Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-22, Page 74 �q V7. 00,00 A 10, �jr the, 41, t st- 10,00'Xi4otsi (a Anglt 131G.OAX101 I; tribe to 44, in :rW' ons) had They w�je t TH TRIED, AULASTIHER: �gAin ;pbe again And the Iled, the, fliciads ing 'their way lephants,.w9r piojr 14 Per$ A 104 their Idiery through, the thony. scrub.' The opyting rabbl -11HERS LL, FAILER 'ash t the d Tb ion. 'Hint agaipr lonel, wbse- w -he howdah, 1had WOMM 400 -in thero Up was; behind �, . in When. anoin pjam the p q, story PrE . is, jgj th oQro of All the whizz of xp The WWMPI 410"WA I . P wipusly be-grd L* 04 of ChArm 4,� 10111ty whieb might ­'b .4-ent1rd diftbrent ft e o Ninety preparit om., y 4ullet,,som6wh4t, closer, , hi' to China. provin�oq 4 Vars vwr thoit dbi. rl�jng-Ihe rest -of, the systeril,'And are'thereforo'"is. FOA p Sceo An 'At thii "to thirt�r.4y.4.,w,pgjgn I than lior the nursing mother, 'as they do not st feet the child. tv - e r TH,N. RQ$TAIASTER., be had, � zpecte4, and was it a oulder- Be 0 viot oi is shi) -lengt. An, Cc -un4ed.' Nip j9l J4A�PRV,-00 preparatloqs,t;�-- _L havB come. across.. not more than Th .wide. I r111di hA + 444* expert qhertWc. eAt tnpo r-coiple- -of e ted 01 e mpr1e. poplaaf for the _73uniniei, bieau Y, , and a fury, of iight6ous jn4ignatj 4p "PAtisfaptory ro:p U your mon be- �jo A , t, women 10, POPPY. oOba W4n Ftockp4l 1hern. =4 25o. zAd we. W T,pp- : a wring the wihter. It gin to. fade b Ino Itgd. safrered for yeart; burst forth t'Q the. offender 20;r-, . .. as! eforf Ityptir druggist, 0�y ' know e A oule thickness of' Car axi9p groWs. "Look here-, sir 1, Qa 24. ind Jiundreds - on doctors Ay app -surroln youn�arly shot m WifQ_ ko4pi D to - d the; FRE CMIE N D QA �ON SWAXILS ,).2' Nyq shades,.bleAding j sallow. Ddrk�' contrasting; i5r, ., in ssatin or eyes, And headaches follow,, w pard nibdielues�,,lliut found the re'al. 1. Colonel cam� back the itb� ponse. IdNevq r iiii d, go vre.P6 e,ebine, lined'oi unIjill6d. bacj�aehe- rid low 'a to Cook cure.gt g. a pirits, The Have* Swail Farmo� and, last cheety ros and have. e, e4 'of ThIP10 WeU 18, AA, Ar 4em, froge.�, Oliet into blq a o nouris! mqnft, Q pu�el, op. r Que.,.. Jupe 12 beChernisay and Mineralo'y� m.. o, gr,eat-,ij , more enthusiastic frien d The Beauty, pf i ­Clear 'Sk Ing, 4- - -ills witt , - I mew el,. Its val blood. is the life of a w6fnan',, ow., do, jou lilie Fxtn(. :.7. taBF U6 lies� impai N elf odd's Kidney P inloves, the 8 ll'11a 40 finish to the. --owrx Without in beau ty nd- health 8 goo, an ou� d Xe line -of neck - bloo Qemical Engin era the. least raffling that brings -glow of that ][Ai6, antities, are, iinp rted -inywher. i liver regv,;� c 1 .4 Canada thin Mr. V, Tho condktion ofvtbe 'Civil Ed f , ffi WD.KE1110M ippins, po V 11041th; to th -che6k, brighlae�s jq r9 wx zer. And Italy 'r, Ti .tm'aater erej,. we wou *Tersltyp Alid shoulder, Qe It Id e on Wan of'the blo '-A Xxiwcit to augewl! me gineerk4' Ono the- gtr00%444t provailii�g in of , any, A'frefich- agricultui:hl gk,. h( t - I him. Anld Mr.. I, qgus6.5 Gplirities Acal tn t e.