Lucknow Sentinel, 1911-06-01, Page 6*V 7"71,400M 77 -F -11-- X 4, 4 �,A 7 Clun. by Amedic.41 hegltlhLffic ymh eA F -OF I Aou THE' CHOOL , UQY 1 result' tb * T, LAYTH IN CHI Raroluda tq Htnts or, e o fL 9, yrie periment be 'Built ll, dical'' li�pQtl x �ffice�. He muit vok 'ing, -A �GERA INTE4NATIONAt LESSON Itiq,ojily A con - on his oiv4, Altougli. K Geor ve r Y CAT AS toAlie.4go" to be ge jr. o. 1i WIM A� t4,011tI -during Ms. "ay, in De th farm. X,gr6at deal is a b ow eing CARRIER. for e,.,DP*4rj- it may -ii bitiding Tt: the- m4py ot, ost JhAt, tent wil blear p Wow", IPM4 10 �: �J � 160, diffi�reuce whliob114s t �4nd 40 a e ularly1n, the W.esl' economical, form f constuctioA) has nd, likehepowtp. th -,w Dgo. o At re the' Diseases He 'niade in'the oatl -thd' rooms which are apsoe,,ated oL -of farniter .11(: of the. ipauseat sicknegs,,caii be Avoid 'PaL I may.*! g, Into the nx theso� few as o e Muqh, the tr ed by the,, use. f. concrete, The'' n Mirror has�.--obtaineC,- ^(?vo -the, A We REQI W , -sh, to M spxi e eb (f, I Bvie H pit eqnsequen- ri list han�ipl4zi '.,Qoqu And .444 cutlxi.to n 'Tht'�gr6wi4g. sPAT63 o zor"4etailg; of, hO �toy 41 tent r Ati U. t Jhis simply f`rQM Oft-QeA to, twenty minutes ;n, V40se And. its t Ne 14 price, has. in India will. be 'd, up, In India,. C-1 t t,.- - difficult to qu4ran,ipq A iino'Jigb led, 00 v Vell, Adap- It 4s not Ldually ce.Ojs�d tli Durbar' ten 's0w ta. are -lei fevbrr bf 1ho child, s nthy, G6d-,Ho jodity �hra wry littlo, water. g , 4S,f6llQWed;'Am.ds,­,9r� 014 , , mea'sures. of, kits4tign And in ions, peel under water;', boil CL qs t wonderful'sple -diplither - io, . .b the faziiily cat goes 0 ted: to, in declaring 'that ip 110 aURIM-e the general' AE,;pect,of. a, 894g, An* ablespoQiqui -0 4yitable ig i ndQ.r,,..,an4 the -A rry preventing'tems from -Spreading. ten .0, of thkee-quarters of an hour' to all In where andr comes. when. it, ter a�;aft 'hig of ur�, go u t -or rhe rang tents _b�e Possibly th Isited -e, .-Moi onfaith arM. or 11.4 ;Ugo 414. epce$, likes f that it ten: than anyther b -Qss. -even, s�! e.1y. ..fariner is im Salt,. a thelt inioll 6' h wi as, is halt hiur J Y'. ut y and. patrigtism�, he th�m, Thi& wds. taken as't. or accust6mo the'hiagnifi 0 VAY`enn(� caldulat �Q it th to his well- If -, is, so, situated -at t 'iqam�4'.%A'Cf ni W IE( WO K.NOWIN.0 rt , t, h al 'to. el. RT ade it almo4t-prohibitive.: to th wit,.,. an Appe e' unheaEful. giound str4aips has An the,itabernscles of 46, b rvbbed,on A4 Aaii4s ,average "Of pe 0 � as 'P -q -7p fbrgivin' - merev., 1 c into� theAfinking wa or, here, sc�_ to' h - in e 1033, promise of' Ood's ex ra, arge: suni o money. r4p, utter,� xat 'd balls - dip v teal ihs chief "o a''Ith Depar in ,at b " thepo into bek S AY irind, .6f -6ssibllity -A this (1.41 He Bul�. -ten, Pao e: His dr�c pai 'every p'' A kQ4 f temporary loti� r. Charles B.'A.eed, in- -.0oggideh brown. xm$, for6,. is as t gracious as.