Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-07-27, Page 5Thursday 1>aly' 27th , ,. ,.. • xUOK OWS.'! .]6�'�„!',!'._L.. PARAMQUNT SCU QOI REPORT iS • S. et, 1,4,, Promotion nsr•� IY' toEtnerso Ellagic, F'rance's Maclnn III jr. IY:•-Calvi-n DlacviarAiid, Lorne n G1ark• (l�ecomllieitded Henderson, Lillian Raytt Sc ...II)' ---Egli :L. Lizzie Sinitli, >Jarlei Webster, ” MacAdam;;, Annie -Clarkson• Eddie.. K etetiab'aw.'(ilecom me ie Masl)onald;' •' II to Sr. I; --Ra» MaeD ; ''Towle, .Sadie• Mac Ketchabaw, (Recomm villa Raynard, ii°arol' y ? . d, Johnnie Andrew.. RT30A.b-MAC;KLN2i1,, 'IURON NRW8, ., Alfred laynardra,n- old -.._rest„ dent' of: CIIIR.ton, died' oil the 16th inat, iter Several, months' -illness, She w C born in London, ,England,, 62 *Oars :ago;' An Monday- of --last week: the. re= p4eYpe _af:_ Alexander• Gorrellr a- •former. ,4•081.dent' of Olinton, were interred' at tuit town, haKin ..been' brought from' S Cr stwl. city,, :Man.;. Deeeesed was in 92nd ear. _mv J i -MeN ht-k-farmer--of-HQwic . . Qhn. •. g . k To ainehip, died on t'ie . evening' of 'Sunda t , e:16th inst., • from injuries . Yt h J. us ined by fallingry from a' load of bay, -the- Friday^previous, _ ire _Spine severely'in u d b the bead weFe. J re y 9, Isa' 11 Mc-- •-' �trduly l th., Margaret ., ..be, - . ��Eachern, daughter of : Mr . and .. Mrs. 'McEEebern Clinton, was -united, insmarriage to A, ,John McPherson, M, D.,'Toronto. 'je young .ctouple will spend. the . remainder, of the d.suin : vier in Muskoka, when they will go o England where •. Dr. McPherson '11 e a •post graduate:course. The number of deaths' caused' by, the fire. that:swept the towns of Cochrane and PorcuPine,, is now ..put, at. 70. T vl • :A:SPLEN410 EXAMPLE A. fatherhag. me r= _ . Sum nr�cl they pu obese of'a Canadiain Gaverttment::An- ni for his of 20 de a ar; Aly Ron ander n ,.. raugement with the, son, that lie: is to bear a rtion of the ex rise until he,. po the: -son, is able, to assume the whole. t+i'` 50n ar • 'e nattP_.. f >I ye. , whinh. ', th amount 're required to be paid from. 20 9u..> the to 60 for 4Q, ears to secure- for t son at sixty an Annuity of ,$507.60,. I1 It will_.be seen that' the total. Pay- ments will amount to $2,090, and that the r tur ch• year will be oven e nea y . one-fourth of this amount ao :long as, th son lives after he attains. the axe of 60. , zf,he' dies before the Annuity is: due all his, a ments ` with :3 ' r � P y Pe cent 40 .ound interest up:to the. time ,, P of his death will be refunded to his legal 'representatives "• ' ' If he diel at 30 theywould' receive $590,00.; at .35 $927.85;.' at ' 40i, $1,383,80; at 45, 11,877,65; -;,at 50, $2,450.00; at 55, $3,113.$0; at 60, $3,883;.15;. Full ' particulars of this.' excellent p scheme -array be had on application to. the Superixitendent of Canadian Gov- ernnnent-Annuities; Ottawa, to whom letters. go free of postage. , • laterestlpg lora' Gate The BBxuce'Timesi.of' Walkerton, re- ports .the fol,owing : Uourt, decision which will be of nteresiw to those: who deal in. hersesr. An interesting borae,case was; ven- tilated at en-tilated:at the. Division,(Qoiirt here .Last week . when an acti brought by Jos a H . ker a in 4�. hn Storrar and . ROc _... a. al'c,i'o ,, g argued was...... Jos. Monk of Ehntix,cod, .. . fi _ . loin. ro ; h'e„ epi= dud "e K '"mi 't be>wore .. g ._ . _ deuce it appeared that Becker,. had bought a. horse; .from ;5ti)rrar� for $95. Sto gran yhortl , before this, .had , . ot. the animal from Monk ott adeal,. and the horse was'1eftb ii 'Monk: poses= Sion,, Bicker:, went to Mork'S plaes a the . hors. . when' bu jing toLinkt horse �' � . same and Monk, he claims, made' cer- tain- representations regarding' the t imal horse. After buying it,, �l#e..aU £urned out to b3 almost, valueless,, be fHi ted.it is alleged with an: An - ting a c , a ,, , .. .