Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-07-20, Page 8..Y ,- .• :( �.a..t. .f A • ,A •ioaL • Thursish July 20t1u tg POR #INDIRINO MAII4 ata. ata. for .tho four !c 'eater, . Riplelr w .», ... • .-...4888 8 :,,,••:,.•,„464 .,_�..,,.•,�sen•..,•.408 470. A 400,1;•, ,»,,,•••A , ,▪ •436_ W4: ,,,a• ,•.,, • T•,470 . ►. ,. *,• :..,.•••.•.,•427_ • ; • ,;1••••••••y'w•3911 pif ✓ :•..mewATss a ee Y.119110W Miss DQCoKrutchy,of 'gingham , ac-. companied'by her friend Miss • Swartz,.: wheeled' cut to, Mr:; Jolts► Mcltenziie s for a day last week, , 4 1' '• Y42.. F. l • k • • { i .. •: T , 431- n�ungham s - naldson ... • ;. • • • • • -.390 fillies... • . , . • 40$; • .•., 4i8`. .,.,,.,.,..;. ,,,•...•▪ ,390, • t•,, • •r 400' .;61itiwVu.a • 3' T 452` L i MQf►t 'R. a , ♦ , r • 446'': a ►Oyer 402 a Perfect • ,,, ., . „AM). LEI, t C',rawford .,.. 390, bort .. � 394 ty Culbert.(honors) • . T 493 , • , 475 !•AMcfhiire 410 eX, Hodson Mr. Jasi;Oraham„ of L+neknow, Who; has been helping H. leaser with. his bayinFr finished isJ4 l sty Saturday Mr. -Godfrey .Burke of Dublin, :1 land,.:is-employed=for-the harvest H, Can 73atsp McM►irchy .473 d .McTavish , 419: Mat'tyn• •-•. .417 le Morgan . May •.,.•. ,469' Nimmo, '• ”. . 479 •R`atte�ia .477. r n n • nib Shel)s. 419 bell• : ... .7 y . .. 04BDTTE. 8r& $l�dred,r �ervie, (honors) 489' "' •fell, Lorne ' • .478' $ncarcline P • O. • .475 pbell, ,M1llarton . 464 lke H. o ht.o 391 r BOINOSS an P t:L4 SSIONA ;' YI SURANCE. Mr..Ttobt. Phillips, of Lucknow,, _ as.: engaged for the baying with Mr. A, le, Milne, Mks. 'Duncan Maclntyre leften..a: two, -menthe trip -out -West-with. bar. sens,. Messrs;,. John ,of: Winnipeg, .and Wm;. of 'Yellow .grass, Sask., aise''other friends, • gra. A- Caesar,>tent the 12th u w t Wingbarn Mrs. Tlsinalohfne of :Chicago; .ac. • :450- fe't Se4:PiItple Grove ..• .'.443 lidzt:Wright,-Kincardine P. O. 442' eePlintOk Kincardine P, O. 428 eiVond, Kincardine, -: Winterliiirn, Kincardine art Aiith CUSS, Kinloss ▪ .....402 • ..400 • .3-060.joinitysoiN Kincardine▪ ' ..397 Olinston Snowdon Kincardine' P. 0..364 4:41.0AYe Fraiier,, Kincardine _. .390 Lilian Anderson Kincardine, :390 c, m` „ ed,b her friend 'I.iss.Phalen Q Psi, .y n In nth i _� v, ea 'on with'; the" tere:apa d ,K e r u.. ti . former's parents; M and: Mrs. `Allan, McKinnon,' Mr.. Archie McKinnon took in' ;the barn r'sing atPerry's near Wiugham, ' Ont,:: • A.few frorxi thisburl attended the ,Gold'en. - Padding, of Mr. and Mrs. Wm,, Dawson of, the' Jungle, `" `• Mrs. Z ` I`9' Cirowston, "'of Lnngside, paid •thiaburg a visit ,recently. - Mafeking Master. • Oliver White • of Stratford; • spent. a,few:days;, the guest of his • uncle Mr. R. Johnstone; , Mri,; Thomas Alton accompaniedby Alma and`, Harry of Lucknow, was the .guest;of.relatives'in:this. vicinity during;_: the past week. `' 71, liveiy'game of football =was played at Crewe on•Saturday evening: last ,1e'-, tween'the ;teams, of Ninth- concession'` and Crewe, resulting in a victory for the. home team. .,Score,] -,-0 • • Mafeking was well represented at (loderichen the12th of •July; all. re- porting a plesent' day for winch, we: cer tainly had an ideal weather. Master A: Nicholson. of 'London; is, sisitigat tlieJiome.ofMrs. W Blake., Everett . Henry has• purchased a ne*. rubber tired buggy. , Getting • serious,;' eh! Hayying operationsare nearing an end and the harvesting of. wheat is taking' its 'place s Crewe aying is.theorder Of' the day and .',.Andy Culbert Wears a:hit:kid smile' .Canon Kothers , is helping Thome ',Andersen With hie hay. Ago numnnr fret& aroma here 'Wilt in the -Orn- nge-walk' in- CV:Amick-Ott- ', George McQuoid'haS' beught the hay, the farm belonging to Frank McColl - ''OFF Inell and is'bw3y at present cutting, the Ye: boyiFplayed a game ,Of football with the ninth here on Saturday night d';',..Thakes the teams eVett and we hope to 'Pee them play it Off in the' near' future.. FALL TERM "OPENS AUGUST 128th. Eworr Cor. 