* eye;. and ela i i It sticity to t -e-sifp, _a 0 If"Ar ro Ir. Sailitw Engincerin pert has re�ently, be�� advising .1i' t p' I ''d t1reso, thin* -Ash pins I iya�a, ready.0 I -h- p is �a i teJl.why li� ions is And. j fiappifies.a an egerain00 the - 'of g fa;nibrs Ito devote more.,attention he r4i the grcat h on striped' fabrib When Woman j, Sol es Sk thQ� gown -,of Kiapey', a6m- �N For CaUndar ottlie School.aud f*her i4formation, e Y... S, � Ur imi o4�.,. .9.w�er ev,�cpnienl� e a0?cr�p --- I . dout' �her d y, Scliool ofMiping, Kin P ble -Pill-s in a'at uppl Wood a to.Aho iaM, I industry.- which Parm 1, V r w :bu't, 1kabodying: two or. attention, And. the%oA 4rs' "�`After.rocibyo iver act -up�.rrthe to .:y1el& large pr9fi;s, ( ring, -go -an.-atta pe -in ..,Wiclth�, and' introducing a" r4vall6d:,and roi�16 -is A many' as'',500'000 'rat qual f, G �And. a clear;�.10,%Ithy �h � I I y rippe ay �n sbme W, ill to Ili of 'thii Pink,Pilli '*hich supply "I took a',&In in-'my,baQk.. "I �uf-.': IV follo FA`R NIS FOR SALE�,,ANO TO aba 7S Qd per for j 40 .'.'.%ripes,!. Wiai, iho rioll red' blo�(!':th t s. the d- 6 1- nearly tbree',yeaft`.aud jt andard'! m6dicin La. i i X M W. DAWSON 'Cblbqtnd Strqe16 ioined U ers4 /diiection or' -di- dispels disease and resbor . , - n a repair' out the yCar-a'veiag 0 e thousand,, ca b.o reared 6 'i rSe 41-1 I.Vill fu e . on an acre pit'g ON�i]lig.w By a rev k6 o $5 give. a sult -as - -ightnets a, Char of land.. They bave. to be fed �6;nly wag attended'- ot)ILI d6clois' qux1ity -,of tbese OL: .6 or I f7rup, FARMS, all sizes, I re unex th6 bi nd pi, of wo- all' so them rom up f I .. 11 acro$ 'P� day, profe,114 velit' arot with -the. cert#intv t xat the 'o .00, 41� prices, that"aro ­$ect:64 - -and "chiQ in many, Cases. ma:nly health, jtreMe ) -iinr I 4i,-jhly 46fficient dppfir4tion 7 olico ib'y � ii�! the 1y _v4Q Aq_ go, I had�to 'ko s ujidoiibtedly, itr is -smart;. - G-. f to, Wil. & t so. ad- qst. gialt peg: ,To. Rt!,1N. OR DA -of the - thousands of re y�nomea 7 IRY FAR a ipes,'are)exT ns . fhstidio.0 After Tlilok �'Ohin.dular Enlarpincts, Sone jous a b' tL: bed speaing abutib $2)00.�' u, to COasult me. if e in 'pi. or ga"li- nt hi) ow,c, lei, C suf erets A jl� tjt�, the_ C Uy Que- Aftez�4xt Jall df­rai:n­-w-hich,.S fl etors an� me icles gave u:V harmer dit and iiiake i,. in p Sliarpen� their. appetites,. a bed f, J�inds, in. any. and all cr pride ith'to "Dr. - Willims' Pink Pills all hope. &'he'imgined hcr�self and I FILE WESThft an 143lightful tri idga' hea - N roQ4e, all a -a Ile tile ther bo.th. -for Says: "L Ila sufferG4 for 4 - . 