• curable.disease Becker• sued both defendants for" $60 •'this being.' •the limited amount` that • the •Division Court, has jurisdictwn 'oyer 'in. such cases. ,; The claim as' against' 'Storrar was dismissed by the Judge, while decision, was reserved In :the action against .141onk. •. . • - . 9 Miles of'the cityof • Con ..Two. square n stantinople were"deatrey'ed by'fire'on the 24th inst. . P BRUOE NEW$ According to . the recent' Census iatio of i2m4G.. Fart Elgin.. °hag ltR:pgprl;.,.,. !a . nt sion, of the Division; . A, race..... ,mss Court at Port Elgin .lasted for only, ten minutes. . - v Ali' r , a ' In the case. of .. r _ !� n mad w hi , for. Rodetteh suing $ruceA •To ns p -i 'esureceived b "being 4W , ped. -out; iijuF'F. 1� of the• stage .over an '•embankment, g tried before .Judge. Barrett at Walker ton rec' ni l ., plaintiff :was n'on-suit ed o n teehiniealrounds,, •; e g -Matilda Butler, .a'. young lady, of Mii' :wile at,home from Toronto dtnay Ali attend thefuneral of h''r brother, to, ._.rte ...... . was' taken suddenly ill and- passed;, o Monday.,the 17' inst. She a;w&y n Was 28 years of age and :had; - been iii rather delicate health. •" , -. ' • f Carrick,. last :WtlhatFi, Pal£itss • a , Week `lost. a mare'valuod•.ht said to havo been' one ,of the' best .in. the township.. The '•anirnal ,was, hit- ow r .and while passing ched to a mo . e.f, .. ; . over a piece of rough ground its in'ate jumped forward :throwing, the''mewer back upon. the:knife Which.severed the, large tendens of the' leg. This rend- ered her totally useless,and, she had to, be estro, ed. • y Murdock , Me1)onald an • esteemed resident of Kincardine township' ed away Vit the 15th inst., death being due to •injuries sustained' two days earlier, by;: falling. off a load of hay. • • • Word was. received in :Walkerton last• week. of the death, ,at .Edmonton, Alta, of Mrs. F. S. O'Connor widow of .the 'late Sheriff O'Connor.. • She. had. gone to'Edmonton six years •ago to' live with her son. George who has ' a law. practice there. .. • .A number of Aeholars4wereaskcdto- explain ""'the -meaning "of the'•�term° "righteouh indignation," and ;one 'little chap ,wrote, •"Being• angry without, wnaai n n ' 1 . . • "Our` Stock,of over $30 0.00. is too lar e..#nd must, atl -. reduced :'b at .least' .once thir4l.: s:'. 'and - . all �i who ° visit - us. during,. • thls •Sale,' an::o :. or'tu n ity''to:.Participate •in $11,00 Bias X1115. ' .�vnrth of g ,. _:.. exception :, .. small w"ares� and W th the. exception . of a %� . ,, ... i • :. o . n1. �.0'• t0 5 ' .' • .rice. fro specials gals all llne5 are:;cut L • ricesdur--in .. _ .this sale poet. Thep g r'; `before.; Be sure are.cut'deeper - than ever lines p i - ' MONEY . advanta e --of this GRE g to:.t�ake. S-AV:NG . OPPORTUNITY O ; we hav • ever :place. ��:. before: `the: ; purchasing, p;ub 7c. , . • The Ciiesley ,Enterprise is •respon sible for. the follows --Paul Fritsch of Su,liviii Tp;is-'tli , vner of as Val a Sable goose as tbe,on _ that laid the -golden egg. This particular goose. laid 15, eggs this ,s ring and , ha,tehid 1T0 -sling Wee a r ie gos lirigs bracked.• their shells. the ,' reliable; old Qgoose-got busy again and `laid 1.1'. eggs, more: of which ;only •one was .bad: This is .a great, record for a goose and if .any'of our readers have their doubts about the accuracy .of P.aul'sfigures, drive out to his;farm and see the pre- • lific old' goose. • 1 WINGHAM The local. I O.' U F ' Have ari anged to: run an excursion'. : to Detroit on August 5:th It goes to Sarnia via G; :T R;, and rem Sarnia t;o-'Dekroit by,st aim boat— Two of, our' young people, who. went: top the Orange celebration at i incar diner -enjoying all :the -freedom' and happiness of single life, ,t etutned .in. the fill responsibility of .