� of th is h e courage to lie, end 'b InIsd cases, in � Franbe .*than. in ony -long n6 :atidl its... 'rej�a the %trdngest if, not the raost wh6& -you. helped., ri got was a brown honey. li five found' th lng,:. i't asn't'to uIlAirn. 'Won ets 2 re is re oth�er country,, Tlxe French 149Lw re:1 )�6werf ry farther. - rour wn, Wit:- win, e 171 round iikecious al�counts 'of imZzi 'ca to h : that Would'i' weigh. ha' bel -R -K Tit distinctly. both (jn, d and sf.�tal if n .-Lop bit .0 ew" -Aom me.. ounce i you pi ed binir up by ill& no -tent birth. Kso Elton hardly kn Wile- �rbara� No - lease Jdf ble 0 olmrt that ter ni in, e em, r, Coll t 4.b G ILIA y �1689 has n- ves trA ,n r would. yeqxi W�Z. to 91;1me or' mbBiie. At.:2�q$ h ktoNi'it Wis. you,who itars, but,if you lifted him by the, Of the utilitarian vi Ine`4 fin'S orki the uez se th &6n suffered -by thefia h 'ge'. fr. t gF4."mel al Me.. a.c. ail alif, .J ; e 1mobe.- '.1 kii6ti the hind le- - wsuld'w�ij,4. as'utu;h' as 'Canal easil �omei first'. st6ami� so in-er' of �xperi- r ..ayi -7-n. rra ersil Throug]��-- -'Ft44 -:b- f all ear h 4e,—, -to 4W, 'If#Tir give Sidney othe f-, Ae .11A - ': , f b A tmnd- 0 a ay C41�1 t -ha& puz- not_ ,represk Euro toAhe Cfiient ls� Ifel WIWI didn't-nientiaii it theni, 'I Midle ib. Pe theT# way, ry tween fingors: its, n ed ain po 'e a te why Fre� e rt rt"', mosfi ilitisiably -his. a,,≀7 of -burst reat"stretigth a strapger, ktoaa`-� or t 1, tlTell: thould, trouble--to-set me on. mi feet matter: with youF- half. 'The.cinal �sn- WAR, ALnd­the4a&1, is -11�ejir to di WbAVs, the h the e- i t %, .. -case, 'Th,6 siLzrie-4avo-ha esTIMated.t46"Co �0,( gr Nvn specimen e weelk o ore e -ft ilowtv ty ws ve 4sca and Ca 10 rus zig; sereami T116 o ro, again. g, iJ1x4t­f.­Nrcigb0'rJ 'r P hard frik Mi. -Midd lerib to -saisr- t& be finished in Iti-, 14bund him writing to . :� the 1;atan�.e -,t h1alf t r*PIL' gr agrain, but what 'on this side 1 jui�sed t6 tfuili-- - Re ;o�14ult.�� only At hot., 6 the numberi -of' siIch t W ub be.did, it, � Re ic9st waa �8O�6W,006 d* �b was as tr)4,j, roUg cases is-pr6portioniatefy at alf Ter nit but 11 -%ias ctxtaifi." lie, kibotit.it- Opened, in a] db "Id ivag ilfh . M h, 9f ain of abtie li , elther,. nan ":I to 14% an thd el�j, h, e could )grea n- P e me a Iced. about gineering -work'!wa alIK6 . Frilic , on to "Th carjvig,-1, like. th� cut t on' Re die] feeIvery hoi fnood,..�' them, off 'wbileth;6ca'�tairr rifdcMd lv,$b "eVelation in, u a ao, 'or 4he Rj6, w .0 L1 , stood awkwl�,i.djy silent.'. keli Ifiss. Cidilfrop woje, fr 'may bad. lot, bitt'lxii,not, A4,all ov�ihd'191- on the' orw of his' the iowek rising d 000 feet'in- for' Port .,it once, the jar ti ally i5utg an end to'oll hr P64 grateful-. 8� nimtez-6 jr pressed the ture ereet�ed'by' man and -fjj6 As. couple" PI -e than the 1.gylt"� il I 6 Its she .,-ihowed in th0'eith4iir;;an4 we've been 41king it against th� lik W6 scovered type�*of-m. er�ff.An'ier'ie'A'n'-,steel.,,p.oti� come. enga great, i1irry to ber &ed th�- -pair *ays - 1 4 onfid�ut- tic rheathatic kne. od V'4't tho--1 Full A -ed' n get under di -the' OPA � %74�g tu.t r4h,'.. �,Ut buttli.6 ba t6*n hall aw se-weiral iz�l days passed with: er: loved - mi -7' No, she didif' -of , � �W� - �. - - � "h n sign *It- an t ?--'flames marry". Sooli tb Wk �I� n1l) fho wdulil.' It didn't hurt ai dourse followed *bet%, p4issenier t'the . P6ach i .,a,. le, guested'the piti- reillyr, I asked- �at­ibi rightt mo� Al. I . :­ "'. - -, I I I . d of.. Ydicl,re their willing� not, 116weVel', 4ft.� ly as he struction4 which Asr mitter' LE-cS,. a, 46tie.4, 4f 0 wtr!=� had, to ts ro ma e: p at ct-nitd bent o. the SNP. 