100 ai -soon demoli "bile da� 1-toid -wife to go VO4 q "'t'd st'a­e�, qUiCkly relieved an4 .4. t "L, *b, I . , . -[,, C11ro Iwig timQ, egQS. go me a ox of Dod-d's Itl ah I xuArry,"-.'shb r Phone Mtn"6990 or the, h, jL h ,popiflar for 6 lo': was,. t6ro.4. with iind -at - would, be the'' la��t 0 Ito - aINN bot ­ss, foe 0 niabis nd holidays at Two. un - W bt Aionuc� R 'I' bad doe .;;th enty-tw r veU Snails Who.-: has A, stdtl, "niliat bo on w to H w- D. ghtice oi�. tkffet4 t I s. str �es are 1100alm b�111!owo-1 f.c lba dn'ev. 17h,� in tr ub P�Ils �Iiles, Will. d 'it. -a Kh UU1'Jr0 5'. 11 i Copp. several cloebor�j. bili n try, All 5figuK 411 llf. ig - Fix Park cpd, �m sqile Wl� 1 -1 of tie whicli IS worn meateirle, 1. woula one. Snails, About'.', 11a,if ih,-� box. 1 begag. t, iccl the.7 ybul LYLE f"k-MolreAll-TYE-Uno 1cBrhTA74AU1I. .1A . NP,S. FOR SALE. plain unde-Oress .. Theso. are aot*the BurguiI4 6 ly. seemed to gen u po on , br6wij-stApQd.' 'ad �Q.11 be, grolviIg w,6rse;` The last doctor' Q f�cl- Top, The wearing of, jdbbts. is the chic I ..bad .t�d betbr so',I kopt. on taUng ttleftl.. W,116111 ''file aft It 1) Id me the tirouble- 'was ailped, The best mixed farming distri t' sh in. gq�gows*.` and .718. WEM QUHN �!STRIET land 'company,, -bechuse Alberta.' The is s'for: ' cat , a1c, sf the 1116inent.'. It'- gj�ff -,,that-my t4kea li enl-,hao 0�o bo was. lb6rta. -qrl era 'A -h red -under- the -a' li�h tchawkifLad �and is not, gven,,to.a�,6rybody to to watdr 'and that xAy, c6ilditiou aalili to. aIid tell boXe$ CUTed Mont '�A BUr' .4jS' Ing of r wzells'. Oh Sunday mmpatt Limited, Red Deei h 6'�V th ey was se io C ctel' T Y URINF YE, FZENJED kn�ow'�xactly N�Iiefe and US. treatrn�6�it,, 'in ti E Small, .-bys 4n. ga-the.r Qm oitilil -. TIME- TO'.QE, T BUSY. Alberta, y toicz-1ted,- "W-eak, -Wpary,. eq to kift 'i ispi so ad'fh mna ispl c 6d bran and tb� uridy fire Is f these j4unty acce rh dy I 9011 1 - lDye R GENTS WANTED,�A itu Murine -6 a, coco-�tion . of re 'ine T.Tn-.cl he &A-liftig' in. or vvent.up a ab6mplefe- b ed in' wine em dy, Liquid 2.5c,. Ook­ Pills"cur -11:6 n%, hav�e 'A W.T b lik6. the. rest,, did Me, no g, * 'r I Dodd's Kidnev' 'dured" � f6r yoii ritteii -'to'l W j9d myself,' Lat if I excit e followinj 'S all otherl ezic�n�s fall. R)"6 ..Pain. D�uggiS t e Q waT -L*&91chopped.,Bas4ue d berbs. Allurine Ye. av . in �that noile,can b ly 'for' Smart --o w -par jab6t at 6,11 BILITIE.-S.. wdys re"et �t,.if you ,don'V uhless going to.suffoplIte 4seliita rubes, 256, ;00'-� Eye 601m cunsid SHIFT., lai n HIF erve in a'big bov,,!; ja rs. -tt:w...Travel ra.. Eye A4 ice Free'by.]Nfial. 'Ay he�rt "would ThOn they a a V: I i ke y u. The chil 141411 is I ert 11) s, inade.