Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-08, Page 6ohm '44 -A -.w M. -A il W POP I v j 4., FOR1." !7* 'AL3100VIAMITL ',:FR6X WE LEA 4 WC4 lit -7 lob 1rq,#wqq@- lrwr paver . . . . . . . 10 wwoff Aovith 9& or Wohm and '041tor 'Pro4o"Po f0 uqme test L just A ,ap, of 'the, Caniditi -a LiLgTT Co. 1�,Tb- (and.ps far as is tho It IP TEA Wl"niplag To?"tot'lOnt. Mop"aqkj -thwest) was—coMpiled in thev, wheat �rq) I . . I . Xpi W, per QOUL 1) onto.' ;3.,40 to, $3.4 AWCIQ.d b.nor at. all Dep4rment of t1fo., btorioi la4 OVER 2 MILLION PACKAGES SOLU WEEKLY tr0l, fro ht, it First Pate. 4pilt6ba, 4our J) "No. Vx' oij ��nl year. labje.,i ill eats, $52. second patouts. $4.60; and, wl is- qOW Avai $4.40. on triok-Uroutop sent. limits, -of thd Pr pro - , qVIA04: o-.4hQwn ;and gpeoii 'Pro' h sirio,,wkeat- o, a red auld pheO. Ina IR Manitoba; wlieat-Na.'t 16ithem O."o. , Aen, to, the th F A t It% 'On 8 i4p. w . heat possio 11-Ifies. fc show the Qats-Untgrio, grafles: 67 tcr.,440, 'for 140, X6 and-at"391 WAG 4Uo 011 -track. Toronto. the D6wipiop; Jil, ffi di 'No.' 2 � W,'C. 4 64ts. .49' 14o and t' 11, Altol 2 ic,,'Ba� wan or 143j985,4MAcres.. fte�Prices no I In. AP. .',IN'A- P AD ba Sasl atche WS* RAPH h Buckw eat-Nothill ult6bas I Tokqnto, 'AR in 44118, oes. pot. Inlude tb A and Bhqrto .$22 to in'bag6.L Toronto. a- sed,by'lerrifi Rai 46i as. Indian And fqre]st,_resetVq6 Qutarig bpAkn. *Z to $2140, 'in bags, TlDt 11A PPENIN G FROM Anand"as, parfi t 464 TILE GLOBEAN Clem ed.4,r)09,900 acresL."J�q COUNTIr,�' PRODUCE or ve Y, JE n y X on 0, it U d recor e as IY7 at 1873L- -6in de d f4irly".actIve.: Prices 'gonorally 7 _�M r ion, 6_ Mani o a., ear 0:4 '�-e�,Vtcinity 0 1 -1-to-1 0 -infer- f A '4eipa Q rom, d ng COMP -4141; a,e aexce 'tio ig 231 rolls, 20 to 21c for eAr, Me South'64qt:�rft Railway ),.pot lb., 'for Canada, the 'Empire and, tha�Worl, ning Ana —7 Iota f r6m Mont degrioes. or is, our, is. are 2445d tur transient 61�04 AM le rn At way good are A, despatch real'says rp + M �),ri a P 1��, IP -2c Or dozen. b'� instituted t ti(�! qpon!4 h: vigi tors, aii& A 4ag 'veys.-will at. �,.nqe ngi4 g ra c. with I'm was,- z ,on o W,1,36 ill a. jo vi Lawrence, -for the, season 'of' 'throikh; it iii, sak�jo soy7� at:Che W cover I ic W1 ag in o wh6le. of 'the or ds � of, 7bo lake fho. ILa renw. rovince, an am - t of the b 'CANDA.: 'L I 1911 noi:le short y aftbr,. the races hit Way t6 gtov* suburbs. , I " s than eighty.OcoA479044 streahi of now P, 0 up, Un6y via- he w U amaged d exten killed. b HOG PR sells an war -outei�'prd fpr, the': gU any Pej y light- an& th sandsL of-, th-spec-. rage, ves it *L hiph Il6nd6n, Ont -i 49 *0, -1�x- steamer route has"Averig�d -.16,00.' weekly. s, canal boats* 4nd barges, tent "Of 060,", struok xi�merous were�. drenched, Altogbthe , r Bacon -Long, s4istrict- 1 urches, .&4d other, uildiags. n 'have . t. la',yr01 "" , for the ast seasim t1i k C)Bay h 'A seven :deaths asL At of- the lot k �.20; 'do.,jbort cut. .4 the haibor,oach e rrivA in one Wee , 1, . fiftq- -Relil The Ontario Medical Asspeiation h wheat -has been 'grown t tho 'd e buildin 'storm bay pictj rsig � to szo. .