'Yon& and Alexander 44. Tottortro. ONT. and for assisting students to geod positions. Tho Se ; desiring the best in hnsitiesss or ' shorthand Set it here._Write for Mir handsome calidogne:.----- 'W. itrouorr, Olifet 'Agency fee the different linea . of Insurance.. ' 'irst-e%,asa sump- miles : aranteed. The Only rev_ ..13enta ent of the. T,oudM Mutual r . ., u kn qir �► sa c Y •, JOHN SUTHERLAND INSURANCE FIRE MARINE GUELPH ONT PDX. 4 Qarcta4.`T"arty� , :under the emapio df`the Anglican .Church at Kaniougb, will beheld :nil- :the Chute'', grounds on, :Wednesday evening* July 26th,! See bills issued; .- r St•. Holeas *i ieit't► :laalltate . Will hold' its next meetr.ng. at Abe home of Mrs. W. J. Todd. on Thursday, July 27tb..$nb ects: "Cold,Drinks :for 'SunlYne , a lte,loy"Ohiddren",R Mels lin•TAntl#SeeY• • New Prizes , "P.:• A. Malcamsof. BaRRisx�"s, SoreioIToB,. 0,orrvEYAaxpme,, te. ' Kincardine ' and I,ucknow, ' 'At tt udrnow of1ee: every Tuesday. During bslan,e of week. allworkdone in con-. n ction`with Couveyaueing wills estates 1ouns will lie attended to by Mr. J..0. wi. and • u is'n 1. Agnew, ;under• ` my s parr �o , a hrectlon,, m- AGi�raP Nots° ry,`Publc, _Co , ss o e . and Conveyancer,, Insurance m si ii r Broker, Lite, Pine, ACcI dent,' . Plate -Glass and. Weathe"r Insurance. ' Money, to loam, The following prizes have been Wad to. the Prize List of the Lucknow Agri.• culturPal Society, viz:. A' rize'for fat calves; :eligible for or n o or quell) - a eithe., T o t . G 1ph F to 'Stock Show, ' A prize for the ,boy .15 having the best _ broken foal'. of 1911. °Bo .s eting must be mem- bers or sons.of members,,"' Doo'ti MeV/ touraecb• t- • Th1s'adviee.is ex tendedby Lion rdo-n' Physicians to,all ladies whoperslt 18 wearing low -net ked- dresses The doc- tors say that there 'are .. More , cases of goitre this. year`than ever known before, and they lay'the hhi>re on„the fashions now. prevailing. One ..girl about 18 mess anyway,; consequently. they were Geo. _. A ��dal Reil .Estate and:lVMonoy Loaner. .UGI NW QNT;� Money to Loan on first and second mortgages , on farm 'property and on single and joint notes. Sale notes also cashed. Fire insurance in all its.braneh • `.bericIS:HOUxiS:- 10a,,m to::4 Min, `cnursaa ens ins of the Japane.S6 acrobats for Luck; ham's Civic' AritiAi,n there will law b: � Caledonian _ - ,.. untitit, ,eaaaes vibrate,, and' then, �►, The bSect of interest awed.. to �n o fattest � came red�lier�r n K nth l6�Gepo 34G11T pounds. I,+uolso u"ii�ls 1 pure , ed by l onor of En ;li$li at resurne:hisjourne rodent bas; beoome such an. o terest that nobody is now all. olest_ Nssx Cattle Ten head of t and heavy- es't cattle that`, eve into Ltiek.- now; w,eta. delivered couple of Dy_ ' Cameron. w They : raged und`s each. __One pair weighed unds. The heaviest. known: t:: previous. ly • shopped; frpin ow station I weighed .1600, 'he resent R. I3ur- eX rt and will l eposing in a s prn ab i lot, wbieh w. Alp, i?J' intended Soon have the several' -h her am of .horses,' which base been used to. deliver ',poles for tho Ashfield rural telephone: lines„, celebrated. the glorious. twelfth by.' running • away from:. he s e• inthe mornin :. t,.. tatFati•3 h4 . , g with a' load of` poles `on, the` wagon. p S' What . frightened them i9 not• exactly known;. ossibl . the .'drums, and,the p ..g' ' With `t. "regulr�,bad;�aomethln„ to. do i ,, But they were tired and out; ¢f ' train• ilg and had little heart for the, • busi; years of .age, wh*o.resides ria East Lon,: easily `stopped' *about li d F a Mile :away-, 'that eause; 'ivallhere are ..othj asep The* hacl really done no daniage bp. only olittle less serious- ee12) Yenr, ond titled .