-of thd finest point- lace palpitate violently., and a:t'. times 9 bolit and y t 0 Co..' C CA n ew J- two or three hundr6d of 'in iren. ivill -b of­silboofi 'aj iti go. e -paint PQ, and d suffer... with is Thtk­ 'Yes.' He -is. one of the- pedple. H,oNv\db, juii.expeot t6:.send distiriue- is the previdli from. it. I had,- w yell i' It ow clwiiplex� t 10-ARX . S 1 0 AL'. LF a ecial p 9 'to. d t em ou th6ii- to thej�riu -,unlegis­�ou g an f hink HAVIT\�Q, HIS pig.niz ridi., Wilson!* e score -roaASid .9 ale nadWTorontb. -rest lot tile 10,11er" an lhppb e, sque 6,ouiltr ES. Thousan tau th or �40, my lips had I.oSt their color; :There, at dut� - is, -to r and. eduld y rants i diind -6thee tile hid no" ..7 . IN I *eu V V ays a ie is not. �e�at,, k 1,cou..d -wb 0. - L I . - ). lie hay. ro 184 'on. a Sa leave,� s4id �X Q sslots mourn - Toot a 9' eie peoplO` gathe'r rs'. 40 ceut.. 6 -It a an tol. Ang- Ioalory-.j dg�s-,.-D�a-ent-pry- Notithpark Av*.�Ch Th61mst 'n rimar ru a LACE 0, one ei& h, 8, V. 11 ein. fo�-Ue "prof6ssiom as thor- nteo 1 Pep a osiery, is. was so, -comp y: tu 11 yol� pop the WLftil, Shell And'all,�i r t ne an �,w 4i' t r i p 146tel C 16 respnddd"h�4i­ ha baAd. 16r the. so d invest e nes" ad 'of vdrious-colo'rings. doNkn thatL tj ight I was going ing 'Sauce'. in your- moath with P 0 o. 46 lisje- thre 101 le -a' HA`mlin`s'Wiiard' a. the. icy, 4 u'r'e �ot ont.a 0 e i i 00 0 r'. It z 4j to ThCjL� bolero c b' t household' lini- A& -t Ile .a q- wooden p1hit ill�change, her in gouts- kbig tit ;he -aid- of th dr� es t ell of rip y UMB H iiterioj trim, do6is, fic6ring6 Ite, Shapesr Coming r M7 Aen r. Wil-: Having.� thus cleaned th4b Sh' 9 ing �ains: and.-- summer com:- U y f :. g d' tirged :Oe to ak.b D me t dr'.these ay: trouble's beoi�: used t:: -e .1'1' '�uccess* . rrce uo go. ON%.n. 0 all'.but-1 . . Then I'LIV 'd -- ' 't -i a Ing a 1�aljsaosh P i. ki proceed tO",,:, P14ints xes'L' found in, �'ith the. of* Stick. -SIEGE BREAD. fully by medi larte orders. W. number. -of, yea; W 9 mrOcegs a th -a ste one-pice'*'gligoe fe bo' ' '�B-oth PARIS the l4i e-, argeAier. Toronto. ,h of the health. the it Ox fi::and,disbh rs ith graiifyin ,tile %%,.&ist w a broidipg, and after ta e.1,1' e, e filicipit in their kas- ��A-T-PXQ 'BIRIPHDAY PARTIES. women. War Te7.. a -is iter �. hb6t NEYS. altb. Xs— le I - * - . , vine g Ingred results. I ofi; nia�hy a or ribb iolft in for a co Pl1q. wr CURED "ER,KtD e a M8417 "e'rests' anL e. 'ma d '�' hi red 6n'*l in ­ono Eec�tnilo-, er .6 d Str �` d etbite.L everylidd:71 500. t seMi-Itting, of' tvlixics� to ly well,* and haye "Sinoo -enjoyed tb ai 4g,&.;, Mrs. 'John Central Econ4j,mqr combtaint'it is j the NS nidaily� heiplesis 'from, qinla. that will Ciir46 You. ..Tty,'a ot- stamps; or. postal * order, brints, postpaid. wit -ly skirt- of'ru its, in beS I t Of �burs;6.. T' 'lqj- -� om7 health, :,and 1I Same 'snails, was pro n9v. of carlozities: in rheumatism. Slib stoo t14�.. It"gel con a. t C.apiusinip, Go Iect�i 4 of our latest pu2zl( . Thae, . ts'and,sld a are -can - never �ay'enough' in