Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-07-27, Page 2PoNpowl pill! �T I m I 1`01MMS 10 IN wmer. 'This, *JUstob0,w.,'*.6bj to do, -it. A TZ Tow V CQA0X If;rO Are 'ATION, f W, to t riat XNV�ea 6 a pi kk:Tr0WT1; 1 "111 A -A pu wlotti Wlig ^v;fh6t. P400� :yqu, Imat SPUMno Rea4loft pply. pe &,s In q� 14 Although. the 06ro io has Passed 'a44 'thjq,. flago, 4 At Alymplo o and cork� 'Arer, 1�vq - R 0 kavo b eg Ton all,. IIAUIO'dowri,, Its offecta will, At a dvow in 11"WX 9youtakok NS Oilod, before filling) to thet Chicago 61 u, t0h ig�,the: tuft,, -&he 4w" 1 W4 Altbouill thq TAteproatiqua Hojs wqj 141 --:jfNAw1)R �'At Olympia WAS fi Ing wero-buq,pr0`l` -on it 07 0 heAlth.4p,%rt o.4. -People rtent lAb6jat4q rg, f6l, of your Vaqv indecho W.A. e*o rw hold so b.04,y comes , OJT#. T adip -&-repo for thoevvnt will'40, 41mol'At . i UIC I khWq re eq, I - g arm sot )1fr owitrio ns�" W ow- JY4 rpcoq thol' with, a., Sudden jork,, Ant ObA asi �190-7. 'it has. already k� arra s; P14 bOit''tho, e ourgrip or, the tuft, as busy III Undoing their work, ep. it oe�Aa-thor­rao$t'. 'Popular, OU el, or 1pso I be A .. t j I I ), - nj of j L< I I C1ij.Pf1P"!jqe, 4 Automobilp pa �ouvie; .�Will' A-0, ]Vr'" 'PA -M" loporciso ex revie is, 45;� muft-tel tog - U11100 Ot on, -the, --TX '7 -in- TAre-dots io.f ohoon foi j, , 1 7001-0 410 d 44 ps - - y 4rp, UP; are, Seen 'care in the'selectio n, pf ollirild f ,',barrioa Q tak-ithag, 4 o OL6 1310RA-0.MG, CIW FARM$ FOR OAl, 9: OR 01i"',T; world!s ho6ea :Lq be lij Ace p ATE.. . 04, Pick kep � your,han4a waist high, t o , 11 1 .1 1 1k, I - 1 water; the frequent changes of.a t and. rq§toring, I[Ioii. 10 old W- P; -W Sooncompoting agoin pr rid r w �A Ninety; Cologrn War* I oh, ed inotq., 'la ,at. one Anoth feel, to dow at hold Iq ; t d 0 1 Lokd Pilmerst.6h U, $ON' ps­ I . #8 Anger -0 you got y0i u Will b pressIXI& her ;444, w o. 40,14 oulto. kho favoi t d''b'­en with w* rA 'd 'Pimply: me -au -ere rom bree or'q point: of vi ar. �WnOt It IT014 09vo" vhiph W141 t all uted `vator ardA Oivera. ties rips.,phdald" est; o Pur aze %u q a 'her to tho Isle -of. Wight Qbjoctd, oll t work t . on a: entaciont-- supply 'fall qtraiY4 our op -d w lu'a ualso. ei PrQW Qp tocliedk'j' n of the- Coronets an:4, or, 0. go - th ere arivalry.. bile the, it! . 14K, ot n by tb, gaill bee,440, the 4, 9 co art selves, ith lits wpfn:, and, hi oD fq ii be, brou . � qrs, mate was n fT so ght to, bear- Se a bat w Ue 'grAdu;kjl, W - the result that, the poor A hof;water, boi 4 �embrkjng, 4pnoug)i ligra, s,,� s,w%ro. sex, with. low-, I . t�at, . , y,, �ith. Am 09" . .. ;k_ PA '644 of the -or' tuft, *,1 616, %i6h, wi t am 1, to '09 -with Buell. o OWha nou b" op -"t the. Ile, W11,010 trip. bush, P reset. In. dif� jr 4'AVE dome of thQ bept,0toqkjL Graln. oare larg- riob-AbIg. ol ow be b for6n Nor will. the. Dair to; sqcurp. bottl Joni- on Ugh 't form. o. a qn� t 4 -or than -ever,, alid 'ropreae�ta Q q r a wearers ha-d,be' Farms A ou, of the tter. Like h e to the you w.40 one ace me,. ajLactor�',rtto ;be, tog.k.blie which will maiatgrrt tem, 44still, Coronet t, t to, �. att a, much rest,, for, IS10 of; Afa or 0, ARM& '1' ha ;PI A jp of o .1 Europe Poratur4�10, al, as. 