- Hamo embarking or di p been recorded.. �o*,(yf to lightj,16 to'16c.; do., heayy�"Jg to Jae' so Arging of passelt- of.5,000 or 60 wts ons'.0 plee Tie wire fuse in' ith' .9 sixth parallol.-oulatitude. West- ' -genera lit, 1. cargo. Thle tal started these�tw( r,,Dlle,, 11 . to. , 11 140;, brqakfast bacon. 17o; W,,betier i6are,:61! the health: _or. elle. d,th yv�p -h- limit is'-sh wn bc 18 to .18 Vft, Lakd-Tierceii, 106; 'Of C 1 do 11L� d MIA VosSe r h _carried Away re, W r,,. was spee 'civolans—occu reach, Clio ' A � . . ­­ I eal, to 6tl (illiarn, Polt sixti�th art, aixtey h h, tub.O. 10 14o; Dail% 10' l4cp Warden Lawson id' cQr t fk�� _'Wor terecanal, froill''Fort. end the Vakon and n- -------- -- tie 'di grain and ...... be�ing_�ek�ctedLby,_Wentw t Montrea trY 'points asjncr�aa#ed:ajI round by -at Arthur �and Kir h'.6f -All-� sto of -the:now, us h ,up q tseof Ind Lg6ton aro� filled the� unnamed-�Ount o rth- cou e: o the..hAchwoys 6kf, Was near bulldog: INAONTnRE e16 'of No. 2 Manitoba Sprint wh .;; I I " : The eighty cean.-goin sWAmers in whiW 6ats coming etthandiw, inside on si it at 9914c ot for export Secow . . , _... li� i. and. 15,000 -bushels No, 3 yel- r. wnes -Doug -have carrie 0 AMES OR 116S Of Now --y6jrli. which :have qOMe up to Moll-treak f Tom Chi ANTED, 06r. uiliel.; 049Q on a 6,0 0 9,0 1 0. '12 e of, beumark Likelyto Have, Aore Thait 10 low,corn t'67 'h" seitt- -heck f6r $10 000'to the Ae -. lek have- slingle'-frip. as-mucho-as� 5,000 nih- Af wi we 8 4t.to. s. o, -gra aCanadian ..' w6ateiru_� No. 9. 4! 1-2 to 42o;� Besilaos tb,6 143,000,006 adres a - of Grcat�.Uucl, of. 60 doo? And i. 11 , the" Obief we,� I extrRk, to 0, of':' aDO I inc6i"Iots C:r� etc ell 34 a. 2 W.` A. Ellis; a papsozigeto. Assuming that tell per 751000,b 1, tfe 41 iAc; No. 3,C.W..'40, 1-2 to 40, omist� of:5o ushe ls'.�arq o, q ready�:a v��W� fheid.:Aflb 250,000,-, eh il f orfamowpocAr, tA', t it �n . 000 aciet not yet 0 1AI, hse. Flouv-Manitoba Spring leat ofZ9 14'-th 59,34c- No-'--4-local-wh this-iixtmbe�-rp,,pr"tsentM�re- Ten -ree. PTO A -dsbate 4o; No. 3 too from �Montreal say$ local white, 40 to 40 1 rfg I s position as to 390. firtts,' $5,30-' s6conds; $4. Vin -t top- Pro�ili all of'. 9.1 gr�af- Instead ,of ;holdi e was at a �jy c ti.8 bll� for o:, Denmark, i's I at a n4tents $4.60' to,' $ Iff the city hI64 his xnore- fires, for its. Patown onole Piing ter 495. oi1ohn It t. i1ohn o 0 el. KS1 ausin lims'25; oroiiatioii. Tong il i JAL In M al .er oats-71mr barrel &k55­bag_6f -90 1 a. to Pay, W.p ��j tor -50 gTo D een !U�42A&-,Barlerr-rp 01. flils a onshire'A_baIL4.: _V, o -y -t 011e.� I)odgoS ala"ry Inlia es Unconscious. toil Wtioni F, �T 11 , I . I - 51c� edAQs .4y ago 6 eig -erefto-1 er on §. fle; A ht duoiol no -dnd Chok .. ij,966,00& nig, Milifeed-Bran,' Ofitari 22; Capt. Johw Milne Of the steamer e r Mr,. Ili 1909. ks 22. W11 line t: six,, 'It loo ation was, Manitoba i2l;'middlings, on One of the:mdst, biilli,;Lnb',f s Yea to, 1 08 was fined, by" Stiperin-, ------ are Clio I gl 11 D.; Re reOlhspait.16f the., Dominion have as U r reaso e with Ag 5 M&nitoba,..'