p'rial 'so' f -ha.t are't;�'bd found ab.Qut Etkghsih f .s. -for, 25--,' t'� rins Fast. a cities., "Ther Idea," .32 S. .4the a ows was a and, n�uV, rture, ; L . I I . . . R E M E'M'. fftO1j.0;-0ljM!y 1�)C6d8ffo! th Aur L ' 01W 0 :her �imbs ach6d �o that it ton ' h vith 'pAde, thint, m ae of 6e at._ StUdS,' Ila, t have been avin broat'd that iis b -ked- i Tr'i "�5 b BAR PUR 110 at l' a sheor'q'ilk lin The'se. Pills'aie,�sold' by all dea orted; t ie. siege. 'it J a n6w !As Ms. Pettigrew -put sale-4'red and. I o orsi .,.w 1 o. ers in . icine,or I at' -Britai iid . ive are� wa.� sent Y. ma; �ting idl-JI1119 -:Z'6ct0r`.-" Why� 86 toa* alm; f,5 e. ..or o crippled, up,' 1'saw Gin' �PiJJS, advertised. monihs.. Sired I ha1.66lis unr ta 3� fl&h tints sho#.,As..,, '50 Cents a b elights. I �, ��, 'and sent for sow . and 'after iaki atiens.. wlyat jjjy 4 miles -south, of' Avinston, 9 tio, ox ot six.' boxes for these., 4 I-L-Lon&n 0146niqle.. e tig, only 93, , ' . . , . . . .. .. I . ways MbAlpine,-Bros., ugho throtigh,othors palatable. bton,b;:Kooty the.coats reachL t 't two bo:�es; -he D;i Willi ins am a dikerdn't,*oman. --G�n hive -for 'diilli4ur rim' ntario.. Mit4b'B ot he kh e 'P.O., 0 ills, -are th j' ws LASS J to a'E 0 F a r is. W-rl Ing cannat'sa too for them,- If �T De;7-il"'Glass QUI G afe I-1js me ordli often, ave Oe.l �r<)C.�vl'e, LI hold together with' Abb.ons or ition, for, 9 T tant ques �ter. cuts wirelS venirs you . av' 'b ek 'late as�, smoked, r and the h q that dreadful, ain'in. �t e a window. s,,4. tud ciAd. eves are. wi e kimo- n hei r-,men�ttsj'make bills,,, W. K Potter L, Co.. with, rhebm t sm--;i t a -Plila, a once. PILU-) I': 'his -Alo, BABV�JQW- TABLETS' d1un Enfa t -de" Pail t6i'Anns '-it you ; are' tortured., So. Mail det Gin oit. t., real'. no&, comifig not quite to,the elbow. CRUSADE. 01INS9171, 0 iusi b�dn bub� 46 6 B6heme Thomewt cli-emisea for- women' -are Write NaLt�onaj'Drug & Chemical AAV -CHUNDix. Jortable 'ot Re,6614'ecbing --events' the (Dj�pt. W for- free r Q,AWMIL Mill amp e, a. T13 r fik �MA7,slit- at e x 0 athe'� Mis: Alleit M-aion, Carfet-orys N. ge, he, h lieh to. say. about the Regular ow, at d0,,r.01U,,0,1.1` a bo. 6 f r; ies. Sle ation'of-the 'Poppy is...N as -m -that, it may.,be Eradic, e side of f4l� - shirt 60; B., writes. I- have us B. L6nw man noturing qo.,�. Vd.. ed Bab" y a 'of form, er Noticeable in chillik. h Strcet, " orillia% ln�ke narr�,w'.'tlian'.Ahat 1:CT Tablets eve'r',, gin ildjre�, �'aad L '. ­ EW ing The ai�ijy 4vuiasc. un rs.. lt:glsa o.bViate.s the rid icorresp, e Mancbes- Ch t a is going theirs for- teen—yeaTs 7 -Liq a. led. f the, 9a oi f.o.b­ on e 'ua 0 romeni- uildd e s ondent of ill It on.-AfT is Willi t6 ..idLmit that is bile nt Writ# rea in, -a- -ay reSSL 'A -hive alvYa f b' i A e tof Gina eon yeq.,, saw -pieces 0. the r mmon people. is' when' h 'dno keep f6r:saiv.