� it is trUck, 'on outlap. crumb.s 04,bry fillnes4'beitg,obini3iunicate�d- to�.'tbe p4viJion. Will be built, -of W.r ap. A. M10, Ue re, Mizes,'h 0 the problem, ief T To, our.: 4di4,46,. veto f'tho t rnier and his 14mily, bY tk� most -Arg b h ';t under conartiption AS did riot', �pcnie, a -a num er-of t e'hioi IS g, a, meos P U10, jint, �of blji& 6.rAw.od ton iste)) it fall" iii t C te ten'ts,,gpeoially,.�pqade oi �W.l one- w 'tqa cto's U Due he froiX.and shame of.i direct Youte, onere has do.neAtil pp 'I -'insert lt� in th egeneiapy.* 'he knows there.. ith- ol proyen- by aq swe&t 0 d I ; qf-extormino�ting the din er 1, .1 . . - a( I -this If a well, "is for the.,06cssi6n. And on y, I possess tch 'to remedy,, as 01r. )iactkabl, b ineA. of Chicago. balf, 9V �h h' is lippe iji'a Goc io waiiin-'to 'Ut th 91 co Sol* lind,er n:Qreto-a d cy ;Thb princip�l of th 'i!e. �611 jika i b' 8 f roy�d tini hear the cr many advant�ges- over -%vood 4s' be'ab, -iough 0o tains may e repid.ye and ger f-, h b ."The -principal, obstacle, eog osi, satisfy the hun, set into the iound-It'is imp out' orty feet�in lengLt ., '18 elng'. building material., e i4o disoip�lve, it�., - When cooled.,: scouring with Pro Oil by common of the retiiining proc4g'l. trutlilul realizati f fornied, . , r in the' then washing , thoroughly. and you a' 'The . u es to wbii 'for Such eak4ge to occur. In the lined with native y.p*en dra erlesl 'd - not to : , *ith oh ,concrete cai Take' th the word -t same way.4 concete daii.y proVideli 'and an enorin ngers connected - -with three- is articul.ate. It dbrne5tic pti 01 . �0 0 (drying,- is f ind t be th beat �be put are ptacticAlly, wifliout JiMA t ing sno. e9p si en- an g e.no -t io farm, k.sehtinientalists w1io are unw'Il' m1oye,-parfiouIarIy'-,-piY I de, 1.7 J4 J U11t. juto o -of it: L. aOno side 1. 1 .43 sable Amit 6at anything on t 41pax-1 covering ik few m6inents With boil- forth iq pr -pure worsh'i ir e �A rd�&,efilrd, am e, an n c d So i i o harden., a4se and 1o, low liairltrsitions co the, bulletin. ntL ME) 0, mqxia��e, _,,,pmcapp1,: is ��C_ no- SUgg law tha Q,e. ire uand- w e requii6d 414 is 'Aiid that a of al Ain- in'whi0i Israel turned tox God WAS. .�Lbe WQMan Serve with I -And black;,o the r 'pokiir as oqItSgethe; ''artifieat and lacking- in minont- Externall " th its. -her child's red, h& Y, has no hesitancy, in puttin�-j nto e4 Aflikff�,t fs­ hfine' Bermuda onioEls into cold Org! nights in successibn.," qTe- 6. paply rendered.. �'The� -could possible h, th�oni, there half - at4itingly goigeowd as TOKe insidious, playthhig7;41iQJ4' ordr to impress the in L, I an repaking i-loqg�of I'M �fo.r in no wise. satisfy an oftzided inds -of a cat. When p, p ho; take them out and dry' by 6, of" ba,- He no pin,,on. thin lice wanted,` 'ne'of th6m.' What he eop e w io in� a,-, ages, the e wag: -::a- . --olet . Ln w4o I rs ip a th"Undi "normal: dbalti6ns �11101 g ela.