$24 t Ste.� Th $25 o $30.: Erel e fir" i' Montreal, 417 I -Z t 000 popu a pres tter to the hold; �of apsUl 1P Ros's sault.. by th MAiie L 0anol -w A:, have rn*4 �Chees&�-Wcsti5rns to 64' to to �Jng in b hargood when abbve tfib which' is robeiving, the gteat6st,* of 'B df "-tteption. u t 21- i�7-21 .1-2c; seco 8, 20 to. for,too -deep load marine, are thOS� of.'diSCo Ut Ili 0, t ter War 1. mig u A -.fires -this:yearthan - the- City -of :,Lt ll� Chols �20 - The, -4 to;. ch4rgg_� t�bm -*hile ifitheWprilirie, Pro'v'ific� t don; England,- with,jts' a ven,-,) -kiffoction. - od -the, death of Prince John way con rac ter - w of thirteen sem.a"Out: the 6iestbo6 efitt-ji, " -from Marc MARk tot have �6%i ed sL ow., Then�dndee gightLMillioti. said .Chiof Tremblay �'dXJTFjt' S�DAIFES ETS. riling, bej es It _!.,goo litea T man it o n �W.e d ne s 6.­',Wheat'� ediic--righl�-for- bma We -mg 6_ ng_ h:-1940,- -tot& ,rc ner' in may, boaro the su or din -polls, junt sootembor, 91 tious-made'-itnde'r th6�over­classifit, too,;_-bloa 6- p,roximity to, ng. the last' the, aerial -navigator ying Fool eaving-'b Ott- -the- daduy, I 'hard. no tieal firemen have' 94.5-8ol 'July..'95 whirring, this, ye�ar the,_ '40r,'beceMber.. ay.0 ifwi ma e'sen cel we �years b _b . . 44h Wow ef b, t chin ky. too 4o enjoy th sw� IR -, 20.40 'alls; 800,'More. t &I ab d 1�tbo, c A-- rh6'-1)i1ke - and Duchess of a.'- 2 7. Northern.' 93 I of 'or No. d I, fresh ir: TO llu. eeri�grante.c ly pal ime I list year -870. -b G4 &rnment, h -members 'At t is t wheat, 91.7-8 to,93'7-8e; kl�,It a b6ndition of Aun t urum;, .. pr9poses, to,mo., era s are. -Arranged 0 file -homestead and pl�e7 -No- . under. 2," 90c. the, er wa er 19 a '..the' ROyal,L',Val#iIy,-attended' the" Cdru-No. 3 yellawi 50 A -2c. Oas at* 'ID -this, Ck u hite; 33 1-2 to , 33 3-4c. " Rye- ijfj�fnment & 'tit thaAll. pub- tfrical �jevicas nd, machinery to. op, a .ork. -latter. aBrAn-:420.60 to $2t.-Floxir�Sqcond -piteuti, for' the tteAt- lik %the rid t", orpe oes'. e,paymen ..Is ma, .$4.60 q, $4.90;, J clears. $3,20', to $3,60; li�� h6spitob t-' d Thip, iliance foi: t is , PurL htw', It do -for thc ears. Irst �'electri6 hedt6i."T his nd-ait dost rs' to� $16 per tubefoulsi cases. -kI ------- second I e y. se, is a isma. Tom $2,20 $215. -we Ja j.-Spiing ' whea -s gi t �e 'visitor from sa�sste eparAte 6f ef big onOug to,heai acre jst about Amount. for Month-617May- store,. s i074- UBERCULOMI�`FTGA Northern carloads,' GRE D ee 'and' -fated I�nds`; -N .3 yll lwmii d. the', outside wa water to racts b rrig ter stemay. Corn 0. N. the torpedoes, an e a cup!o cl No. 3 64 14� t a mos -terAs,so c ose th -can - -1 t, a 'I it one:, as. No. 4,*ellow, 55,3 c; corn: ob. b 'Seientificalt*- 00; feel its inoistlike'. food '66&ed, aboard jan� Pacifid-it -,H 64. 34c - No. 4, 5 to 53, ,all -(jebrge. p a g ow-, nothing else. ' �The crew have t eir h ve,,alE - ;_ . 12 oyd at AA despatch from Ottawa,. says; thio-iigh MU.' ts�No. ;2z.w i the 6y together.