- e sewhere $5 idiin; wh� has -traveled ri' ment"asked'for itt it d, thia only ' I' , for all Fiano na, ry ' L fi I to d 'lu entit ely . -Sdti9fjCto ­ Ilwas st; art g!ass ca�Le. `neces4' 600. miles i 'inla*n4.0 t6m ipe e< . r, two" is iunin for bffi�e.: '*i 'the people msd it..'. Ca.; W.; o tr Ciitripea,; Ell it little' I 'the f 9 e at men s:c and feel reasons, n irs,Vplac'e' in tb4b A,&RLIN -FULTON. V ymps, etc. 4NGM� an y . . I . I ".This :days a -aise e ke�p ffilhar 'in eded: wltboulk*�--;­�; el has. enabled 'me -F Wit. I �t � —t1i - i , and after'J'nuary 15, anno pr in 0,0,hik p pain Y, our for 46 c imon elliAir� Coiling* 018 Linimeot the Aoiisi. aliand externa he 'pre- L ' , . I - -he praise ent- Wfite -us' Mrs.' Mason's a Watch t bradidati-oh of the hier a h th b before -,too latel Dr. B d1oln, naiii-ig one. Neckwear 6f. lace nd I rs: W 0 1 * 'ti' , L . Abougands of moAhe r Thi Fiist Tramp 'Wish I bad I W04'4� 'Auk.c'd ethdr mouse's a out, 309 grvkw.s.­ is w dj On he'd ap"Iwith� a -rot, cry is. ue Tb�s Pari. a- -lio . n an ten yea . rs, ead , of. mel'? Anto c .0 Own Tablets, the. b L d, oti§ider Bab d China is doiag her'. part i dt y was att6rL.star*ation .TON, SCALE. and whitc.tripddl s,a _,gr4b W4 rljjLE.pl�q d Toronto. b.1ac qatin in any K4 nur eber. o he you ge e bteid pater can" depriv46 him L_ i ihe� hqus'6� 1ok theik little ones. t ih­ should unhesititingly decla're::.that, n' lion 0'. eir, 9 era Irish oi.ochet have- time, no, ex erience,' n ee- . he Tablets a -re,' -sold 6' mdi e l io d i bias have. never seen or he Qin , slf.df ahvill -years &I iightw,? rre to light d by e $�d of a na n ines especi ila with It ro ig e a oung. MA e. sra:,natj ea,st­his.1--'45Q Smart ollft-I "o' M Af- 25- cents A 1.1y':he inr y Ail - list -have--at-.1 a S" and yy: . cigar Sitting fo:!ds of the. material and . . . . . . . jap In ustr at: Pa rb Med' box fr'om 'the Dr. � Will 4zamx wa. emy smoxin t tl;,� Utta Pq TaKC- ckVille 09.11 Place,. oorn out y the',roots. ry it'itid maljy. the, la Bro Ont. d gor or at� a greater national 'e' Bergerat.. in tbe� -e adain't" Mid= �7� IS ADVIC9d FRED. ­cons�it *A Place, serving meiel'as' a bdrder modat d t di 40 artit es made L chiefly"' of the r peli.se. does not beliei,e- that the -'s h, - an ou 40, L_ us in regar o, any lbeaSe. -Ilo could sjVvive the atinistia�'. dh�m'm qUirS of ll I kjndse istry could -do not Ing, vvii -&-n-)b ..,think bd Ifteisur" it' es cut -do n, recently: 1russes so tty- .. . i fi - ` , , " .1 - ­ � 111, 1 - 13119s, 6 b 011 In' d which.. I covered 8 fittm �by, age.. write: to grou I made of the.stiip was almost �ntirely.given fo'-the Gautier th e ducktibn Amounts to anything.. sdld : in: first-class dr tie bows at that a c6 ' 11eg -on of the i5oppy 11 n re. istandi 1 pa o&-�"Dn't n Undon'. Firnfl, FiII6 an Exfrao di 4Ared ­ 1 0 L r I I n, thdIot ;is . To have "tile ob 10tor 0 olri',66 bias'mingled WAII the the bread wi bout undo 'muc r. rer' ildr ii,�soli A a es to Dr. Bellman. 