­dpon _C Pno; cloth, tov�- con- Wit -Whole loves,-'alid d Sired hi h t W lis L9 :of. ne�rly all the�* epidemi -ofihe meat,;Will te-fine. express d' itself... . in hear.V-wrun," Np g vd. anothir. , Have, play� in pag disease Tin 'a Ze, toma oes Alw�yt �warn h w6r4sL--Vu1I0'aks,of the"lips. Peni- In all' there. will b -a large -num6 s thrive, upon a 0 n f 1n6 th6 baby's'bed t e 0 -ad. h r Uottle- before 'putting Jtnt con essions, No.) L sliced hin., bcr_� of.-�iffernt �_Campstoutside_- the 'Jhe onions in. 0 o Si Delhi�tho, King)s camp, EvOn w ere. the cat f. 7 him"t, MAJ0 If he is f n these Jehovah ill- g1iidlyac- h is butte r; th-6:night. of When ini o�,A­Eght� o b of the: bject t6 t di"' aM,Gov- -contagion and* ocem- toeoS e hot and soft season with. JLve­ JIB' higher bfficiqls of -the n he r , Having sevem! _qps' not.. s preads the Suga n4t-aii. e'�en t6a§pobiiz pa t, ernme -th-, -gredtt@_r' In- , 11 . ­ ' 4 :., "1 1, -ally do'es �,oih; Thus in, th neer wqarxpig'tli.� &"e'pair,�Moio, There -two pufttical r bs in: nt,, �tbosd, 6f e.C&SO! ful. of, apr46.- -Add four oki'� pod -S t4aii 0'ne.or tiv�o das. ats tinie''Will' Israel in these'latt6r days 0 the- djan� cbiefs,. oveiflow,canips forth -.6f diphtheria the'eat' not/ only. 'has, last suites'of native...1 d, IL ug -king� the diseas:.itse. bat, also ,cArri-0 dd rest the leather One 'boitrted - the - 4e p it- .ripees. an f or Vrisitors, it,' upon the, mu me k d oniong� �and-cb re. ap. San ---.th6 fr" p a -soiV -f666--o-f�Assyria-t1irdug alBr minutes., -.- Li - - X -, 6s shoiuld be- 44 Sis 6k�;fiiif_ _ 1_ __ Azsyria; fl AM 1A �i L teen ce E g p L t. s re- .. S. in Slii4 as ell. buttered, as. iey, ore cookedi -T an W, bb prophet TINGER.8 IN&VORN ... a InAtients' i� ',spread�' broadcast died -19 FRO over thein., RE Mt�- --BE Ir -10 tt M=A- O -T rt NGzY ad,_.Rf W. e, - e, v Sot in.,the or'.t. -list ip Says F4 lind% rA. -boa re rp 140 altv, ib. -the od ael. q nur rbwne. ii-pon� qreign -strife on -s ri et�inl_ -ast, wnd- g 0*i�are k th boa dr r -'and- o 6 -put-back-'-accor n 't vis in virtilen7ope. 7-� -he: OM-, G Dish" St6w_ an e' ents" of :e s6rt: ater 'a n, -to t of 'Po b., ofe 'bar down, to a�n st-o gg ion'o e A- lf- b �UV_gliT Lner, meant 1----d'-- tha-t-ha e -l -d -prgtqc debeives-the, wisest o I Pr, M I iel r , is -to�morrow.7;_ML P hi'the bro. Th�so uses have. beeh or, are t e comin es qnite� as. th.6'�';injloy'Aation, eV.erl�'. utl� ipgw milk, credhi or 6ggs 's ou d e the'p6werful' Assyrian, or the -'re- �M same, wa-te­­1­--r'e, be, n. I-&eed- 6n,foT �_an ldg ed -,n _'geyms ea-sy- mont t spectable f*I ks:- beo6tae-s M t t, je h" th T1 n istri rying. pan heat tKree hot water,, ws'hot waor t6ds 'f"Orign dols als eused. frequently r" r. them, wh ry 0, tonsivi ythe jarmer 13 em s,.. Were] A quic y conveys., oon u 5 tUo6k,iguch Ihings a wroiight by, their own hand' ' , een a COM of,L LTn 0, ing ban :tbutter; break f , ; 0 and his family. course:.0 timey-a every�day neces, Tie on'31W-farm Y ­gbt 'onl §_,hii, 'the m6dprn fa rap -y- six s irr of�-T li' It- 6ircely ihija6-cohturies, ing all the e t he iuliia I ' ger rule - M' -to a worthless' -1h6rculoSig. re. isw, are, broken