- with - ­ 1 1. -tho-overgeas : 4. wlu"i ow e oe b -on- to a 0 af 3.8 ..The -gubm- arine is ui rea, y in e a' Ing - tribute, to aiIO i4in:66-import. tra e of -the 0. uder way, d- eq1l 1peo .. 1. . . . . L .- . , When L r r1a f -01spellsa Y. 4.. th, S -ace -in,, which have prov so humi and f;UM'�IoS.. 'Do a. JOL. inizing, sp tigrotu ator 'we - ' " � sub `014ful d A despatch. 1roli M�iitrlml in CO: -AnWages, -re _P" TOOK -MAR ET b th i -scene of, a t' shown by, the Custoini. 'r- 6 the -company n r*thirig,!, There is no o in 13 _� for_ that b- ur �Ibntr6al is. Q e , e -the, 0overnifient -of South- t is'seasoil p6 dispensary Ijeces- Poses, to gre at y,oxWn Vutche'r '$3 to $6. Anniversary d Nuffa a, -June "Ak9t' . . ! , I. ­ . ­'. 1., 111. exc�pt. th gain of oveir":20. y: cqikip $6.25�. to -*$630� trades Ch then!.. §om;l6 df.-� tthe'Cainadian Pa tubercui. er,, con i. as $5 Every coinjjaro4, 'with- M4- hig h6, unio-n-Clov inch of pais giv W; Whyte t6d her, to' CQice, lambs,- t OSIW �W x; d, Ili, WhWI 'the new %:ur,6 for. last ea athQy-ire­& ..and --Wnbao-�Choice- innien ,asoleLne. $5 to .$6.90,. yearlings tlL -9 wiought'.. m&rvel6. _y bri-dvoeto ty�-,has t -in-. to*147.95'; cull.to lair n r 'long e, of �.'million in advance df. -the. or �fficlenti ..wa ompact. -at! - in: Ras - throughout ':_,Europe, will bla'tried $9 to $5.60; sheep, $2 to $4.60. eryw fifteen years, the %Pro�" c f 8TATES.,; r., the furr e sial but:. multiplie 0 One liatoliew.a alone will be. rodu f , -tting the $6.30 tg.$6.40; roughsiI $5.50 b con lCust di Yorkloisi $6.45 to. $6.50.. &s., $6.45:, mixe "IT D ich, Ina A ' i ' id dizzi. often that oms. or any prece iug , Otago, d men denc6_gixen_ __in�_Washin is vic6. canno emaillin sub, white, �-Ihe— histoy�-bf. thi§ TE` Doyeif,-of 3rangers and .the marine� tifid any . sho*id the Ublt6d States... The total -reveuli for the;hlbnth4S MoiltTreal, June 6.-Sa,46 of st#ersJrs6ug-', -There is Machinery running, 0 I as it. -from . 6 to '�ows.. fr.o=L'3 � .1-2 ""to' length of, time -with U ering if t$0 9M;i55, a jlj��j ' U. me For' th� 0 ."WITH TOBOL, son-�fth h n ilicreaili �of $1;173,- 5 14c,, and WHO, from 3 1-2 � to 5c ',pdr. lb.'. tju�fs­ar6 allied'izi 41"MP.ts the beat, or feat reciproci yd, r6 'o er for controlling Wh�n it C the Institute' Doyen), of� PArJ8, Arriv ntroal,And will hJulat. $6.60 per owt, weig - had. off cars'.,, A dratiatin h w $96 oi,6r May. oflast,y go- t fait trade was. done in shee a ever ionet gel s us th6 .4ir, This seeing or, 4ps, an 10 ca year 'lot' from 4 to-.$$ And Spring dives, or. compressing P 4.60.4k;lj�_ The -demand Jor- first two 'months of lbe fis' I P a o'd -GENERAL- je L d_ j9dt U arlue nd po er n interesting-c6niparison 'is'm tWi5C_3Fd_aS_e'- S;W lime s, Or xperimeAtOn ji"e r��' 0 ves will good.: and.pric64 were Steady" e &d46 is' -$2 to $6 6ach.., as to 'si At u.f6r'kegulati the w Ai ty AT a Tirkiih ng apt -0:,- C unp orotA isi-on a Ove nd below ate I Tob JU 'T Qlv�ery b WL w -the Russign 0yMjjtOMS:_C0M WQr nt atedt, a �lng e, Ifiere, re a june 6.