49 -ish crocheb; 'b' ow. the' �? We 'of. a, Ino-; some- of,..them' -64, you '11, y4bU* .40111 lie first. care L h Y p ids ot a.singl� �op.by patbli. I -have it, healthy. is t 51it. to pay �4if� ­7TT'VeAse , Sen "T antesqu&_ d. med A fire iAllars, citch.. Write Me Oavorint, collara' are. niadQ`of lace or ferolit' jr&utes� :aud all e ti Suitble for use -when sh,obt­ Xbt to b OyWed.7 r v6s' Warna, Ex erminator., o-ppy� an embroidered d a -El I and do'.''fi es Favre at FerrIe.res, I. should eaged., with � �or Sprains e'." YPEING Xwn r ply hroWni, a sp ins, FEATH it wgubseueitly. ra biscuit 00' There. hin-'better, f 'is'& aie6co eiOnde like' Clearifil and.,CArling i.saw, but -one . patch o.f p . lihis! 'iva An order ju, R �ivea re 'I have aim th nt]3; by b� Lon is not ft�d lKi'd, 6i6vas ce bluq. fold. of th� bi k and, white �: I C .0 k4r-qk� an4. q ns 'T a4e can be sent by peak Oz. C _,ja a I n rom R I th6 table in,. -afficials bef�r� harvest thhe It, 'ame f a:i� It ineb �ab . - '1;lle L is Oil 'J.t oc pass -the ti !ii�a�,d-j cit )U1'ectric will r ducd the I T115H AMERICAN' -0YEiNC,'96@ t 6 8prallf 'w *hat "his i�a was' good latter and bordred, on, its - NY ay T6* on& kir de' 6f -the' 0� -;6ne r CIRO it, n oide 1 9 to tl ioli, it a- small, town on the bofdei 6scapd is llow SINVIelAn tha� fdllowg mo �um to i'iit-am-�r7ne li--4ii-Tc-' all ,s Tk --W,&ek1y-, unn I ino .,.t to - poppy Iv h7e pain as- if b lc.'� V Ai; new' fashions ig the w 63 1 r L St, one o 9 fn hy mag yoqr 1CM0.- Scople nage kin g6m' supj�lie d triateria"! after'.t made- of glass, the , aeo�,6n.d. The�.-'&hiwa t �,tyf. "'Of. last, Y( is', It- tha eariods �fect almec a 6' t I)o0p 0 to exitl6lit,'and cfed `fitf�d with, alfr tn. diseoloiinl;r. tificili "g09 ate 0 -biriied ok by the arrangeniett . -e . up ww vegetable ­wii --bausted, -a d tl ai diat they waitld li6t,gh gr dders � g foil se the,dra each to! 'a. seems as I. ld� ilt's' tb let' t le. general Cut.* pop' w.. that the height. -'of 6t. - - 1*1,.y tIjoL in. j� 4j; tj I perieg or _fij-0 f It, is' incral succeed(4 the an nial. . I : See' IPO��g idc'of, the'b6- -p in' Spec( I S OTTo.; 43F. a �mttnv cases on I to -I the-, lw%t, e -b prfr6 -kept-by Bergere er tr %tn'fent, 'tano 'Acti Ice. raped. Nvi i the they lost, , n-- j P oi\ i 511ii- ead t-1 le ace hot- or some fdrill Of rigltts�- The-teg) �Tolu J 111) hat -to high wheels r, -on ":.SLOWS 11 ofrlciaN 16 e a bro nails. Rff, IV 1. the ­eve tinted on tepth lie 5S i0 bou- love -16ng rambles-. in ib e �ver 1, jal)4 falls aerb long, e Son suparin- WInQ �ther, 40 the it Tif P11 GItACLYUL T H 0. :1 tate tr -Ask for M.I. d'a an d. dell i ),tf p I. 10' '1411 L ntell I, Ll 019 And I)III'lling Th so ie pscap tw he r lere, NY -a (pul