e eet: di -i And war louse, G6d and as and tu soon ap!,�eggs To elep concrete. P6rhaps'the greatest ar;-1 9, -guarding for example, typhoid. d" tudied oui a method'of SMC48: 0 a e into d:,m ix.0 -add' the tomatos, t, en* "d Increase the dVrabil of boots sup, They had Jehovah U tribut6d SimilaiI4. serfluity. gurnent. in its favor, an& one, i6i6h a aii1st sickness. from s6urces which rStoo '-he -was-i i1nae d ... .... ... U . lcl�.'thr�e",tW-blts�oonfuls',6f� h&.-sh6eg��L hive-�_the­ind_ ndot�Lifian 11 obg6rv'ed,��'. Sava �ra*eiler of more, � bile 'arid -01 b e e n u t 1 n i� Er ...... -&--cus om- -ii Wns" t g" P. 'a it m e s a� w so es er c y dry, an, t en, app, y, llies And,nia el i-1talism--to - c eese.,, t unneceg ary f aqm USI f scaTletIeVe)? and- smallpox." e -oil on the outside u,.. I e,, i I s. its. h romo ing pro n ot her coun�- iecitn A -p urther a" d. has'decid-' k d -lins6ed 4.0 6alth-:P' go 6 �a ate that is: not used,iii any e thst:thi� At ttioio'.readily app hi i f till, they will, The fatherlless�T s is a'tou& o The Tr a little, fork -..sickness. occur's,' 'gh h when, we -­The-.best_*ay. -.to,,-keeP, .bed, froj:4:LA�at'4mr�o-iial. S; &Tisideti' how: quickly in a iy_-,tQ Apy,-subjected-"to :qqmq_ apgep. Me _�,use W ell� f lelb for, a i groat' extenl Cut thij 6a ; V. For., - en- as S"play,th" tbinifig dinip �eek �so mQh 6f Absea's prophecy'. Like VeSt,i_ Aors' �ihs �iiid doct rs' bills are to th-6-cat-is giv 'in thdy w 'Drain' 66�'s pple from id- to :ve. 'likt-on- -the his�owri e _uSuAlly f0"1A w's, o6ndu&�4 lje� dod 6 with -the kni e, which� they."hol..in he, Jbiie-gw nva es.cing lici�s of pines t iie ;bhild )r two,: Ita: gpd. frol)�' 'Sotaq, :of 'MtdglO'128� I s ni�de. 'ho,Ane�v not ione'lina 'thef-cut heof the bed ater' i i called UalovIe e W b omeat diit'o f, n -andL th :the dish, - they f asten fork, �q MaYL be tuggested that 'tho i I f ritte.r tter Take thp blanket 0 Ore �4usiiig, a pi Y Which& -fetber has for hi* has tn4e' 0 tansw 1 0 . r hold in fry', hfdeep fat -to evilelieate am, er e'of L the -w- I'l were`� the, so S: and' 'the 4eir.you -M and'it.'qUiteL's p jLies "thAt he whlch� S hand tint. .,Drain, on, so paper. It is L Ws of- -�sme, rgumell he able,. t,,d 6, same' "tha t A L I.; orve -half dAugI genera- Maie't 1* t -seldom necessary -eat .On th di'li. 'So- t- pp. 1�8: -- 0 . . I tho'brsi s, w6 - admit, a r 4 ce-,�w cers ere. un i ould- iin., the� dish a114. o L n to bi this Wicked L cas�' k0lf prove, tNbiiii ith a' hot �auco made of That ho�ng the' k , i ip" from the c an o' -With the r night; 'tion They hid, 9� s�bf piraqy L �avisedly touch a,chibk'n-hi th middle of the himself robust . ds'a­gree barge' tl�oiig -tree.! wi is nge which - --- --- t' h' ance!of: the tru lod;:Abd, fr6mL e.G *tre* bid t ere are.1imes, w en, a p Ain nor. AsJor. tb6l, -Xi hes. of 'Captain re sugar., BUtLJehovah. warns im�n6i to' or- c rcuni. an -intends, -'origial, Aocu oi St ces. L.; -hik But ile-verthe- give ith extenuating ei p bi`cuit