-A.few' , c�att 'firmer To marine,jife: I 'i such Pr1ng__ 'Ore- Vouch --awt, as niin -as *0 'L ;Wheii *can-jitt-itria storm- icates. the, w cbmpi s9ed.;air tanks 04pr , w �ansion of the wheatA.1, Butelier era active and: at )IIed a, d s,re�lly- not ' I �y' 0 ortli: liv, pro tie lon,:,�. $5.70-.. to'. 5.95. : Cowe were steady 4t .4 Permits Issinod. at 'Gueloh L 'L in ts" of' -A to_$ 440' the sh smadient oir:A6,kee d' t 70 in -History -of -City. -sold, -SV-45. 0- ..ere ive a 1900CL lnaljy.� llour-84.. t �T$6.60,--Xeeders --- --the wr rugglelsr:� on pAjj sit� L $5.85. Milk cows, rol� j. -k you ever live, on compre�s. o$5.80, arid.short Says. ut'did eing b ter' against steel is',almO4 on a 'line with 11lp Wo��j Of Ve­L w6ra'$10 to $16 off, and ate'now,not worth, b Cruz, Di6coraied His A despatch, 'from GU moro.-tban $55 tot. thel- best, all ara gdd- air .1 If. not it, will be, W. new y '9 g Or_ j�'k ep tfb ra n f I'l in, ecomin in-. -9outheii point of this Itusslart y d has .been The building-perMitb for the in 04 of'st �$4;50.for aweNi2li'Mamb Hernile-Rd idefits Appeal' to AAtOr- mtion, espe6ially' if you are- fif- riin wheels, an' d r ' oitince, an I $4 to, sell, d iie --w ea y r -e- or, -protection.. b 616w the- surface of 'the. possib 0 to To IV df. go dy6� 0 V priner i4l, 86 ta $8, -Live, hogs: a ty, I es r. A deSpatch from N or ' a C ru z Say S C comin: '&arerl, . t'O,d cbrd; -amounting'.to $244,1770. ditief a J7, in 'ay n. ere is at ing Ing sensaz orth''O& ter. Th' -Te so 0 the not B - L�.. - . - ­W10L -biz,�-- q tia i ters- te 9"Wer- -imengst-f4eni 0. V L a' A'despAt4hL'. from,- ernie;,: Mali*, ­ � :­ . .3 0 $6 60,1fe afid at. ti 6 an: tion alL%over' the,: body'j ia;poiihd1'ng watere Driven int6 eoncetted iction The most. noteworthy 06 x 'BITING., eiinients,slic teS . Map w says Alioear :drums. �tid Possibly :a�. )wn this li t U �osti *176,000 are a IM son, on e ac berizie ift till 'th ex -President- Diai �od 'his the,latter in Igd,f'oni this'port' 0 aP- :ai -7 S uSle of"nauSefg. contributed -by,the ings,af the rec6ht acts . Of the, e ckuz,�,� W CHASE meeting on Tbursdaydeci -A S( Orr "t. a 07 'Of oC.N.R C0nPLET1ED.ft11t gu, a 'from, the' Chan 750, ti onton," comprcssed::ai mi es nor i -o Edm neisday afternoon, fo 8 in n peal, tie gei: t, orfl,'y NEW YUKON COMMIS -fie -.6xy char" ade for visitij C�, tho Attrne�-General of *,e SIONEIR. t6 ortanks one gts his' At the, 700. mile poik-� tie and spete Dmad.a. iarewe Nearly -8;W0 Acrs.-Bought; On gen U. ietivie4�46 -9upP .'May �tliat- ara-ent. a. reg -i ar o r, 'propetty-is- w, .OQ-- q-, oration ,,'%,Vhlc I To' d V certultl��4&4 meinize ai ih -theyhaVe. aisked� the depirtmon't to rb . .. par, Is 0 e - Me Jcau . L � L :1 .. . I . Pa s tip. 10no-in4y C� 0 lk) V- -visits.lbrig after. qp aien wss: � tit Montke 014 - . L r6auce, vege-. osays, IOU air , Capt a ort-. No ceremony patch from vestigate V.,ar a' cas 0 urg: Ing for the ' of �good vLi,r in ode. Part of an tit' " HU4180n j7 .. ' . I . L 5 a gev. tabits and. I n.. . _0 is aj6d no t" ws; f, 6 at CauadiafitMorthern jajy, arsort, house�bre' king' nd