Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-07-27, Page 6isiso Ali mi "op I nNQ N `0:K!rAA10V. u4ecl In, Cana& (00i no of" the. vorld­whero X, the Province, Tile 0 tt people—suffev- 'able,. .'tb%n grgin-jr-pwing. "Our" C01 on xsoiwti 444 i6 airy ? . . . . . . says a, Sa ezv authosityt, 0c4teheN -7 Aothing, like -what it is in 0*tATfQ­-q aehVow' he to- vofz a doctor t"ay in tQwU.,? pro -hy, hq you ing v6 orse: thirty years" x C ollowed itli rauh by- t o Ord. kr i0tr9opoet. %04, told, me, I vim 11'aqg At, all, ill, Dal ook JULPLUIL434 aa D*qW ater'.. Man, that far'ms upon� a. large soklop 4,ixghtor f tht upfgrunsts ATO so. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . ...... as. well as. the'.r4in that blis W W is. o ly, that Root pfft, p4p, profito!., O ogo pf Ool*Uel $W,4qne,'a� At has g9ne wrong with my memory. jQ0, #pr6,s, It can� be In � t1ke * - ' I ?!, . 1 14 - I � . . . t. nother's desertion ,part of stanc parativelY $in least VecQ1114eptIOU I highe'r' "A 1: or at a com a01 la to A, few good: cows' A spa, -ltorel'�vai �Qr what I did =tilpll t em be n I the a mprovea, at a havo.fb tt. es ,.h,51�4 * W'146)j deov4 d cost, :Thesa the todw asotherg,-ikndtheir. le of f th ot4t n� I rth But or bapb! rt -day �ad' forth n4s, 4114 a Ady -o V.%j' so hQfne arkel 411vay noO�WO*, t up .0ot what 1 -mean, cA The xp peltiti - dAiry butter, 6rt mutmllaer . prip -e V0- Cod �butte and e1weso is. or , "That ji rdiary :way.,, r soib,6 the t ado in th loliv. - mxitha, aBut' to �,this� period Of tablishe' �poi a, PR to the largest proportion o. then, again b by fat h died 13Y. "a ax, 0 out of .my life- .-And I cream a b.ry butter finds a, r6pi s )a o my WAY4 abr6adi ravelli 'the .441 ring, *ife -bsek .her, me - -i 'I 0 in kets�..,..�PL h�o)!, it, beffi. y :74$ "Seldom le fh t of F i Ad O'n her y I When it i.s.understood that 01 el I earp ask, Wherer,was I 7 o hiff is mu (ch the lrg6st s. xne Q i Whf did I h . s - 'v h -o World, ahil-, that, On,, awis eq keatest el g- tario i4 the b' I Thmk -, Oft&6. Ino -k m6ght. bek the; topic: touched upon", in li,6i. P yov a;.,. of, e. Provi A Duleio 'put h6r head on, one side. hist wife's ear was ever open:t'O his, paitaiiee'L' th ni i, 'tl�is' re y. IV was a p up Three-quar- d4 retty head., few renawrks li�r relatiousl is c ear. :.ready wit -i�cljpil pecially fo' a very wiwone. -D tqrs':of Of -.daiyy product of' ,;an an est ad HOTEL AT OTTAWA— 'CHATEAU LAURIERI, CI ovi6aj no NE Q TRUNK lIeT he, said hed am.�Ilfied th,em to the,b I I . I her RAN a4s is prduced in' Ontari 'OP 11, raising: r.antage, And A.wa agn. ys in. eenient, d afr4d W. U -BE ZNED. VOR- BUSINESS. IN. THE,, worth. $1 250,000 was, s i1ppe went: to pr9imp, I That th-- M a, Tho F 1911, -that FALL O the ViiLe 1910i ;ggye 1,;You: Are vexed� d4ty,, -but ,,to* 'rds thb, d 11% 1, undeii6tA* Province has 1,1 fi �ited. �'but 'I d-dnt -See .78 cheese factories, t: has . a-ppe er May ,�,he ap.peared d.1, 001.64 I :-Sv* h -OU r, . uldn't creameries. � The �=i "li.oUld mind. 