'bd fiew, druses topthol? with,vf4cers,froni, -the TJA- f ..ot period gra�s Slopes you �houlla Oro the Q ei'r� Maj W aght'9Z 14! taWa. , 0 time eaties, lies a beavy social, #to'- th 7, "It 0 for riagi a! Troph des�ont bl�'t Jet , T 40reas, Nights, nd Holiday Anger S: �Plowblr than it- to be, 'h for �ho,? d izep., h I as. Safer 'and muh .1oS f.jt. nS 1X- A, -,Bo4,n. M Twa on a rf ;8 7, nd stre4jup; t for a, 't at o. amount of pr 640 CAn ng -wa C y,seris ie organ and *14to beiq, tb.� I lg� ai tue, Wiling of the, K tho� outfall 'o ar. sewer,, �o the rst Ing' m9stt eA Q1 of of $36,50q Led lea 6d, - Whe� this oo- hardly, ail to. "P-V�Allow Some, of, this -inCipleL Ad I H U I h , 4, File;' iixa kod. t4p, P1.4bli -deralig year ;hOwin1j, A In, bin Ved, -�Watpr,,� de l' ln,� at 1911TS t1tere d uo *�n'of taillly t while, ha- winliet tbe� fbjjhc In uala rQC 61in,�bin b to' vie IS As ATOOK Seale utwhere the 00ap OjOtL "s bi�,,6. and illo. �ri liquid flaws S -4:, ru 0 V'l ho 't, -0 RYEP.8 you oucceaq if 'you -ar'a sit And, eviant ml ep, 4ng: 0 Qw V.; $6%500 be the ;Up, �j '' � ' 49.1den, e ot It ome in COR 4( Lfie L ab it L telligent, birdworkipg, aorio iially of flags stomach and so rs. WQrn, fiiOeri,,thom. s,,certmin being ilain aMC'Ufif L Will be, stored #way most distressirig. Ailment arid JnL any- branch, You.,poulFAot cre4it t4q., 9, QU find .our Proq0erity of our ittrizers, unless. ou, acu, al or a0 t o"mo Aea huld 3�ou ay t the communW -or aftornoop L dre4eigi t .,.()a,tei4 for que,,of -the moBt,opu- L' -barred.' a way o man coa-, Itally' CaMej and SaIr' W] umuch 'bof, -it, will fili t y are prone to it.' t veA Y�e progress uj xpect6dly iti L' -L 11, not come? 11 you do nou will be s6rri that. you had not th aOheap rae4 you are not gaUL -items, boiyjA -c Poo bt farm froin The neii ieat prificipli�� iB never, ;cloth- d r manufacturer on A Man finds, the. best rq vorno years a -go, n.V odu. 7�,The, lar that for Osten' e, too V Perhaps w I h 't Vegetable Pills. le -4 il well 6,xcept in the =Rt�83"� Coles athe ch, purposet old "it .1 tiug along Ve i, leAt.hpr, donkeys, 4,4 to MoLve hand or foot unless" 'You ry b, d -I of y6gra... Rettor do 00metbip.g. for Youlf Ing- I are, warran t pec yj. awee ;,pem d.. t is ear'there'i§ -j dfon's salte oi,n-,o Cor ito allormation wr as -b th f* Cho ofbuai­�-�,cram bfter -medicine ln�,t lo�lentiToilst of kW�Ohp a -to *h(y 'ilinew-lon: tho,j , , r O;WA odiffoient�!,distriqtpaS I, -is o full inf a are irty oi reot the there In I r thi 1 ato- 0a Y o Wee ng:3L coway ore". ha vo d �'if there is pear y fqhOUIA �Sjeeu h, 0 L n. doitilt about and -one, 00 'k n t 6f, and al Ps er t L. you are. ;n Il mike, r tio WAj4T0 ipdred, Oip re; w.ila4f Shifting p-aiets, �.nnuli jo