depaAitrie A despd CLAW' 8t 0 a says. � 1. - an o exhilarated by a. too'.Abundt '06,reply; My 9hy Poits an t ose'df the Revillon lit the -potty .,thefts, and the.p6tition'stitiA 16'. f eneral iaz, foV46 A r8b -Ron. �m out i8U,P'Ply in-,Afto'ther. in. vqry,'Brios., w.hidil -Are within reasona-b ,,D and' iffenetsoii, co I' ere$ 8 Orr I �opjo of this village are OpinlQn jjloe� P&tienf. ria� es t e.loompany that - the, p( th e �re gr i6ng.as ime Without; "jo njjSji, 'territory, -b4d beeii- -last- dial, Wiloh'plac h 6metimes. when, 66 eii nes. thO doctor kaditig, oiler of the i"atb­ln t ir 0 s. e land; stretching in unbro en, n- burned to o ­Th�­ c d 'd to stopp for,fear-they.w t y 11, 4 ob61A,6,Qo0acrqs Of afrax be hs JCA _abt.' ik possqs�_10_q� t 0 1�bsnlie from Jud 1.6th pre�dritt jr er. co From just ;,,u(,h, a laalify., its Is y ain of _who_js 0 ri,on, both"slAes of asks, the, deportmeiit W� 11 'th �Aet" CM.L the, BAck,'Riv, ti -F-. a w ing nnua y no ere- is. in ro., oiler., 'tike inirri6dia Cc i6ritilieli AML that te action'to -.bring. the o 'Th(i st�,by �,sayiiig -0, a' A tlnuit� fr�m 'the DUT n ui ing open -new, dommis8ionor will bd r0tur b"'Id' Aibns in Outtelhont-to tions, here.&r6 a disgrace, IE -!iQn beat an 'Other grain the i ti Viw the t V61-vog the aliburSomefit. 6 Sim ar state of It be;� 'guilty to ju'stic A W )o looked 'for froz,theselt; tWeen $7,006,000 and $8 -000 000 f -ago, -despatch from London,, Enki, Affal re. a ew years. - - i - he -of". new Prairio, Provinces.' find, sdyd., - Representative, Dutch lajj&jia� been�a�quir6d- primarily �rhen' several' toeb With the growth Of the-, pjjst'f6�0 a 0: UgUSt, 1.�. to 'SUbM. ' .. 2'. fillanciets carrying Ietfe'r� of tloie, & f giving' the . Oafiaa: to',.tho ponitehti -tY for, .0ontrador G"' 'e vears,the trade in the DoMion is Em s6j. for the porposoo were sent 1V n Uct,011 to ght In - ' L ' � . . . 1 1. alfettay. sh6wi t - annuar in - d I � I m W., T.. A. Prston, the Hi, -gel ,-.1 diazi Xoihoru ri of way - acreag varlidits'ter' g,, l3g grea ine .,c a Ole latest report shows art nt. f0j.. H611a 11 P. Despondent.:' lid set aiia'dian uge -for its traeki, but itwi re'se id& -for soil f6r'Capiida on Wednesday to A, despatcli.'from' Lindsay says t ultimtdely'mea�i the openifij up� increase of $70 1.44 295 mAhLe. trade. -tunitie%'Ar in, Ict for building lotOL' investigate 'the upot Mr. J6scph'-B6II;l* il�achinist with th4 a huge' distri iho' past,- ten months 0 Clbmp"y afi&,' ih'thb 6plftioii 61, - p A despath frdm.- Ottawa, says:' next, year, on; as-Ifie.,rbute is �o vestme'itt of1preigh al, eaL;. as sew tho �.c compared, Thd djed'Ojj.W0d�esdjjyoV, ynefj�. a highly, - profitable 111106011106 to Cost in't Ile interests have mo8� extensive Poll- f this town finally, located The. !tot same period I � . Avertisements tqr.t�ndlers:rbr' the. don.8 't�roughoitb Belgrk": and culng. 'from fol companyo: ate About $2�000,000._ tho'effelits of a pistol Mork r the partmhhf, NvIll 8uperviso the loon.