'I �ho Ad d cut,,, w" y tten fivke lim in, I R T L�.��'N oall, 60 c 99 t Y a it, '6ut,Jor lie sat for tho. pi�s p4rit. livere at NL,6tbries * 100 on Xpa iow letw,.On hW An l- s'S; carefull�_done; U16'-, shells d9 D �Lnd ' -1 t, -'the cheese pro- p -was a N a, ihia�-d a.rk--eyes regar,4od., Qowej�, Ale cu m7 11 r,,, I& h e� �a I .,u -and t ntiveli—thb. �vhiph separate being put in. t i ater.. duced_1TE POU-ilds, on Small 11 obje cts __ cann - yl�, i.�.; d - h 6 1 f a T T h i r tr'c d ft Oat 6 and ot. e value,was $1, inn 0 ver on 'might.� be, diff�rett it was ]us K46 wd* a: good-looking' :young, 0 Ias , rule, I -seo:.that 'la at. -H ,�, m S N b. tter. at. cheego. C- -buldthe bdlord a'de into u fellb of three. or four dnd twnt;� h r,gole iand,.'c' Vas 49 I of him - th,64gh. her 0 Smal 011 d'aujhbei's flo r like fac, e e to kni pro� r, perni IreAnieries doctor -do Anything -for" fo 8 334'532-- id, his face w� an one we -ed as. -perly re. Sul,- h go the: number Of a house f iom' poun4s "the butter pioduced 'was -b�d.vLis��'----'-'--"-t46.��90-:'iOu'"a'%,wheh'thek-6 h6pp6n6d to b6,asniile i4ited reseatiblanc wo er:, -and�bbcaifse eslqu in me an ildink to: unii6 t4. Parts might - ,Q� : -L YOU�A,g fe op- , 1 . 0 .15,203 powids, ad the iY� zn Ve - I' on it He %d' it th�` Is," romarkedan hotel SUP7 �910' dv�el aftbrug or sh son h10- - f ro e�lp Orrihte ont. `�S`t a 1��IiO ks afte'i. a, ie cn.Anoe, ald�4. cab dairies, cont a I' to conbe'ab and -it thp- -wlfol.6 truth,lor"haa in.,hista,r;0 stitiolls, many P�qple. are. bout4 buttef r iI6. in farm d, t will, supply, the' link, �bey&hd ;hi�'sldll' 014— . . a ofrha And my W C��dlhf e pirt.; It It we nuniberal N on nt to surnpd on the farm, aud''juo ',_TRIA1_- ATED DI -GS.. At _ih�, o e I g, o o 5-. -1 A omdon, to, tw-ffms- "d 000-0001- vi, en 'a iffi6 hot -ps quite, SJU 6ties $15i u was:an,a a ty II . w , ffai . I-4; DUICA wu eiiiiii Du Icie u ie c t -wen on looked 00 y ary,, 9 i3o re t an 16 near 'to. .4ife eb, mip�d.sinoe Job. U �whn' pro- lagcs in C1 erniday. wh t* 0:. av:o exist. In some. e45ei the, or t ree anner. ars for. _iF dctual lue 35 00- Le -T,. d6l --ho ing Of, era,ge, va Ife- all a i"''a r-..0 A, 9 ers 4% Ju . . ., . 6 1 : 'tot I ''across a rm. a r era .'the hic S K asse& 11,13 is six M2pth!s). -y ir;s fo s6lectifig brides And bride- uhibek; i th is a e,- is there is pro wag, -W&nt.e! 0 er r. ot er bn e, ast ey e fr�onj n e d when it is VIA, iexists M'B--- en. d w ,'!' * I I f i d at 50, in u r .ax.i ngi rg. viayxle'du h6r,stery. 