•matrimony Tiley are; gi ware �'4Ir f1;- Angus and Miss Lottie -.L Guest. The mar- riage took place at the Parsonage, Kincardine, Rev. 11. T. ' Ferguson officiating. • -M'r. and Mrs. 'Angus are celebiSting-the-event- y;atrip-through :; the,West. • • f - Mr., R. A: Graham of town, redeiv,= ed word' last week of the the death at Branle3 sCalifornia Of his son David , C. The deceased was 30 years of age and' had •gone toy thcl South on; account of his health„ , Mayor 'Spetton • has issued -a procla- ,matron, announcing July 27.as' Wing. ;ham'sMCiieHolday • T1.: N P Exam- inatio - Jr, n T wie, Ernie es„ sr. , 'Towle, Grant. Hamilton; Melvi. ):•—El- don ard. _ t limes,. rine , Adam Pickering, BerthaAnd •ew Frank nded):= Magg' Jr, iarmi�3; JennieDonald.,., Janie ended); --•Mel d, Mac - Donal. Teacher. il . y Goes. i1 ose . • . P , •'vara.. Bee- keepers' e. "}nt ..Tha•executi a of h i B_ kee :ers' Association: have decided' on an advance 'in the price' of honey, P This. is due 'to high: price of.•cherries7 and -other` •fi'ilits, ; ,Reports from 'all. over the Province ''show a f a,lling ':off in the crop of white honey due to the droutlr: • The average .yield hist year per colony was 58;3 •pounds," while this year it 'is only 5().6 pounds, which means, a million pounds ,less in , the o' inc' Tprice' w: be sd s fFrollows e. No-he-l.light-eicilltracteraid, 'e11 ato; 12c. alb , retail, 12 • to 15c. No, 1 comb, wholesale, $2 to $2.60 per dhzon; NO. „2; 'wholesale, :$1.50 to .$2. per. dozen. , Prices • on'. buckwheat honey wilt be decided later'on. 4444444444444444444444.44 STUDY AT: HOM._ and qualify. for a good situatio 'inbusiness life: It will cost little. ,-to.;,do this;_ Get- our plans. Write the•SHAW COI R$SPON' 04NCE .. SCI.100Ti,; '391 Not-we- ' Xoiwe' S't., Toronto. • • Lana tai AugusL 26th'TORONTO • .S, e ptember' 1.1 tb CORONATION YEAR LEADS THEM - lin a Steck. ed, A riclterAft—Gems. . e t: e— ..`from Euro. Ge heat stew on"2on ii n og n "ga eries—masters entl Prizes fromSpecialfrom best, .collections in i50ea.0 c h Increased'. Canada. ..and Unrted Prizes in all classes,. States. • , - THREE GREAT SPEC e !estival i E re—Pictur- Coldstream Guards 8 u-- a ..e1d . a War Be�eet : the N nr=--•', ' ing the glories of the Cor. Musicians of the Royal Showing a,battle between :. onation ceremonies. 1,54,, Household,, by special a :Dreadnought and a. pert/drillers in .uniform. permission of;the King. Submarine Ufa M � Steres rratest; s . ever o i wa America! Goods' ,num. ufactured while you.' wait. ILLS HOSTS Or OTHER: A'I''r ACTIONS ' rLY,R,A;- Regatta=AthTetICTTpoits-Boy Reacts:Revleir V'aude'ville=RJ a et FtLtW' Twelve ]4aeeed Military' Bands --Trotting and Pactgg 'Races, etc. •• 'MAGNIFICENT: DISPLAYS OF CORONATION FIREWORKS .. Po,' ait,laformation•write Manager 7..o. QRR. City Ifall� Toronto. FT:THE • GREAT EXHIBITION ' OF 1911: THE London,.= ,September 8th.. to 1611 FALL TERM FROM AUGUST 28th., :' CENTAAiit, ' 711 z STRATFORD.,;'O.NT. Business .filen state, that our grad- ' ` rates are the best:` We have three 'epartments • a i ' CO1 nttclAI.,, . - Stioniqttarn 'and TELEGRAPHY: The. tuition -for six: ' iiiontlis-lis $55 and for one year $80. Investigat ion will , prove -to your• satisfaction '. that 'there. is no better. Business, College in'Canada,, • Get our:free; catalogue NOW. D. A. McLAGHLAN , ,Principal.' $283000.00 PRIZES AND A 'FRACTIONS "7 xhjbitioi of Live Stock. - The . best• •ever • :seen ,... _ . .y: Canada. ,' . • Many Unique '.:SpeciaL.Attrattions including: •AERIAL; i1i:ILITAItY 5, 13YDI1:O ELECTRIC FEATURES '-i<TTMPING``'AND- "SPEEDING CONTESTS -1314.