And. w, r 'Will not ; all th� table. oc mexits in -Put.,the"i�ru,' IL S; ek4 'tberwouti, to,in'tber hS, � Se, 9, do - S L Kidd, the pany. pp 4eS' "and,' prp! 9 'hat its good'.qualitie 8"' tin. that alf t a wrved` �aznon 'the'' C The horse is..so 41uobje ag- for kritters p ih,'exhaustea body; es Se 9 h,& fiui� of aiion otoli6nso unto.th 'give the teief to'. roid the �can of pines I curiosity pe;ity cqm4n solely - from' -fi ::of t eiX mstic Al t bring sodhing rest to back, and piove to theni-m­fathi- th�-,"Public*Recbrd. The x6aso his, tb :three4ourt s of A cl y un- 'th b th4; "di and'.1hesides, in of th. he- nia et e.� Italian c�nnoj L 0. -ho, is wise it -M is, becaus,' L outeigh and hbroe' t e p,osgl-: the disturbed' mind. lesp, aR, they, are -that in -him' is� pe...in.London 4late, With uch over, the'Are', to boll';.1mix. .0 Jerstan&?�To '�underAtarid,.'Jn; the endurec to- have b6th�'tEe dog� h wish An& sWrch your curtains in mdrey.. d I whaI 1666ty be lhad,�and What. aj�y iheahi di i "hed iminis -ibought the t -�is to lRY-Lhe 'Q b"J'tyL �6f 'contagion. IS o do .� c USULA 0* grea y �y... e� p__ with, �oph �Wsy Pin d yeely��"Thib jimboth -'thin j,LL , It h jrtL ivith, a d is - 6 Itent laWn 'with r Icie ei that all zneii's�fingers.hre not alik q with three . of4ehovah''is, n' othing,1 ih'a can the f t:k of the.ae.arcboff6r'ihe. jifuls , of cold in: L st . 0 Lt upon in�Lsellf thought* su,.6 truth e�know*n,.'­ Hei6 0 P " XD W. ATER BATHS. �Aablespbo as S'pontapeous as God had.mad il h S ,b d4 above high or fu' .6 A 'A to 0 faphj6n p sition as, yo proceed. ou: 16� purchased uriq -,.Stir the �aiibwroot in Ufl . None, but the wiseaud prudent c4n w&t t ,the find., they. k :a as e* -ma, Y eaitit -is udeser�e4;- The -only, lauthentid' good ate ing. p rup and,ilci simmer five or 'dd: cutti g�.: ce, .1 r ;q�n ocess muc gier of,: this Ki treas e s d*i4i iip an� - - �Ihat'ii 'iA, of 1VAlu So appreciate the message moai­ din 4. urged,� here h: ex0ept those contrite� oe men Ames. -ho.n gaff 'is fo-Win-Rd pnere thah (a -Y I . 6phecy. -th and. quiker itb,1T . ah Pot t uce-.fourth, of a, teaspoonful of� -years ago, no s. -t T6 Qu4 z6b6th4ete present add, one do that quires .�U merely. an. in Eli We do L n'pt dii�- White 6st an -.in a 'ptency 'Lin the G6A the! able 6nditions. tany 9th _f iblespoonful IeMOA n -y gth f rich i6ith�rs c �Ihe Qn,of 6un gold and rkg at 4ir-rl L ol' d'flnlir. -v�hi ni tollectuAl 1pp�reh�Asi W 4Y f; 4ute this possibilitk 'but the good-., taI a ve, -q s' c e- -- d- -as ine an th"ing's... new''.' It C1110, to f ape , y. using g ch' akei -al -forgii Wit- ­ n of ious timoes.- But­Ue' dainty -rak.ca 'r and,,- itsch, -but s;_Sracti uce ir in., no - thi ieady -to gra i ouirl in flien.- r err -:-the* 61. 1 lr� a, " tehe ;.The, -cat,-catch .to taste. 'Serve as n entree with, tiveliess - inaniflest' in W -a d h -464i -of "fingeri g ur ,her me f -far -es ite paste Thorough ke the PoWerful to,heil-abklute Bong:� biras' more roast. meat. hem. at, and forks were or .,,a t e Y, WLAVing mo -feather in'this. Dr b ii.je Yves* 0 P" L ple., worthle thin'rat ineap Ftittors.