'a 1(tell 'Ger-- -AU e gin n a IAl of- O in. u TIVS , '� �, - , , �hin a -any � - I ew O ­u,cfi-6n �'w sb A,A.w6r:ry,.,ab*,out it d f a r t h-ei ab e, �ho. So,. ion- T wilt I, pro WU dai 'ers alvays%o a c U* beljbve, � in� w ryin also, oa',thei poretext of 4ich, 4.1 e ;num her 4ula O, On t t e,young., U1 7 N 'h oik. �,fronj'the pr4o�vl�oi�s,: time o -he, day :of b ie fair even. f ttk6 , ost, xtensilfe 7an no, 0 . �,P­ an ;,,ansi'w-,eie,A� -nlpn keep in mind -,�his: touns-e.- w afid -.4his.'Yoll d h %with the �tbo that� geferred to it a i "urn nin who havie. been no- The fact' rR,�.n y hotol min-, prc rorLsQA­w Y I ii fitabI6 indus s A t ro .tified stand nt unt'? ,ow -cou Itho-ught'there, wds � no St were, 'left lon6 0� irk, groups on �Ajace iiot, Marq and -the'. oliv�, and ro* eco i CbVL y_ -sis 'b' a room �vinc'6-6f Ontario.. agqrs have S ere4i-that uicre;- 1 oked� iNothi-n i � I opar ment, -Y ,cat H_ The ine Gower's Q number won't let and Some- afee .01 ar as we a �1 tuf4b inaintains, ri esmki. orl 4 au., J 9 I *'_,t d dXW­JaJ Y -611:'in. the _p6ssesion:- qf �jiin s,,th !in allotting gr16 serious-- Or- and'�a an -i 0 e ere'is difficUlty f oppo �4111 Y. d d, 'n "-a. r lio. sit. �roAII4' a lig I-h�o. had done, o. hao.met.Ine 'at Lu�ca.las "Why fair. offici�ls,. w, Septtm- S -,fiv �'instructof a, d pucker kuffbE went, much. t Xo... 113 or N6.,213. e-veral tibaes thirty 4e daii w o' ei am �p.apa egAn' as., P. am c ,vince, it waq Id` ,on, us, d table, bAween' Ahe groups. T11 nown' people'le��6, an- the( i�dMdua Ut: going. ' ' ' : men ard,�stat�d, oigg ord, k 'that wou, ingq,. aw t- ement andSir. �bn. But I� -on don't ­4he bare,s at I have -,.k' hot-,' duty is to, instruct not L `1 had ub ihte;Mion� of �6,�,bs of' the, have -gbt.. iiiy th' Youlli A. the d ' , 'handling "of milk A - pro ucer i atoncd`,hq., Seemed 'wen Luk -6, Mord6n?s opinion*�-0.en6d it the. 4,-I.,rather than have 4umber c.o. -,and - its-d6li-ver"in-good and cream Stqphpg�j ing to pack, -r4)hi,dh be -droa4t,�-�figu sveh.­ ginn -only -num er- -co SO aijcst, ts e wa 'u keen- said -:'Colonel Swayne,. .w o- -Was then called forward b s- tl� securitig.�nd maintabi' dt Ii -ingl-of c6u`rPe-?', VQu, may done,so,� qr. Y is not the, b ndit!61n -- md--to,�,teac.4'the., cb6e 'Yd,u iio, 46: baight-.seeMi--to-�indica'te-disc(r�-�f Ott. And "coAfiden His- li,oarer1his:tM h- considered unlucky. _A: gebtleman maker e teaind 1e;r' he would or thin the order bf their Age, t in* t4ry- h thl' SM f-th- his e oldesit. boming: Y&t, "the-, -tha, Th b6 _6 eote14-he ink .a iufif orm,1u lity of.bigh.4las. b file er ,Vould,Se o apprbsch7 l4i hana As h car W I Mel a.ngeT-. -y 0 -4i s- o- caug P QW -ore Ir 43. -ab*�d)ieiel, ,gir.S1_1 h the first, ue positi-o and plumb'th-e depth -of its o4en stopped *at A-Lwas shown -in- to, '.to ."t 4 D,61. kil tighbin 0 sli thi Is`called -to -meet s soon h ­h t d ower. een in Mon sym ­i�! ahet'clruel this might ke. ther 9 . 4D 'y4 lit It otiect th' :)ung woman IS -4' or he, . b ilieve" yO!1\_Ar -rig �Ullon,.An nov ax in 0 eo jht of,the nu.. ber on the 4d hee-6, after alL �vrth folloi rin . . . . . . . 