el 'Appe&ranO6'At� e Trad iesiaen'. will hav tuilit, ng - the GE. TO it 6 r qual#y of th -.p 'hand,, or both, Ill, the S - WA ze '1 0 ore, :451 hoto, GENT$ 61 -the' L ads, alibuld CLL VER L atemai 44 'be as. the' green ruit, convince@ sto WIL un,, 1, ng. e OUPUMD ra �Me' e -neirer!" or L O -W fijIfily l6ns,'eie., �and,mainy IIW a none can edual ours. Yew will ral it hi Lo, Sh 'JaCeSL ill Aiei at.babVig lie n,,,is not forgot a, bile L app 6 Aove ty. �IS­ C0*Petjtiqn a W93 r ,e particulars- to, gs, but they Ar .. as 'gr' rocks. Theiii tWL�. tempting. '.thin -a that At Pon thes(i �Jthy tte "d ri regret 'it if you, don't Way" 'Do U 1 make ;L, handhol'd of bushes, rsoons'are-db rre I rovil eating "What's the ma, r T avel oral., No pe b' for. re�, O I danger sigP44 YOU 04Ln be or grA L '!Why' owing, ok �saS A�bert'st.. ottqwnp IlYo-theroll"Slith,: and a6a'necossaril sha 1, andi -need &"bst a"hi if n, giiiacant t renifig .. rward, -to they, have. il. wild live -i that 'Clean "Cordi I ee6rae, the, :rno at look' :lots roots ow" n6ve tria--th lug Xe g 8 ery r little Ouse oppost dI o" i�dika emsaway, .'the; T. D, de- certain jho came P"r. AUM GOAL I price, wilsbu,"d ...... 4�' ta 0, momen any'strain. ii.. putl.46n heT4 While we were' awaynd ere, scale Works, gj gopianado. T.dr n t ofood lea" 6 be'�,Lserved lfi� a ai�ni water, Anesik ­ i rse trots, in., and ake , few, -drops: Ili us h in d t iddle lf.-,carry� p� Stick with .4 handle: cu'rea,the cmuips, and cholera -in a '.photographed sittilig on -our room in which t ere are swarms o gallop. fl, Iivilile, two., olitsi. 6 aninials t - .1, � 110 j .4, ­, verin .0 Out .116'' the: two h.. R. GLAS HOME.- n the, flies. Screens, SjW . ..... .. j ,, . , , , � '' -M ­ -- - t- , ' X. Y or �orgLokiAori?t hook ledge, arkabILW-M�,aU.UO,r,�_�an'�",ii,-Sllte to rpo , ve. ic. es. less tter. ed' 3, )y r, dj 4"r .9, "wAs g citclii of ng And ull yoi 0� check every-- Issur. Ance apers are neartpidlo, or left, hand Animal trotai P arself " up:' by it., Th V.94, plate-, glass" stuoli and wiudo*,. d, -a briet gallops: Mail 266, W. Potter f qui. In I nsablb�. to� Sat !eLdge m4y�,b�'*,,unsa' Iho, 'stick,. ssofffgid V BLAU Montreal , oil fitry -4, 18": Your wa ban�t -tell you"-th�t ----Work' that' E Lk however iUb� � t , t ric a. MACJ1INERY," to I AWJAIL * .01 'UP tl I you� cag �athe , Mills. 9 attiacts, tho gr6i'LL inaSI heavy. .1 costly vacation -sena- -V-E,' OFFICER.- I Is MiliZ Engines - and Poilers ay- no. h 'A mare,., a very was E, Long Manufaqujur my 'langr e 'adf 4 5treet, Orillia. Ontario. t 'typhoid or will son tell jou­whethei thet'ledge ll,� 0 Wt 49 114i'(d Id wi Meer, in tho A:r M h'the- (if -touch 11 Su lea. Th' fi bi s a -BRA t e­abl�­-to that ge, w eh your sense rd W011fift Mi hor66 Ltd Wq, - its victint, -h d v�luable' bnis, athey r1o, b k-- b y,brujaed and out I)YL bef� caught Ina Aria,, a no wi o bi nag woman ecaus 48'Wa a -wire fciiee. Some of the wounds woul a nll,�Appreciate ood w� ia we now, :OY no od C-ANCER.