• the street with. poles necks covered-. iapre ty and swan, Y. r, like;'no-doubt;;-ta,show'asinuclrof Ahem AS. possible; but the sWan, it, should, be remeitherect, hoz' feathers to Iiide the .e.igeing_som.0,_ profanity among those who had to pick linl;credui.61.1; American Carrot!' in connection with the secur- run: to Kincardinea- ;Union. Sunday An modern metheda used. Best ,ma e.riat . rushed,/ Crown paid bridge work. Painless extracting by tlie use of the latest, simplest and safest reMe(135 SOMNOV0,01; Newest thing in artificial t-Pth. Aluminium' plates non -breakable J. A. Maer-FtNZI•U ' sells Farm, Vire Accident and Fidelity Insurance. The leading Canadian companies.,, -including ndou Mutual. Also Real sold or exchanged. Money loaned on teal estate at lowest rates. ---J. A. MAC- KaNzirs, Box 34. Kincardine. 'relatives inAra:ntforri:. 'Bethel circuit ;on\Siinclay.'' 'Mr. Hui:: ton of Bethel, oeCtipled the pnlpit , gr. Charles 'Wilkinson Of 'Bele:rave, brother Mr. Wilkinson .this week. Mr, Edgar Roulston, who as •boen sPending his vacation at m on om the 2nd concession. Niss,Susie 'Irwin Of Detroit, is visitk. ing it her home on the 4th con.: , •,• MISS A.da Walden spent' a few days last Week on the',South line visiting _ .B0m1..—On Thursday, Ally •fith,. to GRAND TRUNK RsAy'rE4a THROUGH. To-OlIST adults only 50, -cents; fin. children, 25 - accompany the, exchirsion. ,A-rrange• ments have been made' for the • free. use of thebeautifiii-iirk-and-pavill- su ply supply of prepared tea an co pp a.nd hot water for all' who w.ish. to picnic ou the_park.,. Excursionists will of courseeu I their ,own pails bokets thuao .‘ be properly label ecl; attached to Convey. baskets, supplies, etc.i and- these will • be-..renseved- I to - and fro from the station • tO the, Park U"111111g tt Utn16. iiiiii.4516.11i4 the - free of charge: .Everybody -come and thousand d°11ar enjoy a holiday. ; An Acrobatic Rat , / ANDREW AIDLILIN tibia now The party, with whom • negotiatiOns. ,and be. intiMated-tO the'Scretary. Of the Soeiety couid not pay the price for the troUpe they wanted.. The secretary replied that,. whether known or- not. to the gentleman, . question,: LuchnoW's.'Caledonian Gathes were an .established institution, .and -,:that for ,the preparing •of this year's programme money did not count.' Send along and if the troupe gilts the satisfaction expected, you may count -henceforth, 'settlecEthe matter, and,' the 'acrobats IN INERORIANI. ars, E/ays the Review, will •call thia' storY bait,. can_ be 'Proven by likely a telephone Wire stretche from -the peak -Of -the -roof tif' Dryden's1Mout- mill over Mill Street and ncrosa iota to tihe roof of theacetylino gas plant, '. THE POPULAR RouTp ioof of the mill, !noodle th wire and Tbinar traverses - this- wire haelf-. and . forth garni, Payk,„ Georgian Bah., from roof to roof some half dozen thnes :Kawartha Lakes, , igaganetawan 'ThP.ehject, of the rat's. high \wire' pill; - tow _Round Trip Tourist Rates. Probably. !ietc.).ias nvenimit Train ,Seryiee. cache he ha.; in the---othetTbuildlegi- . ' Boys have made futile efforts' to strike rature' and; fitir inforMation- him with stones, -but the. rat is .(1.11L ny Grand Trunk -Agent, cir from artful dodger and at times will twine _his .tail_around_the_wil'e_4_11Ad_hAPR_ • t t suspended when the wire is . struck To the Pall' Fflr Concert 0. 'prldslr elf egla% 'S4000100' :2xn4, The come iitzee.` rel' •the Lucknow•. A.grioultural :Society's 'Convert 'to be heli; on Frday evening the 22nd, day. of .September have completed 'au. agree/Pent: 'tai the H d ath.:Canad.. w} 1? fart "Lyceum Bureau whereby- they: have secured the services '.of.. the L`tehiteld, Trio whit doubtedly- the best talent that has ever appeared before a Lucknow 'audience. Will Litchfield'" is. e+ graduate .of Cornell. University and. he • .and Mrs. `Bitch, Meld have been on the stage. in' legit. inns.te drama for _ years: , : op this, .. side end' in Europe. They have `appeared' on the Hangilton Y. M. C. A course for the nasi two years:, ,And with the' London • Y . 