1; might hi�,e Pull, presbntedwith,vieddipg Ste pe back and asked for.! An7 is m6 -b av, eilcoku I e n (-TO-b Approy ichances Are; he would% n,g p. . e�dee - All Ie A: 1p ick to -,the -ho ruum, ;6xiod &d for- a year on !is-' -unlucky inuliiplep'of- it -were The- 46vei should havel, ,e, ay nW(k,mila- in-, th o end. - t mo' -t� At th -of the y -ear eke, anot another i nor A W KO spe& ini- ouraq OHA "'-7— told, story. at the- beginning 6f numbers. Th a 'p 'pa .0 Ile Years1 - 'g it me- nre 49 noit. qui neighboring. hotel. In"'th6 mrnin ite --it F and each is free to marry room to o er him, -s6 A w on"610 _6ve: �.WVLDIN4 TORT 9104, S11 ff he went.to,a &"ilie.gubjoct -was ��ut'i do'by the co 0 &in,; or Af 'tho� Are ::,.She did not V A 6 6"r of ii�arriag sure whether. they *ill he 'returned f6r.'C.�ieiure I he' 'had The -growth of CahcdaPs.'citied, 't 't ne wit I � _J. h bulcie li,,Clower, of Id, was More ing About nevo- -wi :Swayng, wag, not 1 - been, Un.'L., -can- -. separa,t she 6f "it b hey krra,4go"to _P W4 98 t at Were unj� inclined to riiakdifficUlty. He Solia Piece. have P ear of '61n h I�d. IBuild! ati,ong, htli. . . � I I I . . I ifm t well' you didn __ i9lo r Ad ttd,hek to -before the- - aralle to .. - Ift �. r tVOL -u.s as ng Ope� samit; an I p4 'b W get t '46. wire to-! air Said � th rk,� in. during in. seventeen b .1 ,hl "' . 4 - _d again foi.'an-Uhat, room, a �Aps, 86 Aij Pt glad to dispose, of- Dulcii ei. I TA wx Tortoiseshell s. the carapace 'or a. d theii —bewedde o'cle I ed, it was,,not wonderful she faiI6 ��fid advantage th-out - b nearly'a hundred, am, qur6 - ahe horny arinoi which protects. ;the: -.o year., -. If a. �6ule -remain. bo- handing'it''Over, .'N,o. t, wag urint reached. 1111 e D' 'Id�'Mad `A will be 'W� Undeor9tand. It.w,as no' pa ;ot the sea"gan 1�1 Va 910!; 1. badk��f the''hawkshill turtle., Thi's her over 111�'yesr, the zhairiaige' out in the.'night; a'.wiro'fu's6d.� dollarsi' hile the lar'Ser -Eastern on e .6 h in. owelr� pU*O4o"t0` in Ing or I e� er lia"lie, m -to. see, er aga er, d" . ge,. em on tor we co pu dA h -which r ap the Wstern cities 40 G 11 '."the black.,void an �. e F, I -me to t off 'wit y_1s`_born the union I moje, than convinced that -,4 o i 1SU-11 tho'ma .. Jbi6ed i -A ,b not is a Also va - . r VaB,a nu in d- at al ut-64'erlap, yili% _n nAd" puneoating but DuleWs way: of: meoti "f 'the 'at the outer edge b One id fo life'.." tZilo be Av'ofde' exceptiunal pisperity. an confidenc6 r-enowe ori w' o rld-4id. look, jr&v� 6vor,tho: re- roof.' iA6 'iefuses the first praix C0866- There ." fident.., *?cp&tatioA,'- 6r Appe;& c d. � f another lik;e tiles:on If's M n to a t 4�asfy to make his'liv�Nrk-liko pr6file- so-, The.t *h he is '�'There r I 'k rooms in' - hai. 63�latio :)f,CanaJA,­ co no captur�d-- . arry. -the 'next, a e 111i uc Y. prf urtlos, are 'a