- TLU r rMORS. LUMPSo r hea cannon not he.1i alibbugh I tri etc. umr-om-, �C ff nt ed- wrtboq- t;: h eo 4, 1 d r­jump� -k the sour��PUW d1h to- try our home treatment. 'Write o:� an6thery Ever�- move-- he t .'h 9 -w w -fired,;- He --*b exdOS6 ,:.for.. ntakin t �est oMINARD'S at, first, -lieforb', too - lat;4�z Dr.- Bellman Colli mar iger as the Bores began to looic 41p; el, -w Ahern A lunge in. .0, b.ollutod ent, In be' sequerttly­ ried-ithat' Ii h'jt ­ 'three wc %*ood. Ont. better, until after Its, the' sores h�o gs Y Sw al6liths Afterwards" d. and.best�oflall­tfto hair is 6trearri alto -of an, and six tej Or. slow,' delibeyitC', and-stealy', .,your -m SOM W -weig comin heale W Scale of 'the a A� Pols -it d is, NOT HITE as is s flanAdei Torob go Ila I meth milk ;he Being -Of g'graduAIly',dn,,,tO k off gj 1 11 An .5 TON Worl,; IN: 641ii I' the toq liis bo6ts, in, the� hill. WLI1VAA AAO AAA Mtiv 'W RITE us to4ay for' c our choice. nC68 Out Of Steep. rock faces are. best ode� It cons64ii op6r- massaging heir 'horses, 'of Agetkt�'­.Suppliw all* y t 90-t A� tion to fike, pleasure ant th"i I- ea aiid; tons, apt netossaty. They. are mone goo -vaca ion,ipropqs es.- wards!an� look t can., then. loan: out) awa, Ont, th' 1� h. 0 over-ai2xious o, epriyo 'for. -:freA holds I "d IKODEAN BABY. '40: evi b t'' d wana� Opt to own. t, pecial c6 oDVICE FREE. AroUn era TOR. owe S, of, t;e on BA4NK'DI 4a eir� eselfof Of Change'and Sl�oiie mod to Gboepness, are me; �'How -K:Y us in',re son. th horSea'L W lear Card to any di �Vrices In.. drugs I f ind S1 Uwh6lesonie in Conn. back 'to the; rock, baby is �crying Sen L ur 9 Ist: a. �661s: when 4fii 'the a*' beat des�eaaeA will d1i,ect Trusspa:L litted by mail. -,a. �,.Ofi the ther hand AL thO -Sides� Scientific lffother­�-'riOh M( -6 nearest. banL- t -d ndal.'�' atton� antx�stqn 'at either' kinds keptL Close to the'� 3 to ment.: Glasses, dtte(1'1)1 age, it d yes,. but for'. ything :sold tirst-w sq r 0 400 ll e, n V r reasonable call -is, a"very -and,, gtting-thtir holds about waist -e,et G a, a.hygienic-;jUn&'.. fo d of -,the- L to or. rjldlman� Coiling expan, ng, n4n 'they hi If rja�b con 'g, di tissue-dest ftig earf usOWN I "WA '11. Cleanin ad Cutrllig and. ktaGi DL: H To Tj b to ig pei 0 ase cin be sent [ken if, -e ry house use V - -0 -U eel -----The bag IN 'Oro - is ith; ry. y: raise EATHER. DY d htl bai un� go S, CaUS, h the h I -ke6er@-w�oul a -di'ect-rs� Vd3 ge eo es, Nasure' to' Wilson's Fly Pada'. r(elely during ZRITISH, pay,. mistr.? iV 4 ;kill' mid�'�ui' over. tcalla or: f. 0 - ItL Soln' i AMERI 4 . . ...... ...... . .... r l............ p -tided1dr 6ii-r78IXTY I LIONS of Ask Tilite �of-Da 141. 1 1 - I . . I . . . . I T ii 'i'b�)th 'on -the part o the he so hoULsd, gy the Summer months the sYll -it thin �of the ANV"HEALTH TO MOTHER AUTCHILD WO RES Ta bl uld oil be, G SYztg�� has Peq! 0110119 ,-.or -raised DIR� Wl';SLOW'S SOOT"u-, hqL B il I ca U. babies- oi� yo4ur er 4016: DO riag orse: ri er in ever Yq 'BilVa qre'are wo. MOTHERS f0F tbeii WHII y.hbme whre there�are ie t b h an, �to th6j k agrolun ig cdreAt no 'friin<l with PERFECT SIUCCE58. 