-Batter for, L lGj�j tinte regarded AS* T ur stain,,. as we :1113oth the c�t and the tat are un-. the planshinte aid air. he flb II as the guift;, of our L HEIR S'NOT F-, L. fopbi-�h inventibn. One.,divi i6is­BQat ofie:.,eg -GA-PTA1X:R1DD!S 11-EAS*URM in. a. _Wiuz -CQ (_I�AJr -deniable'mena�es­io, bft". -add- - u -9 ml ot 4serrtio against forks.,, ec aring s W ly-c 0 ne cup o y 'declare.' Papers in Roe d: Offic Teft. hat Airegularit'.. d1eautriful. 21.-6 - 22. 17. I r6w h diially Stir into f sifted.ther 'bit6l -a or W in. Deats a a - chreity'd rain often . ' ' f ' -sU eIt th6te is,,' �trbnk wind and. th 5. The dew S I Th�, Governmen scion i lar nee iip a... otwin that the. one -rders 'Wit t6.:be an. 'It oh Provide t ckroach.. Ap-stroys- th �th Ilout,'sifted again.. wi d'octoi has left o that's dow ij�ade 66- land' -depend; 'Upon ih ,io&spoonful and a hilf.,each Of Vak- Dr. Jamo to t6UCh: 0 . lie�j meat-Wiffi Oft.0�9 fill an-, dew_ A e 00mod. o. An. infamy- un�d,q 3s Mscke)qzie disfin-' -An bcd1hiigi biit na one hesitates on 8. Dow a$ h the spoon atd a's possible. d- , 'X S 111UP, 0 VVM - ----- t er-An I s�_namo,. 'd go-. h XV N will. prz-- crimew -never-, comnitt ��Ach int b u r p -an thb-.S h� 'h, h 5, are- -valid th. mt 4raught ame time- no livi-hg in Palo t.is m.a. 0 y ic' by of dti�n stine,,with-6ut W viMly_ romant tales has upiet', all of the'.Old4ashio ed". Those' a�c6us Goldeii Custar -d-toughts-of -s t and' on dis,6ases, of -the, heart,:'recently to T vc Si mL ai� iS'L r f Ii1.0i'Yi tY40 affo'' d gestures 9 --egg . b ry, notions 'gonceinin All OW.''tWo th6 The- t1ex on itself treasure w ic e -did not- Ift L g. wb. apfilst"ibe family -cat`., bjit'­' not obstruct, IV ildtion. r4cipils prvision. known �f tg ."' � ' and f. CL, ta"L­W L _ej 6nt" Strang 0110 er, and ap in . i an As -heart: -failure'.- 'The td- --of1is e, ag!Ainst the V sfi gy-1 - - -se XidA-ii fair 4) Id be ;oar 40 appe. an, auram. parel.' of a -hot-water wiiid'froin tt - titled to the sympathy,o� ions were he Sugar -With Instoad i 't watba, he Meditet E poiie'rit�. investigati maao. known�'in midnight p:i6w ag,. use, mo s a AIL. o40 4ive the­io'productidn', ut. the'J'nowy .�!p�. p4A. erg, an a ege ge 0 on of erms" ysicians,. an I In sag or in res Till, It ki"d fidto 4hakiiig-Ahe n the e,g, t gar-. is �&�Soi first of 'the lcctui�s lut6l the cbllob- gs �:un I Su 'b4 PQf:lipt.saft. -Put- th" sat in 'raneani c6nt&ct, -with the xid the apologies of all the' bAIM- the TH pli unrestrained] y. to the. -milk -pour: g- coming i -'-ILI'- :'-d'- hi Storians . �vho y de -this-into b ur'. ed 'at the o o"Vis'AZ-Ure e a s in a c ou 'Ph ndon-­En that then put it into. -a 8 1 1 aj crumbs that: h'-dve mall b 0ii in a drehe ing ew. a a _Ch4e ii '.driej ose,y in a pk, hideous `*ith 'ago OV6jL, UnOL geneyiie' iilo Of, the., jentle pity. t G6& of1able. has p'layed the Dr. Ma�kenzid SaidL Trib ' - ' Pbur: imto,findy hio casii of bmer may, -V ed fine. thin cloth and lay it the 'aif- 1el'anon-116re; as' ften in -the trb.mgdst tricks with�tbe nipmory tiouble,due to damaged val7e�-' in JP B:of this, soventeenth century, 'Ye4rd And not �ifiter- T e - ; -or cii'ps�and' in a Pan of 44iul ' sQ6r r ta ange 30 11 ark flictedpatt. Alany p'iefer'a bo salt Ofd Teitxineht, noihe�ent.ire i. water to on04biid of h' not fere with.