-DOG -AND ..CAT,: SITU WS.. FOUR S1LENDID BANDS MOST ATTRACTIVE MIDWAY -Best ever seen in' London. - FIREWORKS- DISPLAY, EVERY NICHT, Reduced, Rates on all'Railways. Prize Lists, Entry .Forms"'and. all Ether Information from W. J. REID, Pres:'. • A. M. HUNT,-Sec'_y. THE CENTRAL BUSINESS: COLLOGE. Q Toronto, invites you To,,. write `for.its'liatidsome:tatalogue No;-. vacation., :Summerterm front ruly3rd. W,H. SHA.w; Principal Yongeand Gerrard Sts., Torontw,:. THE TIME ., IS S THE PLACE olOiretlars-. iving,-,..cpipt4tion.p and. _genera ea of ,what g9ing to • 0_4 during thi§ SMA _Ladies COLLEGE ho rias ,St T Ont. >< , STRATID CATALOGUE FREE en IkEaMEST S.i)ID'NE BOUGHT•0AY..•' :Port .,Eigin',Times:-=Last week .:a aitlemanpurporting to:be a :Conser- valive, : organizer 5tr'udlt` 'fawn;.. -an after, registering :at .an ,hotet''whose management is'. hardly. on ‘the Same political stripe as: a conservative or.- ganizei should' pats onize proceeded : to' 'make himself 'a hail, fellow well -meta -He succeeded pretty well in thia and the knowing ones, made , him feel at home,' ,..:Fon a while he was in , great demand, and things worked along fine' until a, telephone message alleged that the would -bo organizee`. was none other ` than the, chie£''spottet`foi the men Who • travel •from place to place and trap hotc;l=men. in the local :option towns. -As soon -as -this . information Came . to hand the • organizer' was -taken , into 'quiet side -talks by those who liad .pre= .viously-•.made'life one' glorious 'round, of pleasure for. hirci, and the' question, was put to , him straight. , He as St'raiglitly denied the 'Chargo;and to 'prove that he Was the :real, goods ex= hibited some papers showing • that . he 'bought hay as a sideline., When'told that Conservative..orga tiers. 'ety $.0.11,dont used. hay as a Side -1 e, he excus ed it by saying it was •billy to assist tome United States friends ". Whether lie was, just doing this until Reeiproc•, ity is put throu„his• not known, but the hay, incident made local Conser- vatives more , suspicious,' dyeing to hist varied storied Mr, Organizer had a'hard time to fret any one .0 even talk about the weather• On Saturday night and Sunday, •and �he,vanioosed ,tho.burg by stage Monday morning, to settle with his LLetorin host, who' had so;carefully looked after his waits, ;Although 'he promised: to he back the. Same evening arld''square' : hirtttelf,, im' 'Matt not been. hero Digo%t F ICC TERM OPENS. AUOUS7 28th---- ELLrOTT A //% / / o ,buyyour Oxfords and'. Strap Slippers for Spring, 'we have all kinds, Patent .or. Kid, Tan and Chocolate xfords also -Pat-Pr Gu etal"Strap Slippers.. `:Price-•-'. 1:50, 1.75, 2.0o up to : $3.50.' Only the best is good enough here • WORD... TO FAR : "RS: Orr heavy T shoes for summer.; wear are the;. best that' money can buy: Prices .from $ r, 5o u • to 'ry .��4,go..give-us.:. a- .chanceto, pleasi::.you.-' REPAIRS d'vr: repair 'department has 'now a first-class mechanic in charge. Sates laaction:,guaxani ed. Wat6h the Sentinel eac week for further nnouncements. Is. rioted for ,high grade ;:wiirk and fdr aisttfiug students -ter -good pOsitiOns::' Those desiring the best in bushiesss shOrthand egkention-catuet it- hei*:-. 'Write .7 StUdents admitted at any time. It will be Havelock and Sepoy flour for this Comntunity. NEM ,Students may „enter any ' day; tune to enter. tamest' trainers in Canada, Graduates get best pos- itions.1.4,-Thousands. studying. at. home. Exchisive right of the . Famous'. Book.KeePing Sys. teni” for Ontario, A.etual Business from start to finiah. B CAU The Wheat is; carefully selected. ,( The Mi1111*-11liclii4errti perfeCt. ' The .competeat *and. of long experience. AND :pnr,i,ty-H-needs:no bleaching,, no adulteration, Write • for particulars, • LONDON • 0 ,Our cus ,,.0v.a.8.gay: tooltivee?n_.lts. gTor,i)3d,. e 11-ELEIVES_.....HBROSH.,..1.U.O.K. 410W lb, plain print frook /•• 'saw het A. hunith of rat% xn her 110.04; 'Mat fairer slot could.any stit •