'OFTEN, am to those Who k -1 -b ut. Six a c) cee r SOOTITUS Oe CHIL;D Th, S 5 the OU baby, in ll� &h.-iiiii Out. will.. nd.jf".jou _VA -S n now e.ja o e -of the -is uch. Sure saya'Bi y9ar quotation; as You IN mine It i� a6�� renoi "a \a h6ts44 SU i At. he'fi I ch. cafino� fail o be' ifit*6�sted ldanger as- Ili S.' Waf "ky yiatc'fi bI ijinvoitigat is- the bes(remedy. f6i DIARRH(VA. diff� le S. rut tako*the e e' solutily haftiless. Be rAtre. and ask for:,-Alrs, ARTS. DUCAT1011 -in. the- � 0ret, sty by, -of �-illnes&, the Tallets- should .'I' ven slow ..twe 4'eration is- now -and take no. other r a at e se,66nda alt. . mty:-mifi-, mirgical, WitJ1Sl6VV'8 5001MUC, Synip, f; the f- kind., 'irwen -fivc,ccutd a b6ttle. CME ions 'The. bo�g the .`n�tionalit liVerl 'LO� the, little 'one for. tes of da, be ore yes sary in r4pnio.,ving, -Coras f, Hollo- SCI)ENCE. IncludlIng be us' dashing. rid;rs.'afid Use ier Complain 'JU id-, � - t , 1, on't believe- I a, Wj C6 , C s6, quidkly, t v s, rn 4re eld. ENGINEEWIM o d' fashion rein. lieroa 0 !"What'is arl'ure, d %A a tho' Italians th it unless, protapt Aid Is. at' ftind' varied. moYe - than a�quArt6r I r w. it a is or rein `tF6ur rods.' rX a,. t jjL 9 P I In. a. w, 'IF Ake stirtu- j n the arnafV slioloto 1or- 6 a Jets, ­ ates. n seven second it "a dad V1 never. fail, 6. cial scle x orty square, rods, �Oleq, L.,-.. e Wi stwud nts d' -replid, or ogra at and I& war as t. 6W horses rise. , The - Ar -1 t and. -if 'occa-' erches'V "What. - is a, 6, L . tL .1 1 . WAse rd- fli , ra -lan4or*Ard -and 'onally. give an SIL U. inan '6ays Bill's eaking, t rnusi.L, attend one .Session., .0 0 e d alm65t -still' as opare ro 0 ea LAI keep -46ps :his own. money.- Xft-TS -�:SUMMER`:­SES Ila gen la,e, 0 Ce 40 ii 1. - -d. -keep ll'Chil will Lji*, �p b a plabe, whet -they, weigh WWO then di d )le,__Q�r�.pe atp: h, -rch,-t.-apply esire, gar lie - -V c n ques': o asks i1seless, y to August'l I& ��Tere.giqw t e i of they title; while the Anibricans--and is; pockei�An&-goe wh -.-seem Ul T op TRY-MURINIE EYE REMEDVi' 'Fetoh in my caneV,".., 16r.- Red., Ve, ah -buses o Mon, 3 0 �w ia no, mouu�s,, over - as- mule a Quu, zl.�,,, jbssiblet. all�. h wasn so particular 14 W6ary, Watery, Eyes For Catendirs write the. R suffe from colic.', ar4d'..costipaw ttheir,g' Th,6 judges., Wb� 'JoOk at Let the, -.himself as ./and Gkdnulatiq Pyelids.Murin6 Doossj� It' is.'