- "total fra4t) rached ilos: of tbe gon Bay , firsb 186 rat flcjt�L g in o' Ger"ifiany. - It is. iot(jxi�od the shot inflicted, by his' own hand. The s ru6bion '01, tfile r6ad.' L Chief En- '' 'Th6 capital thonew es­,tch f Ottawa says: gineor Am8trojjg,L' I'las in pro . portion, to file'' A d ps roln startirigL�Lfrbnl the present - - decetg ha een- in p , fbi . had distri now projeet- will Ita its of.' d b rec&tiout. hirbor 1�r� Me. Totidors extensive YL large,' some tMe And hargo of ilhe Gover'nineilf survey ot nhojjthL f8e., beea t! N k C 0 C R A termintil -of_fho, 04,'hadian North�7rn c number of ciflizens, qual 1. ininat 'itnprovemenfg� Ott. lfalltix; tire ioa(l :for the pasb two years, besides itivgAmeofs of to gate aboVt $2,-� Rail'Wa.y L At The Pits on the West orpign 4 lit Atonth Remo , VC(. ing by the ag lde� of River,, ill -be tho-chief nigincer hh thbm.. cost SU alit gFeled f6r'by-'th& si. the 8a kato'h wan nAarge 0. �:Wftl bi Cal s 00,00, , , CA_ we'L e Ives 6ought at% UnusuAl amount A SLOW GAONVV04, -tol, t6 *ontreal Asilums. lid T, ienbL out �-on Thursday by tho,'L of tort ift iiet'ori, with 11eqdquarter4 o Q9 �t I t; ToP6,16st When Wharf . h 0 �of tjOn6y Into 'tit, Ull Ty" A 4s' atbh� from, Motj��j sayg: nali, gl P oext.week. A-4.11wo Ak to., submit, I V�nde'rs '16'r he on I 110noty,bollopsed, Itas luere 061Y.12 oe�4164 -provIL Vdt lint, i1gus" Lumley ap pej%s On the jIj6j0a546,. Jjj ally. or e co, - 3 ays" 000 ft "Past *Aeoud6i. itch, 860 tenders. be let' the, Ila] ifax & Easie ril, hailway and The coiitrac� wi'll A db6patth L 'from Mplitrol. Durin ti t onth Ott eti6n of :four new pibrg 0 gpeedil Y'jis Pos qW, offho'whokf ofthe Achd1A despatch fiom-'T-nd6i gays t e . tivie auth feeClafig till 23� -feet widot` The 'as siblb After that' lot, th& line ii�utid the north shq� A secti -jo It critics have, been s� date; . a d it i 0 'it �, J� aa,.&, popuf 4 �5 n T Ug r, k0hery here *'collapsed' "on, 90001i -1 A impiov6mentg WILL meet the nitli �g e�pq6ted that, by 'the' of Brag 4' r hd lf*nl' �"Mackintoih� 0Y. lid palled upon'to r6rnoVe ofAhe port,, for Many I yeirg to'comd end of" next -ear will be laid, Seotid*, Clio oxUltsion �Of the 111tert don't, ydij- coi, to' -'church W�dnegday morning,,, with..226- tons 445t, to the- peovialolial, to the aylun�s, T�jdL js an Ma4ittoilt of' Augar'. which 1611 ijiO fhi�'fiaib�r figlites 'Public -'bo unpr�ced'6nted: number for any and will mpleted as spee. ifforca:80- mo�th in thb c4y's prev bf $000,000 W n td the llutls6n; V4,V t6rmin- ore the gdjournnilp ht, of''Parfia, air. Virstl di liartof thesugar. Avill.46 rc�qvercd. Ott Thlirsday.' 'This is an lous A e his- as possible.: Vote tor. Thd number redorie and -build C 287,3qs, -and, i be alled for in a e "Co Aiiirii -like'4yer., nol `C�sus f d ifisane thrmigh Parliam6ot, before the al., entea the work Tend, ion or so� Tfio surveying ofl,in singt th" I A-wAi in yout at: is alutillhgt increase in, has in 66'�&gt v � tied! bweeu, 15 ers toil the remaininj ort' ird wi oi� &A nitt. MY 'proceeded with At of tW 'ro�td 11 be. tol I. 0-hrly., is If con! let6d, of sugay. gu� Aibbo' 18GI.- taid 30 pot month. -O.. to