supposed to,m Orehend'tl me on'shorb,t'L t 'ifigs 44C� I that �his� �ri. 0 e 0 _Ct they — _a -hotpls, t )�Zh. I", kno r we're on o eggs and; after in rigid y tnfor4 Wl' are .1 wd now, th;6 re were two suicides lions, 'Will, �e eed exceed. -eight- MI ONL 'SORT. o6mz�,,—t hTighi littlowito.1 h6r:o*n, -but i*t imm d njjoil� n_ W 9 1 is cal xse --ii un ilthe he, 4rly -the -,nam-es�',of_caridida n. he 'census 9 ain Aleat; Potato be r Move 6U L head. L y rd by 'the man Be 1kainst e n,Oj jut erward -from The growt jl�ad y4bu, will: hav on' ram Upon. Perhap Id phiteg can �ken haphaza, i��but Six wieki aik h6rtl :07 taken.. room, during '& period. IiOAA take h6r, in wish shallows,' a a your an&,thd Mar�: bey6t,d II& dep, places$ the� - -ommuhity, )U, aandL, Ing ay, th an B, ji;ry. ]Formerly,. 0 t a- a, sudden death ithe banadian West g e� -bur V e with rion nabated. ��A\fjter nc,6 dis,comfort And iiiipatien.. ed You. for. Time. u in o., k sene out -maidenl� ni s, this ti, e --- it' also contin live turtles ere'roasted until th A i0ral �duse 6ontinues Only one-� V 0 I , . .. - ken oirld bef�ta I _Fo coyness, Ul e., es plate a -if -Surveyea,. 'ItL Is 116 U1 he Cb'UrS46 of that even- A,�hazig� -to tl��6 "kiln as !put $ t icommon for of bulbip, r; face gww long. agsin, her and in t] d of food away when the turtle - ack .. Now -s- days it, is -generally ir- and only .one- n4tfi.is uAd-6r' ipult'lii­ lift one k bed, ',A il to th I I find .,pan in the �ea, tto gro o ca g.e, or mish�ps'or'tmgedies. to r vation. It is I rangedbefrehand therefore,'' r�l I ad Y- it W e Id .,doubtful if, shells- gro can!1tr usint, her ve b,een Me.'.,, e*ah, to, �W,000_ho 61 five gatheied, round "Last, -fait be 4 e. -,a* system has.; work�4 maid, now: 'ts -ail a pi party �d be -bAa so is -'ozL­c;ouVIe , w _n my -ho-: hs ty.-- nu slu .StOM dinfier-t -Fortune 4 with severe. A( e td A -h' troiilb�. 4c- H4��kiljill tuftl * S are found 'in, 'ili d ri�d his. mind th. 3ults for 6ent spa a Only. 0 a it�,good rei uriesi and )4XLK FED SAUSAGB§'. and,, t 48 w Everey 1)r6vince,-,as.lw4elIL"&�'OVC'* weeni6l,: b Ldaohq.\\I got mbst of, the tropical A,�t qn6hth' or by4ofi, - .�ompa sick he, h --somo, hil,60yet -will imobalbli last T 'Oh, -Oeo�ge­ that ij u le and, the socre- orse,Anld, *W* or0 until., 1,�bec'�IoAe sq hells" a're' .comm- erciolly tated\� as A Man who recently inveSted'in �ity, is' foOling I til the'farming. districts become etbtqb Of. hy -..ry 0 p con--. Searle Indian, T hO*L 6ould,'tho be a. - to, y ay. - The -sec low 1 could ely i4ain:, An A sausages sa :,that w h life of waking -o ergy biids W. East India , and. West, d -i ns., ys 8 _t i t ist� Indian'shell is nith fahtories. an o m apart- and f, 0 to P&660 ih-� swayne_- still a, young wom'OvA,, 1OO& ait ,all, a;Ithou'g ried..4 o' row&4 wi C r W,th' maid, when, she. hasnIt got �aproiper e.:Atlantie the the 6therand few�r of th�` mon erl Y, ISL Atess? Ad you but t 'ere s no,e ort. afte,ii'vail- every. kind' 414 , 1. left them. In the Iihg, wh�671 tido,of prosp go. to run 1 hope I e am havinj only children; 1-. coum, Pt' " h in he go-be--rici haod, become c�mpletely die- transparent -marking 11, - is �ng yuq r- . 