.ah ufi�isputed -fac' tha -G'. Y. CHOWL.K Kinistok t"Rd ar -about Inowing the Cale t. neen. Raby Ca.'Vt4o Lr: Oil wai-of no lielp, At. Of 'R;iVi'. to. g.11jr E.Ye 17 06 '.C&S- junijirig',have no easy task. One 8mart-Sootfies Pain. Wil�glits all, buit taby's. Own Tablets Speedm desirous 4g p easure. WAYS e 25CP actually a,'lahormoug., ew, I g"; is a �d at each 6 -for,- haknows-that df Muria ha !led a:busI)el of. as e in rid, who.. e-- Myo $alvo In. ,: ouse -flies: V ottunAtel- AFTER DEATH, je* mil-liou'meiv in %be vo ;f iulfi kee !The, As6ptle Tubesj 25c, 'J.00, 'E t nd gataole� 'note' _h he lips quan I y can erver f ia a. winn so n e dvice Pree, by 'Alall. e4ound in 4. "of tablets. are, Id b� a�aicineo'deal-' thiq is %a c s,A, won h�a thojewesttb his naraii , h der and who feel 'themselves. flat- ML dy,�Co.00 ludic. -"The.." 'sentence ors 6 b mail at, 25, co 0Murine,Ey6 Re e chic w,eII­kdpt-,hoUSo-,-'but whotb�er-th�y Me prisone c CourL is that the r be' on waeI,- las -beech sraofoo-,,�ounteld' agali st. from. r ents '&� box ago� -few or any - i soar tere be They' Dr.- Ins dicin d-.NvhCn iheir ftfeadg ask'th6m I in W'I ..a Fly Pads fined in� pri�on th'e �j2aifider of h and hm. if,bis e St ilest:. IV wiiiii for�the corr4t time. Fir. G, will kifI Uoni All. .. .. ...... . requesting oun 't youjoin me �T, ut,'my edges, bi V'ing�, third*re usa..io, take, :An�"lobs z -'.'How is Your- daughte onlord r getting Jud Sir' O'L 'or longs ti t d Had-, means"disclitlifi6ation If, either. ounF. Di;eior -A'w tANGIMOUS '-EXERC18E, i r st. Y hen will Second' Guest. -"But I doilt'. t 'like on� with . heil musie-V� tbfi,� and a holly heige. Of Va-St horsei -or rider. ""Competitor' 'Jot or-I'll.give ybu foitr yoUrs-More.4. 'get marrie isn prope j4 for -we to - falls yziu:;6' Able to, ee- rec e u MY '61 Z 'otat r6portions4i be goin at. Xiele gcok;as,� tout faults, while the gra _ USefUj_ nd Young,,' First G'est But in girl, but, sevral of the fe, inea u''f6r'L 'JI16 JJOUntain '01 a mo o4e 'rM �,an -abc;' thr e -boOr 'of SL ne n once I I I bnly, t� ut it � tile youIig,bigar- oein-4-recitej--neigh -told-, me--: iltht-41i ey- -n t. Grand -To,kiqk'L.4%U obstacle Oic Climber. �fjorl or qng,; rented b r with iX_ moq. operations." hiD?ll sing." wwake at night listeniag eaLm i'� T 1, . I --Z7 and mpins like, Wbha61 Trby. the forefeet'is very bad, e Graes'. W�rm� 13x- Th se hints. are not meant Ior Giipae *ith,'�jr 58 Paths and four I aulta, *�N to do the 'same practised Climbers; noijoi those---:, I Ciiiiadiarr rug- d. pretty goo ;,termln'itor ni'Paths avi paved chakaiing, 'Old its beginners -bon,:-si1kj4n< sq,-grpoers -an and'intestin6s a e -es Fly'- Pads Y, ,'Cold$, Etc.. gist d gen�ral dealers ry-uizeirlike, noFor- ael41 WiTs 6 our all iPC aW116-,Iaeff :t IOUs . as e Been. tb.'perfedtidn, at �Cnole�' conplete'tbe.. Course in wo minutes, bows. sfofekoever d es not I Yo geL PWhy did u- 6-dru 'ff t why' I d Idor suer isqualifica i4on, w e' - iliozit q;!�P��l YL, saYs London.Answefs., 4. w o can ma e CMPIIM)1NTI1kTGXHE BARBER i, !on y or,,a. ouSiVl6jid 'kS, -Sil�litly -66 '-W-.e Admire, -a gi I-- k th- .1 b a AIO' Yen, me o a o scor e magis ra. he'' as' the V"�U of ing'are �dopt�d, lffi�':tho I�i an r, Bhl�'�cdn also lAtk l'o-Yoplied the orisoner -airily. gh� - and -M make people,,' howeve.