-gubd hohith And lonj'lik.' ihgs" 6 the,. finger: n I bag*id'a tot ba-. -The is�alt now knows as Lebanon who iiever cut a t roat n al s equent y,, jt�kSERS C,06K DEAD e 0, m�w gain ad Bak,& in a -mod- t &lk the plank; ho *A he in 6 ankssirtio�i ussion, --be Ydbea �d, -the outh, �Mid ",a vi ti W : e that has, b"i lat' anL a S 0 se, e_,lnin s of'.mi ions- �it T eerafe bvdn. until Are -was- no, M401re th n amateur pii.� h ul&,da th' d '15 aNe 43 1 Id 'g.16%.W. su�m -ilmost from the tupsby oe 't. i' j te, in an brat when' this. lrit�regtfiag, of aipiqliensive, p4,rso'ns'�- who' feat- est 6ont'r,b r- firmi Remove, x ution is M' q a or thi e. every 11 ering bl out day, Sawl a,'pad made fro th its hep -at they� sre 'iA. dangei -of death, M sipping a in profession was in 1 an Flower, Idik -,a peaks adeA knife ab dadod, th _!�You_ can f of northern, Israel -T ai �s eyes their heaitg:­�-scrdethda6s- British— -edic I Jo deal on --of the 'right t e glove - - If ng -6d at ock �b'cause­ i -deal ser- -patria 'cook, Kirl. -e ges o ous ar 5. you WIIIL ffild *bd *as a a ­ ur al-�- �.weete L ne(I �ineapple jttiee over ' ac y6tir hand ifrom any, spo- -h ' 0&r'. -.the ex�enively unr,-�mantic beat'irregulaily-ndmely, that-.of'A witb thcozid'iflon-of theLnails,dur- -highly salafi�d offio'al,L - h one and aedidke� a dne with, &'.Spc6ufUl� 6 S&ve'd f to ' bedornifig bIistetcZ1:'%A1le without rtsting them. upon t e'vas w L hi f M, his skip and' jL jump. once in'& while''is land top�,. I ., I I U6,hayid mbuntain. From .� the'unhdalthy 'crime- of"etheking the, Skull of, ing. and after 8'6�ene. illlnibss.' o, played important par D i the fintgers and 'thet.bd�k.-of whip�ed �gunne with bucket; be- o4Levideni6d.of healthy heaw ".t ]owe rings f4orward, 8 a iigri for pti-ri- cream. JoLr'dan�' the r b4 everal the Emperors c n pi jtingle,3 �bf --ft h'thiids . oaLthc'sdorch� , will be protec�� the uppe tisnagis: i4le" Recor<b fY41ngJho..'Germ&u, ;I6nq;iiage.; ineapple Trifld.--�!Boill twb lits. �is beatt to - tlid.. C6,A one pilit,ta I"mmen on* is., paper f ing heati which is to% damagin to pilgrim, cuphil-bi sugar afi, e Skin'. e' ov hi w *h iust\,die;d I 'I - fiill air Above, Wth 07greon I � good th hijf ob'servati6h. Jacdl&e.'w's the first, iMperia grated- pitneappiv-, -unii cedars iihd fi'rs, 'to the streams axid . .... ... have ednid,tindeV cotnfq ly', rQje in support -of 1h 606k who , s oted e Syrup.. Dissolve -one�half packa'9' '7 'w t rfallg� that dxo like - silver e coiOn'tibn that th a e P Aatteyiiig, title chef', it d calte I)iM_L -of no�o.hali piiit of, boil- chains oft the gtoat bredsfplat. of flnger� n'ails undergo a 0 ing waer pl ing and 'after L teiloug illness. The §etf by. the old, Germanundkoeh. Add ineapp e YtbP�. Compare Isaiah'60. 