1, , . , g that h --th -Of,, Tho- Winnip ask any other. gfbwfi-u0 girl -.with- dipaeL su-Nu6d, Mannor. and giveft,up all make tortoise'shell I si iable, a .18 A prisoner �was 'bro glib .b fore them. tm�irred up together and el . V6Y p O U Cop- IIand eIfudso.n' 0 I 'CoUhtr -no v &'Police WAS: 'alliable- as the West,,Indi M-igigtrate'i Iplayed,..excellen'tly well lier pdtt of - and though ay� �ing. T ha *n down sou CO the, Mlljorlbovl and 'were Jitpp�ing wheat majrkbti To ',I Should -have tbo-uglit,thd,dioss 'wife �to 4 much �'b husbn .so starve to deat ay my q '011 ring va p 4 milk,. And one s b! 'i -iaid-. '"It, Matter- 'but yb A. *611 that th.6 behNder was some� husb 6.,fihd ome%ing- �Th.o, t Y' `kn*1646 of &ci .manufacturing stablihindzita u woni6i ay in '�ite and thik�, di su,spe:6ting it I could retain,, brbught,h=6 some accbrdin to locationllbutJn AW of,English still less. The Judge- ivhite gaiden, *-all, 1 . 4,0 1 lom knoV,best U" nesi L Y L all bise looked Around' and found that. hi ut th�eoe things 'inW 0. Outpui-double-i pe -Nuts. stapei to a thin edge .�rhe Aiying -to catch a, sparrow. Th -h so alie, om nd''Opt'prom they oVo ploying -over 15 mil p�ed. �y, Gri c ` et on,'Monds V was, Studied' rlap.- In tho'86 cases III h.drowe the loto a'nd deellire& since n0a; no On, M0 theLfoce agreed clerk was not pres6nt. "'Here,, of day, but- not till ev�n 4bute, She, was pi 'To in WIe u h �A,.Iargo Wo ece IS r4a ired to said. he.. ,`.',YihatIs - the I bqon looking. iip traizai- wif e,.. praise r6hy al so' in. h -el with- And eSs 'tw,6 or c6r got L e'Vould bu no more, bags �of myg- be of uniforni tbickm I ,agains rge t this, man 2 'Mi eavc ot Dukie,, and ot' Witbout L - began to gain toether and 'the in I and. it Ittle's6n - flesh--(wbich olie plgteg- are'lhi OVE, F AULT, She is abroad, then?")�' 11 .aAA heir.' She.' Streinigth at nce, my in , , - beoornO SOL- ful t.6,jnforn� liergelf ha4 bee,� flabby) grew firmcr,. my W,elded. Until. tbey. f4y*3; she -has, been -living, at lmd,been care, thickne e' !at'- -' 'ethdgiof-p-duc of,.,necessary ngagg-th-o.next �cok bizon. that, -yoii k ,where about th alth and piece now4 Was eat, in a-,� I Man -plates IL Said the modles-ozo- i d go' lifio.W the applicants, i versed in that Other A gaine ids in weigh6. EN 'E. V1 dotl%r . -died, It like and hygien e, but, per aps- was ew W n we I h evry 4d�, Aiid in. a ver ' boile in salt A they, RES P Y f. eekg -d solution Vnt stiy On :iftdr, with only n pom comparailvelY -soft Arid, p4-_ Oil! see that yo�i ar,6 pro.. u 5 1. I I , it become 'fully. clean