- .99 'k looked dt vio is' V air.., And grAss long jumps�. h�o i the am_ g4,00 'fig ail ina iblOus ."Indeed.1" replied th6,L migis�rate. - (), a ay are. Aied witl d pieS,' il i7o r n i v�is was n bailbek; for he had rae I a I h IAS� " 14N' 1 -one, f6i the now We have cages f ....,a be hy- --ca la path$ At. Sutton, Place,;. lif6h, bition of el'im6ifig 60 hboring just g n ato- ng's, to Lord. Noktheliffe, re ihos Laded biisi ess. - But h and Ch— li not -It; can have.the: Use of one for' four- ; , YL 1, . , L, as inlaustrious- teen days 11) quee's, Dip"therla. grief Me. icines what is Ue. to' d* V "IL p acA r rocks, I -c "ause o ale foolhardy,, ocra they-. ­ ­- .1 At, his' 'a 'ent d 4t* Iner o made the usual, ill'quity i� varianV, I ioni- eommonp�,aiie i6PIes 6f eiimbing'.� Jol a, 'in, ho An Always'Ready P T Jf6- I" "" "' " ­ " ' -- " L- ­PVjI "Ratotall To those WEAL ri.Pr ,; alt iful;', for Pains In the muscles or nerves, Helmihgfiam, Lord 0 h 8 ''-f a as S� of regular h16, d' f ii o copes in. -or for neural- it me Icine is I 'Frafikfortprobably shares cag "My good mah,11 said. the cus- tie'ooncern'j but t66 gr' at i�aor .1aceo, in.. Suffolko. - liha ts ga ell The �hi o Health 1)epattnient summer tiwe,,more especially,w1len d sad' he 'will e Aniseidain le inence, as beirig; the gia. Path$ piveA'with Stolle, a'nd-r 11 "If you hi�dn'b meabion�d fy I he has done a useful scr�i�e :'for. iftie they, erid in a fall over �CliffS. hey' 8.1,'V electric of P orlL T te you that Dr, Thoma pen,-drc. ijot of regular, ha� wcalthidgt Cityr, it) 'm'ty bo'6eoa­, at Hack. laaf few years in. r6rnl�ding L it I sh6uld never have kh the per -game L 11 OUL City ar-e Often own there bit. Tlft� worr Cap. i'L, An irnmcii8 as any ice� Oil is in, great demand than Any e. y And careos of bpji� i. -Lor Alps arid, fak more was a,ra�or an my4ac it,, And o c in� -Lor op e a ou rarle,, Which is'now owned by, 1 "' 'b t to go into tlie'c ntry :Slbpo� in tb�e he re&�6�^ At XP Of'tbe' ir� ve5tient-fund in, thi's city garji'�rea.' T a for bis is th The tonsorial ness p dysp&pSia, through tile eelitur -tile r - vAddtiona 'or rists totiriAg d 'b At i 'es gr�ater healing quali-, regularity f 1116 mes ilk , Ort I Wldgi�n �Blo ih6t6 'I ' artist srilil6d, de angerolls, eaue no Plnl,9 , in it pbssess yr kf b., are twed as p4th J11 e4es' 'to that ruial cilditions are e Here'was a.good onieu indijestin, liver and kindney 'has' long cen one of tht 0, 'not al-' his senses, Would'dr' Ify., , Cam Of ta4litlg ties tan day other., 611... -Hu- ;Ways licaltlif u17--zpre, in fact, some-, at, iep-slop'e,,itnlesg,prpperly.r61ied troubles at: a protesb, . The run- ilionev markets of Fitt ftowlei ;nd 81 indeer go. do BithOs P1 Imes, verYL "Thank.you, ropo And ace, ,car Chich- t' ingerous' io companins And armed with, An E " , batxl,:4)jg in Oerniany ceared herw S, 6HEAPEA30'M wo,j) down� a tem- ddifiands 'a oo�r' hat a considrable id'e' Axe. added thb� custon'ier it is, ka4d*n t rB7 and 6646 is hone better