13.' juice of an orange,� -s I�V set. A sphoolmaster, had be6h severely His beiiu4, . I . as the., olive- moat nterosting part ��apek 1 -if iolldbdj�ation witli the on6': b I piog. 116w*v(1,rj the 'of Sir he worked � 'out a. comp'ete,dicti 'I Wilke W offec-1, ar� of n e 0 When Well-�et 4dd*qn641Alf'cuPf11I cof Aingo a -boy, ,und Anishedl.by, n pcd­�icam and be Sa tra:n lation8 fjhe ''din' q 'AtL'Un'J4jI We saying�- '!Nqw,� sit down a d"Wkit6 tho dishes ftom into Wilko_ %v" tho firxt.'.to. not Whipd. This amo Will 86rve 6 lott6k� to 'our rentg, tellinj n'shall the 'iiarkingg'<)n the" na'15 AS and �b waw -under his; regime p, 'lit P0_7�ityTh�cy ha -tight perkoitiq,'jand in cArrY1bg,,0ut them how tiuch:. you, are tau' hiirt��ring influonces of' tbe� 4�vine 'White bf L 9 ;e or, app h-' menits disappnarcd from thd Curt)� a color, sebome red,o.r green A' hove,, and h6w littl�yu pipfit thoro7 mercy, as 'exproised 'by the,dcw,. an death, lVifk6 meiition6d 8qv' and spi)i�,okarton, printed in'MA11- dooration maratchno frbm. I should 'be,:asharriod to tell ')tottetion,of hi's Shdow�' IgrciJl th6, T oM -I I ic lotter, ok their place. them." The bo ied dt'flist) And j'� 't- J)Iotqtom fb.rth in -unwotted men The German Lht)4itage Leag.nc,'' then' w.r6fe,: F ather -1 am rAft,e and frtilfty, bwify,, frag -niark� A, vot-y VVIietfitw fingor iial rganizati�.)n rol- veStpngs are o ai in prognosi.4 'garde IrIME FOR Co, 6=G... though" there more' 8. the iy Valuo d4 �aedibk;_' h� hero, dn4l people of-1sra6l, -The' verge has' 'Be4bVg, from n6 T owivg- to th, A, ?j6ubtfifl. In -tho, first place, it Wa,fite-d �-bd niake him its - h6n6rh4y'- to:, bq jeaint here, than hour to f6 wice Wo S, four,. f6ur boYS 'go' to, I I ay;bo preBuffirld4hat the vice -pre. itnt The only. dish, for I . do, not, Wash andcut Off tops, vone b6d' six beds; make 'one a't' euse of go Op"6 Wlj�) 'lliCh I,tk no IC) from lhna� then th Cgbbltgo wa�h And 6bk a, -few mwe liq 4them, do r)t,t aj�wa aA Yon m ; n e n 0 iii, q&1t, Water to To ointe4 sleepin stic: _,bf til, _g �o n f. arl'appare tly 1. App" mplo b(ft lic got, rouqd. that 41hAettIty by "%Tiy ingoo tv�eh_iy 11not re Ono rejand of broad slid :=::7 a�Gcrman four.b. batter iniks, ohd breakf4sti 'And. utes, wMeh is r#a og i A Mn, upper., 0 r, both. When p6iSonedL ivy whole ise, g.,wi th Q per t tthc� A *out'at So edicW's io th, jf(60t�d, parc rtY fta k in IT it mi�l the Maqter, rotq-`0060, t Voil"troni. tl� in to fort 'Olt, MA I. TZ "DIOWX19. t� ix kITTE Xg. ,V -j v6� mint eso, A h' WAt0tAO' �vhen� he tO ox'amined. t. andTurnip funer-a pare, toll it, ONL ;o 'n hyft *a "Aft ljoyi�8,t �Ctok,:' 'air ri wi 0�6100k, �our 6dtiti oc fL to menig have provod.thlii to be an 4b bf glageck has! (two#"' 11, con 'YOU no il .1, 0 It d on-0116VA to- solutt anti&t� fok, ivy* man danicr 'of �thj`