'Wag', bu say bothihgw o4 twent, that *as R�s 0 ange of =ina, .11 caping- by, s n mb.,wT BOTTLE, The third grea. . o er is, tender,. a ch Drj,#ri 64 And of t&, e,girl.begAn to! AGunds ceit, n4l Tile C�O'PCY con Thit Mr. Midjeri r 1:uffrJ#1atlng of 170 li;h 1 it could ; th' riz4h'of o man ar6 pra&ieally out,' thi6k 6 rie' he eil e rth bri4go,; tantilt . 1. ''.. 1 g, ana 'perhaps you'll, dds-,- t qtktfi011. ad drag ll, PdFh '�,8he st'aun- for�sa),ibg like" o three,pairs of great 11 A trel"Y aps, sbl� sDr)t t� se tn. p -arty'' w i Jke, 1�nt their d�nget I V, im ar , each p -air joined at, its d'. . tttab. human.foe it- gelierally, eaves 'I �s Wbeneithdt wish -e -A to ith� a n,I the rtd�'% 'there,, Amahg tran� zdd,� know�" III , - .. th ... I 1 4 the wab At the I arpo4on in c, oun, :from this'aigreement. ih-t pair rs k� d, a,nd the, in- base, each half strof-ching, out bori- IWCJA*,tt� bie writted every vFee.. answer, the I&Wi -hall an ad-_' r d4di I q It manape4f6 t, the only -thing this - qw, feet *i661it cria 'Silp- of lidkiiew'ilia zontally. the wI I Iona ocaments ate fo. .1 g as 46ing.-It, PO f&?'rne the hill'it o "Iff. there haJ 4, the�. r6pps' , i,tg dan;i�' ed, witnearied. and --ea1W Th 'a in the coacil fft.. : ' ' I' ft. t gaod� beo haa!to stin' ith w The fourth modern�' -wonder Plae 1"king and till, a nd broad I work at the end of hi3 thumb. He' , i.q 'the St 'Gotthard tunnel, 12 miles alld it md'-snAled--iiieerly. lon4 linderibi Alps. A%ere-was tndnrro ' ' ! Iol0 11 113 11 �crurd6 ". o. , out �r'rnvider Ae YJ A r Wd ccr6inly have heaia rrollth� 4(,f oFfarbre with' "Admitted likely; but, sheetg'Ai4 dropp Aa'*l ad 'd. thf�. d this dl!�abld a.,Brenher , I to route over the lot P atom of . rheumatism liniment is tun I V.n,. I. . I Yet Austrian Alpt; a Mt. Coqn the A tib When "irt du course. a fur-, lie, p�used, a tn, 'o,;. but Ita, Ioment,. IINI thia eatpet� Th6n afier seeondoi under the Fenth Alps a rd 0 hi*e thkell bl ind. German n inmr Some men never amant to Al t %�,aj an wemder,- he began to fee eet, seetnecl ihtutnbenr 4pon hibi to Me. She dijillt kn6w hd PvM Arb tind for thet' 46ttle, And �e W to divri the tentu 0-5�0 .2dditi. doulld 16f& to ol he knew what be, AiJ- with. bet on south a n a it ra culthtdp migat; not be fOr him, ar o. an t I hi - er new route, tho key to 6 u Tho, it is we r promise, � rth Coll el, p4rvr� 4 Eltri s, a c n the zi! time, Aranit 99. 64 reached, tlie out te"a bcol� i,� 1 t lcut strys bet i t rt d Wheam had; beo. ta 8 -of, tlit f w going n, h46 tion ll�clug the long, t ..wp r�f el. ront doirr, and -r itr# , - . . 1. . - , . 4 —­ W 0 n -twice-- "-brei� f a ore, pro";dgo J 'Pt 'rl,%tJ $1*dU#J# Fj7 �-DDgiht to '*'But I'm goi t timdl irAili"a tuxlriel.-, The ent a C a- ng .0 s ast, idd efib, or reasons, drew I ou a in nethat. wd e*i- A to o.q I'm going to give; her up. -Oh, ycs� *it AAY 4. ii� such, h'aste tha Cf6r flid- time he 148t, ot tha Mio4pirla. woudd k U lyingJ edW. t6q. �1 guessed- ; But Prdsbfi6d stated thAt he' she wade i'mistako, And Possibl"'I t" W a 3psi Joe for94 lt about the'bottlo, 4", it# t9l, Mr.' e.. h9l it long ago; r�mdial t;a. n it b1i th,'It enn we ncorked in the bed between him-, an to �e*tbj i Ptopl irt,14and oind thiet hyz'ea d Jesionia Ir r to Great tae to, PIA one, ig $040 1 . t , ioit�d. "To settid -tWngs.t, -4 t6ld, s4f 'Dritmi�ft, th#� 161 -on of thL- "A, - r - I - # oLod, big innoteut wife.� In the ue tibb 4311 7vour gal tot -rod! it tit a oOn. a i e6 di&lt I I Go iwl &6, her, rkne4, th(,-ko hw been quiet Of. thcS6 Wn, wdri4ers, one. be- as, she, laffd, �,16 'day telogr, W4 An ton.: Yuu'd,'like toi I'throk !Ti a 1'0& -V r pen, Od 010" j�irba;m� "W out.: $one with t ke =.t�r Mr, We P to.* !#rib, t but to w 1—riy4n. bout W last' wf-1 str gh seven fle Mau r, I r stok the 16