sh all - fipcl her mother foric hi�b iz,%vri -ion in'th "I likea Grpe-X; t' so- well that hey are care .suited.1-) just' the same a." thed r1ouk Thontifig I ate, A when't, sJ16 iNhat'h,Ppearea'on the fo, 6 other ll f�)ref�n atto church V lis in- as well, sat. cd to renlove, PO you ,nd year %go. when tshe, went away,tb - 81Maea �h� had w'.o.11 I the, ppro�ral Ideil. The Uft qijiml of th rthe surfa.cas:to be, we Jnother-;.. land pApit witt rno%to df'the worl, azid' it'ha& nothing,, e'atihg as if I had. sa+ i impurity Regulaily overy gut�-' . , ill.prevent, the di rib niffid going to but'eon&mnation fo'th.o revolt of dow 8 rfect �6* d� .8 int. oq'�'for t1he ho.ns an "I had no return, of the misek- hells from formi'fig a Pe lied theprospective co�k. e here v�ap Margar�-,A- band's Of` -hen Aft,�r the partq have been laid to- long lycroybu A,t your lasti place with Afadge"out of it, At iihe, ho "of Imp .0410 sick Stomach nor -the d- .Are wrapped. -With Aev- EXTRA '.GRANULATED -SU p aeo at I L Used Wi:vne .ivas'suave Aches, th ve when i1ofiging th the: table Annabel' S getber 'they GAR ­%,ftd-4yveryt�in' be to ha k��SseK of wet cloth' and R; -her food,* I,= -6�0' a Well :,TNVO yeari;!, urgor�r,6r to Now and a.`dimirmblA, a, perfee*t - 11,osteS' afe'.ot A 'I would pay you four, dollars 4 au had bott4q,co . M- In c I I in iron � plate' put :on so "THE SUCAR,69 NEARLY 60 h Gow'11 was immrs d in, his Own, woman doing. ll. my -own' work, or per ape e just -b6 patal These plates' ry DIMS." Week, Would, ;d. 'got -on' W -e is, Worth . gsut6 6 the �bell Shall Do that 0 JaPmma will .be h ell. -enough sgain,'and el th.at,life I. Clive Nrn-e Inibute t he ed and bits of f9ld- 4 thiaL fa�oyftd h'i his futf, e.: s,epniot Jally distribut MAO 185 avc you any 5 it r­i,n41&w, , CqV pfinie Made e prespril stag o&r.I'tbo ha'Vol &�d took he fpr gr, on a, 4, food lias beema, id W11 te.'V.er, required ypu are ed cloth are Is IL . I I fL , d 41srui�lt- it sifrely.-f 0 - rui0ulzoiarce of pleasure in thousands 'of, Canadian ri t n .11yo nifokrili 'homog. 'e njeanti*fC vIOT ought rrhal you .nature anrin�&Var'�4 pa to Vy tu %. 0 ORIDEn r, no Iii Y,oult 61tocrqti LT nt,,inight boval havol th�ivon,� on it, wonder-, WheX hot, the wodditsoni which - he Wa's heating, 'an how'tho dotcoted XAX6 givon by V(56tUni' broWih a. bit of Iq ko BalAc a 'Ook had Wfou could AOb gue 8 mr n, mAd6 to hold Ii"It takes too IV t ill, THE CAMA W. LIMITEV e s. go I plita 11 sha'watAed htw husbalid, and, Road, I H416 bo6k, "Tho," Raid and" diotho .94, 4. 0 Vu PA GAR'REFININQ ine, , rak, can. guess youi dtatyo in pkM "Therof Wife, 11 to Alter th noAlace, 'anti i when �oul e�gaged hdtit# �t ilsoo in tho .geor, 'a, heavy pf6d to IO'R I�21iot 66bw th time. e 6, 4 .1in rUtibliolled ih b edpath. lettoit A neW.o'nLo, oaU the a4. A�. cold Whea the dould M,ok,. 4A h6, toiiis; Sind fu 11 bf AJL