than.Par- ujitil receni tile reat Frank- $0mo, poopro, go in -for'�,P6�01aftl -t of typhoid, developed in the bois, fiow',. MoGrtg6t,"s ife, WAS of� t ly. PI �houlld have th'6!ught melee'%i' Vgetable Pills. They.aYe 'fort bankinar ouges, lead. Pat Theo� casual, sumTer clim bbso Ilposi ion a in cal and being A�gist6d in-1befr" 'hortibulture. The'fusellia, walk' -city 'in. A�g at S P ever, 'ventures oil -a gra§g-slope of W 'Could hard V, -a m6fith, you it' ni can- ing a 0, temb re ii ing At -Ponrlivii i3 -a sight taL-teef. L loss -one'h The other -day she wit, b6, tali� by the mgelicately eration by' s'uch `hOdseg �S L Men, OUSO and o �r'a the *rhodo'dc rid ton's at quired it on vca'tio. depart- boe)t4, and carrying no. Half and d;. Tam look- 64de deo-Issohn's Lid Bleichrotj rs in Ber- ahas'jits ld the way up'or down e4lips, anrlL his ing rathr gllo'om�,�Wag Walking the Oppenheims in 11A,11- H�oron ' Court, tord JaiesbUTY issue e. a nDN'T Bl� O! E. ever biU4, ..th L place near In tile I oll6wing L se'asonable. advi Th'o sibnatioa. may ea il be desperate. ng a iw% i es n late sp'r*i' 11 PY Part Of tile TribunOL'iS glad -to �Ivo it currency, If �6u 811P d in. Voor"beels bawlpcl:- Sadly the 'db�'h owner waLched, a L -e Pon" t. reade, k seer to utge 1,$. pa) as. Adis the ,fly up, and'you n, dowii C-1 g )AW UP, A seed uokin indi. ed'Y6110W, impbrtanee of r back at to before Ion 'YOU tir:A s6ye he ken; and`oilahgo. *TN#o iivers tb Avon to the Wttet sop, you can,. tealise yoilti' danger'. , In 'jqajoll�Wing he, Will V "Citllyonr-dog ff he first', thing :.and the fft un 'through, the 'ply, to thb milk silpPly, and' tb the audit & pr6dicamenti t the mgrounds, -,anj Iaior- o6''tilis latWr gener4l 'san'itar"Y condit(pa Sur- to do Is to �,turn or rbli round on, will be clivelted -with, Water- lilies. 1. p t6,your f me. This will �ivo you a SATISFA' My. SCARE 6ROWS, him-oftjo man rounding. Its rind rielfef j. the orry-, Lady Ilehi�itcr'a ga�de,n- at . -Ab- n daterminin ry UaILA chan6oL eepliod. tho ownet'sid diggi'lli Yout - todg Int?) . To*`lliif--" -0 these 'ad I fo.waL 8 thd bum of are , 0 only nay a bou�ijry is rich with p4jmp. ity' of'water You are to drin'k.Nn.ar d bila in. -any oAto you will solve Our ero'sVI et1l, rthe followin Itits itid Sh�i groun , W .1 is morning, nd' %1, iLrl� so fast ttl when on FPO -oot slido no' with 8pirdeh, lbil iow lung woiia, ospocitilly levery aim at comes I& t,'Wy 'out4 5, eff,to Soo ilk th, chwing of pr&il Will prbtflcall� alwaylS, pollqod Ing dor And thi in' Aa .4 foa jSL vory y garde, you ii6e was, which they from 4bboyle, Ills the I ;tl t, h1q, Tra AWL, all, that Saw .10 that, the roord- ith Oak with: jiloth of wtAV f0oet And itreault. in:66 whip'li, aew= hond v51A to c4tithil 'At "'V-4thing OlAt t h W a uten case arm the a althe, o6lUrn are 61dox tholln thoso at positaA PO 9, h4d,,� sucili. AAA bllolab.-br a hhaOing wateot 'MOY h�, tuft Of eirA Lininitht, tit 00'6s Ssu sataI Ck. motlle