es, 11 e Tile mn behind bass drum is doLcl all rA,IX:,Ct*101.1; I mado:.with oil "'o platits" a rol ftei i ,I tt wh 'n. th"a are '7 1), cotW, and A'cortmi elluth, ina it it fact uring'. Satin, %Va VIN iq the offi­j no 'g y Ill, ii the 1164t tt med% rs. :arm recelved letter, froint-'a cus-?., gAtin and t dier in whiW �'thoi '6eorl tioes available -he� Nvill'-depend. ded, tit(, qd* 'Ile , ! , iot6d. and beat thed only cliap' Z -ho, beats his I -io olit, f.)r hl, I � , . I.. . tile ha vIle. 11poll it s tfet�, It takes a-l)ollt ,jwer that sonno rillf- 01 tile hobble Okirt. Ukc,ftl 0 'ago 'I T. . 'L 1W. Y- . , - I I . 11, -it -had beql d of r a iletw6 ��(JL t lt in I 11-tv r to tile lad�, to 61ve u 0 exLll '1 11 )c I it' Cmbr6ide'ry oil a i1c." G of nstructions ag _eL S in 4, r —The itD 1:� .1 tor -its use, the to o 1111P post went a. mi",iv e to, Man who -wbrks NNith lii� lafains. is clevate ` I I blaille 116,1. - It' s, a wunc or so d ll, tile Oine Lb be rnoTb Uable to oi.thie foi- got,'; re, SL' till. tbd,.fi d 1ka* .(ban the man whoov r, t �d 11 '(. 11 4id,'.not 'flie"chope hqsAen vory strongly ost Old 11;IL th, rks haodriy", btcaitsoi.'the b,ut t6"fjr6 from -t IC .210( V 3 and van, 'a iadd AND I o ille only hii AV ItUll Litem once,.. a. filattl0r, O��ing to Q10 jJR- mug6ulaj� sti�llgth,' fqg bo- lit tht: 'ditW6: sivayiiig at, that height,, of tile. stolila61,11 An old,. lad. %,ho. vaii 11 01, on one - of., the %oce-ll Se`vdral� big hunters looked the Ilia"It n Ii, 11 �t d tile bost.relllody� tllat� d 1 0 'S, vegc� all SeCftlt�d mitei4: znol;c 'afl-ai<1 of tit the new tiger tsca.p&* beforo'it a n 1�1141 it' d La �o It 'd -is' Parmelee 1 A Up,,add�d: -1 did 'a was and,though1h y con- pill,� � t tlMn of fogs or:,. 16 L b a. hcy� ard Speciall sidred that'it would'bo a valmb not go to. on tile, noxt, morit- Cmpounded 'for such cases and all, cas of.,ti, tollis0ion'. t -am. "Id "I t; in' the jujigle. for mativ 'pitr- ing, 6r my dt m, .01 ble so Cal)t, � L. thoto who use V� '1�o b0d� th 'd till 12%seine'Remedie% inoml�s, poses, they' ou�gto&*Ifs N" their Stiperior I�ower.', bld t I av, tit sh6V o to do aliv In niv droaril Everybody. now &WU .1 t don- in its course just �nim VL you Iftig had'happoned CebolatedComphwwW itv Of, coal fall Let. 16, sivei ou case Catilf ou find' work 7" from the 'rouf on I o ll):� ly�otllel`, -T""O ICWM board And.the old lady sectiled" pto. *rA. All A quant nc OtL` n4lied for 't6llhAg hmIto, an A.�Uzaz -A F or Cl"Gad�r of �a b apply 0 00 crp SCb an oad'o a N4r waL at I Unl tj OS%L N� lit) the*. A,toir. "Ala ,it 2 Inte jo W0111fin r, you ever; lookid-L�'i'll aekr, Littl,6 Eth 'I— be -al;iv good. M 'Ain, At you e a toblic the last three b wprk yeL le br did 0#yj And thought 4 ia 'nough to othdr's house to 4 1 S U E ,N 0 w4s too ill to* avo 6 n1fita i Wild -tilt a le ikinard's Ll A ............... A