111:,, C, ,, A. this • year, We positively .guarantee that the Litchfelds wilt give one of the clever- est es ' c ne. ; funniest.. 8 howt : ever t,, leu.,.. st ... ., § given on a Fall Fair night.. •n wc_ e S �;. dt E. Agnew, • e p, Dr: Walter Haokett Of Detroit, was home, for a, day last week., Mr. FL McOrostie .who has boon t,eaehing .at Bellingham, , bus ia spending a, ;fortnight . with -friends A.,..eodlynutoher.froni -here attend- ed the 'Celebration' -at Godericli last A new babyhey arrived, to stay, with _Mr. and Mo. Will Bowles on iss Cora Cunningham who has been visiting A. Alton Jim Virin: Crosby of Woodstock, spent a few, days with his parentg here. • 60144104a, Stoppit Stiit,,,Cos4P. to :WIN 0nrisoablea .04. 440, Of were arraigned 1)efora, P. M. p; nt `Morton -en Tuesday of 'IAA week, %, "...0"4:i41":-Onbetwgees:911110iLtoderilog "otht neaten With. this pdgement. 1Por sow) plict4 tbere, has heen n. BUS. Sti de °:111110”:41tyl`i qt,07:;141:C 4601! 11- 4168' GC' nir:ttilYi country, and' the Stage driver was Roved to. know something 404 it. In the bop° Of seenringiome tangible • evidence; the rioci. wan atage •Of the lignid tangle foot, ','Preir method :orecedunN...hosiever, AV -8 Wit ae• the'lawa of the lank anti Rtgb Oen. in the town hall on TtiesdaVaft;ernoon as. stated. ''.4.4lountf:CrOwil lAttoril'ey Dickson, of Walkerton, prbseerited,' 70 Potatoes • Messenger called' away 'one ef :the - pioneers of guron county in the' peic- 'sOn' a Andrew Mullin, -in his .77th. Peel county. Fifty-two years_ :ago he • was maxriektalis now 'beret); ed Ten years ago he retired from the Laird and, moved to Lucknow to reside. • Ile , leaves, .bseides: the Widow, One and tWo. sons,' John and Henry: of Ashfield... His' funeral On June 2,60. .to Greenhill centetery was Very:large- officiate Lin . the . house and at the grave; Side': The pall -bearers were: Assets 4.4 oho ow - ' in'all the' Principal kAties in the World. - ---t- # , A GENERAL. BANKING •BUSINESS TRANSACTED. -. at all Branches. ' Interest allowed at highest,curren,t rate torne agnin, Pie Tune, .and often. • - At its yery best •ireraiiped FIVE ROSES crust. - Upsets Pie Prejudice Mitheat npsettbig the Eater's Insides—ElVEROSESAOur.' Great for Pie Crust toP and botteng „ And Puff Paste and Difficult Things. Close -grained. melting --r-even tex.tisred, _Flaky, too, and crinidy ==--.-.crisp yet tender. , Put into your bake thingi :the 'rare .nutlike sweetneskof Manitoba wheat kernelS. All soppy with the rid” red juice of die cherry7or lemon pie --:or apple—or healthy • custiird—meati May be, or minCe— See the hungry tofdges fade behind huiy inSk teeth. thai FIVE ROSES. ' • 11111111111111111111111111111111 111111111111111111111111 Ready-to-wear Suits -for Men and Boys? • Men's - Suits Our Stock contains many line3 of Excellent Va bes.--L;Lately, we Values in Men's Suits at.$8-00 and 1:0.00:give good, satisfaction in style and wear.. We' have the kind that Boys need—the Snits:that leok well and wear well and prices reasonable with' Bloomer Pants: ..rcor-iStoys""tiiCilaitiV-SiiitT see.. Ur Lines at Reduced Prices. Clearing Pants and Knickers Mon's Pants and Boys' Knickers and Bloomers—good range at - Jest received a nice•range of new and.up•to date patterns.• , Price See our Clearing linea., Some -nice Patterns for 49 centa. Fancy Vests WhiO and Fancy. Vests, nice; neat and 'lobby $1.25 Le 3.00. Straw 'hats goOd assortment in Leading styles, easy fitting cool ar*corn- • Specials ZimiterkniC tnjetwear 50 cents. ' Men's Invisable Suspenders 25 rents.